Ordinance 79-066UJ
WHEREAS, Wafaa F. Assaad of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll and
Peek, Inc., representing U. S. Homes, petitioned the Board of County
Commissioners of Collier County, Florida to change the Zoning Classi-
fication of the herein described real property~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Collier County, Florida~
The zoning Classification of hereinafter described real prop-
erty in Collier County, Florida is changed from "GC" Golf Course
and "RM-1-GH" Residential Multi-Family to "GC" Golf Course and
"RM-1-GH" Residential Mult~-Family and the Official Zoning Atlas
Map Number 50-25-1 as described in Ordinance 76-30 is hereby amended
Co,~enclng at the Northeast corner et~ Undivided Block "R" of Lakt~,~ood
Unit No. ! accordi.ng to the plat thureof as recorded In Plat Book 12,
pages 7, 8 and D, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court;, Colller.
County, Florida; ·
thence along the North line of said Block '~R", South 89°-Z~2'-q~;" ~est
6823.11 feet to the Northwest corner of said Blo6k"R";
thence continuing South 8D'-q2'-q6" I~est 18D.Sq feet for the PL~:E
OF BEGINNING of so-called Colf Course Parcel "A" herein describe;
thence South 28°-56'-q$'' ~est 233.0~ feet;
thence South Iq'-19'-~6" %;est 152.62 feet; .
thence South O'-17'-ltl" East 79.05 feet;
thence South 61'":02'-~6" ~est 209.31 feet; .,~
thence South 28~-$7'-I~'' East 56.90 feet;
thence South ~'-37'-1~" East 58.22 feet' ~,~
thence South IJ5'-22'-~6" ~est 20.00 feet;
thence North 1~°-37'-1~" %,'est 77.73 feet;
thence South 72'-30'-00" ~,'est 19~.70 feet;
thence elong the East line of The Glades Unit Two (Plat [look 10,
page 88), North O'-i7'-05" Uest 177.28 feet;
thence along the North line of The Glades Unlt Two, (Plat
page 88), South 89"-1~2~-~;5" ~est 200.00 f.egt;
thence North O'-17'-O5" %dest ~57.2q feet;~-
thence North 89'-21'-6&" East 587.2& feet;
thence North ~39'-112'-116" East 135.35 feet to the Place of
being ~ part of the North I/2 of Section 12, Township 50 South,
Rn,ge 25 East, Collier County, Florida;
contnl~lng 7.20 Acres more or lassl
010 49.
thence North i~'-~1'-~3" East 105.00 feet;
thence North 62'-~8'-17"~est 151.20 feet;
thence North 37'-~8'-I~' ~est 151.20 feet;
thence North 12°-~7g-~6'' t~st 151.30 feet;
thence North 0°-17'-1~'' ~est 216.00 feet;
thence South 8~°-~2J-~6'' ~est 105.00 feet;
thence ·long the ~est line of said Block
North O'-17'-1~" ~est 20.00 feet;
thence North 8~*-~21-~6" East 105'.00 feet;
thence North O~-!7'-1~' ~est 200.O0 feet;
thence along the North line of said Block
North 8~'-q2t-~&'' East lo.a0 feet;
thence South 0°-17'-1~'' East lO5.00 feet;
thence North 8~'-~2~-~&'' East 31~.21 feet to the
Place of Beginning;
being a part of Undivided Block "~' of said Plat of
Lake~ood Unit No. !, (Plat Book 12, pages 7, 8 & ~),
Cailler County, Elorlda;
containing 5.6~ acres more or less;
ALSO BEGINNIN~ et the Southwest corner of Undivided Block "~"
o--'tr-~ake~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as
recorded In Plat Book 12, pages ?~ 8 & S, Records of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the ~esterly prolongation of the South line of
sald Blare '~', South 89e-~2~-55' ~est 683.67 feet;
thence along the East line of The Glades Unit Two (Plat
page 88), North 0'-17'-05" ~est 73~.7~ feet;
thence North 8q'-~2'-$5'! Eas~.200.O0 feet;
thence North 5~'-~81-~2t' East 336.60 feet to the ~est Right-o~-~ay
line of Lake~ood Boulevard;
thence South 0°-17'-I~'' East 110.00 feet;
thence along said ~est Right-of-Way 1Ina, Southerly ~6.62 feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the East, hiving
a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears,
South 2'-~7'-Ih" East a6.61 feet;
thence South 51'-5Z'-5~" ~est 31~.$8 feet;
thence South 7q'-20'-00" ~est 185.00 feet;
thence South 15°-~0'-00'E·s[ ~0.00 met;
thence South 28'-~0'-00" East 182.31 feet;
thence South ql'-hO'-O0' East 37.7~ feet;
thence North 51'-52~-5~' East a6~.53 feet;
thence along the Southwesterly Rlght-of-~ay line of said
Leke~ood Boulevard, Southeasterly 16~.~0 feet along the arc
of a clrcular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius
of 53~.28 feet, subtended by a chord t~hlch bears
South ~0'-~7J-~6~ East 168.6~ feet~
thence South 3~'-27'-06" ~est 2~5.2& feet;
thence South 55°-58'-00' ~est 163.61 feet;
thence South 0*-17'-05" East 85.00 feet;
thence North 8~'-~2~-$5' East ~0.78 feet;
thence North 55°-58~-00'' East I)0.~7 feet;
thence North ~°-27'-06" East 315.~1 feet;
thence ·long the Southwesterly Right-of-Way line of
Lek°wood Boulevard, Southeasterly ~6.15 feet along the
arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, having
a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended by a chord~hlch bears
South 62°-3~'-17" East ~6.1q feet;
Southeasterly 12q.58 feet along the arc of · circular'curve
concave to the Northeast, having a radius of ~3~.28 feet, ·
subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South 71°-33'-32.5'' East 12~.2~ feet;
thence South 11°-h5'-~I" ~est 2~.72 feet;
thence South 2°-58'-17' East S3.83 feet;
thence North 87°-01'-~3'' East 576.6~ feet;
thence North 2°-$8'-17'' ~est IO5.O0 feet;
thence along the North 1ina of sald Block "~", Easterly
107.53 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to
the South, having a radius of 1350.00 feet, subtended by a
chord ~hich bears North 8~e-18~-35" East 107,51 feet;
thence South 2°-50J-23"~est ~27.6~ feet;
thence along the South line of said Block
South 8~'-q2'-55"~est 873.33 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a. part of Block !'H' bf said plat of Lek°wood Unit No. I~
(P.a. 12, pages 7, 8 & ~), Collier County~ Florida;
and being a part of the North I/2 of Section 12, T~s~lp
Range 25 East, Collier County, Florldal BOOK U~U~
(BLOCK '~")
Commenclng et the Southwest corner of Undivided Block "W' of Lek°wood
Unlt No. 1 according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12, .
pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier
County, Florida; .
thence along the Westerly prolongation of the South line of said
Block '~", South 89°-42'-$$'' West 683.67 feet;
thence along the East line of The Glades Unit T~o (Plat Book IO,
page 88), North 0°-17'-05'' West S2q.7~ feet for the PLACE OF BEGINNING
of Block '~'' herein described;
thence North 0°-17'-05'' West 87.72 feet;
thence North 72'-30'-00" East 19q.70 feet;
thence South ~'~37"1~" East 77.73 feet;
thence South ~5°-22'-46" West 38.78 feet;
thence Southwesterly 170.2q feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave t~ the Northwest, havlng a radius of 220.00 feet,
~ubtended by a chord which bears South 67'-~2~-$0.5'! West 166.02 feet;
thence South 89°-~2'-55'' West 58.82 feet to the Plat& of Beginning;
being a part of the North I/2 of Section 12, Township 50 South,
Range 25 East, Collier County, Flor;da;
containing 0.$~ Acres more or less~
ALS~ commencing at the Northeast corner of undivided Block "R" of
Lake~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded in
Plat Book 12, pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the North line of sold Block "R", South 89°-42'-46" West
765.6~ feet to the North~esterly Right-of-Way line of Laka~ood Boulevard
for the Place of Beginning of Block "8" herein described;
thence along said Northwesterly Right-of-Way llne of
Lake~ood Boulevard, Southwesterly 97.82 feet along the
arc of a circular cbrva.concave to the Northwest, having
a radius of 410.00 feet, subtended by · chord which bears
South 22'-06'-41" West 97.58 feet;
thence.South 28°-5&'-~~ West 112.15 feet;
thence Southerly 250.01 feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the East, having · radius of ~0.00 feet,
subtended by a chord which bears South 1~°-19'-46'' Wast 2~7L30 feet~
thence South O°-17'-l¥'.East:.~O.O0 feet; ~,,
thence Southwesterly.39.2?.feet along the arc of a circular curv~
concave ~o ~ha Northwest, havln~ · 'radrus of 2~.00 fee't~ subtended
by'a'c~ord.whlch bears ~outh'4'4 -42'-q6" ~est"35.36. feet;
thence South~esterl¥.216.6$ feat along.the ~r~.of a c;rcular curve
concave ~o the Sounders, t, having a r~dlus of 280~00 feet, subtended
by ~h~d which bea~s.S~uth.67°-~2~r4G'.~est 211.29 feat;
thence ~orth 4~'-3~'~1¥' ~st 58.22 feet;
thence North 28'-57'-~¥~ West 56.~0 'feet;
thenc~ North 61°-02'~6'~ Ea½'t 209.31 feet;
thence North 0°:17'-I~' West 79.05 feet;
thence North 1~°-19e-~6'' East 152.62 feet;
thence North 28°-$6'-~6' East 233.09 feet;
thence North 89°-q2'-46" East 107.01 feet to the Place of Beg;nning;
being a part of the North I/2 of Section 12, Tc~vnshlp 50 South,
Range 25 East, Colller County, Florida;
containing 1.83 Acres more or less; .
Commencing at the Northeast corner of undivided Block 'R" of
[ak°wood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In
Plat Book 12, pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the North ilne of said Block "R", South
540.32 feet for the PLACE OF BEGINNItlG of Block "C' herein described;
thence South 28°-$6e-h6' West 219.70 feet;
thence South ~°-~2'-~6" ~est 40.98 feet; '
thence South 0°-!7'-I¥~ East 9~.!& feet~
thence South 89°-~2'-46' West 113.00 feet;
thence t~orth~esterly 48.~0 feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius 25.00 feet
subtended by o chord whlch bears North 3~°-49'-!!'' West ql.19 fcet;
thence Northeasterly 59.~8 feet along the arc of a ¢;rcular
curve concave to the Southeast~ having a radius ~lO.O0 feet~
subtended bY o chord which bears North 2~'-~7'-~" ~05East 9.33 ~it';
thence North 28°-56'-~6'' East l)2.l~ feet; ~00~
thence Northeasterly 13~).07 feet along the arc of a
circular curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius
of Ii~O.O0 feet, subtended by a chord which bears
North 10°-~8'-57'' East 138.60 feat;
thence along the North 1TnB of said Block
North 8~*-~2~-~G' East 1~2.7~ feet to the Place of Beg~nnlng~
being a part of said Block 'R' of Lak~d Unit Ho. 1~ Collier
County~ Florida;
~ontaln~ng O.~0 Acres ~re or less]
(BLOCK '0")ALSO co~enclng at the ~ortheast corner of undivided Block 'R" of Laka~od
' ~No. ] according to the plat thereof as recorded, in Plat B~k 12,
pages 7, 8 and 9, Re~rds of the Clerk of the Circuit Cour:~ Collier
County, F]or~da;
thence along the North 1~ne of sa;d Block 'R', South 8~'-q2'-~6" ~est
thence South 28"-5G~-~' Vest 21~.70 ~eet;
thence South ~'-~2~-~&' Uest ~0.~8 feet~
thence South O'-17~-1¥~ East ~q.i~ feetl
thence along the South line of said Block 'R", North 8~--a2~-a6,, East
]0.00 feet for the P~CE OF BEGINNING 0f Block 'O'~ herein described;
thence North 0'-17~-1¥~ ~est 90.00 Feet~
thence North ~*-~2~-~6~ East 21.21 Fee::
thence North 8~'-~2~-~&' East 356.3& feat:
thence South 50'-17~-1¥* East 170.66 feet;
thence South 39*-~2~-~6' Vest I0~.27 feet~
thence Nort~esterly 212.S1 feet along the.arc o7 a circular
cuba concave to the Sout~s:~ having a radius of 2~0,00 feet,
subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North 6~'-52~-23' Vast 206,00 feat;
thence along the South line of said Block 'R' South 8~"-~2~-q6' Vest
255.7D feet to the Place of Beglnnlngl
being a part of said Block 'R" of Lak~d 0nit No. i,
Colller County~ Florlda~
containing 1.2& Acres ~re or less;
(BLOCK 'E*~)ALSO co~anclng at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block ~P'~ of Lake~od
U~lo. 1 according to the plat thereof as. recorded In Plat Book
pages 7, 8 and ~, Records o~ the C]erk of the C~rcult Cou~t, Collier
County, Florida;
thence along the South llna of said Block "P', ~esterly 127.81 Feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a radius
' of lq30.O0 Cee:, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South 8~"-35~-21' ~est
127.77 feet;
thence contl, nulng along the South line of said Block
South 87'-O1~-~3'' ~est 131.21 feet for the P~CE OF BEGINNING
of Block 'E' herein described;
.. thence continuing a~ong the South 1lee of said Block
South 87'-O1~-~3H Vest 80.00 feet;
thence Northwesterly 3~.27 Feet along the arc of a crrcular
curve concave to the Northeast, .having a radlus of 25.00 feet,
subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North a7'-58~-17'' Uest ~5.3& feet;
thence North 2'-58'-17" Vest )51.83 feet;
thence Northerly 181.2~ feat along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the East, having a radlus of 11~5.O0 feet~ subtended
by a chord ~hlch'bears ~lorth 1'-31~-2~H East 18].05 feet;
thence North 5"-01~-10' East 123.3~ feet;
thence Northerly 2q.35 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the Vest~ having a radius of 700.00 feet~ subtended
b~ a chord ~hlch bears North 5'-01~-23" East 2~.35 feet;
thence South 83e-~8~-50" East 105.~3 feet;
thence South 6'-01~-!0" ~est laY.6D ~eet;
thence South 1"-31~-2~" Vest 15~.60 feet;
thence South 2'-58~-i7" East 176.83 feet to the Place of Beglnnlng~
being a part of Block ,p. of said Lakm~od Unit No. l~ Collier
County, Florida;
containing 1.20 Acres ~re or less;
:(OLOCR"F").ALSO BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Undivtded Block "T' of Lak~d
~ No.' I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12,
pages 7, 8 and D, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court~ Collier
County, Florida;
thence along the South line of said Block ,p., Vesterly 127.81 feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having
radius of I~130.00 feet, subtended by a chord tvhlch beers
South 8D*-35~-21' ~es: 127,77 feati
thence South 87"-01~-~3" Vest 71.21 ~eet~
thence North 87'-01t-a3" East 197.~;0 feet;
thence along the East line of sald Block "P", South 3'-37'-111t, East
i10.72 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of Block 'P' of said Lek°wood Unit No. I,.
Collier County, Florida;
containing O.q8 Acres more or less;
(BLOCK 'O')ALSO commencing at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block 'P~f of
L"~k'~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plot
Book 12, pages 7, 8 & 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Colller County, Florida;
th°nc° along the South line of said Block "P'~ I~esterly 127.81 feat
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a radlus
of lq30.00 feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 89"-35f-21' 1~est
127.77 feet;
thence alon~ the North Right-of-t/ay llna of Lakmvood Boulevard,
South 87°-01e-43- t/est 321.21 feat to the point on the South line of
Undivided Block ~(2' of said Lake~vood Unit No. 1 for the PLACE OF BEGINNING
of Block "G' herein described; ·
thence along the South line of said Block
South 87'-01'-q3" ~est 112.00 feet;
thence t4esterly 12&.8& feat along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the North, having a radlus of hStl.28 feet,
subtended by a chord which bears North 84°-$8~-17- East
thence North 13'-01~-43' East 105.00 feat~
thence South 84*-$8~17- East 97.22 feat;
thence North 87'-01~-43' East 32.00 feet;
thence North 2e-$8f-17- t~est 71.83 feet;
thence Northerly 207.13 feet along the arc of a clrcuiar
curve concave to the East, havTng a radius of 1320.00 feet,
subtended by a chord ~vhlch bears North I°-31~-2&- East 20~.92 feat;
thence North 6°-01~-I0- East 123.34 feet;'
thence North. 2*-12t-07- ~/est 153.01 feat;
thence North 10°-25~-23- ~/est 63.51 feet;
thence North~asterly i0t~.$4 feet along the arc of a
circular curve concave to the South~est, having a radlus
of 75.00 feat, s~btendad by a chord ~vhlch bears
North $0°-21t-19- ~/est ~&.28 feat;
.thence South 89e,-42~-~&" t~est 31q.21 feat;
thence North 0°-17~-14- ~est 105.00 feet;
thence along the North 1Ina of said Block
North 89'-'42~-tt6- East 314.21 feet;
thence Southeasterly 250.90 feet along the arc of a
circular curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius
of 180.00 feat, subtended by a chord ~vhlch bears
South $0°-21~-19" East 231.08 feat;
thence South !0°-25~-23" East 63.51 feat;
thence Southerly 183.66 feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the.l~est, having a radius of ~;/~0.00 feet,
subtended by a chord which bears South ~*-12~-07- East 183.03 feat;
thence South 6°-Oft-lO' t/est 123.3q feet;
thence Southerly 190.66 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the East, having a radius of 1215.00 feat, subtended
by a chord ~vhlch bears South 1°-31~-26- ~/est 190.46 feet;
thence South 2°-58!-17' East 151.83 feet;
· thence South~vesterly 39.27 feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the Northly°st, having a radius of 25.00 feet~
subtended by a chord which bears South 42"-01~-q3' ~est
:35.36 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of Block 'C[' of said Lake~ood Unit No. 1;
containing 3.31 acres more or less;
(BLOCK "H') ALSO commencing at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block 'P" of
[a-'kT~ood Ur~lt No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In
P]at Book .12, pages 7~ 8 and 9~ Records of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the South ]Ina of said Block 'R", t/esterly 127.81 feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a
radius of lq30.O0 feet, subtended by a chord which bears
South 89°-35~-21- t/est 127.77 feet;
thence along the North Right-of-~/ay I ina of Lek°wood Boulevard,
South 87°-01 ~-I~3- t,'est /I.13.21 feet;
thence continuing along said North Rlght-of-1~ay line, t~esterty 126.8& feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to .the North~ havlng a radius of
451t.28 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North 8t~°-58~-17' t~est 126,45 feet;.
Bo,, 53
(RLOCK n jrt)
thence continuing along said North Right-of-Way line of Lake$~ood Boulevard,
Westerly 13.21 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the North
having a radius of ~5~.28 feet, subtended by a chord~hlch beats
North 7&'-08t-17n West 13.21 feet:
thence NorttnvesterIy along said Right-of-Nay line, $94.79 feet along the
arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of ~$~.28 feet
subtended by a chord which bears North 37°-47'-q5.5'' Nest $53.21 feet;
thence North 0'-17~-14n Nest 236.00 feet to · point.on the West line of
Undivided Block ~'~ of said Lakawood Unlt No.1 for the Place of Beginning
of Block nH' herein described;
thence along the Nest line of sold Block t'~'~ North O'-17'-14" West
147.~2 feet;
thence Northerly 25.38 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the East, having a radius of.qlO.O0 feet, subtended
by · chord which beats North 1'-45'-$7n East 25.38 feet;
thence Northeasterly 37.48 feet along the arc of · circular
curve concave to the Southeast, hay'lng a radius of 25.00 feet,
subtended by · chord which bears No/th 4&*-qS'-57'~ East 34.07 feet;
thence along the.North line of. said Bloc~ "~',
North 85'-q2'-46" East 75.01 feet;
thence South 0'-17'-14" East 200.00 feat;
thence South 85'-42'-46n Nest 105.00 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being. · part of Block nQn of said Lek°wood Unit No.1;
containing 0.48 Acres more or lessl
ALSO commencing et the Southeast corner of Undivided Block ~'ip.'~f Lek°wood
Un-"~TNo. 1 according to the plat thereof es recorded In Plat Book 12~
pages 7, 8, and 5,' Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier
County, Florida;
thence along the Sbuth line of said'Block np,~ Nesterly 127.81 feet
along the arc of a cltcular curve concave to the South, having · radius
of 1~30.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~hlch bears South 85*-35~-21n Nest
127.77 feet;
thence along the North Right-of-Way llne of Lake~vood Boulevard,
South 87°-01~-~3' Nest 433.21 feet;
thence contlnulng along said North Right-of-Way line, ~esterly
126.86 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the North,
having a radlu~ of )~5~.28 feet, subtended by a chord which bears
North 84'-$8'-17" West 126.~5 feet;
thence continuing along said North Right-of-Way line of Lakmeood
Boulevard, Westerly 13.21 feet alqng the arc of · circular curve
concave to the North, having a radius of qSq.28 feet~ subtended by
a chord which bears North 76°-08~-17n Nest 13.21 feet to e point on
the South.line of Un~lvlded Block n~n of said Lakeseood Unit No. 1
for the PLACE OF BEGINNING of Block njn herein described;
thence Northwesterly along said Right-of-Nay llne, $~4.75 feet
along the arc of a clrcu'lat curv~ concave to the Northeast',
'having a radius of 45q.28 feet, subtended by a chord which bears
North 37°-q7'-45.5'' West 553.21 feet;
thence North 0*-17~-14'' Nest 216.00 feet;
thence North 85°-42e-~&tI East 105.00 feat;
thence South 0°-17'-14'' East 216.00. feet;
thence South 12°-~7'-~6'' East 151.30' feet;
thence South 37°-q8'-17'' East 1~1.20 feet;
thence South 62°-~8m-17'l East 151.20 feet;
thence South 14°-41~-~3'' ~est 105.00 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of Block q of said Lek°wood Unit No. ), Co11'ier '
containing 1.8~ Acres more or less;.
ALSO corm°ricing at the Southeast corner of Undivided Block npn of Lak~ood
Unit' No. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 12,
pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier
County, FIorlda:
thence along the South line of said Block ~P", ~esterly 127.81 feet along
the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a radius of
iq30.O0 feet, subtended b~ a chord which bears South 8~°-35~-21''Nest
127.77 feet;
thence South 2°~58'-17'' East 80.00 feet to the North llne of Block ~'H'~
of said Lek°wood Unlt No. 1 and the PLACE OF BEGINNING of Block ~'~
herein described;
thence South 2°-58'-17" East 105.00 feet;
thence South 87°-01~'q3n Nest $76.64 feet;
thence North 2'-$~'-17" West ~3.83 feet;
(BLOCK "L'l)
thence North 11*-1151-41,, East 29.72 feet;
thence Easterly 137.38 feet along the arc of a clrcular curve
concave to the North, having a radius of 53~.28 feet, subtended
by a chord ~hlch bears South 85'-3& ~-18" East 137.00 feet;
thence along the North 1Ina of said Block
North 87°-Oll-q3"~ East ~33.21 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of Block 'ti' of sald L&ke~ood Unit
'Collier County, Florida; .
containing 1.61 acres more or less;
ALSO com~nclng et the Southeast corner of Undivided Block 'P" of
La~ood Unit No. I according to the plat thereof es recorded In
Plat Book 12, pages 7, 8 and 9, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the South llne of said Block t,p,~, t/esterly 127.81 feet
along the arc of · circular curve concave to the South, having · radius
of 11130.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~vhlch bears South 8~t'-'35"-21" Vast
127.77 feet;
thence South 87°-O1~-43' t/est 473.21 feet~
thence South 2°-$8e-17'" East.80.OO feet;
thence Vasterly 137:38 feet &long the arc of a' cl. rcular curve
concave to the North having a r'adluS of 5311.28 feat, subtended
by a chord ~hlch bears No'rth 85'-3&~-18" t/est 137.00 feet;
thence North~asterly 12q.58 feat along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the Northeast, having · radius of $31~.28 feat, subtended
by a chord ~vhlch bears North 71'-33~-32.5" Vest 12~.2~ feet;
thence North~esterly ~6~.15 feet alo. ng the arc o[.e clrcular curve
concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 53q.28. feet, subtended
by a chord ~vhlch bears North 62°-Zq~-17" t/est ~&.I/~ feet for the
PLACE OF BEGIIINING of Block 'L' herein described;
thence South 3~t°-27'-06" t/est 315.~1 .feet; thence South $$°-~;8~-.00, Vest
i~O.q7 feet; thence South 8.9~-112~-$$'' t/est /~0.78 feet;
thence North O*-17"-05' t~ast 85.00. feet;
thence North $5°-$8~-00" East 163.61 feet;
thence North 39°-27'-0&" East 295.26 feet;
thence Southeasterly 93.73 feet along the arc of a circular .
curve concave to the Northeast, hav'~ng a radius of 53~1.~8 feet,
subtended by a chord ~vhlch bears Sou'th $~'-5.~"177 East ~3.60 feat
to the Place of Oeglnnlng~
being a part of Block ~'t~~ of said Lake~ood Unlt No..1 and · part
of the North I/2 BI~ Section 12, Township 50 South, Re. age 25 East,
Collier County, Florida;
containing 1.O7 Acres more or less
ALSO commenclng at the Southeast corner of Undiv~Ided Block 'P' of
'Lake~ood Unlt No. 1 according to the plat thereof as recorded In
Plat Book 12~ pages 7~ 8 and ~), Records of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court, Collier County, Florida;
thence along the South line of said Block IT", t/estarly 127'.81 feet
along the arc of a circular curve concave to the South, having a
radius of 11130.00 feat, subtended by a chord ~vhlch bears
South 8~°-35'-21' t/est 127.77 feet;
thence South 87°-01~-113I' Vest 1133.21 feet; .
thence South 2°-$8~-17' East 80.00 feet; .'
thence Vesterly 137.38 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the North, having a radius of 5311.28 feet, subtended
by a chord ~hlch bears North 85'-36'-18" t/est 137.O0 feet;
thence Northwesterly 12Z~.$8 feet along the ar~: of · circular curve
concava to the Northeast, having a ~adlus of $3~.28 feet, subtended
by a chord tvhich bears Nort~"Ti'-33~-3:~.$- t/est 12t~.29 feet;
thence Northwesterly 46.15 feet along the arc of · circular curve
concave to the Northeast having a radlus of 53~.28 feet, subtended
by a chord ~lch bears North 62°-2q~-17" t/est 11~.1J~ feet;
thence North~esterly 93.77 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 53~1.28 feet, subtended
by a chord tvhich bears North $4°-$t~-17'' t/est 93.60 feet;
thence Northwesterly 169.110 feet along the arc of a circular curvo
concave to the Northeast, having a radius of $~11.28 feet, subtended
by a chord ~vhlch bears North ~O°-~7~-t~&" t/est 168.6~ feet for the
'PLACE OF BEGINNING of Block ~t~ herein described;
thence South 51*-52~-5¥~ Vest ~&~.53 feat=
thence North ~l*-~Ot-O0tt Vest 37.79'feet;
,thence North 28~-A0~-00' ~ast ]82.31 faet~
thence North ]Se-~O~-O0' Vast ~0,00 feet]
thence North 7~e-20~-00' East 185.00 feet]
thence ~orth $Ie-52~-5¥~ East 313.58 feet~
thence Southeasterly 2~&.a2 feet along the arc of a clrcular
curve concave to the Northeast~ having a radius of 53q,28 feet,
subtended by a chord ~h]ch bears South 18°-30~-00' East 2q~.2q feet
to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of the North I/2 of Sectlon 12~ Township 50 South~
Range 25 East, Cailler County~ Florida;
containing 2.72 Acres more or less;
ALSO commencing et the Southwest corner of Undivided Block ~fl' of Lake~vood
Un---~No. ! according to the plat thereof as recorded, in. Plat Book
pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier
County, Florida; .
thence along the Vestarly prolongation of the Sout~ line of said
Block "H". South 8~°-~2t-55' V~st 683.67 feet;
thence along the East line of The Glades Unlt T~o (Plat Boo~
page 88), North O°-17~-05' Vest 739.7~ feet for the PLACE OF BEGINNING
of Block ~N' herein described;
thence North O°-17~-O$''Vest, 125.OO feet;
thence North 8~*-~2~-55~ East 58.82 feet;
thence Northeasterly 21&.67 feat along the arc of a clrcular
curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius o~ 280.00 feet,
subtended by · chord v~lch bears No/th 67.'-32~-~0.5' East 211.30 feet;
thence North ~5e-22~-~" East 58.78 feat;,
thence Northeasterly 170.23 feet along the arc of a circular
curve concave to the Southeast~ having a radius of 220.00 feet~
subtended by a chord ~hich bears North ~7'-32~-~6' East 1~6.01 feat;
thence Southeasterly 3~.27 feet along the arc of a circular cu~e
concave to the Southwest~ having a radius of 25.00 faat~ subtended
by a chord whlch bears South ~5'-17~-1¥~ East 35.3& feetl
thence along the ~es~ Right-of-Way llna o~ Lak~od Boulevard
South 0'-!7~-I~** East 73.~2 feet;
thence South 5~*-~8~-52" Vest 33~.60 feet;
thence South 8q"-52~-55' ~ast 200.00 feet to the Place o~Beginn~ng;
being a part of the North 1/2 of Section 12, T~ns~p 50 South~
Range 25 East~ Collier County~ Florida;
containing 1.~ Acres ~ra or less;
(BLOCK 'P')~LS~ co~enclng at the Hortheast corner of undivided Block 'R~ ~ Lake~d
Unit Ho. I according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat B~k 12,
pages 7, 8 and ~, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court~ Collier
Count7~ Florida;
thence along the North 1Ina of said Block ~R~, South 8~*-~2~-~&' ~est
5~0.32 feet;
thence South 28*-S&~-~&'Uest 219.70 feet;
thence South ~5'-~2~-q6' Vest ~0.98 feet;
thence, South 0'-17~-1~' East S5.1~ feet]
thence along the South line of said B]ock'R'~ North 8~*-~2~-~6' East
265.7~ feet;
thence Southeasterly 2)2.~1 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the Southwest~ having a radius of 2~0.00 feet~ subtended
by a chord ~h~ch bears South 6~*-52~-23' East 20&.O0 feetl
thence Southeasterly 121.62 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the Sout~est, havln~ a radlus of 2~0.00 feet, subtended
by a chord t~lch'bears South 2~ -5~-27.5" East 120.33 ~eet;
thence South 10'-25~-23' East 20.00 feet for the Place of Beginning
of O]ock 'P" herein described;
thence North 7~*-3~'-37' East 100.00 feet;
thence South )0e-25~-23' East 128.66 feat;
thence South 7~'-3q~-37'' Vest 105.20 feat;
thence Northerly 85.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve
concave to the South~est, having a radius of 700.00 feat~
subtended by a chord ~hlch bears North ~'-55~-!~&' Vest 85.31 feet;
thence North I0e-25~-23' Vest a3.51 feet to the Place of Beginning;
being a part of Bl~k 'S' of said Lake~od Unlt Ho. 1~
contalning 0.30 Acres ~re or less;
al) of the foregoing being part of Block *~", part of Block s~P'~ part
of Block "Q'~ part of Bilk 'R'~ and part of Block ~S~ of sald Prat
of Lake~od Unit No, !~ (Plat B~k 12~ Eages 7~ 8 and S)~ Collier
County, Florida]
and being a part of the ~orth I/2 of Sect~o~ T~s~50 South,
Range 25 East~ Collier County~ FlorldaBO0~ U ~:~ ~
8 o~ 9
'. '" ~, ' . ...... . ...... '..~. : ' : .............. '. ·
This Ordinance shall become effechive upon receipt by
the Secrehary of S~ate.
DATE September 11r 1979
I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial
Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a
true original
which was adopted by the Board of County Corm~smionera during
September 11, 1979.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Boar~ of County Co.~niasionere
of Collier County, Florida, this llth day of September, 1979.
Ex-officio to ~d of ". ', ,
This ordinance ftled with the Secretary of State's Office the
17th day of September, 1979 and acknowledgement of that
ft]tng received th~.~/~ day of September, 1979.
Depu]~Clerk ~./ -
gof 9