HAAB Backup 01/21/1999 Backup Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting January 21, 1999 NOTICE OF 1YIEETING ~ ..A..G END..A.. COLLIER COUNTY HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 2], ]999 7:00 P.M. Golden Gate Community Center Meeting Room A & B 470] Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida ** ** * ** ** * ** ** * ** * * * ***** * ***** * * * * **** * * * * * * ** * * ** AGENDA I. 7:00 P.M: Meeting of full Board and determination of quorum. II. Meeting called to order. Approval of minutes of the November 19, 1998 meeting. III. Election of a new Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. IV. Discussions regarding: (A) Excused absences rule, including votes on whether previous absentees should be excused. (B) Discussion by Dr. Kate Warner regarding the Collier County Public School District's organizational meeting on "Commitment to Diversity" that was held on January 14, 1999. (C) Invitation from the American Association of University Women for HAAB to attend the Florida Humanities Council's Dialogue on Diversity scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 1999. V. Presentations by Board members. VI. New business and public comments. ** VII. Meeting adjourns. **PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES PER SPEAKERffOPIC UNLESS ADDITIONAL TIME AUTHORIZED BY HAAB. 01/21/99 15:00 '5'18132625203 F'RST NATIONAL I4J 00 1 FRANK RODRIGUEZ TEL: (941)435-7635 FAX: (941) 435-7684 DATE: 01/21/99 FAX TRANSMITTAL (.;2... pA-"i Q..~) TO: RAMIRO MANALICH, Chief Assistant County Attorney HAAB Liaison Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board FROM: FRANK RODRIGUEZ, Chairman of the HAAB RE: Notice of absence. Enclosed is my notice of absence to the meeting of the HAAB scheduled for tonight. I will appreciate if you please make a copy available (via Fax) to any HAAB member that will bring it to the meeting tonight. Thanks for your help! FAX # (i) !iI'Yo' '. <I . . .'0"" COLLIER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEl COlLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florido 34112-4902 Telephone: (941) 774-8400 FAX: (941) 774-0225 Email: attorney@naples.net January 11, 1999 Heidi F. Ashton Ramiro Manalich Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pettit Marjorie M. Student Melissa A. Vasquez Rodney C. Wade Robert N. Zachary Board Members Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Re: January 21, 1999 Meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Dear Members: Attached please find the following 1. Agenda for the January 21, 1999 Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting. 2, Copy of the January 8, 1999 Memorandum from HAAB Liaison, Ramiro Maiialich, to Sue Filson regarding vacancies on this Board. 3. Copy of Sue Filson's list of Board members and terms of office. 4. Minutes of the November 19, 1998 Board Meeting. Due to a conflict with County business, Ramiro Maiialich will be unable to attend the Meeting ofJanuary 21, 1999. If you have any questions, please contact me or Ramiro at 774-8400. Si"~Y Kath~Kay" M. Nell, CLA Office of the Collier County Attorney Ikn attachments cc: Ramiro Maiialich, HAAB Liaison and Chief Assistant County Attorney, w/attachments v David C. Weigel, County Attorney NOTICE OF 1YIEETING ~ .A..GEND..A.. COLLIER COUNTY HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 2], ]999 7:00 P.M. Golden Gate Community Center Meeting Room C 4701 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida * *** **** *** ** *** * *** * * * * * * * * *** * * * * ****** * **** * ** * * AGENDA I. 7:00 P.M: Meeting of full Board and determination of quorum. II. Meeting called to order. Approval of minutes of the November 19, 1998 meeting. III. Election of a new Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. IV. Discussions regarding: (A) Excused absences rule, including votes on whether previous absentees should be excused. (B) Discussion by Dr. Kate Warner regarding the Collier County Public School District's organizational meeting on "Commitment to Diversity" that was held on January 14, 1999. (C) Invitation from the American Association of University Women for HAAB to attend the Florida Humanities Council's Dialogue on Diversity scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 1999. V. Presentations by Board members. VI. New business and public comments. ** VII. Meeting adjourns. **PUBLlC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES PER SPEAKER/TOPIC UNLESS ADDITIONAL TIME AUTHORIZED BY HAAB. MEMORANDUM FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Boar~ Commissioners Ramiro afialic~, Chief Assistant County Attorney TO: DATE: January 8, 1999 RE: Vacancies on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board On August 20, 1998, the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board (HAAS) considered two applicants for appointment. Maria Henry was not present at the meeting, but advised the HAAB that she would not be able to attend all HAAB meetings. The Board was also notified that Marguerite Gregory is not a citizen of the United States and, therefore, not able to register to vote. I am attaching, for your information, a copy of the minutes of the August 20, 1998 HAAB meeting. One member, Jorge Chemas, was absent for several meetings in 1998 without satisfactory excuses. On May 21, 1998, the HAAB voted unanimously to have his seat declared vacant. I have attached a copy of these minutes for your information. Please have the Board of County Commissioners consider declaring a vacancy for this position. If the Board does declare the position vacant, two seats will need to be filled. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. RM/kn attachments cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney HAAB Members ..,.....- Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Jorge Chemas 08/26/97 06/25/0 I 4 Years 354 Osprey's Landing, #2206 649-3282 Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Kate 1. Warner 12/16/97 06/25/0 I 4 Years 1717 Camelia Lane 435-4577 Naples, FL 34105 District: I Category: Dora S, Vidaurri 658-2082 08/05/97 06/25/0 I 4 Years 611 Nassau Street Apt. #3 Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Pete Cade, Jr. 657-1763 08/05/97 06/25/0 I 4 Years 1903 Leed A venue Immokalee. FL 34142 District: 5 Category: elashmet 11/14/95 ( 06/2~ 3 Years Avenue, N.W. 353-0070 34102 --------- David Correa 11257 Longshore Way West Naples, FL 34119 District: 5 Category: 06/06/95 10/20/98 06/25/98 06/25/02 3 Years 4 Years Frank G, Loney 131 Tahiti Street Naples, FL 34113 District: I Category: 08/01/95 06/25/99 4 Years MTuesday, October 2o:r9ijr.~-- - Page J of2 - Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term Sandra Buxton 7816 Gardner Drive, #203 Naples, FL 34109 District: 3 Category: 04/28/98 06/25/99 I Year 514-2371 Frank florencio Rodriguez P.O. Box 990244 Naples, FL 34101 District: 3 Category: 08/01195 06/25/99 4 Years 434-1975 This 9 member committee was created by Ord. No. 91-37, amended by Ord. No. 91-78) to identify and evaluate problems unique to the Hispanic community, review and recommend ways to ensure open communication between minorities and Collier County government and provide periodic reports to the Board of County Commissioners Terms are 4 years. FL STAT: Staff: Ramiro Manalich. Assistant County Attorney: 774-8400 TueslJay, October 20, 1998 Page 2 aJ 2 -,- ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney DATE: March 2, 1999 RE: Approved Minutes of the January 21, 1999 Meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Please find attached the approved minutes of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board meeting which was held on January 21, 1999. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. RMlkn attachment cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney ~ The January 21, 1999 meeting of the HAAB of Collier County ccmmmced at approximately 7: I Opm. ThcnlWllA a quorim of five (S) in attendance and late< changed to Sill due to Fnutk Loney arriving late. Open diBcuaslon CMlmenced regarding the changing the meetings to a differ""t day due to a conflict with the sc:hedule of the School Board m""'ings. Kate Warner IUgest we wait til Chairman Rodriguez is present lOr his input. Minutca of November 19, 1998 considered; Kate Warner moves to approve the minutes of November 19. 1998. s.ndra Bwrton seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved without amcndmCll~ Fnutk Rodriguez Noti"" of Absence read. DUe.oIoa .. ......nto 10 ese_ _!Joe"... mi.. DlBawion l'qllU'ding CXGUSc absence open fur discussion. Kate Warner reads a mutiOll proparc:d by her at the request of Frank Rodriguez. "ODe.... notice of absence." Kate'I motionllated a week notification with regards to excusable absence should suffioo to an excusable abseooo. Kate djpo....- the concern of citizens appearing and 00 quorum is furm. F..,h th~ is a IIIC\c of <XIlIUI1ltnlC:nt to the board and citizens. Therefor.. the issues regarding absences i. of importance. Frank Looney addnl.... emergcucy meetins are a conflict to the boord. Kale withdrawls motion and will mcxlify the motion. Pele <Ii......... the location of the mcclings. Suggest that HAAB should conduct meetings in lmmokalce. Mn. Grimaldo lIddresses that Pet.'s SUl!8cstiOll i. a good idea due to the Hispanic population in Immoka1cc. Acting 0uIirman David Correa .uggcst this is.... would be: discussed with Ramiro Malalith. ~ ........,u.a Elccdau for - ....... Chal....... VJce..CbaIrm.u, &lid Secretary. Fnutk Looney discusses hi. expiration in June and would like to conside the Yico-Prcsidcnt pollillOll. ElectlOll ofncw Chainnllll. Yico-Presidmt and Secretary agreed by board members to be: held iii the next mcetinll. Amerlcua Aaodalfoa ofVnlverally Women Mn. Chris Straton bc&lm her pn::smtatian in regards to her organi:<ation. Explained they have a Divenlty TII3k Fon:e. States thatthcy arc holding a presentation given by Mn. Oli_ K1ty "DIal"lJUC on Divcnlty: on Marcl1 30, 1999 at the Main Library on Central Avenue from 7:00PM _ 8:30PM. She i. lookins fir cooperating agencies and orglllllzations such as ours 10 help publicize. Hopes to get a Ptoc:lamatiOll fur the County Commissioners fur this event. Mrs. Grimaldo voluntan to _illt with tnmolatioo If noedcd. Frank Looo.ey c:omplimcnts Mr.. Slaton 00 he.- presentation of her orllonizatJon and the prcsonlalion they areproparinJl. Kate molion8 that HAAB become a coopetlIlioo organization fur the American Aasoclatioo ofUnivc:rsity Women. Don Vidaurri $eCOOdcd the motion. Motion earned unanimously. Kate will gel copies from Mrs. Staton and will mail to Ramiro'. officc. Mr.. Grimaldo advises she i. vct)' inla'atcd in joining HAAB , but would Iikc a copy of the respoosibilities of the board. Allo mentions that she would like to ... the day mange because she also attends the school board mrx:ting3. C--Inqeat to Diwntcy Kate Warner gives a b.-iehyopsia in regords to Commitmcntto Diversity a program out ofCalilor County Public School. Explain the progi'am is to rcx:ruit in all positioo.. DisaJssJ... was a1so wade OIl the racial alur made beck in Novanber91 by a teacher. Also iuucs they addr-.:d were llIIPS llII policies. Need to develop a poliey of growing and changing. lpe policy would a1so include sexual orientation, gender, religioUS, Gte. They want minimum laws but cocpand. The lila:ring ammlttc will outline a policy, provide a I...dership coounittee, address leaal 15SUcs, and wording. When c:ompldcd policy will then become a law. Explained that unlOllll would prot.ny haWlto be advised and get involved MCI:tinp arc scheduled em the 2nd Thuroday of each month lit the Adminimatlve Bldg. Dr. Snow is providing a diversity lllnry that is open to the public. Kate a1so advises thllt she COQtactcd All... Hamblin in rcgorda to Issua as Dr. Cardcna.. Dr. C4rdoaas I&su.. baa to be brought up by hinlsel[ That hte c:omiltoc could not take up OIl iL Frank Looney uk that a meeting be held with the school board regarding Dr. Cardooa. He _co that be is currently investigation Mr. Whites beckground. Smool Board aarCCl that a HAAB mCll1bor be a n:preoc:ntative. Possible CClftflict due to Sunshine Law. David explains our bands arc lied. That the board is not willing ot help in hit: finding of the taIloval of Dr. Cardona. David advises the board that he had a meeting with Mr. White lad would not change his mind. SlaU:d that Mr. ]White slal<:d he was given the authority to remove Dr. Cardona by the School Board. David talb abollt the lICbeivCllDcnls and abilities Dr. Co.-dona has. Feel4 that this should be an issue the board should be concaned with. Frank Looocy explains a previous incident with 0llII Hunkr and Mr. Doria. Thallhe numbers arc 6-2 m.- minority ~tatiOq. FeeJa the community mould come together to do something or otherwise the Hispanic Community will i~. David fa:ls his lit a battle with the board. Mt&. Grimaldo exprClSSC6 opini...~. Feels Dr. While and Cardona have a pen...... ..roblcm bocause they are at equal wlue. Has persoaal cxpaienc:e 81 a moch... in rcgarda 10 Dr. Cardooa. Haw much iIIlprovanent he hall ~c f..-the achoob. FccIa Dr. Wile hall IODIclhlng pcnonaI. That be is prejudice. Feels Dr. Card.... made tlme fur the eommlDlity. David dillCUSSCS that Dr. Cardona wee only gi""" a twc day nerice. Fccls we have been silent in regJlI"cIa 10 thi. iasue. Kate ccplains that her 1_ wa. not UBCd by the board That this board has not been .ilence. That the preparatiw ofher letter was In regards to Dr. Cardona. David stales thaI no action has been taken by thi. board, and that we should have mOIled quicldy on thb iSSWl. That he asked fur an =craonc:y meeting. A meeting with Mr. White that became nothing. Kate explained that she WlIntcd the public lD be heard at that meeting. That that meeting was a learning expc:rima:.. Mrs. Orlmald Slateo that Dr. Cardon. wu a good role model f..-the children. David aab the boerd ifthCS'C I.. problan with the meeting beina beld on the 4th ThW'llday. Bolird has nO ",oblan. Slatm that he wanlS 10 be at the Rex' School Boerd mcc:ting in regards to I'SUClIlike Dr. Cardona. Mcetting llljoumed at 9:08pm Prepared By: Dora Vidaurri Approved 1 01/21/99 15: 00 '5'18132625203 FIRST NA T IOJ\AL I4J 002 January 21, 1999 TO: Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Ramiro Manalich, Chief Assistant County Attorney ~M: Frank Rodriguez, Chairman Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board This is to inform you that due to an unavoidable scheduled meeting of all First National Bank of Naples officers TODAY from 6:00PM to 10:00PM, I will not be able to attend tonight's HAAB meeting. Please carry on with the agenda sent by Mr.Manalich for the meeting and keep in mind that my term with the HAAB will expire June of 1999. I may not consider applying to renew my appointment for another term. I look forward to attend the next February meeting as scheduled in the past. I wish you have a good and productive meeting!...