03/15/2011 Backup Documents
MARCH 15,2011
TUESDAY, MARCH 15,2011- 2:00 P.M. TILL 4:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Changes and Approval Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
1. February 17, 2011 Minutes
V. Update Marker Discussion through Stakeholder Representatives
. Discussion of Funding
. Stakeholder Discussion
. FWC Participation
VI. Public Comments
,,--. VII. Announcements with Follow-up
VIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
IX. Adjournment
* Public speakers are requested to do the following for any items presented to the Board:
Display on each document the presenter's name and title of document. Provide a total of 7
copies of each handout, to be distributed as follows: 3 Board Members; 1 Minute Taker; 1
County Attorney; 2 CZM Staffmembers.
* The following websites will provide information, agendas and dates for this subcommittee:
htto://www.collierl!ov.net/Index.asox?oaf!e= 18
All interested partied are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior
to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no
cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at
3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not
limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards,
register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department.
February 17,2011
Risk Management Training Room
3311 Tamiami Trail, East Naples
Naples, FL, February 17, 2011
I. Call to Order
The Discussion began at 9:00 A.M.
The following Stakeholders were represented: Honorable John Sorey, City of
Naples; Mary Johnson, Mangrove Action Group; Steve Feldhaus, Pelican Bay
Foundation; Keith Dallas, Pelican Bay Services Division; Dr. Ernest Wu, Seagate
Homeowner's Assoc.; Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club; Kathy Worley, Conservancy of
Southwest Florida.
The following Collier County staff members were present: Gary McAlpin, Director,
Coastal Zone Management; Gail Hambright, Accountant; Pamela Keyes,
Environmental Specialist; Marla Ramsey, Administrator, Public Services.
Georgia Hiller, Collier County Commissioner, was also present.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Changes and Approval of Discussion Approach Including the Consideration of
Additional Stakeholder Representatives.
Representation as listed above.
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Marker Discussion through Stakeholder Representatives
Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management circulated a document
outlining a starting position for the discussion including a map for the proposed
marking of the system from Clam Bay s.PH'ttf~ to the Gulf of Mexico.
He noted: 6Jv-
. The proposed marking of the channel will require approval by the Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and Staff has been in
contact with FFWCC employee Ryan Moreau. Ms. Cravens objected to Mr.
Moreau not having the ability to provide input to the meeting.
. There are 12 proposed "canoe trail markers," 18" x 18" placed on 4" x 4"
. There are 3 proposed informational caution signs ("Clam Pass - Caution -
Local Knowledge Required - Keep Lookout for Boaters and Swimmers") on
post - 2 on the beach in the area of the Pass and 1 on Marker #1.
. There are 4 proposed (3 - "Caution Shoaf' and 1 - "Sea grass Area")
informational buoy type markers.
February 17,2011
. Discussions with representatives of the FFWCC indicate the proposed plan
may be approved.
. The system is identified as a Natural Resource Protection Area (NRP A).
. The area in question is defined as a "navigable waterway" by the US Coast
Under stakeholder discussions, three (3) main reasons were identified for marking the
system: h /.Stvyi<.- 0.0.. J('i 't ftQ"l
1. Safety for the users of the system. ~
2. Environmental protection of the natural resources in the system. . ."
3. Maintaining the-historic 17',,?HigB___~d rigb\i {\f ~~~gat~u1ll1IlUmty. '0 c l<. ~ vt
bOC.t+H1S Ci.C:(,e:::'~ 0-\- .~
Under the discussion the following points/concerns were highlighted:
. The proposed marking should be integrated with existing or proposed marking
of other areas within the system.
. The use of buoys should be restricted as they have a tendency to scour the sea
bottom causing environmental damage.
. Consideration should be given to incorporating signs warning of a "Manatee
Zone, Slow Speed/Minimum Wake."
. Consideration should be given to placing any signs as necessary on the banks,
(as opposed to the waterway) this may alleviate some permitting
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Under stakeholder discussion, the following concerns were identified:
Dr. Wu noted the number and location of signs are adequate. He expressed concern
proposed markers are "canoe trail marker signs," not "navigational signs/markers."
These types of signs do not notify system users that motorized boats may be present.
In the past, this concept has caused confrontations between canoeists, kayakers,
swimmers and motorized boat users within the system.
Discussion continued noting:
. It is not the function of the FFWCC to permit "navigational marking" of
systems. Navigational marking requires approval of the US Coast Guard, an
avenue that the Board of County Commissioners has chosen not to pursue at
this time.
. Consideration should be given to placing the informational signs ("Clam Pass
- Caution - Local Knowledge Required - Keep Lookout for Boaters and
Swimmers") on other markers proposed for the system.
. Consideration should be given to placing signs on the drawbridge.
. Consideration should be given to revising the signage at the canoe/kayak boat
launch located on the lands controlled by the Pelican Bay Foundation to notify
users that they may encounter motorized boats or swirpmers in the system.
. The permitting and maintaining of the markers will be the responsibility of
Collier County Government (Coastal Zone Management).
February 17,2011
VI. Public Comments
Ted Raia, Pelican Bay Resident noted, in his opinion, the canoe markers satisfy the
conditions of the original permit (issued in1998) to maintain the system. He supports
revising the signage at the Pelican Bay Foundation area canoe launch to inform users
that they may encounter motorized boats and swimmers. He expressed concern the
US Coast Guard navigational charts were revised removing the "non navigable"
designation for the area.
Noreen Murray, Pelican Bay Resident expressed concern the uses in the area are
conflicting and it is difficult to utilize canoe markers to mark a "safe boating
channe1." She recommended the type of boats permitted to utilize the system be
defined to assist in finding common ground for the type of markers required.
Gary McAlpin noted the types of motorized boats are defined as "shallow draft type
vessels. "
Bonnie Michaels notes she kayaks in the system and questions if the area is being
"over protected." Responsibility to utilize the system safely lies with the users'
common sense and/or local knowledge.
David Roellig, Pelican Bay Resident noted not only signage is necessary in boating,
but these types of systems in general require owner/operator judgment to ensure
Rick Dykman, Seagate Resident noted the main concern for the community is the
proposal is a "canoe marker system." The community wants to ensure their historical
boating rights are maintained and some members of the community grow concerned
when these types of markers are proposed. He recommended directional arrows be
added to the signage to notify users the side of the marker required to traverse the
system safely.
Susan Ritas noted some of the concerns revolve around harassment, as opposed to
safety. The public needs to be put on notice that motorized boaters may utilize the
Tim Hall recommended consideration be given to an additional "Sea Grass caution
sign" just south of Sea gate and relocating marker #1 further south.
Ronnie Bellone, Pelican Bay Resident noted marking the system is important so all
users may utilize the system in harmony.
Jim Pelton, Seagate Resident noted it is important to mark the system properly to
ensure safety and place the users on notice on the types of vessels which may be
encountered in the system.
Mary Bolin suggested a public education program (notifications in the Pelican Bay
Post, Naples Daily News, Public Postings, etc.) be implemented to provide
notification on the types of activities occurring in the system.
Sarah Wu, Seagate Resident requested clarification on the types of markers allowed
by FFWCC and questioned if the canoe type markers will satisfy the requirements of
Collier County's Risk Management Division.
February 17, 2011
Gary McAlpin noted the FFWCC permits specific types of signage and they are
concerned about commingling "fish and wildlife signage" with "navigational
signage." The Risk Management Division will review the proposal and provide
comments to staff.
Len Rothman, Canoeist confirmed "navigational marking" requires red and green
US Coast Guard approved markers.
VII. Announcements with follow up
Gary McAlpin noted staff/stakeholders will investigate the issues identified today
(and any others) and report at the next meeting.
Commissioner Hiller noted she spoke to Ryan Moreau and he encouraged anyone
with questions to contact him at 850-410-0656 ext. 17376 or email
VIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
Wednesday, February 23, 2011; Risk Management Training Room, 3311
Tamiami Trail East, Naples
The Discussion ended at 11:00 A.M.
Discussion with Ryan Moreau on 2/23/2011 based on questions from the Clam Bay marker workshop
held on 2/17/2011.
Key points are as follows:
1. Marker #1 which is the most southern marker and closest to the Seagate neighborhood can be move
further to the south to better align with the canoe/kayak launch location. Seagrass slgnage can either be
added to this pole or separately marked to protect the sea grass beds in this area.
2. Installation of Local Knowledge signs on each of the 12 marker poles did not necessarily concern him and
he is willing to allow more of these signs but wants to be able to look at the whole proposal in its totality
rather than piecemeal. He is more concerned that too many markers and/or signs on marker poles would
prevent safe navigation by cluttering this narrow path.
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3. With respect to poles for shoal and seagrass markers Instead of buoys, his position is that with a narrow
route, buoys would be safer for users if hit and less clutter in the route. He will however evaluate these
signs being on poles and make his decision when he evaluates the entire package.
4. He has no issues with the signs on either side of the tram bridge. This does not come under his
S. He wants us to submit our plan that is the consensus of the entire community and he will review it
holistically without all the telephone calls and the constant pressure from everyone in our community
calling and lobbying him.
6. He understands that this is a multi use route. Kayakers, canoers, boaters and swimmers will use the same
estuary. He has reviewed this with his legal department and this marking system would not prevent any
of the user's access or use.
7. The County ordinance number cannot be placed on FWC signage.
8. The permit will be issued by FWC contingent on review and concurrence by USACE and the USCG. Both
the USACE and the USCG have concurrent jurisdiction for this waterway. FWC's is primarily responsible
for slgnage in this instance and is taking the lead. A permit is not required from the USACE or the USCG.
Their involvement will be limited to only review and concurrence and will be obtained by FWC. ~~Ol ~bICa'-{
9. A permit, review or concurrence from FDEP is not required.
10. Based on preliminary review, FWC is in conceptual concurrence with our proposed plans. FWC:s will
however not approve anything until a permit application is received and it can be reviewed in detail.
11. Tha attached route map and marker recommendations reflect our discussions from 2/17/2011 and
guidance from FWCon the 2/23/2011 telephone call.
~ -~-~
Moreau, Ryan [ryan.moreau@MyFWC.com]
Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:26 AM
RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group material
My schedule is currently wide open on the 15th.
RYRn MoreRu, PIRnner
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Division of Law Enforcement
Boating & Waterways Section
Waterway Management Unit
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600
850.410-0656 ext.17376 Voice
850.488-9284 Fax
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From: McAlpinGary [mailto:GaryMcAlpin@colliergov.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:21 AM
To: Moreau, Ryan; KeyesPamela; HambrightGail
SUbject: RE: Oam Bay Discussion Group material
It has but, I have no issue of issuing another document that list edits from you. God knows we have done that many
times in the past and I have represented it as my notes from our conversation.
Just let me know.
What about the 15th?
From: Moreau, Ryan [mailto:ryan.moreau@MyFWC.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 02,2011 7:44 AM
To: McAlplnGary; KeyesPamela; HambrightGail
SUbject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group material
I've reviewed the material I have some edits.
On #5 I think there could be a better way to state this. I have an example below.
5) He has stated that the options for sign age should be an internal discussion within the entire community. His eventual
review on a collier county application package for signage will be based upon statute and Florida Administrative Rule. As
slildl.it.is not his place to offer personal opinions on the subject. His review of the application package must remain
objective and to the letter of the law.
On #8 it is a very good statement except for the last sentence. You will need to get a permit from U$ACE and USCG. I
might have confused you with the letter of no objections comment. USCG will issue a letter of no objection basically
stating that they see no hazards to navigation. USACE will actually issue a permit, however, for a small project such as
this I don't think it will be that involved. So just restate the last sentence and #8 is good to go.
On #91 think it can be reworded a bit to not raise the ire of some. Let me research this one today and get back to you on
how to state this. Have you sent this out to everyone already?
I think that covers it. Let me get back to you today about this. Also please let me know if this has already gone out to the
public, as I had some edits.
Ryan Moreau, Planner
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Division of Law Enforcement
Boating & Waterways Section
Waterway Management Unit
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600
850.410-0656 ext. 17376 Voice
850.488-9284 Fax
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From: McAlplnGary [mailto:GaryMcAlpln@colliergov.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 5:07 PM
To: Moreau, Ryan; KeyesPamela; HambrightGail
SUbject: FW: Clam Bay Discussion Group material
Importance: High
Please see the attached write and meeting notice for our next marker discussion for Clam Bay. We would like to conference you in
by phone to pOSSibly answer any questions that some individuals might have. We can schedule you as a time certain with a specific
duration so you won't need to be available for the entire meeting. Are you available on 3/15 and what time in the early afternoon
works best for you?
Also, my write-up is attached and I believe it accurately reflects our discussion. Do you have any comments on it?
Gary McAlpin
from: HambrlghtGall
Senti-Monday, February 28,2011 5:08 PM
SUbJect: Clam Bay Discussion Group material
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County Ordinance 96-16
permits motor boats
in Clam Bay
but motor boats may not be
launched from this site.
March 2, 2011 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Meeting
Submitted by M. Cravens
from: Marcia Cravens [mallto:sleeple.zz.@mac.com)
sent: Wednesday, March 02, 201111:51 AM
To: McCaughtryMary
Cc: ResnickL
Subject: email from FWC with flu to CZM of what FWC suggested~Fwd: Follow~up email per phone
Mary or Lisa,
Sorry to not have provided this emailfrom FWC that clarifies what Coastal Zone Management
(CZM) Staff were told and provides accurate account ofFWC sttggestions toCZM staff. Please
send this email with all attachments to the PBSD Board and also print copies for all PBSD Board
members as background information inclttded for today's meeting.
My comments to PBSD as regards the following forward of email from FWC to CZM (date of
email to CZ1\t1 is 2/15/11):
1) FWC recommended first option was simply to amend the existing canoe trail to move it
closer to the side of the waterway so that paddlers don't mix with any powerboat users.
2) FWC NEVER suggested numbering or location changes to modify the existing. Clam Bay
canoe trail so as to mark the drainage channel (that was dredged as restorationofa mangroves
ecosystem) from the southern-most creek to the Gttlf to provide any indication that the drainage
channel was a navigation channel. In fact FWC clearly has informed CZM that canoe trail
markers are NOT used to be used to mark any sort of channel.
3) FWC recommendation to CZM to amend the existing canoe trail so as to be located more to
the side of the waterway. is consistent with FWC information that a canoe trail marker can
NOT mark a channel or rottte for powerboats.
4) The only reference to Clam Pass, in FWC recommendations is to place "Local Knowledge
Required-Keep Lookout for Boaters and Swimmers" Information markers at the mouth of Clam
5) The plan to mark a rottte that follows a non-existent powerboat channel from Seagate to the
Gulf through inappropriate placement of canoe trail markers is a political ploy that is completely
contrary to what FWC recommends.
The recommendations by CZM that Mr. Feldhaus appears to want agreement on by all Pelican
Bay organizations is not at all consistent with what FWC recommends and is in fact contrary to
what FWC may approve.
One rationale for this plan to modify the existing canoe trail by CZM is another strategy for
control by CZM to take away the canoe trail permit which benefits all Pelican Bay members and
also benefits all Collier County residents. The Pelican Bay MSTBU members have not given
March 2, 2011 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Meeting
Submitted by M. Cravens
To: 'KeyesPamela'
Subject: FOllow-up emaH per phone conversatIon.
I just wanted to send a follow up emailabout our phone conversation yesterday.
First, I wanted to outline the options I laid out to you and Gary pertainittgto the permitting of
information markers for Clam PasslBay. One of your options is to amend the already existing
paddling trail markers and move them to the side ofthe waterway sotha:tpadd1ers do not mix
with power boats. A paddling trail is a straight line of markers that areysually placed in mile
increments or more.' They are not placed laterally to one another ct~"fing a channel, so I
would double check your map of markers and make sure this is not the~Se. A paddling trail's
intent is for marking a safe trail for paddlers to follow. The option of moving the paddle trail
markers to the side would keep the paddlers separate from those peopleti$ing power boats.
Your other options for markers areplacinginformation mark~rs.etthe~~~~iof<Dlam PasslBay
notify boaters that state "Local knowledge isre9llired" "Keepl~kout~orl>oe~sand
swimmers". Thiswould be used only to notify boaters and does not serve to regulate the area.
Also, you may mark seagrass areas and shoals with information markers to notify boaters of
shallow areas and the resources in the area, but again these are not regulatory markers.
The intent of these markers is to enhance boater awareness and knowledgeofC1amPasslBay.
Nothing in my conversations with Collier County should be construed astl'ying to create channel
outside the authority of the US Coast Guard. If you wishtoc.reateachannel for navigation you
must make application to the US Coast Guard.
At the end of our phone conversation I expressed my wish to listen in on ameeting on the 17th in
which the county will present the marking options that I have discussed with them. My request
was denied at that time.
The example sign graphics that you requested are attached to this emaiL These are just examples
and are not specific to your area.
Thank you,
R,yan M01'eatl, Planner
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Division of Law Enforcement
Boating & Waterways Section
Waterway Management Unit
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600
850.410-0656 ext. 17376 Voice
850.488-9284 Fax
From Sierra Club-Calusa Group of lee and Collier Counties
Submitted to the Clam Bay Marker Discussion Group 2/17/11 and 3{15/11
Clam Pass/Clam Bay. Designated Uses
as Considerations for Uniform Waterway Markers
Conservation/Preservation of the Clam Pass/Clam Bay coastal barrier resource system in its
natural condition. Meant to protect specific natural environments and associated environmental
functions from degradation/destruction by human development. Protection is for wildlife use of
habitats including fish spawning and juvenile nursery amid mangrove roots and seagrass; bird
rookeries, rest and foraging among mangroves branches and intertidal flats; marine mammal forage
and rest areas in the lagoons and creeks; visual esthetics of natural vistas including broad shallow
lagoons, meandering creeks with mangrove tunnels and expansive canopy; and protection of
developed uplands from storm surge/hurricanes by mangroves interwoven tangles of roots branches.
Four specific designations have been adopted by our local, State or Federal governments to protect
the Clam Pass/Clam Bay natural resources:
1) Designated by Collier County as Sensitive Treatment (ST) indicating environmentally sensitive
estuarine area. This designation was included as an overlay on the County Atlas. This was meant to
discourage development and human perturbations that would disrupt, degrade, or destroy Clam Bay.
2) Pelican Bay / Clam Bay Conservation Area designation was created by a Conservation Easement
Deed in 1982 in fulfillment of DA permit 79K-0282 Special Condition requirements and Collier
County's conditional approvals for Pelican Bay, consistent with ST area policy.
3) Clam Bay / Clam Pass Natural Resources Protection Area (NRPA) designation was approved with
stipulations by the Collier County Commissioners in 1995 as the county's first NRPA.
4) Clam Pass was added to the Federal Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) as Unit FL-64P around
1990. The Clam Pass Fl-64P map was updated in 2005 and subsequently a corrected map was
adopted by Congress in 2008. The map adopted by Congress in 2008 was corrected to exactly follow
the boundaries of the Pelican Bay - Clam Bay Conservation Area aka the Clam Pass/Clam Bay NRPA.
These designations distinguished this preserve as an Otherwise Protected Area. Such designations are
intended to protect the Clam Pass/Clam Bay area from man-made changes/alterations to its
essentially natural conditions/function uses.
Passive Recreation that's compatible with the primary designated use.
Passive recreation has been consistent and concurrent with the history of primary designated land
uses which includes submerged lands, swamps, and waters. Thousands of residents in Pelican Bay,
Seagate, and Naples Cay enjoy their unique access to the back bay lagoons and thousands of other
city/county residents and tourist visitors to Clam Pass Park benefit from passive recreation
opportunities at Clam Pass Park that is highly compatible with its Primary Designated Functional Uses.
Residents and visitors from near and far benefit from Clam Pass Park beach and waterway access with
opportunities to walk/hike on the boardwalk, nature trail or open beach; lounge at the concession or
on the beach; observe and photograph wildlife; safely wade, swim, snorkel, float, and fish at Clam
Pass; and many visitors enjoy paddling the popular Clam Pass Park Canoe Trail with access from
several sites.
Operation of small motorized vessels is reported on various records as being limited to good weather
and tides. Small outboard motor vessels with 2 ft or less draft (stated to be used by Seagate residents
by the County Coastal Zone Management Department Staff) that are safe for use in the Clam Pass
system's shallows and flats may not be safe to take out into the Gulf. Very limited Gulf access was
reflected by a notation on NOAA chart 11430 of Clam Pass "rep. non-navigable" on the chart for over
twenty years. This notation was removed in 2009* However, Bathymetry surveys across Outer/lower
Clam Bay in multiple years consistently show areas which are less than 2 ft deep at mean low water
(ebb tides). Public meetings records in Collier County include Commissioner and County Staff
statements, public comments and correspondence that Clam Pass had closed, that it was not a
navigable pass and that motorized vessels traversing Outer/lower Clam Bays shallow waters caused
extensive propeller dredge scarring- destructive to the seagrass beds.
From the Sierra Club. Calusa GroUl,!
of Lee and Collier Counties
Submitted to the Clam Bay Marker Discussion Group on 2/17/11 and 3/15/2011
1) Retain the Clam Pass Canoe/Kayak Trail. It benefits thousands of resident and visitors
for passive recreation that is compatible with the Primary designated use of the Clam Pass/
Clam Bay creek and lagoon system for Conservation and Preservation of its shallow
meandering condition with dense mangrove vegetation and other habitats that support
listed and other wildlife especially but not exclusively aquatic and avian species.
2) Implementation of NEW Information Markers to better protect ALL Clam Pass/Clam Bay
waterway users. EX: .Local Knowledge Required Due to Shallow Waters, Shoals, Tidal Flats,
Mangroves and Seagrass. Similar Information Markers identify shoal and seagrass areas.
3) .Status Quo. remains for the Seagate residents', Pelican Bay residents' and general public
use of the Clam Pass/Clam Bay backwaters. This includes historic limited access to the
Gulf of Mexico through the small dynamic tidal exchange of Clam Pass. Backwater lagoon
and creek access includes areas of naturally occurring tidal flats, sandy shoals, mangroves
roots/branches and seagrass areas.
4) All permits authorizing activities within the Clam Pass/Clam Bay system are consistent
with restoration and maintenance of the mangroves ecosystem. Past and Future activities
are recognized by all that excavation/construction and maintenance of drainage channels
within this system ARE NEVER done to improve navigation.
*NRPA stands for Natural Resources Protection Area designation (applied to Clam Pass/Clam
Bay Coastal Barrier Resources in 1995 by Collier County Commission).
L 'J //
Collier County Government 'r)t
Communication & Customer Relations Contact: 239-252-8848
3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 102 www.colliergov.net
Naples, FL 34112-5746 www.twitter.com/CollierPl0
February 28,2011
1:00 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held to review and discuss Clam Bay Markers on
Tuesday, March 15th, at 1:00 p.m. in the Human Resource Training Room 208, Collier County Government
Center, 3309 Tamiami Trail East,Naples.
Two or more members of the City of Naples City Council, City of Marco Island City Council, Tourist
Development Council and the Pelican Bay Services Division may be present and may participate at the
meeting. The subject matter of this meeting may be a future item for discussion and action at these Board
In regard to the public meeting:
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in
writing, to the board/committee prior to the meeting if applicable. All registered public speakers will be
limited to three minutes unless permission for additional time is granted by the chairman.
Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners, an advisory board
or quasi-judicial board), register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding,
you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County
Facilities Management Department, located at 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 101, Naples, FL 34112-5356,
(239) 252-8380, at least two days prior to the meeting. Assisted listening devices for the hearing impaired
are available in the Board of County Commissioners Office.
For more information, call Gail Hambright at (239) 252-2966.