CAC Agenda 04/14/2011 R CAC REGULAR MEETING AGENDA APRIL 14, 2011 i _I 14, 201 NDA &. N GENDA COASTAL RY CO THURSDAY, APRIL 14, BOARD Of COUNTY COMMIS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EA Sunshine law on A PUBLIC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Aile III. Roll Call IV. Changes and al of Agenda V. Public: Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. March 10. 2011 VII. Staff Reports 1. EXDanded Revenue ReDort 2. Project Cost ReDort 3. Project Status * Wiggins Pass Dredging * Naples Beach Renourishment * Jetty at Doctors Pass 4. Outfall Pipes - Renourishment Permit rial 6. 195 10 Year Plan 7. fiscal Year 11/12 Proposed BudClet B. Fiscal Year 11/12 Grant AI,lDlications a. BackuD Material I I _I 9. FDEP PermittinCl Status XII. Adjournment All in if please are a person with a disability proceeding, you are entitled, at no Collier County Facilities Management (239) 252-8380. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esq., Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attome~0 March 18,2010 FROM: DATE: RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary, the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. VoL 31) provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 2010. The related back-up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, March 10,2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond (Excused) Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack Randy Moity ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples CACApril14,2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 8 I. Call to Order Vice-Chairman Pires called the meeting to order at 1 :08 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following additions: . VII.10 - Vanderbilt Beach Facilities update . x'3. - Public Notice for CAC Applications . XA. - Applications for CAC Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. Gary McAlpin noted Item VII.9 may be heard early in the meeting, as Mr. Keehn of Coastal Planning and Engineering has a time constraint. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. January 13, 2011 Mr. Moreland moved to approve the minutes of the January 13,2011 meeting. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2010 - 2011 " updated through February 2011. Chairman Sorey arrived at 1:23 pm and assumed the Chair. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 2010/2011 TDC Category A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through March 1,2011. 3. Clam Bay Marker Status Gary McAlpin provided a copy of his emai1 to Collier County Staff members dated January 28, 2011 and an email from Ryan Moreau, Planner, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission dated 3/2/11 - "Subject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group Material," and included related backup documents outlining the composition, goals, and status of the Stakeholder Discussion Group. He noted there was a Stakeholder meeting on February 17, 2011 with a second meeting scheduled for March 15, 2011. CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 3 of 8 4. Wiggins Pass Dredging - Update Gary McAlpin noted Southwind Construction Corporation was approved to complete the scope of work at a price of $750,000 and the work is currently being undertaken. 9. Naples/Park Shore/Vanderbilt Conceptual Study and Renourishment- Update Stephen Keehn, Coastal Planning and Engineering presented the Slideshow "Collier County 2006 - 2010 Beach Performance & Hot Spot Identification," which outlined the status of the Beach Renourishment Study being currently undertaken by Staff and Consultants. Gary McAlpin noted: . Staff and consultants are in the process of preparing the Plan for the major beach renourishment to be performed on Collier County and City of Naples Public Beaches. . The previous plan for renourishment incorporated a "standardized" design for the areas to be renourished. . The Plan for the future beach renourishment will be more "site specific." . Staff intends to return the Plan within the next 90 days to the Coastal Advisory Committee, a Workshop may be held to aid in finalizing the Plan. . A similar study is underway for the Marco Island Beaches. The Committee determined to hear Item #7 next. 7. Wiggins Pass Straightening Engineering Status Gary McAlpin noted: . The County has prepared a Plan to stabilize Wiggins Pass by "straightening" the Pass through "soft engineering. . An application was submitted to FDEP and the first Request for Additional Information (RAI) seeks the provision of 4 additional studies (Environmental Impact Statement, Inlet Management Plan, Modeling of the Ebb Tide Shoal and related geo technical surveys.) . The cost of the Scope of Work to address the studies sought in the RAI is $177,000, however the Board of County Commissioners requested Staff to contact FDEP to obtain a "commitment," if the studies were completed, that a permit would be issued. . The BCC also raised the issue whether "soft engineering" will be successful and if a "hard engineering" solution should be considered. . The cost to complete the work proposed to stabilize the Pass is approximately $3.5M - 4.0M. . Staff is in the process of determining how to proceed on the issue. . An update will be provided at a future CAC meeting. CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 8 Mr. Moreland, Chairman of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee expressed concern regarding the length of time of the permit process. As identified by the Boating Community, it is a navigational safety issue and delaying the process is not in the best interest of the County. Speaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the goals of the Plan to stabilize the Pass are promoting safety, minimizing erosion on the south end of Barefoot Beach, lengthening the dredge cycle, and minimize environmental damage all in a cost effective manner. She was disappointed that the BCC was not convinced that "soft engineering" may meet the goals of the Plan, and noted the previous Wiggins Pass Subcommittee, comprised of Stakeholders, agreed this was the most optimal solution for meeting the goals for the stabilization of the Pass. She submitted a copy of the white paper "Western Carolina University Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines" and "A Fiscal Analysis of Shifting Inlets and Terminal Groins in North Carolina" prepared by Andrew S. Coburn, of Western Carolina University. These studies endorse "soft engineering" solutions and should be reviewed by any parties interested in this matter (CAC members, FDEP, BCC Members, etc.) She recommended a meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee be convened to discuss the matter. Gary McAlpin noted a meeting with FDEP has not yet been scheduled and all appropriate parties should be able to attend. He hopes to place the item on a BCC Agenda in approximately 60 days. 5. Naples Berm Renourishment - Update Gary McAlpin noted the work is underway south of Doctors Pass, with the completion slated for April 1, 2011. The potential long term solution to preventing the erosion from continually occurring in the area will be addressed in the Naples/Park Shore/Vanderbilt Conceptual Study for Beach Renourishment. 6. Doctors Pass Jetty - Update Gary McAlpin noted the project is 25% complete with a total of3800 tons of rock to be placed. 8. Easement Status Gary McAlpin noted: . The BCC directed Staff to prepare a proposed Easement Agreement for execution between private property owners and the County to permit public beach access, for areas where public funds are expended for beach renourishment on private property. . The Tourist Development Council recommended the BCC not approve the proposed agreement (the CAC previously approved the agreement in concept with conditions.) . Staff will seek direction from the Board of County Commissioners. CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5 of 8 10. Vanderbilt Beach Restrooms Update Gary McAlpin noted: . The BCC had directed Staff to proceed with the design and permitting of an elevated restroom/concession facility at Vanderbilt Beach. . Residents in the area are not in favor of an elevated structure so the BCC requested Staff inquire with FEMA on the feasibility of building the structure "at grade." . FEMA indicated the "at grade" facility would jeopardize the status of Collier County property owners who have FEMA Flood Insurance. . Staff will seek direction from the BCC within 60 days. VIII. New Business 1. Clam Bay Site Specific Water Quality a. Proposal Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary, and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" dated March 10,2011 and document "Additional Work Request Contract # 09-5262-CZ" dated March 7, 2011 for consideration. He noted the County is proposing to develop Site Specific Water Quality Criteria for Clam Bay, and the item is provided for information purposes; however the CAC may provide a recommendation. The Purchasing Department advised Staff that they are in compliance with County Purchasing policies. The Pelican Bay Foundation is partnering with the County in the proposaL Mr. Pires expressed concern the decision to award the Scope of Work when it was not completed in accordance with the Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act, and the proposed contract has not complied with required purchasing policies. Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples noted the Naples City Council may be undertaking similar proposals, as any approved water quality criteria may have an impact on Naples Bay and Moorings Bay. Moorings Bay is interconnected with Clam Bay, so any criteria established for Clam Bay will have an impact on Moorings Bay, and the water quality criteria preliminarily identified by the Department of Environmental Protection may be unattainable for Naples Bay. Speaker Marcia Cravens expressed concern on the proposed expenditures, as PBS&J is being paid to duplicate services to review data on the Clam Bay System. Their initial studies indicate the water quality in the system is "better than the mean" for all Florida Estuaries, while their subsequent studies indicate that there "was a problem" with the water quality in the system. Historic and CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 60f8 current data indicates the system meets Florida Department of Environmental Protections standards for water quality. Caitlin Weber, Conservancy of Southwest Florida expressed concern that the scope of work may be premature, as the revised numeric nutrient criteria to be established by the Environmental Protection Agency have not been officially released. Gary McAlpin noted although the required EP A numeric nutrient criteria have not yet been officially established, the County is attempting to initiate a "pre-emptive strategy." The Agencies have reacted favorably to the County's input on the matter. Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site- specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" and the "Additional Work Request Contract # 09- 5262-C.Z." Second by Mr. Moreland. Motion carried 8 'yes" -1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no. " Mr. Pires indicated his "no" vote was predicated on issues concerning the policies of the Collier County Purchasing Department and the input provided by Caitlin Weber. 2. Talking Points for Secretary Vinyard/Scott Gary McAlpin provided the document "Collier County Coastal Permitting Experiences, " which outlines Staff concerns on the process of obtaining environmental permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Chairman Sorey recommended Committee members email comments or suggestions to Staff to assist them in further developing the talking points. Speaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the system always may be improved but expressed concern on the "tone" of the "talking points." Gary McAlpin noted he intends the document to be "positive" in nature and welcomes others input on experiences/issues, including that of the Conservancy. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 70f8 1. Public Notice for 2011- 2012 Category "A" Grant Application Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the public notice "Coastal Advisory Committee Accepting Category "A" Grant Applications Collier County, Florida" dated February 16,2011 for information purposes. 2. Lessons from Gulf spill slipping away Gary McAlpin provided a copy of an email from Wayne Waldack dated February 14, 2011, Subject: "Gulf Oil Leak - Lessons Learned??" for information purposes. 3. Public Notice for CAC Applications Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the Press Release issued by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), seeking applications for vacant seats on County Advisory Committees, including the Coastal Advisory Committee. 4. Applications for CAC Gary McAlpin Announcements provided a copy of a memo to him from Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager, Board of County Commissioners dated March 10, 2011 which identified Mr. James Burke, Mr. David Roellig and Mr. Theodore J. Raia as applicants to fill vacancies on the Coastal Advisory Committee. Speaker Marcia Cravens addressed the Committee and expressed concern no Committee member present has expertise in the area of Coastal Planning or Marine Biology. When a recommendation is made to the BCC for new members to be appointed to sit on the CAC, existing members strongly consider applicants who have this background. XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Moreland recommended members of the Committee take a tour of Wiggins Pass. It was determined individual tours would be most practical, and any member who wishes to take a tour should contact staff. Chairman Sorey noted he and Dr. Bauer continue to work on the concept of "Habitat Islands" in Naples Bay and noted FDEP is willing to meet with the City of Naples on the issue. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location April 14, 2011 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor CAC April 14. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 80f8 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:42 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended ~ '" ~t:: DO No. - <ll ;:!:o:: ~~ 0._ <((J)~ ~~O o>~ C ..........(1).., oS ~~::~ u aiN"';O~ CU 01")0. '0 ..........'11"'0 0: :!.. ~ ::!"' ::!"' ............ .... .... <:) N I <:) .... <:) N >- u.. .. ..........CDii'~ u c :..~:..:..~.. .2 ~ 1ft CICI 10...... tIIt......-~ .. .a u 0( .. ::l ~ ~ ~ .li c c = ~..~..~.. 0( "M 'lit M ~ CIOOlOtO ........CIOOCl .., .. .. .. ......"I""N .. ......... :; E E ::l (.) ;; '" ." ::l III .. gClOOOOOggggg .. ::l .. c i :i:..~..~..~..g..~..:..~..~;:..~.. .. c Q 0( CIO"~=~~g::;~:g:~ .. .~ .. : ~.. ~.. :i ~ :;.. :;.. ~.. ;:.. ~ ~.. :i :i i .............."................... .. ::l E E ::l (.) 1:: o Co Gl 0::: Gl :J C Gl > Gl 0::: >< CIl I- ... III .;: :J o I- .. u c ~ .. > t;~~:~i ~~~~~i =~~~E~ Nq .. ::l U 0( >- :2 'E o ::0 [t;~:~a~ :..:.. ~.. ~ ~ ~.. : a a a : a !;;:~~ctU)..o.. ..tilt...;;:;::. ~ .; I ~ ,. .. 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U) -' ~ ~ CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1 New Business 1 of4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Review of CAC Applicants OBJECTIVE: To make a recommendation to the BCC for appointments to the Coastal Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: Two CAC seats are vacant representing the unincorporated area of Collier County. County Ordinance indicates that Advisory Boards and councils are encouraged to make recommendation on vacancies on their board or Council. Attached is a recap of the applicants for this vacancy. Please review these applicants with the goal to make recommendations for appointment to this CAC vacancy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County Ordinance indicates that staff is not to make recommendations for County Commission appointments. RECOMMENDATION: To review applicants and make recommendations for appointment to these CAC vacancies. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM en en ~ Ql DC N'Vi - :J ~CJ := ~ ~ Ql ~Z O~'<t .... C 0 <(~b ~ 0 .... O>N C +i "C n:l C ..n u n:l CI1 ::J III III "C llO III CI1 C CI1 .... +i u 0 C CI1 ... n:l CI1 Q. > E CI1 n:l a:; "C .... ... C III CI1 n:l in :I:: 0 E u n:l ~ n:l 0 ... .... llO .... .~ 0 III ... III > Q. CI1 .... .s::. c .~ llO ~ u C ::J III E .5 '~ n:l "C OJ - .... C III C U CI1 n:l 0 ... s::: Q. CI1 in CO ::J .... ... s::: "C .5 n:l .- CI1 "C ::: -c III CI1 n:l n:l .... > r... .c n:l 0 ... ,~ "C .... C III CI1 C ::J r... :E 0 E OJ E E E c.. CI1 CI1 0 * III "C u III n:l ... C CI1 0 .... .c Ill' c - E CI1 n:l n:l E .s::. ... CI1 iii III llO > CI1 0 (5 .... ... c CI1 Q. > CI1 ~ .... c E E c "C C E CI1 C llO E n:l 'iij 0 CI1 III U llO Q. n:l III n:l 'iij CI1 :c c ... .... n:l CI1 CI1 .... E "C Q. - n:l E 0 ~ n:l 0 Q. .... cu u :c III "C n:l U III 0 C C ... u CI1 n:l CI1 .c , '~ CI1 E III CI1 ~ .!::! 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"'O~~ 3~::r: o Q) . ~ ~~g ro 0 2 0::1 ;;.-. c;J ~ 1:: s::: u &.8 ~~o ~~~ Ul ;... ro ~ o - I If) "'0 Q) ~ u :.a .S .... o Z 00 o - ~ ~ ("'f) ,..,.. "<1"~ ro -0"'0 ~ "<1" .t:: u"";,9 :.= c.. ~ Q) ~ ~ 0... :'~ t"--"'O-;::: - ;> ~ [::iiiz ro .~ ~ ~ Q) ;... o "'0 o Q) ..s::: r-- e e - CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 1 of9 Board of County commiSSioners. .~.... .'. -..! 3301 East Tamiami Trail . .1 Naples,FL34112 ~.,\'l.~ fI,: .-- (239) 252-8606 . ....... "."~' ".' /? Fax: (239) 252-6406 '. ,,_ '..' '...:.....'....'..... :'.' -'J '. . .1 pplication for Advisory Committees/Boards it 7'< J n #3' Name:~ uR Ie! :fA lfJ ES I5LJ R. J V Home Phone: !"q~31 t.p Home Address: S"rO I C tJ:vn ~ IJa.. :# .fD f Zip Code: ~ ''L 1 of :::::; Employment' c::.:::::q~;~~~~ <>f,";;;,&~~E RO~::ua;'L~tA Board or CommUtee AppUed fo," (u L l-lJ I' leu Ilq GlIt Snf l AI.lIt/S"'(f din"" 1I1tE Category (if applicable): Example: Commission District, Developer, environmentalist, lay person, etc. How long have you lived in Collier County: Years: \"3 Months:_ Are you a registered voter in Collier County: Yes L No_ eommISS'dYU1 Do you currently hold public office? &es ~ No _. If so, what is that office? IV N 1= C> No~~ NrtP~~ ~ _,Scttf rj)J.S:dt..iCT ---' Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the Law? Yes_ No ~ If yes, explain: Do you or your employer do business with tbe County? Yes _ No _ If yes, under what circumstances? Would you and/or any organizations with ~m you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by tbis advisory board? Yes_No If yes, please list tbe organizations: NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationsbip changes relating to membersbips of organizations tbat may benefit tbem in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. Do you now serve, or bave you ever served, on a Collier County board or committee? Yes.L No_If yes, please list the c, ommitteeslboards: _ ,. . CO /""l '1& ~l VlD VI rOO r /J., . " LL.' r NOW S.tJ2W otV \~ \. C(,Ll\4-1 VlVry L 0 1'<.,}'1" IV <,). ,- f...{)MtI':ll t.;.G It . e CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 2 of 9 JIM BURKE 5801 Glencove Drive, #508 Naples, FL 34108 239 598-3140 email:therightperson71@comcast.net . North Naples Fire & Rescue District Board of Commissioners, 2008 to present. . Collier County Fire Service Steering Committee, Vice President, 2008 to present. · Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, (CAC), 4th year. . Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) Board of Directors 8 years. o Chairman - Government Relations o Past Chairman & Vice Chairman. o Past Chairman, PBSD Clam Bay Committee . Founding Member, Secretary-Treasurer, Citizens Transportation Coalition of Collier County. (CTCCC) . Collier County District 2 Advisory Committee - Active Participant. (This committee is currently inactive) . Collier County Republican Executive Committee - Pct. Alternate. . Glencove in Pelican Bay Condo Association o Board President - 3 years o Board Member - 5 years . St. William Church, Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree o Youth Director o Past Deputy Grand Knight o Past Membership Director . Collier Harvest Volunteer, 10th year. . Retired - Management Background with Proctor & Gamble, Holiday Inn Hotels Co., Promus Hotels. . BS, Industrial Relations, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY . Widowed, 5 Children, 10 grand children. . Pelican Bay Property Owner since 1987, Full time Resident since 08/98. 02/16/38 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 3 of 9 e Please list your community activities (civic clubs, neighborhood associations, etc. and positions held: Education: Experience: e Please attach any additiono.l information you feel pertinent. This application should be forwarded to Sue Filson, Executive Manager to the Board of County Commissioners, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112. lfyou wish, please fax your application to (239)252-6406 or e-mail to suelilson(ii>.t:ollief'l{ov.neL Thank you for volunteering to serve the citizens of Collier County. e CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 4 of 9 Mitchelllan .rom: ent: To: Subject: dsroellig@naples.net Monday, February 28, 2011 9:52 AM Mitchelllan New On-line Advisory Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 2/28/2011 9:51:36 AM. Name: pavid Roelligj Home Phone: ~39-594-2210/ Home Address: ~OOO Pelican Bay Blvd. #5041 City: lNaple~ Zip Code: ~41 081 Phone Numbers Fax: Business: ~39-594-221 01 It-Mail Address: Board 1 Committee Applied for: lCoastal Advisory Commirte~ Category: lNot indicate~ Work Place: lRetirecil How long have you lived in Collier County: Imore than 151 Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ lNot Indicate~ Do you or your employer do business with the County? ~ 1N0t Indicated! NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. e Would you andlor any organizations with whom you are affiliated benefit from decisions or 1 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 5 of 9 recommendations made by this advisory board? ~ 40t lndicate~ Are you a registered voter in Collier County? IYesl Do you currently bold public office? IH2J Do you currently or ever served on a Collier County Board or Committee? IYesl Education: I1.B.S. Geology, Wayne State University 2. Numerous coastal conferences and semin~ e 2 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 6 of 9 Mitchelllan .rom: ent: To: Subject: tedraia@yahoo.com Tuesday, March 08, 201110:19 PM Mitchelllan New On-line Advisory Board Application Submitted Advisory Board Application Form Collier County Government 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239)252-8606 Application was received on: 3/8/201110:18:51 PM. Name: ~-heodore 1. Rai~ ~39-594-28511 ~117 Pelican Bay Blvd., Apt. 404\ lNaple~ 1341081 Pho'nc herS Fax: siness: _Mail Address: ~edraia(a)vahoo.con~ Board I Co:nnnitteeApplied for: !coastal Advisory committe~ Category: !Not indicated! ~ Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the law? ~ !Not Indicated! Do you or your employer do bWliness with the ~ounty? ~ !Not Indicated! e Would you and/or any organizations with whoJr( you are aff'illated benefit from 'decisions ~r 1 -. CAC April 14. 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 7 of 9 recommendations made by this adviscuy board? ~ ~ ~ ~ !pelican Bay Service Divisio~ Education: IB.s., M.D.I Board, Town of Harvard, MA 3 ears Board of Zonin A eals 3 ears Conservatio e e 2 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 80f9 1. Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 (239) 252-8606 Fax: (239) 252-6406 &-tC~1 ~~". :.it.-- /;\. . _ .--. _.1 -.' _ __<'# '.\ ---- - ---- ~.";. .::j " 1M;1 --Application for Advisory Committees/Boards' Name: Joseph A. Moreland Home Address: 5821 Cinzano Court Fax No. Business Phone: Jmorel24U~@AuL.com Place of Employment: Retired Board or Committee Applied for: Costal Advisory Category (if applicable): Example: Commission District, Developer, environmentalist, lay person, etc. Home Phone: 239348 1546 Zip Code: 34119_ e-mail address: How long have you lived in Collier County: Years: 13 _ Months: _ Are you a registered voter in Collier County: Yes _ Do you currently hold public office? Yes _ _ If so, what is that office? Member of Costal AdVISOry CommIttee Have you ever been convicted of any offense against the Law? No If yes, explain: Do you or your employer do business with the County? No If yes, under what circumstances? N/A - - Would you ~d/or any organizations with whom you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendatIons made by this advisory board? Yes?_ No_ If yes, please list the organizations: Pelican Isle Yacht Club NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notifY the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County. If Do you now serve, or have you ever served, on a Collier County board or committee? Yes If yes, please list the committeeslboards: COSTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE VIII-1-a New Business 9 of 9 Please list your community activities (civic clubs, neighborhood associations, etc. and positions held: Commodor Pelican Isle Yacht Club Costal Advisory Committee Vineyards Board of Directors ( Treasurer) Board, Habitat for Humanity (Construction, Mentor) Guardian Ad Litem20th Judicial District ~catiol~ LL~Universi~ofVin1;:lf<' ia~~.2' LLB, - & .Virginia Coll~~e.QfLaVll, U- BS. U, In strIa a eme and Ul. or. e lIons - Itel1 to ra tI~ tlefor the .S. uP1:eme ~ourt, - .~(a}rmY omman an enerat Statl1 gmge, - ~e~ns ttanguage InstItute resldo 0 Monteray (jerman ~xp~rie~e: ~reSid~u..tial A~PPi~et1t as ChW:1~t:m~~'J2 the Federal.Executive G.tvlce, e u ener \.,.:Q s tor yrronm t Irs . e .ot(;ommerce, lrecto~ 1 BAf ICe Q?, IVIPflie ensc;; lfe~tor~. '.. lC~ 0 e enf~tWlzatlOn repareuness; Imstrator t1mted :states FIre AdmmlstratlOn. Please attach any additional information you feel pertinent. This application should be forwarded to Sue Filson, Executive Manager to the Board of County Commissioners, 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Naples, FL 34112. Jfyou wish. please fax your application to (239)252-6406 or e-mail tosuefilson(cl)Co!lierllov.net. Thank you for volunteering (0 serve the citizens Of Collier County. CAC April 14, 2011 VIlI-2 New Business 1 of3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Endorse the recommendation of the Clam Bay markers work group for the marking of Clam Bay and recommend staff to proceed with the required permit applications including the FWC, USACE, and the USCG. OBJECTIVE: Endorse the recommendation of the Clam Bay markers work group for the marking of Clam Bay and authorize staff to proceed with the required applications including the FWC, USACE, and the USCG. CONSIDERATIONS: On January 13, 2011, the CAC recommended that Collier County not move forward with the permit application or installation of navigational markers in Clam Bay due to additional and unexpected costs being added to the project by the permitting agencies. The CAC further recommended that the County petition the USACE to close the 1998 permit noting that the County has acted in good faith to come into permit compliance but that the denial of timely and cost effective permits from FDEP, the USCG and FWC has prevented this from happening. Additionally, the CAC also recommended that the County, Pelican Bay and Seagate community jointly meet and resolve the marking of Clam Bay to facilitate safety and overall community acceptance. This position was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their January 25, 2011 meeting as Agenda Item 10J. Two public meetings were held to discuss the marking plan. The first meeting was held on 2/17/2011 and the second 3/15/2011. The following stakeholder group was developed to participate in the discussion and speak for their respective communities. In addition, the public was offered the opportunity to speak at each meeting. The stake holder group included: . John Sorey - Vice Mayor for the City of Naples /CAC Chairman . Ernie Wu - President of the Seagate Homeowners Community . Steve Feldhaus - Secretary of the Pelican Bay Foundation . Keith Dallas - Chairman of the Pelican Bay Services Division . Mary Johnson - President of the Mangrove Action Committee . Kathy Worley - Environmental Specialists from the Conservancy . Marsha Cravens - Audubon Society of SW Florida . Gary McAlpin, Marla Ramsey and Pamela Keyes from the County This stakeholder group with the exception of the Seagate community endorsed the attached marking plan. This plan has the following key comments: 1. The marking system will be informational markers and not navigational markers. FWC is the lead agency that will permit the marker system since they are primarily responsible for waterway signage. The permit will be issued by FWC contingent on review and concurrence by USACE and the USCG. Both the CAC April 14, 2011 VIIl-2 New Business 20f3 USACE and the USCG have concurrent jurisdiction for this waterway and a permit from both agencies will also be required. A permit, review or concurrence from FDEP is not required. 2. Clam Bay is a multi-use route. Kayakers, canoes, boaters and swimmers all use the same estuary and route. FWC has determined through review with its legal department that the proposed marking system would not prevent any access or use of this estuary by any user. 3. Only canoe trail markers for the route between Clam Pass and the Seagate neighborhood will be permitted. Installation of Local Knowledge signs on each of the 12 marker poles will also be proposed. Two Informational markers will be placed at the beach and one will be placed at the entrance to the Seagate neighborhood. Informational markers that identify the position of shoals and seagrasses will be permitted. We have identified 5 markers that will be used in the system. These will be used to guide users into the deeper water. Informational signs on either side of the tram bridge can be added. These signs do not come under FWC's jurisdiction 4. Based on preliminary review, FWC is in conceptual concurrence with our proposed plans. FWC will however not approve anything until a permit application is received, and it can be reviewed in detail. 5. Seagate has indicated that their major concern is that the pass and access is safe. With the amount of markers proposed, the informational signs and the environmental markers as outlined above, we believe that this accomplishes their major concerns. 6. Collier County will submit the application and be the permit holder. Responsibility for the marker installation and sign maintenance is currently being discussed. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of this item. This item was reviewed and approved on 4/6/2011 by the Pelican Bay Services Division with the stipulation that permitting, maintenance and Installation continue to be their responsibility. In addition, the PBSD along with the Pelican Bay Foundation have offered to commit funding for the project. The original canoe trail markers permit application and installation was by the Pelican Bay Services Division. FISCAL IMPACT: Costs for the permitting and installation of these markers will be $15,000 - $25,000. Funding sources will be identified as responsibility is determined. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: No impact to the growth management plan would result from this Board action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-2 New Business 30f3 RECOMMENDATION: Endorse the recommendation of the Clam Bay markers work group for the marking of Clam Bay and authorize staff to proceed with securing the required permits including the FWC, the USACE, and the USCG. Prepared by: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-2-a New Business 1 of6 Discussion with Ryan Moreau on 2/23/2011 based on questions from the Clam Bay marker workshop held on 2/17/2011. Key points are as follows: 1. Marker #1 which is the most southern marker and closest to the Seagate neighborhood can be move further to the south to better align with the canoe/kayak launch location. Seagrass signage can either be added to this pole or separately marked to protect the sea grass beds in this area. 2. Installation of Local Knowledge signs on each of the 12 marker poles did not necessarily concern him and he is willing to allow more of these signs but wants to be able to look at the whole proposal in its totality rather than piecemeal. He is more concerned that too many markers and/or signs on marker poles would prevent safe navigation by cluttering this narrow path. 3. With respect to poles for shoal and seagrass markers instead of buoys, his position is that with a narrow route, buoys would be safer for users if hit and less clutter in the route. He will however evaluate these signs being on poles and make his decision when he evaluates the entire package. 4. He has no issues with the signs on either side of the tram bridge. This does not come under his jurisdiction. S. He wants us to submit our plan that is the consensus of the entire community and he will review it holistically without all the telephone calls and the constant pressure from everyone in our community calling and lobbying him. 6. He understands that this is a multi use route. Kayakers, canoers, boaters and swimmers will use the same estuary. He has reviewed this with his legal department and this marking system would not prevent any of the user's access or uSe. 7. The County ordinance number cannot be placed on FWC signage. 8. The permit will be iSsued by FWC contingent on review and Concurrence by USACEand the USCG. Both the USACE and the USCG have concurrent jurisdiction for this waterway. FWC's is primarily responsible for signage in this instance and is taking the lead. A permit is not required from the USACE orthe USCG. Their involvement will be limited to only review and concurrence and will be obtained by FWC. 9. A permit, review or concurrence from FDEP is not required. 10. Based on preliminary review, FWC is in conceptual concurrence with our proposed plans. FWC's will however not approve anything until a permit application is received and it can be reviewed in detail. 11. Tha attached route map and marker recommendations reflect our discussions from 2/17/2011 and guidance from FWCon the 2/23/2011 telephone call. '" '" a.> ~ c: C; O(i) N => .CO ~ ~ =EZ 0..", <l:N<D Uo_ <l:::0 U>"" CV) ZWa::: Oa:W 5ti I- a 0 V) :J. Wc:Cl a: <c a::: a:::. W uWo:i!: J. .~ ~. ~ V') 3:0 V) .;tO~C c.;ZOZ ~~9~ ~Sfh u9~ III III ~ Ql -- .~ o III N ::l _Cll ~ ~ - Ql 'i::Z ~'P U~CO <(-- u5~ Q,) c. E ro >< UJ C 0.0 .- V) I 0::: ~ ....J ZCV') O .w 0:: 5!:w j::=>>!ci :::) CI 0 V') <c~c:Q0:: uwo::w 1CDO:iE CLI..-=:: V)W....~ V)...J=>>~ ~~OV') Q.;O~C lIl:::~gz lIIC ...J ...J <( <(<eo.. ....UW UOW ...J~ '" '" Q) ~ r:: ~.~ _co V:;: ~ Q) =cz C-<ll <l:NCD U,_ <l::O U>Ltl ~ '\~ O~ IICCC 16 tIIIfii? Vl Vl ~ Q.l ~ c O"(i) N ::l .ra ;! ~ 'C~ c. <( cp UN'" <(...L'+- u5~ CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve $29,729 in design alternative studies for the Vanderbilt Beach park/restroom facility as directed at the March 8, 2011 BCC meeting and request authorization for associated budget amendments. OBJECTIVE: Obtain approval for expenditures for the design alternative studies for the Vanderbilt Beach park/restroom facility as directed at the March 8, 2011 BCC meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: The existing Vanderbilt Beach restrooms are approximately 15 years old, in need of significant refurbishment and are undersized to meet current public demands. Vanderbilt Beach is one of the County's most popular beach parks. Adequate beach parking exists at this location with the County's parking garage on Vanderbilt Beach Road. The proposed Vanderbilt Beach park/restroom facility design engineering, permitting and construction contract bidding was approved by the BCC on 7/27/2010 (Item 16D9) for $160,000 to address overall community needs consistent with current County practices and existing beach park facilities. The BCC directed staff on March 8, 2011 to develop alternatives to constructing an elevated restroom, deck and concession park facility at the current FEMA VE 14 location. Options requested were: 1. Renovate existing facility - Utilizing the appraisal and structural inspection of the existing facility, develop a conceptual plan and evaluate the options to renovate the existing facility. 2, Design a new flood proofed facility at grade in proposed AE zone - Develop conceptual design and overall facility cost for an at-grade facility, flood proofed for the new proposed AE zone. This would require this facility to be built farther off the beach and not in the footprint of the existing facility. This is a preserve area. 3. Refurbish the existing bathroom and expand bathrooms in garage as needed for capacity - Evaluate if this is possible due to code restrictions and if possible, determine how much the existing facility can be refurbished (task1) and develop conceptual layout for bathrooms in the parking garage. Included would be a walkway through the preserve. 4. Construct a new facility at grade in the existing bathroom footprint (VE14). - If FEMA guidelines were ignored, what would a new facility conceptual layout/cost be? This would include the demolition of the existing facility, design and build new restrooms, ADA accessible ramp, steps and a reduced deck. 5. Construct a new elevated facility - Develop a conceptual plan and options to demolish the existing facility and construct a new elevated facility to conform to VE 14 FEMA guidelines. This would include the restrooms, a small deck and either an elevator or ADA access ramps. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3 New Business 2 of 3 6. Renovate existing facility for concession storage - In conjunction with a new bathroom facility, develop a conceptual plan to renovate the existing bathroom for concession storage. This would include storage for chairs, umbrellas, shade structures, etc. but exclude food and beverage items. 7. The Growth Management Division will also determine: . The City of Naples history/circumstances surrounding FEMA flood variances granted within the City especially the Port Royal variance. . Determine if a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) is appropriate to qualify this specific site to an AE zone based on actual site elevations provided by Coastal Zone Management. These options will not be consistent with the existing County beach park facilities at Tigertail, Clam Pass or Barefoot Beach Park. Each of these facilities has concessions and are elevated. Staff will be required to review these options with the Pelican Bay Foundation. The Pelican Bay Foundation holds restrictive covenants on this parcel as a condition of the property deed transfer. These options will also be reviewed with community organizations throughout the County as well as the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Coastal Advisory Committee and the Tourist Development Council. Cost to develop these design options are as follows: 1. Renovate existing facility - 2. New facility in proposed AE zone - 3. Refurbish existing bathroom and add bathrooms in garage- 4. Construct reduced facility at grade in VE zone - 5. Construct reduced elevated facility in VE zone - 6. Renovate existing bathroom for concession storage - 7. Coordination- 8. BCC Presentations - 9. Contingencies- 10. Reimbursable - Total $ 1,810 $ 7,169 $ 3,414 $ 3,729 $ 3,076 $ 980 $ 1,970 $ 3,885 $ 3,466 $ 230 $29,729 Overall project costs along with design throwaway costs for each option will be presented with each item. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Coastal Advisory Committee and also the Tourist Development Council for recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of this option development will be $29,729. All funds will be provided from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax Fund 183 - Beach Park Facilities. A budget amendment will be required to allocate the necessary funds from Fund 183 reserves. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3 New Business 3 of 3 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. This study will identify specific impacts, if any each option would present to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Approve $29,729 in design alternative studies for the Vanderbilt Beach park/restroom facility as directed at the March 8, 2011 BCC meeting and authorize associated budget amendments. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin - Director, Coastal Zone Management CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 1 of 8 ~inGary . From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: MottToni Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:24 AM McAlpinGary NoonanDick; LeonardRoosevelt FW: Public bathrooms at the end of Vanderbilt Beach Road Gary, Per the email chain below, we called Jim for clarification, but he is out of the office for a week. I spoke to Dick Noonan, Building Inspector, CC Building Review & Permitting. Dick said that the Property Appraiser's assessed value can be utilized or we can obtain a value from a licensed property appraiser. Whichever is higher is used for the 50% calculation. Roosevelt is a licensed property appraiser, Dick also said that FEMA will accept a 20% add on to the appraised value. With that being said, please see the information below: PropertY Appraiser Assessed Value: Bath House $17,066 W Deck $1,474 TOTAL: $18,540 + 20% ($3,708) = $22,248 and 50% = $11,124 Roosevelt's Insured Cost Replacement Value: Bath House & W Deck - $28,000 + 20% ($5,600) = $33,600 - 50% = $16,800 Please note that the Property Appraiser is the only one that can provide an "assessed value." A licensed property appraiser can only provide "market value" or "cost value." Typically market value is higher than assessed value, but lower than cost value. It is our suggestion that we use the cost value because it is the cost we currently have insured with Risk Management and is the highest value obtainable with all three approaches. The cost value is fully defensible. Below is the lDC that references the 50% provision. Please let us know if you require any additional information from us. Thank you. Toni & Roosevelt lDC 5,05.08.B.3. Architectural and Site Design Standards (see highlighted) B. Applicability. The provisions of section 5.05.08 apply: 1. To all new buildings and projects submitted on or after November 10, 2004 in the zoning districts set out below. At the applicant's request, projects submitted between November 10, 2004 and January 2,2005 may be reviewed for compliance with the requirements of section 5.05.08 as they were set forth in the LDC before November 10,2004. a. Commercial zoning districts. b. Non-residential PUD districts, and non-residential components of any PUD district. c. Business park districts. 2. 1 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 2 of 8 To non-residential buildings and projects submitted on or after November 10, 2004 in any zoning district, but only when the following conditions exist: a, The project site is located on an arterial or collector road, as described by the Traffic Circulation Element of the GMP. or b. A proposed building's footprint would be located within 300 feet of the boundary of a residentially zoned district. a. .~ I: ltl ~'Ij From: LorenzWilliam Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 8: 13 AM To: ValeraCarollna; MottToni Cc: BellowsRay; BosiMichael; WileyRobert; TurnerJim Subject: RE: Public bathrooms at the end of Vanderbilt Beach Road Toni.. Please consult with Jim Turner regarding the value calculation..thanks. CBif( Lorenz William D. Lorenz Jr., P.E., Director Land Development Services Department Growth Management Division/Planning and Regulation Tele: 239.252.2951; Fax: 239.252.6710 E-mail: Wil/iamLarenz@Col/ierQov.net From: ValeraCarolina Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:32 PM To: MottTonl Cc: LorenzWllllam; BellowsRay; BosiMichael; WileyRobert Subject: Public bathrooms at the end of Vanderbilt Beach Road 2 CAC April 14 . 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 3 of 8 Teni, During our telephone conversion yesterday, you mentioned that you were interested in knowing what LOe orovisions mav aootv if the scooe of the imorovements to the beach oubUc bathrooms on Vanderbilt Beach Road were limited to interior renovations and oerhaos re-oaintin~. I Checked with Ray Bellows, Zoning Manager, and Robert Wiley, Principal Project Manager, and It seems that such scope may only require a building permit approval. However, please keep in mind that FEMA requirements are triggered when the improvements reach 50% of the assessed value of the subject building (exclusive of the parking garage, which is within the same site). Also note that "assessed value" is not meant to be the "property appraiser's" assessed value, but the cost of the existing bathroom building regardless of its location (please contact Robert Wiley for further clarifications.); and that the building permit may (or may not) trigger other requirements if the y improvements are beyond the existing permit and variance. As I mentioned in our telephone conversation, we will be glad to meet with your consultants to go over specific LDC requirements that may be triggered by other options that your consultant may be (or will be) considering. Please let us know if you need further clarifications, or if you have any other questions. Hope this helps, CAROLINA VALERA Principal Planner Comprehensive Planning Section Growth Management Division Collier County Government T:239.252.8498 F:239,252.6347 Under Florida Law. e.rnail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 3 ,c,'-': . a - CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 4 of 8 Victor J. Latavish Architect, PA . April 2, 2011 Collier County Coastal Zone Management Attn: Clint Perryman, Project Manager 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Proposal for Professional AlE Services for e Vanderbilt Beach Restroom Alternative D ign Studies Dear Mr. Perryman, I am pleased to submit this proposal for pro ional Architectural services to provide alternative design studies for .the Vanderbilt B h Restroom. This proposal includes preparation of prelim in NY building layouts and pre . cross sections suitable for overlay on aerial photographs and site plans prq>ared by Civil Engineer, plus preparation of the following documents and related work: ; I 1. Existing Restroom Facility- Structural ~tion and Renovation Feasibility Report a. Review plans of existing facility I b. Review building permit documents : c. On-site observations of exiSting stn:tcture d. Prepare a Structural Inspection and Renovation Feasibility Report 2. AlE Zone Alternative- Preliminary Design Study a. Prepare preliminary building plan and preliminary cross-section b. Review plan, permit considerations, and proposed budget with County staff 3. Refui'bish Existing B~h Restroom and Expand Facilities at Parking Garage a. Prelimiotlry plan of restrooms added to existing parking garage b. Review refurbishing plan, expansion plan, permit considerations, and proposed budget with County staff 4. VE-Zone At-Grade Alternative a. Prepare preliminary building plan and preliminary cross-section b. . Review plan, permit considerations, and proposed budget with County staff S. VE-Zone Elevated Structure Alternative a. Prepare preliminary building plan and preliminary cross-sectiOn, including ramps, stairs, and elevator design study b. Review plan, permit considerations, and proposed budget with County staff Member oftbe American Institute of Architects AA 1831 4100 Corporate Squarc, Suite 100, Naples, Florida 34104 Telephone 239.643.166S TelcfiM;simile 239.643.6192 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 5 of 8 6. Beach Storage Renovation Design 'Study a. Review selective demolition requirements b. Review plan, permit considerations, and proposed budget with County staff 7. Coordination a. Predesign Conference with Civil Engineer, FEMA, and Building Official b. Coordinate preliminary plans with Civil Engineer 8. Meetings a. Attend 4 progress meetings and/or community meetings as requested by client b. Attend 1 BCC meeting 9. Contingency a. Prepare alternative plans or revisions b, Related additional services EXCLUSIONS 1. Civil Engineering services are provided under a separate contract. 2. This proposal does not include detailed floor plans, exterior elevations, or renderings which can be developed for the selected alternative at a later date. Similarly, Contract Documents used for permits, bidding, and construction can be developed for the selected alternative at a later date. SCHEDULE We are prepared to provide services as needed to meet your schedule. BASIC SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE: ' 1. Existing Building-Inspection & Renovation Report T &M est. $1,810.00 2. AlE Zone Alternative- Preliminary Design Study T&M est. $1,510.00 3. Refurbish Beach Restroom & Parking Garage Alternative T&M est. $1,140.00 / 4. VB-Zone At-Grade Alternative T&M est. $940.00 / ./ S. VE-Zone Elevated Structure Alternative T &M est. $940.00 v 6. Beach Storage Renovation Design Study T &M est. $370,00 7. Coordination T &M est. $680.00 8. Meetings T&M est. $1,480.00 9. Contingency T &M est. $850.00 10. Reimbursable Expenses T &M est. $80.00 Total $9,800.00 Page 2 of 3 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 6 of 8 .r Thank you for the opportunity to submit this Proposal for Professional AlE Services. Please feel free to call if you have any questions or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, VICTORJ. LATAVISH ARClDTECT, PA ,~/ Victor J. Latavish, AlA President Page 3 of 3 CAe April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 7 of 8 v. '. PROJECT NAME: V ANDERBIL T BEACH RESTROOM ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS CEC PROJECT NO: 10.192 DATE OF ISSUANCE: April !. 2011 EFFECTIVE DATE: April!. 2011 CLIENT: Collier County PROJECT MANAGER: Michael Poff Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. (CEC) is hereby directed to provide the following services in connection with the Vanderbilt Beach Restroom facility. This work assignment shall be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Continuing Contract for Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management Projects (CONTRACf) No. 09.5262. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services presented herein is designed to assist Collier County's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Department review alternatives in connection with the renovation and I or expansion of the Vanderbilt Beach restroom facility. For Tasks I to VI below, the evaluations for each option wiIl include the foIlowing parameters as well as coordination with CZM's architect: 1. Environmental hnpacts (e.g. T &E species, dune vegetation, wetlands, mangroves); 2. Rules and Regulations (e.g. FEMA, ADA, federaVstatellocal regulatory); 3. Institutional (e.g., distance to MHW, specific uses); 4. Construction Budget (site work, mitigation, design and pennitting, and construction management); and 5. Timing (e.g. FEMA flood zone map revision, pennit processes). Task I Renovate Existin2 Facilitv To be completed by the County's Architect. Task D Constroct New FacDitv in ProD~ed AE Zone Develop a concept plan and evaluate the option to construct a new facility at grade in the proposed AE Zone as depicted on the proposed FEMA flood zone map to be provided by CZM. The facility will include restrooms, access ramps I stairs, decks on the west and north sides, and storage areas for beach items like chairs, and umbrellas. This is within the preserve area Task ill Refurbish Existin2 Bathroom and Emand Bathrooms in Gara2e Develop a concept plan and evaluate the option to refurbish the existing facility (Task I option) and add additional bathrooms in the parking garage. This plan will include an elevated boardwalk through the preserve area from the existing facility to the garage. Task IV Constroct Reduced Facilitv at Grade in VE Zone Develop a concept plan and evaluate the option to demolish the existing facility and construct a new facility at grade in the VE Zone. The facility will include restrooms, ADA access ramp, steps, and reduced deck Task V Constroct Reduced Elevated Facility in VE Zone Develop a concept plan and evaluate the option to demolish the existing facility and construct a new elevated facility in the VB Zone. The facility will include restrooms, ADA access ramps, stairs, and reduced deck. Investigate the feasibility of using an elevator versus ramps for ADA access to the new facility. Task VI Renovate ExistiDlz Bathroom for Concession Stora2e In conjunction with a new bathroom facility, develop a concept plan to renovate the existing bathroom for concession storage. This would include storage for chairs, umbrellas, shade structures, etc. but would not include food and beverage items. r -- i CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-3-a New Business 8 of 8 .. CEC No. 10.192 April 1, 2011 Page 2of2 Task VII Client Coordination Provide client coordination including attending two meetings with County; provide contract administration. Task VIII BCC Presentation CEC will assist prepare and present the alternatives analysis to the BCC. Task IX Continl!encies Provide budget for contingencies to account for such things as an additional concept, an additional meeting or revisions to concept plans. Task X Reimbursable Exoenses Provide budget for reimbursables. It is anticipated that upon selection of the preferred alternative, additional design and related seIVices will be necessary thus they are reserved for future phases. h is understood the County will address the FEMA- LOMR seIVices and the County's Architect will complete the structural inspection of the existing structure. BUDGET SUMMARY Task Description Fee Basis I Renovate Existing Facility $0 T&M II Construct New Facility in Proposed AE Zone $5,659 T&M III Refurbish Existing Bathroom & Expand Bathrooms in Garage $2,274 T&M IV Constl11ct Reduced Facility at Grade in VE Zone ..$2,!.789 T&M V Constl11ct Reduced Elevated Facility in VE Zone $2,136 T&M VI Renovate Existing Bathroom for Concession Storage $610 T&M VII Client Coordination $1,290 T&M VIII BCC Presentation $2,405 T&M IX Contingencies $2,616 T&M X Reimbursables $150 T&M Total $19,929 RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: Date: April 1. 2011 Date: By: By: Michael T. Poff, P.E. Client (Authorized Signature) 1:\DATA\20J(1\/019Z\Work Orders\10192_Work Order_20J J0401.doc CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-4 New Business 1 of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Endorse a recommendation to approve the emergency dredging request for the Marco Island Collier Bay entrance channel. OBJECTIVE: Endorse a recommendation to approve an out of cycle emergency dredging request for Marco Island's Collier Bay entrance channel. CONSIDERATIONS: Conduct an emergency dredge project of the entrance channel to Collier Bay. The project includes excavating approximately 12,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand from the previously permitted borrow area (DEP Permit No. 0068437- 002-JC through 0068437-005-JC and USACE Permit No. 198800290(IP-MN)), and placing the sand along the previously permitted beach fill DEP Permit No. 0222764-001- JC and USACE Permit No. 198800290(IP-MN)-2004. The purpose of the project is to restore safe navigation by removing the shoal that has created hazardous conditions for the boating community. An Emergency Resolution form the City of Marco Island is attached. A PowerPoint presentation is attached. This entrance channel was dredged in 2001 using TDC funds and the dredged sand was placed on Hideaway Beach. The Rock Jetty was built in 2005 using TDC funds. County Ordinance 2001-03 authorizes this activity as per section 2, item D. In partnership with Collier County, the Hideaway Beach Improvement District through the City of Marco Island is funding the engineering and permitting of this project. Funds requested for this out of cycle grant are for permitting fees and on site dredging. All permits will be jointly issued to both the City of Marco Island and Collier County. $280,000 has been estimated as the expected dredging and permit fee cost for this project. If during the design, permitting or bidding process additional funding is required, supplemental grant requests will be submitted. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of this request. FISCAL IMPACT: $280,000 is estimated to fund this project. The Source of funds is from Category A Tourist Development Tax fund 195. Funds were not budgeted for this item in the FY 10/11 budget. However, sufficient unallocated reserves ($7,200,000) exist to fund this request. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-4 New Business 20f2 RECOMMENDATION: Endorse a recommendation to approve an out of cycle emergency dredging request for Marco Island's Collier Bay entrance channel. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-4-a New Business 1 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 11-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA DECLARING A.N EMERGENCY FOR THE DREDGING OF THE ENTRANCE TO COLLIER BAY, ALSO KNOWN AS COLLIER CREEK, TO RESTORE SAFE NAVIGATION WITHIN THE CHANNEL, IN THE CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the entrance to Collier Bay, also known as Collier Creek, within the City of Marco Island, is located in Sections 5, 6 and 7, Township 52 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Marco Island Waterways Advisory Committee, at its meeting of March 24, 2011, reviewed the cun:'ent status of the channel entrance and determined that an emergency situation exists due to the excessive deposition of sand into the previously dredged area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the recommendation of the Waterways. Advisory Committee the Marco Island City Council finds that the area has experienced severe limitations to safe navigation and increased scol.lring velocities along the adjacent waterfront infrastructure, and agrees that emergency dredging of the channel is necessary; al1d WHEREAS, the .area of the City's entrance to Collier Bay, also known as Collier Creek, has experienced severe limitation to safe boating navigation and increased scouring velocities along the aqjacent waterfront infrastructure as a result of significant deposits of sand within the channel; and WHEREAS, the City is working jointly with the Collier County Coastal Zone Management (CZM) department to seek Florida Department of Environmental Protection/Corp of Engineers (FDEP/COE) pennits for emergency dredging of the entrance to Collier Bay. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Marco Island, Florida, that: SECTION 1. The emergency dredging of the entral1ce to Collier Bay is a viable temporary solution to tlle erosion; and the City, with support trom the CZM, is making an application to FDEP/COE for an emergency permit approval to dredge the channel as described above. SECTION 2. FDEP/COE is requested to expedite pemlitting and approval for the emergency dredging, as FDEP/COE did for a rock revetment abutting the roadway Royal Marco Way, and for the CZM to support a request for Tourist Development funds from the Collier County Board of Commissioners to finance the emergency dredging project. SECTION 3. The City Council of the City of Marco Island declares an emergency and directs and authorizes the City Manager or his designee to support and assist the eZM in 1 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-4-a New Business 2 of 8 obtaining governmental approvals for the emergency dredging of the entrance to Collier Bay, also known as Collier Creek. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED in open and regular session by the City of Marco Island, Florida, this 4th day of April 2011. ATTEST ~' ~/Yl ... ..../'/ LaUl1l.M. Lilian, cit$t ClOt .. CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA BY;~~-- ..'" Gerard M. Gibson, Chairman 2 III III Q) ~ c ;; O(i) N :::J .CD ~ ~ =Ez c.", <('CO <.:>"/"_ <(:::0 <.:>><'> \',.' rJ) rJ) ..... C1l "If"'" .~ OrJ) N ::l .co ~ ~ _ C1l .~Z <( 'l' U,-CO <(-..... u5~ . ;. ... U) U) ::.~ o U) N ::l .lIl ~ ~ ~Z c.", <l;, o'i"" <C:::b O>l() ) -,-. '" '" ...... a.> 'If""" .~ 0'" N :> _0) ~ := _ a.> .~Z <( '1' u"'fOO <(-- u5~ Vl Vl .... Q) O'~ N ::s _CD ~~ - Q) .~Z <( '1' o"fCO <(-- 0=0 >..... II> II> Q) ""'c o'U) N :> .co v 3: ""'Q) :cz c.", <('00 u'f'_ <(::0 u>OO CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-5 New Business 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marco Island Project OBJECTIVE: Update the CAC on the Marco Island South Conceptual Design Project. CONSIDERATIONS: For information only. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information update only. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM o o t'" s:: ~ o o ~n n Ii ~I o n Ii .::!!::!! ;i;"tD 'Z 00 0." ""- 5'9 =0 ,...,.-g 6 ;:po 0 . --l g ;:po. rG.r--.J . 0.0- -r-.) 90 00 o .~ ~ "l ~ =1' '" "" = 0. < Q.. '" ::l '" en :s- O ... m.. ,-,-,-'-'-'-'-'--", II .. ..-30....... ..-40.................................. ----'7............................... ................. ... ....... 't" "t' "t" ...... ............... ........... .......................................... ....................... .......................................................................... ""............ aii ...."" .. ii~ !~~ .,.;;...".- .... 'rZ '00 n.'. t\1...... ""0 ;.~.b :,..,.R -0 :::0-0 '-1~ ::0-' iC)..N . oF' -I',) :9~ '00 o ~ IgJ ~ ~ ~. ," .. :::C .c. <: Q.. '" ~ .. 9 ~ I'Jq .. < o C 3 CD (":I :T llo) ~ lD CD ;;0 llo) .... CD - ~ ""- '< ..:J;. 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'S &! ~ ~ ~ o :. !!! .. o III ::l g ::l I/) ell ~ ell III ~ CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-7 New Business 1 of 1 FY11/12 -195 Fund Budget and Analysis FY 10/11 Carry Forward Less Capri Pass/Collier Bay Emer Dredge in Marco Carry Forward Total Projected FY11/12 Revenue Tourist Tax Revenue for Beaches/Inlets Revenue Reimbursement FDEP Revenue - FDEP Cost Share Contract Tilling and Cleaning Revenue Projected Expenses 1. Regulatory and Permit Compliance - FY 10/11 Sea Turtle Protection Program Beach Tilling Physical Beach Monitoring - Entire County Biological Monitoring 2. Planned Projects/Future Projects - FY 10/11 Wiggins Pass Intermediate Dredging - Engineer Emergency Truck Haul - Vista @ Park Shore FY12/13 County Beach Design and Permitting FY12/13 Marco Beach/B'water Design/Permitting Laser Grade North Marco Beach (R133-R141) Tigertail Beach Refurbishment Capri Pass/Collier Bay Emergency Dredge 3. Beach Maintenance - FY 10/11 Collier County/Marco Island City of Naples Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal Naples Pier and Dock Maintenance 4. Administration Fee's - FY 10/11 Fund 195 Administration Indirect Administrative Costs Tax Collector Fee's (2,5%) 6. Other Expenses - FY10/11 Renourishment and Emergency Reserves Revenue Reserve (5%) Category D Pier Reserve Revenue Total Sub-Total Sub-Total Sub-Total Sub-Total Total Expenses Sub-Total Fund Balance Total FY11/12 Totals $30,680,200 -$280,000 $30,400,200 $4,355,000 -$3,400,000 $50,000 $1,500 $1,006,500 $168,100 $17,500 $267,800 $30,000 $483,400 $50,000 $350,000 $600,000 $300,000 $20,000 $25,000 $0 $1,345,000 $139,000 $76,850 $75,000 $55,000 $345,850 $510,540 $107,700 $108,900 $727,140 $21,000,000 $217,800 $79,000 $21,296,800 $24,198,190 $24,198,190 $7,208,510 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8 New Business 1 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Share TDC Category" A" Grant Applications from the City of Naples, The City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY -11/12. OBJECTIVE: To share Category "A" grant applications and requests. CONSIDERATIONS: Received TDC Category "A" Grant Applications as follows: 2010/11 PROJECTIDESCRIPTION: AMOUNT REOUESTED GRANTED 1. Re~ulatorv and Permit Comnliance Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County $168,100 $164,600 Beach Tilling - Collier County - 80171 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring Collier County Beaches - $267,800 $260,000 90536 Biological Monitoring - 90033 $ 30,000 SUB-TOTAL $483,400 $442,100 2. Planned Proiects Wiggins Pass Maintenance Program - Engineering - 90522 $ 50,000 $750,000 Emergency Truck Haul- Vista's at Park Shore - 88030 $350,000 0 FY 12/13 Beach Design and Permit with HS Solutions - 80096 $600,000 $300,000 MI Renourish Design & Permit with BW Solutions - 80166 $300,000 $150,000 Laser Grading North Marco Beach (R133-RI41) $ 20,000 0 Tigertail Beach Refurbishment $ 25,000 0 SUB-TOTAL $1,345,000 $1,200,000 3. Beach Maintenance Beach Maintenance - Collier County/Marco Island - 90533 $139,000 $ 135,000 Beach Maintenance - City of Naples- 90527 $ 76,850 $ 75,850 Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal - County Wide - 90044 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Naples Pier Annualized Repair & Maintenance - City of $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Naples - 90096 SUB-TOTAL $345,850 $340,850 4. Administration Fee's Fund 195 and 183 Administration - Collier County - 90020 $510,540 $511,100 Indirect Administration Costs $107,700 $117,700 Tax Collector Fee's (2.5o/c0 $108,900 $104,863 SUB-TOTAL $727,140 $733,633 5. Other EXDenses Renourishment and Emergency Reserves $21,000,000 $14,500,000 Revenue Reserve (5%) $ 217,800 $ 217,800 Category D Pier Reserve $ 79,000 $ 79,000 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8 New Business 2 of 6 SUB-TOTAL $21,296,800 $14,796,800 TOTAL $24,198,190 $17,563,413 COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Ree:ulatorv and Permit Comoliance: All these items are required by FDEP permit and required by law. Approval is recommended. Planned Proiects: )i> Wiggins Maintenance Program - Engineering for - Intermediate Dredging of Wiggins Pass for FY 2012/13. Approval is recommended. )i> Emergency Truck Haul- Vista's at Park Shore - The Vista's condominium is located directly south of the Seagate emergency renourishment recently completed. This location was previously approved for re-nourishment by the CAC but analysis and design could not be accomplished by Sea Turtle nesting season. Approval is recommended. )i> FY 12/13 Beach Design and Permit with HS Solutions - This item will fund beach design and permitting to determine a renourish plan (including Hot Spot permanent solution) for the main Collier County beaches. The conceptual design basis should be completed and these funds are a preliminary estimate to begin the design. Approval is recommended. )i> Marco Island Renourish Design & Permit with BW Solutions - This item will fund beach design and permitting to determine a renourish plan (including Hot Spot permanent solution) for the Marco Island South beach. The conceptual design basis should be completed and these funds are a preliminary estimate to begin the design. Approval is recommended. )i> Laser Grading North Marco Beach (R133-RI4l) - Laser grade the northern portion of Marco Island Beach just south of Sand Dollar Island. This has had limited effectiveness in the past but is requested by the Marco Island Beach committee. )i> Tigertail Beach Refurbishment - Tigertail will be tilled prior to turtle nesting season. Investigate what options exist to enhance the beach at Tigertail to be more attractive to tourists. Approval is recommended. Beach Maintenance: Exceptional beach experience for our residents and visitors has been at the heart of our success in the past. These items are required to maintain that experience. Approval is recommended. Administration Fee's: This item funds County staff to manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program. It includes the Director; an Office Manager/Accountant; a Field Supervisor/Project Manager; and two equipment operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco Beaches. It also includes Administrative Indirect Fees required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources. Tax collector fees are also included in this item. Approval is recommended. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8 New Business 3 of 6 Other Exoenses: This item provides for board mandated renourishment reserves, emergency reserves and revenue reserves. Approval is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT: The total amount of grant applications for FY 11112 in the amount of $24,198,190 is in the proposed budget for Category "A" Tourist Development Taxes. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: That the CAC recommend approval of the attached Tourist Development Category "A" grant applications and request in the amount of $24, 198, 190 and approve all necessary grant agreements per County Attorney's approval. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM Accountant CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8 New Business 40f6 (Revised) TOURIST DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY ~'A" FUNDING POLICY I. Use of TDC Cateflory A Fund: To finance beach park facilities of beach improvement, maintenance, renourishment, restoration and erosion control, including pass and inlet maintenance, shoreline protection, enhancement, cleanup or restoration of inland lakes and rivers to which there is public access, as these relate to the physical preservation of the beach, shoreline or inland lake or rive. (Cod or Ordnance, Division 3. Sec. 126-83.) 2. Source of other funds: Federal or State funds are desirable and should be diligently pursued. 3. Mandatory annual budget allocation of funds and maintenance of reserves. a. Catastrophe reserves shall be accumulated in the budget with $IM in 2004 plus $0.5M per year thereafter (up to a maximum of $1 OM). In the event of a catastrophe requiring the expenditure of all or part of these reserves, $0.5M will continue to be set aside. b. Major renourishment reserves shall be accumulated in the budget with $2M per year after the completion of the major renourishment project currently in planning and permitting (as a November 2003; projected to start setting aside funds in FY 2006). c. Beach park facilities (including beach access property acquisition) shall be funded at an average of$2M per year. This funding allocation shall be adjusted annually in an amount equal to one-third of the TDC Category "A" revenues. d. Remaining funds may be used for eligible grant applications as outlined in the policy below. 4. Eliflibility: Eligible beach areas qualify for Category "A" funding. An "eligible beach area" is: a. Accessible to the public; and b. No more than one-half mile from a beach park facility, public access point, hotel or motel and if at least 80% of the entire beach area is classified as eligible, otherwise ineligible gaps will be deemed eligible. 5. Ineligible beach areas: a. Beach areas not meeting the criteria for eligibility of paragraph 4. above, are not eligible for Category "A" funding. Renourishment or maintenance of these beach areas are the responsibility of adjacent property owners and must be privately funded. b. An area of an ineligible beach that is subject to high erosion, with the recommendation of the Coastal Advisory Committee and determination by the Board of County Commissioners as being in the public interest, may have erosion control structures installed, with Category "A" funding. CAC April 14. 2011 VIII-8 New Business 50f6 6. Inlet Sand Bvvassinf!. The bypassing of sand across inlets may be funded by Tourist Development Tax Category "A" funding provided the Inlet Management Plan recommends the bypassing, the dredging of the pass or inlet is recommended by the Coastal Advisory Committee meets the inlet funding policy criteria and is approved by the Board of County Commissioners as being in the in the public interest. No TDC Category "A" funding will be approved for dredging non-beach compatible material except in situations where significant channel alignment and depth changes are required to correct and deviate from routine maintenance dredging past practices. 7. Shore vrotection structures and project sponsorship. Projects, including construction and maintenance of shore protection structures (groins, jetties, breakwaters, etc.), may be funded by Category "A" funding for eligible beaches. However, 'ownership' responsibilities must rest with an entity other than "Tourist Development Taxes" - i.e. there must be a project sponsor (private interest, taxing districts, municipalities or County Departments other than those funded with Tourist Development Taxes). Grant Application Review. The Coastal Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will prepare and maintain a proposed prioritized annual spending plan for the use of Tourist Development Tax Category "A" funds, with a ten year projection. The proposed plans will be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for their consideration and approval, via the TDC. These submissions will coincide with the annual Collier county budget cycle. The Coastal Advisory Committee will review all requests for Tourist Development Tax Category "A" funds, with the exception of County maintained beach park facilities that will be handled by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Both advisory boards will make recommendation for approval, denial or modification to the BCC, via the TDC, consistent with the BCC established policy for use of these funds. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8 New Business 60f6 Evaluation/Approval Guidelines for TDC Category A Yearly Grant Requests by the Coastal Advisory Committee Yearly grant requests to the Coastal Advisory Committee will be evaluated, prioritized and funded based on the following criteria. 1. Grants associated with the completion of a previously approved project that are required to complete that project. 2. Grants required to meet Permit Regulatory Compliance. Examples of these grants would be Physical and Biological monitoring, turtle monitoring, shorebird monitoring and tilling. 3. Safety related activities and projects, which are the responsibility of the CAC. 4. Commitments covered by inter-local agreement and lor projects previously approved/identified in the 10 year plan. Examples would be the dredging of Clam, Wiggins, Doctors, Caxambas and Capri Passes and the 10-year cycle of beach re-nourishment. 5. Projects or studies that improve or have a high probability of improving our beach efficiency, the preservation ofCAC capital or save us money. These projects would have to have a undisputed payout. Items that would fall into this category would be engineering or studies that could lengthen times between dredge events or re-nourishments. 6. Grants associated with the maintenance and upkeep of our beaches. Examples of these activities that preserve the quality of the beach experience are beach cleaning, raking and grading. 7. Projects that outside funding or third party funding can be obtained on that offset the capital cost. Examples would be FDEP funding, FEMA funding or third party grants. 8. Necessary or required projects would be next. Examples of this type of projects would be Doctors Pass Rip-Rap replacement. 9. New projects not required by law or consent decree would follow. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 1 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Collier County Sea Turtle Protection ProgramlEnvironmental Compliance 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Collier County Parks and Recreation Department North Collier Regional Park 15000 Livingston Road Naples, FL 34109 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: _Barry Williams, Director Address: _15000 Livingston Road City _Naples ST FL ZIP 34109 Phone: _239-252-4035 FAX: _252-530-6538 Other: _239-280-7035 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Barry Williams, Director Collier County Parks and Recreation Department 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The following activities require coastal construction permits from the State of Florida and thus a sea turtle monitoring program. 1. Beach nourishment; 2. Construction, excavation or maintenance of coastal inlet and related shoals; 3. Beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. 4. Beach cleaning following a red tide or storm event. The following excerpts from current regulations (Chapter 16B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, Florida Administrative Code), provides for the scope of the permitting process and protection of marine turtles as it relates to the aforementioned activities. 16B-41. 00 1 Scope This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for the issuance, denial, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension and revocation of coastal construction permits. In this Chapter Coastal Construction is defined as "any work or activity on or encroaching upon CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 2 of 43 ........ sovereignty lands of Florida, below the mean high-water line of any tidal water of the state, which is likely to have a material physical effect on existing coastal conditions or natural shore and inlet processes." 16B-41.0055 Protection of Marine Turtles (Florida Administrative Code) (1) In keeping with the Departments Authority to protect marine turtles pursuant to Section 370.12, Florida Statutes, any application for a permit under this Chapter for coastal construction that affects marine turtles shall be subject to the conditions and requirements for marine turtle protection as part of the permitting process. (2) The Department shall require appropriate measures to protect marine turtles and their habitat, such as: nest surveys, nest relocation, nest marking, modification of coastal construction, measures to reduce sand compaction, and short and long term monitoring to assess the impacts of the permitted coastal construction on marine turtles and their habitat. The Parks and Recreation Department, marine turtle permit holders for Collier County, monitor the following beaches for sea turtle activities as State and federal permit requirements for beach renourishment, beach raking, allowance for the use of vehicles on the beach for surveys, beach cleanup following a red tide or storm event and special events. Barefoot Beach: construction, excavation or maintenance of Wiggins Pass (only that area included within the area of influence of Wiggins Pass; 1 mile north of Pass south to Wiggins Pass); pass material disposal location (renourishment); beach cleaning following a storm event and red tide Vanderbilt Beach: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Wiggins Pass and Clam Pass); beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. Park Shore: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Clam Pass and Doctors Pass). Upland sand temperature studies as required by the State. City of Naples: beach nourishment; construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Doctors Pass and Gordon Pass) City of Marco Island: construction, excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals (Big Marco Pass and Caxambas Pass); Beach nourishment; Hideaway Beach T-Groin; beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. The duties and associated costs of the pro!!:ram are as follows: 1. Administrative/permitting 2. Reconnaissance and beach zoning including installation and maintenance of DNR location reference monuments for CZM and Sheriff department 500 feet increments along 26 miles of beach 3. Daily monitoring (7 days/wk./beach -April Ol-May 01 depending on renourishment schedules through Oct.31) 4. Evaluation, mapping and data entry CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 3 of 43 5. Responding to sea turtle disorientations (associated with renourishment and beach profile, as required by the State) 8. Reports (Sea Turtle Protection Plan- Annual Report; special reports per each beach nourishment and T-groin units, Index Nesting Beach Reports (Vanderbilt); State Productivity Reports, Beach Compaction Reports) 9. Mobilizationldemobilization- 10. Vehicle maintenance- ATV's, penetrometers, data loggers 11. Supplies- acquisition, maintenance, inventory 12. Sand studies including beach compaction, sand temperature and ground/surface water studies and associated reporting requirements 13. Dune vegetation monitoring and exotic removal 14. Nest relocation in construction areas 15. Monitoring and reporting of escarpments 16. Additional studies required as required StateIFederal permits (Florida Statute Chapter.161-053 F.A.C. Chapter 62b-33) 17. Stranding reports and removal of injured, sick and dead sea turtles from all County beaches (average 50-100/yr). 18 Public awareness- news media and public speaking upon request. 19. State mandated beach lighting compliance inspections and follow-up 21. Assist with maintaining rope and posting along the dunes 22. Other duties as requested by CZM Department 23. Provide technical assistance and respond to data requests from coastal engineering consultants upon request. The purpose of this application is to obtain funds to perform the requirements of a sea turtle protection program in the specified locations. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2011 6. Estimated project duration: One (1) year 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 168.100 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 """lIlIIIII CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 4 of 43 Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance (project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL AMOUNT $ _168,100_ $ $ $ $ PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) _Personnel _ Operatine: _Capital-l (one) replacement ATV_ TOTAL $_143,900_ $_20,700_ $ 3,500_ $ $ $ _168,100_ I have read the Tourist Development Category" A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. . ~hc>h()/I Date '" '" ::.~ 0'" N :;, .co ~ ~ 'EZ ~'1'<') ,,00'<1' ~~O U>1O ~ IV ... Q) o ... Q) ll.O "'C :J !Xl N .-t o N >- LL. W ...J t:: ;:) I- <t: w III o o Ql m ...,. .-t 'VI- !::!:: .!:!! >- >- 'i1j ..c ..c ... ... ... 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CU ~ CU ::.:. --::::::l ex) ex) o o It) o o N ~ ~ ex) o o N It) o o N l: Q) l!:! ~ o It) N :J g, CU CO 2' :E ~ o It) N :J o >- CU CO :i: CU (/) ~ ~ :i: CU (/) ~ ~ 0> <"> <"> N U U CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 7 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Tilline: 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Beach tilline: is required bv FDEP oermit and is oerformed directlv orior to turtle nestine: Season. Tilline: is oaid on an acre basis for re-nourished beaches. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1. 2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $17.500.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 8 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Beach Tilline: PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 17,500.00 Cityrraxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 17,500,00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Contractual Services $ 17.500.00 $ $ $ $ $ - 17,500.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 9 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Phvsical Beach and Pass Monitorine: of Collier County Beaches 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This is required to satisfv FDEP oermit requirements on an annual basis for the Vanderbilt. Park Shore and Naoles Beaches and oasses that were renourished in 2005 and includes sonar verification. e:round truthine: the hardbottom ede:e and FDEP aerials. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $267.800.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 10 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Phvsical Beach and Pass Monitorinl!: of Collier Countv Beaches PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 267 .800.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 267.800.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 267.800.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 267.800.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 11 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Bioloe:ical Hardbottom Monitorine: 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement W. Harmon Turner Bide:. 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: W. Harmon Turner Bide:. 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Suite 103 City Naples ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This Bioloe:ical Monitorine: includes the Artificial Reef but not sonar verification of the hard bottom an/or e:round truthine:. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $30.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 12 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 Bioloe:ical Hardbottom Monitorine: PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 30.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 30.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 30.000.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 30.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category" A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 13 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Wie:e:ins Pass Maintenance Proe:ram - Ene:ineerine: 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Intermediate Drede:ine: of Wie:e:ins Pass for FY 2012/13. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $50.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 14 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 Wie:e:ins Pass Maintenance Proe:ram - Ene:ineerine: PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 50,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 50,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 50,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 50,000.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 15 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Emere:encv Truck Haul- Vista's at Park Shore 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project - Description and Location: The Vista's condominium is located directly south of the Seae:ate emere:encv renourishment recently comoleted. This location was previously aooroved for re-nourishment by the CAC but analvsis and desie:n could not be accomolished bv Sea Turtle nestine: season. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $350.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 16 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 Emere:encv Truck Haul- Vista's at Park Shore PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested CityfTaxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share $ 350.000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 350.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 350.000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 350.000.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category" A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 17 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance FY 12/13 Beach AnalvsislModel with Hot Soot Solutions 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item will fund beach desie:n and oermittine: to determine a renourish olan (incJudine: Hot Soot oermanent solutions) for the main Collier Countv beaches. The conceotual desie:n basis should be comoleted and these funds are a oreliminarv estimate to bee:in the desie:n. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $600.000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 18 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 FY 12/13 Beach Analvsis/Model with Hot Soot Solutions PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested Cityffaxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share $ 600.000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 600.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 600.000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 600.000.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category" A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 19 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Marco Island Renourishment Desie:n & Permit with BW Ene:ineerine: 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item will fund beach desie:n and oermittine: to determine a renourish olan (includine: Hot Soot permanent solution) for the Marco Island South beach. The conceotual desie:n basis should be comoleted and these funds are a oreliminarv estimate to beine: the desie:n. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $300.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 20 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Marco Island Renourishment Desie:n & Permit with BW Ene:ineerine: PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share $ 300.000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 300.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 300.000.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 300.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date .. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 21 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Cltv of Marco Island Laser Grading Protect (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Cltvof Marco Island 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island. FL 34145 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Nancv Richie. Environmental Specialist Address: 50 Bald Eagle Drive City Marco Island ST FL ZIP 34145 Phone: 239-389-5003 FAX: 239-393-0266 Other: nrichie@cltvofmarcoisland.com 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Dr. James Riviere. Cltv ManaCler, Cltv of Marco Island 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The area of the Marco Island beach south of the Tioertail Laooon to the north property line of "Residents' Beach" (between Beach Monuments R133 to R141 - map attached) is extremelv wide thus creating a tOPOQraphv and drainaoe issue that creates standin9 water that staanates. resultino in odor and health concerns and also creates poor conditions for successful sea turtle and shorebird nestina. To improve the condition of the beach and have lona term sustainabilitv of the healthv condition. laser oradino this area to a DOsitive slope to the Gulf of Mexico will improve water drainaoe and alleviate the standinQ water issue. thus alleviate the odor and health concerns on this popular recreational beach and important sea turtle and shorebird habitat. Laser 9radino is done bv tractor and oradino eouipment usino a laser to prooram the exact slope necessarv for a healthv beach. Doino the project outside of sea turtle nestino season. a Florida Deoartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) field oermit will be the necessarY permit reauired. s. Estimated project start date: November 01. 2011 (or as soon 8$ DOsslble) 6. Estimated project duration: 14-30 days 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $20.000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" A" Grant Application Page 2 City of Marco Island Laser Grading Project CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 22 of 43 (Project Title) PRO.JECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested Cityrraxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share TOTAL AMOUNT $ 20.000.00 $Q $Q $Q $ 20.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Permittina: FDEP Field Permit Contractor TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with anguitlelinesan~riteria. / // /0/ " .-.. C;==- \ Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official $ 20.000.00 3/1 ). \ 'Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIlI-8-a New Business 23 of 43 EXIDBIT A The attached aerial depicts the area approximately between Beach Monument R 133 to R 141, or from the southern end of the Tigertail Beach lagoon to the northern property line of Resident's Beach, Marco Island. The area to be graded is shown in "hatch" marks and the project would be done 15 feet seaward of the dune vegetation line and 15 feet landward of the high tide line. The area measures approximately 5,700 - 6,000 square feet. '. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business .4 . . ISLAND o CAC April 14, 2I1:1{'l.se y<" Vllt1l=!" NewJB~n~d 1/1 Ct 25 of 43 ,. Ii . .. F "".. City of Marco Island 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island. Florida 34145 239.389.;"iOOO Fax: 2?iSl-3S9.4?i59 Cityofmlu'coisland ,com CAC April 14, 2011 .. VIII-8-a New Business MARCO ISLAND STREET INDEX 26 of 43 1ST, 2ND, aRa AVE. C-6 BRJAllWOaO CT. E'" ELKHORN CT. B.. KIRK TERR. E-l PEACH CT. F... SOMERSET CT. s.6 5TH, 6TH AVI!. C.. BUCCANEER CT. M ELM CT. B" KIRKWOOD ST. [).o\ PEACOCK TERR. 0-2 SOUTH BEACH OR. A" ABACO CT. C-3 BUTTeRCUP CT. B... _SSY CT. a.li PELICAN CT. C.2 SOUTH FLORAL ST. F'" ABSEVlLLE CT. C.2 BUTTERFIELD CT. D-5 EMBER CT. C.2 LAMPlIGHTER C.3 PEPPERWOOa CT. 0-6 S. HtlATHWOOO OR. Q.3 ACORN CT. F... BUTT1!RFl.Y CT. C-6 EUBANKS CT. 0-1 LANOMARK ST. C.3 PERJWIIlKLE CT. .1.-$ SOUTH SEAS CT. C-6 AOOlSON CT. E-l BUTTONWOOD CT. D-I LANTANA LN. A-S PERRINE CT. 11-4 Sl'ANISH CT. c.3 AOIf\ONOACK CT. C-3 FAlRLAWN CT. a.. LAUREL CT. C" PERSIAN CT. D-2 SI'INNAKER OR. A-li AOMlAALTYCT. C.S CALUSA CT. E... FERN CT. C-6 U!ATHER FERN LN. .1.-5 PERU ST. C-2 SPRUCE AVE (;,2 ALAMEDA CT. 0-2 CAMEO CT. a.li FIELDSTONE OR. (;,2 U!EWAIUl CT. E'" Pl!TT1T CT. E.l STARFISH CT. F... ALGONQUIN cr. E-3 CANARY CT. E-3 FIJlCT. M LeLAND WAY 0-3 PHeASANT CT. 0-2 STILLWATER CT. F... AI.MIlfllA CT. E-2 CANBY CT. e... FIRWDOO CT. 0-5 LeO CT. E-l PIeDMONT CIR. D-5 STONE CT. C., AMAZON CT. EI-4 CAPISTl'IANO CT. C-6 FLAMINGO ClR. 11-3 LEWIS CT. Il-5 PIeDMONT CT. eof STRAWBERRY CT. C... AMBER OR C.2 CAPRI CT. 0-2 FORRl!ST CT. 0-2 LIDO CT. C-2 Pl.ANTATION CT. B" lWNBlRO AVE. C.. ANCHOR CT. E... CARA CT. C.3 FOURWlNOS AVE. C"" UGHTHOUSl! CT. C-3 PLUM CT. C-3 lWNOROP CT. Cof ANOALUSlA TERR. O-! CARIBBEAN CT. Il-5 FREEPORT AVE. [).o\ ULAC AVE. C-6 POLYNESIA CT. E..!5 lWNFl.OWER CT. c-3 ANDROS AVE. [)04 CASCADE CT. E... FRONT ST. C-6 LILY CT. Q.3 POST CT. C-6 SUNSET COVE C.S ANGLeR CT. E'" CASTAWAYS ST. B-4 FRUITLAND AVE. c-s UME TERR. M PI'llceCT. B-5 lWNSET ST. N. & S. F-3 ANTIGUA CT. C-2 CAXAMBAS CT. 0-1 LIVE OAK LN. A-6 PRIMROSE CT. C.3 SWALLOW AVE. C., ANTILLeS CT. D-5 CAXAMBAS OR. 0-1 GALLEON AIlE, CT. M LOYALTY CT. C.! PI'lOVENCI! CT. E-3 SWAN OR. C.l APATAKI CT. E"" CAXAMBAS RD. E-l GATEHOUSE CT. Aof LUDLAM CT. C.2 _SCT. B.S QUAIL ST. C.S SYCAMORE CT. C.3 APPLE CT. C" ceDAR CT. c-e GAYER WAY B.7 LUDLOW RD. 0-1 OUINTARA CT. 0.2 APRICOT CT. a... ceNTURY CT. 11-5 G_UM CT E"" TAHm RD. 0-4 APRIL CT. E-2 ceNTURY DR. 8-5 GlRALOA CT. M MACAO CT. E-2 RAINIIOW CT. Q.3 TAu.wooo ST. C-6 ARAWAK AVE. B-3 CHALMERS OR. C-6 GOLDCOAST CT. [Hi MADAGASCAR CT. E-3 RANDY CT. M TAMPA Pl.ACE 0.7 ARCADIA CT. 0-1 CHANNEl.. CT. E... GOOENROD AVE. C-6 MAGNOLIA cr. B-6 RAYMOND CT. A" TARPON CT. 0-5 ARUBA CT. 0-3 CHESTNUT CT. 0-11 GRANADA OR. E-2 MAJORCA CIR. [)04 REO IlAY LN. A-II TAYLOR CT. A.5 ASTER CT. C-3 CLIFTON CT. A-S GRAP1!WooO CT. E"" MANGROVE CT. 8-5 REDWOOD CT. Cof TEMPLEWOOO CT. 0-4 AUIlURNOALE AVE. 0-2 CLYBURN ST. 0-3 GRAY CT. A-6 MANOR TERR. B-4 REGATTA CT. 0-3 THORPE! CT. A" AUSTIN CT. A-S COCO PLUM LN. A-lI G_ARST. B-4 MAPLE AVE, CT. C-3 RENARD CT. A" THRUSH CT. s.6 AZTI!C CT. C.2 COLUER BLl/ll. N. C-6 GREENVlEW ST. 0-4 MARCO LAKE OR. C-6 RICHARDS CT. A-6 TlGeRTAIL CT. M COLUeR BLVD. $. B-3 GULFPORT CT. e.< MARIANA CT. C.2 RICHMOND CT. E-! TRAVIl>A TERR E.2 BAHAMA AVE. N.. S e.3 COUJeR CT. C.l GULFSTREAM ST. M MARINER ST. F-3 RIO CT. C.5 TREASURE CT. M BALBOA CT. 0-3 COlJ.INGSWOOD AVE. 0-2 GUMSO UMBO LN. A-6 MA/lLIN CT. C.2 RIVER CT. B-5 TRENT CT. III-S BALD EAGLE DR. C"" COL~LAVE. A-S MARQIJl!SAS CT. C"" RIVI!RHEAO AVE. 0... TRINIOAO AVE. 0-4 BALI'OUIlOR. 0-3 cOLUMlWS WAY 0-3 HAMMOCK CT. 0-2 MARTlNlQUI! CT. o-s ROSIN CT. C-6 TRlI'OU CT. o-s IIALI CT. C... CONOVER CT. 0-2 HARTLEY AVE. C-S MAUNOElI CT. .1.-6 1l000001LL CT. E.. TULIP CT. c-3 IIALMORAL CT. E-3 COPELAND OR. 0-1 HARTLEY ST, C-5 MAYWOOD CT. E.. ROCKPORT CT. 11I-6 TWtUGHT WAY Q.3 IIALSAM CT. 0-6 COPPl!RFIELD CT. EI-4 HAWAII ClR. E-3 MCILVAINE CT. 0-1 ROMANO TERR. E-4 TWtN OAK CT. C.2 BAL 11C TeRR. 0.2 CORAL CT. e.< HAWAII CT. E-3 MEADOWLARK CT. E-5 ROOKERY CT. D-5 VALLEY AVE. c-a BAMBOO CT. o-s CORONAOA CT, c.3 HAZELCREST ST. M MEDElRA E-3 ROSE CT. C.. VERNON PL. 8.7 BANYAN CT. C-1 COTTAGE CT. A-S HEATHWOOO OR. 0-3 MI!NllEL CT. c-a ROYAL MARCO WAY 11I-7 VIU.A CT. E-3 IIARBADOS AVE., CT. E-4 COTTONWOOO CT. C-4 HEIGHTS CT. 0-1 M!!NORCA CT. E'" RUBY CT. C-4 WAlKlKI CT. [Hi IIARIlAROSA CT. E-3 COVl!WOOO CT. 1!-3 HENOl!RSON CT. A-S _IMACAVE. 0-4 RUPl!RT OR. 11-7 WALES CT. C-6 IIARCELONA CT. 0-2 CRESceNT ST. 11-5 HERNANDO OR. A-5 MILAN CT. 1l-6 WATeRFALL CT. E.3 IIARFlELD CT. E.l CUSHING LN. 0-4 HERON CT. C-6 MIMOSA CT. C-2 SAVADORE CT. 0-2 WATERLEAF CT. C.~ BARFIELD OR. N. D-5 CUTLER CT. 0-2 HICKORY CT. C-3 MISTLETOE CT. C-3 SAMOA AVE. C.. WATERSIDE OR. A-6 BARFIELD OR. S. E-l CYRUS ST. M HIDEAWAY CR. A-6 _0 cr: C.2 $AN MARCO RD. C-4 WA'f'Ef'tNAY CIF!. C-6 BA8lI CT. C-6 HIGHLAND CT. M MOON CT. C-6 SANDHILL ST 0-3 WA'f'Ef'tNAY CT. C-4 BATTERSEA CT. C-2 DADE CT. E-2 HOLLY CT. 11-5 MORNING GLORY LN. A-lI SATURN CT. B-4 WATERWAY OR. C"" BAY RD. E.l DAISY CT. C-3 HOLLYHOCK CT. F-4 MULBeRRY CT. 0-6 SAXON ST. M WATSON RD. E-l BAYPORT AVE. [).o\ DAN RIVeR CT. F.. HONDURAS AVE. F-4 SCOTT OR. E-l WAVEClitl!ST CT. E-5 BAYSIDE CT. B-4 DANA CT. C-3 HONEYSUCKLE AVE. M NASSAU CT. 0-4 SEABREI!ZE OR. A-II WAYNE AVE M IlEACH DRIVE A'" DANDELION cr: B-4 HULL CT. B-6 NASEAU RD. 0-$ SEA CT. B-4 WHITEHEART AVE. M !lEACH LilY LN. A'" OEUlRODK WAY 0-3 H~NGBIF!O CT. 1!-4 NAUTILUS CT. 8-5 SEA OUNE LANE A" WHITEHEART CT. C-3 IlEACHCOMIlI!R $'I: B-3 OEVON CT. E-2 HUNKIN CT. A-S Nl!WELl. TERR. E.l SEA LAV1!NOl!R LN. A-S WILD CHERRY LN. A-II SEAVER CT, C-4 DILL CT. C-3 HUNT CT. C-6 SEA DATE LN. A-II WIUl COFI'I!I! LN. A-II !lEGONIA CT. E~3 DIPLOMAT CT. 11-5 HURON CT. C.l OLD MARCO LANE B-6 SEAGRAPE! OR. C-l WILD ORCHID LN. A'" !lELVEOERE CT. 0-3 DOGWOOD Oil. E-3 HYACINTH CT. N OLOS cr. E-l SEAHORSE CT. E-4 WilLOW cr: C-lI III!RMUDA RD. 0-4 OOI.I'HIN CT. C-3 OUVE CT. C.. SEAVlEW CT B-4 WlNOBROOK CT. E" BIMINI AVE. 0..& OORANDO CT. 11-1 INDIAN HIL1. E.' OMALLEY'S ALLEY c"',e SEMINOLE CT. E-4 WINDMILL AVE. 0-5 BIRCH CT. c-3 DOVE CT. B-4 INLET OR. E.l ORANGE CT. C-II SHADOW RIDGE CT. o-s WINDWARD OR. C-II BIRWOOO TERR. 0-$ DOW CT. C-6 IRIS cr. 0-11 ORCHID CT. C.2 SHALlMAR CT. C.2 WlNTl!RBeRRY OR. C-2 BISCAYNEWAY 0-3 DOXSEE TERR. 0-1 IROHWOOO CT. C.3 ORLEANS CT. E-3 SHEFFIELD AVE. 1"-3 WINTERGREEN CT. B-4 BLACKMORE ST A.S llRlFlWOOO CT. C.3 IVORY CT. C"" ORTEGA LA. B-4 SHENANDOAH CT. C-3 WOODBINE CT. E" BLUI!BIRO AVI! D-S JAMAICA CT., RD. 0-4 OSCEOLA CT. E.' SHIP CT. B-4 WORTHINGTON ST. M BLUEBONNET cr. B-t ECHO ClR. c.tl JAVA CT. C.2 OSPREY CT. 0.2 SHOREcREST CT. E-4 WREN ST. e-a BLUE HIlL CT. F-4 EDEN CT. C-5 JOY ClR. S." E. C-6 SHORES CT. 0-1 YARMOUTH ST. 0-3 BONO CT. C-3 EOGEWATER CT. C-6 JUNE CT. C-6 PALM ST. 11-7 SKYLARK AVE. 0-4 YELLOWIlIRD ST. C-S BONITA CT. C-6 IlOINGTON PI.. 11I-7 JUNIPER CT. C-6 PANAMA CT. C.l SNELL CT. A'" BOUNTY CT. E-3 ELKCIR. 8-1 PARK AVE. C-5 SNOWl!JI!RRY CT. C-6 BRAOFORtl CT. 8-6 ELKCAM ClR. E. C-6 KENDALL OR. A-6 PARTRIDGE cr: C-2 SOCIETY CT, 0-4 BREAKWATER CT. C-3 ELKCAM 0111. W. C-6 KINGSTON CT. 0-4 PARKHOUSE CT. A'" SOLANA CT. N NORTH END CONDOMINIUMS SHOPPING SOUTH END CONDOMINIUMS AORIATIC 1 B-lI CENTERS ANAHlTA 32 C., MISTY COVE 65 C.l AHGLI!IlS COVE AT MARCO BAY 2 C-II ElOAT CLUB CONDOMINIUM so C., MOORINGS 57 C.l BAYFRONT PLACE 33 B-lI I ROYAL PALM MALL 0-5 BOIJRGAINVII.I.EA GAROeNS 34 C.l NAUTILUS " C-' IIAYSlOE CLUB 3 B-lI ' TOWN CENTER MALL C-6 BREEZY POINT 35 CO, OUlE SOUTH GAROENS ~9 C-l COLUER BAY APTS. 4 B-7 SHOPS OF MARCO E-3 CAllA DE MARCO 31 C-l OI.OE SOUTH VIEWS 110 C., COQUINA GARDeNS 5 C-S . MARCO WALK c.a CAXAMSAS SOUTH IlEACH TERRACE 83 C., PALM ISLE i1 C-' COURT OF PALMS 6 B-6 SHOPS OF COURTYARD TOWERS 79 C., PANAMA CLUB 82 C_, ooCKSIOE 7 B-II OLD MARCO B-7 CROWS NEST 40 C.l PELICAN PERCH 63 C.l GRANll BAY 8 C-lI lj ISLAND PLAZA EBB TIDE 4! C-' PI'lOVENCIl 88 E-3 ISLAND VILLAGE 10 C-' BUSINESS CENTER C.I FLORENTINE GARDI!NS 44 C-l SEABURY 88 C.l MARCO INN VILLAS 9 B-7 @I ROMANPLAZA C-6 Fl.OR\!NTlNE VILLAS 45 C., SHELL llILE H 0.1 MARCO MANOR 11 C..!5 <li CROWN ROYAL PLAZA B-4 HARBOUR BOAT CLUll 46 C., SOUTHERN BREI!ZE GARDENS 68 C-l MARCO RESORT" CLUB 12 C-1 HUllON COVE 47 C.l SUN HARIlOR CLUB 4a C.l ISLAND CLUB ., 48 C.l SUNNY SHADOWS '"' C.l MARCO VILLAS 13 c-s CHURCHES ISLAND CLUB 8a so C.l SURFWALK 71 C., MARCO VISTA 14 B.7 0 FIRST BAPTIST 0.2 ISLAND CLUlI #3 46 C.l SWALLOWS 72 Co, MODeL VILLAGE 15 1l-7 t) Jf!WISH CENTER C-2 ISLANOl!R COVE 51 C.l TIKIHOUse 73 Co, OLDE MARCO CONDOS 81 B-7 3 CHURCH OF GOO C-5 LE CLUB CAXAMBAS 62 (;., TOWNHOUse SQUARE 74 C.l PARADISE VIL.LAGE 16 B-6 NEW 1.1I'2 COMMUNITY CHURCH 0-3 LIDO CLUB 53 C.l TROPICAL ISLE 11 C-l PAVlLUON CLUB 17 B-7 0 LUTHERAN B.$ !4ARGUI!RITA CLUIl 54 C.l Tl'IOPICANA 8a C-l PINEHURST 18 C-6 3 PRESBYTERIAN 11-5 MARINERS PALM HARIlOR t.< C-1 VANTAGe POINT 78 C-l RIVERSIDE CLUB 19 C.7 SAN MARCO MARlSOL PLAZA 66 C-l VISTA DEl. SOL 78 C., SAND DOLLAR VILLAS 20 C-5 CATHOLIC B-3 MAXIM!! CLUB 41 C.l VOYAGeR n C-l SANOSTAR VILLAS 21 C-5 I EPISCOPAL c-s PARKS & RECREATION SlIIIOKEHOUSE BAY 22 B-5 . UNITED CHURCH E-4 SMOKEHOUSE HARBOUR a3 B-6 . weSLEY UNITED CAXAMBAS PARK C.l COMMUNITY FACILITIES SUNRISE BAY RESORT 24 C-7 METHODIST E.3 FRANK E. MACKLE PARK 0-3 SUNSET COVE 8<1 C-5 JANE HITTLER PARK Il-S CHARTER MIDDLE SCHOOL 0-4 TAHmAN 25 C.5 LEIGH PLUMMER PARK E-5 CITY HALL 0... VILLA DEL MAilE 26 B..s RACQUET CLUB 0-3 FIRE STATION 0-4 VILLAGE AT SMOKEHOUSE BAY 7:1 B-6 ~ SOUTH MARCO BEACH HISTORICAL MUSEUM 0-3 VlLLE De MARCO EAST 28 B-7 ACCESS B-1 UBRARY 0-3 VILLI! De MARCO weST 29 B-7 y.. TlGERTAIL PUBLIC BEACH A-5 MACKLE PARK MAINTENANCE o-a PRINT MARCO HEALTH CARE CENTER WAV1!RL Y GARDeNS ~ C-6 SHO'. TOMMIE BARFIELD 0... 0-4 weSTVIEW ON THE BAY 31 B-5 W1NTERBERRY PARK 0-2 TOMMIE BARFIELD VETERANS COMMUNITY ELEMENTARY 0-4 POLICE OEPTARTIIIENT 0-4 ?J'~'7t) PARK C-S YMCA 0-3 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 27 of 43 Wednesday, March 02 2011 Mr. Gary McAlpin, Director Coastal Zone Management 3301 East Tamiami Trail W. Harmon Turner Bldg. Suite #103 Naples, FL 34112 Re: Collier County Tourist Development Council Category" An Grant Application Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Category Project Title: City of Marco Island Laser Grading Project Dear Gary, Please find attached the grant application for laser grading the northern portion of the Marco Island beach. The City's Beach Advisory Committee unanimously approved a motion to have this area of the beach graded to improve topography, drainage issues and sea turtle and shorebird habitat. The City Manager has approved the project. The funds requested are estimated based on past laser grading projects and could easily less in cost. If more information is required, pleas contact me at anytime. Thank you and the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee for the consideration of this project. Sincerely, @~/ /f;diV Nancy J. Richie Environmental Specialist c/ Dr. James Riviere, City Manager City Council City of Marco Island Beach Advisory Committee Randy Moity, Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Wayne Waldack, Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Victor Rios, Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Maura Kraus. Collier County Sea Turtle Program CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 28 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Tie:ertail Beach Refurbishment 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Tie:ertail will be tilled orior to turtle nestine: season. Investie:ate what ootions exist to enhance the beach at Tie:ertail to be more attractive to tourists. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $25.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 29 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Wie:e:ins Pass Maintenance Proe:ram - Ene:ineerine: PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 25.000,00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 25.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 25.000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 25.000.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 30 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Maintenance for Collier CountvlMarco Island 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Coyle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Collier Countv and Marco Island beach c1eanine:. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1. 2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $139.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 31 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Beach Maintenance for Collier Countv/Marco Island PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 139,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 139,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 139,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 139.000.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 BEACH CLEANING VIII-8-a New Business 32 of 43 195-116361 195-116361 Beach Cleaning Pro' ect OPERATING BUDGET 135,000 211,474 84,470 53,188 139,000 0 135,000 631400- Engineering Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 631410 - Surveying Fee 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 2,500 634990 - Landscape Inc 0 0 30 30 0 0 0 634999 - Other Contractual 92,400 166,335 50,700 66,500 0 66,500 640410 - Motor Pool Rental Charge 0 0 233 0 1,000 0 0 643300 - Trash and Garbage 0 0 1,782 2,000 2,500 0 2,500 645260 - Auto Insurance 2,700 2,700 675 2,700 3,600 3,600 646430 - Fleet Maint 1 10,300 22,246 4,040 10,300 10,000 0 10,000 636440 - Fleet Maint ISF Parts & Sublet 9,100 0 7,059 9,100 19,500 19,500 646445 - Fleet Non Maint 2,800 7,840 2,343 2,800 3,000 0 3,000 647110 - Printing and Binding 0 679 7,279 7,279 1,500 0 1,500 649010 - Licenses and Permits 0 1 0 0 0 0 649030 - Clerks Records 0 0 500 500 500 500 652140 - Personal Safety 0 200 200 200 500 500 652490 - Fuel and Lub 17,700 10,817 8,894 17.700 27,400 0 27,400 652910 - Minor Operating 0 656 656 500 0 652990 - Other Operating Expenses 0 0 79 79 500 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 764180 - Machinery 0 0 0 0 0 Total 270,000 422,947 168,940 106,376 139,000 0 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 33 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION 2012 Beach Renourisbment and Pass Maintenance Naoles Beach Maintenance (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: David Lykins, CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State:""L ZIP: Phone: 239/213-7110 FAX: 239/213-7130 34102 Other: dlvkins(tV,naplesuov.com 3. OrganizAtion's Chief Elected OHicial and Title: Hon. Bill Barnett City Mayor 4. Details ofProject~ Description and Location: Description: This is an on-going TDC funded project for support of maintain on local beaches. The City in recent years has taken over the upkeep and grooming of TDC eligible beaches from the County. Under this project, the City removes litter, accumulation of algae, and rocks along public access beach portions of the Gulf within the City's jurisdictional limits. This is a benefit to both residents and tourist populations, and is beneficial to the preservation of the sand beach and shoreline. This year's request includes equipment operator's salary and benefits; equipment fuel and maintenance, contractor and equipment. Location: Signification coordination of effort continues between the City and Collier County concerning beach maintenance. The project boundary location is from southernmost State- permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $76,850 8. lfthe full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No() Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application - Page 2 NaolesBeacb Maintenance (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT TDC Funds Requested Cityrraxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share 'fOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) Salaries - - _Equipment Fuel and Maintenance Additional Beacb Cart - Gas w/ Manual Bed Lift - - _ Additional Two Beach Trasb Compactors at Pier _ 'fOT AL CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 34 of 43 AMOUNT $ _76,850 $ $ $ $ _76,850___ $_48,000 $_7,000 $_11,850 $_10,000 $ _76,850__ I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. xJJ . lvL /iF"" A. William Moss, City Manager ',//7/1/ Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 35 of 43 EXHIBIT A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION E.LIGIBILITY: Beach Maintenance activities will take place on beach area that are least 80% classified as eligible under the TDC guidelines. The project boundary location is from southernmost State-permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: The City of Naples will be the primary recipient and lead agency for controlling and completing all aspects and activities proposed in this grant application. The City will remain the lead agency for the duration of funding and will be the sole point of contact for all matters related to this proposal. The City has the managerial and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If a City project staff'member or consultant is involved simultaneously in two or more projects, the statfwill not be compensated for more than I 00% of their time for any such dual involvement. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 36 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY" A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Vee:etation Reoair/Exotic Removal County Wide 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier County Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST FL ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Coyle. Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Dune olantine: and exotic removal e:reatlv contribute to a healthv beach environment. Each vear the county sets aside $75.000 to reoair dune vee:etation and remove exotics on all our county beaches. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $75.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAe April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 37 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Vee:etation Reoair/Exotic Removal County Wide PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested City/Taxing District Share State of Florida Share Federal Share $ 75,000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 75,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) PlantingfRemoval $ 75,00.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 75,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 38 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION 2012 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: David Lykins, CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State: FL ZIP: Phone: 239/213-7110 FAX: 239/213-7130 34102 Other: dlvkins~naplesl!ov.com 3. Organization's Chief Elected Official and Title: Hon. Bill Barnett City Mayor 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Description: The activity description for this project includes labor and material for the upkeep and safety of the pier. The pier is a pubic access beach facility as a tourist attractor and destination. The pier structure has a shoreline erosion control and beach preservation effect. Additionally, the public safety through the continued maintain of the pier is of paramount importance. Repair and maintenance issues include responsibility and public safety of pier structure, wooden deck, restrooms and storage facilities as well as water and electrical systems related to the pier's use as a fishing, tourist and beach preservation structure. Location: The project location is at the 12 Avenue - South terminus beach end. Please refer to Project Location Map found in Exhibit A. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2010 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TOC Tax Funds 'Requested: $55,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) NoO I CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 39 of 43 --l I I Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application - Page 2 _ Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance_ (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested Cityrraxing District Share State of Florida Share Fedeml Share $ _$55,000 $ $ $ TOTAL $ _$55,000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) _Salaries and Material $_$55,000 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ _55,000 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. x vO.tv~ IY~ A. William Moss, City Manager ? !i7111 Date EXIllBIT A CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 40 of 43 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELIGIBILITY: The pier structure is no more than one-half mile from a public beach facility, public access point, and hotel or motel facilities and is on a beach area classified as eligible. BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If a City project staff member or consultant is involved simultaneously in two or more projects, the staff will not be compensated for more than 100% of their time for any such dual involvement. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 41 of 43 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 195 Administration 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Manae:ement Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 Naoles. Florida 34112 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrie:ht. Accountant Address: Collier Countv Government 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Suite 103 City Naoles ST.f!! ZIP 34112 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Fred W. Covle. Chairman Board of Countv Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item funds Countv staff to manae:e the oroiects. maintain the beaches. administer the oroe:rams. It includes the Director: an Office Manae:er/ Accountant: a field suoervisorv/Proiect Manae:er: and two EQuioment Ooerators to clean and maintain the Countv and Marco Beaches. It also includes Administrative Indirect Fees required for administrative functions like ourchasine:. information technoloe:v. motor 0001 and human resources. Tax collectors fees are also include in this item. Aooroval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1. 2011 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $727.140.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 42 of 43 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Page 2 Fund 195 Administration PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 727.140.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 727.140.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring ete) Funding 195 and 183 Administration Indirect Administration Cost Tax Collector Fee $ 510.540.00 $ 107.700.00 $ 108.900.00 $ $ $ 727,140.00 TOTAL I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Signature of Sponsor Organization's Chief Official Date eZM ADMINISTRATION 195-110407 CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-8-a New Business 43 of 43 Proiect PERSONAL SERVICE - TOTAL 460,800 466,895 249,333 451,442 459,566 0 459,566 512100 - Regular Salaries 313,968 313,968 156,844 313,968 313,679 0 313,679 512600 - ER 457 2,500 2,500 2,105 2,500 2,000 0 2,000 513100 - Other Salaries 10,560 10,560 17,357 7,220 514100 - Overtime 0 0 1,202 1,202 0 0 0 519100 - Reserve for Salaries 0 6,095 0 0 0 0 521100 - Social Security Matching 24,082 24,082 13,443 24,082 24,066 0 24,066 522100 - Retirment 40,885 40,885 18,429 40,885 35,258 0 35,258 523150 - Health Insurance 56,850 56,850 28,425 56,850 63,730 0 63,730 523151 - Health Insurance 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 12,466 0 12,466 523160 - Life Insurance 855 855 428 855 847 0 847 524100 - Workers Compensation Regular 300 300 OPERATING BUDGET - TOTAL 161,600 167,837 148,750 162,259 158,674 0 158,674 631820 - Clerk of Board 2,500 2,500 1,403 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 631990 - Other Professional Services 0 0 0 634204 - IT Direct Client 0 0 0 634207 - IT CAP Allocation 600 600 300 600 1,600 0 1,600 634210 - Office Automated 9,300 9,300 4,650 9,300 16,600 0 16,600 634970 - Indirect Cost 117,700 117,700 117,700 117,700 107,700 0 107,700 634980 - Interdepartment Pay 0 0 0 634999 - Other Contractual 6,900 6,900 2,703 6,900 2,520 0 2,520 639964 - Storage Contract 55 125 200 0 200 640200 - Mileage Reimbursable 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 640300 - Travel Prof 1,000 1,000 977 1,000 2,500 0 2,500 640410 - Motor Poll Rental Charge 0 0 0 0 500 500 641230 - Telephone Access Charge 1,100 1,100 731 1,100 2,200 0 2,200 641700 - Celular Telephone 2,400 2,400 755 2,400 2,000 0 2,000 641900 - Telephone System 1,500 1,500 243 1,500 0 0 0 641950 - Post Freight 1,000 7,237 7,162 565 1,500 0 1,500 645100 - Insurance General 2,900 2,900 1,450 2,900 2,900 0 2,900 645260 - Auto Insurance 646430 - Fleet Maint I 100 100 0 100 100 0 100 636440 - Fleet Maint ISF Parts & Sublet 0 0 0 0 200 646445 - Fleet Non Maint 100 100 49 100 200 0 646710 - Office Equipment 0 0 1,206 1,206 0 0 0 647110 - Printing and Binding 500 500 690 1,000 500 0 500 649010 - Licenses and Permits 1,000 1,000 130 500 500 500 651110 - Office Supplies 6,000 6,000 2,280 5,000 4,500 4,500 651210 - Coping Charges 0 0 26 26 500 500 652490 - Fuel and Lub 0 0 237 237 1,454 0 1,454 652920 - Computer Software 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 500 500 652990 - Other Operating Expenses 0 0 913 1,000 1,000 1,000 654210 - Dues and Memberships 3,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 654360 - Other Training 1,000 1,000 90 500 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,500 6,500 0 0 0 0 0 762200 - Building Improvement 6,500 6,500 0 0 Total 628,900 641,232 398,083 613,701 618,240 0 618,240 Direct Cost (18,867) (107,700) Total 510,540 CAe April 14, 2011 VIII-9 New Business 10f6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FDEP Permitting Status OBJECTIVE: Update the GAG on the FDEP Permitting Status CONSIDERATIONS: For information only. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information update only. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM c CAC April 14, 2011 VIlI-9 New Business 20f6 - u Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management April 5, 2011 Secretary Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr. Flerida Department .of Envirenmental Pretectien 3900 Cemmenwealth Blvd. Mail Statien 1 0 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 Re: Cellier Ceunty FDEP Permitting Discussien Dear Secretary Vinyard: The Cellier Ceunty Beard .of County Cemmissieners and the Naples City ceuncil in a jeint werkshep held en 2/7/2011 directed staff teaddress ceastal permitting issues and cencerns te Geverner Scett and DEP Secretary Vinyard. In additien te addressing mere reutine permit preblems and inefficiencies, beth lecal gevernments wanted te develep mere effective and permanent selutiens te reeccurring beach eresienal areas (hot spets) and alse Pass/Inlet maintenance dredging. With that said, many empleyees within the FDEP organizatien previde exceptienal service and suppert te lecal gevernments. In SW Florida, Cellier Ceunty values and greatly appreciates the dedicatien, ceeperatien and cemmitment .of several .outstanding empleyees. Dr. Lainie Edwards, Jen Iglehart and Jenny Cewart frem the Ft Myers .office and Mike Barnett are examples .of empleyees that previde exceptienal suppert te .our ceunty. We weuld like te recegnize these empleyees and draw their centribution to yeur attention. Hewever, Cellier Ceunty has ever the years been frustrated with the State and Federal permitting precess fer .our ceastal prejects. We understand that the State and Federal permitting process has, by law, many layers .of review andappreval that are part .of the permit issuance precess and help te achieve the commen geal .of a final permit that will pretect .our citizens, envirenment, ecenemy and quality .of life. The time and reseurces that it takes te .obtain a permit has been an exercise that we have ceme te accept as a necessary part .of the precess. Hewever, with .our Ceunty suffering from reductiens in revenues, we wanted te make DEP aware .of .our fiscal censtraints and the impacts .of extended permit review processes en .our Ceunty. We have already been ferced te questien all .of .our pregrams, precedures and expenditures. Our geal is te find mutually acceptable mechanisms t.o increase efficiency between Cellier C.ounty and DEP in the permitting precess, with an intended eutceme .of enhanced cemmunicatien, cellaberatien and efficiency. Collier County CoaslalZooe Management. 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suile 103 . Naples.. Florida 34 112-5746 . 239-252-2966 . FAX 239-252-2950 www.colfiergov.netfcoastalzonemanagemenl CAC April 14, 2011 VIlI-9 New Business S crt; tat; s c he !T. V i ~l~~l J t: E P P 1 o I e 12 Passllnlet Maintenance Dredaing Wiggins Pass has been maintenance dredged 13 times .over the last 30+ years. Hist.orically, the pass has been dredged every tw.o years but recent trends have the channel filling in every 18 m.onths t.o un-navigable conditi.ons. In additi.on t.o this unsafe b.oating c.onditi.on, Baref.o.ot Beach and the mangrove channel t.o the n.orth have been er.oding. Each dredging event c.ostsappr.oximately$750,OOO and Callier C.ounty has determined that this situati.on cann.ot c.ontinue and we have initiated a navigati.on improvement project. DEP has expressed c.oncern .over the current dredge template (s.oft-engineering,sand dike s.oluti.on) for straightening Wiggins Pass. Many members .of the community w.ould like a structural jetty s.oluti.on t.o res.olve this issue. H.owever, it's imp.ortant far DEP t.o understand that finding a nan-structural s.olution has widespread supp.ort am.ong the stakeh.olders in Callier C.ounty. The C.ounty w.ould like t.ounderstand better the c.oncerns DEP has with the current permit applicati.on. In additi.on, if DEP has determined that this appr.oach is n.ot suitable, haw can Callier C.ounty and DEP w.ork t.ogether t.o find a permanent s.oluti.on to manage and pr.otect the entire Wiggins Pass system? The Fl.orida Park Service rep.orts thr.ough the FDEP .organizati.on. FDEP is als.o resp.onsible far the independent stewardship .of coastal programs and assets. On the Wiggins Pass permitapplicati.on far straightening the channel, DEP is n.ot .only the permit applicati.on reviewer, but als.o the manager .of the State park. This has led t.o same c.oncern ab.out haw the permit review arm .of DEP interacts with the res.ource management arm.of DEP. Callier C.ountyis c.oncerned that DEP has been biased t.owards the Fl.orida Park System in its stewardship.of .overall c.oastal issues in this area. We believe this is a c.onflict .of interest and that FDEP is unreas.onable in its current permitting requirements and .overly reactive t.o the State Park system. Thus, .on the W.iggins Pass permit applicati.on far straightening the channel, C.olli.er C.ounty would like t.o be able to further participate in discussi.ons between the permitting arm and the res.ource management arm .of DEP in .order t.o address any issues that arise and t.o avert any p.otential unexpected issues that could have been avoided if better c.ommunicati.on were in place, Reoccurrina Beach Erosional AreasChot spots) Callier C.ounty has several significant hat spat l.ocati.ons al.ong its coast where accelerated er.osi.on is the rule rather that the excepti.on. These areas require c.onstant attenti.on and r.outine expenditure of funds t.o pr.otect the upland structures, pr.ovide far wildlife habitat and a p.ositive beach experience far .our t.ourists. Callier County is in the process .of m.odeling these areas t.o determine the mast appropriate l.ong term soluti.on t.o address this recurring problem. We are l.o.oking t.o inc.orp.orate these hot spat See!(' r H II e ( CAC April 14, 2011 VIlI-9 New Business tjo,f91r Jr F' r~p Pc fHI tln~!") pn a 13 solutions into our next major beach renourishment within the next 2 to 4 years. We have an open slate in considering the most cost effective, technically feasible and environmentally friendly solution. Our approach will most likely investigate the removal of existing groin structures as well as the placement of new permanent structural solutions. How can Collier County and DEP work together to find a permanent solution to address the recurring erosional areas? Permittina Issues and Concerns Listed below are some of our perceptions of experiences with permitting Collier County Projects. We ask that you consider our concerns and perhaps survey other coastal communities to learn of their permitting experiences. We would be happy to organize a cross section of coastal communities to discuss common concerns and work with you to develop recommendations to address any concerns. Our intent would be for this to result in frank, open and constructive dialogue conducted in.a respectful and solution- oriented manner. This tone is important because many I.ocal governments are reluctant to raise issues with your agency. Local governments are key stakeholder in the permitting process and our input/feedback should be critically considered. Key concerns, issues and comments relative to FDEP are as follows: 1. The necessary regulatory framework often results in a lengthy permitting process. Sometimes it appears that the agency delays in making a decision. However, we would like for DEP to explore if there are better efficiencies that could be .employed to ensure that once all necessary information is provided, the review process occurs in an efficient and timely manner. 2. The first Request for Additional Information (RAI) typically asks questions addressed in the submittal. This lack of appropriate review adds to the time and the cost to execute the projects. How can the County better work with DEP permit review staff to ensure that necessary information is provided by the County and that DEP staff is able to readily find that information in the application packet? Such . improved efficiencies will helpto. ensure that the first Request for Additional Information (RAI) does not ask questions that are already answered in the application packet. 3. Duplicate reviews and overlapping responsibilities by local, state and federal agencies are another major issue. How can the County, DEP and other review agencies better coordinate review to ensure that multiple agency review does not result in cost--prohibitive delays in permit review and issuance? 4. Agencies appear to be afraid to move forward and make decisions especially in light of public comments. Often the pUblic will express concern to the agencies regarding a permit application after they have not received what they believe is a satisfactory or desired response from the County. This process typically slows down an already time consuming process. How can the permitting process continue to move forward and still address the public concerns? Secr tar CAC April 14, 2011 VIIl-9 New Business 50f6 e r 5 ;; ~; \ '[ V \ n J ID P Pc t ! \ '\ r i! :; ^" Page 14 5. Agencies practice "permit extortion", waiting till the last minute and extracting concessions due to completion needs. During Collier County's last major beach renourishment, we were required to install a one acre artificial reef at a cost well over $1,000,000 even though the scientific data did not support it. Subsequent yearly monitoring has confirmed our position and the scientific data that there has been no impact to the near shore hardbottom off our coasts. DEP must continue to be cognizant of the fact that Collier County has a narrow window for completion of coastal projects. This is required to avoid incompatible activities during sea turtle nesting season. How can better communication occur to ensure that the County maintains its necessary timeline for permit issuance, in order to have project completion by the beginning of turtle season? In addition, how can the County better coordinate with DEP on mitigation requirements, to ensure that what is proposed for mitigation is appropriate and does not create an undue .or unnecessary hardship on the County? 6. Permitting always seems to be in a panic or emergency mode which results in rash decisions that negatively affect our project costs. How can the County and DEP work together to keep the permitting process from entering into the panic or emergency mode, which could result in less than optimal decisions and potentially drive up the cost to the County? 7. Annual monitoring on projects is very expensive, resource intensive and time consuming. Collier County routinely spends $500,000 to $1,000,000 per year on monitoring and related regulatory activities. Turtle monitoring, shorebird monitoring, beach tilling, inlet monitoring, physical beach surveys, biological monitoring and dune plantings are covered by permit conditions. Collier County wants to be sure that these required activities, which are a necessary part of the permitting process, result in a true benefit for the cost and that the mitigation is in a fair proportion to the proposed impact. For example, biological monitoring is a concern because it appears that the data collected from this monitoring is not used in agency or external reports that would benefit listed species or give feedback as to the efficiency of the activities being monitored. Better use of monitoring reports should be a priority for DEP. 8. FDEP fails to give direction on the level of mitigation that is required to satisfy their concerns consequently, a significant amount of time in the RAI process is spent proposing and negotiating solutions that might be acceptable to the agency. Recently on the Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredg.ing Permit process turbidity requirements in Outstanding Florida Waters took over two months to resolve. How can the County and DEP better communicate, so that the County can learn as soon as possible what mitigation will be required as part of a permit application, especial.ly when the permit is asking for a variance from State rules? 9. Florida's beach renourishment cost share program solicits on a yearly basis projects for state participation in funding. Concerns exist relative to project scoring and selection. More transparency in the selection, scoring and funding process is suggested. Project presentations along with feedback on scoring and funding should be provided. CAC April 14, 2011 VIII-9 New Business 60f6 c e l'\ jJefs b;:!"I Vin.) r Perm P a l'i! Key concerns, issues and comments relative to FWC areas follows: 1. Regional Biological Opinions are used on federal projects by the USACE. These allow the USACE to perform various dredging events without obtaining a Biological Opinion for every dredging event. FWC requirements are more restrictive than the federal government and require a Biological Opinion for every dredge event. This at a minimum adds at least 6 months and additional costs to the permit. Could the FWC provide additional information to the County explaining the need for this additional layer of review and how the requirement of the Biological Opinions for each dredge event is necessary to protect our endangered and threatened sea turtles? 2. The turtle permitting process by FWC needs review. FWC has developed the regulations but also permits who obtains the permit to do the work, Permits are tightly controlled and a pool of qualified permit holders does not exist for competition to perform the work. If more permit holders were available, competition would increase and costs to implement the program would decrease. With the number of permit holders being maintained at the current amount, we are concerned that there are significant inefficiencies. The amount of qualified permit holders should be examined, to determine if there would be a benefit to increasing their number. 3.. Most permits require that renourishment only be accomplished outside of turtle nesting season. This limitation means that dredges are in high demand and limited availability have increased renourishment costs. Adequate safeguards could be developed for many projects that provide for turtle protection and allow renourishment during nesting season. This would significantly reduce the costs and less the impact of renourishment during prime tourist season. Depending on speCifiC situations dredging costs could be reduces by as much as 25 percent. We look forward to our meeting on 4/15/2011 to discuss these and other issues of concern. Sincerely I Gary McAlpin, PE CC: John Sorey Leo Ochs Marla Ramsey