Ordinance 79-094· ORDINANCE 79 .94 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE' 79-66 TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAG ERROR AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT B~ o5 AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER ~ 50-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSI~-~ ~'" /L FICATION FROM "GC' GOLF COURSE AND RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY GROUP HOUSING :.~ ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY I K . ~¢.?ioN oF .T.E NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION T0~NSHIP 50 SOUTI~, RANGE 25 EAST AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Wafaa F. Assaad, Wilson, Miller, Barton, and Peek, Inc., representing U. S. Homes, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida to change the Zoning Classification of the herein describe~ real pr~p&rty; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida SECTION ONE ~ The Zonin~ .Classification of the ~ereinafter described real property i~ Collier County, Florida is changed from #GC" Golf Co~rse and "RM-1-GH" Resident~al Multi-Family to Golf Course and 'RM-1-GH" Residential Mult!-Family and the Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 50-25-1 as des~ribed in Ordinance 76-30 is hereby amended accordingly= TO BE REZONED ~GC" GOLF COURSE Commencing at the Northeast corner of Undivided Block "~" of Lek.wood Unit No.1 according to the plat thereoef as r~cordp~ r in Plat Book 12, Pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk~of Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; ~ thence along the North line of said Block "R" South 8~-42'~6~ West 683.11 feet to the Northwest corner of said Bloc~"R".~ thence continuing South 89"-42'-46" West 189.54 feet 'for t~PLACE OF BEGINNING of so-called Golf Course Parcel "A" herein described; thence Sout~ 28'-56'46" West 233.09 feet; thence South 14"-19-46" West 152.62 feet; thence South 0'-17'14" East 79.05 feet; thence South 61"-02'-46" West 209.31 feet; thence South 28'-57'14" East 56.90 feet! thence South 44'-37'-14" East 58.22 feet; thence South 45'22'46" West 20.00 feet; thence North 44'37'14" West 77.73 feet; thence South 72'-30'-00" West 194.70 feet; thence along the East line of The Glades Unit Two (Plat Book 10, Page 88}, North 0'-17'05" West 177.28 feet; thence along the North l~ne of The Glades~Unit Two, Plat Book 10, Page 88), South 89"-42'-55" West 200.00 thence North 0'-17'05" West 457.~4 feet; thence North 89"-21'46" East 587.26 feet;' thenc~ North 89"-42'-46" East 135.35 feet to the Place of Beginning; being a part of the North 1/2 of Section 12, Township 50 Sou~h, Range 25 East, Collicr County, Florida; containing 7.28 acres more or less; (GOLF COURSE ALSO BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of Undivided Block "R" of Lakmeood b-~'~'No, I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12, 'pages 7, 8, and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; thence along the East llne of said Block 'R", South 0°-17'-1~' East 3B0.17 fe~t; ~henca along the East lena of Block 'S'* of said Lakesmod Unlt No. I, South 29"57'-32" East 327.95 feet; thence along the East line of Olock'P' of said Laketmod Unlt South 3°-37'-l~'' East 469.20 feet; thence South B7°-01~~~3'' Vest 197.60 feat; thence South 2°-58~-17'~ East 105.00 feet; thence South 87°-01'-~3' Vest 60.00 feet; thence North 2'-58'-I~' Vest 176.83 feet; thence North I°-31'-2&" East 16~.60 feet; thence North 6°-01'-I0'' East )~7-~9 feet; thence North ~3°-58'-~0' Vest 105.k3 feat; thence along the Vest line of said Block 'S', Northerly 91.16 feet along the arc of a c|rcular curve concave to the Vest, having a radius of 700.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North O°-]7~-~3.5'* East 91.Il feet; thence North'79"-3~'-37' East 105.20 feet; thence North 10*-25~-23' Vest 128.66 feet; thence South 7~'-3~'~37'' Vest 100.O0 feet; thence North 10°-25~-23" Vest 20.00 feet; thence North%easterly 121.62 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2~0.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~hich bears North 2~°-56~-27.5".Vest 120.33 feet; thence North 39°-~2~-~6' East 109.27 feat; thence North 50°-i7~-1~' Vest 170.6& feet; thence South 89';~2'-~$' Vast 366.3& feet; thence South ~°:~2'-~6' Vest 21.21 feet; . thence South O°-17~-I~" East ~0.00 feat; thence South 89°-~2~-~$' Vest 10.OO feet; thence North O°-17'-I~' Vest 95.1~ feet; thence North ~'-42'-45" East 40.98 feet; .. thence North 28°-$6'-~6' East 219.70 feet; thence along the North Ilne of sold Block 'R', North 83°-~2'-~6'' East 5~O.32 feet to the Place of Beginning; being a part of Block'P', a part of Block "R', and a part of Block of said plat of Leke~x~d Unit No. I, (P.B. 12, pages 7~ 8 & 9), Collier County, Florida; containing 8.07 Acres more or less; PARCEL ALSO commencing at the Northeast corner of Undivided Block ,~, of Leke~a~od b"~No. ! accordlng to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12, pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circult Court, Colller County, Florlda; thence along the North 1ina of said Block 'R', South 89°-~2~-~6" Uast $~0.32 feet; thence South thence South thence South thence North thence South of Undivided 28'-50'-/16" Vest 219.70 feet; . ~°-'L~2'-Z16" Vest ~0.98 feet; 0°-17~-1~' East 9~.1~1 feet; 8~)°-q2'-/15' East 2~5.7~ feet; O~-17~-1~' East ~0.OO feet to the Point on tile North Line Block ,,Q. of sald Lake~od Unlt Ho. l; " thence South 0'-17~-1~' East IO5.00 feet for the PLACE.OF BEGINNING of so-called ~olf Course Parcel 'C' herein described; thence Southeasterly 10~.5~ feet along the arc of a ~Ircular curve concave to the Soul,st, havlng a radius, of 75.00 feet, . subtended by a chord whlch bears South 50'-21'-1~" East ~6.28 feet; thence South IO'-25~-2~' East 63.51 feet~ 'thence South 2'-.12~-07' East 153.Oi feet; thence S~th 6*-01'-!0' ~est 123.3~ feet~ thence Southerly 207.13 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the East, having a radius of 1320.OO feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 1'-31'-26" ~est 206.92 feet; thence S~th 2'-58'-17'* East 71.83 feet; thence Sm;th 87*-01~-q3' ~est 32.00 feet; thence North 8he-58~-17' ~est ~7.22 feet; thence S~th 13'-01~'~3' ~est 105.O0 feet; , thence along the S~th tine of said 01~k ~'~'~, Vest°fly 010 ,,~.4QJ3,21 feet along the arc of n cTrcular curve concave to ..,,,."~'~'"~'..~,,. r~c~he North~ hnvlng a rndi~s of 115~.28 feet, subtended by ' ~ chord ~hlch hears North 76':08~-17' ~est 13.21 feet; ....... .:-'--thence thence thence thence thence thenca Ilorth GZe-lI8~-17'' W~st 151.20 feet; North 37'-~,8'-17'' West 151.20 feet; ~lorth 12~-~7~-~G'' ~st 151.30 feet; North O°-17~-!¥' West 21&.OO feet;' South 89e-~2~-~G'' West 105.00 feet;' thence along the West 11ne of said Block"~', North 0'-!7'-!~' Wes~ 20.00 feet; thence North 89e-~21-~' E~st 105'.O0 feet;. thence North O°-17'-I¥'West 200.00 feet; thence along the North line of said Block'~', I1orth 89'-~2~-~6'' East IO.00 feet; thence South Oe-17~~lq' East IO5.OO feet; thence North 89°-~Z~-~6" East 31~.21 feet to the Place of Beginning; . belng a part of Undlvided Block "~ of said Plat of Lake~ood Unit No. I, (Plat Boo~ 12, pages 7, 8 & 9), Collier County, Elorlda; containing 5.69 acres more or less; {GOLF COURSE PARCEL ~'0') ALSO BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Undivided Block o--~-£'ake~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12, pages 7. 8 & ~. Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; .. thence along the Westerly prolongation of the South llne of said Bloc~ "~"~ South 89°-~'-55'' West £83.~7 feet; thence along the East llne of Yhe Glades Unit T~o (Plat Book 10, page 88), I~orth O°-17'~O5'' ~est 739.7~ feet; thence North 8~'-~2~-55'' Eas~ 200.00 feet; thence North 5~'-~8~-~2' East 33&.60 feet to the Nest ~lght-of-~ay 1Ina of Lake~ood Boulevard; thence Sout~h O*~i7~-1~' East i10.00 feet; thence along said West Right-of-Way line, Southerly ~&.&2 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the East, having a'radlus of 53~.28 feet, subtended by a chord ~Ich bears, South 2°-~7~-i¥' East ~&.£1 feet; thence South 51~-5Z'-5¥' West 313.58 feet; '. thence South ?~-20'-00' West 185.0Q feet; ' thence South 1~-~O'-OO' East ~O.00 feet; · .' thence South 28~-~O~-00' East 182.31 feet; thence South ~1~-~O~-O0' East 37.79 feet; thence North 51'-52'-5¥' East ~6~.53 feet; thence along the Southwesterly Right-of-Way 1|ne of sold Lek°wood Boulevard, Southeasterly 169.~O feet along the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 53q.28 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South ~O°-~7'-~&' East 168.$9 feet; thence South ~e-27~-0~" West 295.2& feet; thence South 55°-58~-OO' West 1£3.~1 feet; thence South O°-17'-O5'' East 85.00 feet; thence North 89°-~2~-55' East ~0.78 feet; thence North 55°-58~-O0~'.East 190.~7'feet; thence North 3~'-27~'O$" East 315.91 feet; thence along the South~esterly Right-of-Way line of . Lake~ood Doulevard, Southeasterly ~.15 feet a!o~ the ~rc of a circular curve concave to the l.lortheast~.ha~Ing a radius of 5~.28 feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 62'~3~1'-17'' East 11~.1~ feet; So~itheasterly 12~1.58 feet along the arc of a.clrcu.lar'curva concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 5311.2B feet, . · subtended by a chord whlch bears South 71°-)3'~)2~5'' East 1211..29 feet; · thence South 11°-!~5'-~1'' West 29.?2 feet; thence South 2°-58'-i7'' East S3.83 feet; . thence North 87'-O!'~~3" East 57G.£q feet; thence North 2°-5B'-17' West 105.00 feet; . ' thence alon~ the North Ilne of said ~lock"~,'~a~t~rly · '' 107.53 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the S¢,uth, l~avlng a radius of 1350.00 fcet, subtended by a ~19~or(I ~vhich bears Iiorth 89°-18'-~5'' East 107.51 feet; ~0~[ 0~0 ~A~E ~enco South 2'-~O'-23" West 327.6l, feet; . thence hlong the Set, th li~m o~ said alack "~'), :'~' ' Sottth 8~'-112~-55'' Wus~ 873.33 feet ~o the PlACe O~ ~eglnnlng; bainD a part of ~lock ~)IPt o~ said plat of Lnku~(l Unit (1'.1~. 12, pn~e~ 7, R R D), C~111ur Comity, , - (BLOCK Comme~cln9 aL {he Southwest corner of Undivided Block Unit No. ! according to the plat thereof ~s recorded In Plat Door 12~ . pages 7~ 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County. Florida~ · thence along the ~esterly prolongation of the'South line of said ~lock '~", South 8~°-1~2~-$5' ~est 683.67 feet; thence along the East 1Ih° of The Glades Unlt T~o (Plat Book 10, page 88), North O°~17~-O5' ~lest ~2~71~ feet for the PLACE OF BEGINHINO of Block 'A' herein described; thence North O°~17~-05'' ~est 87.72 feet; thence North 72°-30~-O0'' East 1~.70 feet; thence South ~°~37~-I~'~ East 77.73 feet; thence South ~5'-22t-11~' ~est 38.78 feet; thence Southwesterly 170.2~ feet along the arc of a circular .. curve concave to the North~est, having a radius of 220.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South 67°-32~-50.5' ~est 166.OZ feet: thence South 8~°-~Z*-55' ~est 58.82 feet to the Plac& of Beglnnlng~ belay a part of the Horth I/2 of Sectlon 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Co111er County, Florida; containing 0.53 Acres more or less; ALSO commencing at the liortheast corner of undivided'Block 'R' of ~'~-~'e~ood Unit No. 1 according to the plat thereof as recorded in " Plat Ooo~ 12, pages 7, 8 an4 ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; thence along the North line of said Block 'R', South 8~°-~2t-~&' ~est 7~5.6~ feet to the Nortlw~esterly Rlght~of-~ay llne of Lake~od Eoulevard for the ~lace of Beginnlng of Block"B' herein described; , thence ~q~g said North~esterly Right-of-Way llne of Lake~ood Boulevard, South~esterly ~7.82 feet along the arc of a circular cbrve.concave to the Northwest, having a radius of qlO.00 feet,.subtenged by a chord'~ich bears South 22'-0&~-~1'' ~est ~7.58 feet; thence.South 28°-S&~-q~' ~est 112.15 feet; thence Southerly 250.01 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the East, ha¥1ng a radius of ~O.O0 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South I~-I~-~$" ~est 2117L30 feet; " thence South O'-17~-l~".East:'~O.O0 f~et; ~. thence South~esterly.3~.2?.feet along the arc of a clrcular curv~ concave ~o ~he Northwest, having a 'radius of 25.00 feet, subtended by'a'cRord.~hlch bears ~outh' ~'-~2~-~" ~a~t"~S.36. feet; thence South~esterly.~16.&5 .feet al~Rg.tRa ~r~.of a circular curve concave ~o the ~ou~fiea~t, having 'a radlus o~.28d~00 feet, subtended by ~hb~d Iehlch bea~s.S~uth.67°-~2'r~6".~est 211.2~ feet; thence ~orth ~°-37'~i~' ~gst ~8.22 feet; (BLOCK thence North th°nc& North thence tlorth thence No/th thence North 28'-57'-~" ~est 56.90 'feet; 61°-O2~'~'~ EaSt 20~.~1 feet; O':17~-I~' ~est 7~.O$ lsat; I~°-!~'-~" East 152.62 feet; 28°-$6~-~'.East 233.O~ feet; thence North 89'-~2'-~6" East 107.OI feet ~o the Place of Beginning; I>eing a part of the North 1/2 of Section 12, Tc~m'shl~ 50 S~th~ ~ Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; "', contalnlng 1.83 Acres ~re or less; (~LOCK'C")~L~0,co~encing at the t~ortheast corner of und~vided Block 'R" of Lake~od Unit No. I according to the pl~t thereof, as recorded Pint Book 12, pages 7, 8 and ~, Records'of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; the,ce alan9 the North Ii,e of said Block 'R', South 8~'~!i2~-~16,* ~est ~!10.32 feet for the PLACE OF DEGI~INIUG o~ Block 'G" herein described; thenc~ SouLh 2B'-~G*-/)~" ~est 21~.70 feet; thence South O'-17'-l~g' East Dtt.lh feet; th°nco Uorth,esterly 1~8.1~O reet alon9 tho arc of a circular . curve cnncave to the tlorchenst, h~lvi~l a r,~d~us 25.00 subtended by a chord ~hlch bear0 North 3t~'-S~'-I I" t~ust 1~1.1~ feet~ thence Ilorthea~tnrly 59.38 ~,et nlon~ ~ho arc of a curve con~ave to the Southea~t~ having a radius 1~10.O0 feet~ ' -"-thencl gortheastilrly 13~.O/7~E,t .Ion9 the arc of a titular curve concave to.Urn Ilorth~st, having a' radius of ll~O.O0 Feet, subtended hy a chord ~hlch bo~rs . florth 20'~118'-57' East 138.60 feet; thence along the Uorth Ilne o~ said 01~k'R', . ~orth 8~'-112~-I~G' East 11~2.7~ feet to the Pinto of being a pa~t of sald alack "R' o~ Lok~d Unit Ua. 1, Collier E~nty, Florida; ~ontoinlng O.~O Acres ~re or less; (BLOCK 'O')ALSO co~enclng at the Northease corner of undivided alack "R' of Lake~d ' ~Ho. ! according to the plat thereo~ as re~rded in Plat B~ 12, pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the ClRrk of the Circuit Court, County, Florida; thence along the ~lorth line of said Ol~k'R", South 8~'-112~-~6' ~est thence South 28'-5&'-~6" ~ast 21~.70 feet; thence SouLh ll~'-~2'-~G" ~est ~O.~8 feet; thence South O'-17'-1~" East ~.1~ feet; thence along the South line of sald Block 'R", North 8~'-~2~-~6' East 10.OO feet for the P~CE OF B~GIN~IHG 0f Block 'O' here;n described; thence ~orth 0'-i7'-1~' ~est ~0.O0 feat: thence Horth ~'-q2~-~'' East 21.21 feet: thence North 8~'-~2~-q&'' East 3~6.3& feet: thence 5outh 50'-17'-1~" East 170.66 feet; thence South 3~'-~2'-~" ~est I0~.27 feet; thence Northwesterly 212.SI feet along the arc of a circular cu~e concave to the South~est, hav;ng a red;us of 21~O.00 Feet, subtended by a chord ~hich bears llorth ~'-52'-23" ~est 20&.aa feet; thence along the South 1ina of sa~d Block 'R' South 8~'-~2'-~6" ~est 255.7~ feet to the Place o~ Beginning; being a part of said alack "R" of Lake~oa ~n;t }1o. 1, Collier Co6nty, Florida; conta;nlng' 1.26 Acres ~re or less; (OLOCR 'E")ALSO c~nclng a: the Southeast carper of Undivided Block "P' o~ Lak~4 ' U~lo. I according to the plat thereof as. recorde~ In Plat e~ 12, pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, C~11;er County, Florida; thence ~1on~ the South 11ne of said 0lock ,p,, ~esterly 127.81 feat along the arc of a clrculnr ct~rve c~ncnve to the South~ h~ving a r~d;us · of iq~O.O0 feet, subtended by a chord ~lch bears South 8~'-35~-21" 127.77 feet; thence contLnu[ng along the South 1ina of said South 87'-Oi'-~3" ~est i~1.21 feet for the P~CE OF of Bl~k 'E' hereln described; .. thence continuing along the South line of said Block South 87'-Oi~-q3" ~es: 80.00 feet; . thence Nor:hwast,rly 3~.27 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Hortheast, ,having a radius of 25.00 Feet, subtended by a chord ~.~hlch bears North ~7'-58'-17" ~est 35.3& feet; thence ~orth 2'-58'-!7" ~est 151.83 feet; thence ~ortherly 1~1.2~ feet along t~ arc of a circular curve concave to'the East, having a radius of 1155.00 feet, subtended by o chord which'bears North 1'-31'-2&" East 181.O5 feet; thence ~orth 6'-01'-10" East 123.311 feet; thence Uortherly 2~.35 feet alon~ the arc of ~ circular curve concave to the ~lest, hav;ng a radius o~ 700'.00 feet, subtended b~ a chord ~vhich bears Hortl~ 5'-O1'-23' East 2~.~5 fnet; th~nc~ SouLh 83'-58'-50" East 105.113 Feet; thence South G~-O1'-IO" ~est ll17.G~ feet; thence South 1'-31'-2&" ~est 1Gt~.GO feet;'" thence South 2'-58'-17' East 17G.83 fcet to the Pinto of BcDinn;ng~ being n part o~ Olock 'P" o~ sald Lak~d Un;t Ua. I, Collier Cotmty, F1urldn; contnln;ng 1.20 Acres n~re or less; (~LOCK ~'F'~) ALSO ~ERIHNIHG at the SouLhe~st corner o~ Und~vlded ~lock'"P" of Lak~ ~ I1~.' 1 accord;rig to the plnt thereof as recorded ~n Plat Book pnges 7, O and ~, Records of the Cler~ of the Circuit Court, Cailler County, Florida; thence along tho South line of snl~J Illock 'P", Uestarly i27.81 along the arc of a clrculnr curve concave to the South, hav~n~ o. "'~" rn~h~s of 1~30.00 feet, ~uhtonded by a chord ~d~lch bears · 1:~.~.~......... . thencn Horth 2"-5~"17' Uest' 105.00 lent; ... ..... thence' Ilorlh ~e'C)lt'll]~ ~lSt 1~7.~ thence a~ong ~he East I Ina'of said ~lock "P', S~h 3'-37'-11;" ~10.7Z reft to the Place of ~egtnklng; being a part of ~tock "P' of said Lake~d ~'n;t ~o. ' Cattier County, Florida; . cont~lnlng O.J~B Acres ~ra ar less~ (BLOCK. t~G')ALSO c~enclnq 'at the Southeast corner of Undlvide~ Dloc~ ~od Unit ~o. I eccordln~ to the plat thereof os recorded In Plat P~k 12~ p~ges ~, 8 & 9, Records of the Clerk of the Clrcult Court Co111er County, thence.along the South 11ne of sold Block ,p,~ ~estarly 127.81 feet . ~long the ore of ~'clrcul~r curve concave to the South, h~vlng ~ rodlus of ll~O.OO feet, subtended by o chord ~./hlch be~rs South 89e-35~-21 127.77 thtnce along the ~°rth Right-of-~ay 11ne of L~od Boulevard,' S~th 87'-01'-~" ~est ~21.21 feet to the polnt on the South 11ne UndJvlde4 ~lock ~ of'said Lak~ao4 Unlt No. ! for the PLACE OF PEGINNIN~ thence a~ong th~ South I~n~ of sa~d Bloc~ S~th 87'-01~-~3'' ~est 11Z.eO feet; thence ~esterly 126.86 feet along th~ arc of · c[rcul~r cu~e concave to the North, h~vlng a radius of ~5~.28 feet, · subtended by ~ chord which be~rs North 8~'-58'-1]' E~st 126.~5 feet~ .. thence ~orth 13~-01~-~3' East 105.00 feet~ thence South 8~-58~17' East ~7.22 ~eet; thence North 87'-01 q-~3" East 32.00 feet; thence ~orth 2'-58~-i7" ~est 71.83 feet; , thence Northerly 207.13 feet along the arc of a circular cu~e concave to the East, hav~ng a radius of 1320.00 feet~ subtended by a chord which bears North 1'-31~-26" East 206,92 feat; thence NOrth 6~-01 ~-IO' East 123..3~ feet;' th~ce North, 2e-~2"-07' &~est 153.01 feet; thence llorth 10e-25~=23~ gast 63.51 feet; thence Nort~esterly I05.54 feet. along the arc o~ a circular curve concave to the South~ast~ having a radius of 75.00 feat~ sdbtended by a chord ~h[ch bears .. I1orth 50e-21~-I~" ~est ~6.28 feet; .thence South 8~-42~-q6'' ~est 311t.21 feat; thence }~orth 0'-17~-1~'~ ~ast 105.00 feet; thanc& along the Horth 1Ina of sold Block North 8~';hZt-q6'' East 31~.21 feat; thence Southeasterly 250.S0 feet along the arc ~f a circular cu~e concave to the Southwest, having a radlus of 1~0.00 feet~ subtended by a chord ~./hlch bears South 50'-21~-!~' East 231.08 feet; thence South 10'=25~-23' East ~3.51 feet; thence Southerly 183.66 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the.~est, having a radlus of 6hO.O0 feet~ subtended by a chord which bears South 2'-12~-07' East 183.03 feet; thence South 6"=01~-10~ ~est 123.3~ feet; thence Southerly 1~0.6~ feet along t~e arc of a ctrcular curve concave to the East~ having a radZus of 1215.00 feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 1'-31~-26' ~est I~0.1~ feet; thence South 2'=58~-17' East 151.83 feet; .. · thence Southwester17 3~.27 feet along the arc of,~ ctrcular' curve concave tO the Uort~eest~ hnv~ng a r~dlus of 25.00 feet~ ~ubtended .by a chord ~vh[ch bears South h2e-01 ~-113~* ~est 35.3G feet to the Place of Beglnnlno~ being a part of Block ~'Q~' of sold Lakewood Unlt }1~. I; containing 3.31 acres more or less; -' ALSO_ co~,enclng at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block 'P' of Lake~d U~lt No. I according to the plat thr:reof as recorded in . Plot Boott 12, pages 7, 8 and ~, Recordo of the Cl~rt¢ of the Cl~cult ~ Court~ Cailler County, Florida; ~ thencu along the South line of sold nlo~k ~E.~ k'esterly f27.81 feet along the arc of a clrculnr curve concave to the.'Sot~th, hav~n9 a ~ radius of lh30.00 feet, subtended by a chord whlch bears ~ South 8~'-35~-21' ~e~t 127.77 feet: thence along the North Right-of-Way Ilea of Lake~od Ooulevard~ ~ South 87"-01'-h3" g'e~t 1~33.21 feet~ · ~ thunco cot~tlm~1~ nlo~g s'o~d Uorth Rioht-of-~/ay line, ~lesterly 12G.86 feet (I~LOCK "11') alonfl thu nrc of n circ~lnr, curve concave to tho llorth, hnvlnD n radius of (BLOCK (DLOCK "K") thence contltmlng along sold florth Rlght-of-l~ay line of Lakc~od Iloulevard, Ves~erly 13.~1 feet along the arc of D. clrcuIar curve concave to the North having a radius of I)5~).28 feet, subtended by a chord ~4)lch bears North 7G'-08'-i7" ~est 13.21 feet; thence Nort~es:erly along said Rlght-of-~ay l~ne, 5~.7~ feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the flor:haas:, having a radlus subtended by a chord ~vh~ch bears )Iorth 37'-117"115.5''.~est 5~.21 feet; thence North 0'-17'-11)" ~est 23G.00 feet to a point on ~he ~est 1)ne Und)v)de~ Block re,q,, o~'sa)d Lak~od Unit Iio.1 for the Place o~ Ocglnn)ng of Block 'H~ hereln describe; thane& along the ~est line o~ said Block'q'~, North 0'-17~-I!1' ~est i~7.q2 feet; thence Northerly 2~.38 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the East, having a red)us of.lllO.O0 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North 1'-)~5'-57" East 29.38 fee:; thence Northeasterly 37.qB feet along the arc of aci rcular curve concave to the Southeast~ hay'lng a radius of 25.00 feet, subtended by a chord which bears Nor'th ~G'-qS~-57'~ East 3)~.07 feet$ thence along the.))orth 1lee o~.sald Block North 8~'-~2'-~&" East 79.01 feet; thence South 0'-17'-1q'~ East 200.00 feet; the~e South 8D'-q2~-qG'' ~est 105.00 ~eet to the Place Jif ~eglnnlng; being a part of Block ~'~" of said Lake~od Unlt No.1; conta'lnlng 0.~8 Acres ~ore or less) ALSO co~enclng at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block ,p. o~ Lake~od ~No. ! according to the plat thereof as recorded )n Plat Rook 12, pages 7, 8/ and D,' Records of the Clerk of the CIrcul( Court, Collier County, Florida; thence along the. Sbuth line of sald'B)ock "P", ~esterly 127.81 feet along the ~r~,of a circular curve concave to the South, having a radius of i~i)0.00 f~et, subtended by a chord ~;hlch bears South 8D'~35~-21~' &~est 127~77 feet; thence along the Horth Right-of-Way line of Loke~d ~oulevard~ S~mth 87'-01'-~3" ~est ~3.21 feet; thence c~ntlnulng along sald'Horth Rlght-of-VAy line, easterly 12&.SG feet along thm arc of a circular curve concave to the North, baying ~ radius' of aSq.28 feet, subtended by a chord which bear~ ~orth 81)*-~8'-17'' %'est )2&.q5 feat; .thence continuing along said I(orth R)ght-o~-Uay line o~.Lake~ood Boulmvard, ~esterly 13.21 feet alan9 the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the North, havlng a rad'lus of qSq.2B feet, subtended by a chord whlch bear~ ))orth 76'-0B'-17" ~est 13.21 fe~t to a point on the South.line of Undivided Block *'Q" of sold Lakewood Unlt Ho. I for the PtACE OF BEGINNING of Block "J" herein described; ' thence Northwesterly al~ng sold ~ght-of-~ay line, 5~.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, 'having a radius of qSq.28 feet, subtended by a chord which bears Horth 37'-q7'-~5.5" ~'est 553.21 feet; thence North 0'-17'-1q" Vest 21G.00 feet} thence North 8~'-/)2"-qG'' East i05~00 feet; thence South 0'-17'-1q" East 21G.00. feet; thence South 12'-qT'-qG'* East 151.30' feet; thence South 37'-q8'-17" East 1~1.20 feet; · . thence South.62*-I~8*-i7'* East 151.20 fe~t; .... thence South lll'-~l'-q)'* g'est 105.00 feet to the Place of belng a part o~ Block "Q" of said Lake~o(l Unit ~Io. i, Cell')er C~unty, Florida; contalnlng 1.8~ Acres more or less;, _.. ALSO co~enclng at the Southeast corner of Undlv~ded Block m~P'~ o~ Lak~od U~i~ lie. I accordlng to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Cook 12, pa(le~ 7, 8 ~nd ~, Records o~ the Clerk of the Clrcult Court, Co111er County, thence along th~ South Ilea of ~ald ~1oc~ 'P", &lemterly 127.81 feet th~ arc of n clrctmlnr curve concave to the Sotm'th, hnvlng a radius I)m)O.O0 feet, subtended by a chord ~.;hIch bears South 89~-35~-21'' 127.77 feet: thence South 2~-5B'-17'' East 80.00 feet to tho llorth line of 0lock of sold L~k~d Unit lie. I m,d the PLACE OF eEGIN~IHG of Block herel n dnscrlt,ed~ thence South ~'-58'-17" East 105.00 thence II(~rt~ 2'*-PB~'17'' ~'t~st ~3.83 feet) . . .r ..... ;'~.; %:."_. !1 (BLOCK "~') (BLOCR thence Horth I1'-~'-~1'~ East 2~.7! feet; ' thence~asterly 137.30 f~et along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Ilorth, having a radius o~ 53~.2§ feet, subtended by a chord which bears S~th $5'-3G'-18" Eust J)7.OO feet; thence along the I~orth line of said Block "14', ~orth 87°-OIt-~3' East ~33.21 feet to the Place of Beginning; being a part of 01~k ~' of said Lake~ood Unit R~. i, 'Cailler County, FIorlda; containing 1.ql acres ~re or less; ALSQco~enclng at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block'S* Lak~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book i2, pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Co111er County, Florida; thence along the South 11ne of sold Block 'P', ~esterly 127.81 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, h~ving a radius of !~30.OO feet, subtended by a chord whlch bears South 8~'J35~-21 127.77 feet; thence South 87'-01~-~'' ~est ~33.21 feet; thence South 2~-$8e-17' East.80.OO feet; thence ~esterly 137:~& feet along the arc of acl. rcular cu~e con~ve to the llorth having a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch hears ll~rth 85'-3&~-18'' ~est 1~7..00 feet; thence Northeasterly 12~.55 feat along the arc of a clrRula~ curve .c~cave to the Northeast, having a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended by · chord~hich bears ~lorth 71°-33~-3Z.~~ ~est 12~.2~ feet; thence Northwesterly 1~g.!$ feet.along the arc of..a clrcular curve concave to. the Northeast, having a'radlus of 53~.28. f~et, subtended by a chord~hlc" bears North ~2°-~-17'' ~est ~&.l~ feet for the PLACE OF BECIII~IN~ of Block 'L" herein described; thencb South 3~'-27~-05'' ~est 315~1 .feet; thence South 1~O.67 'feet; thence South 8~e-h2e-$Sn ~est ~0.78 feet; thence North 0°-!?~-0~" ~est 85.00. feet; ' thence ~orth $5°-58~-00' East 163.6I feet;. thence ~lorth 3~°-27~-0&" East 2~5.2~ feet; thence Southeasterly ~3.73 feet along the arc of a circular . curve concave to the Northeast, haling a radius of 53~'.~8 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears Sou'th 5~°-5~'-177 East ~3.60 feet to the Place of Beginning; being a part of Block"H" of said Lak~d Unit ~o..1 and a part of the North 1/2 of Sectlon 12, To~nshlp 5Q South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; containing 1.O7 Acres ~ore o¢ less ALSO co~enclng at the Southeast corner of UndiVided Block ,p. of Lak~d Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded lw Plat B~k 12, pages 7, 8 and D, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; ' thence along the South line of said Block ~p,, ~esterly 127'.81 feet along the nrc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a radlus of 1t~30.O0 feet, s~htended by a chord which bears South 8~'-~5'~21'' ~est 127.77 feet; .thence South 87°-O1'-~O'' ~/est q33.21 feet; · thence South 2'-58~-17'' East 80.00 feet; .' thence Westerly 137.38 feet along the arc of a circular curve . concave to the ~orth, having a radius of 53~.28 feet;.subtended' by a chord which bears Rorth 85°-3~'-18'' ~lest ~37,00 feet; thence Northwesterly 12~.58 feet along the ark of a circular curve concave to the tlortheast, having a r'adlus of 53~.28 fqet, subtended by a chord which bears I1ort~"71'-33~-3~.$'~ %Test 12~.2~ feet; thence North~asterly !~G.15 feet along the aF~ of a circular cu~e concave to the tlortheast having a radius of 53q.28 feet, subtended by a chord )d)ich bears I)orth £2'-2~-17' ~est ImG.l~ feet; the,ce Ilorthwestorly ~3.73 feet along the nrc of'a circular cu~e concave to the Uortheast, havln~l n radius of 53~.28 fee~ subtended by a chord which bears Ilorth 5~'-$q'-17" ~est ~3.60 feet; thence tZortlneesterly IG~.~O feet along the nrc o~ a circular curve cqncave to the Northeast, having a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended by ~ chord ~hifh hears Uorth ~O'~1~7~-~~ ~e~t IGS.G~ feet for the PLACE OF BEGINflltiG OF Dlock e,H,, herein cl~scrihed; (BLOCK "~") t._.__J i -I'' thence South 5'l'-5:Z"-Stl" ~/est 11(>~.$3 feet'; · thence North 28'-!~0~-OO' ~est 182.31 feet~ thence He'th 15'-I~O'-00" ~est ~0.00 feet; .. thence Il°rib 76'-20~-O0' East 185.00 feet~. thence Horth 51'-52~-5~'~ East 313.58 feet; thence Southeasterly 2~s&.6Z feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Horth~st, having a ~adius of 5311.28 feet, ~ubtended by a chord v~hich bears SouCh 18 -30'-00" East. 2q~.2q feet to the Place of Beg;nn};~g; . being a part of the IIorth I/2 of Sect;on 12~ ~ownsh~p 50 Soutb~ ' Range 25 East, Collier County, Fiorlda; containing 2.72 Acres mre or less; ALSO co,eating at the Southwest corner of Undivided ~lock ~i~' o~ Lake~ood ~No. 1 according to the plat thereof as recorded.~n. Plat B~ 12~ pages 7~ 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of t~e Circuit Court~ Coiller C~nty, Florida; thence along the Uesterly prolongation of the Sout~ 1ina Block "~", South 8~*-~2~-55'~ U~st ~83.67 feet; thence along the East 1lee of The G1ades Unit T~ (Plea Boo~ 10, page 88)~ North O'-17'-05" ~lest 73~.7~ feet for the PLACE of Block *'~*~ here~n described; thence North O'-17'-O5" ~est. 125.O0 feet; .. t~ence North 8~'-~2~-55'~ East 58.82 feet; thence ~ortheasterly 21~.~7 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve concave to the 11ort~est, having a radius · ubtended by a chord ~hlch bears No/th 67~-32'-50.5'~ East 21~.30 feet; thence H~rth ~5'-22~-~'' East 58.78 feet;. thence ~ortheasterly 170.23 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 220.00 feet, ~ubter,ded b~ a chord ~hlch bears llorth 67~-~2~-1~'' East IG&.O1 feat; thence'Southeasterly 3~.27 feet along the arc of a circular cu~e concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 25.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~ehlch bears South ~5'r17~-1~' East ~5.3~ feet; thence along the ~es~ Right-of-Way l~ne of Lake~ood Boulevard South O'-17'-1~" Ebst 73.1~2 feet; thence South 5~a-~-~2' ~est 33G.~0 feet; thence South 8~'-~t2'-55" ~est 2OO.~0 feet to the Place of Beginning; b~ing a part of the Horth 1/2 of Section 12, T~ns~Ip Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; containing 1.q~ Acres more or less; commencing at the ~lortheast corner of undlvlded'B1oc~ "R" ~f Lakewood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded Sn Plat Book 12, pag&s 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; thence along the North line of sald elock"R'~, South 8~°-~2'-q&''west $~0.32 feet; thence South 28'-5~'-~6' ~est 21~.70 feet; thence South ~*-q2'-~&' ~est ~0.~8 feet; thence. South O'-17~-1~' East ~.1~ feet; thence along the South line of said Block ~, North 8~'-~2~-~~ East 265.7~ feet; thence Southeasterly 212.~1 feel'along the arc of a circular curve (BLOCK 'P")ALSO e~ncave to the Southwest, having a radius of 21iO.OO fee. t, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears ~outh 6~'-$2'-2:3'~ East 2~.O0 f. qetL' '' thence Soptheasterly 121.(;2 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South~vest, havln~ a radius of 2tiO.O0 feet, subtended · by a chord ~d~lch'bears South 21t -~;~'-27..5' East 120.33 feet; thence Set, th IO°-25~-23' East 20.00 feet for the Place bf 13eglnn~ng of Block ~'P" herein described; -" thence North 7~'-3~'-37'' East IOO.O0 feet; thence South 10~-25'-2~3' East 128.~$ feet; '. · . thence South 79°-3~'-37'' ~/est 105.20 feet; ~ thence IJortherly 85.37 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve I~tcave to the Sot, th~est, bnvlng, n rad;us of 700.00 foot, . I~00~ {~0 PACEd, blended by a chord ~.d~ich bears Horth G*-55'-~,$'' ~est 85.31 feet; thence Ilorth IO~-25~-2:3' 1Jest 1~3.$1 feut to the Place c~f l~eglnnSng; heln.q n Imrt or Block'S' of said Lake~eood Unit No. l; cont~ln~ng 0.30 Acra.~ ~ore or less; all of tim roro~jolng being part of Block ~q~', part of Block ~P'~ p~rt of l~l~ck ~ ~ pert (~f Itlo. ck R ~ nmi pert of i~lock '$'~ of said Pl~t of Lak(t~sod Unlt Iio, I~ (Pl'nt a~k 1~, pn~es 7, 8 ami D)~ Collier County, I'l~rl de; Ami Imin~ ~ Imrt of tim /Iorth I/~ of Sactloh 12, Tc~shlp 50 S~th, II SECTION TWOI This Orainance repeals Orainance 79-66 and is aaopte~ t° correct a typographicalerror in Ordinance ?9-66. SECTION Tt[REE~ " This Orainance shall become e~fective upon receipt of notice that it .has been file~ by the Secretary of State. DATE: November. 20, 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA I, WILLL~I J, REAGAN, Clerk o£ Courts in and for the .Twentieth Juflfctal Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certiTF t~at the forego~n~ is a true original of: ORDD~NCE NO. 7g-94 which was adopted by the Bo.ara o£ County Com~issi~ners dur .~ng P.z~ular Session November 20, 1979. I'ffTNF~ my hand and t~e of£tcial seal of the Board of County Comdssioners of Collier County, Florida, this 20~h day of November, lg7g;, This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 27th day'of Hovember, 1979 and acknowledgement of the filing received this 29th day of~kvember lg79.. ' -Dej~y ClerE (Virj~d~qia Magri