CAC Agenda 03/10/2011 R CAC MEETING AGENDA MARCH 10,2011 March 101 2011 EETING AGEN NOT Al ADVIS THURSDAY, BOARD OF COUNTY COMM THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUN 3299 TAMIAMI TRAil . Sunshine law em A2enda Questions . PUBLIC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. of Allegiance III. Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. Januar 13 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Proiect Cost Report 3. Clam Ba tus 4. Wiggins Pass Dredging - Upda 5. Naples Berm urishment 6. Doctors Pass Jetty - Update 1. Wiggins Pass Straighteni 8. Easement Status 9. Naples/Park Shore/Vand Concept VIII. New Business 1. Clam Bay Site Specific Water Quality a. Proposal and ent - Upd Points for Secretary Vinyard/Scott X. "G XI. Committee Member XII. Next Meeting Date/l April14} 2011- Government Center} Administration Bldg. F} 3rd r XIII. Adjournment For more informatio to attend} and to register to speak and to the board prior to the meeting if kable. All interested parties are i objections} if any} in writing} cont t Gail at ( If you are a person with a disability this g, you contact the Collier Cou lities Management Department located at Trail, Naples} FL 34112} (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants per additional time. ion for Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall} before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to} addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards} register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. CAC February 10, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, January 13,2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F," 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Randolph Moity Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples Scott Johnson, Collier County Purchasing Dept. CAC February 10. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 8 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following: . Item VIIIA to be heard after VIlLI Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 9 - O. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. December 9, 2010 Mr. Hendel moved to approve the minutes of the December 9,2010 meeting. Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 9 - O. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2010 - 2011" updated through December, 2010. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 2010/2011 TDC Category "A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through January 5, 2011. VIII. New Business 1. Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging - Contract #11-5633 Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve award of Contract #11-5633 for Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging to Southwind Construction Corp., as outlined in their attached proposal submitted on 1/5/2011 for a unit price not to exceed contract total of $750,000 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract after County Attorney approval" dated January 13,2011 and related backup documents listed below: a. Southwind Construction Corporation Proposal b. Bid Tabulations c. Reference Check d. Letter of Recommendation e. Monitoring Conditions He noted: CAC February 10. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 3 of 8 . 93 vendors purchased bid packages with 6 proposals received on January 5, 2011. . 2 vendors were deemed non responsive due to a lack of completing a questionnaire leaving 4 bids for evaluation. . After evaluation, Southwind Construction Corp. was chosen as the "most qualified and responsive bidder," however their bid ($836,092.10) was over the budgeted amount of$750,000. . Subsequent to the project being released for bidding, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection reduced the standards for the required Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU's). . Staff requested Southwind Construction Corp. to review their bid to see if they would adjust it to meet the amount budgeted by the County. . Southwind Construction Corp. adjusted the bid for the project to an amount of $750,000. . Staff is requesting the CAC recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the contract. Chairman Sorey asked if the awarding the bid to Southwind Construction Corp. is in accordance with county purchasing policies (with respect to specification changes for the allowable NTU's after the bids were received). Scott Johnson, Collier County Purchasing Department stated the decision to award the project to Southwind Construction Corp. was within purchasing policy requirements. The policy allows the County to re-negotiate the bid price with the "most qualified and responsive bidder." Mr. Pires noted a Southwind Construction Corp. letter dated January 7,2011 stated they reduced their bid due to a change in specifications for the proposed work. He questioned if County purchasing policies allow the vendor to adjust the bid for the proposed work after a change in specifications, without other vendors having the opportunity to re-bid. Mr. Johnson noted County purchasing policies provide for this procedure. In addition, prior to the identifying the most qualified and responsive bidder, the bids were competitive as the bidders utilized the same set of specifications. Mr. Pires noted County policy does not specifically provide for this procedure. Mr. Johnson agreed, however it is "inherent" in the policy. Mr. Hendel noted County purchasing staff has stated awarding the contract to Southwind Construction Corp. is in accordance with County purchasing policies. Mr. Hendel moved to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve the contract for Southwind Construction Corp. for the proposed Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging at a unit price not to exceed contract total of $750,000. Second by Mr. Rios. Mr. Moreland noted the pass is unsafe for navigation at this time. This is having a negative impact on real estate values and business operations within the area. CAC February 10, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 8 He expressed concern on delaying the work, unless the delay is based on a legal basis. Chairman Sorey reiterated County purchasing staffhas stated awarding the bid is in accordance with County purchasing policy. Mr. Pires noted he recognizes the need for the dredging, but expressed concern with the legality of the purchasing process. Motion carried 8 'yes" -1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no. " 4. Clam Bay Navigational Markers Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Update the Coastal Advisory Committee on regulatory findings and agency requirements and seek a recommendation on how to proceed with the permitting and installation of the proposed Clam Bay navigational markers" dated January 13,2011. He noted: . On June 23, 2009, the BCC directed staff to proceed with permitting and installing navigational markers in Clam Bay. . The installation of the markers would bring the County into compliance with a previously issued 1998 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for work in Clam Bay . Installation of the markers requires permitting from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, US Coast Guard and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). . The FDEP permit has not been issued, and in September of 20 1 0 the USCG permit issued for the markers expired and the USCG notified staff a new permit would be required. . The application for a new USCG permit will require completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or Environmental Assessment at a cost of approximately $40,000. . To develop the EIS, staff will need the BCC to direct staff to move forward and approve a budget for the scope of work. . If the County chooses not move forward, they will petition the USACE to "close the permit" as the County has acted in "good faith" to comply with the permit conditions. . Staff believes the USACE will accept the request to "close out the permit." . Staff suggests, if the BCC chooses not to move forward with the marking of the channel with navigational markers, all stakeholders involved (Pelican Bay Services Division, Pelican Bay Foundation, Collier County, Seagate Residents, City of Naples, etc.) determine the most appropriate means to mark the System to ensure safe navigation and prevent environmental damage. . Staff is seeking direction from the CAC on how to proceed. Speakers Marcia Cravens read an emai1 into the record that she submitted to the members of the CAC. She recommended there be no further expenditures of public funds CAC February 10, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5of8 for the installation of the red and green "navigational markers." She supports the installation of "informational and regulatory markers" as the system has been marked in this manner previously, however the markers are in disrepair. She provided samples of "informational and regulatory markers" that may be utilized in the system. Doug Finlay noted the Seagate community was established in 1958 as a boating community with access to the Gulf of Mexico. The waters north and south of the "Pass" should be marked differently based on the various uses within these areas (swimmer, boater conflicts, vs. canoeists, etc.) He supports the concept of the stakeholders determining the appropriate marking of the system. Keith Dallas recommended the County not continue to pursue the marking of the channel with the red and green navigation markers. Ted Raia noted his conversations with the USACE indicate the informational markers are an acceptable form of marking the system to meet the permit requirements. He supports the concept of the stakeholders determining the appropriate means to mark the system. He submitted various documents for consideration by the committee. Sarah Wu, Seagate resident noted the original permit states the main channel of the system will be marked in accordance of the requirements of the USCG. She expressed concern that the County failed to mark the channel with USCG approved markers. It is important to mark the channel safely and questions how it can be marked for navigation without utilizing USCG approved "navigation markers." She supports the concept of marking the channel for safe navigation and preventing environmental damage. Steve Feldhaus, Secretary, Pelican Bay Foundation urges the committee endorse the concept of the stakeholders determining the appropriate means to mark the system. Mr. Rios moved to recommend staff not to move forward with permitting the "red and green navigational markers. " In addition, supports the staff recommendation of the stakeholders expeditiously determining the appropriate means to mark the Clam Bay System to ensure safe navigation and prevent environmental damage to the area. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 9 - O. 2. Naples Berm Restoration - Contract #11-5637 Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve award of Bid No. 11-5637 for Naples Berm Restoration to Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC as outlined in the attached proposal submitted on 1/12/2011 for a unit price, not to exceed total of$946,167.20 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract after County Attorney approval" dated January 13,2011 and related backup documents listed below: a. Eastman Aggregate Enterprises Proposal b. Bid Tabulations c. BCC Executive Summary 5/11/2010 d. BCC Executive Summary 7/27/2010 CAC February 10, 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 6of8 He noted: . In May of2010, the BCC authorized $1.5M to complete the scope of work including approving an "emergency resolution" in an effort to temporarily stabilize an area south of Doctors Pass. . In June/July of2010, work was undertaken to temporarily stabilize the area south of Doctors Pass with the understanding the remaining work would be completed at a later date. . Under the current scope of work proposed, the first area slated for re- nourishment is south of Doctors Pass fronting Indies West, Gulf View, Le Chateau and Royal Palm condominiums. . Staff continues to work with Le Chateau condominiums to obtain an easement to renourish the area controlled by them. . If staff cannot reach an agreement, only the area seaward of the Erosion Control Line will be renourished in this area. . This will create a -4 foot grade change in the area and compromise the stability of the beach renourishment. . An "alternate bid package" is for the renourishment of an area just south of Seagate Drive in the area of the Meridian and Le Parc condominiums. . In addition, it has come to staffs attention, an area further south of these condominiums is severely eroded. . Staff is reevaluating how to deal with the area identified in the "alternate bid package" given the new information. . The options include delaying renourishment proposed in the "alternate bid package" until a solution is developed for the areas further south (in front of the Vistas and the Terraces); or to renourish the area as planned and allow the sand to migrate to the south to help "naturally" stabilize the beach in this area . He requested direction from the committee on how to proceed with the "alternate bid package" and seeks approval of the proposed contract. Mr. Hendel agreed the area south of Sea gate Drive in front of the Terraces and Vistas is heavily eroded to the point no beach exists. He recommends adding the Vistas and the Terraces to the scope of work. Chairman Sorey expressed concern immediately adding these areas to the scope of work. It will be difficult given the status of the permits. He recommended moving forward with the proposed scope of work and modifying the existing permits (if possible.) Gary McAlpin noted no upland structures in this area are in danger of undermine. Given this fact, immediately modifying the existing permit will be very difficult. Mr. Pires noted the owners of La Chateau may be concerned with the concept of allowing public access when public funds are expended on private property for beach renourishment. He recommended staff investigate the concept of the CAC February 10. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 7 of 8 condominium owners funding the renourishment in the area encompassed by private property in lieu of them granting public access easements. Mr. Hendel moved for staff to move forward with the original scope of work for the area south of Doctors Pass, the "alternate bid package" scope of work for the area south of Seagate Drive, and for staff to move expeditiously to modifY the permit to add the beaches in the area of the Vistas and Terraces to the scope of work. Second by Mr. Pires. Speaker Jane Earle, Le Parc Resident noted the beach is in a severe state of erosion in this area and supports the motion. Doug Finlay, City of Naples noted the area just south ofthe Horizon Way beach access is also severely eroded. He expressed concern that the current 10 year renourishment cycle is inadequate and the County should consider utilizing an 8 year cycle with a focus on long term solutions to the "erosion hot spots." Mr. Pires requested clarification on the status of the easements currently in place. Gary McAlpin noted the current easements in place are to repair the damaged areas including staging construction equipment, not easements for public access. Staff continues to pursue the public access easements. Mr. Moreland noted the Barefoot Beach area is severely eroded as well and recommended the committee tour the area and consider it for renourishment. Carried unanimously 9-0. Mr. Pires moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners declare and emergency situation for the beaches in the area of the Vistas and Terraces. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 9 - O. Gary McAlpin noted this area will require an engineering study. The BCC will need to find the Vistas and Terraces structures are in "imminent danger" and declare an emergency to waive purchasing policies, etc. He is concerned on the timing for completing the additional scope of work due to Turtle Nesting Season upcoming in May. 3. Doctors Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation - Contract 11-5634 Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve award of Contract #11-5634 for Doctors Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Project to Kelly Brothers, Inc., as outlined in their attached proposal submitted on January 7, 2011 for a unit price not to exceed contract total of$653,200 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract after County Attorney approval" dated January 13,2011 and related backup documents listed below: CAC February 10. 2011 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 8 of 8 a. Kelly Brothers, Inc. Proposal b. Bid Tabulations Mr. Moreland moved to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve Contract #11-5634 for Doctors Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Project to Kelly Brothers, Inc. as outlined in their attached proposal submitted on January 7,2011 for a unit price not to exceed contract total of$653,200. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimously 9 - O. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Any members requiring a hard copy packet of meeting materials should contact staff. Mr. Moreland noted the State has initiated "no new rule making" for regulatory authorities. With this in mind, the committee should formulate recommended regulatory changes for consideration by any necessary parties. Chairman Sorey requested staff to place on the agenda for the May meeting. Mr. Pires recommended staff provide any PUD's documents applicable to developing recommendations (i.e. Barefoot Beaches). In addition, to ensure consistency, identify any positions developed by any other applicable parties. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location February 10, 2011- Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:55 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended ~ ~ C> IJ) Nt _ 0 C> 0.. ~Q) .r;D:: ~il:: CO CO :ZU)CXl U.: <l::_O u>~ .... .... o N o .... o N >- LL. ~ o a. ell a:: ell ::::l l: ell > ell a:: >< C1I I- - 1Il .;:: ::::l o I- c o ;: u " .0 ii: :1 J::: ~ r:n'r.....,; .. .. .. ---.-:~ :;;;. I " u .! .. > ...... :....:s r:n~ N~ ..~ .. .. .. ......... 'iii E u 0( .. " c c 0( ~ ... 'S E E " o =~,~ . .. ... ...... ..-.. ... . . ...-- ...... ;; 01 ." " III 'iii " c c 0( " .1: j " E E " o g~~:=g~~i,~,~g, en ............"'....NNO ~S ~ 5:: ~ ~ :..~=..:..:g.. :~;~::=;;;;; .. .. .. g- .. ..- ... " u c .f! .. > t; 2 ~~~ en N..... N .. m..~a!~ """'--e 'iii E u 0( '" S c o ::t ....0 cn =:::J ""NeD....'" CO.. ~.. 0.. tn" .,; cOCo 0 ceo IlOI.t)OOC.................,.... ....NIOOUll 'lIP Ut..... ... .. ........~; "" G: ~ i ., tit: " 01 ." 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"'I:J " ii III III Ul ~ ii " .a .... "'I:J U C <( CIl 0,; >< W .= .... U .!!!, ~ a.. .... U CIl . ._ 0 ~Z a.. '" '" Ll) o en M- .(D CI c:i ... .., ... '" .., ~ ... CI CI o CI ... o .., .C1, ..- ... II) ...I ~ ~ p~ 7/i7 dl7f~ JZlJ,.tJ McAlpinGary From: Sent: To: Cc: McAlpinGary Friday, January 28, 2011 2:46 PM OchsLeo; RamseyMarla; HambrightGail GreeneColleen Leo and Marla, ~bt1~ 1 of 9 '7~",r As follow-up, this is our plan to reach closure on this issue: . Two public meeting will be set up to discuss a marking plan with the public. The first meeting will be held on 2/17/2011 and the second will be noticed on 2/23/2011. Gail Hambright will notice these meeting today. The meeting will be held at 9 am and open to all the public. Locations will be identified in the Public Notice. Summary minutes will be taken and recorded with the Clerk. The second meeting will be held if there are follow-up items to the 2/17/2011 meeting and can be canceled if not needed. . The following groups have requested the opportunity to participate in these meetings. A representative from each group will be offered the opportunity to participate in the discussion and speak for their respective communities. In addition, the entire public will be afforded the opportunity to individually speak during public comment. a. Mike Bauer - Natural Resources Manager for the City of Naples b. Ernie Wu - President ofthe Seagate Homeowners Community c. Steve Feldhaus - Secretary of the Pelican Bay Foundation d. Keith Dallas - Chairman of the Pelican Bay Services Division e. Mary Johnson - President of the Mangrove Action Committee f. Kathy Worley - Environmental Specialists from the Conservancy g. McAlpin, Ramsey and Keyes from the County h. Staff will consult with FWC prior to the first meeting and solicit their participation. Based on the outcome of our discussions} FWC may also participate in the second meeting. . ClM will propose a plan to start the discussion. This plan will be posted on the website several days prior to the 1ih. . Other meetings will be held as needed to reach closure. J. Gary McAlpin, Director Coastal Zone Management 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 103 Naples, Florida 34112 GarvMcAIDin@collier~ov.net (239) 252-5342 Fax: (239) 353-4061 1 CAC March 10. 2011 VII-3 Staff Reports 2 of 9 Discussion with Ryan Moreau on 2/23/2011 based on questions from the Clam Bay marker workshop held on 2/17/2011. Key points are as follows: 1. Marker #1 which is the most southern marker and closest to the Seagate neighborhood can be move further to the south to better align with the canoe/kayak launch location. Sea grass signage can either be added to this pole or separately marked to protect the sea grass beds in this area. 2. Installation of Local Knowledge signs on each of the 12 marker poles did not necessarily concern him and he is willing to allow more of these signs but wants to be able to look at the whole proposal in its totality rather than piecemeal. He is more concerned that too many markers and/or signs on marker poles would prevent safe navigation by cluttering this narrow path. 3. With respect to poles for shoal and seagrass markers instead of buoys, his position is that with a narrow route, buoys would be safer for users if hit and less clutter in the route. He will however evaluate these signs being on poles and make his decision when he evaluates the entire package. 4. He has no issues with the signs on either side of the tram bridge. This does not come under his jurisdiction. 5. He wants us to submit our plan that is the consensus of the entire community and he will review it holistically without all the telephone calls and the constant pressure from everyone in our community calling and lobbying him. 6. He understands that this is a multi use route. Kayakers, canoers, boaters and swimmers will use the same estuary. He has reviewed this with his legal department and this marking system would not prevent any of the user's access or use. 7. The County ordinance number cannot be placed on FWC signage. 8. The permit will be issued by FWC contingent on review and concurrence by USACE and the USCG. Both the USACE and the USCG have concurrent jurisdiction for this waterway. FWC's is primarily responsible , for sign age in this instance and is taking the lead. A permit is not required from the USACE or the USCG. Their involvement will be limited to only review and concurrence and will be ob~ained by FI/'::!.C. 9. A permit, review or concurrence from FDEP is not required. . 10. Based on preliminary review, FWC is in conceptual concurrence with our proposed plans. FWC's will however not approve anything until a permit application is received and it can be reviewed in detail. 11. Tha attached route map and marker recommendations reflect our discussions from 2/17/2011 and guidance from FWCon the 2/23/2011 telephone call. ~ o VJ Nt:: _ 0 00.. ~ Ql .<:0:: e~ Cll_ :;j;(f) U",'" <{::O u>v ZCcn WIX OIXW -5~ l-aOcn ::)WmlX ctlXlXw UWO:E I~LL.:E CI-_ V)~:)~ V)~ocn ~~5~ ~~9< ~""'o. ..J5W UOW .....~ ~ ~ o VI Nt _ 0 o Co ~ <ll .c~ ~ll= <1l <1l ~U5 u",m <{ , ..... uS;~ OJ c.. E ro X w s:::: bO .- V') I c::: ~ ...J Z Q V) OWo::: e:w i=::)t:( ::> CJ 0 V) c::(~mo::: UWo:::U"I I~O~ QLL.III::: Cl)U"II-:!!: CI)..J::)3: ~3:0V) o.:O~Q lI:::~8z c::::..J....<I: <(<(0- .....uw uoU"l ....~ ~ (; en Nt _ 0 o a. ~ Q) ,J:::D:: UlI:: ~ '" "'- :2:U)m UM.... <1:=0 u><o ~ ~-& O~ .cc:t .ItV IIl2:? ~ ;; tJj Nt " 0 o 0. ~ OJ .<:D::: ~~ ::i:UJ", U"'_ <(=0 U>r-- CAC March 10,2011 VII-3 Staff Reports 8of9 -,...? I McAlpinGary From: Sent: To: Subject: Moreau. Ryan [ryan.moreau@MyFWC.com] Wednesday, March 02, 20118:26 AM McAlpin Gary RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group material My schedule is currently wide open on the 15th. Ryan Moreau, Planner Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating & Waterways Section Waterway Management Unit 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 850.410-0656 ext. 17376 Voice 850.488-9284 Fax Ryan.Moreau@myfwc.com ,---~~---,,,...,-,..,---""-,~,......,-,-~....,-"--~-_...,,...'"~_...,~""'.--'---"-"~'---'-"-"-""-'-"""-"'--"-~"~~--""-' From: McAlpinGary [mailto:GaryMcAlpin@colliergov.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:21 AM To: Moreau, Ryan; KeyesPamela; HambrightGail Subject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group material Ryan, It has but, I have no issue of issuing another document that list edits from you. God knows we have done that many times in the past and I have represented it as my notes from our conversation. Just let me know. What about the 15th? Gary -,--",;-,--~~_.--,~.~._..~,--~"-,_.."'---....._---',.,_.""""----'-"'~--'.~_.'._'-'~'~'.""'~----"",~-'----""--'''''-----.-"_._-~.._--_.---~,-,_.."_..~....------_...., From: Moreau, Ryan [mailto:ryan.moreau@MyFWC,com] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 7:44 AM To: McAlpinGary; KeyesPamela; HambrlghtGail Subject: RE: Clam Bay Discussion Group material Gary, I've reviewed the material I have some edits. On #5 I think there could be a better way to state this. I have an example below. 5) He has stated that the options for signage should be an internal discussion within the entire community. His eventual review on a collier county application package for signage will be based upon statute and Florida Administrative Rule. As 1 CAC March 10.2011 VII-3 Staff Reports 9 of 9 slitctl,tis not his place to offer personal opinions on the subject. His review of the application package must remain objective and to the letter of the law. On #8 it is a very good statement except for the last sentence. You will need to get a permit from USACE and USCG. I might have confused you with the letter of no objections comment. USCG will issue a letter of no objection basically stating that they see no hazards to navigation. USACE will actually issue a permit, however, for a small project such as this I don't think it will be that involved. So just restate the last sentence and #8 isgood to go. On #9 I think it can be reworded a bit to not raise the ire of some. Let me research this one today and get back to you on how to state this. Have you sent this out to everyone already? I think that covers it. Let me get back to you today about this. Also please let me know if this has already gone out to the public, as I had some edits. Ryan Ryan Moreau, Planner Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating & Waterways Section Waterway Management Unit 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 850.410-0656 ext. 17376 Voice 850.488-9284 Fax Ryan.Moreau@myfwc.com From: McAlpinGary [mailto:GaryMcAlpin@colliergov.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 5:07 PM To: Moreau, Ryan; KeyesPamela; HambrightGail Subject: FW: Clam Bay Discussion Group material Importance: High Ryan, Please see the attached write and meeting notice for our next marker discussion for Clam Bay. We would like to conference you in by phone to possibly answer any questions that some individuals might have. We can schedule you as a time certain with a specific duration so you won't need to be available for the entire meeting. Are you available on 3/15 and what time in the early afternoon works best for you? Also, my write-up is attached and I believe it accurately reflects our discussion. Do you have any comments on it? Gary McAlpin From: HambrightGail Sent: Monday, February 28,2011 5:08 PM Subject: Clam Bay Discussion Group material 2 CAC March 10. 2011 VIIl-1 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation to approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team. CONSIDERATIONS: The State of Florida, through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has historically used a narrative standard for nutrient concentrations in surface waters, which states that nutrient concentrations must not cause ".. .an imbalance of flora and fauna." This approach has generally served the State well, as it allows for the recognition that there can be locations where water quality impairment from a regulatory viewpoint can actually reflect natural conditions. However, in January of 2009, the Assistant Administrator of EPA concluded that the State of Florida's narrative standard for nutrients was inadequate, and that EPA would then "... propose numeric nutrient criteria for lakes and flowing waters within 12 months, and for estuaries and coastal waters, within 24 months." On November 14, 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson finalized the Water Quality Standards for the State of Florida's Lakes and Flowing Waters. Included in that rule was the comment that, "These final standards set numeric limits, or criteria, on the amount of nutrient pollution allowed in Florida's lakes, rivers, streams and springs." This rule, which covers lakes, rivers and springs, will take effect on March 6, 2012. Additionally, EPA has stated that it will release revised numeric nutrient criteria for estuaries, their watersheds, and coastal waters by November 2011, with final nutrient criteria developed by August 2012. This item is focused on developing numeric water quality criteria for Clam Bay, to be submitted for consideration by FDEP and the EPA as a locally-developed and appropriate set of water quality criteria for the protection of Clam Bay. This SOW is predicated upon the following issues, relevant to Clam Bay: 1) Portions of Clam Bay consistently fail various water quality standards, as outlined in FDEP's Impaired Waters Rule; 2) However, it is likely that for Clam Bay the water quality standards themselves are problematic; 3) Within Clam Bay, there is little evidence of adverse impacts to water quality from nutrient availability; 4) Clam Bay could be appropriately considered a location where a "hold the line" approach to nutrient availability is appropriate, and CAC March 10.2011 VIIl-1 New Business 2 of 3 5) Alternative criteria for nutrients, chlorophyll-a and dissolved oxygen are thus appropriate for Clam Bay. Water quality data from ongoing monitoring efforts of Collier County will be compiled, reviewed for consistency with FDEP guidelines for the development of numeric criteria, and then analyzed for the development of regulatory water quality criteria. The following water quality data will be analyzed for this effort: . Water temperature (degrees Celsius) . Salinity and/or specific conductance (psu or IJmhos / cm) . Dissolved oxygen (mg / liter) . Inorganic nitrogen species (mg / liter) . Total nitrogen (mg / liter) . Inorganic phosphorus (mg / liter) . Total phosphorus (mg / liter) . Chlorophyll-a (lJg / liter) . Turbidity (NTU) . Color (PCU) . Secchi disk depths (meters) . Fecal coliform bacteria (# / 100 ml) In addition, the Clam Bay system water quality data set will be compared and contrasted to similar data sets from nearby "reference" estuaries identified by other researchers. Comparisons will be made between the nutrient and eutrophication indicators relationships in Clam Bay vs. nutrient and eutrophication indicators in these commonly-cited reference estuaries. Fecal coliform bacteria in Clam Bay will be sampled and analyzed on a pass through basis to determine the genera of bacteria more specific to humans and/or wildlife sources. A Final Report that formalizes the rationale behind the development of locally-derived alternative criteria for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll-a for Clam Bay, as well as a documentation of the likely source(s) of fecal coliform bacteria within Clam Bay. This report will then be presented for FDEP for proposed agency action to promulgate site specific criteria for these variables for Clam Bay. To continue to support Collier County in its efforts to successfully manage Outer, Inner and Upper Clam Bays, PBS&J will continue to make one staff member available for attending and participating in the Clam Bay work team dealing with Clam Bay estuary issues. Support will be available for up to six (6) meetings in CZM offices within Collier County. Oeliverables associated with this effort will include a final report outlining the data sources, analytical techniques employed, and derivation of locally-appropriate water quality criteria for the Clam Bay system. These locally-derived proposed water quality criteria will include the following: CAC March 10. 2011 VIIl-1 New Business 3of3 . Numeric nutrient criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations within the Clam Bay system, . Numeric criteria for levels of Chlorophyll-a within the Clam Bay system, . Numeric nutrient criteria for downstream protective values (DPVs) for stormwater runoff for the Clam Bay system's watershed, . Initial source-identification efforts for fecal coliform bacteria, and . In coordination with ongoing efforts by the Pelican Bay Foundation and its consultants, proposed criteria for dissolved oxygen for the Clam Bay system. This effort will be closely coordinated with FDEP to assure their buy-in prior to starting the work. Upon completion, a presentation will be made to the Board of County Commissioners, FDEP and the EPA as our proposed criteria to measure and manage Clam Bay by. This "Hold-the-Line" will be based on technically defensible, locally relevant and site specific criteria that will avoid mandated criteria that have the potential to be expensive, unrealistic and irrelevant to Collier County. This is also an example of an effective Private-Public partnership between the Pelican Bay Foundation and Collier County. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of this Purchase Order. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Coastal Zone Management's estuary management operating 111-110409 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Approve a $77,148 Purchase Order to PBS&J to develop locally-relevant and site-specific alternative water quality criteria for the Clam Bay estuary and provide continued technical support for the next 6 months to the Clam Bay technical work team. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC March 10. 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 1 of 5 Additional Work Request Contract # 09-5262-CZ March 7, 2011 CLAM PASS/BAY ESTUARY PBS&J is pleased to provide a scope of work for the development of numeric nutrient criteria for Clam Bay. The intention of this Work Assignment is to develop numeric criteria for nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations for the waters of Upper, Inner and Outer Clam Bays, as well as downstream protective values (DPV) for nitrogen and phosphorous, and to oversee source identification efforts for fecal coliform bacteria for Upper, Inner and Outer Clam Bays. In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 09-5262-CZ "County Wide Engineering Services-Coastal Zone" the following scope of work is presented herein. SCOPE OF WORK Task 1 - Data Compilation. Review and Analvsis Water quality data from ongoing monitoring efforts of Collier County will be compiled, reviewed for consistency with FDEP guidelines for the development of numeric criteria, and then analyzed for the development of regulatory water quality criteria. The following water quality data will be analyzed for this effort: . Water temperature (degrees Celsius) . Salinity and/or specific conductance (psu or flmhos / cm) . Dissolved oxygen (mg / liter) . Inorganic nitrogen species (mg / liter) . Total nitrogen (mg / liter) . Inorganic phosphorus (mg / liter) . Total phosphorus (mg / liter) . Chlorophyll-a (flg / liter) . Turbidity (NTU) . Color (PCU) . Secchi disk depths (meters) . Fecal coliform bacteria (# / 100 ml) These data will be analyzed to detect the presence of potential eutrophication-related empirical relationships, such as positive correlations between total nutrients and Chlorophyll-a, negative correlations between inorganic nutrients and Chlorophyll-a, negative correlations between nutrient concentrations and dissolved oxygen, negative correlations between Chlorophyll-a and Secchi disk depths, etc. Results will be interpreted to determine if there is clear and unequivocal evidence of an ongoing and negative impact of nutrient supply on nutrient-related water quality parameters. If multiple and corroborating lines of evidence of such relationships are found, these would CAC March 10, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 2 of 5 indicate the possibility of ongoing nutrient-related impacts to water quality. If no such evidence is found, or if evidence is inconsistent, then results could indicate the absence of nutrient-related impacts to water quality. In addition, the Clam Bay system water quality data set will be compared and contrasted to similar data sets from nearby "reference" estuaries identified by other researchers. For example, data sets from Fakahathcee Bay and other locations within the Ten Thousand Islands estuarine complex will be compared and contrasted with the water quality data set from the Clam Bay system. Comparisons will be made between the nutrient and eutrophication indicators relationships in Clam Bay vs. nutrient and eutrophication indicators in these commonly-cited reference estuaries. Finally, the Consultant will oversee data collection and interpretation efforts of Source Molecular Corporation to determine the relative importance of wildlife sources such as birds, as opposed to human sewage, as a source of fecal coliform bacteria in Clam Bay. As a pass- through direct expense, samples will be obtained in Upper, Inner and Outer Clam Bay on two occasions, and assessed for the presence of fecal coliform bacteria, genera of bacteria more specific to humans and! or wildlife sources, and genetic markers specific to both birds and humans as sources of fecal coliform bacteria. Results will then be interpreted within the context of their implications to existing water quality criteria for Clam Bay. Total Amount of Task 1 = $27,490. $18,040 for fully-loaded labor; $9,450 for direct expenses and pass-through for sub-consultants. Task 2 - A2encv Review and Comment The Consultant will undertake two local peer review efforts. The first effort will involve staff from Collier County, the City of Naples, the South Florida Water Management District, the FDEP-Fort Myers office, and faculty from Florida Gulf Coast University. This meeting will be designed to solicit input on the findings of Task 1 activities. The second local meeting will be with the County's chosen venue for communication of results to the public, such as a Board of County Commissioners meeting or other such venues (at the County's discretion). In addition, the Consultant will participate in two meetings with staff from FDEP- Tallahassee, with the intent of soliciting input on the process used to develop water quality criteria for the Clam Bay system. The first presentation will outline the approach used, the data sets analyzed, and any preliminary findings. Results from this meeting will be used to refine, if needed, the approaches used to develop local criteria. The second meeting would be a more formal presentation of the proposed water quality criteria for consideration and eventual adoption by the FDEP. Based on the results of efforts within Task 1, and meetings with appropriate regulatory staff during Task 2, the deliverable for Task 2 will be a Final Report that formalizes the rationale behind the development of locally-derived alternative criteria for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll-a for Clam Bay, as well as a documentation of the likely source(s) of fecal CAC March 10, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 3 of 5 coliform bacteria within Clam Bay. This report will then be presented for FDEP for proposed agency action to promulgate site specific criteria for these variables for Clam Bay. Total Amount of Task 2 = $31,784. $29,784 for fully-loaded labor; $2,000 for direct expenses. Task 3 - Continued Technical Support and Participation at Local Meetin2s To continue to support Collier County in its efforts to successfully manage Outer, Inner and Upper Clam Bays, the Consultant will continue to make one staff member available for attending and participating in the Clam Bay work team as Consultant to Collier County, dealing with Clam Bay estuary issues only. Support will be available for up to six (6) meetings at a location in or near the City of Naples, and one additional staff member available for up to three (3) meetings at a location in Collier County. Preparation for, attendance and follow-up activities will be budgeted based on an estimated total labor effort of 10 hours per staff member per meeting. These meetings are expected to cover miscellaneous issues related to the health of the Clam Bay system, as well as ongoing coordination efforts between the Consultant and Consultants chosen by the Pelican Bay Foundation. Pelican Bay's consultants are expected to be working on a coordinated effort to develop proposed potential criteria for levels of dissolved oxygen within the Clam Bay system. Total Amount of Task 3 = $17,874. $16,674 for fully-loaded labor; $1,200 for direct expenses. Deliverables Deliverab1es associated with this effort include preparation for and presentations at two local (Collier County) meetings for peer review and input from various stakeholders, as well as preparation for and presentations at two meetings with staff from FDEP - Tallahassee. Deliverables will also include the preparation of draft and final reports outlining the data sources, analytical techniques employed, and derivation of locally-appropriate water quality criteria for the Clam Bay system. These locally-derived proposed water quality criteria will include the following: 1) numeric nutrient criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations within the Clam Bay system, 2) numeric criteria for levels of Chlorophyll-a within the Clam Bay system, 3) numeric nutrient criteria for downstream protective values (DPVs) for stormwater runoff for the Clam Bay system's watershed, 4) initial source-identification efforts for fecal coliform bacteria, and 5) in coordination with ongoing efforts by the Pelican Bay Foundation and its consultants, proposed criteria for dissolved oxygen for the Clam Bay system. Budget The consultant will be compensated for labor on a time and material basis in the amount of $64,498 with an additional amount of $12,650 to be used for direct expenses, for a total not-to- exceed cost of $77,148. If directed to do so by the County, the amount of $12,650 for direct expenses for bacterial source identification efforts can be removed from the budget amount and CAC March 10, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 4 of 5 separately contracted between Collier County and the preferred independent laboratory (Source Molecular) with no change to the remaining contract amount. A detailed budget is shown in the attached spreadsheet (Appendix A). SCHEDULE The above scope is based on an estimated six (6) month schedule of participation. The work assignment may be amended if the schedule is extended beyond the six months. PBS&J will update County staff on the schedule, task and present budget of the project at project milestones. BUDGET In accordance with Collier County Contract Number 09-5262-CZ "County Wide Engineering Services" compensation for the above scope of work will be based time and materials as noted below not to exceed the amount listed below without authorization from the County/ Task 1 Summary Task 1 - Data compilation, review and $27,490.00 analysis (T &M) Task 2 - Agency review and comment $31,784.00 (T &M) Task 3 - Continued technical support $17.874.00 (T &M) Total $77,148.00 /:;:/ ~ X d/IGPj? March 7, 2011 David A. Tomasko Senior Program Manager PBS&J-Atkins Date CAC March 10, 2011 VIII-1-a New Business 5 of 5 Client Collie%: County \'Vater Quality Crite11a Development for Clam Bay Fully Loaded Personnel Classification Hr. Rate 51', Project Manager (DT) S165.oo Sr., Project Manager (IT) 5165,00 Env, Specialists (EK, GWP, LDM) $&4,00 GIS Specialist (KA) Sll}i}oo EnVirOlUlle1ltal Specialist (TIvl) S1!5.OO Clerical (PF) SOO,00 Clerical 'CD SOO.OO Total ROllrs Labor Cost Reimbnrsable Costs Source ill efforts for bacteria Tnwel Graphics'Reprodoction Total Reimbllrsables Task 1 D.t. C~ti= a.n.d-R.i:vi-:'l>;' 24 i} so ;).:. 0;" o s 176 m,04O Task 1 Data Ccmp1htt'011 3t1.tRe'\-t~, $9,000 $150 $300 $9,450 . Fully loaded Rates based on a rate sheet for ContractlJ9-5261 Task 2 Task 3 Prepared By: DAT Ml,C Comffi$!lt AgMl.~' Revi.ew COInt:ill~ T -;tclmiea1 Total Hours 120' (} 56 ~':r. {} 40 248 $29,784 Task 2 S-"P1>".ft 60 o S 114 516,674 Task 3 30 :6 J 204 30 !51 56 32 ;S:u'pj.:>Mt S{} $1,000 $200 $1)00 40 24 538 j...g'h't~y ~v~- Cantt....'l~ 'r~dlfi-ic.a1 Cost $33,660 54,950 $12,768 55,600 $3,6S0 52,400 $1,440 $64,498 Reimbursabte Costs $9,000 $3,150 5500 512,650 J.t"~ C:cmm~nt SO $2,000 $0 52,000 Collier County Government Communication & Customer Relations 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 102 Naples, FL 34112-5746 Contact: 239-252-8848 www.colliere:ov.net www.twitter.com/Collier PIO www.facebook.com/CollierGov www.voutube.com/CollierGov February 16, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACCEPTING CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATIONS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA The Coastal Advisory Committee is currently accepting Category "A" grant applications for fiscal year 2011-2012. The application IS located on the following Web page http://www.colliergov.net/Index.aspx?page=1352 and is due by the close of business Thursday, March 31, 2011. Applications can be mailed to the Coastal Zone Management office, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 103, Naples, FL 34112. F or more information, call Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management director at 252-5342 or Gail Hambright, Accountant, at 252-2966. - End- CAC March 10, 2011 X-2 Announcements 1 of 4 From: Wayne Waldack Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 2:56 PM To: City Council; Thorn Carr; Michael Murphy; Nancy Richie; Kris Van Lengen; Directors Subject: FW: Gulf OPil Leak ---Lessons Learned?? FYI: Received from: C. Scott Dudley Associate Director, Legislative Affairs Florida League of Cities Subject: Lessons from Gulf spill slipping away By Kate Spinner Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 1 :00 a.m. (Herald-Tribune) A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study how the BP oil disaster affected the Gulf of Mexico is vanishing, with political infighting and bureaucracy tying up hundreds of millions of dollars in grants promised to independent scientists months ago. Repeated postponements, a shortage of equipment and a lack of information from the group responsible for doling out the money have undermined research in the crucial first year after the disaster. The lag may make it impossible to fully understand the oil spill's impact on the Gulf ecosystem, scientists said. "Oil is a moving target; with every day of passing time, we get further and further from the acute effects of the oil and it becomes harder and harder to trace those effects," said Ian MacDonald, a biological oceanographer at Florida State University in Tallahassee. From late last April to mid-July, the blown BP Deepwater Horizon rig spewed 186 million to 227 million gallons of crude into the Gulf, adding up to the world's largest peacetime oil spill. BP also doused the Gulf with at least 1.8 million gallons of chemicals to disperse the crude. Last May, in the midst of the disaster, BP promised $500 million for a decade of Gulf research -- enough to give the ecosystem unprecedented scrutiny. Almost immediately, however, Gulf-area politicians -- former Gov. Charlie Crist was among them -- demanded control of the money, aiming to keep it in their states. Since then, only $40 million has been given out. Scientists eager to find where the oil went, how it moved through the food chain and whether the chemical dispersants did more harm than good may remain idle if more money is not disbursed soon. A new 20-person board that controls the grant money has yet to produce a research plan or even begin asking scientists to submit proposals. Meanwhile, scientists say important data is slipping out of reach because too few researchers can get in the field to study the spill. "It's not that nothing has been done. It's a matter of the breadth of the work," said Christopher D'Elia, dean and professor at Louisiana State University's School of the Coast and Environment. In Barataria Bay, Louisiana's most oil-slimed estuary, scientists are monitoring changes in the ecosystem, including water chemistry, wetland plant growth, erosion, and oyster CAC March 10, 2011 X-2 Announcements 2of4 and crab abundance. Delays could make it more difficult to tie future problems, such as a potential crash in bait fish, to the spill. "A number of people are worried that we are going to miss getting out in the field in the strengths and numbers we need to," D'Elia said. That problem is compounded by a shortage of research ships. "Are we supposed to go out in row-boats?" MacDonald asked. The delay has already caused a gap in coordinated, long-term research that could hamper our understanding of the spill, said Bob Gagosian, president and CEO of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, a nonprofit that manages grants for ocean research equipment. Data collection needs to be consistent to get the best long-term results. Now, scientists are essentially collecting data in the dark because the board has not offered guidance on the research it wants or the standards it will require. "We basically have lost -- in a long-term, 10-year program -- the first nine months," Gagosian said. But board chairman Rita Colwell, a public health professor at University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University, is optimistic. Colwell attributed the delay to the time it took to assemble the 20-person board and said the initial $40 million was enough to start significant research. "Things are moving along extremely well," she said. But even under the best circumstances, it will take at least until June to fund new projects, well past the critical spring spawning season that scientists hoped to thoroughly observe this year. "Clearly we're going to miss that because the money won't be available in time," said Ed Overton, an oil researcher and professor emeritus at Louisiana State University. THE POLITICAL FIGHT Just as the BP spill was unprecedented, so was the amount of money suddenly available for research in the Gulf, a body of water that many scientists have long considered overlooked. But the proposed windfall gave rise to some nasty politics. Gulf Coast scientists were concerned that the panel BP chose to dispense the money did not include anyone based in the area. State governors wanted the money spent in their backyards. Some politicians, worried about their budgets, even pushed to have the money diverted to their own restoration projects, D'Elia said. The federal government got involved, too, urging BP to work with the governors, who insisted that the money go through the Gulf of Mexico Alliance -- a governors' federation aimed at improving the Gulfs environmental and economic health. BP and the governors agreed last September to funnel the money through the alliance and to form a research board with 10 appointees from BP and two from each of the five Gulf states. It took until December for the alliance to incorporate, hire staff and make board appointments official. "These appointments should have been made months ago. There CAC March 10, 2011 X-2 Announcements 3of4 shouldn't have been this delay," said Shirley Pomponi, council chair for the Florida Institute of Oceanography, a consortium of state research institutions and universities. In Florida, she said, the governor's race also created delays. The board members, all top scientists in fields ranging from marine sciences to economic development, finally met for the first time in December. "And of course there were the holidays intervening," Colwell said. They have not met again, except by conference call. Now the board faces myriad obstacles, including the need to work through potential conflicts of interest. Many of the board members head or work for institutions that will apply for grants, Pomponi said. Despite the delay, Pomponi said governors made the right decision to get Gulf-based scientists on the board. She said she does not believe the research will suffer because scientists could tap the initial $40 million award and have sought other means of funding. "I definitely think it was worth it because I think it brings a scientific -- and quite frankly political -- perspective from the Gulf state region,"Pomponi said. WORTH THE WAIT? Whether the wait is worth it, scientists are frustrated by the board's lack of communication, as well as the funding lag. Scientists were told the board would ask for research proposals in December, then January and now the end of this month. "We'd like to get organized and we'd like to get our research plans finalized," D'Elia said. The board also has not said what kind of research it wants. "We're extremely baffled about how we should position ourselves to deliver the science that is desired," MacDonald said. Once the board starts accepting research proposals, it will take at least six weeks for scientists to submit applications and more time for the board to select projects to fund. Awards are expected in June, but D'Elia said August or September may be more realistic. Colwell indicated a desire to spread the money equally over the 10-year period, which was not BP's original intent. BP representative Hejdi Feick said the company planned to make awards based on the proposals that came in, not a set yearly amount. "I don't think at the time we were going to do $50 million a year," Feick said. Scientists said it makes sense, and is customary, to put more money into research the first two years after a catastrophic event because data collected closer to the event is more valuable. MacDonald said the researchers are in "limbo." "It's very odd," he said. C. Scott Dudley CAC March 10, 2011 X-2 Announcements 4of4 Associate Director, Legislative Affairs Florida League of Cities Collier County Government Communication & Customer Relations 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 102 Naples, FL 34112-5746 Contact: 239-252-8848 www.collien!ov.net www.twitter.com/CollierPIO www.facebook.com/CollierGov www.voutube.com/CollierGov February 17, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE COLLIER COlJNTY, FLORIDA THURSDA Y, MARCH 10, 2011 1 :00 P.M. Notice is hereby given that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, March 1dh, at 1:00 p.m. in the Board of County Commissioners chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples. * The following websites will provide information on this subcommittee: http://www. collierr!Ov. net/] ndex. aspx ?paue= 18 http://www.collier!!ov.net/} ndex.aspx '!pa!!e= 1263 Two or more members of the City of Naples City Council, City of Marco Island City Council, Tourist Development Council and the Pelican Bay Service Division may be present and may participate at the meeting. The subject matter of this meeting may be a future item for discussion and action at these Board meetings. In regard to the public meeting: All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board/committee prior to the meeting if applicable. All registered public speakers will be limited to three minutes unless permission for additional time is granted by the chairman. Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners, an advisory board or quasi-judicial board), register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department, located at 3335 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 101, Naples, FL 34112-5356, ---...."..------.,-'