Ordinance 80-116m ~1~ mane ORDINANCE NO. 80-116 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE RIVIERA GOLF ESTATES,'.U~.~ 1, PHASES 1, 2, At(D 3 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DTSTRICT;~O¥~OItlG THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT; OESIGNATING THE GOVERNING.BODY O~I~H~ D['~YRICT; AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAW; PROVIDI~ FOR COItSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COL~IE~"C(lJNTY, FLORIDA; SECTION ONE: Pursuant to Chapter 125 of the F16r'1da Statutes, The Rtvter~ Golf Estates, Unit 1, Phases 1, 2, and 3 Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing District is hereby created for the purpose of providing lighting to the residents of the district. This district shall be deemed a municipal service taxing or benefit unit as the same are delineated by Section 125.01 iq), Florida Statutes. SECTION TWO: The district is described as follows: ~__ A portion of Tract G, RIVIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES - TRACT MAP, as~ecorded i~'l'~ Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108 inclusive, Pt~hlic Records of C1)llter~C~unty. Florida, described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at the Northeasterly corner of the Right-of-Way of Mars~lle O~ve~'l'l South, as show~ on the plat of Riviera Colony Golf Estates Unit 0~, as ~o~ in Plat Book 10, Pages lOg-ll3 inclusive, said Public Records, berg a p~t co~non to Tracts C, F, and G, said pla~ of Riviera Colony Golf Estates-T~ct MaCrun the following courses: North 16~00'00'' East, for 354.25 feet to a Point of Cur- vature; THENCE 171.76 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 470.00 f~et an~ subtended by a chord ~aving a length of 170.80 feet and bearing No~'th 05 31'51' East; THENCE North 8~03'42'' East, for 100.00 feet to a Point on Curve, 35.63 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 570.O0~feet and subtended by a chor~ having a length of 35.62 feet and bearing North 06~43'44'' West; THENCE South 88~51'22'' East, for 60.78 feet, to a Point on Curve, 29.17 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 630.00 feet and subtended by a chor~ having a length of 29.17 feet and bearing South 06°15'53" East; THENCE North 85 03'42" East, for lO0.O0 feet to a Point on Curve, 156.35 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 730.O0~feet and subtended by a chord ~aving a length of 156.05 feet and bearing Sout~ 01~11'50.5" West; THENCE South 74~00'00'' East, for 46.21 feet; THENCE North 61~00'00'' Eas~, for 28.28 feet; THENCE South 74~00'00'' East~ for 124.26 feet; THENCE South 29~00'00'' East, for 124.26 feet; THENCE South 16~ O0 O0 W~st, for 124.26 feet; THENCE South 61 O0 O0 W~st, for 124.26 feet; THENCE North 74 00'00" West, for 182.13 feet; THENCE South 16~00'00" West, for 81.99 feet; THENCE South 64°36'47" East, for 201.3½ feet; THENCE South 25°23'13" West, for lO0.O0 feet, to aoPotnt on the South boundary of Tract G; THENCE along said South boundary South 64 36'47" East, for 40.00 feet; THENCE South 25~23'13'' West, for 60.00 feet to a~potnt on the Southerly Right-of-Way of Marsetlle Drive South extended; THENCE North 64~36'47" West along said Right-of-Way for 257.43 feet, to a Point of Curvature, 206.41 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 540.00 f~et and subtended by a chord having a length of 205.15 feet and bearing North 75~33'47.5'' West; THENCE North 03o29°12'' East, for 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, containing 6.18 acres, more or less; and A portton of Tract G, Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108 inclusive, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, described as follows: Beginning at the West Quarter Corner of Section 17, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, as shown on the Plat of Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Unit One as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages log through ll3 inclusive, of the Public Records, Collier County, Florida, thence run the following courses and distances: S 00°55'20" E, 19.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S 70°30'00"'W, for 0 m # 0 m 49.85 feet; THENCE N 88 51 22 W, for 60.78 feet; THENCE S 81 28 50 W for 100.00 feet to e point of cwrvature; THENCE 308.41 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 4[0.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 30Z.gl feet and bearing N 27~19'05" W, to a potnt of reverse curvature; THENCE 832.67 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 0 fe~ subtended by a chord having a length of 749.54 feet and bearing N 01o 06'32" W, THENCE S 46°~0~'04" E, for 10.00 feet; THENCE S 63°07'50" E, for 94.13 feet; THENCE N 43o53'56" E, for 180.01 feet; THENCE $ 46~06'04" E, for 60.00 feet; THENCE $ 43 ~3'56" W, for 167.57 feet; THENCE S 46v06'04' E, for 100.00 feet; THENCE S 43u53'56" W for 40.00 feet to L point of curvature; THENCE 398.39 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the East, having a radtus of 270.~0 feet and subtended by^a chord having a length of 363.22 feet.and bearing S 01v37'43.5" W; THENCE N 5~vO~'O0" E, for 167.83 feet; THENCE H O~V06'O0" E, for 28.28 feet; THENCE N 52 06 00" E, for 124.26 feet; THENCE S 82 54'00" E, for 124.26 feet; THENCE S 37054'00" E, for 124.26 feet; THENCE S 09044'25" W, for 150.47 feet; THENCE S 64~30'00" E, for 143.04 feet; THENCE S 1g~30'00" E, for 124.26 feet; THENCE S 25o30,00,u W, for 124.26 feet; THENCE S 7~u30'00" W, for 124.26 feet; THENCE N 64 30'00" W, for 28.28 feet; THENCE S 70 30'00" W, for 211.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNXNG. Said lands situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida. Containing 11.22 acres, more or less; and A portion of Tract G, Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 and 108 inclusive, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter, of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 50 South, Range 26 East; as shown on the Plat of Riviera Colony Golf Estates Tract Map as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108 inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Thence run the following course: S 89~08'18" E, along the Northeast boundary of Tract G, for 1279.38 feet; THENCE S 00~29'57'' E6 continuing along said boundary for 651.50 feet; THENCE through Tract G; S ~9 ~0'~3" W, for llO.O0 feet; THENCE So71"03'57" W, for 63.24 feet; THENCE S 89 30 03 W, for 82.50 feet, THENCE S 56 58'17" W, for 18.60 feet to a point on the boundary of Tract G; THENCE along said boundary: S 8g°30'03" W, for 156.82 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE 418.34 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 940600 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 414.89 feet and bearing N 77 44'58.5" W, to a point of tangency, THENCE N 65 00'00" W, for 467.51 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE 148.10 feet along the arc of a cllrve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 540.00 fe~t and subtended by a chord having a length of 147 64 feet and bearing N 57 08'35" W, THENCE N 43°53j56~ Ej for 10.02 feet, T~ENCE North 460 06'04" W, for 60.00 feet; THENCE S 43 53 56 W, for 10.02 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE 98.51 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast having a radius of 540600 feet and subtended by a chord having a~length of 98.37 feet and bearing N. 37 4~'24.5" W; THENCE, through Tract G: N ~9~32'10'' E, for llO.O0 feet; THENCE N 43~19'37" E, for 83.14 feet; THENCE N 25~00'00'' E, for llO.05 feet to th~ POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands situate, lying and bet~ in Collier County, Florida. Containing 18.85 acres, more or less. SECTION THREE: The governing body of the District shall be ex-officio the Board of County Con~nissioners of Collier County, Florida. SECTION FOUR: The District is formed for the purpose of providing street lighting in the above described subdivision and to that end shall possess all the powers to do all things reasonably necessary to provide such services, including ownership or rental of property, poles, wires, conduits, lights, meters, and the power to maintain the same and to enter into contracts for providing the same and the electric current to operate any ltghttng system therein Installed. SECTION FIVE: For the purpose of carrying into effect this ordinance, the Board of County Comntsstoners shall annually, at the time required by general budgetary law, make an itemized estimate of the amount of money required to carry out the business of the District for the next fiscal year, which shall be from October 1 to and including September 30 following. The estimate shall have for what purpose the monies are required and the amount necessary to be raised by taxation within thedtstrict' AtthetimeandplacefOrflxtng theannual rateOftaxattOnfOr~ ~I~A~ m county purposes, the Board shall ftx and cause to be levted on all property wtthtn the district subject to taxation a millage suf'Ftctent to meet the requirements of t~ ~st~mate; p~v~d~, h~ve~, th~ total m~llage shall not exceed the m~llag~ authoe~z~ by law fo~ ~ntc~pal se~ce taxing o~ b~nef~t un,ts. SE~ S~X: Taxes here~n prov~d~ fo~ shall be assess~ and collected ~n th~ s~e manne~ and fo~m as p~ovJded fo~ the asses~ent and collection of gene~al c~nty taxes and subject to the sa~ fees fo~ assessing and collecting as gene~al county taxes. SECT~ SEVEN: Th~s ordinance shall be l~be~ally c~stru~ to effectuate publlc purpose. ~f any port~on, phrase o~ ~ord of thts O~dtnance ts he]d ~nvaltd or uncon- stitutional, the ~a~n~ng pa~ts shall not be affected. SECT~ E]GHT: Th~s o~d~nance shal~ bec~e effective as p~ov~ded by ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER C~flTY, FLORIDA, this 30th day 0f ~cembe~ , lgso. ,~EST: '-'/ BOARD OF CnUNTY C~ISSIONERS .WILLI~ ~A~, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA m ' ' ~ ~ J · PISTOR, AIRMAN S~A~ O[ [LO,IDA ) ~O~Y O~ CO~R ) I, ~I~I~ J. ~AG~, Clerk o~ Cou~ts ~n an~ for the ~went~eth Judicial C~rc~t, Co11~e~ County, ~lo~a, ~o hereby certify that the Eo~ego~ng ~ a t~ue o~ig~nal oR: O~DINANC~ NO. 80-116 which wa~ adopted by the Boa~ oE County Co~ss~one~ ~u~tng Reg~la~ Seee~on Decembe~ 30, 1980. Comt~tonor~ of Collier County, ~lorida, th~ ~ d~ of ~o~bor~ WILLI~ J. ~AGAN This ordinance filed with the Secretary Clerk of Courts and Clefk.. -.' of State's Office the 2nd day of JehU- Ex-officio to Board ~,%%'~A'/ cry, 1981 an~ aoknowledgement of that County Commissioner~' ', ~'"., filing received this 9th da7 of Janu- / .':} "' BY,~ Virg~a Magr~ ~y Clerk