HAAB Backup 06/25/1992 R Backup Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting June 25, 1992 MEETING ~~-~ {t/ftfl'2J HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1992 AT 6:30 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FLORIDA BUILDING F, 3RD FLOOR BOARDROOM AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT A. Postponement of DEO proposal before the Board of county Commissioners B. Discussion Concerning Responsibility for HAAB Minutes III. STAFF REPORT IV. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS V. OLD BUSINESS Discussion Regarding the Collier Community Health Planning Council VI. NEW BUSINESS Willoughby Acres Livingston Road Extension VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS VIII. NEXT MEETING Note: Pursuant to the vote of the Hispanic Board on January 27, 1992, it is requested that all members of the Board who will be making reports provide written summaries of their presentations to secretary Gloria Dominguez. Note: Pursuant to the vote of the Hispanic Board on 4/23/92, members of the public shall be limited to five (5) minutes for comments. A JOINT MEETING OF THE BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD and HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1992 6:30 P.M. GOLDEN GATE LIBRARY 4898 CORONADO PKWY NAPLES, FL. AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES II. WORKSHOP: PROPOSAL FOR CREATION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY A) Review Endorsements B) Review Presentations To Board of county Commissioners On July 28, 1992 III. NEXT MEETING A. Location B. Date & Time C. Agenda JOINT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD and BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 17, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Word, BAAB, Chairperson Albert Lee, BAAB Henry Tribble, BAAB Herb Cambridge, BAAB Claudette Gillings, BAAB Jackie Brown, BAAB Melinda Riddle, HAAB, Chairperson MEMBERS ABSENT: Clayton Hodge, BAAB Robert Walker, BAAB Jamie Gutierrez, HAAB Eduardo Galvan, HAAB Nelson Munoz, HAAB Gloria Dominguez, HAAB Antonio Perez-Benitoa, HAAB Bernardo Garcia, HAAB VISITORS: Fred Thomas Jeanne Brooker, AAUW Charlotte Tribble Walter Solomon Linda A. Winston, Shelter For Abused Women victor A. Valdez STAFF PRESENT: Ramero Manelich, HAAB Staff Liaison Margret Bowles, BAAB Staff Liaison The joint meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board (HAAB) and the Black Affairs Advisory Board (BAAB) was held at the Golden Gate Library, 4898 Coronado Pkwy, Naples, Fl. BAAB Subcommittee Chairperson Henry Tribble and HAAB Chairperson Melinda Riddle called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. WORKSHOP: ProDosal For Creation of the Collier Countv DeDartment of Eaual ODDortunitv. Copies of the Executive Summary and Proposal, with final corrections and changes, were distributed. Mr. Tribble announced that the Board of County Commissioners had delayed hearing this item from June 23 at 1:00 p.m. until July 28, 1992. A discussion was held regarding the impact of this delay. Mr. Thomas suggested that it may be advantageous to present this proposal in late July and avoid the annual "budget battles" that takes place in June. Mr. Tribble reported that Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager, stated that the delayed hearing would not jeopardize funding the proposal in FY 92-93. He reported further that he had spoken with Leo Ochs, Collier County Public Services Administrator, regarding the three legal questions submitted by the BAAB to the Board of County Commissioners for research and consideration. The members discussed how to utilize the extra time gained by the delayed hearing. It was determined that rebuttals and responses to anticipated objections, outlined by Melinda Riddle at the last Joint Workshop on June 10th, should be consolidated in to a "Fact Sheet" and made available to members preparing to speak at the July 28th meeting. Melinda Riddle will prepared this Fact Sheet. Additionally, the following actions are to take place over the next several weeks: 1. Contact each endorsing organization and (a) request signatures for Attachment H of the Proposal, and (b) request two designated spokespersons, one who will speak on July 28th in favor of the Proposal and one who will commit ten people to attend the meeting. (Immokalee Organizations = Albert Lee. Naples Organizations = Melinda Riddle.) 2. Prepare a shortened abstract summarizing the objectives of the Proposal for use in talking with the media, Commissioners and endorsing organizations. (Jeanne Brooker) 3. Expand the list of endorsements by contacting other organizations and groups and review the Abstract and Fact Sheet with their spokesperson. (Everyone) 4. Review the Board of County Commissioners' FY 92-93 Tentative Budgets prior to the July 28th meeting. (Henry Tribble) 5. Prepare presentation graphics outlining the County's EEO employment and purchasing statistics for the July 28th meeting. (Fred Thomas) 6. Organize a Speakers' Bureau to address the Board of County Commissioners, the media and interested public. (Henry Tribble, Larry Word, Jeanne Brooker, Fred Thomas, Melinda Riddle, and a representative from endorsing veterans groups.) 7. news press (Newspaper Seek radio and TV coverage; set up specific media and events; build coverage closer to July 28th hearing. = Larry Word. TV = Fred Thomas/Henry Tribble) 8. Read and understand the Proposal thoroughly. Copies of the Proposal and Executive Summary may be obtained at the office of Margret Bowles, Growth Management Department, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, in the Community Development Services Building. (Everyone) 9. Identify sources of Federal and state funds received by the County and their EEO compliance requirements. (Fred Thomas/Henry Tribble) 10. Obtain examples of discrimination cases to be presented by each individual at the July 28th hearing. (Victor Valdez and others.) There being no further business before the Boards, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. The next joint workshop of the Hispanic and Black Affairs Advisory Boards is scheduled for Wednesday, July 22, 1992, at 6:30 p.m., at the Golden Gate Library. Respectfully submitted, Margret B. Bowles, Staff Liaison APPROVED BY THE ADVISORY BOARD ON ,1992 LARRY WORD, CHAIRMAN '" '" '" '" '" IS) '" '" U N '" '" CD '" '" f- ['- * '" (j) U '" '" 0 <I '" Z IS) * uJ '" CD '" " <I " '" N M Q IS) I ~ CD If) CO W >- ," L W ,S) Lf) Z f- W " '" " E 0 ['- '" reJ f- 0- '" f- ~ f- '" <I M '" ~ '" CD >- CD W ~ f- N f- I Z (J, <I Z ::J CD Q ::J 0 ~ " U I OJ '" ~ W I Z CD -.J ::J CD -.J '" " CD 0 '" " U '" W " I '" f- Z M '" <I 0 " '" Q '" f- '" '" <I '" '" U '" '" '" '" LL '" '" '" '" f- '" '" Z * '" W '" '" Q '" '" '" '" f- '" '" '" * '" '" * '" f- * I "- E * -.J X X * <I * Z '" I ::J Z N U 0 0 If) " Z I f- IS) 0 <I IS) en * '" <I * ::J IS) Z * Q IS) <I * "- '" I * '" * * U '" * 0 N * '" Q IS) '" * '" * IS) * Lf) '" N * I E Y * LL 0 0 * ::J U * * * '" * * 0* * '" 0 CD * '" Z IS) * * * , * * e> COLLIER COUNTY KENNETH B. CUYLER COLLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY Dennis P. Cronin Martha N. Howell Ramlro Manalich Thomas C. Palmer Marjorie M. Student David C. Weigel Brenda C. Wilson Richard O. Yovanovich 3301 Tamlaml Trail East Naples, Florida 33962-4976 Telephone: (813) 774-8400 FAX: (813) 774-0225 FACSIMilE YOU ARE RECEIVING A PANAFAX-TRANSMITTED MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY. IF YOU EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTY WITH CLARITY OR IF YOU' DO NOT RECEIVE THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THIS MESSAGE, PLEASE CONTACT THIS OFFICE AT (813) 774-8400. DATE: 6 /; ~ /7::L , , TIME: j/67J j!J'J1 ' - NUMBER OF PAGES: '2- (INCLUDING THIS PAGE) TO: fJJ 'flWOf) /PI DDLE;, ID5(/J. FAX NO: J;Jf-'17'lJ . RE: 1f-1J1} I:) J17f1-"16FV )JJ7 PE~ nE"cpv€Jj FROM: /L..> f( f11Jt/1VJ11.4 ell OPERATOR: .k &J1/JJ HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD (As of 6/18/92) Melinda P. Riddle, Esq., Chairman Quarles & Brady Suite 300 4501 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 33940 Mr. Eduardo Galvan, Vice Chairman 206 Madison Ave. Immokalee, FL 33934 Mrs. Gloria Dominguez 361 29th street, N.W. Naples, FL 33964 Mr. Bernardo A. Garcia 1471 Mandarin Road Naples, FL 33940 Mr. Jaime R. Gutierrez 2500 Tamiami Trail North, suite 210 Naples, FL 33940 Mr. Nelson A. Munoz 190 19th street, S.W. Naples, FL 33964 Mr. Antonio J. Perez-Benitoa 3401 Tamiami Trail No. #207 Naples, FL 33940 262-5959 (work) 657-3128 (work) 657-3713 (home) 643-0919 x530 (work) 353-0664 (home) 643-2700 (work) 262-4484 (home) 649-1610 (home) 262-5655 (work) 353-3459 (home) 261-0544 (work) 434-8841 (home) Ramiro Manalich, Esq. Assistant County Attorney Staff Liaison County Government Center, Building F 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 33962 Ms. Jennifer pike Assistant to the County Manager Liaison, County Manager's Office County Government Center, Building F 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 33962 774-8400 (work) 774-8383 (work) I N T E R 0 F F ICE MEMORANDUM Date: From: 18-Jun-1992 11:47am EST Margret Bowles BOWLES M Growth-Management 643-8409 Dept: Tel No: TO: Kathleen Ennis ( ENNIS K ) Subject: Minutes: 6/17/92 ~ KATHY: WOULD YOU MIND MAILING THESE MINUTES ~TO YOUR BOARD MEMBERS ASAP SO THEY CAN GET STARTED ON THEIR ASSIGNMENTS~ERHAPS YOU WOULD ALSO STICK A COPY OF THESE MINUTES IN YOUR ENVELOPE TO JEANNE BROOKER. I WILL SEND THESE MINUTES TODAY TO THE BAAB MEMBERS. I WILL ALSO ADVERTISE AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE NEXT JOINT WORKSHOP SCHEDULED FOR JULY 22ND AT GOLDEN GATE LIBRARY. LET ME ALSO E-MAIL YOU AN AGENDA FOR THE JULY 22ND MEETING TO MAIL WITH THE~UTES AND THEN WE ARE DONE. MANY THANKS. MAGGIE ~ b\~ lJ!: (tfY I N T E R 0 F F ICE MEMORANDUM Date: From: 18-Jun-1992 08:51am EST Margret Bowles BOWLES M Growth-Management 643-8409 Dept: Tel No: TO: Kathleen Ennis ( ENNIS K Subject: Membership List KATHY: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: THIS IS ~PDATED MEMBERSHIP OF THE BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD. ~ WOULDJ1U PLEASE SEND ME A MEMBERSHIP LIST OF THE H SPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD. ALSO, THE FOLLOWING FOLKS HAVE REQUESTED MEMBERSHIP LISTS: Melinda Riddl' (FAX # 434-4999) and Ms. Jeanne Brooke AAUW, 3635 Boca Ciega Drive #109, Naples, FL 33962. I have provided them with the BAAB list. THANKS. w~ MEETING HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1992 AT 6:30 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST NAPLES, FLORIDA BUILDING F, 3RD FLOOR BOARDROOM AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT B. sal before the Board of A. Postponement 0 County commis IV. SUBCO Respon~~ity for HAAB \} &~ ding the Collier Community Health I III. V. VI. NEW BUSINESS Willoughby Acres Livingston Road Extension VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS VIII. NEXT MEETING Note: Pursuant to the vote of the Hispanic Board on January 27, 1992, it is requested that all members of the Board who will be making reports provide written summaries of their presentations to secretary Gloria Dominguez. Note: Pursuant to the vote of the Hispanic Board on 4/23/92, members of the public shall be limited to five (5) minutes for comments. 6-:JS - ----- ;17 r/ t-o a~J - //;;~-~-j ----- ~ ~ ~~J / ".,' - ~A_ti~__nr\ ~._._.,.-_--~.__._~."._.__.._....- I 1) ... ! i I) 1('" '.' , ,.. 'J 'J C 1... r-€- ,,-y_ )/7'7 f/( VnO-j ./ , . .--' I,) .. ____r ,-,/ (Ll-~::::-~;'~""~-<J, /1' 'J (I ' //( /: O'.~ /<-t11 l' ,r'~' ,h / / I, /)/;?j. ~-, t.LU::-....--L. .;n......;>.-<--k.:> ~~--.:...c:>~..~ //_'/;"<-:.;J L~~ (/7/ ~~ {~f{.,.C~<-c.'_~ . ./?;/ 1,cyYI l.~..~ "-<-u;;;;f- CJ f'--L~:"~7 ~~~~~_~-=-<~~ .~~'-'<-'U~ (j ,7 I' er:<- ?-Otla/rb'-'. ~~- / )/-f I!' d / (/. <_) I L) ! i~? 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