CAC Minutes 03/10/2011 R March 10,2011 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, March 10,2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond (Excused) Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack Randy Moity ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples 1 Collier County: March 10, 2011 Page 1 of2 March 10, 2011 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2011 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES, . Sunshine Law on AGenda Ouestions . PUBLIC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. Januarv 13. 2011 VII. Staff Reports 1. Exoanded Revenue Reoort 2. Project Cost Reoort 3. Clam Bav Marker Status 4. Wiggins Pass Dredging - Update 5. Naples Berm Renourishment - Update 6. Doctors Pass Jetty - Update 7. Wiggins Pass Straightening Engineering Status 8. Easement Status 9. Naples/Park Shore/Vanderbilt Conceptual Study and Renourishment - Update VIII. New Business 1. Clam Bav Site Soecific Water Oualitv a. Prooosal 2. Talking Points for Secretary Vinyard/Scott IX. Old Business X. Announcements 1. Puolic Notice for 2011-2012 CateGorY "A" Grant Aoolications 2. Lessons from Gulf soill sliooinG away 3. Public Notice for CAC Aoolications 4. Aoolications for CAC XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location April 14, 2011 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=3199 3/24/2011 Collier County: March 10, 2011 Page 2 of2 XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=3199 3/24/2011 March 10,2011 I. Call to Order Vice-Chairman Pires called the meeting to order at 1 :08 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following additions: · VII. 1 0 - Vanderbilt Beach Facilities update · x'3. - Public Notice for CAC Applications · x'4. - Applications for CAC Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. Gary McAlpin noted Item VII.9 may be heard early in the meeting, as Mr. Keehn of Coastal Planning and Engineering has a time constraint. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. January 13, 2011 Mr. Moreland moved to approve the minutes of the January 13,2011 meeting. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2010 - 2011 " updated through February 2011. Chairman Sorey arrived at 1:23 pm and assumed the Chair. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 2010/2011 TDC Category A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through March 1, 2011. 3. Clam Bay Marker Status Gary McAlpin provided a copy of his email to Collier County Staff members dated January 28, 2011 and an email from Ryan Moreau, Planner, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission dated 3/2/11 - "Subject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group Material, " and included related backup documents outlining the composition, goals, and status of the Stakeholder Discussion Group. He noted there was a Stakeholder meeting on February 17,2011 with a second meeting scheduled for March 15,2011. 2 March 10, 2011 4. Wiggins Pass Dredging - Update Gary McAlpin noted Southwind Construction Corporation was approved to complete the scope of work at a price of $750,000 and the work is currently being undertaken. 9. Naples/Park ShoreNanderbilt Conceptual Study and Renourishment- Update Stephen Keehn, Coastal Planning and Engineering presented the Slideshow "Collier County 2006 - 2010 Beach Performance & Hot Spot Identification," which outlined the status of the Beach Renourishment Study being currently undertaken by Staff and Consultants. Gary McAlpin noted: · Staff and consultants are in the process of preparing the Plan for the major beach renourishment to be performed on Collier County and City of Naples Public Beaches. · The previous plan for renourishment incorporated a "standardized" design for the areas to be renourished. · The Plan for the future beach renourishment will be more "site specific. " · Staff intends to return the Plan within the next 90 days to the Coastal Advisory Committee, a Workshop may be held to aid in finalizing the Plan. · A similar study is underway for the Marco Island Beaches. The Committee determined to hear Item #7 next. 7. Wiggins Pass Straightening Engineering Status Gary McAlpin noted: · The County has prepared a Plan to stabilize Wiggins Pass by "straightening" the Pass through "soft engineering. · An application was submitted to FDEP and the first Request for Additional Information (RAI) seeks the provision of 4 additional studies (Environmental Impact Statement, Inlet Management Plan, Modeling of the Ebb Tide Shoal and related geo technical surveys.) · The cost of the Scope of Work to address the studies sought in the RAI is $177,000, however the Board of County Commissioners requested Staff to contact FDEP to obtain a "commitment," if the studies were completed, that a permit would be issued. · The BCC also raised the issue whether "soft engineering" will be successful and if a "hard engineering" solution should be considered. · The cost to complete the work proposed to stabilize the Pass is approximately $3.5M - 4.0M. · Staff is in the process of determining how to proceed on the issue. · An update will be provided at a future CAC meeting. 3 March 10,2011 Mr. Moreland, Chairman of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee expressed concern regarding the length of time of the permit process. As identified by the Boating Community, it is a navigational safety issue and delaying the process is not in the best interest of the County. Speaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the goals of the Plan to stabilize the Pass are promoting safety, minimizing erosion on the south end of Barefoot Beach, lengthening the dredge cycle, and minimize environmental damage all in a cost effective manner. She was disappointed that the BCC was not convinced that "soft engineering" may meet the goals of the Plan, and noted the previous Wiggins Pass Subcommittee, comprised of Stakeholders, agreed this was the most optimal solution for meeting the goals for the stabilization of the Pass. She submitted a copy of the white paper" Western Carolina University Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines" and "A Fiscal Analysis of Shifting Inlets and Terminal Groins in North Carolina" prepared by Andrew S. Coburn, of Western Carolina University. These studies endorse "soft engineering" solutions and should be reviewed by any parties interested in this matter (CAC members, FDEP, BCC Members, etc.) She recommended a meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee be convened to discuss the matter. Gary McAlpin noted a meeting with FDEP has not yet been scheduled and all appropriate parties should be able to attend. He hopes to place the item on a BCC Agenda in approximately 60 days. 5. Naples Berm Renourishment - Update Gary McAlpin noted the work is underway south of Doctors Pass, with the completion slated for April 1, 2011. The potential long term solution to preventing the erosion from continually occurring in the area will be addressed in the Naples/Park ShoreNanderbilt Conceptual Study for Beach Renourishment. 6. Doctors Pass Jetty - Update Gary McAlpin noted the project is 25% complete with a total of 3800 tons of rock to be placed. 8. Easement Status Gary McAlpin noted: · The BCC directed Staff to prepare a proposed Easement Agreement for execution between private property owners and the County to permit public beach access, for areas where public funds are expended for beach renourishment on private property. · The Tourist Development Council recommended the BCC not approve the proposed agreement (the CAC previously approved the agreement in concept with conditions.) · Staff will seek direction from the Board of County Commissioners. 4 March 10, 2011 10. Vanderbilt Beach Restrooms Update Gary McAlpin noted: · The BCC had directed Staff to proceed with the design and permitting of an elevated restroom/concession facility at Vanderbilt Beach. · Residents in the area are not in favor of an elevated structure so the BCC requested Staff inquire with FEMA on the feasibility of building the structure "at grade." · FEMA indicated the "at grade" facility would jeopardize the status of Collier County property owners who have FEMA Flood Insurance. · Staff will seek direction from the BCC within 60 days. VIII. New Business 1. Clam Bay Site Specific Water Quality a. Proposal Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to P BS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary, and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" dated March 1 0, 2011 and document "Additional Work Request Contract # 09-5262-CZ" dated March 7,2011 for consideration. He noted the County is proposing to develop Site Specific Water Quality Criteria for Clam Bay, and the item is provided for information purposes; however the CAC may provide a recommendation. The Purchasing Department advised Staff that they are in compliance with County Purchasing policies. The Pelican Bay Foundation is partnering with the County in the proposal. Mr. Pires expressed concern the decision to award the Scope of Work when it was not completed in accordance with the Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act, and the proposed contract has not complied with required purchasing policies. Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples noted the Naples City Council may be undertaking similar proposals, as any approved water quality criteria may have an impact on Naples Bay and Moorings Bay. Moorings Bay is interconnected with Clam Bay, so any criteria established for Clam Bay will have an impact on Moorings Bay, and the water quality criteria preliminarily identified by the Department of Environmental Protection may be unattainable for Naples Bay. Speaker Marcia Cravens expressed concern on the proposed expenditures, as PBS&J is being paid to duplicate services to review data on the Clam Bay System. Their initial studies indicate the water quality in the system is "better than the mean" for all Florida Estuaries, while their subsequent studies indicate that there "was a problem" with the water quality in the system. Historic and 5 March 10,2011 current data indicates the system meets Florida Department of Environmental Protections standards for water quality. Caitlin Weber, Conservancy of Southwest Florida expressed concern that the scope of work may be premature, as the revised numeric nutrient criteria to be established by the Environmental Protection Agency have not been officially released. Gary McAlpin noted although the required EP A numeric nutrient criteria have not yet been officially established, the County is attempting to initiate a "pre-emptive strategy." The Agencies have reacted favorably to the County's input on the matter. Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site- specific alternative water quality criteriafor the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical supportfor the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" and the '~dditional Work Request Contract # 09- 5262-C.Z." Second by Mr. Moreland. Motion carried 8 'yes" -1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no. " Mr. Pires indicated his "no" vote was predicated on issues concerning the policies of the Collier County Purchasing Department and the input provided by Caitlin Weber. 2. Talking Points for Secretary Vinyard/Scott Gary McAlpin provided the document "Collier County Coastal Permitting Experiences, " which outlines Staff concerns on the process of obtaining environmental permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Chairman Sorey recommended Committee members email comments or suggestions to Staff to assist them in further developing the talking points. Speaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the system always may be improved but expressed concern on the "tone" of the "talking points. " Gary McAlpin noted he intends the document to be "positive" in nature and welcomes others input on experiences/issues, including that of the Conservancy. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements 6 March 10,2011 1. Public Notice for 2011 - 2012 Category "A" Grant Application Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the public notice "Coastal Advisory Committee Accepting Category "A" Grant Applications Collier County, Florida" dated February 16,2011 for information purposes. 2. Lessons from Gulf spill slipping away Gary McAlpin provided a copy of an email from Wayne Waldack dated February 14,2011, Subject: "Gulf Oil Leak - Lessons Learned??" for information purposes. 3. Public Notice for CAC Applications Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the Press Release issued by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), seeking applications for vacant seats on County Advisory Committees, including the Coastal Advisory Committee. 4. Applications for CAC Gary McAlpin Announcements provided a copy of a memo to him from Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager, Board of County Commissioners dated March 10, 2011 which identified Mr. James Burke, Mr. David Roellig and Mr. Theodore J. Raia as applicants to fill vacancies on the Coastal Advisory Committee. Speaker Marcia Cravens addressed the Committee and expressed concern no Committee member present has expertise in the area of Coastal Planning or Marine Biology. When a recommendation is made to the BCC for new members to be appointed to sit on the CAC, existing members strongly consider applicants who have this background. XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Moreland recommended members of the Committee take a tour of Wiggins Pass. It was determined individual tours would be most practical, and any member who wishes to take a tour should contact staff. Chairman Sorey noted he and Dr. Bauer continue to work on the concept of "Habitat Islands" in Naples Bay and noted FDEP is willing to meet with the City of Naples on the issue. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location April 14, 2011- Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor 7 March 10, 2011 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:42 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 8 Fiala --lI oil , Hiller. ~ Henning coyle . . _ Coletta V CAC April 14. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAG Minutes 1 af8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, March 10,2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at I :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond (Excused) Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack Randy Moity ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples ~Ji"6:";, CorTes: Date: Ul \2.~\ \ \ Item #:\LA J:' \ \A '-\ RECEIVED MAY 1 2 2011 .:::':-:.\es to: ::')uiiiv Commls.o;joneN;; CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAG Minutes 2 afa I. Call to Order Vice-Chairman Pires called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m, II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following additions: . VI 1.1 0 - Vanderbilt Beach Facilities update . X.3. - Public Notice for CAC Applications . XA. - Applications for CAC Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. Gary McAlpin noted Item VI1.9 may be heard early in the meeting, as Mr. Keehn of Coastal Planning and Engineering has a time constraint. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes I. January 13,2011 Mr. Moreland moved to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2011 meeting. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 7-0. VII. Staff Reports I. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2010 - 2011" updated through February 20 II. Chairman Sorey arrived at 1 :23 pm and assumed the Chair, 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 2010/2011 TDC Category A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through March I. 20 II. 3. Clam Bay Marker Status Gary McAlpin provided a copy of his email to Collier County Staff members dated January 28. 20 II and an email from Ryan Moreau, Planner, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission dated 3/2/11 - "Subject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group Material," and included related backup documents outlining the composition, goals, and status of the Stakeholder Discussion Group. He noted there was a Stakeholder meeting on February 17,2011 with a second meeting scheduled for March 15,20 II. CAC April 14, 2011 Vl-1 Approval of CAG Minutes 30f8 4. Wiggins Pass Dredging - Update Gary McAlpin noted Southwind Construction Corporation was approved to complete the scope of work at a price of $750,000 and the work is currently being undertaken. 9. Naples/Park ShorelVanderbilt Conceptual Study and Renourishment - Update Stephen Keehn, Coastal Planning and Engineering presented the Slideshow "Collier County 2006 - 201 () Beach Perfilrmance & Hot Spot Identification," which outlined the status of the Beach Renourishment Study being currently undertaken by Staff and Consultants. Gary McAlpin noted: . Staff and consultants are in the process of preparing the Plan for the major beach renourishment to be performed on Collier County and City of Naples Public Beaches. . The previous plan for renourishment incorporated a "standardized" design for the areas to be renourished. . The Plan for the future beach renourishment will be more "site specific." . Staff intends to return the Plan within the next 90 days to the Coastal Advisory Committee, a Workshop may be held to aid in finalizing the Plan. . A similar study is underway for the Marco Island Beaches. The Committee determined to hear Item #7 next. 7. Wiggins Pass Straightening Engineering Status Gary McAlpin noted: . The County has prepared a Plan to stabilize Wiggins Pass by "straightening" the Pass through "soft engineering. . An application was submitted to FDEP and the first Request for Additional Information (RAI) seeks the provision 01'4 additional studies (Environmental Impact Statement, Inlet Management Plan, Modeling of the Ebb Tide Shoal and related geo technical surveys.) . The cost of the Scope of Work to address the studies sought in the RAl is $177,000, however the Board of County Commissioners requested Staff to contact FDEP to obtain a "commitment," if the studies were completed, that a permit would be issued. . The BCC also raised the issue whether "soft engineering" will be successful and if a "hard engineering" solution should be considered. . The cost to complete the work proposed to stabilize the Pass is approximately $3.5M - 4,r)M. . StafT is in the process of determining how to proceed on the issue. . An update will be provided at a future CAC meeting. CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of GAG Minutes 40f8 Mr. Moreland, Chairman of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee expressed concern regarding the length of time of the permit process. As identified by the Boating Community, it is a navigational safety issue and delaying the process is not in the best interest of the County. Sneaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the goals of the Plan to stabilize the Pass are promoting safety, minimizing erosion on the south end of Barefoot Beach, lengthening the dredge cycle, and minimize environmental damage all in a cost effective manner. She was disappointed that the BCC was not convinced that "soft engineering" may meet the goals of the Plan, and noted the previous Wiggins Pass Subcommittee, comprised of Stakeholders, agreed this was the most optimal solution for meeting the goals for the stabilization of the Pass. She suhmitted a copy of the white paper "Western Carolina University Programfilr the Study olDeveloped Shorelines" and "A Fiscal Analysis olShijiing Inlets and Terminal Groins in North Carolina" prepared by Andrew S, Coburn, of Western Carolina University. These studies endorse "soft engineering" solutions and should be reviewed by any parties interested in this matter (CAe members, FDEP, BCC Members, etc.) She recommended a meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee be convened to discuss the matter. Gary McAlpin noted a meeting with FDEP has not yet been scheduled and all appropriate parties should be able to attend. He hopes to place the item on a BCC Agenda in approximately 60 days. 5. Naples Berm Renourishment - Update Gary McAlpin noted the work is underway south of Doctors Pass, with the completion slated for April I, 20 II. The potential long term solution to preventing the erosion from continually occurring in the area will be addressed in the Naples/Park Shore/Vanderbilt Conceptual Study for Beach Renourishment. 6. Doctors Pass Jetty - Update Gary McAlpin noted the project is 25% complete with a total of 3800 tons of rock to be placed. 8, Easement Status Gary McAlpin noted: . The BCC directed Staff to prepare a proposed Easement Agreement for execution between private property owners and the County to permit public heach access, for areas where public funds are expended for beach renourishment on private property. . The Tourist Development Council recommended the BCC not approve the proposed agreement (the CAC previously approved the agreement in concept with conditions.) . Staffwill seek direction from the Board of County Commissioners. CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 5 af8 10, Vanderbilt Beach Restrooms Update Gary McAlpin noted: . The BCC had directed Staff to proceed with the design and permitting of an elevated restroom/concession facility at Vanderbilt Beach. . Residents in the area are not in favor of an elevated structure so the BCC requested Staff inquire with FEMA on the feasibility of building the structure "at grade," . FEMA indicated the "at grade" facility would jeopardize the status of Collier County property owners who have FEMA Flood Insurance. . Staff will seek direction from the BCC within 60 days. VIII. New Business 1. Clam Bay Site Specific Water Quality a. Proposal Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a $ 77,148 Purchase Order to P BS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary, and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" dated March 1 O. 2011 and document "Additional Work Request Contract # IJ9-5262-CZ" dated March 7, 2011 for consideration. He noted the County is proposing to develop Site Specific Water Quality Criteria for Clam Bay, and the item is provided for information purposes; however the CAC may provide a recommendation. The Purchasing Department advised Staff that they are in compliance with County Purchasing policies. The Pelican Bay Foundation is partnering with the County in the proposal. Mr. Pires expressed concern the decision to award the Scope of Wark when it was not completed in accordance with the Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act, and the proposed contract has not complied with required purchasing policies. Dr, Michael Bauer, City of Naples noted the Naples City Council may be undertaking similar proposals, as any approved water quality criteria may have an impact on Naples Bay and Moorings Bay. Moorings Bay is interconnected with Clam Bay. so any criteria established for Clam Bay will have an impact on Moorings Bay, and the water quality criteria preliminarily identified by the Department of Environmental Protection may be unattainable for Naples Bay. Speaker Marcia Cravens expressed concern on the proposed expenditures, as PBS&J is being paid to duplicate services to review data on the Clam Bay System. Their initial studies indicate the water quality in the system is "better than the mean" for all Florida Estuaries, while their subsequent studies indicate that there "was a problem" with the water quality in the system. Historic and CAC April14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAG Minutes 60f8 current data indicates the system meets Florida Department of Environmental Protections standards for water quality, Caitlin Weber, Conservancy of Southwest Florida expressed concern that the scope of work may be premature, as the revised numeric nutrient criteria to be established by the Environmental Protection Agency have not been officially released. Gary McAlpin noted although the required EP A numeric nutrient criteria have not yet been officially established, the County is attempting to initiate a "pre-emptive strategy." The Agencies have reacted favorahly to the County's input on the matter. Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site- specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team" and the "Additional Work Request Contract # 09- 5262-C.Z." Second by Mr. Moreland. Motion carried 8 'yes" - 1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "'no. " Mr. Pires indicated his "no" vote was predicated on issues concerning the policies of the Collier County Purchasing Department and the input provided by Caitlin Weber. 2. Talking Points for Secretary Vinyard/Scott Gary McAlpin provided the document "Collier Coun(y Coastal Permitting Experiences, " which outlines Staff concerns on the process of obtaining environmental permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Chairman Sorey recommended Committee members email comments or suggestions to Staff to assist them in further developing the talking points. Speaker Nicole (Ryan) Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the system always may be improved but expressed concern on the "tone" of the "talking points," Gary McAlpin noted he intends the document to be "positive" in nature and welcomes others input on experiences/issues, including that of the Conservancy. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements -----'"""_..... CAC April 14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 70fB 1. Public Notice for 2011 - 2012 Category "A" Grant Application Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the public notice "Coastal Advisory Committee Accepting Category "A" (irant Applications Collier County, Florida" dated February 16,20 II for information purposes. 2. Lessons from Gulf spill slipping away Gary McAlpin provided a copy of an email from Wayne Waldack dated February 14,20 II, Subject: "C;ulfOil Leak - Lessons Learned??" for information purposes. 3. Public Notice for CAC Applications Gary McAlpin provided a copy of the Press Release issued by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), seeking applications for vacant seats on County Advisory Committees, including the Coastal Advisory Committee. 4. Applications for CAC Gary McAlpin Announcements provided a copy of a memo to him from Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager, Board of County Commissioners dated March 10. 2011 which identified Mr. James Burke, Mr. David Roellig and Mr. Theodore J. Raia as applicants to fill vacancies on the Coastal Advisory Committee. Soeaker Marcia Cravens addressed the Committee and expressed concern no Committee memher present has expertise in the area of Coastal Planning or Marine Biology. When a recommendation is made to the BCC for new members to he appointed to sit on the CAC, existing members strongly consider applicants who have this background. XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Moreland recommended members of the Committee take a tour of Wiggins Pass. It was determined individual tours would be most practical, and any member who wishes to take a tour should contact staff. Chairman Sorey noted he and Dr. Bauer continue to work on the concept of "Habitat Islands" in Naples Bay and noted FDEP is willing to meet with the City of Naples on the issue, XII. Next Meeting DatelLocation April 14, 2011 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor CAC April14, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 80fB There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:42 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee ~y\- ~. n Sorey, III, C man These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on Art \ \ I ~,' ::>0 I' as presented X or as amended