HAAB Minutes 09/07/1995 Minutes Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting September 7, 1995 HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING september 7, 1995 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S MEETING ROOM 3RD FLOOR, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER NAPLES, FLORIDA PRESENT: Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorney David Correa, HAAB Member Frank Rodriguez, HAAB Member Frank Loney, HAAB Member Neil Morales, HAAB Member Pedro Vazquez, HAAB Member victor Rivera, Visitor The meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board convened at approximately 7:30 p.m. The agenda for that evening is attached. Member Vazquez made a motion for Frank Rodriguez to be the new Chairman of the Hispanic Board and for Neil Morales to be the Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Member Correa. There was a 5-0 vote in favor of Mr. Rodriguez as Chairman and a 5-0 vote in favor of Mr. Morales as Vice Chairman. It was agreed that these gentlemen would hold office for a one (1) year term. The June 14, June 21, and June 27, approved upon motion of Neil Morales, a 5-0 vote in favor of approval. 1995, meeting minutes were seconded by Mr. Correa, and A discussion was held regarding made by Mr. correa, seconded by Manalich continue to prepare the secretary is chosen by the Board. the motion. minutes-taking. A motion was Mr. Morales, to have Ramiro minutes until a new minutes The vote was 5-0 in favor of At this point, Frank Rodriguez took over as Chairman for the meeting. Frank Rodriguez provided a brief history of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board creation and explained that the Board was created through the efforts of Hispanics and Commissioner Burt Saunders to serve as a link between the Hispanic community and the Board of County Commissioners. Between 1991 and 1994, the emphasis of the Board's efforts was on the Human Rights commission, which was eventually rejected by the Board of county Commissioners. That was followed by some resignations and the Hispanic Board deciding to have a new focus beyond the Human Rights Commission and on the present needs of the Hispanic community. Frank explained that the Hispanic Board - 1 - has previously traveled to Immokalee and other sites to be accessible to the Hispanic community. A Hispanic Hotline was created to gather data from the community and address problems with the Board of County Commissioners. Frank candidly stated that negative comments have been made in the past about the HAAB. At one time, the Board of county Commissioners considered consolidation of the Hispanic board with the Black Affairs Advisory Board and that was firmly opposed by the HAAB. Member Frank Loney said that the Hispanic Board was set up to assist the Hispanic community and that he thought that the Hotline idea was great and should be continued. Member Vazquez requested a further update on the status of the Hispanic Hotline. Chairman ROdriguez mentioned that some of the calls being received by the Hotline did not relate to county problems. There was a brief discussion of the Cuban Immigration Issues Forum. Chairman Rodriguez referred the members to the minutes of June 21, 1995, for a detailed review of the events that occurred at the Forum. Chairman Rodriguez mentioned that the Forum was designed to make the community at large aware of the Cuban rafters/refugees/Collier County issues. The Forum was driven by public questions more than it was by the set agenda. Chairman Rodriguez commented that the news coverage could have been better. Member Loney asked what the Hispanic board was doing to reach the entire Hispanic community. Regarding point #4 on the agenda, the BCC luncheon workshop, Chairman Rodriguez requested that a copy of the transcript of that meeting be obtained. There was an extensive discussion regarding the problem of citizens who cannot speak English who attend Hispanic Board meetings that are being held in English. Liaison Ramiro Manalich explained that Spanish could be spoken at the meetings so long as there was an English translation for the Spanish which was spoken. Member Correa stressed that the business of the board would have to be conducted in English, but that translators could help if there were members of the audience who did not speak English. Frank Loney stressed the need for competent translators so that the audience and membership would have a full and accurate translation. Frank Rodriguez commented that the Board of County Commissioners have encouraged the Hispanic board to work with other community groups in creating a Hispanic event with Tourist Development funds, such as a Hispanic heritage day. Mr. Rivera confirmed that Tampa has that type of event. Chairman Rodriguez acquainted the members wi th important provisions of the ordinances governing the Hispanic board. He - 2 - mentioned section 2 (B) requires the members to be permanent residents and electors of the County. He stressed that if members do not vote for two successive elections that they can lose their status as electors. Chairman Rodriguez commented about section 4 (B) of the ordinance and its attendance requirements. It was agreed that any excuses or absences would be timely reported to Ramiro Manalich, who would then report them to the Board. Frank pointed out that section 6 of the ordinance allows for reimbursement of expenses and the question arose as to whether this could apply to out-of-town meetings. Neil Morales stressed that he would like to see the Board have an advance schedule of the times and places for the meetings. Frank Rodriguez covered section 7 of the ordinance regarding the functions, powers and duties of the Board and mentioned that it was necessary to understand that the Board acts only in an advisory role. Regardless, it was important to provide responses to the public, whatever the answer. Chairman Rodriguez also covered Section 8 of the ordinance and section 5 (C) and the members agreed to follow the basic Roberts Rules of Order. It was decided that there would need to be a public discussion portion during the agenda for public comment limited to five (5) minutes per person prior to votes on items being discussed. It was decided agenda points 6, 7 and 8 would be discussed at the next meeting. It was also mentioned that there may be a need to create subcommittees on ~ssues of interest to the Hispanic community. Mr. Vazquez suggested using the County cable channel for outreach and for communication with the Hispanic community. Ramiro Manalich was requested to find out the Hispanic Hotline number. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. It was agreed that the next meeting would be on Thursday, October 26, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., at the Collier County Board of County Commissioners Board Room. Respectfully submitted by: Ramiro Manalich Staff Liaison to the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board APPROVED BY THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD ON 1995. Frank Rodriguez Chairman of the Board RM/cs/5957 - 3 -