Ordinance 79-093 ORDINANCE NO. 79-..93._ · CO~D IN SAID S~C~IONS F[O~ HIGH VIDING ~ E~CTI~ DA~. ~EKEAS, the Board of Counc7 Comn~ssioners have.che auchoriCy Co adopC maS=el co procecc ~he health, welfare, v~sitors ~d residents of ~llier Co~Cy, Flori~ by pro- vidin~ for safe and reliable cons=rut=ion of bu~ldtnEs ~h~n Collier Co~=y, and ~S, the Board of Co~=y Co~ssfoners finds some inconsis=encies e~s= .~=hin =he current butldinS code as it relates ~o =he establis~nc of a fire dis=tic=, and as it rela=es =o the =~e of b~ldin~s the= are all~ed be buil= ~=hin such fire d~s=r~c.c, and ~~, =his si=~=ion c~nS=i=u=es an emer~enc~ affectS, ns =he heal=h, welfare, and safety of =he cici~ns, residents and ~siCors of Collier Co~cy, Flori~.-- NO~ ~FO~, BE IT O~AI~D BY ~ BO~ OF 20~ CO~ISSIO~ OF CO~IER CO~, ~ORIDA, Sec=~on 1: Sec=ion (2) of Collier Co~=y Ordinance No. 76- 68 as i= rela=es =o ~he adop=~on of =he Sc~dard B~ldinS Code, Sec=ion 301.4(c) tree=ins a fire d~s=ric2 for pu~oses of =he build,ns code ~s hereby amended =o read as follows: (G) Sec=~on 301.4(c). For =he p~oses of =his Code, there is hereby es=ablished a fire dis=rice. follow[ns zones as ind[ca~ed on the zoninS ~ps of Collier Co~=y, Flor[~, are ~h~n ~he escablished fire d[s=r~c~: Zones "CC", "PC", "GRC", "CI", '"I". ~n~ ~e "~" "II", "III", "IV" ~d construction as provided in Sections 602, 603, 60~, 605 and 606 of the Standard Building Code, are hereby required for buildings erected in the established fire Section 2: Section (2) of Collier County Ordinance 76-68 as i= amended Sec=ion 404.5 of the Standard Building Code is hereby amended as follows: (H) Sec=ion 4Q4,~ Special Requirements, Group Occupancy.. Section 3: Sec=ion (1) of Collier County Ordinance No. 76-68 as i= adopts as amended Sec=ion 506 of =he Standard Building Code is amended =o read as follows: (J) Section 506. Special Provisions for ai~h Eisa Group "R" Occupancy and Group "B'I Business Buildings: Scope. These requirements apply to buildings housing "B" - Offices and Group "R" - Occupancies. Buildings having floors used for h~an occupancy located more =hen 36 fee= in height, excluding elevator and equip- men= towers, shall conform =o =he requirements of this sec=ion in addition =o other applicable require- ments of this Code. Sec=ion 4: Be it declared that an emergency exists and =he iu~nedfa=e enactment of =his Ordinance is necessary, therefore, no=ice requirements are waived and =his Ordinance shall effect inmmdia=ely upon its placement ~n the United mail =o =he Secretary of Sec=ion 5: If any sec=ion, subset=ion, sentence, clause or provision of =his Ordinance is held invalid, =he remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 6: Any individual aggrieved by a decision of an adm~nistra=ive official in =he enforcement of this Ordinance shall be afforded =he rights of appeal and review as embodied wi=bin Special Ac=s, Chapter 67-1233, as embodied in Section 7-1 through 7-11 of =he Collier County Code. Sec=ion ?: The Clerk of =his Board is hereby directed cause this Ordinance co be published within ~en (10) days'of this effective, daCe in a daily newspaper of general circula~£on. PASSED~I~D DULY ADOPTED by che Board of Court=2 Commissioners of Collier County, Florida on this 13th day of November, 1979.  COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,~.,\.~.p/ ,i,,. ~ ~ I, ~IAM J. RFAGAN, Clerk of Courts in' and for the TWentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 79-93 which was adopted by the Board of Coun~ Commissi~ durintl Reeler ~ession NovembeP 1~ 1979 . . WITNE~ my hand and the official seal of the Board of Count~ Oa,iMssioners of Collier Count-/, Florida, ~ts . lSth day of Norther, 1979. i WILLIAM $. REAGAN Clerk o£ Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of Count~Cam~i s s loners ! This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 20th Day of November, 1979 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 26th/~a.v of November, 1979.