HAAB Minutes 05/04/1994 Joint Meeting Minutes Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting May 4, 1994 ;r BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD AND HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING MAY 4, 1994 COUNTY ATTORNEY CONFERENCE ROOM 8TH FLOOR, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER NAPLES, FLORIDA PRESENT: BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD: Rev. Clayton L. Hodge Henry C. Tribble HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD: Carmen Fontdevila Don Price Melinda Riddle Anna Rodriguez ) VISITORS: Charlotte Tribble Jean Brooker, American Association of University Women Deborah Johnson, American Association of University Women STAFF LIAISONS: Ramiro Mafialich, Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board The joint meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board and the Black Affairs Advisory Board commenced at approximately 6:50 PM. By consensus of the members present the agenda was changed as a courtesy to the AAUW representatives to allow them to make their comments first on the agenda. Deborah Johnson indicated that the Association of American University Women had met and discussed the Human Rights Commission Proposal. Ms. Johnson delivered a letter to the Advisory Boards stating the position of the AAUW for the conditional support of the HRC concept with three stipulations: 1. Gender equity shall be addressed by the Human Rights Commission. 2. The Human Rights Commission Board shall include a woman representing gender equity issues. 3. support women. The Black and Hispanic Affairs Advisory Boards shall the establishment of an advisory board on the status of - 1 - Deborah Johnson continued by mentioning that the HRC is intended to interface with other groups. It is the opinion of AAUW that the HRC should also interface, minimally, with the HAAB, BAAB and also a women's status advisory board (which latter board is needed for linkage between different women's groups in the community). Ms. Johnson also mentioned that the AAUW wanted further input on the HRC Proposal. Jean Brooker mentioned concerns regarding the omission of gender equity in the Proposal and that the examples of discrimination could have included a gender discrimination example in addition to the disabled female example which had been mentioned. Jean also indicated that there is a perception in the community that the HRC is a minority affairs project as opposed to being a broader project to address all forms of discrimination involving di verse groups wi thin the communi ty. However, regardless of these concerns, Jean indicated that the AAUW is ready to move forward to support the Proposal provided that the stipulations in the letter were addressed. Deborah Johnson mentioned that the BAAB/HAAB needs to identify and secure support of basic groups needed for the success of the Proposal. She referred to these as "stakeholders." Deborah commented that perhaps May 18 is too early for a presentation before the Board of County Commissioners since more time may be needed for broader support from community groups and for clarification that the HRC is more than just a Black Affairs Advisory Board project. Henry Tribble commented that he appreciated the statements of the AAUW representatives but that drafts of the Proposal had previously been sent to endorsing agencies. Don Price asked if the AAUW was willing to support the proposal before the Board of county Commissioners. The AAUW representatives stated that the AAUW would support the Proposal with the three (3) stipulations but that the Advisory Boards should consider the timing of the presentation before the BCC to insure adequate support. Melinda Riddle commented that more than two (2) weeks would be necessary to properly organize the presentation of the proposal and that a date certain should be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners for the presentation. Henry Tribble concurred but expressed reservation about waiting too long since many of the people belonging to support groups might leave the community for the summer. In addition, he mentioned that the advisory groups are tired of the very lengthy process which has been invol ved in preparation of the Proposal. Mr. Tribble also commented that members of both advisory boards had been assigned to contact and work with endorsing agencies. Deborah Johnson a project at the "stakeholder" group mentioned that there County that had had fallen out of was a recent example of failed when one key the project. Deborah - 2 - stated that if the BAAB and HAAB have not contacted all "stakeholder" groups then they are not ready to go forward with the Proposal. Jean Brooker added that a fair assessment is needed of what type of reception will be given to the proposal by the commissioners. Melinda Riddle observed that the BAAB/HAAB needs to be prepared to address basic questions which have arisen in the past in regard to the Proposal. Ramiro Mafialich, staff Liaison, explained to the members the position of the county Attorney regarding commissioner inquiries about liability concerns stemming from the proposal. Ramiro explained that the commissioners' questions caused the Proposal to be submitted to labor and litigation counsel for the County and that counsel has indicated the need to respond to the proposal to advise the commissioners regarding potential liability concerns about statements made in the Proposal. This response shall be furnished to the commissioners prior to the time the Proposal is presented to the Board. Rev. Hodge expressed the concern about delaying too long the presentation of the Proposal and the potential loss of momentum among the advisory board members and the community as a whole. A discussion then ensued regarding the points brought up by the AAUW representatives and their reservations/conditions for Proposal support. Melinda Riddle voiced a preference for waiting as long as necessary to get unconditional support from endorsing groups. She also mentioned that the Proposal should be presented by stressing local control of discrimination investigation and adjudication processes in response to the proliferation of administrative agencies argument against the Proposal. A discussion was also held regarding what should be the appropriate date for presentation of the Proposal to the Board of county Commissioners. Ramiro Mafialich observed that the endorsing agencies and the advisory board member contacts for said agencies has already been set and should be used as an available resource. Anna Rodriguez suggested inviting endorsing agencies to the next joint advisory board meeting. Anna volunteered to prepare a letter to be sent immediately to the endorsing agencies asking them to attend the meeting to address any concerns they may have about the Proposal. Anna Rodriguez and Henry Tribble agreed to also contact the advisory board members to ensure their attendance at the May 11 meeting. It was decided that Henry Tribble will contact the Board of County Commissioners and the county Administrator to attempt to get a May 24th or May 25th date for presentation of the Proposal to the Board of County Commissioners. It was also suggested that May 18th be used as a date for a joint meeting at which endorsing agencies could attend and provide their input as to the Proposal. Thus, both May 11 and May 18 will serve as opportunities for - 3 - endorsing agencies to provide input into the Proposal and the presentation. It was further the consensus of the members that a response would be sent to the rejection letter received from the Naples Chamber of Commerce and that in the same letter the Chamber of Commerce would be invited to attend the meetings of May 11 and May 18. A motion was made by Reverend Rodriguez and approved unanimously (by minutes of April 20, 1994. Hodge, seconded by Anna consensus) to approve the The joint meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Ramiro Mafialich Staff Liaison to the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board , 1994. APPROVED BY THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD ON , 1994. APPROVED BY THE BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD ON Henry C. Tribble Chairman of the Board Anna Rodriguez Chairman of the Board rmlbd17281 - 4 -