Ordinance 78-38ORDIRANCE NO. 78-38 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.. 74-14 THE ZONING ATLAS OF MAPS FOR THE IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING DISTRICT ATLAS PAGE NO. 47-29-2 CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF T~E PROPERTY HEREINBELOW DESCRIBED FROM "I-A-2" TO ~I-C-3" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE= WHEREAS,The Immokalee Area Planning Com~sston,pe tioned the Board of County Commi~sioners of Collier County~ida,~ c~ange' the zoning classif.ication of the real property here~er descz~bed. Now T.E=F0 BE ST ORDAinED =.E BOA CO~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~TY,FLORI~ -- -- m SECTION O~ ~ 1. The zoning classification of the hereinbelow described property in Collier County,Florida,is changed from "I-A-2" to "I-C-3" and the Official Zoning Atlas NO. 47-29-2 described in Exhibit "A" of' Ordinance No. 74-14 is hereby amended accordingly~ Property described in O.R. Book 499,Page 795 and property described in O.R. Book 285,Pge 500 and property described in O.R.'Book 637,Page 1827 and property described in O.R. book 634,Page 1634 all situated in Section 3,Township 47 South,Range 29 East. and beginning at the ~ corner on the west boundary line of Section 3, thence East following the E-W~ of section line 2153.96 feet to the PI of the CL of Newmarket Road,North following the center line of said road 220.43 feet E 35 feet to east R/W SECTION TWO~ CTD of said road for P.O.B.,thence North along SE R~W 75 feet,East 120.46',south 15°West 78.15feet,West 98.51 feet to the P.O.B. See Exhibit mA" attac~ed heze~o. This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE' July..25, 1978 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COL: 008 N A-'-~ '~ ~ FORM AND LEGALITY, ~D 'A ~ PICKWORTH ~CO%~TY .ATTORNEY ~..~o Oz:d. ~8-38 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) ~, WILLIAM 3. REACAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foreEoinE is a true.origiz,al of ORDINANCE NO. 78-38 which was adopted by the Board of County Co~issioners during Regular Session July 25, 1978. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Comissioner8 of Collier County, Florida,.this 26th day of July, 1978. WILLXAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commiss~oners %pu C erk z/ . '"J , ,., . . <,... % 008