CAC Agenda 12/09/2010 R MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2010 - 1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES, . Sunshine Law on Aqenda Questions PUBLIC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. October 14. 2010 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin 2. f'rojecLCost Report - Garv McAlpin VIII. New Business 1. Wiqqins Pass Bid Packaqe - Review and Discussion 2. Naples Berm Bid Package - Review and Discussion 3. Doctors Pass Bid Package - Review and Discussion 4. ProDosed_ Easement Document for Beach Renourishment IX. Old Business X. Announcements 1. CAC Schedule for 2011 XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location January 13, 2011,- Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are Invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a pel'son with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to partiCipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamlaml Tr'all, Naples, FL 34] 12, (239) 252-8380. Public comments Will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (includincj, but not limited to, addressing the Boal'd of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisol'y boards, register With the Cierk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Depal'tmenL OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esq., Chainnan Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorne~0 March I8, 20IO FROM: DATE: RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made avaiIable prior to board meetings. In summary, the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. VoJ. 31) provides the followingi The Attorney General's Ollice recommends publication of an agenda, if avaiIabIe, in the notice of the meeting; if an agenda is not availabIe, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it couId effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA I973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. Ist DCA I985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting, However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. AccordingIy, the Sunshine Law docs not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda_ "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature-" Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d IOI4, IOl6 (Fla. 4th DCA I996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February I, 20 I O. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 20IO. The related back-up materials for the agenda were supplemented and availabIe on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17,2010. In addition, a number of these materiaIs also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010 In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no Iegal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, CoastaI Zone Management CAC December 9, 2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 11 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, October 14,2010 I ,ET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and IlJr the County of Collier, having conducted business I-Ierein, met on this date at I :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F," 3'" Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples. Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey. III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires John Arceri (Excused) Jim Burke Murrav Hendel (Excused) Robert Raymond (Excused) Joseph A, Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail I lambright, Accountant ..,'.------..---",-....- CAC December 9, 2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 11 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at I :00 PM. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established_ IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Burke moved to approve the Agenda subject to thefiJ//owing changes: · Hearing items Vlll..J 8jhllowed by Items Villi 3 ,ilia item Vll Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried unanimously 6-0. V. Public Comments Nonc VI. Approval of CAC Minutes I. September 9, 2010 Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes of'the September 9, 20f() Meeting. Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimous(v 6-0. VIII. New Business 4. RFP Wiggin's Pass Navigation Improvements Completion Gary McAlpin provided thc document "Scope ojWorkjl" Preparation of Inlet Managementl'lan. County Environmental Impact Statement. Additional Modeling and Geotechnicallnvestigationfhr Design and Permitting oj Wiggins Pass Improvements" dated October 14. 20 I 0 t,x consideration. I Ie noted: . Stan' was required to obtain a Request I()r Proposal (RFP) for thc Scope of Work due to rccent changes in the (Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act) policy. · The Selection Committee unanimously dctcrmined thc Scope of Work should bc awarded to Coastal Planning and Engineering as they were the most qualified and had developed the project plans_ . The RAI (Rcqucst lor Additionallnl(lrInation) from the Florida Department of Lnvironmcntal Protection (FDICP) has been placed on hold until a consultant is c hoscn. . The FDEP has now determincd that in addition to the original RAl comments; additional vibracores will be required as they believe an unidcntiiied rock ledge exists in the area which may hampcr the proposcd rc-alignmcnt of the channel. . The Scope of Work is to bc completed at a cost not to cxceed $177.489 and he requested committee approvaL Mr. Pires requcsted clarification ifstatlhas takcn the proper procedure in seeking approval for the Scope of Work (has the Bee ratified thc selection of Coastal Planning and Engineering). CAC December 9,2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 3 of 11 Gary McAlpin stated he was unsure if the selection of the consultant requires ratification by the BCC. StatTwil1 ensurc thc requircd County policies lor purchasing are lollowed belore authorizing the work. Mr. Pires noted hc is under thc impression BCC approval is required. Mr. Moreland moved to approve the issuance ofa Work Order fiJr the proposed work in an amount not to exceed $177,489, including time and material.v'. Second by Mr. Wulduck. Motion carried 5 '~lJes" - I "no." Mr. Pire.\' voted "no." Gary McAlpin noted he will notify committee members by email if there are any changcs to the approval procedure t(lf authorizing the Scope of Work. 5. Work Ordcr Emergcncy J)redging/Maintenance Dredge Wiggins Gary McAlpin provided the copy of a lettcr from Stephen Kcchn. P.E.. Senior Coastal Engineer of Co asia I Planning and Enginecring - "Subjeer' Beach Berm Resloralion and Wiggin's Pass DrnlKing. ('oas/al Design Scope of Work under ('onlract No. IJ9-5:!62" and related Scope "fWork dated September 29. 2010. The proposal is to combinc thc proposed Scopc of Works 10 save on costs. Thc total Scope of Work is to be completed at a cost not to excced $10.000 and he rcquested committee approval. Mr. Pires requcstcd clarilication if the proposed Scopc of Work falls under the timc framc when the County rcceiwd an opinion from the Attorncy General regarding the County's compliance with the CCNA proccdure (where expenses incurred J(lf work performed in good faith prior to a certain date would be honored by thc County). Gary McAlpin stated he believes this is the case. lie will verify propcr CCNA procedures have bccn 1()llowed in proposing the work. Mr. Moreland moved to approve the proposed Scope {If Work (at a cost not to exceed $/IJ,III)O). Second by Mr. Rios. Carried uflaflimous~v 6-0. Mr. Pires noled his mle injavor ojlhc fIIOllOO is predicalcd wilh Ihe underslanding Ihat proper purchllSing procedures linclllding Ihe B('C ralijicalion process) have been tr,lIowed in proposing Ifw Scope of Work. 6. Work Order J)octor's Pass ,Jctty Gary McAlpin provided thc copy of a letter from Stephen Keehn. P.E_. Senior Coastal Enginccr of Coastal Planning and Engineering - Subject: "Doc/or's Pass NOrlh Jelly Repairs. Coaslal Design Services. Collier ('olln/Y. Florida. Scope of Work under Conlrac! No. IJ9-526T dated September 30. 2010. The total Scope of Work is to be completed at a cost not to exceed $24.794 and he requcsted committee approval. Mr. Rio.' moved to approve the proposed Scope of Work (at a coM not to exceed $24,794 including time and materials). Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimous~v 6-0. CAC December 9,2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 11 Mr. Pire.s no led his vole Inlavor ollhe mol ion is predicaled wilh the underslanding that proper purchasing procedures (including Ihe B('C ralilication process) have heen fiJI/owed in proposing Ihe Scope 01 Work. 7. Work Ordcr FY 2012/13 ncnourishmcnt Studics Gary McAlpin provided the copy of a letter Irom Stephen Keehn. P.I-:., Senior Coastal Enginccr of Coastal Planning and Engineering--SuhjecL Hva/uate ('onceptua/ Design and Modeling olA/lernatives Collier ('ounty Beach Nourishment i'rojeel Scope oj Work under ('onlmcl Nli- 09.52li2" dated October 8. 20 I O. He noted: . The Scopc of Work is for a "study" and "eonceptual design" of the proposed beach rcnourishmcnt. . Thc proposal does not include the prcparation of cngineered documents or bid packages. . The work should be initiatcd now. ifnot the County will lose FEMA hinds provided in conjunction with damages caused by Tropical Storm Fay. . Estimated time framc I,n receiving the nccessary permits is 1--2 years. . Staff is in the process of preparing a draft access easement document t(1r private beach lands proposed leJr renourishment. . The drati casement will be provided to the CAe at the next mecting. or by email for comment. . The area of study includes Vanderbilt Beach, Park Shore Beach and Naples Beach. . It is anticipated the study will be completed within 5 6 months. . The Scopc of Work is to be completed at a cost not to excecd $147.602. Mr. Rios moved to approve the proposed Scope of Work (at a cost not to exceed $147,61J2 including time and materials). Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried unanimously 6-1J. Mr. Pires noled his vote inji,,'or ollhe molion is predimled with Ihe understanding Ihat proper purchasing procedures (including the B( '( , ralijication proce.lJsj have heer! jot/owed in proposing Ihe Scope of Work 8. Cancellation of Clam Bay Subcommittce Gary McAlpin noted Staff is recommending, and the Subcommittee agrees, it has reached a point wherc it will be more beneficial for the main committee to addrcss the issues associated with the Clam Bay Systcm. Mr. Moreland moved to disband the Clam Bay Subcommil/ee. Second by Mr. Waldack. Carried unanimou.s~l' 6-1J. I. Presentation by .Jack Wert: TDC Funding Options for Year Round Advertising .Jack Wert. Tourism Director presented a slideshow "Tourism i'romotion Discussion" providing comments and analysis including: . The BCC approved the re-dircction of$IM Beach Facilities I:unds to advertising and promotion lor FY 20 II. .~ .~,~, 1 CAC December g, 2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5 of 11 . The BCC requested Mr. Wcrt address stakeholders to assist in determining a long tcrm solution (bcginning in FY 2(12) for increasing funding for tourism promotion and advertising to cnable year round promotion. . Prior to FY 2010, advertising was primarily dedicated to "offseason" times. . Given currcnt economic times and the increased competition from competitive markets it is becom ing nccessary to promote thc region on a year round basis. . The increased funds may be expended in markets not currently pursued (Boston, Cleveland, ctc.). . A comparison olTollicr County vs. a competitive market's utilization of lunds I,,, advcrtising and bcach facilitics/renourishment was outlined. . Many of the other destinations have Tourist Tax Rates of 5 - 6%. Mr. Moreland questioned how the increase/decreases in tourism may be measured in responses to advertising. Mr. Wert noted the responses are measured by face to face interviews, comparisons with visitation statistics in other markets that haven't increased advcrtising budgcts, tracking website visitation by market, etc. Mr. Pires noted he had to Icave the meeting and is not in favor of incrcasing funding for advcrtising. In addition, with regard to itcm VI!.5, he is not in favor of requesting a variance for turbidity levels and supports the Conservancy of Southwest Florida's position on the issue. Mr. Pires lef! the meeting at 2.-07pm Mr. Rios expressed concern on the validity ofthc statistical comparisons of Collier County with the other competitive markets as the characteristics of the markets are different. Also, the research providcd by companies is paid l'or by Collier County and the companies may havc a vcstcd interest in providing positive statistical results. Chairman Sorey noted the Tourist Development Council (which he is a member) has asked the same questions however, the statistics on "Markeling Budget per f,odging Unit" are valid and should bc used l'or markct comparison. Mr, Moreland cxpressed concern on reducing/reallocating lunds in Beach Park Facilities and Beach Renourishment due to the areas economic dependencc on the resources. Mr. Wert agreed the "l3each" is the product necessary to promote thc area and supports maintaining the lacilities at a high standard_ Thc County needs to maintain its voice in the market and find a balance in the expcnditures and priorities. In conclusion, the item is up fl" discussion and is seeking agrecmcnt Irom the stakeholdcrs that: . ,Vup/es, A1arco Is/and f~;verg/(ld(!s need,' 10 promole visilors year round . ,he OfrlO needs more Inarke1ingfi-mding 10 cornpele in the lOurism marketplace. . They n(led to evalullle oil current IDT use and consider re-a!loca/ions.!()r more mafketing and promulionjimding CAe December 9. 2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 6 of 11 Mr. Waldack supports year round advertising but expressed concern on re-directing funds from beach funding. Mr. Moreland supports year round advertising but does not see it as an urgent matter based on thc County's current lInancial situation. Mr. Burke supports year round advertising and requested clarification on why the pcrcentages of funds cxpended in bcach operations varies drastically from market to market. Chairman Sorey noted the other markcts utilize additional or alternative funding sources for beach operations (Ccneral l'und. User l'ees. etc.). Mr. Rios stated thc presentation and statistics has not convinced him to increasc funding in advertising. Chairman Sorcy supports year round markcting. The challenge lacing the County is how to fund it. He Javors finding additional tunding sources. not rc-directing cxisting sources. llc recommends considcration is givcn to increasing the Tourist Tax Rate from 4 cents to 5 cents. There are statistics available on the favorablc results of advertising and he urgcd committee members to rcview the statistics on the Philadelphia market. sincc it was a consensus of the committec to support year around advertising. Speaker Steve McIntyre, Collier County Lodging and Tourism Assoc. noted it is the hotels and motels that generate the Tourist Tax Revenue and do not support an increase in the Tourist Tax Rate to 5%. They support the year round marketing proposal and therc is currcntly enough revenue to provide an advertising budget of$4-5M_ Studies indicate tourists do not travcl to the region tc)r the museum facilities and recommended this expenditurc of Tourist Dcvclopment Tax Revenue be cxamined. He encouraged the committee (Coastal Zone Management) examine their own cxpenditurcs to determine if they ean "do more with less," fhe ^ssociation is developing a rccommendation lelf staff on how the Tourist Dcvelopmcnt Tax Revenue be allocated. Ilotcls that rely on group sales busincss would bc negatively aflected by raising the Tourist Tax 1%_ 2. Summary of Renourishment Program and Costs. Gary McAlpin provided the document "Collier County Fund 195 Beaches/Inlets Revenue VI'. Expense Analysis Key Comments -- 10/12/2010" dated and attachcd proposed Rcsolution "A Resolution of the ('oastal Advisory ('ommittee of Collier County, Florida Providing its Support for Year Round Destination .1dvertising. Support!ilr a Fifih Percent of71JUrist Development lilXe.lfilr this Purpose. and Opposition to the Reallocation of the ('urrent Foar Percent of the rOllris! lJevelopmenr Tax -. dated October 14,20 I 0 le)r consideration. The Committee rcquested Stall review the wording and revise as nccessary to make it clear they support adding 1 % to the current 4% ratc making it 5 % total. Mr. Morelant! movet! to approve the Re.\'Olution. Secant! hy Mr. Burke. Motion curried 4 .'yes" - 1 .'no." Mr. Rios voted .'no. " CAC December 9, 2010 Vl~ 1 Approval of CAC Minutes 7 of 11 Chairman Sorey recommcnded any mcmbers with qucstions on the advertising budget or visitor data contact Mr. Wert. Break.- 2:52pm Reconvened- 3J!lpm 3. Sediment Study Clam Bay Gary McAlpin provided the document "Summar~' a/Preliminary Findings on Sediment Studies" for review. Ilc noted the report indicates ambicnt locations sampled throughout the Clam Bay System are not compromised by pollutants. The tests conducted for the analysis could not identify the age ofthc sediment duc to its lack of organics. The canals in Scagatc have silted a depth of 5 feet the last 50 years. The rcason is unknown and under investigation_ Speaker Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwcst Florida noted fine sediments naturally occur in Mangrove Systems so it is understandable why PBS&J found them present in the Clam Bay System_ Shc stated canals, such as the ones present in the Sea gate community, tcnd to accumulate line sedimcnts by the nature of their composition which explains their presence. VII. Staff Reports The Committee determined to hear item VlI.5fiillowed by V1/,4 5. Wiggins Pass Aetivities Gary McAlpin presented the document "StatlReports liem 5.2" dated Octobcr 14, 20 I 0 k" inlt"mational purposes - Contract RFP for Complction of Channel Straightcning Pcrmit Activitics Thc item was discussed under VillA - Maintenancc Dredging Permit Gary McAlpin provided the document a copy of a Memorandum horn Jeff Raley of the Bureau of Natural and Coastal Resourccs (FDEP) to Dr. Merrie Beth Necly, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systcms (FDEP) , Subject ".1('1' File No OI42538,OOY .IeI' Wiggin '.\' Pass Interim Dredging Pel'll/it Application" datcd August 25, 2010_ llc notcd: . 1''DEI' has notilied stalTthe pcrmit application is complete. . The US Fish and Wildlife Service will not require a new biological opinion. . Stalf is requesting a variance It" turbidity lcvels (of the required Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NIl),s)) created during the dredging. . Adherence to required NTLJ standards is necessary as the proposed dredging will impact arcas located within the designation of "Outstanding Florida Waters" (OFW). . Prcvious dredges wcre not subject to NTU standards as the drcdging activity did not involvc areas identilied as "OFW." .-~--'-'-~~..,.._. CAC December 9. 2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 8 of 11 . The purpose of the variance is to allow the dredging to be completed in a shorter time tramc (possibly). . Stan' has no cost savings estimate at this time. Speaker Nicole Ryan, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the Conservancy is opposed to the variance request and suhmitted a Ictter Irom the Conservancy to Gary McAlpin "Re_' Permit No_ _- .IC!' 142538-009. Appli('ant.- ('ollier County. Project. Wiggin's Pass Maintenance Dredging" dated Octobcr 7, 20 I 0 which outlines the reasons I(lr the Conservancy's opposition_ She cxpressed concern the request may dclay permit issuance prolonging the drcdging activity required to improve navigation of the Pass, The Conservancy is working with the County on the issue, but other entities or organizations may appeal the decision if the variance is issued. Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida addressed thc Committee expressing concern over thc issue of a variance as it may lead to environmental damage to the benthic community present in the area. The benthic community is thc fl)undation of the system and damaging it may causc detrimental conditions within the system. Gary McAlpin noted the County docs not want to environmentally degrade the area, but wants FDEP to review the environmental data to determine if a variance is allowablc given the existing environmcntal conditions Illund within the area under consideration. Staff intends to work with the Conservancy and FDEP to rcsolvc the issue. Chairman Sorcy polled thc committee on their position of the variancc rcquest. Mr. Moreland is in favor of pursuing thc request, however ifit is denied or appealed, the County proceed without pursuing it further. Mr. Waldack is not in favor of pursuing the rcquest duc to environmental considerations. Mr. Burkc agreed with Mr. Moreland's position. Mr. Rios agrccd with Mr. Moreland's position. Chairman Sorey is not in favor of pursuing the variance requcst. The committee decided to proceed with the requestfilr the variance, since the majority of the committee polled agreed, - Navigation Improvcment/Stale Park Comments Copy provided by stan' as notcd above 4. Clam Bay Activities Work Team with Fouudation - Agcnda/Foundation }~xecutivc Summary Gary McAlpin providcd ""An Update on Clam Bay," prcpared by Steve Feldhaus, dated October 2, 20 I 0" I(Jr informational purposes. - Development of a Work Plan/Master Plan CAC December 9,2010 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 9 of 11 Gary McAlpin prcsented thc documcnt ""Stal/Repans Item 4.2" dated October 14, 20 I 0 for inll)rmational purposes. The document containcd an email string and agenda for a proposed Clam Bay Work Group Meeting to bc held in October. He provided a brief updatc on the Illllowing issues: * Water Sampling * Sediment Analysis * Modeling * J}redging Permit for Tidal Flushing Channel Marker Gary McAlpin submittcd a "Corrected /.etler", Irom Ryan Snyder of the Florida Departmcnl of Environmental Protection (FDEP) dated October 8, 20 I 0 revising the previous "Request})r Addilionalln/iJrmation," The revision requcsts the County address additional itcms outlined by FDEP. Speaker Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida requested clarilleation on a statement in Mr. Fcldhaus's letter (on page 3) where scagrass was not identified outside of ""Lipper Clam Bay" and questions whether this should read "Lower Clam Bay." Gary McAlpin notcd the comment will bc brought to Mr. Feldhaus's attention. Thc City of Naples is now rcpresenting the interests of the Seagate Community in the "Clam Bay Work Group." L Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The committee reviewed the "Iimrisl Tax Revenue Report FY 20M 2010" updated through September, 2010. He idcntiticd a minor shortfall ($183, 369) Illr FY09ilO collections_ The shorttall should not negatively affect the Coastal Zone Managcmcnt Budget. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The committee revicwcd thc "FY 2009/2010 IDC Category A.- Beach /'vfaintenance Projects" updatcd through October 6, 20 I 0_ 3. FEMA Reimbursement - lJpdate Gary McAlpin provided the press release "Collier County receives nearly S 10 million in FF:\4A Reill/hursement/iJr Storm /Jail/age" datcd Oct. 6, 20 IOtaI' informational purposes. The storm damage occurred during llurricanes Wilma and Katrina. 6. Upcoming Project Timing Gary McAlpin notcd staff hopes to have the packages f(lr rcvicw within 30 days. * Emcrgency Rcnourishment * Wiggins Pass Maintenancc J}redge * J}octors Pass Jetty CAe December 9, 2010 Vl-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 10 of 11 7. Collier County Dune Restoration Sea Oat Monitoring Gary McAlpin provided a copy of a letter th,m Charles L. Kocur. Jr., President of Earth Balance to Pamela Keyes of Coastal Zone Management -- Re: "( 'o/lier Countv Dune Restoration Sea ()atl'v!onitoring" datcd October I. 20 I O. The report outlines rcsults of thc planting program completed in ^pril of20IO. For the City of Marco Island. panic grasses are under consideration 1(" future plantings. IX. Old Business l. Pecr Review Discussion/J)ircctiun Gary McAlpin provided a copy ofa letter to Kcith J. Dallas. Chairman Pelican Bay Services Division from Leo Ochs, County Managcr- "Re_- September 9,20/0 leller referencing Peer Review of the Clam Bay Svstem Data Co/lection Ana(vsis Report by PBS&,j" dated Scptember 9. 20 I 0 I()I' inl()fJnational purposes. X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Waldack requested stalTto address the I(lllowing concerns on Marco Island Beaches raised to him by Nancy Ritchic: . Thc possibility of utilizing ditfcrcnt/additional equipmcnt for moving larger amounts of sand during the grading process. . Status on thc break waters at South Beach. . Possibly re-nourishing South Beach in 2011 -- 2012 (as opposed to 2013-2(14). . Can sand be placed on eroded areas of Tigert ail Beach') . llideaway Beach updatc. Gary McAlpin noted: . The equipment required to move the largcr amounts of sand may be an option to the County. howevcr moving a large volumc of sand will require permits. Staff will rcview the issue. . The breakwatcrs are under review in thc current study authorized for the Marco Island Beaches. . The conccpt is to re-nourish all County bcachcs at once to save on mobilization costs. Stall' is open to fllrther discussion with Marco Island representatives on the ISSLle. . Stan' intends to develop a program to address Tigcrtail Bcach. . Hidcaway Beach improvemcnts arc underway and a morc specitic updatc will be provided at a later datc. XII. Next Meeting J)atc/Location November 10,2010 -- Government Centcr, Administration Bldg. }<', 3rd Floor _'_"M."_~_,.,"... CAC December 9,2010 VI-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 11 of 11 ***** There heing no further husiness for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned hy order of the chair at 4:07 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee .John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutcs approved by the Board/Committce on . as presented, ,_ ,_ '.'_' or as amcnded ,_____,. 0 0 N 00' ~ 0 , , , " ~ . , ~ 0 . . Q. .,; ~' a ~ . ~ E .- '" Ii: ..; ..; ..; ~ "' . ~ . . 0 Iii ~ () '0 " () '> ~ . , , 0 ~ 0 ::.:~ . .~ ",,,r '" > ~a II ~ ~ .. ! " , ~"~ ~ < ~ . .0 > ' ~ ;; ~;,; ;;; 3 E ~ \ u ~ '" N Co ~ . '" . N ~ >- m ... .. c:>g~n;gggggggg 0 , 0 0 i~~~~~!!~~~~i 0 t: < ~- . 0 ~ ..; Q. ..,..................;;;;;;;;;;z;; w 3 a:: E w \ ::> u c w > w a:: ~ ~ ' 0 ~ '" . ~ . N I- .~ ~E '" . '^ > ~ "~ 0 .. l- i: , , 0 , < . ~ . > . - ..; ooi _000000000., ~ ....~................................ ~, 0 ~~ ;;; . . . g " 00000 , 000000000000 m oOOO........~....cccc en. "'_00_..0";"'; ",:''''.'':'''.'''_ ~~ > ..,"'......................'" "'''' "'.... ~ ....0....0........"'''''''............ ....<0........ 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'" '" ~ N "' ~ w w w o ~ ;;; w o o 6 o o cO '" w a c C ~ ~g~ ur:oo ~.a. u 0.- ~o III '" '" ~ o '" ~ '" 5 ~.~ ~ " a.E >c " 0 ~::; > . ~ g ~~$ ~~.~ g ::; U o o 6 o o 6 w N - ~ '" "' o o '" ~ ..; ~ '" o o 6 o o 6 w N - '" .; '" ~ '" .. .. '" '" ~ o ~ o o .. ,,; o '" ~ '" ~ :: .; "' "' ,,; ~ 0, - '" o o 6 o o 6 w N '" .. ..: .. '" o "' "' ..; '" '" o o 6 o o 6 w N o o o o .. o "' "'. - w '" w '" ~ o '" ~ '" '" -' " I- o I- CAC December 9,2010 VIH-1 New Business 1 of 56 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Share Wiggins Pass dredging bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC. OBJECTIVE: Share Wiggins Pass dredging bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC. CONSIDERATIONS: Key issues as follows 1. Permits from FDEP and the USACE are expected to be issued in December. Permits are drafted and in the que for review within FDEP 2. Technical specifications specify a 14 inch dredge as minimum requirements 3 The bid package is issued and the contract schedule is a follows: a. Pre bid conference on 12/10/2010 b. Bids due to purchasing on 1/6/2011 c. CAC approval on 1/13/2011 d TDC approval on 1/24/2011 e. BCC presentation and approval on 1/25/2011 f. Contract Award by 1/25/2011 g. Contractor NTP by 2/1/2011 h. Substantial completion by 3/15/2011 L Final completion by 4/1/2011 j. Liquidated Damage Dollar Amount of $6.750 per day past Substantial Completion 4. Background turbidity sampling resolution with FDEP at differential of 10 NTU's 5. Concern over the availability of dredges and pricing to complete this work. Dredge working at Longboat key. and a large Lee County project is scheduled to bid on 12/14/10. Limited availability of equipment and price might require flexibility and incentive contracting. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Status update only FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Atforney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Status update only" PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director ---.-""1 CAe December 9. 2010 VIII~1 New Business 2 of 56 Wiggins Pass Interest Dec 2. 2010 Southwind Constr. Corps . Spoke with . Stephen Bassett President 812-480-0424 cell :-baSSl'tli(soutlm il1dw.com . Southwind will definitely bid on the project. . Said they might not be interested in Estero because of the exposure. He does not consider Wiggins to havc the samc exposure. Weeks Marine Spoke with . Rick Smith (985) 875-2500 rdsmithCci!weeksmarine.com . They are intcrested if they get another job in the area, like Ft Myers bcach Manson Construction . (904) 821-0211 . Spoke with Mike \Varwick; U.L~~tT~ick:u.!llanl'nllstruction.Clllll . Statcd that hc is interested in the project and does have the capabilities . Concern about thc project is permit conditions about exceeding overdredge depth since it is open water channel dredging. If DEP docs consider this a permit violation, Manson's policy is lo not dredge They did the same thing at Blind Pass. . Mike asked il'there will be a pre-bid site visit; he would be interested in visiting the projcct area Orion Dredging Services . (904)353-9900 . Spoke with .Justin Strickland; is.lric:~I!lJ)-,b[()W)r1d[l',dei'ULcol1l . Slated that he is intcrested in the pro.ject . Already Jiuniliar with project site fro.m prcvious work . Orion has a dredge currcntly located in Tampa . Would be ablc to be ready to. commence wo.rk within 3 to 4 weeks o.faward if seleetcd Mike Hooks lnc . (337) 436-6693 . Spoke with Mike Hooks . Mike stated that the farthest the company mobilizes its dredges is to the Panhandle of Florida. ll'they would mobilize past that. it would requirc a larger sized project. Mob costs would be pricey from his point of view . Recommended a smaller dredger (EN CO) whom he subco.ntracts out to. CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 3 of 56 ENCO Dredging . (251) 948-6814 . Ed Nemer is point of contact (from conversation with Mike Hooks) . Left message feJr Ed: he was out ofthc office today. Norfolk Dredging . (757) 547-9391 . Spoke with Paul Lougheed: j)l"lI!!,I1~\L(Ln()rtc'Ll\s1!:,-,jen1S~!-'l1J . Stated that thc mob costs would bc at least $1 million and that the project is very small yardagc for them. Stated that another project would be occurring on the southwest coast later in the winter . Would like to look over bid package when it comes available Jay Cashman Inc. . (617) 890-0600 . Left a message with Brian Raustin: will j()lIow up tomorrow CAC December 9, 2010 VIII~ 1 New Business 4 of 56 WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING COLLIER COlJNTY BIJ} NO. November 2010 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Collier County Government W. Harmon Turner Bldg., Suite 103 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34f 12 Design Professional: Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 391-8102 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 5 of 56 BID SCHEDULE Bid No. BASE BII> WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING Item Description 1.1 Mobilization & Demobilization lor Dredging 1.2 Dredging and Disposal or Sand North or Wiggins Pass 1.3 Wiggins Pass Turbidity & Environmental Monitoring 1.4 Construction Surveys 1.5 Sand Analysis 1.6 Bond TOTAL BID Unit Unit Quantitv Price Total L.S. $ $ c.Y. 49.990 $ $ .. --------- L.S. $ _____u_____n__ $ ---- -.---_._- L.S. $ ------ $ -- Samples 5 $ -- --------.---- $ ----~ L.S. $ --------- $ ------ $ TOTAL BID CONTACT PRICE FOR WIGGINS PASS in numbers: $ in words: $ CAC December 9, 2010 VIH-1 New Business 6 of 56 PRE-BID INFORMATION (Attach to Bid Form and include attachments as necessary) A. Describc Bidder's proposed method of completing the Work being bid and a time schedule lor implementation. Thc time to mobilize and complete the work will be considered along with bid price in award; therefore, be specilic. B. What sizc dredge do you propose Il)r thc work') What is the estimatcd daily production rate for thc drcdge proposed Illr the work') What is the estimatcd duration of the work in days and months'! C What size and type of cquipmcnt will you used on this project, to include scows, boosters, cranes, barges. etc_') What equipment will you purchase or rent for the proposed work') CAC December 9, 2010 VIII~1 New Business 7 of 56 D. List key personncl Bidder proposes to use on this project including their qualifications and prior expcriencc. E. List other present commitments including dollar value thereol~ name of owner and estimated date of completion. F. Will you sublet any pan of this work" Irso. give details_ G. What is the last dredging project of this nature that you have completed" H. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you: Ifso. where and why" CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 8 of 56 I. Is the dredge to be used for the proposed work certilied 1()f open ocean dredging by the American Burcau of Shipping (ABS)" Pleasc provide proof of ABS certilication with the bid or thc reason why certi lkation is not needed. J. List experiencc with Gulflopcn ocean cbb channel (shoal) dredging. K. Name three individuals or corporations for which you have performed work and their contact information as references. The undersigned guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers made herein. Signature of Bidder lly Name Business Address Incorporated undcr the laws olthc Slate of CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-1 New Business 9 of 56 WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING COLLIER COUNTY November 2010 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - - -------------------- STEPHEN KEEliN. PJ"_ NO. 34857 DATE CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-1 New Business 10 of 56 WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING COLLIER COUNTY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I. INTRODUCTION 1.0 BASI' BID....w.................................. .............................................,....TS-I 2.0 PROJI:CI MA N AG I'. MENI ...... _... ..._..... .._.... ............ ....._.. ................ ........ ._......................TS-2 3.0 ORDI'R OF WORK AND PROJECT SCIIEDl.Il.E ...._.....................................................TS-2 II. WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING PROJECT I .0 WO R K ...................,......................................................... _............................................. .....TS-2 2.0 ACCESS LlM IT A TION S......................... ............. ....... ............... ............................,.......TS-3 3.0 ORD ER OF WO RK...................................................................... _................................... ..TS-3 4.0 NOTICE TO MARINERS ................................................................................................TS-3 5_0 SOIl. CONDITIONS ......_. ............ ...._...._..........................................................................TS-4 6.0 DRI. DG I NG ............................................................................ _........._. _... _.................... ....... TS- 5 7.0 NFARSIIORE DISPOSAl. ......................................................................,........,......,.........TS-7 8.0 l.NVI RONMENTAI. PRO IECTION .....................................................................,........TS-8 9.0 S lJ R VEY S . ... ....................... ...... .._..... ........__.. ..._......... .......................................................TS- I I 10.0 MOBIIVAIION AND DFMOBIIVAll0N ..,.......................,.......................................TS-I5 Ill. ENVIRONMENTAl. PROTECTION 1.0 ENVIRONMENTAl. PROTECTION ...............................................................................TS-I6 2.0 FINAl. CLEAN-UP ...................... .......................... ........................................................TS-I9 3.0 RESTRICTION OF ACCESS BY Till. PUBl.lC.._..............._............_..............................TS-20 TS-i ','...--"---~._...."_._.~--~,._...- CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 11 of 56 WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING COLLmR COUNTY November 2010 I. INTRODUCTION Collier County, Florida will conduct a maintenance dredging project in ordcr to restore navigable conditions within Wiggins Pass. The project is to hc completed with a 14" dredge or greater. The project will be awarded to the lowest. compClcnt bidder with the quickest substantiated schedule. Navigation is impaired, and it is cssential that dredging is completcd at the fastest practical schedule. It is desired that dredging is complete within 30 to 60 days of the Notice to Proceed. 1.0 BASE BID. 1.1 Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging Project Thc project is a maintenance dredging of 49,900 cy from the Wiggins Pass ebb shoal channel within the borders approved with the 20 I 0 permit. The permitted channel width is ISO It and the channel depth hetwcen Stations 0+00 and 2+00 is -8.7 ICe! NAVD (-7.0 ICet Ml.W) with a f' overdrcdge allowance. For the segment of the channel between Stations 3 tOO and 13+00, the dredge width and depth are 200 feet and -13.2 feet NA V D (-11.5 leet ML W) with a I' overdredge allowancc respectively. Between Stations 2+00 and 3+00, the dredge depth and width will gradually slope and widen seaward. The channel will be hydraulically dredged with excavated material placed in the nearshore zone environment adjaccnt to the beaches of BarelllOt Beach State Preserve (between approximately R-ll I) and R-14_2). Immediate maintenance dredging using at least a 14 inch drcdge is csscntial to re-establish a navigable channel. The lill placed adjaccnt to Baref(lOt Beach will come ti'om the ebb shoal channel. Nearshore disposal shall be placed below Mean Low Water. Thc Barefoot Beach disposal area runs from R-II .9 to R-14.2, over 2.300 n. The project will bc built entirely from the water. with no dry beach construction activity. The contractor shall be thoroughly familiar with permit conditions, cspccially thc turbidity criteria f()J' Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) described in thc State permit. 1.2 Bid Method The lowest, most competent hid with the quickcst substantiated schedule will be awarded the project's contract. The pre-bid information questionnaire must be completely tilled out upon submission of your bid or your bid may not bc considered. A bidder shall submit his bid on the Bid Form and Proposal furnished. Bids shall be in the units FS-I CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 12 of 56 spccitlcd for each item. All unit prices and lump sums shall include all expenses, ovcrhcad, profit and any other costs necessary for completing the Work. A bid without a specilic schedule can be rejected as unresponsive_ 2.0 PROJECT MANAG~:MENT. Collier County, Florida will conduct maintenance dredging or Wiggins Pass. The project will be administercd and managed by Collier County Coastal Zone Management Ot1icc. The term ENGINELR as used in these technical specifications will mean the Director or Inspector from this ot1icc or thc projcct engineer with Coastal Planning & Enginecring, Inc. The project team will be described at the pre-construction meeting. 3.0 ORDER OF WORK AND PROJECT SCHEDULE. As part or the bid package, thc CONTRACTOR shall provide an order of work outline and project schcdule to the ENGINEER and the OWNER. The project schedule shall indicate, at a minimum, hO\\ the work will be accomplished to complete dredging in the quickest time_ II. WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING PROJECT 1.0 The WORK consists or completing the maintenance dredging of Wiggins Pass. The scope of work is listed below. The COUNTY expects construction to begin immediately aner the Notice to Proceed. 1.1. The WORK consists of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and pcrforming all tasks necessary for the completing the maintenance dredging of Wiggins Pass with placement orthe material in a nearshore Spoil Site north of the inlct The dredging consists of the remo\al of approximately 49,900 cy, based on the July 20 I 0 survcy. Only thc cxterior channel will be dredged. Pay quantities will bc hased on pre and post dredge surveys as described under TS 9.0. The dredged material will be disposed into an approximately 2,300 foot long Spoil Site. The nearshore Spoil Site is located approximately 2.200 and 4.800 feet north or the inlet and bclow ML W. Ihe site shall be filled from south to north to the limits or the fill template. The lill will be placcd to fill the nearshorc portion of thc tcmplate first 1.2 The maximum pay volume shall be the bid volume unless modi lied by change order. The dredge template will be modified using the prc-dredge survey to this volume. 1.3 This WORK must be completed in accordance with the plans and these spccitications within the Contract Time as spccitled in the Contract and in strict compliance with all regulatory authorizations. These authorizations include a DEP Consolidatcd Joint Coastal Permit and Sovercign Submergcd Lands Authorization No. o I 42538-009-JC, and U.S. Army Corps or Engineer's Permit No. SAJ-2003- 12405 which is attached and a part orthese specifications in Appcndix A. Quick TS-2 CAe December 9. 2010 VIII-1 New Business 13 of 56 completion of the project is of essence. The permit does not allow dredging after the start of sea turtle nesting season on May I. 1.4 The CONTRACTOR shall use at least a 14" dredge capablc of pumping at least 6,000 feet. If the CONTRACTOR elects to use a larger dredge, the CONTRACTOR shall consider the existing depths in the areas to be dredged when selecting the physical plant uscd to execute the project. The dredge shall be suitable lor the open Gulf site shown in the Plans. The CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's cmployces shall havc company cxpcricnce with a 14" or larger dredge used lor dredging in exposed areas similar to an ebb shoal channel. 1.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible tf)r all construction means, methods. procedures, and techniques to complete the WORK in compliance with the regulatory authorizations, plans, and these specifications including the sequence of construction as detailed in the Order of Work described in TS-3.0. 2.0 ACn:SS LIMITATIONS. 2.1 Wiggins Pass project arc a is accessible by water trom thc Gulf of Mexico. The watcr depth through Wiggins Pass is variable due to constantly changing shoal conditions and is controlled by depth ovcr the bar shown on the plans. CONTRACTOR is responsible If)r determining the adcquacy of wakr depth for access by Iloating equipment. 2.1.1 Ramps to launch small boats are located on the Cocohatchee River in Collier County Cocohatchee River Park at Vanderbilt Dr. and Wiggins Pass Rd. Thc use can be coordinated at the pre-construction meeting. A ramp is also located at the Naples Landing in Naples Hay, located at the intersection of 9lh Street and I Ilh A venue South. A commercial loading/unloading area is located at Naples Landing. A permit to use this l"eility must be obtained Irom the Naples City Dock Master at (239)213- 3070. 3.0 ORDER OF WORK 3.1 To the greatest cxtent possible, the CONTRACTOR shall perform the work 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER if weather conditions or mechanical problems do not allow work to be conducted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 3.2 All material cxcavatcd lrom Wiggins Pass shall be placed in the nearshore Spoil Site located bctwccn R-II.9 and R-14.2 as markcd on thc plans. 4.0 NOTIC~: TO MARINERS, 4.1 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for notifying the US Coast Guard in sufficient time to allow for publication of a Local Notice to Mariners for this project. The local ('(last Guard contact is: IS-) CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 14 of 56 Commander (OAN) U _So Coast Guard 909 Sf' First A venue llrickell Plaza. Fedcral Building Miami. Florida 33131-3050 Attention: Bernic Dukes (305) 415-6751 4.2 Tcmporarv Dredging Aids: The CONTRACTOR shall contact the U.S. Coast Guard rcgarding requircments felr permits fe)r all temporary buoys or dredging aid markers to be placed in the water prior to installation. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsiblc for obtaining all approvals rcquircd by the Coast Guard. CONTRACTOR shall provide ENGINEER with a copy of the Coast Guard approval. Dredging aid markers and lights shall not be colored or placed III a manner that they will obstruct or bc confuscd with navigation aids. 5.0 SOIL CONDITIONS. 5.1 All !ill matcrial placed on or near thc beach shall bc sand that is similar to that already existing at thc beach site in both coloration and grain size distribution. All such lill matcrial shall be frec of construction debris, rocks. or other foreign matter and shall not contain. on average. greater than 5% tines (i.e.. silt and clay) (passing the #200 sieve) and shall be free ofcoarsc gravel or cobbles, as described in thc State permits. See Appendix D for the State approved QA/QC plan for sediment quality. 5.2 The ENGINEER shall havc the authority to determine whether the material being placed on thc Spoil Site is acceptable or unsatisfactory. However, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible lor assuring the quality of the placed materials. 5.3 I I' the ENGI NEER or Collicr County observes that the material being discharged into the Spoil Site is excessively silty. rocky, or otherwise unsatisfactory, the ENGINI.TR reserves the right to direct the CONTRACTOR to collect a sediment sample I;'om thc material discharged into the Spoil Sitc. Said sample shall be submitted to the ENGINEER as part of the CONTRACTOR's Daily Quality Control Report. Thc ENGINEER reservcs the right to collect his or her own sediment samplcs Illr analysis to cnsure compliance with Paragraphs 5.1 or 5.2 above. 5.4 If large quantities of rock, debris. or material excceding thc silt limit (described above) are discharged into the Spoil Site. the CONTRACTOR shall be required to cease dredging and notify the ENGINEER. providing the time. location, and source of the unsatislaetory materiaL The ENGINEER shall use the dredge positioning records, plans. and sand sample descriptions to determine where the CONTRACTOR may dredge to avoid additional discharge of unsatisfactory materials. TS-4 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII~1 New Business 15 of 56 5.5 I f the FNG INFFR detcrmines that the grain size and silt content of the material being discharged into thc Spoil Sitc do not comply with thcsc specifications, the LNGINFER reserves the right to direct the CONTRACTOR to cease dredging and remove the unsatist':Jctory material from the Spoil Site. Should the CONTRACTOR l':Jil to remove the unsatisfactory material, Collier County reserves the right to remove and/or replace the unsatisfactory material. deducting the cost of such operation li'om the contractor's payment. 5.6 Thc channcl has been dredged multiple times since 1984. 6.0 DREDGING. 6.1 The WORK covered by this section consists of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing all construction stake-out, excavation, and transport of thc dredged material from the areas designated to be drcdged to the designated disposal area. 6.2 Uistoxis_<!J_ Artifactsi During the dredging proccss, should the CONTRACTOR uncovcr any historic artilacts of archeological and public interest, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER immediately. CONTRACTOR may then pf'l)cecd to rclocatc the dredge within the approved cut arca so that no additional dredging occurs within ISO feet of the area in which the artifacts were uncovcrcd. Any and all artilacts of historic or monetary value are the property of the State of Florida. 6.3 Trash and Dcbris: The CONTRACTOR shall assume thc risk of any down time or expense incurred as thc rcsult of any trash or debris becoming lodged in or damaging the dredge cuttcrhcad, suction, pump, pipe_ or othcr equipment. 6.4 l-loatine Pipeline and Navigation: I-'Ioating pipelines will be markcd and in compliance with US Coast Guard Regulations. CONTRACTOR shall barricade both ends 01' floating pipelines to positively prevent pcrsonnel access. Wiggins Pass is used daily by many boatcrs in thc arca, with heavy boat tramc on weekends and holidays. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to conduct the dredging in a manner that will allow tor continuous use of the inlet by boat traflic with a minimum of inconvenience to boaters. This means that the inlet cannot be blocked with pipelinc, and during operation it may be necessary to eithcr swing the drcdge to the side of the cut to allow passage of boat trame, and it may bc necessary to move the dredge to allow some of the larger vessels to pass. The pipcline shall be submcrged to thc extent practical. 6.5 Misplaced Material: Should the CONTRACTOR, during the progress of the WORK. lose, dump, throw overboard, sink. or misplace any material, plant, machinery, or appliance. whicb in the opinion of the ENGINEER may be dangef'l)us to, or obstruct navigation, the CONTRACTOR shall recover and rcmove tbe same with the utmost dispatch. Tbe CONTRACTOR shall give immediate notice, with description and location of such obstructions, or misplaced materials. to the FNGINEER. and whcn required, shall mark or buoy such TS-S CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 16 of 56 obstructions until the same arc removed. In the event of retusal, neglect or delay in compliance with the above requirements, such obstructions may be removed by the ENGINEER, and the cost of such rcmoval may be deducted Irom any money due or to become due to the CONTRACTOR or may be recovered under the CONTRACTOR's bond. 6.6 Positioning of Drcdgc and Monitoring of Dredging Operations: The CONTRACTOR's dredge shall he equippcd with an electronic positioning system. capable of positioning the dredge accuracies equal to +/- 3 feet horizontal and ;-/-0.25 feet vertical. This positioning system shall be established, operated, and maintaincd by the CONTRACTOR during the entire period of the project. The positioning system shall be used to precisely locate the dredge and the location of the dredge's excavation device and shall be capablc of displaying and rccording the dredge's location in an acceptable coordinate system which can be related to, or is directly based on, the Florida State Plane Coordinate Systcm, East Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (Fl.-EAST, NA VD 88, NAD83). Navigation channcl controL and shorc station control. ifrequircd, will be provided to the CONTRACTOR in thc samc Florida Statc Planc Coordinate System prior to thc commcnecment of work (Appcndix C)_ 6,6.1 The CONTRACTOR's Daily Quality Control Report (Appendix B) provided to the ENGINEER shall includc plots of the previous day's dredge locations showing the channel limits. The numbered position fixes on the daily printout and plots shall not exceed two (2) minute intcrvals. fhc location on the dredge of thc master antcnna and the distance and direction Ii'om the master antenna to the dredge's excavation devicc shall be reported in thc Daily Quality Control Rcport. 6,6,2 The coordinatcs of the position fixes and N;\ VD depth of cut (X,Y,Z) for thc dredge's excavation device, and the date, time, and location on the drcdge of thc mastcr antenna each day, shall be also submittcd to the ENGINEER in ASCII llJrmat on a CD-ROM with the Daily Contractor Quality Control Reports or sent to the ENGINEER bye-mail care of Steve Keehn, P.F. at 6.7 CONTRACTOR's Dailv Qualitv Control Report: The CONTRACTOR shall submit a Daily Quality Control Report. The Daily Quality Control Report with attachments shall includci . Hours of operation including all dredging start times, stop times, and description of the rcason Il" stoppagc; . Thc beginning and ending position stationing of the dredge and the discharge end of the dredge pipelinc; . An estimate of the cubic yards of sand dredged; . All equipment and materials on the job site including the dredge, tug boats, barges, pipeline, lcngth of pipeline in service. tractors, number of personnel on the job site; TS-6 CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 17 of 56 . Weather conditions: . Manatcc sightings: . Dredge positioning data as described in Paragraph 6.6 above: . Scdiment samples as dcscribed in Paragraph 7.6 and the QA/QC plan: . The results of turbidity monitoring as described under TS-8.2 below with a map of sampling locations: . Visits Irom stalTofrcgulatory agencics: and . Any instruetiolls received Irom regulatory agencies or ENGINEER. The Daily ()uality Control Report shall be submitted by 12 noon on the day following the day for which the activity is being reported. Mobilization, progress and/or final payment to the Contractor shall bc withheld until all of the required CONTRACTOR's Daily Quality Control Reports havc bcen submitted to the Lnginccr. The preferred mcthod of submittal is bye-mail. Collier County or the LNGINEFR reserves the right to stop construction if the CONTRACTOR's Daily ()uality Control Rcport is overdue. Once each week, the CONTRACTOR shall analyze a sand samplc selcetcd by the ENGINEER lor laboratory testing weekly. 7.0 NEARSHORE DISPOSAL 7.] Thc WORK covered by this section consists of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment and perf()rming all tasks ncccssary, including stakeout of the work, for the placemcnt of sand in the nearshore Spoil Site within the lines and grades shown on thc plans. 7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall cstablish the lines and grades of the nearshore disposal area as the WORK progresses and maintain such control as necessary to insure accurate placcment of the lill. Wherever buoys or grade stakes are used within the limits of lill placement, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the removal of same prior to completion of the projecL The CONTRACTOR will establish and maintain visible limits of the spoil site I()I' inspcction by the ENGINEER and COUNTY. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to move thc location of the discharge as otten as necessary to prevcnt accumulation of material above the maximum spccilicd grade in the ncarshorc Spoil Site. 7.3 Pursuant to TS-S.O "Soil Conditions" above. only beach quality material is to be placed in thc nearshore Spoil Site. The results of previous maintcnance dredging indicate that most oC the material to be dredged can be placed in the nearshore disposal arCH. 7.4 The maximum pcrmissiblc elevation in the nearshore Spoil Site appcars on the plans. The Spoil Site as constructed shall be no higher than this design elevation. There is a IllJ'ther requirement for thc Wiggins Pass spoil sitc described in the Spccilic Conditions ofthc FUEl' Permit. 7.5 The CONTRACTOR shall bc responsible 1llJ' compliance with the water quality standards required by the regulatory permits. TS-7 CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 18 of 56 7.6 The CONTRACTOR shall collect one 200 mg sand sample daily trom the dredged material and place the matcrial in a plastic zip lock or similar bag. The CONTRACTOR shall proposc the method of collection to the ENGINEER and County Il,r their approvaL 8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 8.1 The CONTRACTOR must be lilmiliar with permit conditions f()r Wiggins Pass provided in Appendix A. 8.2 Turbiditv 8.2.f A CONTRACTOR's representative familiar with channel dredging techniques and turbidity monitoring shall be present at all times when fill material is disposed of in the nearshorc Spoil Sitc. This individual shall serve as sitc supcrvisor and shall have the authority to alter construction tcehniques or shut down the dredging or nearshore disposal operations if turbidity levels e.'Ccccd thc compliance standards established in the DEP permit. The names and qualifications of those individuals performing these functions along with 24-hour contact intormation shall be submitted to the FNGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall provide transportation to thc monitoring locations t()r sampling and testing as well as for the ENGINEER and l()j' agency staff as may be requested at any time during construction. The turbidity monitoring program contains requirements to deal with Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) and extra mcasurements important to the Wiggins Pass Navigation Program. fhe CONTRACTOR should schedule and plan dredging \0 minimize turbidity. 8.2.2 The CONTR;\CTOR shall provide information on thc location of the dredge and disposal as ncedcd to complete thc monitoring rcports to the IWP. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to conduct the dredging activities so that thc project rcmains in compliance with the DEI' water quality standards with regard to turbidity. 8.2.3 Turbidity is to be measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). Outsidc of Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW). turbidity of more than 29 NTUs above background at the edge of the mixing zone is a violation of State Water Quality Standards. Inside of Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW), turbidity of more than 10 NTUs (see permit for changes) above background at the cdge of the mixing zone is a violation of permit conditions. There may bc turbidity standards for scagrass and hard bottom in the linal permit. Turbidily is to be analyzed on-site as soon as possible al\cr collection. 8.2.4 hcquenev: The background and monitoring stations shall be sampled at thc dredge site, beach till site(s), and at othcr sites at Icequencies described in the State permiL Al lcasl one set of samples shall bc taken on an TS-X CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 19 of 56 incoming tide each day. Sam pic locations: Samples shall be taken at the locations shown within the pc I'm it and at the speeilied distances. Review the permit lelr the latest requirements lelf turbidity monitoring_ 8.2.5 Weekly summaries of all monitoring data shall be submitted to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, the FDFP Soutb District Office (Fort Mycrs) and the ENGINEER witbin one week of analysis with documents containing thc following inlclfInation: (I) permit number; (2) dates and times of sampling and analysis; (3) a statement describing the methods used in collection, handling. storagc and analysis of the samples; (4) a map indicating the sampling locations; and (5) a statement by thc individual responsible fe1r implemcntatiun of the sampling program concerning the authenticity, precision, limits llf dctcction and accuracy of the data. The I'NGINLLR copy shall be providcd one day prior to the State copy. 8.2'() The compliance loeatiuns shall be considered the limits of the tcmporary mixing IOnc lelr turbidity allowed during construction. 1 f monitoring rcveals turbidity levels greatcr than stated permit conditions in a visible turbidity plume or near a sea grass bcd, the CONTRACTOR shall ~ immediatelv constructiun activitics and shall not resume until corrective measures havc been taken and turbidity bas returned to acceptable levels. In addition. the CO;'HRACTOR shall notil'y Collicr County immediately l)r on the morning ofthc follo\ving \vurk day ifit occurs atter normal work hours. 8.3 Hardbottom Communities 8.3. f Hardbottom communities exist offshore of Collier County, near the area to be dredged and thc spoil site. The CONTRACTOR shall avoid contact with any and all hardbottom communities which are to be protected during perfelflnancc uf the work and in mubilization and demobilization to and Ii-om the project site. Thc Plans relleet the lueation of hard bottom in the general projcet arca lelf thc convenience of thc CONTRACTOR. Ilowevcr, thc CONTRACTOR SIIALI. NOT dcpend solcly on the mapped hardbollom shown on the Plans. It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR lu utilize divers or observers, and/or any other means to ensure that therc arc no hardbuttom limnations whcrc tbe CONTRACTOR elects tu place pipes, spuds. anchors, cables, drag arms or any other objects on the bottom. 'I he CONTRACTOR shall use all mcans necessary to prevent impacts to the hardbottom_ It will be solely the rcsponsibility of the CONTRACTOR to avoid all hard bottom formations and hard bottom biological communities. 8.3.2 LNCROM'lIMENT ON, OR CONTACT WITH, HARDBOTTOM COMMUNITIIS IW ANCIIORS, CABLES. PIPES, SPUDS, DRAG ARMS. CUTTIRIII'AD OR ANY OTHER DREDGE EQUIPMENT IS STRICII.Y PROHIBIT!:D. The CONTRACTOR shall take note that the State of Florida has levied significant lines to dredge contractors who have TS-l) "-......-_.~.,. CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 20 of 56 damaged protected hardbottom communities. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible "" any and all fincs. or legal expenses, or hard bottom repairs or mitigation requirements incurrcd by the CONTRACTOR, Collier County. and the I NCilNEER in the event that the CONTRACTOR has damaged hard bottom communities in the project arca. 8.3.3 At no timc shall thc CONTRACTOR be permitted to lay cables or pipe or any other object on any hardbottom resources. or within 75 feet of the hardbottom resources. Additionally, pipes transporting sediment to the Spoil Site shall be maintained without leaks to avoid spreading sediment over the bottom_ Any leaks shall be promptly repaircd bctl)re pumping opcratil1lls may continue. The CONTRACTOR shall also excrcisc caution in operating all vessels in shallovv,' water. 8.3.4 The CON J'RACTOR shall make every em"t to avoid the placement of pipeline on existing hardbottom. Mcasures shall be taken to adequately prevent damage to hardbollom by movement of the pipeline. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ensure that the pipclinc is not placed on hardhottom areas. 8.3.5 Mobilization and demobili/ation to. and Ii-om, the project site will be controlled by thc CONTRACTOR (0 avoid contact with any and all hard bottom IlJrlmltions. A VOIDANCE OF DAMAGE TO IIAIWIlOITOMS IS TIlL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE C'ONIRAC'IOR_ 8.3.6 No cables, equipment or olher objects shall hang over the side of the dredge, any barges or tugs. or any other vessels. floating pipelines, pontoons or floating equipment. Thcre shall be no anchoring of the dredge or any attendant cquipmcnt (vesscls, barges, etc.) outsidc of the limits of the area to be dredged. These measures are required to avoid hard bottom damage from sagging cables or other objects. 8.4 Seagr~\ss_ Protectio~.E 8.4.1 Scagrass communities exist near the area to be dredged. The CONTRACTOR shall avoid contact with any and all seagrass communities. The Plans rellcct the location of seagrasscs in the general project arca inside the inlet Illr the convenience of the CONTRACTOR. Ilowcver. thc CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT depend solely on the scagrasscs locations shown on thc Plans. It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to utilize divcrs or obscrvers and/or any other means to ensure that there arc no seagrasses whcre the CONTRACTOR elects to place pipes, spuds, anchors, cables, drag anns or any other objects on the bottom. The CONTRACTOR shall use all mcans necessary to prevent impacts to the seagrasses. It will be solcly the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to avoid all scagrass areas. Mangroves also exist further inside the inlet. and should be given similar protcction. IS-IO CAC December 9, 2010 Vllt-1 New Business 21 of 56 8.4.2 ENCROM'IIMENT ON, OR CONTACT WITH, SEAGRASSES IS STRICTLY PROlIlBITED. The CONTRACTOR is rcsponsible to utilize his/her own resources to idcntiry and avoid contact with or damage to scagrass areas. M no time shall the CONTRACTOR be permitted to L':\cavate. place Jill on, traverse in any way, or place or store any equipment or material on any seagrass resources. Pipeline shall be Iloated across all areas containing seagrasscs. The CONTRACTOR shall take note that the State or Florida has levied significant fincs to contractors who have damaged scagrass communities, The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible !(lr any and all lines, or legal expenscs, or rcpairs or mitigation requircmcnts incurred by the CONTRACTOR, Collicr County, and the ENGINI..l-R in the event that the CONTRACTOR has damaged seagrass cOlllmunities. 8.4,3 II' living scagrass is I,"md in the area to be dredged or the Spoil Site, the CONTRACTOR shall inlilflll the ENGINEER, who will direct the CONTRACTOR on whether or how to continuc with the excavation. 8.4.4 Seagrasses are susceptiblc to damage caused by turbidity. The CONTRACTOR shall make every cnor( to avoid increasing the turbidity Icvcl as a result or the dredging activities, including the provisions in Section 8.2, "Iurbidity". The CONTRACTOR is to follow all requirements conecrning water quality as provided by permits f"r the project. In the event or a turbidity violation or high turbidity levels as observed by the ENGINEER, Collier County, or agcncy rcprcsentatives, the CONTRACTOR shall ceasc construction and takc immediate emreetive action. The corrective action shall comply with the project permits as well as the dircction or the ENGINEER and Collier County. All turbidity testing and other measures shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR at his or her own cxpcnse. 9.0 SURVEYS. 9,\ Pre-dredge and Post-Construction Surveys: The CONTRACTOR will conduct a pre-dredge and post-construction survcy or the project area and thc cost will be paid 40% tllr completion and acceptance or thc pre-construction survey and the rcmaindcr on completion and acceptance of the post-construction survey. The rcsults will be used to updatc the dredge volumc and identify any new regions rcquiring dredging. Generally, the survey cross-sections are at ]00 loot intervals, and they will be surveyed not only across the dclined navigation channel but also extend out to the lateral limits delincd in the plan and cross-section views shown in the plans and Appendix E. Thc post-construction survey will include at least the samc region sLlP/c)'cd pre-construction. I'hc pre-dredge survey limils 1(" 'Niggins Pass will extend from Station -2+00 to 15100 and at the I.DIT prolilcs located within the designated spoil area. IS-II CAC December 9. 2010 VIlI-1 New Business 22 of 56 The post-construction survey will include a center line survey of the navigation channel from Station -2' 00 to + 15 HJO. Thc survey will extend laterally to the limits shown on the plans. Proliles R-IO to R-n will be surveyed 2000 feet offshore at the a/.imuth shown in the plans, and as described in Appendix E. A special MIIW survey will be conducted north ofR-17. The CONTRACTOR can use thc post-construction survcy as thc pay surveyor conduct the two surveys separately _ The post-construction survey shall be completed allcr all the work is complete_ The spoil site (R-12 to R-14) shall be surveyed prc- and post-construction at the R-monumcnts spceificd abovc and in the Physical Monitoring Plan and at the mid-point between monul11cnK The surveys will cxtend 2,000 feet offshore. The same lines must be surveyed pre- and post-construction. The channel center line survcy shall he completed once construction is complctc. 9.2 Acceptance (Pay) Surveys: 1'0 be eligible lor payment under PROGRESS PA YMENTS of the CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, the CONTRACTOR shall perlorm an acceptance survey prior to payment !l1f an acceptance section. The CONTRACTOR shall noti!y the ENGINEER at least 24 hours prior to conducting a survey. At the option of the ENGINEER, the survey shall be pcrformcd under the observation of thc ENGINEER_ All surveys shall be performed in accordance with the paragraphs below: 9.2. f Acceptance surveys shall be scheduled so that ficld notes and computations can bc Illrnished to the ENGINEER. If the ENGINEER's lirst rcvicw of the survey data shows that additional survcy work is required 111 an area to conform to the standards bclow, the CONTRACTOR shall take additional clcvations and/or soundings where thc additional survcy work is rcquired. Thc CONTRACTOR shall take clcvations and soundings until the ENGINEER deems the survey in such area to be in cOl11pliance with these spccifications. 9.2.2 Acceptance surveys shall cover, as a minimum. the area surveyed during the Pre-dredge Survey_ The Contractor shall survey along the same lines surveyed during thc Pre-drcdge Survey. The aeccptance survey may count as the post-construction survey in consultation with thc ENGINEER, if conditions have not changed signiJ-icantly during construction. 9.2.3 During all acceptance surveys, elevations and soundings shall be taken along each survey line at intervals of no more than 25 feet and at all break points. 9.2.4 llydrugraphic survcy profiles shall be condueted by the CONTRACTOR uSing standard electronic positioning and hydrographic surveying equipment and techniques. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize electronic positioning equiplncnt which has a minimum accuracy of 3 feet horiwntal. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize an lnnerspace Model 448 rS-12 CAC December 9. 2010 V11I-1 New Business 23 of 56 thermal depth sounder recorder or equivalent. The CONTRACTOR shall use measured tides to correCI depth soundings. 9.2.5 The CONTRM:TOR shall maintain complctc and accurate field notes, sketchcs, rceordings and computations required in establishing the ncccssary horizontal and vertical control. All survey data shall be recorded in accordance with accepted standards and as approved by the LNCINITR_ All the above data shall bc available at all times during the progress of the work l(lI' ready examination and usc by thc ENGINEER. Upon request of the LNGINUcR, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish a copy of above survey data. In addition to printcd and handwritten survey data specified in this paragraph, thc CONTRACTOR shall record his survey data in the 1()lIowing electronic, ASCII (plain tcxt), comma delimited 1,)fInal: ----,- ---- r' Col.-I Col.-2 i Col.,3 Easting (feet), Northing (1Cet)~,LI~vation (fcct), Col.-4 CL Station or Profile Linc Thc casting and northing valucs must be referenced to the Florida State Plane Coordinate System, Last /one, and NAD 83. Elevation valucs must be rclerenced to the vertical datum appearing on thc plans. Data rclercnccd to any other horilOntal or vertical datum will bc rejccted by the LNCJlNITR and returned to the CONTRACTOR for rcvision. Data must be in ASCII (plain t(xl), comma delimitcd )()fInat. Data submitted in any other electronic format will be rejected by the ENGINEER and returned tll the CONI RACTOR I(lr rcvision. Data shall be submitted to LNC;INLI:R lln CI),ROM or e,mailed to thc I'NGINEER care of: Steve Keehn. P.E. Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. >hS:>LrlILfL~5,)L~>~:}lDL!!l.ni~! rhe CONTRACTOR shall not be paid j()r dredging without submission of survey data !()r the acceptance section from which the material was dredged_I he survey inl(ll'Ination will be uscd by the FNCINEER to wnlrol and make adjustments to the volume or beach till placed along the beach. 9.2.6 The data cllllected by the surveys shall be revicwed, signed, and sealed by a I'rolessional Surveyor and Mappcr (PSM) registered in the State of Elllrida, to FDEP standards_ 9.3 Thc ENGINELR and Cllllier ('ount) reserve thc right to make such surveys as necessary !()J' vcrilieation llr survcys made by the CONTRACTOR. IS,13 CAe December 9,2010 Vltl~ 1 New Business 24 of 56 9.4 In addition to thc above requirements, the CONTRACTOR shall compute the amount of lill rcmoved based on the Pre-dredge Survey and the CONTRACTOR's acceptance surveys using the average end-area method. The ENGINEER rescrves the right to independently cstimate the amount of material removed li'om the new channel based on the Pre-Construction Survey, the CONTR/\CTOR's acccplance surveys, or any bef(Jre- or alter-dredge surveys pcrltJrlncd by the ENCiINELR or C"llier County_ Ifthcrc are substantial conflicts or diflerences between the CON-I RACTOR's cstimatc and the ENGINEER's estimate, the amount paid tel the CONTRACTOR by thc Owner shall be based on thc I'NGINLER's estimate. 9.5 In all cases, payment shall bc govcrned by the paragraphs below, "Overdepth and Side Slopes" and "Measurement and Paymcnt". Paper plots of the survey profiles along with Cllmputati"ns shall be furnished to the ENGINEER. 9.6 Overdepth and Side Slopes: Overdepth dredging is NOT permitted under the currcnt pcrmits in somc areas, IS noted on the plans where it applics. The CONTR/\CTOR shall take care to avoid dredging beyond the design depth or designated ovcrdepth appearing in the plans. Material taken lrom beyond the design depth or designated overdeplh appearing in the plans: (a) will be considered a violation of the permits. (b) will be deducted I"om the total anwunt dredged as exccssive dredging, and (c) will not be paid I(Jr_ Matcrial actually removed within the limits shown on the plans, leaving final side-slopes no !latter than I vertical to 4 horizontal f(1r Wiggins Pass will be paid I(Jr. whether accomplished by dredging the original position or thc space below the pay slope plane and allowing lip slope materials to fall into the cut. If any material is removed Ir"m below the design depth, the designated overdepth, or outside of the indicated sidc-slopes_ thc volumc of such material will be deducted Irom the amount paid to the CONTRACTOR. The maximum pay volume is the amount shown on the bid form. 9.7 Measurement and Pavmcnt: The total volume of all material rcmoved and to be paid lor under this contract lt1r the bid item "Maintenance dredging and sand disposal Illr Wiggins Pass" will be mcasured by the cubic yards removed Ii-om the navigation channels, by computing the volume betwccn the bottom surface as shown b) the Pre-(\lnstruction Survey and the bottom surfacc as shown by the CONTRACTOR', "cceplancc surveys. Volumes shall bc calculated using the average cnd-are" metlwd_ Ihc calcul"tions will exclude any volumc of material. (a) rcmoved Irom beyond the limits of the side-slopes, (b) removed li'om below the allowablc design dcpth, (c) misplaced, or: (d) removed lI'om areas not surveyed by the CONTRACTOR. IS,I t CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 25 of 56 All pay quantities shall be determined based on the pre-construction surveys and the aner-drcdging surveys conducted by the CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, or Collier County. 9.8 The maximum pay volume is the amount shuwn on the bid form, unless modified by change order. Acceptance will bc based on full dredging of the cross-section do\vn to the design cut. I r changes to the cross-sections are needed to match bid volume to current cunditions, they will be made at the pre- construction meeting. 10.0 MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION. 10.1 All costs connected with the mobilization and demobilization of all the CONTRACTOR's plant and equipment, including dredge plant and equipment, if used, will be paid fC)I' at thc cuntraet lump sum pricc lC)f this itcm. Sixty percent (60%) 01 the lump sum price "ill be paid to the CONTRACTOR after commencement or dredging and placement of a quantity of, at minimum, one thousand (1.000) cubic yards ol-material in a twcnty-t(lllr (24) hour period (or less time). The CONTRACIOR's survey records will bc used to demonstrate the volumc placed and the LN(;jNI:IR. at his discretion, may verily the survey results. 10.2 The remaining J(lI.ty percent (400;',) "ill bc included in the final payment for work under this Contract. In the event the LNGINEER cunsiders that the amount in this item, which represents mobilization, does not bear a rcasonablc relation to the cost 01 the "ork in this contract. the ENGINEER may require the CONTRACTOR to produce cost data to justily this portion of thc bid. Failure to justily such price tll the satisliletion III the LNGINLER will result in payment of actual mllbili/atilln ellsts, as determined by the ENGINEER at the completion of mobili/ation_ and payment III the remainder III this item in the fInal payment under this Cllntract. IS-IS CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 26 of 56 III. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1.0. ENVIRONMENTAL PIWTECTlON. 1.1 For the purpose 01' this speeilication. environmcntal protection is defined as the retention 01' the environmcnt in its natural state to the extent possible during project construction and 10 enhancc' the natural appearance in its IInal condition, Environmental protection requires consideration of air, water, and land, and involvcs noisc, solid \vasle management as \-vell as other pollutants. In order to prevent any environmcntal pollution arising I'rom thc construction activities in the pcrl'ormancc 01' this Contract, the CONTRACTOR and his Subcontractors shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations concerning ellvironmental pollution control and abatement. 1.2 Thc CONTRACTOR must be I>ulliliar with permit conditions for Wiggins Pass dredging and the berm restoration projeet. Not all pc I'm it conditions are explicitly slated within thc Technical Spccilications, but can bc lound within the permits in Appendiccs ;\ and B. 1.3 Subcontractors: Compliancc with the provIsions 01' this section by the Subcontractors will be thc responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. 1.4 Prevention 01' Landscapc Defacement. 1.4.1 The CONTRAC lOR shall not detace. injure. or destroy dune vegetation, trees or shrubs, nor rcmovc or cut them without the authority of the I:NCilNI-TR_ Ropes, cables, or guys shall not be fastened to or attached to any cxisting nearby trces or existing structures. Where thc possibility exists that trces may be del(lccd, bruised. injured, or otherwise damaged by the CONTRAC lOR's equipment or operations. the CONTRACTOR shall adequately protect such trecs. Monuments and markers shall be protected be1'ore construction operations commcnce. 1.4.2 &"storatiolU'L!~!!n~_s-";lJlQ_Dama~c. Any trees, beach vegetation, or other landscape !Cature scarrcd or damaged by the CONTRACTOR's equipment or operations shall be rcstored to a condition satisfactory to the FNGINI-LR J:xpcrienced workmen shall perl()rm rcstoration of scarred and damagL'd trees in an approved manncr. Trees damaged beyond rcstoratil1l1 shall bc removed and disposed 01' by CONTRACTOR in a manner approved by EN(i1NI:ER. Trees that are to be removed because of damage shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense by nursery- gnmn trees ol'thc same species ell' a species approved by the ENGINEER, The FNGINI.I-:J{ shall also approve the size and quality ol'nursery-grown trees. 1.4.3 Any upland s10rage areas required by the CONTRACTOR shall be the responsibilit) of the CON !'RACTOR. and the CONTRACTOR shall obtain al]llccessary approv~lls for any such areas. I S-16 CAC December 9, 2010 VHI-1 New Business 27 of 56 1.5 Post-Construction Clcanun or Obliteration: The CONTRACTOR shall obliterate all signs of construction WORK areas, waste materials, or any other vestiges of construction. including grade stakes. as directed by ENGINEER. The area will be restored to near natural conditions, 1.6 Spillage: Special measures shall be taken by the CONTR^CTOR to prevent bilge pumpage or emucn!. chemicals, tllcls, oils, greases, bituminous materials, waste washing. herbicides and insccticides from cntering public waters, 1.7 Disposal: Disposal of any materials, wastcs, ctllucnt, trash, garbage, oil, grease, chcmicals, ctc_, in areas adjacent to strcams or othcr waters of the State shall not be permitted. I I' any wastc materials are dumped in unauthorized areas, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the material(s) and restore the area(s) to the original eond ition. I I' necessary, contaminated ground shall be excavated, disposed of as directed by EN(jINI:ER, and replaced with suitable fill material, compacted and linishcd with a suitable and compatible top layer of material and planted as required to reestahlish vegetation. 1.8 ^dditional (~osts: No sepclrate payment will be made 1'01' the prevention, control, or abatement or environmental pollution, and all costs in connection therewith or incidental thereto shall he included in the applicable unit price per cubic yard for drcdging_ 1.9 Manatcgs 1.9, I In order to ensure that manatees arc not adversely arfected by the construction activities as descrihcd in these specifications, the State DEP permit requires the j()llo\\.jng: 1.9,1.1 All vessels associatcd with the project will be required to operate at "no wake" speeds at all timcs whilc in waters where the drall or the vesscl provides less than f'our feet or clearance II-um the hottom. ^II vessels shall rollow routes of deep water \vhenever possibll'. 1.9,1.2 The CO\iTR^CTOR shall instruct all personnel associated with the project 01- the potential presence of manatccs and the need to aVOid l'"lIisiuns with the manatees. CONTR^CTOR shall be responsible 1,)1' all construction personncl to observe water- related activities I()I' the presence of manatees, and shall implement appropriate precautions to ensure protection of manatees. 1.9,1.3 (,ONTR^CTOR shall advise all construction personnel that there an: civil and criminal penalties for harming. harassing, or killing manatees Ihat arc protected under the Marine Mammal I'rOlection Act or 1972, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, I S-17 CAC December 9, 2010 V1I1~ 1 New Business 28 of 56 and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. The CONTRACTOR will be held responsible lor any manatee harmed, harassed, or killed as a rcsult of construction of the Project. Prior to commencement of construction of the Project, the CONTRACTOR shall construct and display temporary signs concerning rnanalccs. 1.9,1.4, f For vcsscls, CONTRACTOR shall place a temporary sign measuring at lcast 8.5" X J I" rcading "Manatee Ilabitat/ldle Speed in Construction Area" in a prominent location visible to cmployees opcrating the vessels. 1.9,1.4,2 In the abscncc of a vessel. CONTRACTOR shall place a temporary sign at least 2' X 2' reading "Warning: Manatee Ilabitat" In a location pmminently visible to land based, water-related construction crews. 1.9,1.4,3 CONTRACTOR shall place a second temporary sign at least 8 1/2" X II" reading "Warning: Manatee llabitat. Operation of any equipment closer than 50 leet to a manatce shall nccessitate immediate shutdown of that equipment. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatcc shall be reporlcd immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at (800) IlL\I.-IMP or (800) 342-5367". A sign measuring at least 3 n. by 4 It. that reads "Caution Manalee Area" will be posted if vessels are associated with the construction, and should be placed visible to the vessel operator. Siltation barriers, if used, shall bc made of material in which manatees cannot become entanglcd, are properly secured, and arc regularly IlllHlilofed to avoid manatee entrapment. Barriers must not block manatee cnlry to or e"it Ii-om essential habitat. 1.9,1.6 It manatees arc seen Within 100 yards of the active daily cClI1struclion/dredging operation. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all appropriate precautions shall bc implemented to ensure pmtcction ot the manatee. These precautions shall inelude the operation of all moving cquipmcnt no closer than 50 feet of a manatee. CONTR;\CTOR is advised that opcration of any equipment closer than 50 lect to a manatee shall nccessitate immediate shutdown otthat equipment. IS-18 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-l New Business 29 of 56 1.9,1.7 CONTRACTOR shall report any collision with and/or injury to a manatee immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol (800) I)IAI-HvlP, or (HOO) 342-5367. and to the Florida Bureau of Protected Species Management at (904) 922-4330. 1.10 Marine Turtlc Ncstin~ Protection 1.10.1 To facilitate turtle monitoring by Collier County. the CONTRACTOR shall provide a copy his construction sehcdule and all updates of that schedule to the Collier County Turtle Program through the Coastal Zone Managelllent I)epartlllent. 1.10.2 From April I through November 30. all project lighting shall be limited to the immediate area oC active construction only and shall be the minimal lighting necessary to comply with lJ .S. Coast Guard and/or OSHA requirements Stationary lighting on the beach and all lighting on the drcdgc shall be minimized through reduction, shielding. lowering, and appropriate placement oC lights to minimize illumination oC the nesting beach and \vatcr. 1.10.3 Upon locating a dead. injured. or siCK endangered or threatened sea turtle speelmcn. initial notilication must be madc to Collier County Lnvironmental Services at (2.19) 890-(,486. and then to the FWC at (888) 404-FWCC. Carc should be taken in handling sick or injured specimens to ensure clleetive treatment and care and in handling dead specimens to preservc biological materials in the best possible state for later analysis of cause of death. In conjuncti"n with thc care of sick or injured endangered or threatened species or preservation oC biological materials irom a dead animal. thl' lindeI' has the ITsponsibility \0 ensure that evidencc intrinsic to the specimcn is not unneces'iarily disturbed. 1.10.4 No construction. operation. transportation or storagc of equipment or matcrial are authoriz.cd for beach or nearshore placement or groin repair during marine turtle nesting season (May I to October 3 I). 2.0 FINAL CLEANUP. 2.1 Final clean-up shall inelude the removal oC all the CONTRACTOR's plant and cquipment either lor disposal or reuse. Plant and equipment to be disposed of shall only be disposed oC in a manner and at locations approvcd by the ENGINITR. 2.2 Unless otherwise approved in writing by the l:NGINEER, the CONTRACTOR will not be permitted to abandon any equipment in the disposal area for dredged materials, pipeline access arcas, beach jill areas. or other areas adjacent to the work site. IS-19 CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 30 of 56 3.0 RESTRICTION OF ACCESS BY TilE I'I'BLlC. 3.1 CONTRACTOR shall erect such barricades, fences and signs as necessary to prevent public access to tbe construction area around the pipeline discharge, CONTRACTOR shall also bc responsiblc to post appropriatc warnings within the construction area and within the water to prevent pedestrians iTom swimming within an area affected by the construction project. It will be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility 10 insure thai the construction project area is suf1icicntly pnsted and monitored tn prevent s\vimmers, boaters, and pedestrians from injury' from the construction. 1l1c disposal area is adjacent to beach used for recreation during all seasons or the )C~lr. TS-20 CAC December 9. 2010 VIlI-1 New Business 31 of 56 APPENDIX A WIGGINS PASS PERMITS To be Provided CAC December 9,2010 VIIl-1 New Business 32 of 56 APPENDIX B SAMPLE DAILY QUALITY CONTlWL REPORT, WIGGINS PASS CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-1 New Business 33 of 56 DAILY CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Date: Report No. __ '____ (Report is due by 2:00 p.m_ ,>I' the following day) PROJECT: 2010 WIGGINS PASS INn:RIM MAINTENANCE DREDGING PROJECT WEATHER: (Clear) (I'. Cloudy) (Cloudy) IEMP. Min. Max. Wind Speed mph Direction Wave lleight at: Dredge Sitc feet Bcach disposal lCet Wave Direction LOCATION OF DISCIIARGI.i state plane coordinate) y (bCiseline station, monument plus a distance, or LOCATION OF DRLDGI: state plane coord inatc) Y (hasclinc station, monument plus a distance, or CONTRACTOR/SUJl_-CONTRACTOR and area ofresponsibilili': I. Work Perl(lrmed Todav: (Indicate location and description of work perf()rmed. Provide dredged quantities and disposal areas over last 24 hours. Attach dredge position printouts and plot to this report). 2. Results ofSurvcillancc: (Include satislilctory work complctcd or deficiencies with action to be taken.) 3. Environmental Monitorin~: Was environmental monitoring conducted today in compliance with project pc I'm it requiremcnts and environmental protection laws, and the results provided to the ENGINEER (Yes/No)'! CAC December 9, 2010 VlIl-1 New Business 34 of 56 4. List comments or instructions received from regulatory or law enforccment agencies (FDEP, Corps, F&WS) 5. Verbal Instructions Received: (I.ist any instructions given by the ENGINEER, construction deficiencies, rctesting required, etc.. with action to be taken.) 6. Rcmarksi (Cover dclays and any conllicts in f'lans, Specilications or instructions.) 7. Safetv Inspection: (Report violations noted, corrective instructions given; and corrective actions taken.) 8. Equipment Data: (Indicatc major items ofcollstruetion equipmcnt and vessels at job site and whether or not used or opcrablc_) 9. Drcdge Status: (Is the dredge working. not ('pcrating due to weather/sea state. or is it under repair?) IO. A voidance of Over dredging: Do you certify that the dredge has excavated within the limits of the dredge arcas. as shown in thc Plans (Yes/No)? ____ CAe December 9,2010 VIIl-1 New Business 35 of 56 I I. Progress SUll1marv: This DaL~ To Date Worked Ilours -"--------- ---------- Downtimc Hours (Explain)lelow) ____' Volume Drcd 'c,j(I'stin'!llCd c.y.) _'_'_ % Com Icted Explanation of Downtime: CONTRACTOR's Verification: The above report is complete and correct. The equipment used and the work performed during this reporling period arc in compliance with the Contract Plans and Specifications exccpt as notcd above. CONTRACTOR's Approved Authorized Representative Note: This report is not complete without a continuous plot or dredge locations and depths. CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 36 of 56 AI'P~:N))JX C SURVEY CONTROL CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 37 of 56 Control "A" Monuments CONTROL MONUMENT USED BY CPE i for Wiggins Pass Topographic and Hydrographic Survey Julv 2010 DATUMS: NAD83t90 / NAVD1988 DESIGNATION 64 78 A04 STAMPING 64 78 A04 NORTHING 707470563 EASTlNG 384555961 HORIZONTAL Root Mean Square Error 0.019 ELEVATION 5_55 feet VERTICAL Root Mean Square Error 0036 DESCRIPTION Located at the edge of vegetation 1680 feet north of R22 CONTROL MONUMENT USED BY CPE ~? for Wiggins Pass Topographic and Hydrographic Survey ... Julv 2010 DATUMS: NAD83/90 / NAVD1988 DESIGNATION 64 78 A05 STAMPING 64 78 A05 NORTHING 701607701 EASTING 385862.816 HORIZONTAL Root Mean Square Error 0.018 ELEVATION 6.99 feet VERTICAL Root Mean Square Error 0.036 DESCRIPTION Located at the edge of vegetation 240 feet south of R26 H.-Monument Locations Adjal'cnt Bcadlcs to \Viggins Pass "R"-Vlollumcnt FDEP GivC'n {'ontrol lVlonUlIll'nt ~orthing Eastiug Azimuth 1(,11 7 I (}')7().:ZU 3X1597.(l(J 270 [{-12 71597fd() ~X2X 15.1111 2711 R-13 715(}(}.t'J() ;X31 X5.0() 2711 I{,I-l 7140,n.X(J ]X33WJ.3U 2711 H.-[:; 71J027.(l() ]X3(1IlJ.l)() 260 [{-I(l 711'YJ7.01J 3X37X4.40 270 1(,17 710XX(>..:;() :;X3917.4() 270 I{,I X 7{)l)')()(),71,J 3X4117.00 17{) [{,_Il) 70XX7X.()ii iX431().()() 270 R-l0 707X()(j,()11 ~X4517511 27{) R-ll 70()X'IK.:1O .;K.~71K.')U 270 R-12 705X;').51l :;X4lJi~Cl)() 270 NAD X3 1'1 I <lst/Olll.' \Viggins P~ISS Cross-Scctions Shltion 0+00 Locations Ebb Shoal Sbltions [\'Iollumcnt NUl-thing Easting Azimuth , ""'(jIJ 71 [').17..t_j _'1X37.1X.5.1 [ 72.2 - ,I .()() 7121; t .91 3KJ() 12.1() 172.2 II 'Oli 712_~ l(dX -,X34X:iJO 172.2 I 'Oli 712.1iJ2.7'1 3X33X6.75 172.2 2 ,OtJ 7 I 12XlJ.()h _;X32X7,(}l) 172.2 3 t()(J 712275.4-t .iX] I XX.63 172.2 4- 1111 7122(>1.75 -;X30X9.5(, 172.2 5 O() 71224X. [ I JX2')l)(j.47 [ 72.2 h . Of) 712l;1.51) :;X2X91.41 [ 72.2 7 ()() 7122:;0.X I :\X27()2.3k 172.2 X Oil 712207.1 'i _\X2()(J3.2k [ 72.2 ') -(liJ 7121'li_5iJ .,SlS()4,22 172.2 10 ()() 71217';'X:-; .;S2-ll)5.1() [72.1 I I iOU 7121 (j(), I') ;X2:-;Wj,(Jij 172.2 121{)() 7IlIS:.!.5() :;S2297.(J:1 172.2 13100 71 nix_xx :;X21()7.97 17:::.1 14100 71212),:::S _~ X2{)l)X.9 I 172.1 151{)(J 7121 I 1.(l.1 ;X 1 (Jl)l).X-! 171.1 \'.'\1) i'U j,1 j':l.'il/UIL CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 38 of 56 AI'I'E~DlX D QA/QC PLANS FOR WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DRIWGING CAe December 9, 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 39 of 56 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 40 of 56 SEOIMEYI QUALITY COI\TROLlQI ALlTY ASSI'RANCE PLAN FOR NEARSIIORE PI.M'IMENT OF SEDIMI:VI FROM 'vlAINTENANCE DREDGING FDI.P Permit No.OI-i2538-009.JC (,OU.II'H ('OINT\' WIGGINS PASS I'iTLRIi\1 M.\INTEN,\NC'I DREDGING PROJECT SI.I'TE'vlllU{ 111_ 211111 A. I~TRODl:(TION As indicated in the titlt: above, this tel11platl: plan is fut use for nearsh\xe placement of sediment from maintenance dredging of navigation channels and sediment impoundment basins. /\ different plan document will be used for beach restoration or nourishment using an offshore borrow area. Pursuant to Fla. Admin. Code r. 62B-41.008 ( 1) (k) 4.b., permit applications fl.)r inlet excavation, beach restoration, or nourishment shall include a quality ,:olltrol/assurancc plan that will ensun~ that the sediment from the borrow areas to be used in the project \villmcct the stalldurd in Fla. Admin. Code r. 62B-41.007(2)lj) and (k). To protect the environmental functions of Florida's beaches, only beach compatible fill shall be placed on the beach or the nearshore. 8each ':Olnpatible fill is material that maintains thc general character and functionality of the material occurring on the beach or the ncarshore and in thl' adjacent dunl' and coastal system. The Permittee has \:ondUclL:d geolL:cll1liud InvcstigalilJns that provide adequate data concerning the character of the sediment and the quantities available \vithin the sp~ltial limits of the permitH:d dredge cuts. The Permittee has provided an analysis of thc cxisting or native sediment and the sediment within the permittcd dredge cuts that demonstrates its i.:umpatibility' vvith the naturally (KnllTlng hl:ach scdiment in a.:cordance with Fla. Admin. Code r. 62IJ,jl_OrJ7121111 Based upon this information and the design of thL: maintenani.:e dredge projed, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has determined that ncarshllre pld.:ement of the sediment from the dredge area(s) will maintain the general i.:haracter and fUllctinnality of till' st:dimcllt occurring on the beach and in the nearshore area. Furthermore. this information and the bUl'ruw area design pl'Ovides sufficient quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) that the mean grain si/L: and carhOlwte cllntcnt of the sediment from the dredge cuts will meet the requirements of Fla. Admin. Code r ()2B.-41 Jl07( 2)(j); hence. additional QC'QA procedures are not required for these sediment parameters during cOllstrudi\ll1. This plan outlines the responsibilities or cach stakt:holder in the projcct as thcy rclate to the placcment of beach compatiblc material in thc nl.:arshore. IlleSL' resplll\sibilities an: in response to the possibility, that non-beach compatible sediments may exist within tllL' dredge ('uts and cuuld be unintentionally placed in the nearshore. The QC Plan specifies the minimum l'llllstruction managelllcnL inspcction, and rcpot1ing requirements pla.:cd on the !\1arine Dredging Contractor and L'nl()]'ced hy the Permittee, to ensure that the sediment to bl;: placed in the nearshore from the dredge cuts meL't the cnmpli~lll('c spt:cilications rhL' QA Plan ,-;pecifies the minimum construction oversight, inspection, and reporting rL:quircments to be undertaken by the Permittee or the Permittee's On-Site Representativc to obserVL'. sample. amI test the pLlCl'd st:diments to verify the sediments arc in compliance. B. SEDI1\1 E\"T QliALITY SI'EClFlCATlO'\S The sediment from the dredge cut(s) is similar in r\lul1sell i.:ulur and grain size distribution to the material in the existing coastal system at the ncarshurc rlaccmcnt sill'. lhe Department and the Permittee acknowledge that it is possible that discrete occurrcnccs of nun-bea.:h compatible scdiments may exist within the permitted dredge cuts that do not comply with the limiting paramders Ill" 1"I~1. Admin. Code r 02BA I ,007(2)(j) 1. 5., or vary in Munsell color from the composite value. j'urthernlllre. the Ikpartmcl1t may consider more restrictive values for the sediment parameters to ensure that the sedimcnt 1'1'0111 the drcdge cuts IS similar in color and grain size distribution to the sediment in the existing .:oastal systelll at the ncarshorl' placclllent site Specifically, although Fla. Admin. Code r. f)agc 1 of(. CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-1 New Business 41 of 56 62B-41.007(2)(k), deems sediment from maintenam:e dredging containing up to a 10% fine material passing the #230 sieve to be suitable for beach placement, a compliance value of less than ] 0%) is necessary to meet water quality standards and maintain the general character and environmental functions of the existing nearshore. Therefore. fill material compliance specilications for the sediment from the navigation channel proposed for this project arc provided in Tabk I. The compliance specifications take into account the variability of sediment on the native beach or existing nearshore. and arc values which may rC<lsonably be attained givcn vvhat is known about the sediment from the dredge cuts. Nearshore disposal material which l~-dls outside of thcse limits will be considered unacceptable and subject to remediation. Table 1- Sediment Compli::lIlce Spedfit:atiolls Munsell Color Value J I'ar,,;;;ct.. liClil;'il~II--~ --- --- - -- -- ~-~ --- pdSSlllg 11: HJ sIeve I etdllled on 14 ~ICVl - - - ----- - ---- lllt1lst \ dlue I chI UIll.l II ~ --~ ---- --- The nearshore dispos::ll material sll:lll not conl::lin ('onstruction debris, toxic material, other foreign _________._ ____~_!l_att!.l' ~.!_~_:.!FSt~l\.'.t.I_~L_ rock~___.. *Shell Content is llsed as the indicator of tine gravl'l (Ol1tl'nt fur the implementation of quality (Olltrol.iquality aSSllr~1I1Cl' prOL'edures. Sediment Parametn - -"-------- \tax Silt Content Comoliance Value 50;', ,---- !\-'tax. Shell Content>;: 40.X) /6/ or lighter C. Ql:Al.ITY CONTROl PI..Y\ The contract documents shall itKOrpur,lk the following technical requircments. or equivalent language that addresses the location uf dredging, sediment quality monitOl'ing in the nearshore, and, if necessary, remedial actions. The Permittl.:e \\'ill seck to enforce these contract reljllin.:ments during the execution of work. I. Electronic Positioning and Dredge Ih'pth !\loniloring Equipment. The Contractor will continuously operate electronic positioning l.:quipmenl, approved by the Lngineer, to lllonitor the precise positioning of the excavation device location(s) and depth(s). i\ Differential (;lobal Positioning System (DCiPS) or equivalent system providing equal or better accuracy will be llsed to ddL'rtnille the huril.Ontiil p\)sition and will be interfaced with an appropriate depth measuring device to lktcrminl' the vertical po:-..ition (.\I" lhe bottum of the l.:xcavation device. The horizontal positioning equipmcnt will maintain an ~lCcuracy o! -UJ ke!l he vertical positioning equipment will maintain a vertical accuracy ur t i-O,~ feet \\ith cOlltillll\lUS ~lpplicabk tidal corrections measured at the project site. 2. Dredge Location Control. The Contl"<lctur is required to have, In continuous operation on the dredge. electronic position recording equipment that will ~ll.:curately compute ,Illd plot the posilillll of the dredge. Such fixes. and the accompanying plots, will bl;': flll"llished to the !)ennitte.:'s on~sik repres<:ntativt: daily as part of the QC Reports. The electronic positioning equipment will be installed on the dlTdgl' so as to monitor, as closely' as possible, the actual location ufthe excavation devicl'(s).lh:locatioll urtbe master antenna on the dn:dge and the distance and direction from the master antenna to the bottom or 111l' i..'Xcavatioll device \vill be reported on the Daily Reports. A printout of the excavation device positions ill State Plalle ('uordinalcs, the excavation device depths corrected for tide elevation and referenced to the N(}rth American V'ertical DalUlll or 19X8 ('Ji\ \/[) 88) and lhe time, will be maintained using an interval oft\\/o (2) minutes for each printed fix. ,\ printed and UHnputcr file (in ^SCII format) copy orthe position data will be provided to the Engineer a:-.. pitrt ul" the daily repllrl.lhe Contractor wi1l prepare a plot or the data that includes the State Plane Coordinate gmj :-..ystclll and thl..: dredge channel limits. The format of the plot may be subject to apprO\/al hy the PelTnillec's Lnginecr 'll Jrl'd~'in~'_ \\ ill take place outside of the borrow area limits (horizontal and vcrticallilllitsJ as shmvll on the drawillgs. 3. Dredging Observation. The Contractor \vill be responsible I()J" establishing such control as may be necessary to insure that the allowable cxcavatioll depths and spatial limits are not exceeded. If the Contractor encounters noncompliant sediment during dredging, the C()ntractm VI/ill immediately cease dredging. relocate the dredge into compliant sediment, and will verbally nDti(v thc Permittec's oll~sik rcprescntative, providing the time, location, and Page 2 uf6 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 42 of 56 des~ription of the noncompliant sl:dillll'llL lhl' Contrador \\'i1l also report any encounters with nom:ompliant sediml:nt in the Contractor's Daily Rl'port. providing depth and locatiun in Statl: Plane Coordinates of said materials within the dredge cut{s). ['he Contradm, in COOIX'}"(ltion \Vith the Permittee's Engineer. will use the dredge positioning records, plans, alld vibral.:llJ'i.: dt.:s('riptiullS to dCkl"lllint.: where the Contractor may dredge to avoid additional nearshore placement ur nonculllpliant sedillll:nt. Till..' Cunnactor will adjust the construction operation to avoid the noncompliunt sedimellt to the gn':(ltestl..'xtcnt pnlcticahk. 4. Nearshore Observation. Thc Contrad.,Jr \vill cOlllinuously visually monitor the sediment being discharged in the nearshore. If noncomplialll scdinlcllt is pbccd in the nl'arsh~lrl', the Contractor \\'ill immediately l.:ease dredging, relocate the dredge into compliant sedimcllL and verbally notif~ the Permittee's on-site representative, providing the time, location, and description or tht.: IlOIKompli,lllt s~dimen1. Thl.: Contractor \\'ill also report any enl.:ounters with noncompliant sediment in the CUlltractor's Daily Rl.:port. providing depth and location in State Plane Coordinates of said materials within thc drcdgc cut{Sl. rile Contractor willlal-.c the appropriate remediation actions as directed by the Permittee or Permittee's l:il~illeer 5, Vibracore Logs and Grain Size Data. The Contractor \vill be provided with all descriptions of sediment vibracore borings and.i'or sl..'dilllcnt sampks colkcted within the dn:ugc cut(s), and will acknowledge that he is aware of the quality of the sediment as dcsnibcd ill thl' sediment testing. These lugs and/or grain size data will be presented in the construction spceilicatium 6. Noncompliant Material Handling Provision. !"Ilt.: ('ontractor shall have plans and equipment available for use to handle any noncompliant material cncoulltercd during dredgillg D. Ql;,\L1TY ASSllH.A.\CF PL.\:'" The Permittee will seek to enforet.: thc construction contract ;ml! Department permits related to sediment quality. In order to do so, the fi:dlu\ving Sll:ps sh,1l1 be tiJlhl\\cd: I. Construction Observation. Construction ubservation by the Permittee's On-Site Reprt.:sentative will be perfi:mned 5 days a wed.., at kast g hours a da:- during pl.:!'lods Dr active construdion, Most observations will be conducted during daylight hours; ho\\~vl:r. ralldoll1nighllilTI~ observations shall be conducted. 2, On-Site Representative. The P~rmiltce will proviclc on~sil~ observation by individuals with training or experience in maintmancc drt.:dging and disposal and c(lnstruction inspection and testing, and who are knowledgeable of the project dcsign dnd pt.:'nnit (onditions. rh.: project Engineer, a qualified l.:oastal engineer, will actively coordinate with the Pl'nnittcc's On-Site Rcpresentativl', who Illay be an employee or sub-l.:ontractor of the Permittet.: or the Enginel.:r. COnlllllmi((\tilll1S \vill take phkC be[wecn the Lngincer and the Permittee's OnMSite Representative on a \veekly basis 3. Pre-Construction J\ll'l'ting. TI1c prujcl.:t ()C'Qi\ Plan \\'ill be discussed as a matter of importance at the pre- construction meeting. Thc CUlItral'Wl' \vill be r~L]lIired h) acklluwkdge the goals and inknt of the above described QCiQ.-'\ Plan, in wTiting, prior tll Cllll1l111'\1Ce1l1cnt or cOllstrut.:tioll 4. Contractor's Daily Reports. The hlgineer will review [hc Contral.:tor's Daily Reports which characterize the nature of the sediments clleountcrcd '-It thc borrow area and pl~Kl'd along the project shoreline with specific reference to moist sand color and the occurn:ncc 01' rock, rubble, shcli, silt or debris that exceeds aCl.:cptable limits. The Engineer will review the dredge pusitiolls in the ConlraCh)r'S Ddily Report. 5. On CI:III. The f~llgint.:eJ' will be contillllOlIsly un call durillg Iht.: period of construction for the purpose of making decisions regarding issul:s that invoh~' (I( '()i\ Plan l:lllllplianCl' 6, Addendums. Any addcndlllll or challgc ordcr tll the Contrdd bct\veen the Permittee and the Contractor will be evaluated to dett:rminc whcth.:r or Illlt tllc dwngc in scupc \\"ill potcntially (lffect the QC\()A Plan. l}agc 3 oj (1 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 43 of 56 7. During Construction Sampling for \'isu.tl Inspt'('tioJl.I u a~~ure that the dredged material placed in the nearshore is in comp]ian.:c with thl.: pl.:rmit, the Pl'rmitte("~ LngitH:t:r or On-Site Representative will conduct assessments of the nearshure displl~al material as follU\.....s: a. During excavation and Ill] pl<lccllll.:nt activities, thl' Pl.:rmittee's On-Site Representative will collect a sediment sample at not less than once a day of the near~li()re berm discharged frum the dredging to visually assess grain size, Munsell cO]llr, shell content, and silt Clll11cn\. The samph: shall be a minimum of I U.S. pint (approximately 200 grams). I'his ~ISSeSSll1cnt will con:;ist or handling the till material to ensure that it is predominantly sand. to noli: tIll.: ph)'sical characteristi{.:s and to assure the material meets the sediment compliance parameter specifll'd ill this Il[an. If dl:ellll:d Ilcct:s,>ary, quantitative assessments of the sand will be conducted for grain size, silt CDllten!. shl:lI cOllll:nt and l\lullsell color using the methods outlined in section D.8.b. Each sample will be archivl'd \vith the datl', time aIld ]ucation oft]1\..' sample. The results of these daily inspections, regardkss of the quality or the sedimellL will be tlppended to or notated on the Contractor's Daily Report. All samples v.ill bc storcd by the Pennitll'C I'llr at kast 30 days alter project completion. b. If the Permittl.:e or Lngillo.::cr dctcrmines that thl' Ill'arshurem<lteria] docs not comply with the sediment compliance specifications ill this ()C()i\ PLIIL the Pcrmitec or Engineer will immcdiatdy instruct the Contractor to cease material e.,GI\~ltiull opcralioll~ <uld take \vhatever actions nl:cessary to avoid further nearshore placement l)f nOIll'ompliullt sediment rhl' ("Intractur, in cooperation with the Pnmitli:e's Engineer, will use the dredge positioning rccurds, pL1I1S, and vibraccHl' descriptions to determine where the Contractor may dredge to avoid additillnalnl'arsl101'l' pbCelnelll ofnon,,:olllp[iant sediment. Thl: sediment inspection results \vi[] be reported to the DepartlnCl1t. 8. Post-Construction Sampling for Labonltof)' Tt.'sting. To assure that the lill material placed in the nearshore was adequately assessed by tho.:: bmrmv arca investigation and l!":sign, the Project Engineer will conduct assessments of the sediment as follows: a. Post-construction sampling alld testing ,11" thc lill lllah:na] will be conducted to verify that the sediment placed in the nearshore meets the expected criteria,"characteristics provided during from the geotechnical investigation. Upon completit11l uf a500-H Illllg s;,;c1 ion {ll" constructed nearshore berm, the Engineer wi]1 collect two (2) duplicate sand samplcs, preferably at a Departmcnt reference monument profile line, to quantitatively assess the grain size distribulioll. Illoist 1\1 utlscl I culor. shell content and silt content for compliance. If the nearshore placement is ,dung Icss than 1,0Ull feet, Ihl'1l duplicate samples shall be collt:cted at a minimum of three (3) sample locations cVl.:llly sp,lCed alilng the kngth (Jr the nearshore placement area. The [.:ngineer will I:.:ollect the sedimcnt :;;llllPlcs (ll" a lllillilnllJl1 of 1 U,S, plnl tat least 20G grams) ead} from the bottom of a test hole a minimum of 18 inches dl'l'p \\ilhin the limits uf the ,:unstruded berm. rhe Engineer will visually assess grain sizt:, \;!UllSl'[] cnltl!". shc[1 l'llllll'IlL and sill (untelll or tll\.' lllali:ria[ by handling the fill material to ensure that it is predominantly s,IIHL ;uld lurthl'r to Illlk tile physlca[ characteristics. The Engineer \vill note the l:xistence of any layering ur nick:-; \Vllhin Ihl' tcst IHlle. One sample ",viII be ~cnt for ]aboratol)' analysis while the other sample wil[ be ardlived by the ilennilkc, ,\[1 sampk" and [aburatory test results will be labeled with the Project name. FDEP Refcrelll:l' \ 1 UllllIll\.'nt Prollk' l.ine dcslgnation, Stall' Plant: (X,Y) Coordinate location, date sample was obtainl:lL and "COllSll"llctioll Benll Sample," b. All samples will be ev'aluated fur visual attributes (\'lunsl'1I color and shdl content), sieved in accordance with the applicable sections pI" .:\STl\'1 D4:22-()3 (Standard Tcst Vlethod I(u Particle-Size Ana]ysis of Soils), ASTM DI140 (Standard Test !'v1ctll\ld for /\lllount of l\.lall:rial in Soils Finer than No. 200 Sieve), and ASTM D2487 (Classificatiun of Suits fnr I-:llgineering Purposes L ~ll1d analyzed for carbonate content. Thl: samples will be sieved using the j()lluwing tiS Slandard Sinl' "Jumhers: :;14", 5iS", 3.5, 4, 5, 7, ]0, 14, 18,25,35,45,60, 80,120.170, and 21ll. e. i\ summary tahle ur the s\.-,dil1ll'nl ..,amples dnd Icst results for the sediment compliance parameters shall accompany the compktL' SL'[ ur Llbllr:llury tL'sting results, nlC column ht:adings will include: Sample Number; 1\dean Grain Sizc (1ll11ll; Sorlln~ \:tlUl\ Silt CUl1tcllt I()'()':~ "ihell Content (%); 1\1unscll Color Value; and a column stating whether each sample \lI~T ('I' f':\ILUJ the compliance values found in Table 1. The sediment testing results will be cl'rtilied by :I PI.: or P,(i registered in the State 01" Florida. The Permittee will submit sediment testing rt:sults and analysis Icpmt III the Department \Vitllin 90 days fo[lowing nearshore placement . l\lgl' 4 (1 f(J CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 44 of 56 d. In the event that a section of nl.:arshorc l.:ontains lill matl.:rial that is not in compliance with the sediment compliance specifications, thcn thc Dcpartlllt:llt will be ll11tilied. Notili\.'ation will indicate the volume, aerial extent and location of any unaccL'ptabh: Ilearshorc arc as and lTll1ediation planned. E. REMEI)IATlON I. Compliance Area. If ,] sample docs not Illeet thl' ...:omplillllcC value for construction debris, toxic material, other foreign material, cuarSl: gravd, or Hl(k, the Pl:rnlittel.' shall dekrlllinc the aerial cxtl:nt and remediate regardless of the extent of the noncolllpliant Illllterial If a salllple is nonLlmlpliant for tht' silt content shell content, or Munsell color and the aerial extent c\cl:cds 10.000 squarc kcl. th!.: PCI1l1lLtCC shall rcmt:diatc. The Illethod ofremediating the nearshore an:a and thl: standards tll be used \,ill l1avl' to lX' devdoped. sincc this is 1I0t a dry beach area and ditferent methods and standards lllighlllPply 2. Notification. If an area of nl'\vly cunstrllckd llearsllor\: herm does not meet the sediment compliance specilications, then the Dcpartmcnt (.1('1>( \llnpliancl':IDdl:p.stalt:.ll.l1s) will be notified. Notitkation will indicate the aerial extent and location (If any an:as of noncompliallt ncarshore material and rl:mediation planned. As outlined in section LA. belovv, the Pl'l'miUl'e will immediately undertake remediation actions without additional approvals from the Lkpartmenl. The results of allY remcdiation will bc reponed to the Department following completion of the remediation activities and shall indicatc the volumc ufnum;Olllpli,1I1t till material removed and replaced. 3. Sampling to detcrmilll' extent. In urcler to determinc il all alca greater than 10,000 square iCet of nearshore material is noncompliant. the folk)\villg pnll'cdurl' ,viii be pl'rrormcd by thl' Enginecr: a. Upon determination that till' lir'i1 sedillll'nt salllpic IS Iloncompliant at minimum, five (S) additional sediment samples \vill be cullcl'lcd at II 2:,,-root sp;lcillg in all directions and assessed. If the additional samples arc also noncompliant. thcn :ldditlonal s;nnpks "....ill be collt:cted at a 25~loot spacing in all directions until the aerial extent is idwtdied. b. The samples will he visually cOlllpar!.:d tll the acceptable sand criteria. If deemed necessary by the r:ngineer, quantitative a,>seSSlllcnts of the sand ,viII be conducted for grain size, silt content, shell content, and ivlunsell colm lIsing the Illl'llluds outlined in sccliull D.H.b. Samples ",.,rill be archived by the Permittee. c. A site map will bl: prep:lrl'd depicting till' loc<lti(ln ill' all sampks and the boundaries of all areas of noncompliant lill. d. rhe total square footage \,ill be dl:termined. e The site map and analysis \vill bc ilH:ll1ded ill the ContJ':lctur's Daily Report. 4. Actions. The Permittl:c or Pcrmitkc's Lnginl'er sh,dl havl' the authority to dl'1ermine whether the material placed in the nearshore is compliant or nOIll.'olllpli:mt. If plal'\:mcnt \)1' noncompliant material occurs, the Contractor will be directed by the Permittee Ill' !)l:rlllittCl"S l.:nginccr tu take the lH:cessary corrective actions, Should a situation arise during construction that cannot be corn:l'1l'd by the rcmcdidtiun methods described within this QC/QA Plan, the Department will be notified. The r!.:ll1l:diation ,KtiollS for each sediment paraml'1cr are as follows; a. Silt: blending the Illl11compliant till material with compliant fill material within the adjacent constructiull herm sufllcielllly to meet the complianct.: value, or removing the noncompliant till material, b. Shell' bknding thc l)(ll1"':\)lllpliant lill matl'ri~d with cumpliant fill material within the adjacent construction bl'rlll surtictcntl) Iu lllcclthe c\l1l1plldn...:e value or removing the noncompliant till material. c f\-'lunscll col\)r: hlclldillg till' IIOIlClllllplidllt 1111 makriaj wilh compliant !ill material within the adjacent constructiull hcrm SUf1il:k'Iltly to lllL'cl the cUlllplialll'e valuL' or removing the noncompliant fill material. o. Coarse graVl'I: sl'J'cl'lling, ~1I1d fl'lll()ving the nUllC\111l)lli:11l1 1111 matcrial. e, Construction debris. tu\i,-' IllatenaL l)!' uther rmL'lgn Ill<ltll.:t.. rCllloving the noncompliant fill material. All noncompliant fill material rClllOved frolll th.: ncarshnn: will he transportcd to an appropriate upland disposal facility located landward ()rthe Coastal CUl1structioll ('Gntrlll LitH.': 5. Post-Remediation Testing. Re-sampling shall hc cOllouckd 1'ollowing any remediation actions in accordance with the following protocols: Page 5 ur(, -~.._-'-~'-....-."-,.~ CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-1 New Business 45 of 56 a. Vv'ithin thl: boundaries oCthe remediation actions, ,,>a111pl\.'s \\"ill be taken at maximum of 25-foot spacing. b. The samples will be visually compared to the acceptable sand r.:riteria. If deemed necessary by the Engineer, quantitalive assessments of the sand will be conducted for grain size, silt content. and Munsell color using the methods outlined in section D.8.b. Sampks will be archived by the Permittee. c. A site map will be pn:part:d depicting lhc locali()]I uf all samples and the boundaries of all areas of l"l:l1lediation adiuns. 6. Reporting. ,A post-remediation rql11rl cuntaining the site map. sL'dinlelll analysis, and volume ofnol1compliant fill material removed and rL'placcd will be submitted to tl](: Department within 7 days following completion of remediation a...:tivitics. All reports or notices ITlating lu this permit shall be emailed and sent to the Department at the following locations: DEP Bureau of Beaches & CO~lstal Systl'IlIS JCP Compliance Ollieer i\.1ail Station .100 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard 'I'allahassee, I'lorida 32.199-.1000 phone: (X50) 414,7716 e-mail: .ICP t I'nd uf 1)lan FDEP Draft Version dated Octl)lx'r 2\), 2()()l} P/Collier! C)A C)C 131- SI< Pag.: 6 oU) APPENDIX E WIGGINS PASS PHYSICAL MONITORING PLANS CAe December 9, 2010 VIII~ 1 New Business 46 of 56 CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-1 New Business 47 of 56 WIGGINS PASS MAINTENANCE DREDGING PHYSICAL MONITORING PLAN .ICP Pcrmit No. OU2538-00l)-.IC Novcmbcr 5, 20fO Physical monitoring of the Wiggins Pass Maintcnance Dredging Project rcquires the acquisition of project-specific data pursuant to 62B-41.005( 16), F.!\.C.. to include. at a minimum, topographic and bathymetric surveys of the beach and navigation channel. aerial photography, and engineering analysis. fhc monitoring data is necessary in order for both thc project sponsor and the Department to regularly obscrvc and assess. with quantitative measurements, the performance of the project. any adverse c1't~cts which have occurred. and the need for any adjustments. modifications. or mitigative response to the project. The scientific monitoring process also provides the project sponsor and the Dcpartment information nccessary to plan, design and optimize subsequent Illllow-up projects, potentially reducing the need for and costs of unneccssary work, as well us potentially reducing any environmental impacts that may have occurrcd or be expected to. The monitoring plan is based on condition in the prcvious permit for the same work (0142538-00 I-.IC). C<lnditions in the new permit (OI42538-009-JC) and guidelines for monitoring beach nourishment project modified far a navigation project. This Monitoring Plan can be revised at an) later timc by written requcst of the permittee and with the written approval of the Department. I I' subsequent to approval of the Monitoring Plan there is a request lllr modilieation of the pcrmil. the Department may require revised or additional monitoring rcquircments as a condition of approval of the permit modification. The plan contains the (l,llowing itcmsi a. Topographic and bathymetric prolilc surveys 0[' thc bcach and offshore shall be condueted within 90 days prior to eommeneemcnt of construction, and within 60 days following completion of construction of the project between R-I 0 and R-22. Profile surveys shall extend to the -14 ft. N!\ VD contour llr 2000 ['cet lllTshorc. whichever is grcatcL The pre-cnnstruction survey will consist of a survey collected in June 2010, the prior design survcy of the beach and navigation channcl. It will be supplemented with pre-dredge survcys taken just bcll)[e the time of construction. Thcrca1\er. monitoring surveys shall be conducted annually lor a period ofthree (3) years. Thc cxpiratillnofthe project design lilC is two to three years. The monitoring surveys shall be conducted on the anniversary llfthe post-construction survcy, expected in thc spring and repeated as closc as practicable during that same 1110nth of the ycaL The survey will be floated a few months lrol11 this anniversary, if it can be combined with another monitoring survey for a financial savings_ The monitoring area shall include profile surveys at each of the Department of Environmental Protection's DNR relCrcnce monuments within the bounds dcscribed above. For Wiggins Pass. the MIIW shoreline north of R-17 at the west corncr and the intcrior of Delnor- Wiggins will be surveyed to validate and supplement the shoreline identilied from aerial photos of the area. The Mil W survey w ill extend li'om R 17 appn"imately 1500 feet north and east along the sandy shoreline. All ,,"rk activities and deliverables shall be eonducted in accordance with the latest update of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (BBCS) Moniloring Slandardsfor /Jeaeh 1,-roslOn ( '"nlmll'm/cels. See/Ions () I ()(}() (ltIIl () 11 (}(i p ',( 'o//i"T',85()() 76 Wiggins /)(/,\.1 </1/(/ 1Jom Un/old/iml f'rujc'cl/'/u/J.\' ilnJ .'>'rN(' \ ,\!'!' !rVi/lS II'lg!;IIIS {'ass Phl.I'leal il1umlOrr!lf.: !)!an !(!:l5!l/don CAC December 9,2010 VIII~1 New Business 48 of 56 b. Bathymetric surveys or the navigation channel from Station -2,00 to 15 +-00 shall be conducted within 90 days prior to commencement or Cllnstruction. and within 60 days following completion or construction or the project concurrently with thc beach and offshore surveys required above. Thereat\cr, monitoring surveys or the navigation channel shall he surveyed concurrently with (he hea,h (/I/(( afflllo!'e survet's re(]uired ahove lor (/ period o{three (3) years ur the expinllio/l (~lth(' projecl design lije. h)r the \\i'iggins Pass project, survey grid lines across the borrow arca shall be spaced at 100 lCet aparl to provide sunicicnt detail f(Jr accurate volumetric caleulations and shall cxtend to include bathymetric surveys or thc entire shoal complex, including any attachment bars. fhe traditional bathymetric survey will be cxtended to cover the entire distancc between R 15 and R 18. In all other aspects, work activities and deliverables shall be consistc\1t with the BB('S !vIoniloring Slanda!'dsF" Beach Erosion Control Pro/eds. Sed ion 01200 modi lied Il)r navigation projects. c. The permittee shall submit an engineering report and the monitoring data to the BBCS within 90 days fl)lIowing completion of the post-construction survey and each annual monitoring survey. Acrial photographs will be provided from thc County's program supporting other purposes (such as for beach monitoring or property appraisal). which are collected annually, The report shall summarize and discuss the data, the perll1l'lmmce of the navigation project, and identify erosion and accretion pattcrns within thc monitored beach area. In addition, the report shall includc a comparative rcview or project pcrll,rmanee to performance cxpcctations and identilication or adverse impacts attributable to the pmjecL .lm shoreline and volume changes north oj' R~J 7 at the HTSI cornet" ({lid Ihe inferior (If J)('III()I'~ /J'iggins Pass Park, uflributable to the dredging evem should he idellll/Ied alld repo!'l"d Appendices shall include plots OrSUrW) prolilcs and graphical representations of volumetric and shoreline position changes 1(" the monitoring area. Results shall bc analyzed lor patterns, trends, or changes between annual surveys and eumulativcly sinec project construction. The monitoring plan is illustratcd on thc attached figure. P',Collier 85(!() 76 H'"iggllls 1'(/,\,\ <IlId Fl.'rIIl N.,',ioulliulll'rulc'CI lilw/.I <I/hl.)p",' ,AlP l1ei!!.\'II'lt:j.(lIIs 1'<1.\,\' PhYSldd ,\.fonituf/I1M Plan j/J15jli.don .I:fU'\f'1 .....0':> _,;'","0'0 tlW.fl:h..lx~,; IOI~L't 11..I'~.. ""'""'U"".Ir"'''':J''''~~ L"""YQ1~O'. 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Ill1;<IIlI'IICHtlCiVUV;lQa UlI'I^Jli1OllHO~WVOOU-,"'"llI'''C ~ W ":)NI 'ONll:l;liilNIUN3 'B UNINNV'd "WLSYO::J I I ~I ;1 :j ~I , I ~ "I " ; II '1 II ,:1 I ,u I' , ;~ , 'I ~ il c- o " ,,1 , i a :. ~.. ,- , i , , , J i~" .r ", , , I I 't.-J'J , ",,, ,<<;",' '" , III' i)"'.' '" :' I I I ~ "', ':j 21 , 'c " " '" " , , \: I I j ,:1 I I : ;1 1 : ~ " , , , . , I , , I I , , , ! ~ , ".X I , < , , I . '.IN" , I I i " i I , L Ii. 'i~1 ~,n' "(i,V' ""'I Jill V)"".'. II' '""~l , "' I V1 X , I , u . ~ ~I UN z. -0 ,0 <0 Z ~g ~* lX'j Um ~~~ ( .1:"'- ~,,< ""'':~ C;:;=1- " ':'~i I~ .~."' ..,,_,.... "'~_ .."'....~....'..""...-...u_--.._..,.,;. CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 55 of 56 Com~ County -~......,._, ~ Adn1tr1lstratrV€ ServiCES DNI$iOn P~il,:J1JSli~9 Standard Construction (BCC) Contracts Checklist WiQQins Pass Maintenance Dredging Do the Technical Spec's contain any proprietary Items? Yes 0 No [8Jlf Yes, attach the Spec pages for that item only. Fund/Cost Center/Project w/ WBS Element for Printing Bid Documents 195,11 0406~90522 Project Estimate 0 $200k, 499,999 ( 12'] $500.000=/+ ( .' Project Manager will arrange to have the legal advertisement placed With the Naples Dally News Engineer's Estimate: $750,000 Item Department Purchasina Name and address of Project Manager / Contract Information Gary McAlpin - Coastal Zone Managementi 3301 East Tamlaml Tralli Suite 103i Naples. FL34112 Design Professional's Name Coastal Planning and Enolneerlno Desion Professional's Contact Information Steve Keehn Project Name Wiggins Pass Maintenance DredOlna Bid Number 10,XXXXXX Drawino Sheet Numbers CP&E Sheet 1,5 - DatelTime Bids will be Received 200 PM on January 6, 2011 Mandatory/Non,mandatorv P~B Conf lanouaoe Mandatorv DatelTime of Pre-bid Conference 100 PM on 12/10/2010 Days to Complete Project Contract Award by 1/25/2011 i NTP by 2/15/201. Substantial Campletlon by 3/15/2011 Date of Notice List Cateoorv of Subcontractors (eo_. electrician) Bidder to saeclfv #Davs to Substantial Completion Complete bv 3/15/2011 #Davs Substantial to Final Completron Complete bv 4/1/2011 Liquidated Damage Dollar Amount $6.750 per day past Substantral Comaletion Insurance Menu US Longshoreman's & Harborworker's Act o Applicable ON/A Maritime Coverage (Jones Act) Risk Mamagement o Applicable ON/A Water Craft liability Review o Applicable ON/A Aircraft liability o Applicable 0 N/A Prooertv Insurance, Builders Risk o Apolicable 0 N/A 24/7 Hours/Davs of Work (State If non~standard\ Bid Schedule::' ,:" ' ' , , : Attached Subcontractor List ,,' , To be Usted by each bidder "Trench Safety Act Form " ,,' N/A ..-- Bid Bond Form "u.__ -~ Required Local Vendor Preference AffidaVit Yes ,-- What are the fundina saurces? (e_a_ arant. etc.) TDC funds Is this Praject funded (partially or In whole) by Federal aid? No If yes. attach applicable documents- . FHWA 1273. "Required Contract Provisions - Federal Aid Construction Contracts" . LAP Checklist and reauired Documents Is the Contractor Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Reaulred? Yes Exhibits: H_ General Terms & Conditions Yes L Supplemental Terms & Conditions Yes J_ Technical Specs Yes K. Permits (List permits and who IS responsible for obtaining) Yes L Standard Details Yes "Trench Safety - Use only for pralects with ditch-related work .:4 CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-1 New Business 56 of 56 CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-2 New Business 1 of 60 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Share the Naples Berm Restoration bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC. OBJECTIVE: Share Naples Berm Restoration bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC. CONSIDERATIONS: Key issues as follows 1. Permits from FDEP and the USACE are expected to be issued in December Permits are drafted and in the que for review within FDEP. This project is a lower priority for FDEP and will most likely be issued towards the end of the month. 2. All technical issues have been resolved with FDEP and this project should be similar to the previous berm project conducted earlier this year 3 This work will be required to be completed by the beginning of turtle nesting season and should take 6 to 8 weeks fo complete 4. An alternate to the Immokalee mine is acceptable Decision if the county should direct purchase the sand IS outstanding. 5. This project will be scope managed to not exceed $1.150.000. This coupled with the $200,000 for the first phase and $50,000 to repair Dune vegetation is within the $1,500,000 authorized by the BCC. 6_ Decision whether to include the beach south of Seagate access is pending_ Currently this area IS bid as an alternate 7_ The bid package is issued and the contract schedule is as follows: a. Pre bid conference on 12/10/2010 b Bids due to purchasing on 1/6/2011 c. CAC approval on 1/13/2011 d TDC approval on 1/24/2011 e BCC presentation and approval on 1/25/2011 f. Contract Award by 1/25/2011 g. Contractor NTP by 2/1/2011 h. Substantial completion by 4/30/2011 I Final completion by 5/7/2011 J. Liquidated Damage Dollar Amount of $4,350 per day past Substantial Completion 8_ Can work 24/7 with lights if schedule becomes an Issue Currently stated as dawn to dusk weekdays only 9. Close coordination with the City of Naples required Assigned individual from Naples required. 10.lssues with Chateau and plantings need to be resolved this next month (See attached sketch). ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Status update only FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category 'A" Tourist Development Tax fund CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 2 of 60 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action_ - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Status updafe onlyc PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director 0 ;; " Vi N " N oi . (0 .~ .c 0 0 E'" ~ ~ - . . p OZO 0: UN"' 0 <(~O U>'" ,,", -= C- O < 0 I N 'n ;:i' U ... "'" 0 "" ... .. ~ !E. "" = ~ .. 0 " ...l c = ~ ~ " ~ is 0 ;.-: ~ 0 0 '" + < "" or. , c ..: ~ :...J 0 " " C '" " c 2 N ::3 c- ,~ < ::i c ''C x " ., r, o r, l' ."? I<lA VI' 'U) UO!l"."1:>I CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 4of60 NAPLES BERM R.:STORA nON PRO.JECT (Truck Ilaul and Conveyor Sand Dclivcry) COLLIER COUNTY BID NO. Novcmbcr 2010 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Collicr County Govcrnmcnt W. Harmon Torncr Bldg., Suitc 103 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naplcs, FL 34112 Design Professional: Coastal Planning & Enginccring, Inc. 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 391-8to2 CAe December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 5of60 BID SCHEDULE Bid No. BASE BID NAPLES HERM RESTORATION 7 8 Unit Description , Unit Quantity Price Total Mobilization & LX $ $ --------..-- Demobilization Illr Berm Restoration Sand Transport & IONS 31,350 $ $ Placcmcnt (22,393 c.y.) Pit Pricc TONS 3 I 350 $ $ ---~ M.O.T. DAYS 45 $ $ --------- Turbidity & Enyironmcntal L.S. $ $ --.- -.--- Monitoring Construction Surveys LX $ $ Sand Analysis Sample 12 $ $ ---- -- - - ------- Bond IS $ $ --~ TOT AI. for BERM RESTORATION (NAPLES) $ Item 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL BASE HID CONTACT PRICE FOR NAPLES BERM RESTORATION in numbersi $ in words: $____ GAG December 9, 2010 VIII~2 New Business 6of60 BID ALTERNATIVE 1 PARK SHORE BERM RESTORATION Unit Unit Quantitv Pricc Description Item Total Additional Mobilization L.S. $ & Demobilization Sand Transport & TONS 10.970 $ Placement (7.836 c.y.) Pit Pricc TONS 10,970 $ M.O.T. DAYS 16 $ Turbidity & Environmental L.S. $ Monitoring Construction Survcys 1..5. $ Sand Analysis Samples 7 $ Bond I..S. $ $ BA-I $ BA-2 $ BA-3 BAA SA-5 $ $ $---~~ $ $ BA-6 SA-7 BA-8 $ TOTAL for BERM RESTORATION (PARK SHORE) TOTAL for BID ALTERNATIVE 1- BERM RESTORATION (PARK SHORE): in numbers: $ in words: $ CAC December 9. 2010 V11I-2 New Business 7of60 PRE-BID INFORMATION (Attach to Bid Form and includc attachments as necessary) A. Describe Bidder's proposcd method 0[' completing the Work being bid and a time schedule for implementing the phascs involved. B. What is the estimated daily production rate l'or the proposed for the work') What is the estimated duration of the work in days and months lllr the hcrm restoration? C. What size and typc 0[' equipment will you used on this project, to include front end loaders, dozcrs, dump trucks_ conveyors. etc." What equipment will you purchase or rent for the proposed work') D. List key personnel Bidder proposcs to use on this projecl including thcir qualifications and prior experience. CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 8of60 E. List other present commitmcnts including dollar value thcrcoC namc of owner and estimated dalc of completion. F. Will you sublet any part orthis work') Irso. give details. G. What is the last berm restoration project (with convcyors) of this nature that you have complctcd') H. l'Iave you evcr lililcd to complete work awarded to you: Irso, whcrc and whyo l. Name three individuals or corporations /l" which you havc perfllrlned work and their contact inf<Jrmalion as references. CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-2 New Business 9 of 60 The undersigned guarantees the truth and accuracy or all statements and answers made herein. Signature or llidder lly Name llusiness Address Incorporated under the laws or the State or NAPU~S ImRM RESTORATION PROJECT (Truck Haul and Conveyor Sand Delivery) Novcm ber 2010 T1<:CIINICAL SPECIFICA nONS -..- STU'IILN KLLlIN. P.L NO. 34857 DAIT. CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 10 of 60 CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-2 New Business 11 of60 NAPLES BERM RESTORATION PROJECT (Truck Haul and Conveyor Sand Dclivery) COLLIER COUNTY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I. INTRODl!CTION 1.0 BASE BID ........................................................ ...........................................................TS-I 2.0 BID ALTERN ATI VI.. ...... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ............ ........ .............. ......................TS-2 3.0 PROJECr MANAG I' M I..NI'... ............................... .............................. ....................TS-2 4.0 ORDER 01' WORK AND PROJECT SCllEDULE ...... ............... ...................................TS-2 II. llLRM RESTORATION PROJECT 1.0 PROJECT SCOPE............ ..................................... ..... ...........................................TS-2 2.0 PERMITS .... ........ .... ... ...... ........ .... ....... ........ ... .......... ....... ........ ... ..... .............. ............TS-3 3.0 TRANSPORT OF MATERIAI.S AND EQUIPMENT .....................................................TS-3 4.0 BEAClI FILL MATERIAL QIIALlTY STANDARDS ....................................................TS-4 5.0 SURVEY................ ............... ........................................................................TS-7 6.0 PAY MENTS ..... ........ ........ ............ .... ................... ..........................................................TS-7 7.0 BEACll Flljn............ ..................... ...........................................................................TS-8 8.0 CONSTRUCIION !\CTESS. ..................................................................................TS-l1 9.0 WORK ARLA ..... .. . ...... ...................... .............. ......................................TS-II 10.0 MISPLACED MAII'.RIAI.S. ............................................ ...................................TS-12 11.0 PUBLIC SAJLTY ....... ................... ........."""""""""'''''' .....................................TS-12 12.0 DAMAGES.......................... .................................. ...................................TS-12 13.0 QUALITY CONTROL.. ........................ .............................. ..................................TS-12 14.0 NIGIJTTIML AND WELKEND OPERATIONS ..............................................................TS-13 15.0 FINAL CLEAN-UP .............................................,.............................................................TS-13 16.0 PARK SHORE SI:UMENT SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.................................................TS-13 17.0 CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATlONS......................................................TS-14 18.0 PERMITS... .................. .................. .......................... ..................................................TS-14 19.0 PROITCTION OII.NVlRONMENTAI RESOlJRCES..................................................TS-14 III ENVIRONMI'NIAI PROTECTION 1.0 ENVlRONMEN'1 AI. PRO IECTlON ........................... ............. ....................................TS-17 2.0 IINAI CLI'AN-UP... ............... ...................................................TS-20 3.0 RESTRICTION OJ ACCI'.SS llY Till.: PUBLIC........ .....................................................TS-21 IS-; CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 12 of 60 NAPLES BERM RESTORATION PROJECT (Truck Haul and Conveyor Sand Delivery) COLLIER COUNTY November 2010 I. INTROIHJCTlON Collier County, Florida will conduct a herm restoration project in order to alleviate erosion at hot spots within the County. The project will be awarded to the lowcst responsive bidder. The project is summarized below by the base bid and bid alternative I. The time I(Jr substantial completion will be prior to start or sea turlle nesting season on May I. 2011. 1.0 BASE BID, 1.1 Naples lleach llcrm Restoration l'roject (Truek lIaul and Conveyor Sand Delivery) There arc two beach hot spots in thc Collier County area that need sand fill. The area south of the Doctors Pass groin will be a base bid item, while the Park Shore scgmcnl is a bid altcrnativc. The till area I(Jr the Naples Beach hot spot rangcs from R-58i\-400 to R-58. Erosion is high within this area due to rcsponse to the 2008 storm season. changes in inlet management (new disposal areas), and the inlluences of structures such as groins. A quantity of 31,350 tons (22,393 c.y) or lill shall be placed witbin Naples to achieve the desired protection. A eonwyor system will be needed to aid the transport of the sand I[om the dump trucks to the beach area. The permit does not allow for dump truck on the beach. The conwyor system will be placed from the public street (Gull' Shores Blvd.) across private property (Gullview Condo.} to the beach. The sand will come rmm the Imnlllkalee Mine (Appendix C) or other proposed and approved similar sand souree. The project will be built entirely by truck hauL and no equipment. other than that necessary to grade and place sand within the template, shall have access to the beach. 1.2 Bid Metlllld The best value bid I,"' the project described in Section 1.1 will be awarded the project's eontracl. The pre-bid inl()rmation questionnaire must be completely Ii lied out upon submission or your bid or your bid may not be considered. A bidder shall submit his bid on the Bid l'Orm and Proposal furnished. Bids shall be in the units specified for each item. All unit prices and lump sums shall include all expenses, overhead, pmlit and any otber costs necessary I(lr completing the Work. TS-I CAC December 9.2010 VIII-2 New Business 13of60 2.0 BID ALTERNATIVE. The second beach hot spot lies south or the Seagate groin in Park Shore, which is located at the end of the Seagate Drive acccss point. The till area IlJr the Park Shore hot spot ranges from R- 45+600 to R-46+400. In order to allcviate the erosion, appro"imately 10,970 tons (7,836 e.y.) of sand will be placed at Park Shorc. This item is on the hid schedule provided within the specifications and is to be completed. 3.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Collier County, Florida will conduct the berm restoration of Naples Heach. The project will be administered and managed by Collier County Coastal Zone Management Ortiee. The term ENGINEER as used in these technical speeilications will mean the Director or Inspector from this ortiee or the projcct cngincer with Coastal Planning & Engineering. Inc. The project team will be described at the pre-construction meeting. 4.0 ORDER OF WORK AND PROJECT SCHEDULE. As part or the proposal. the CONTRACTOR shall provide an order or work outline and project schedule to the ENGINFER and the OWNIR. I'he project schedule shall indicate, at a minimum, how the work will bc accomplished in the period approved by the permit agencies. II. HERM RESTORATION PROJECT (TRUCK HAUL AND CONV~~YOR SAND DELIVERY) 1.0 PROJECT SCOPE. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor. equipment. supplies, and materials to perform all operations in connection with supplying and transporting beach lill to project area, placing the till, and grading the lill as indicated on the plans and speeified herein. The area of Naples Beach just south of Doctors Pass (FDI'I' monument R-5RA to FDEP monument R-S8) and fronting Indies West, Gulf View, the Chateau and Royal Palm condominiums along with the beach area in North Park Shorc (11)1'1' Monuments R-45 and R-46) and tronting the Sea House, Le Parc and Meridian Club condominiums has e"perienced signilicant erosion as a result of this year's winter storms and Tropical Storm Fay. As a result, truck haul berm restoration will be preformed to stabilize the beach and pl'lltect the upland property. The Naples area is a base bid item, and the Park Shore segment is a bid alternate, to be built only on a scparate notice to proceed Irom the County. The CONTRACTOR shall place apprlEimatcly 31.350 tons (22.393 cy) of material on the beach at the Naples location as soon as thc pcrmit modi lieations and notice to proceed are issued. The time for tbis work is 90 days I'l'llm notice to pwceed, must be completed prior to sea turtle nesting season (May I), and is dependent lm the issuance of the revised permit and biological opinion. This small truck haul project will repair the erosional hot spots by nlling the current permitted beach tcmplate at eaeh location with an approved upland sand source trom eastern Collier COllnty. Sand placl'l11l'nt \\ ill occur using a combination of conveyor system and dump trucks. Conveyors \\ ill eliminatc the need It)r trucks traveling long distances on the beach by IS-2 CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 14 of 60 placing the conveyors at key condominiums or public access points and feeding sand directly into the conveyors Ii-om thc dump trucks. Maintcnance or traftie will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and aggressively Cllordinated with the affected condominiums and the City of Naples police department. Construction Methods The berm restoration pmjcct ItJr Collier County willusc dump trucks to haul sand to the project arca rmm upland sand sources. Sand will bc placed onto the beach using a conveyor system. The eonvcym system will move sand from the nearest public road across condominium pmperty to the beach. The conveyor system will be placed across the Gulf View condo property in Naples and along the Seagate Drivc public access way in Park Shore (see plans). l;nloading and dumping operations will occur on public roads and beach access \vays. A location ItJr the Park Shorc hot spot and Naples Beach hot spot bas been selected in proximity to the project area Itlr access or construction equipment onto the beach, but no dump trucks. The access area It)r the Park Shore hot spot is near FDEP R-monument R- 52 at Horil.On Way. and ItJr Naples Beach, the acccss point is located near R-66 at 3cd A venue North Park (see plans). Selcued construction equipment will transit the beach from the access points mentioned above lllthe proposed work area. No dump trucks will use the beach. The conveyor system is less intrusive on the beach environment and can lit easily in small areas that the dump trucks can nut pass through. The system will be as shown on the plans. Grading will occur to sprcad the placed sand within tbe desired template tbrough the use of bulldo/ers or bobcats supplemented with a Ii'ont end loader. The CONTRACTOR cquipment shall he cushioncd against damage to pavers, grass, bushes and fenccs, 2.0 PERMITS. The OWNER will obtain the permit permISSion required It)r the project, and the notice to proeecd will be given to the CONI RACTOR on their receipt. I'his permit will be ineluded in Appendix A when available. Ihe CONTRACTOR is solely responsible It1r obtaining at his Of her own cost all othcr appmvals requircd Itlr the mining and transport of sand to the project area. This includes any and all mad way permits. clearances, and business licenses required to bring sand to the beach. The CON IRACTOR will wl,,'k with the inspector and the City of Naples fegarding the use 01' (,ulf Shure Illvd. and ulhcr public roads. including activities which may result in partial blockage or thesL' mads. 3.0 TRANSPORT OF MATEHIALS AND EQUIPMENT, All material and equipment which is transported to, or away Ii-om, the site shall bc handled in a manner complying with all Federal. State, and local permits, laws, and regulations. 3.1. Pmhibition l)]1 Usc 01' Vessels at the l'l'lliect Area. Material and equipment shall be bmught tu thc sitL' by local mads. ClJl1struction access from Gulf Shore Blvd, IS-,) CAC December 9. 2010 V1l1-2 New Business 15of60 to the bcach shall be by the routes identitied in thc plans. The CONTRACTOR may not dclivcr equipment. materials, or pcrsonnel to the site by water borne vesseL 3,2 Tmnsport and Placement. Within thc above restrictions, the method of material transpmt and placement employed by the CONTRACTOR is optional within the provisions or the contract. Expenses incurrcd by the contractor relating to any pertincnt road use, delivery expenscs shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR. All nceessary transportation casements, accesses. and permission must be obtained by the CONTRACTOR prior to mobilizing equipment to the project area, Permission within the prescribed project area has been granted by these condominiullls and tIll.: County. 4.0 BEACH FILL MATERIAL QUALITY STANDAlmS, The quality of the material proposed jt" the project will be considered in selecting the CONTRACTOR 1l1r this project. Ihe material must come rrom the Immokalce Mine and/or meet the standard described here in I able I. The quality standard and rcquired suhmittals are described in this section and Appendices D and F. I'hc sand quality shall not vary trom the sample presented at bidding or contract negotiations. 4.1 Qualitv Characteristics 01' !-'ill Material. All /ill material must meet the quality requirements 01' these plans and specifications and Appendix D Sediment Quality Control/Quality Assurance Itlr Upland Sand Sources. The fill material must satisfy the !iJllowing l.Titl'ria: I. The average Mean (,rain Site shall be approximately 0.45 mm or similar to the sample dcsCI'ihed in Appendix C. Attachment I. 2. The desired average silt contentlpassing 1123010.0625 mm sieve) shall be no llll}re than 2().;J (/\ppendix D). 3. The lillmatcrialmust be Irce or debris. sharp meks, pebbles, concrete rubble, peat, cia\' and be very well drained 01' dry on delivcry. 4. The Munsell colol' value 0\ the dry sand shall have an average value of 7 or above. The sanel ~hall not have a ..,trung chroma of above 2. 4,1.1 Submitteds. Ilidders shall submit the Illllowing samples and documents \\ ith their bilk I. One I..S. pint (at least 2011 gramsJ sample or the sand being proposed Itlr the prlllCCI. ~ (,radation analysis report containing the Mean Grain Size, and Phi sorting (Standard Deviation) of the submitted sample. 3. Other characteristics of' thc matcrial. as listed in this Section and Appendix C. I'hese include the percentage of silt and the exclusion of clay. peat. debris. and largl...T ~tones. .1. ;\ rl.Tcnt quality' cPlltrul and lahoralllt') report on the product or pit prop\)scd Jor this prujcct. ). The dry \Iunsell characteristics (color value, ehmma, hue) ofthe sand, IS-t CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 16 of 60 TABLEt SUMMARY OF ACCEPTABLE SAND SOURCES . . - I Avg, Company Product (;raill Sorting Percent Pcrccnt Munsell Date of Sizc Color (mm) Carbonatc Fines Value Analvsis Immokalee Minc or other Bcach 2.5Y- equal and Sand 0.45 0.9, I 0 0.67 8/1 J un-1O approved , sand sourcc i ! -.d--~__". _.-~._. ~_...._.. The submission o! an unacceptable sand sample can be grounds fllr bid disqualilication. Ih,' submitted samplc must be consistent with the laboratory rcsults submitted by the CONTRA( 'lOR. The submittcd sand sample and documcnts shall bc considered the contractor's ccrtification of the material to bc providcd. The COI: NTY m:1\ conduct its own laboratory analysis of the suhmitted sampk. 4.1.2 Silll<LQ.ulllib:.Control. During loading and prim to transport of sand from an upland sand sourcc, thc CONTRACTOR shall sample and perform quality clln\rol gradatilln testing to assure that thc sand being delivered mlTts till.' Illl"1I1 grain Sill' standards. One gradation test and Munsell color evaluation shall hc per!(lt'Il1ed (In a random sample of sand representing eaeh 5,000 c\ or sand 10 bc delivered to thc project site or weekly, whichcvcr is mmc I;'cquenl. The E'JGINITR and OWNER shall also select .somc samples rrom \hc beach Illr analysis by the contractor (Appendi, D). The County observcr, with thc assistance of the CONTR,\CI OR, will take a saud sample rrom each truck at the site. Any and allmateri:lis that do not meet thc size and color requirements shall be rcjcctcd u[[clcr Ihc CO"lTR.\CTOR's quality control program. The CONIR\C l'OR will not receivc payment IlJr any material which is brought iO tile' site but rejectcd due to inconsistency with the requirements or thc qualil\ standards de.scribcd in Scction 5.1. Additionally, the ('ONm.\CllJR will be: rcquired to dispose of the delicient material at the e'pense ,li' the CONTR!\C n JR. The prclerred test lor calculating the mean grain site "f each sand sample shall be by use of the moment method. (,radation analysis using !)()'I procedures and sieve sizes is acceptable, but the 1'1 II Pllint graphical method is unacceptable for calculating mean grain size and sorting. rhe mean grain size using the 3- point method (I:olk and Ward Ill)57)) is as Il)llows: [),1IC:;1i1 .Q](,_L12'-,lJ j OS4 IS-5 CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 17 of 60 4,1.3 C,rain Size Icstin~ andl~Q,rtin~. The CONTRACTOR sball report the Mean C,rain Size. the Phi Swndard Deviation (sorting value), and Silt Contcnl or lile proposed sand souree(s) to the ENGINEER prior to COllll1lelll'ing work on the project and ror each quality control test during construction. l.aboral<>ry sicving or sand shall provide the data for calculation or the Mean Crain Size, Phi Standard Deviation and silt content. Ihe CONTRi\CT( )1< will conduct all tcsts and measurements in a laboratory pruposed by tile CONTRi\CTOR in his proposal and appruved by the ENCilNloElC Procedures [(" this situation will be included in the CON I Ri\(,,1 OR's quality control plan l'or review and approval. I ,ah,)ralory rL'~lIlts ~llT due vvithin a week of collection. The i\vcrage 'vlc,m Grain Size retCrs to the average or the Mean Grain Sizes calculalL'd lor all individual samples required for analysis. [he grain size distribution inlllrlnation should be based upon ASTM- D422. using standard sieves ur square mesh \voven \\i'ire cloth separated at (J.SO inlL'rvals (-4.00 to 4.00, and also the No. 20(J sieve and #230 sieve). i\ tabulation o['the labmatmy results orthe cumulative percent retained on each sieve by weight silall be provided with each gradation curve. Samples shall bL' numbered consecutively. Alternate methods of sieve analysis using sland,ml DOT sieves and methods can be proposed and used with appruval urthc' COIJNTY, but are less desirable. 4,1.4 Munsell Colur can be dete]'lnltlcd by using one or the published Munsell Colm Soil Charts. CieOleehtlilallaboratories normally have this reference, \\hich contain" culor pallets rur determining sand color by comparison. 4.2 Consistencv ur.V1at,uilll fthc lONe ilNIER believes that the Jill material does not comply with till' ab", c standards 01 tllc quality pruposed by the CONTRACTOR, the ENCilNI-I.I< mal rcquest the (ONTRi\CIOR to analyze, at his or her expense, the grain si/.e distribution (mean and smting) or a sample collected by the ENCiINLLlC II' ,my of the saml'lcs lails to meet the approved criteria, the I'NGINITR will selcct a second ""nple rrllm within SO feet. If the second sample I'lils: I. The LNCilNELR may direct the CONTR/\CTOR to remove and replace the unsatisLletml materi,il at tile CONIRACTOR'S e.'pense. 2. The CONTRi\Cl OR shall. at a minimum. supply materiallrom an alternative location at the sam! source. VI ith ccrtilication Irom the sand supplicr that the makrial is ill clllllplianCl: \vith dll' quality criteria. If the certification or quality I>n the nell material is "wdcquate as judged by the ENGINEER, then thc LNCil N I LR """ reqllll'c tilc CUNTRA( I OR to change to another sand suppl ier ill (l]\.li..'1 to [1ro\' Ide IlLltlTial consi~tent \vith the project quality criteria. SUl:h CIWllgL's \\ill !nvul\ c Illl additiunal costs to the O\\/NER. lS-(, CAC December 9,2010 VIIl-2 New Business 180f60 All samples Irol11 thc project site shall be identilicd with the community name and station valuc (0' (0) 11'0111 which they \\ere collected along with the time and date of collection. 4.3 Quantitv Mcast!remellt. l'ayment Ill)' quantities f(,r fill placed on the beach will be based on weight measured Irol11 an approved scale. A QA measurement of the sand placed \\ ill use pre- and post-placement surveys conducted by the CONTRACTOR pe)' Section :i belo\\ I'here are approximately 1.4 tons per cubic yard of sand on a n,nural beach. Un,ompacted dry sand on a beach or in a truck has a l(}\ver densit\ per cubic yard l'he method of measurement of the placed sand on the beach is by survevv'd prolilcs at the IOO-lllOt intervals shown on the plans. 5.0 SURVEY, The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a post-construct" lit surveyor the beach pronle at each FDEP R-monument (R-46, R-S8A and R.:iS). I'hesc three lilles shall extend beyond the -12 ti-NAVD contour and upland as described Ill)' lhe placement surveys belo\\. The CONTRACTOR shall also conduet pre- and p"st-placement surveys at lOO-/Dot intervals. The surveys will extend perpendicular to the beach I'rom above the t7 Il-NA VD contour to below the proposed toe of lill at approsimat,'ly -8 Ill(lt NA VI) elevation. II' there is no +7 ft NAVD elevation, then the suney shall extend Sit Icet shore\\ard or the landward limit of nil shown on the plans. The CONTR,\C l'(lR will the the survey baseline on the plans. The offshore placement surveys shall extend at least lOll Icet beyond the toe or lill. The pre-placement survey shall be provided to the INCiINFFR live (S) days prior to the start of construction at a site. Ihe I:Nt;JNITR Illay update the plan and prolile views of the project area based on the new slIl'vey and provide them to thc contractor. l'he update profiles will have an average cross-section compatihle with th~ contract amuLlnL The CONTRACTOR's surveying pcrsolmel shall Ill' duly qualilied and experienced to perform all required surveys in a m'lIlncr satislilctory to thc OWNER. A surveyor registered in the State of Florida shall be responsible Ill(' 'lIld cenily all sune\ \\ork. All surveys shall be in accordance \\ith professional standards atld prCletil'es. All surveys shall bc perl{JrIned in the datum and coordinate system sho\\n un the pi,,,,,. The sune\ \\ill be thc basis Illr construction staking. Survey data shall be providcd t" thc I'.NGINI.I.R in di"italll1r111 either in \, y, Z or elevation and distance from the basc linc. 6,0 PAYMENTS. 6.1 Mobilization and J)S!ll(lbilizati"ll. All costs associakd with tbe mobilization and demobilization 01' beach lill construction related equipment and site restoration shall be included in the lnmp SUIll CO',[ Illr this bid item. Sixty (60%) percent of mobili/ation \\ill be p:lid with the liN invoice, il at least 500 cy has been placed on the bcach and construction is eOl1linuing. The OWNER has the right to reduce the mobili/.alion Ull1Ulll1t if it app~ar', It) be disproportionate to the cost of the project. TS-7 CAC December 9. 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 19 of 60 6,2 Provide Beach Compatible Sand (Pit Price). 1\11 costs associated with the procurement or beaeh compatible sand from an upland source that meets the technical specilieatiu'h shall hc included in the unit cost Illr this item. Payment \vill be based un tuns ph.K'l'd on the h..:ach. Payment will be bdsc'd un weight tickcts verified by pre- and post-placement surveys conduekd bv the CONTRACTOR under the observation of the COUNTY's reprcsent,tivc. Thc sun eys will be conducted at intervals not to exceed 100 ket ,md IV ill be spaced tu coincide with the FDEP R-monuments as shown un the pl,"lS. Maximum paymcnt shdll II0t exceed the bid quantity regardless of tolerances. In addition, paymenl h) hedch segment shall not exceed the quantity shown on the bid rorm. The bid quantity will be equally distributed along the beach with the profiles sho\vn OIl thl.' plans. The COUNTY retains the right tu pl'llvide sand itself Irom thc mine and then provide thc sand to thl' CONTR;\CICJI<. 6.3 Sand T'ilnSjJuCl"nd)'la,cment. All custs associated with the compliance of all sections and ~lssol:iatcd subsectiulls of these Technical Specifications except where specilicall) nuted sh,dl he included in thc unit cost Illr beach Jill placement. This shall include hut II0t b,: linlited tu lrallsportation. Stockpiling, Layout of Work for Beach l'illl'LiccllIelll. I'lllceme'lt urlk"ch Fill. and Grading. 6.4 Sand Analvsis. I'd)mCIll will be based on each beach sand sample sieve along witb Munsell Culor 2lllal)'/ed as described in this document. A complete analysis will include a grlldatilln curve dnd table and the lull Munsell color description of the wet sand. 6.5 No Adjustment ,,f'-L'..Ilitj't:ice. '10 /\dlustment shall be made in any Unit Price of the Contract Illr chllllges ordered b) thc COU'ITY that cause an increase or decrease "I' up to 2')';" in the amoullt 01 Work (by volume of material placed in accordance IV ith thc r,'quirements herein). No adjustment shall be made in any unit price irthe COl ,,1"\ dues not cil'd to award Bid Alternative I. 7,0 BEACH FILL, 7.1 General. l'he project requires the CONI RACTOR tu Jill within beach templates shown in on thc 1'1,",,-1 he b,d qualltily will be distributed proportionally under the template. the volumcs and tonnllgcs of sand required to complete the project appeat' in the bid 10J'ln, represelltativl' design templatcs appear un the plans. All sand (Ii II) shall he lr'"lSported to the hedch and deposited un the beach within the lines, grades and crt)S..., sl.'diolls sI10\\I\ on the plans. and as updated using the pre- placemellt Sllrvl'\. N\) rvlAllRIAI. IS 10 BE PLACLI) OUTSIDE THE LINES AND (jRAlll.S SIIO\V'\. The CO'lIRACTOR shall maintain and protect the IS-X CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 20 of 60 till in a satislilctory condition al all times until tinal completion and acceptance of the work. 7.2 Tolcranc~s and Conlillgcnci~s. 7,2,1 The CONTR.'\C lOR shall grade and maintain the till within tbe upper tolerancc elevation at all 10cati<Hls. I'he vertical tolerance is 0.0 feet above and 0.5 feet bclow the telllplate. Fill placcment must be equally distributed along the entire lill area. Ihe lelllplate can hold more than the bid quantity of sand. The appro,imate lill dcnsity Illr Naplcs and Park Shure till areas is approximately 30 cubic vards ,md t2 nil)ie yards per linear Illot respectively. The OWNER or loNGINI'IR 111'1\ rcquire thc CllNI RACTOR to adjust any detieient fill distribution. 7,2,2 Thc c,isting beach protiles are limited and have changed since the last survey. Th~ c()!lslruelion prnliles may be modified accordingly', using the pre- placement survey vvhile maintaining thl' sal11~ average nil distribution. 7.2.3 Sand removed rrOIll Ihc bcach and placed in thc berm will not count tovvards the pay volume. Thc CONTRACTOR shall \lllt place' or manipulate the sand to change its unit vveight llr sile prior l\l the placClllcllt survey. 7.3 \~/cighl and Sun.cying Rcquircment'>. rhe CONTRAC lOR slwll be responsible for conducting pre-and post-placement (as built) pr01ilc surve) s along \\ ith the post-construction survey at 3 FDEP monument locations. I'he post-construction and post-till surveys can use similar lines, il'the CONTR'\CI OR cbires. 7.4 Surveyed Protiles. 7.4, L Ijll,J'Jacclll~nt.Jh:twecn SLlrvejc Prolile I.ines. Prior to submitting an application Illr i'C1)lllcnt. the CO'lIRACTOR shall grade and dress the heaeh (see paragraph "Dressing" bclow). I'he constructed beach conlOur lines hetween pay prolilcs shall be par,t1lel and straight lincs, indicating that the CONTRACTOR has constructed a unil(JrI11 noss--sL'l:tion het\\~cn the profile lines. If the ENGINIT.R detcrmilles that the beach has bcen undertilled. the CONTRACTOR shall rcdistributc lill Llnlil the beach is Llnillll'ln in appearance and the dimensions between pay prolile lines are umsislent with the plans and specifications. Fill will be paid ror by' vVl'ighl tickets. 7.4,2 Selccti,>n. \11 surveyed protile and station locations arc shown on the plans, Thc LNGINITI{ and the OWNER will not consider any profiles other than those sbown in the plans ,,,,d descrihed in the speeilications. I'he ENGINEER shall have limtl deciSion regarding any and all issues related to pay \\/cight tickets, pay I'S-() CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-2 New Business 210f60 proliles, pay volumes and any [\ther issues pertaining to the project construction. Any questions or I'ullillment 01' the said specifications. or plans, shall be decided by thc LN(iINLLR, and said wllrk shall bc done in accordance with the 1'''iGINI'TR'S interpretations 01 the meanings 01 the words, terms, elauses, plans or any other (JocLllllent dclining the character oCthe \\ork. 7.4.3 Surveyed proliles will be used Il)!, verily pay quantities and meet permit cnnditi{)lls. 7.4.4 The CO~ I Ri\CTOR will be eligible k>r progress payments when: a) Thc hcach lill has been placed, graded, dressed, LNGINI.LR's rl'prcsenta\ive In compliance with specilicaliuns. between (J set or station lines. accepted by the the plans and b) The ('( lNTR,i\( 'TOR has provided thc documentation required in these specilication ineluding \leight tickcts, as-built cross-section and laboratory analysis or sand sdmples being invoiced. 7,5 Pre-Fill Site l'rcparalion Prillr to placemcnt or till. the COt\TRi\CTOR shall removc rrom the site of the work all snags: drilhvood, rocks. and similar debris ly ing within the limits of the beach lill section. .\llmatcrials removed shall be disposed of in an appropriate and legal manncr by, and at the e~pense o! the CONTRi\CTOR. Grading and other construelion cquipment \I ill not bc permitted outside the construction and staging limits e.\cept I(.)r ingress or cgri..":ss to and 1"0111 the sitl.:. 7.6 lleaeh Construction 7,6,1 Bcach.Jjll. Ihc lill material shall be placed and brought to rest on the beach to the lincs. grades, and cross-sections indicated on the plans and profiles, unless othemise' prov ided I'lr herein llr directed by the LNGINEER. The beach L.'lcvations arc suhject to change, (Jlld the elevations or the beach at the time the \lork is undem al w ill vary li'om thc clevations sho\ln on the plans. The plans and pmliles may be updated based on the pre-plaecmcnt survey. It is anticipated that then: \vas (J significant change in L.'lc'v"ation, but the cross-section will hold an amount oJ'sand hngn lhdll the bid quantity. I"hrsC' Car tors shall considered by the bidder prior to m.lking a bid. 7,6,2 Unilll1'lll I ill. I'hc LN(;INITR reserves the right to vary the width or grade ()rthe berm Irom the lines and grades shown on the plans or observed at the project site in urder to establish a uni !()rm beach bd\veen adjacent pay profile lint:s (l]" Itl]" the clltirL' lent-,.th urthe projeL'l as shown in tht: plans. 7.7 Construction SUlkes IS-Ill CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 22 of 60 7,7,] (;rade Stak~l{eLluirements. Ihe CONTRACI OR shall furnish, at his own expense, such stakes. templates, platt(lrms, equipment, tools, material, and all labor as may bL: rClJuired in laying put any part of the \vork. from the monuments, control data and elcvatiuns plOvidcd by the ENGINI.FR. The grade stake placement shall be based on thc pre-l'onstruetion survey results and the updated construction tL:mplall'. 7,7,2 (,rade Stak"i\~cuunting. Crade stakes lei! in the beaeh after construction can prescnt a sa10ty hazard to beach visitors. l'hus, the CONTRACTOR shall record every stake used I" construct thc project and account Il" them as they are removed. 7,7.3 <:Jrade St,lke saklLJ~l~e<lILtl[Jns The CONTRACIOR is to remove all grade stakes lrom each c"mpleted secti"n immediately al\er the section has been cumpleted and ;.u.':CL:pkd. Upllll ..::umpletion or constrlli:tion in an area, the CONlRACTOR shall cUllduct a search 10 lind each and every stake placed by the CONIIV\CIOR in the area. The CONTRACTOR will not be eligible for payml'nt until tbl' CONTRACTOR certilies in writing that all grade stakes in completed sl'ctiul1s hllvL: beL:n ITl11o\.'ed. 7,8 DresSln~ 111'1111 cumpletiun ur all lilling operations within a segment of the project area, thl' lillun the beach shall be graded and dressed with a dragged pipe or similar methud tu level the beach and dune, su as to eliminate any undrained poekcts, ridges, "nd deplessions in the beach lill surl'lees. Ihe CONTRACTOR is to grade and dress thL' lill ill the segment ill slleh a manner as to establish unilllrll1 widths "lid slopes between "djaecnt prolile lilies. /\ny length of bank or scarp caused by "cean w"vc er"sioll. delined as steeper than one (I) foot vertical to twu (2) 10ct 11\lrimnt,,1 shall be gmdcd down to " slope not steeper than this slope 10 just bnd\\ard ol'thc \vater\ edgL'. 8,0 CONSTRlICTIOI\ ACCESS. The CONTRACTOR sh"lllimil his ClllIstructiun access tu the beach tu the two locations shown on the plans or as "pproved by thl' I NCINITR \Ir OWNFR. Only one route per segment is sized for large trucks and hea\'\ equipment. While construction activities are underway at a given section or the projcct arca. the CONTI{/\l 'lOR shall limit all access to that section's construction area. unless uthel'wise approved b) the OWNFR. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution \vhen acccssint: and drh'ing on the beach. Sections urlhe bL:ach and arc heavily used by the public during all pCl'iuds 01' the ye"r. I he accesscs pllilltS arc Ilorizon Way vicinity R-52 and 3cd Avenue Nmth vicillit) R-()!,. 9.0 WORK AREA. The construction "rea limits aV:iilable to the CONTRACTOR fllr accomplishing the work are shown on the plans. Ihc CONIIC\CTOR shall accolllplish the work in such a manner so as to minimize disruption to trartic "11 (,ulr Shore Iloulcvard, its adjacent access roads or the public beaches. The CONTR..\CTOR will be required t,l exclude thc public lilr sa10ty purposes from IS-II CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 23 of 60 the sections or the project arcl.l in \vhich construction activities arc unuer\\'ay. To minimiZe disruption to the beal'h area, stlging and slOrage shall be restricted to those shown areas on the plans or proposed b) the CON lRf\('IUR and apl'r<>ved hy the OWNLR llr ENGINEER. The storage areas shall be kept neClt and (lJ'derly. and in a manner supporting the public safety, During marine turtle nesting seasOl1 (MClY I thrllugh October 31), staging shall he otTthe beach as described in the permit conditions in Appendix ;\. I I' an ol'tSite location is uscd for staging, storage, or any othcr purpose, the area's vegetation shall not be damaged and the CONTRACTOR shall cllnline his \\(lJ'k in such a way that any access to parking is not affected more than necessary. The CONI R;\CI OR shall take care to avoid overhead power lincs in the area. This will be accomplished by doubling the 1111 dcnsity lln the adjacent fill cross-section for a distance equal to the wetted heacll lill area. Once survey measurement has llccurred, the fill will be regarded to the limits auth(lJ'i~ed b) the pcrmits to lill the gap. 10.0 MISPLACED MATERIALS, If any material is deposited othl'r than in places designated or appr<>wd, the CONTRACTOR may be required to remove such misplaced mClterial and redeposit it where directed by the ENGINEER or OWNIR at the CUCoi !'R;\CTOR's expense. 11.0 PUBLIC SAFKI'Y. The CONTRACTOR shall prO\ idc and maintain kncing, barricades, \\aming signals, and/or a flag person as required b) 10cCll, Slate, or l:eder,,1 regulations or as required by the plans or specifications in the pr<>ject arca to ensure public satety. I I' the CONTRACTOR is not able to keep and maintain thc public at 'I sak distance j'r<>ml'onstruction activit), the CONTRACTOR is to notify the OWNlcR and reque,t assistClnce in contr<>lling public access tlllhe construction site. ]2,0 DAMAGES. In the event that damage is causl'd I)) the CON I RACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall restore all damage to sidc\v<.dks, roads, Sl\l\Valls, vcgclaliull, buildings, pavers, or allY other structure or natural feature to pre-constructil>ll cllnditions (lJ' bl.lter. No 1111 will be plalTd against or within 5 I'eet 01' any building. All dClmClges to I'rivCltc (lJ' public property resulting from the CONTRACTOR's operCltillns skill be rcpaircd by Ille CONTRACTOR at lhc CONTRACTOR's expense. The loNUINI'LR al)(l UW\lER shall determine il' repairs arc required and the CONTRACTOR will not receive limd payment until all damage is restored to the satisfaction of the OWNER. 13.0 QUALITY CONTROL 13,1 (jeneraJ The CUN IK\CTOR shall provide all quality control necessary to construct this pro,iect. Illhe cOlllrador lhK"S tHJl have jll~hollse quality control personnel, he/she shall subcontract quality control \\orl-.. to a licensed laboratory or qualified prol'essional. Ihe CON I R,\CTOR shall toll,m all qual it) control measures specified in the above scclions. The (,()NI I{ACTOR \\ ill provide a quality l'lll1\rlll plan for review and approval b) the OW >d:R \\ ilhin live (:i) day s alter award. I S-12 CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 24 of 60 13.2 Wed,lv Oualitv (' ()lluQlI-teport. The CONTRACTOR will be required to prepare a weekly Quality ContI">! Rcplli't and I[lrllish copies to the I'NUINl,I'R weekly. The CONTRACTOR will make a weekly report or the same intllClnation to tbe County observer in person or b) email weekly. Reports shall be provided rrom the first day of mobilization to the last (by or demobili/atil'n, ineluding site clean-up. The written report will be required eaeh Thursday at noon. l'xample copies of the Weekly Quality Control report appear in I\ppcndi\ Il. and they can be submitted by email. The CONTRACTOR may substitute his own qualil).' control r~purt !(mnat if: I. It contains, at minimum, all or the inll)J'lnation required by the IlJrmat example in Appendix IJ. and; 2. The CON mAC I'OR'S quality control report Illrlnal is approved by the ENUINEER. 14.0 NIGHTTIME ANI) WEEKE"'I> OPERATIONS, Nighttime is the period betwel'll sunset and sunrise. Nighttime and weekend construction activities will be governed by tile need. The CON m,\CTOR shall design his schedule to avoid night time and weekend work. The C"unty may consider changing this ir time to completion before sea turtle nesting season bl'''':Olll~S a COIll'LTn. Truck deliveries to the beach may be allowed at night, but will havc to be addressed lit the pre-construction meeting to define the extent of these op~ratiolls, in uekrcllce tu the residclltial nature oCthe area. 15.0 FINAL CLEAN-UP, Final clean-up will be as stated in the General Conditions. 16.0 PARK SHORE SEGMENT SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, The public access at Seagate DIlIl' In P/lrk Shlli'l' is long and narrO\v. The desired method is to move the sand with conveyors eI,,,, II the length 01' Ihe pathw") which is over 500 feet long. If the CONTRACTOR has insullicilnt conve) lli'S, trucks mav haw to be backed down the accessway to a conveyor over thl' suinv;IY 10 the heClch, The CONTRACTOR may remove installed benchcs and ballards, but shall replace them to pre- construction condition. I.:ithcl' \lay that the sand is conveyed down the aeeessway, the CONTRACTOR sball protect the pavers, trees, vegetation and other I'lcilities Ii-om damage by using cushioning, sLlch as pl)\\o()d l1ver the j1dvcrs, All damages and \vear shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibilit) to repair. lS-11 4 Photograph I: This is thL: view k)okin:,', cas! imV;lrd (:lul!" SIH!I"l' 131vd. and west to\vards thl' oC<'Ich along the Seagate Drive public aCCl:SS, COlltractur should ill'ipCc\ site pcrS(l11 :11;, t,) see Wh,11 Ilwditicatioll Illay be needed to move sand from the street to tilt.' hCal.Jl by CUtlvcyurs ,\lId trucb. CAe December 9,2010 Vlll~2 New Business 25 of 60 At the Naples beach area, the conY('. or must be se: up to transit pavers, grass and fences. These cannot be removed, but shall be prc>lceled and repaired in a similar lilShion as described above. ]7,0 CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, A complete set or construction plans and spel'ilica:ions shall be kept at the eunstruetion site in a dry location at all times during prolect construction l.ost sets or plans clm be replaced by the ENGINEER. 18,0 PERMITS, The CONTRACTOR shall comply \Vilh all requirements under the terms and conditions set out in all permits applicable to the \lurk. l'rojeet permll Cllpies are provided ,lS '\ppendix A of the specifications. Speeillcally. the C()~TIV\(,T()R \Viii liulliliari~e himsclr with specific conditions contained in the I.ll,rilh Department "I Environmental Protection (FDEP) permit Any other licenscs, easements ",' approvals requiled, including, but not limited to those which may be required by the l'IXH. ('ollier County (bl'l'caller rcICrred tu as the OWNER), or City of Naples shall be secured and paid Illl' by the C( 1-" mACTOR. A cupy or each permit and approval is provided in the appendices, and arl' a pari ol'the contract documents. 19,0 PROTECTION OF ENVmONMENTAL RESOURCES, The environmental resources IV ilhin the prcljeet boundaries and those arICeted outside the limits ofpermaocnt work undcr this Cl,lltract shall be proll'Cled during the entire period of this contract The CONTRACTOR shall COli line his/her acti,'ties to areas delined b) the drawings and specifications. FnvironlllC'1l1al pt\ltcdiol1 shall bl: ~lS stated in the follo\ving subparagraphs. ]9.1 Protcctioll ufl"lthl Rvsourccs The CONI RACTOI, shall nut relllllve, cut. deti\ec, injure, or destroy land resources including sand dune or l1\..'rm vegetation, trees, shrubs, vines~ grasses, top soil, and land kmlls \vitholll direct \vriHen permission from OWNER. No ropes. cables, or guy', shall be rastl'llcd to or attached to any trees for anchorage I S-I~ CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 26 of 60 unless specificallv authmized. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the replaccmcnl or any damaged or lkslrO)'cd vcgetatiol1. lo thc salis faction of the OWNER. Failure to rcplace dal11aged or deslroyed vegctation by the CONTRACTOR will result in replacel11ent by the OWNER: cost of replacement will be deducted ii'om monies due t() the CONTRACTOR, or Irol11 monies which will he due to the CONTRACTOR 11) thc OWNER. 19,1, ) 1{8,lant~lg. II construction IS damagcs vcgetation, tben the CON IR:\CIOR ,hall replant the vcgetation, at his m her own expense. 19.2 Sca turtlc l11onitoring: Sec Appendix:\ or perl11it conditions, when available. 19.3 Ilardbottol11 COl11l11unlties 19,3,1 Ilardbottol11 cOl11munitics eXISt olfshore of Collier County, near the area to be lillcd with trucked and conveyed sand. The CONTRACTOR shall avoid coutacl wilh an) and :Iil hardbottom eOl11munities which are to be protceted during pCrlllrlllanCe or the work. The Plans rellcct the location or hardbutlolll in the gCI1L'r,-lI project area for the convenience of the CONTR:\CI UR. The CONTRACTOR shall usc all mcans necessary to prevent impacts t() the hardbottol11 by equipment ()r placed sand. It will be s()lcly tile' responsibility or the CONTRACIOR to avoid all hardbottom llmnatiolh alld hardbolt()lll bin logical communities. 19.3,2 At no timc sh:dl the CONTR.:\CTOR be permitted to lay anchors, cables m pipe or an) other objcct on any hard bottom resources, or within 75 feet or the hardboltom res() llI'ce ,. The CONTRi\CIOR shall also exercise caution illl}~1i:raling all \cssl'1s in shallo\\/ \\atel". 19.4 Water l)uality 19.4.1 Turbiditv Turbidity IJlonitoring as rcquired in the [)EP permit and as described In this section will bc conducted by the CON'I RACTOR. A CONTRACTOR's representative familiar with turbidity Illoni\()ring shall be prccsent at all times when fill Illilleri,d i., disposed or in the nedlshorc (wetted) lill. This iudividual shall servc' as site supervism and shall have the authority tl) ~tlki' Cllnstructioll techniqul's or shut uown lhl' nearshore fill olkTatlons ir lUI'bidil) levels exceed the compliance standards eSlabli;hed in the DIP permit. Tbe nallles and qualifications of lll()Sl' individuals pcrllJrlning these fUllctions along with 24-hour Clllltau inllJrllliltion shall be submitted to the COUNTY immediately aller th,tice or award. The CONTRACTOR shall IXll\'idL' trullsportatioll tu the munitoring lucations ftJr sampling and IS-I" "'.1".'-"--~"'-- CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 27 of 60 testing as wcll as Illr the ENGINEER and Il1r agency staff as may hc requestl'd at any lillll: during construction. 1904,1.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide information on the loc'ation 01 the lill disposal as needed to completc the monitoring repclrh to the !lIT, It is the CONTR!\CTOR's responsibility to cOllducl the 1111 placl'ment activitics so that the project remains in compllancl' IV ith the !lEI' water qualil) standards with regard to turhidl\y. 19.,U.3 'I urbidily is to be measurcd in Ncphelometrie Turbidity UIlIts INTI is). Turbidity of more than 29 NTUs above background at the edge or the mi~ing zone, as dellned in the permits, is a vildation of State Walcr Quality Standards. The need for Illcasurements is contingent on appearance of the plume. ) 904,1 A I'he (0" I RACTOR shall obtain and analyze water s"lllplcs Illr tlll'bidit) Sampling shall be wnducted in accordance Vlllh lechlliques de,cl'ibed in the latest edition of "Standard Vklllllds" publishcd b\ the American Public Ilcalth Association i'\ 1'11'\). American W"terworks Association (A WW A), and Water ['ollutllln (ontroll'cdcration (WPCT), and other currcnt techniques n?ulgnil.cd hy thl' scientific community. Samples obtained for turbidity "nalysis shall be analyzcd within 30 minutes of collection. S'"nples will be taken with a sampler obtaining s~llnpks L1IlCont,-llllilwtl'u hy' \vater from any other depth. . Samples to be analyzed for turbidity will be taken daily whcn the conditions described in the permit occur. . I'urbidil) tnonitoring reports IV ill include the same type of inf(H"lllation ckscribed Ilx \\/iggins Pass. 1904,1.5 II' monitOlillg reveals turbidity levels greater than 29 Nil is above background levcls in a visible turbidity plume the ('( lNllV\t 'TeJl{ shall cease immcdiatelv construction activities slull ,1:HJ not resume until corrective measures have been taken and tut hidily has rc\urned \0 acceptahlc lcvels, In addition, the ('(IN I RAt'IOR shall notil) the (ounty, Engineer or inspector illI1l1Cl:iatL'iy or \11\ \Ill' Illorning or till' rullo\\'Ing work day if it Ol:,:urs alkr normal \\\\rk hours. I S, II, CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 28 of 60 III. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1.0, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, 1.1 For the purpose "I this speeificatio". environmental protection is defined as the retention or the L'nvironmcnt in ih natural state tu the extent possible during project constructidJl dnd to enhalllT the natural appearance in its llnal condition. F,nvirunll1cntal prutl'l'tion requin.'s l:onsideration uf air, water, and land, and involves noise. ~olid \\a~te lllanagCl11ent as wdl as other pollutants, In order to prevent any cnvinlllmcntal pollution arising lI'om the construction activities in the perfll1'lllUnCe or tliis ('onlract, the ('( JNTRACTOR and his Subcontractors shall comply "ith all applicable I'edcr,d, State and local laws and regulations concerning en\/irolll11l'ntal pollutl()11 I...'()ntrol and abatement. 1.2 The CONTRACTOR must hc IClIlliliar with permit conditions lor Wiggins Pass dredging and the herlll restoratiun pruject. Nut all permit conditions are explicitly stated within the I'echnieal Specificatiuns, bllt can bc !lllllld "ithin the permits in Appcndices /\ ami B. 1.3 Subcontractors: Compli,,,,ce "ith Ihc provisions or this scction by the Subcontractors" ill he thc responsibility ofthe CONTRACTOR. 1.4 Prevention or Landscape Ikt~lCcmeJ\t. 1.4,1 The CON lR/\CTOR shalllll,t deface, injurc, or destroy dune vegetation, trees or shruhs, llor rel110ve or cut them \vithout the authority of the lcNGINLlR. I{opcs, cables, "r guys shall nllt hc fastened to or attached to any existing Ilcarby trel'S \11' existing structures. V/hcrl' the possibility e.\ists thai trecs may be dcl",ed, bruised, injured, or othcrwise damaged hy the (( JNTlV\l'TOR's eqllipmcnt or opcrations, the CONTRACTOR shall adequately prutect slIeli trees. Monulllents and markers shall be protected lK'lllre cllllstnlctioll opcrations eOl11llll'ncc. 1.4.2 B~~toraJil)]L~L Lan~b!-.'-,\p_~I\I!l.}l!.~. Any' trecs. beach vegetation, or other landscapc l'eallll'c scarred ur damaged by thc CONTRACTOR's equipment ur oper'" ion, shall he rcst"red to a condition satisfactory to the (,'NCiINI.II{, I.\pcrieneed \\urkmen shall perlllrm restoration of scarred and dan"'ged trees ill an ,q)proved manner. rrecs damaged beyond rcstoratiull slull he remuvc'c1 and disposcd ul by CON rRACTOR in a manncr appnl\cd hy 1'.NldNI'LR. Trces that arc to bc removed because of damage shall be rcplaced al the CONTRACTOR's expense by nursery- gnnvn tl"Cl'S lli'the same spel~iL:s or a species approved by the ENGINEER. I'hc ENCiINII,.R shall alsu ,'ppruvc the size ,,"d quality or nursery-grown trees. 1.4.3 i\ny uplalld slurage areas required by the CONTRACTOR shall be the respunsihilit) ul' Ihe CO," I RACTOR, and the CONTRACTOR shall d1tain all 11CCl','iSar~ approval" for an) sllch arL'as. I S-17 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-2 New Business 29 of 60 1.5 Post-Construction gcanull or OblilcJation: The CO'-:TRJ\CTOR shall obliterate all signs or conSlrLlC1ilm \VORK areas, \vaste materials, or any other vestiges of construction. includin~ grade stakes. as directed by I.NCjlNI:LR. The area will be restoreu 10 near Ilatural cunditions. 1.6 Spillag,;: Special measures shall be laken by the CON IRACTOR to prevent bilge pumpage ur eflllli.:llt. chL:micals, rul"ls, uils. greases, hituminous materials, waste washing, llL:rbicitks illKI insecticides rrom entering public waters, 1.7 Disposal: Dispo"d 01' any materials, wastes, e1Iluent. trash, garbage, oil, grease, chemicals, ctc" in areas adjaeenl to streams ur other waters or the State shall not be permittcd. II an) waste materials are dumped in unauthorized areas, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the material(s) and restore the area(s) to the original conditirll1. I r iH..'CCSSar), cuntaminated ground shall be excavated, disposed or as dirccted by I.!\I ,INI.I.R. clIld leplaced with suitable lill material, eompaeted and linished witlr ,r sllitahle and eO:Jrpatible top layer 01' material and planted as rcquin.:d 10 reest:!i,lis!l vegdation. 1.8 Additional Costs: "Jo separate pavllIcnt will be made Illl' the prcvention, control, or abatell1l'nl or I'llv'iHllllllcn1al pollution, and all cos1S ill connection therewith or incidental theretu shall be included ill the applicable unit price per cubic yard for dredging. 1.9 Manah;es 1.9.1 In order to CllS1I1T Ihat Illanatees an: nOl adversely affected by the cOllstruetjull <ldivities as described in these srt:cilications, the State DEP permit rcqllin:.; IhL' liJlI()\vill~:: 1.9,1.1 .\11 vessels associated with the project will be required to upnak at "no \Vakl,1I speeds at all times \vhile in waters where the Jrall or the Vl:ssel provides less than Il)ur JCet of clearance 1"0111 the bottom. 1\11 vessels shall lllllow routes of deep water \\!h:llcvcr possihle. 1.9,1.2 I hc CU!\TRACTOR shall instruct all personnel associated with the projcl'l or the Pl1tcntial presence llf manatees and the need to Clv(1id collisions \\llh the manatecs. CUNTR/\CTOR shall be t.esrllllslblc f()r ,-Ill construction pnsonncl to observe water- ,-elaled aetivities I,", the presence or manatees, and shall implemcnt appropriate precautions to ensure protection of m<lllatel'S. 1.9,1.3 ('()'\TRAClOR shall advise all construction personnel that thcl:: arc civil and niminal penaltic~, for harming, harassing, or killillg manalees ll1~lt are protected under the Marine Mammal l'ro!cctiun I\d ul 1972, the I:ndall~ered Species Act of 1973, IS-IX CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 30 of 60 and the F1mida Manatee Sanctuary Act. The CONTRACTOR will be held respollsible for any manatee harmed, harassed, or killed as a result 01 Cllnstruction or the Project. I'rior tu commenlTment or construction of the Project, the ('O'\TRACTOR shall construct and display temporary signs l..'lll1l..:crlllllg manatccs.,1 1m \essels, CONTRACTOR shall place a temporary sign measuring at least 8,5" X 11" readinl'. "Manatee Ilabitatildle Speed in Construction Area" in a prominent location visible to Clllpll)Yccs operating the vessels_ In the absence or a vcsseL CONTRACTOR shall placc a temporary sign at least 2' X 2' reading "Warning: Manatee llabitat" in a location pl'\lminently visible to land based, water-related lons!r\ll:tioll crc\\'s. CONI "ACTOR shall plaee a second temporary sign :it least 8 1/2" X II" reading "Warning: Manatee Ilabitat. Operation of any equipment closer than 50 ICe! to a manatee shall necessitate immediate shutdown or that equipment. Any Cllllision with and/or injury tu a manatee shall be rcponed immediately tll the Florida Marine Patrol at (8i1i1) lJlAL-F!\.11' or (800) 342-5367". A sign mC,hUrlllg at kast 3 11. by 4 tl. that reads "Caution Mallcilec' i\rea" will bc posted ir vessels are ~ISSll\.:i~IlCd with the construction. and should be placed visible tu the vesseluperator. 1.9,1.5 Silwtion barriers. il' used, shall be made ur material in whieh l1latlatecs canllot iKcome entangled, arc properly secured, and arc regularly IlHlIlitl1n:d to avoid manatee entrapment. Barriers IllW;llHlt blod.; 11l~IIl~lkc entry to or c.\.it 1I-0I11 essential habitat. 1.9.1.(, I I' manatees are scen within IOil vards or the active daily constructiun/dredging operation. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all appl\lpriatc precautions shall be implemented to ensure pruteeti,ln or the IIIClllatee. These prccautions shall inelude the l)pcratioll or ,dl llIuv'ing equipment no closer than 50 feet of a mallatec, CO"TR,\CTOR is advised that uperation of any I..'qulpmcnt closcr than 50 reet to a manatee shall necessitate illlllledidte shutdu\\ 11 o["that CqUiPl11l'llt. IS-I I) ,,_._...,.._-_.........---_.,...__.~~-- CAC December 9,2010 VIII-2 New Business 31 of 60 1.9,1.7 CONTRACIOR shall report an)- collision with and/or injury to a manatee immediately to thc Florida Marinc Patrol (800) lJI/\I.-I'\1I) or (800) 342-5367, and to the Florida Bureau of I'rotcctcd Specie, \1anagement at (904) 922-433(J, 1.10 Marinc Turtle Nestin~ I'mtcction 1.10.1 To IiICilitate turtle monitoring by Collier County, the CONTRACTOR shall p]'[)vide a cllPy his cl'nstruction schedule and all updates of that schedule to thc Collicr Count)- Turtle P]'[)gram through the Coastal Zone Management Ilcpartmenl. 1.10,2 F]'[)m March I thmugh NOVl'mber 30, all project lighting shall be limited te) the immediate "rea olactivc construction only and shall be the minimal lighting lh.:ces"ar:- to (olllpl~ with U.S. (\last Guard and/or OSHA requirements. Sl"tion"r\ li~hting on the beach and all lighting on the dredge sh"ll bc minimi~ed lh]'[)ugh reduction, shielding, lowering, and appropriate pl~lccment or lights to minimiJ:e illumination of the nesting beach and watlT 1.10,3 Upon locating a dcad, injured. or sick endangered or threatened sea turtle specimen, initial notilication must be lIlade to Collier County I':nvironmental Services at (239) 890-6486, and then to the FWC at (888) 404-I'WCC. (arc should be takcn in handling sick or injured specimens to ensure clfcctive treatment dll<.J care and in handling dead specimens to prescrve biologicCilmatcrials in the best possihle state lor later analysis of CllIS\..' or lkalll. In C0l1jullctil1ll \vith thl: care of sick or injured endangered or threaktlcd -'11l'(' ics ur pn':""Lrv~ltion of biolll::?ical materials from a dead anim~d, tlll..' limier has IhL' n.,~,p()nsibility to l'nSlIlT that evidence intrinsic to till' speciml'll j" lHit unnl'cess~lrily disturbed. 1.10,4 No eonstructi,m, operation, lransportation ()\' storage of equipment or mall:rial are authorilcd l~)r bl.'ach or nearshon: placement or groin repair during marilll' lunlc ncsting season 0'\<'1 a)' I to October 31). 2.0 FINAL CLEANUP. 2,1 Final clean-LIp shall include th~ rcnh,val 01' all the CONTRACTOR's plant and equipment either j~)r disposal or rL'USC. Planl and equipment to be disposed of sball only be d"p,,,,'d or in a lllanllcr and at lucations appruved by the ENGlNLl'.I<, 2.2 Unless uthel'Wis~ appl'uved in writing by thc [NGI'-:LLR, tbe CONTRACTOR will not be permitted 10 ~lbandun all) equipment in the disposal area for dredged matcrials. pipclinc acel'S,; arl:as, bcach fill arTas, or ulher areas adjacent to the work sill.'. I S-2i) CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-2 New Business 32 of 60 3.0 RESTRICTION OF ACCESS BY THE PUBLIC. 3.1 CONTRACTOR shall ercct such bmricades. rences and signs as necessary to prevent public access to thc construction mea around the pipeline discharge, CONTRACTOR shall also be respollsible to post appropriate warnings within the construction area and \\"ilhin thl: \\ ;\tcr to prcvent pedestrians lI'om swimming within an area a rlee tcd by the construction project. It will be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to insure that the construction project area is suniciently posted and Illoniturcd tl' prcvent swimmers, boatcrs. and pedestrians from injury from the construction. 'I he disposal area is adjacent to beach used for recreation during all scasuns orthc year. TS-2l CAe December 9,2010 VIII-2 New Business 33 of 60 APPI<:NDIX A BERM RESTORATION PERMITS To be Provided APPENDIX B SAMPLE DAILY QUALITY CONTROL REPORT CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 34 of 60 CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 35 of 60 DAilY CONTRAC lOR QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Date: Rep0l1 No. __ (Rcport is due by 2:00 p.m. oi' the following day) PROJECT: 2010 COLLIER COllNTY BERM IU:STORATlON PROJECT WEATHER: (Clear) (I' Cloudy) (Cloudy) TEMP. Min. Max. Wind Speed Il1ph Directiol1 Wave Height at: Beach l'eet Wave Direction LOCATION OF Fill: Y (baseline station, monument plus a distance, or state plane coordinate) DRESSING OPERATIONS COMPLI_IF TO: distance, or state plane Cllordinate) Yc (baselinc station, monument plus a CONTRACTOR/SUB-CONIRi\C-T(lR and area orrcsponsibilitv: I. Work Perflll'l",ed Today: (Indicatc location and descriptiol1 of work performed. Provide progress made over last 24 hours. number or loads. Report on removal of debris). 2. Results of Surveillance: (Include satislactmy work Cllmpleted or deficiencies with action to be taken.) 3. Environmental Monitoring: Was environll1entalll1onitoring conducted today in compliance with project permit requirements and environmental protection laws, and the results provided to the CONSl'L IIN(j I NGINI I R (Yes/No)"__ ___ CAC December 9,2010 VIII-2 New Business 36 of 60 4. List comments llr instructions rcccived I[om rcgulatory or law cnforcement agencies (FDEP, Corps, F&WS ) 5. Verbal Instructions Recejved: (I"ist any instructions given by the ENGINEER, construction deficiencies, retesting required, etc., with action to be taken.) 6. Remarks: (Cover delays and any conflicts in Plans, Specilications or instructions.) 7, Safetv Inspcclion: (Rel'"rt violations nlltcd: corrective instructions given; and corrective actions taken.) 8. Equipment Data: (Indicate majllr itcms or construction equipment at job site and whetheTor not used or operable.) II. Progress Summarv: This D,~ To Date Worked Hours --------.-.-. Downtime,Flours 0 xpLun ~hl\\l Volume Placed Llstinlate~ "-V.) ,_ Volume Pav (eL aCCi:pte(Lsecti"ns()tliyL__ Lincar % Comj11e((:d Explanation or Downtime: CONTRACTOR's Vcrillcatio~: rhe abovc report is clllnplcte and correct. The equipment used and CAC December 9,2010 VllI-2 New Business 37 of 60 the work performcd during this rcponing period are in compliance with the Contract Plans and Specilleations except as nutcd above. CONTRACTOR's Approved Authorized Representative CAC December 9, 2010 V111-2 New Business 38 of 60 APPENDIX C UPLAND SAND SOURCE AND QUALITY DESCRIPTION IMMOKALI<:E MINE COLLIER COUNTY, FL (SELI<:CTED PAGES) CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 39 of 60 II\1MOKALEE MINE Stewart Mining BU11<:dward Grove Road Imlllokalee, FL 34142 June 25, 2UIU The mine produces beach quality quartz sand with low silt and carbonate content, similar to Ortona Mine. The mine can process a wide rangc of sand products, including the grain size requested for this projecl. sand with a mean grain size about 0.45 mm. The characteristics for two ofthcir stock piles and a dcscriptiun of their mining and processing methods are ineluded in the attaehment labeled Attachment NO.2: StC\'art Mining Submitted Laboratory Results. The document ineludes a repurt describing the geology that produced a sand product with less than 1 (Xl carbonate cpnknL /\ map showing the location of the mine is Illlllld on the next page. The mine is lucated in the northeast corner ofCullier County. Coastal Planning & Engineering. Inc. (CI'E) has evaluated two stuekpile samples li'OI11 Stewart Mining, and they are contained in the Attachment Nu. I: ('1'1' I.aburatury Results of Sand Quality. Thc selected sand size is in the vicinity or (H5 mm. Stcwart Mining has created a stock pile with this sand, and the County's quality assurance plan will monitor delivery 01' the desired product. Capacity: Filiy thousand (50.000) tons assuming that thc material would be purchased over approximately a month. The price thl\lUgh volume discounting wuuld be around $7.50 per ton and this does not include sales lax. I. The CPE analysis used the Illll set uj'sieves required tl)r a .lei) 2. The wet Munsel Culm 2.5YR 7/1, turning to 2.5YR 8/1 alter washing. 3. The plant can produce at 400 tph or the desircd product and is equipped to work at night. 4. The native material is descrihed in the geolt)gy report in Attachment No.2. 5. The material can bc sampled al Ihe mine :,ite at 230 I Edward Grove Road, Immokalee, FL34142. The methud and result oj' tl1c CI'I: analysis are summarized beluw for thc EMERGENCY BEACH BERM RLSTORSIION I'RO.l ECT and in Attachment No. L Two samples obtained from Stewart Mining's 11111l11)k~tlee Mille \VetT assessed by Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. using the methods described beluw. Ihe results are: CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 40 of 60 Stewart Mine #2 25Y 8/1 2.5Y 8/1 045 - Sorting Fines' Carbonate n ize ) (%) (%) ._-f-- 1.00 126 0.26 093 0.67 Stewart Mine #1 Dry Washed Munsell Munsell Color Color 25Y 7/1 2.5Y 8/1 (light gray) (white) Mea Grain S (mm Sample 0,58 , __L matenal passmg the ,12.'() :ii('\,,(' Sediment Crain Size (Meehanil'al) Analysis I. During sievc analysis. the visually estimated perccntage of shell on the #5 and #7 sievcs was notcd Dr) 'lI1d washed Munsell color wcre also noted, Sieve analysis was conducted in aec,\rdance with American Society Illr Testing and Materials Standard Materials Designation D422-63 for particle size analysis of soils (ASTM, 20(7). This method covered the quantitative determination of the distribution or sand sill: particles. I'or sediment liner than the No. 230 sieve (4.0 phi) thc AS 1M Slandard Tcst Method, Designation [) 1140-00 was followed (AST,M, 200()). rvIech'"1ical sieving was accomplished using ealihrated sieves with a gradatic\n \\1' h,d I' phi intervals. Additional sieves representing key ASTM sedimcnt classillGllion boundaries were included to meet Florida Department of Environmcnt:lI i't'l\leclil'1I (1'1 JIJ') standards. Weights retained on each sieve were r~corlkd cumulalivcly. 2. Grain size data werc entered intu the gINT" sol\ware program, whicb computes the mean and mClliall gr~lill si/.c. sorting, and silt/clay' percentages for each sample using the moment method (Folk. I 'J74). A granularmetric report and a grain size distribution curve were compiled Illl' the sample (attacbed). 3. Carbonate Content Determination: Carbonate content was determined by percent \veight (111 lllL' "~11llpk using the acid l~aching methodology described in Twenlwkl and Iyler (I ')41). Reslllls were cntered into the gIN'f" software and arc di."playcd llll thL: gr:lIHdarml.'tric rl.']1ort (attached), CfJ~,j l~~ H~rbQ( VVmerw,JV E31!rt~3 o Cape Coral H01" ',pm.,bLuul 1~7 IOrla st.Jllmes .pty 8t'" Punt" Rassa Sa.nibdkllrn.,t 'Sllrl;bElI Fort Myen Bead, M .' C'thllthr-urt i'-"'. Myers I;,> ur, tJrortMytlr:; pr,gvr'ark i.,'r:l"hws "Ii., !."e,.!I.1 I'bl';' ;p" h,:q!,-,N",' ",k,., CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 41 of 60 3l'" tBO'fl.ll , '" ~t , ," ~ L",h;'lr, A('~5 ::c ~ 'l ." Buc:i( " J"'JI;I~(8rvd lmmokaleeMine, Stewart EdwilrdsGroveRd l"""'JMle~, fl 3~1~2 i I (1 " I i:> A l F , ,'~ C~,h:-,] p,_,.. ~(d '" '" Imrllo.mlee" ," i ~ " ~4.' c " ~ ;t ~ ~ [iC""!~ :..1";"').' ~ IT< 85~ p",i~, h""tr tSI~l" ,"ilkll(',M, fiB' }dstNaples"-" N"pks "."1 Immokalec Mine, Stewart Mining, 2.W] LdwClrd (;rove Road, Ill1ll1okalee, FL 34142. flick Stewa"t Ste'.:art Minini;l (:772) 46+++99 (772;' 46+3634 nld:s,:g;ste'i:artrnir PO Box 433.2 Ft Pierce, Flor,da "':'- ." ATTACIIM~:NT NO. I COASTAL PLANNING & '.:NGINEEIUNG, INC. LABORATORY IU:SlILTS OF SAND QUALITY CAC December 9, 2010 Vltl-2 New Business 42 of 60 Granularmetric Report Depths and elevations based on measured values Project Name: Stewart Minin2.~amplc I'.nalysis Sample Name: Stewart Mine Sample 2 Analysis Date _0~-25-_10 Analyzed By: AA ~ - c"",[j"'<JlL ~-;y,,j..,rn Easling (It) - r"'''''I I M':;;:;-sell Wd /'SY 7/1 ClW'"",nb Dry ).5Y-!)/1 ~ W;J~hC'd - ;;t>Y-8/1 1 Wash W6igh~- -- ! 1'"" I,d;;in~d (~l) uses SW Dry Weight (g) s"".nLoss(".',,) 280.37 l 278.84 007 0.08 -----...--- . Sieve Size Sieve Size Grams Sieve Number: (Phi) (Millimeters) Retained ~:--I ' ---- ~ 314" -4,25 19,03 000 --~- --- 518" , -4.00 1600 0.00 ..-~--- 7/16" -3.50 11,31 0.00 5116" -3.00 8.00 0.00 ~---i'---~~ 3,5 I -2,50 5_66 000 ------~-----~ 4 I -2.25 4,76 0.00 5 --~-200 4.00 1____ 0.00 7 , -1.50 2.83 0.54 10 t=~~~6 200 2.48 14 1.41 10.94 ~~---I- 18 t-___~OO 100 17.25 25 , 0.50 071 34.43 --~ 1-- ---- _ I 35 ~ - t- _l~o.O I 0.50 50.46 ! --1 45 , 1.50 0_35 53.55 60 ---1----200 i 0 0.25 I 56.20 ^ I N -------.. ~..,_._---- 1- ~ 8O___I__25~ CU8 37,82 c 0 ~ " 120 3.00 0,1:) 1201 ~ --..-- .-----. -- -- " m 170 I 350 009 2.49 ~ +=-- - ! 0: 200 3.75 007 0.29 ~ w ----- ..-----..-- z 230 , 4.00 OJ);) 0,08 ~ , c ~--_._---'---- " ~ w c Shell Hash calculated/rom visual estirnalf; oi ~h811 n, '11'- :.I'Ll :.))1"';'1 ~ C r " Phi 5 Phi 16 ['hi 25 Phi 50 0 ~ w --~ ,- " 0 2,61 2.13 1.813 1.23 " c ( w 1 , Moment Mean Phi Mean mm I " ~ " I - r-- z L ~ Statistics I 1.16 0.45 0 Coastal Planning & Engi 2481 NW Boca Raton Blvd, FL 33431 ph (561)391-810 fax (561) 391~911 ~-----~---:- ~'"'O"O CAC December 9.2010 VltI-2 New Business 43 of 60 M ~_._ neen~ Boca atoo 2 6 -~ n(fl) ",Ie, (%1 I Sh,1I H'~h (%1 S C. % Weight Retained ~ ~ " 0.00 ----.. 0.00 0.00 - 0,00 ---- --~~ 0.00 -~ -- 0.00 ----- 0.00 - -.- -+ 0.19 --~- 1.07 4.97 _u 11.12 ,.--.-- 23.40 41.40 60.50 80.54 - --...- - - , 94.03 , t 98,31 -t 99.20 I -~r 99.30 -- ___j 99.33 Phi 95 -0.50 T =~urtosiS . 2.74 L_ ~- ~ ---1.~ --l~~ #200"~ 0..70 0'90"""'%1. C",.h" #230 - 0.67 % we;ht m I C-;;';;~Gra-m Retained Retained lU -l- ru J- =1- J -- I 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0,00 019 0.88 3.90 615 12.28 18.00 1910 20.04 000 0.00 I u I~ ------- j~66 J:~:~~ - i 0.54 000 3.02 13.96 -----.-.- 31.21 I ----1 ---~---..- j-1~:61:- ----- 169.65 225.85 13.49 263.67 4.28 275.68 0.89 278.17 0.10 278.46 0.03 j~-~~i5:5 Sorting 0.93 j 278.54 ul~8~ OJ ~_~~!O ~ , Skewness -0.29 ~ ~ ~ . . '" 0 :v "Vi .c ~ E'" ~~o .Z", ON_ U....!...O <(='<t U>.. l" ~ ro --1 (j -~ 0 c ~=I ~ ro Uj ! ) J'UO:JJ:Jd ILj6!OM ^8 JOSJLO , 0 0' U "' U ill ~ 0 u m -I 0 e' " ~ N - J 0 I J . " ~ . I , =-1 - I ---+-- I 1 ~ ~ " 0 ~ 0 " N ell R " - ~-, ~ 'r' ',- --.,', - 1- r---i-=l__ ~-f~ ,~= -~, , I I , I ~ i , - ~ i , , o " 0 " 0 N ~ o N . " " " " - " ,...-- " " o N ~-=:;~! . o _ " ~ 0 , ~ " , N " ~:--=A - , ~ ~l- r 'f ~ I . ~ ; -1- II ..-" -l~~ I --=:L~_: - 1 -I I o o o '" o 00 o ~ C) "' '11:-irlUf By VVuight Pelcel. o g --l~ , --' I 1- - 1 ~., f f: "E- re--- I ' Il , - LTI~ [iT ,- L1 --t I -I,=n:~ I ~m I (-- 1 l ,1= o M D c" D w .~ .. C '" . "- E ro ~ Vl .,p, en ro. c: E c s ~ c: t J> [Iii ~ ~ 0' E E . ~ ~ i ~ ~ Vl ~ ~ Vl '" 'jj '" 0 0 C "' N " - '6 '0 . 0 . ro I > W Z ill ~ >. ~ 0 CD Z w OJ u ~ ~ (l) (ij ~ i ~ ~ -I r~ ~ J l '0 B '_~::i ~ ~g N<O ~ N "rn-o ;::: C5~.-'?0? ~ gJ 06(l]C'?o;cr; ~ ~ 9 g;.9~~ u:: 'E~....J(Di.O l~ ~ ~ rolLe~ ;, a:: g ..r:: ~ ro CO 0._ t ,ffi (') I ~~ III I [OJ I,. IiI 'I : ~ 10; 'u ,~ '1.1 :1" 'I~> /[~(IVllj 1 i5 I '~'.-~ I ~ ',' Ir:~I,l . ~I ~ . i! EI'~ 1&. ffi ro ~ Cll r.f) VlJ ~Il LCfl__ "- _ s- SISA lVN\i 3^31S -'- - -HBdf rd6'lNI\'II H:lVM'11 Ol...'iC/~l lUD llZ\1 " . 0; ~ ;; o c ro Vl , 0 . 1'" , i 0 '0 c CAC December 9, 2010 VlIl-2 New Business 45 of 60 APPENDIX D QA/QC PLANS FOR BERM RESTORATION PRO.JECT CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 46 of 60 SEDIMENI QlALlTY CONTROL/QUALITV ASSURANCE PLAN FOR BEACH RISI OIL\IIO~ Ol( 'iOLRISIIMENT USINCi AN UPL/\I\D SAND SOURCE 11.1)1 I) Permit No,0222155-00 l-.JCI Collier County Cllllicr emlllty Ika<.:h Renourishment Project A.INTRODli(''!'ION As indicated in the title abovc. this plan is lor lIse fur bea<.:h restoration and beach nourishment when an upland sand source is used. This doculllent is intL'lHkd as a supplemental QC/QA plan jt)!' use of upland material as described in the proposed modilicatioll. Ihj<; lhxlIll1L'll\ lines llut supercede the previously ;lpproved QCiQA plan that was developed for thc use of ul't'shure horH\\\ arcls Pursuant to Fla, Admin. ('ode I (<2B..1 I ,om; ( I ) (k) Lh.. ]Krll1it applicatiuns for inkt t:xcavation, beach restoration, or nourishment shall include a ljualiL: CllllU-llL'assuran<.:e pl<lll that will ensurc that the sediment from the upland sources to be used in the projecl will 1l11:ct tilL standard in Fla, Admin. Code r. ()2B-41.007(2)U). To protect the environmental functions of ]-,lorida's headll:s, only beach cdmpatible lill shall bt.: placed on the beach or in any associated dune system. 13eaeh clll1\p:llihll: III1 is material that maintains the general character and functionality of the material occurring on Ihe bC:hJl and in tIll' adjm:cnt dune ,1Ild coastal syslem. The Permittee has consulted \vitlt the mallubclulTr of tilt.: sand. who has providt.:d data concerning the character of the sediment and the quantities :I'vailuble within tht.: upland sand source area(s). Quality of the material will be assessed immediately prim to the initiation ur shipping. The Permittee has provided an analysis of the existing or native sediment and the sediml'nt \vill1in IIll' upland sand source that demonstnltes its compatibility with the naturally occurring bt.:ach sedimellt \11 ~ICl'mdal1ce \vith ria. i\dmin. CodL' r. ()2B-'ll_007(2)(j). The sediment analyses were performed using l'slablishl'd im!l:stl': st:1I1dards, and arl' ct.:rtitled by a ProtCssillllal Engineer or a Professional Geologist registered in the State ul' j.lll!'ld,1 Based upon this inl"onnatiul1, tl\l' Ikp:lrtlllt.:lIl or LnviwllmellLal Protection (DCpartlllL'nt) has determined that use of the sediment from the upbnd >:llld silurce :~!'ea(sl \vill m:\intain till' general character and functionality of the sediment occurring on the beach (llld ill tl1l' adjacent dUlll' and \.:oastal system. Furthermore, this information provides sufficient quality Cl111tn1],'qu(jlity as-;llrance (QCiQi\) that the mean grain size and carbonate content of the sediment from the upland sand S,HIIU: areal -;) \vill lnt.:et the requirements of Fla. Admin. Code r. 62B-41.007(2)U); hence, additional QC,iQA procedures dre 1101 required for these sediment parameters during construction. This plan outlines the responsibilitIes llj' e,ll~1l stakeholder in the project as th<;y relate to the placement of beach compatible material on the headL These 1\.'sjwllsibilities are in rt.:sponse to the possibility that non-beach compatible sediments may exist within thL' upl;lIld s,\l1d S,)UI'CL' area(s) and could be unintentionally placed on the beach. The QC Plan specifies the minimum l'llIlstnlctillll 1l1:\IH1gcmellt, inspt:ction and reponing requirt.:ments placed on the Contractor and enrorced hy' the IJerlllith.'L'. 10 \.:lISUI"C that the sediment ji"Olll the upland sand source area(s) to be used in the projeet meel the compli,lJ1cl' ,spcl'ilil':\liuIlS, The ()\ Plan spccilies the minimum (;onstru(;tion oversight, inspection and rt.:porting requin.'lllellts tll be undntaken by tile PermittL'c or the P\.:r111ittee's On-Site Representative to observe, sample, and tesl tht.: s'.:dilm'I1IS 10 \ _'fify Ihal they :lrc ill compliance. B. SEl)Jl\lEr"l r QL\L1TY SI'LCIFH\Tl(}'-'; The sediment from the lIpland s,\IHI S()llr(;(.~ areal:;) is similar in l\'lullsdl color and grain size distribution to the material in the existing coastal s,\stc1l1 at Ihe bC~lch placement site. The Department and the Permittee acknowledge that it is possible that discrete tXCLllTellCL'S or 1l0n-b<;,H.:h cumpalible sediments may exist within the upland sand source arealS) that do not cOlllpl:' \\itl1 thL' limiting param<;tL'rs or Fla. Admin. Code r. 62B-41.007(2)(j) 1. 5., or vary in !\IIunsell color 11.0111 the Cdll1PUsill' v~d1lc_ J-'urlhcrIllDre. the Departlll~nl11lay cnnsidcr more restrictive values for the sediment parameters to l'11S1lrl' lh:ll thL -;cdinletll 1'1"0111 the upland suurcc arcals) is similar in color and grain l)agt.: 1 (115 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 47 of 60 size distribution to lhe sedimenl ill the e,\istin~ cuastal system at the beach plm:.:mellt site. Therefore, fill material compliance specifications for the sedil11l'11t frolll the upland sand source area proposed for this project are provided in Table t. The compliance specilications tal-..e into <\CC()UI1t the variabilily or sediment on the native or existing beach, and are values which may reasonably be altaincd giH~11 whal is I-..11O\\n about th~~ Llpland saud source area sediment. Beach fill material which falls outside oj' lhesl' li1llih will bc considelTd unacceptable and subject to remediation. Table 1- Sediment Compliann Spl'rilirations I'v1unsell Color Value P;I.llIIct-ei:J!l'flnltl~I~~----= - -f (om lianee Value Pd....,lllg 11-:2 Hl ....1C\ e 21% -- --- -- --- tl.'t, 1I1lcl Ull ,I Slne 2uA, - - ------..--. 'lHl.....l \ dluc (llllOllll I) 7 or lighter -- The beach till nlall'ri~i1 sl1<1l1l1ot fontailll'Ollslrudioll debris, toxit nUlterial, other foreign matter, cl_~rse_g,I.:~\'l'l o!_~'oc~~___.. _____~_ *Shdl Content is uSl:d "" till' jmjicalur llr line gravel content for the implementation of quality eontrol'qualil} aSSllr:lll(e pr\lcedures Sediment Parameter Max. Silt Content Max. Shell Content* C. QI1ALITY CONTlHH_ PI..\.\ The contract documents sh:J11 inClrpOr<ltl' the rullo\ving lcdmieal requirements, or equivalent language that outlines the requirements placed on tile s,-'lL'ckd c011lr;\ctor by' th(,: CUlltraet Administration l~ngineer (Engineer) so that the contractor performs all worl-.. wilhin till' perlllilled limits and that the Contractor takes appropriate r~medial actions for unsuitable material. it.nCl'l'SS,lry 1. The Contractor shall be rcspullsihlc j(I[' l'st<lblishillg cuntrols, including but not limited to the following: careful visual inspection of c,lCh lo<\d hy :1 kIW\\kd~,.~';\hk individwlI :\s it is dclivcn:d to l:llsurc that only suitable material is placed, conlinnation that allllHltvri:d i" phlCl'd in accordanCl' \vith the plans and the spatial limits are not exceeded. The Contractor \vill adjust \lj!l't-;\tillI1S III :lvuid unacceptabk material to the gn:atest extent practicable. The Contractor \lvill report any !.'I1CUlHltl'r \\Ililev'l'ssivc rnck. lk:lil.is or silty materials 10 the Engineer \vithin 24 hours of placement and a remediatio!l phi:1 will he lkvl'loped ll.)r suhmittal to and approval by DFP. The following controls shall be in place: i) i\laterial from Illl111uk~dec \lilll' \\ill be assullled III be orthe quality prllvided by the Mine, and meeting the standards in Table 1 abO\l' The Jilllllaterial to be delivered from lllllllokalee f\.linc will be processed at the mine tll deliver bl:ach Clllllp:llibk s:ll1d for this project. In urdcr 10 cnsure quality material is placed on the beach, the ma\l'ri~d (ruin Illllliub:ec \line will he visually in:->peeted J(ll" compatibility once delivered to the eonstrucliull si1l' al1-1 prior III pl:lcl'llll'nl UIl the beach. If visual inspection indicates presence of high amounts or silt, lHganic:; Dr utiln 111:11l'rial that is not beach compatihle, the matt:rial will be rejected.. 3. Sediment Grain Size Data. :'1Il' ('lilllr:ldll[' \vill be prO\ldeJ with all descriptions of sediment samples collected within the upland sand Sllurce a1",:;I("). ~lIld will :lckl1ll\vlcdge that he or ~;he is aW,UT of the ljuality of the sediment as described in the sediment sampk<;. The !c'.rain sill' datu \vill be presented III the cnllslrllclion specifications. o. Qt:AUTY ASSlIL\NCF PL\~ The Permittee will seck III l'Il!\lr-:l' Ihl' UlIlstJ'u,-:tillll conlract and Department permits related to sediment quality. In order to do so, the following sll:]'S sh,dl b,-' 1l1!!u\\'cd. l)agL' 2 (II' 5 ._-_..._""'----,.... .- CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 48 of 60 1. Construction Observation. ('Ol1stnldilJil ubservation hy the Permittee'::; On-Site Representative will be performed during truck-haul be,\Cl1lill placel1lcnt activity. 2. On-Site Keprescnt::ltiH. Till: Pe1"ll1it\l'L' will provide un-site ob:;ervation by individuals with training or experience in beach nuurisllllH.:nl ;llld ;,;ullstrudion inspectioll and testing, and \\'ho are knowledgeable of the project design and permit conditions. 1i1~' pruin:t 1':I1~'jnccr, a qualified coastal engineer, \\,ill actively coordinate with the Permittee's On~Sill;': Repn:SL:lli,lti\ l', \\hu may he an employee or sub-eontractlH ur the Permittee or the Engineer. Communications \\-'ill iake piau: bl'l\\l'l'J] ihe I':llgineer and ihe Permittee's On-Site Representative on a daily basis. 3. Pre-Construction \1celing, The l'rujcet ()C'()i\ Plan \vill bc discussed as a Inatter \)1' importance at the pre- construction meeting. The ('(mirador will be t'I.:quircd io ackllO\vk:dge the goals alld intent ur the above described QC/QA Plan, in writing, prior io l'OllllllcnCClllClli or construction. 4. On Call. The Engincer \vill he etJlltillllllllCiI; on call durin),!. the pcriod or construction ror the purpose of making decisions regarding issues tll<li ill\l\lvl' ()( '()\ 1)lal1 cllmplialh.T. 5. Addendums. Any adLklldul11 llr l'h(lll:~C \lrdcr to lhe Conlract hcl\vl'cn the Permittee and thl: Contractor will be evaluated to dcterminl: \\"11l.:tl1l.:1' (1] n\)1 till.: Ch:lllgC ill Sl'upe will Plltl:ntially arrect th..: ()C\Q.i\ Plan, 6. During Construrtion Sampling for Visuallnsjlcrtioll. 10 assurl.: that till' lillmdtl'rial placed on the beach is in compliance with th..: permiL till.: Pl'rrnittl'c', l.ngincl'r or Oil-Site Rcprl'scntativl' \-vill conduct assessments of the beach fill material as ro]]O\\s: a, Sediment samples \vill hl' culll'l'led fl'Ullll.:ach iruckload. All sampll's \....ill be stored for future analysis if necessary until 60 days rull\)\\illg p1"ujl.:ct cOlllpktion b, If thL' Pennittcl: or Lngilli..:l'r visualiy deterlllinl's that the beach fill Illatl'rial does not comply with the sediment compliance specitll';ltiulls ill this C)Ci()i\ Plan. the Perrnittl:e or Lngincer will rejl'ct thi..: non-compliant truckloads prior to pl(1Cl'l11eI1\ ,1I11lle bead!. Thl' :;edilllcnl inspcctiull results will be reported to the Department. 8. Post-Construction Sampling for I.ahoratory 'fl.'sting.1 U ilssure that thl: lillnldtl:rial placl'd on the beach was adequately assessed hy the Upl;Jlld s;1I1d s()uru.' arl.:a invcstl~d1iun alld tk:;ign. thc Projed Engineer will conduct assessments ufthe sedillll'llt ~lS k,llu\\s a. Post-construction sampling ur each ;1L:L:cptalH.:1.: :;..::ctillll and lesting or thl: till matr:rial will he conducted to verily that thl' sedillll'nl pbc..:d un tl1c bi.:ach mcets the expl'cted criteria/characteristics provided by the manufacturer. Upon CUlllpktil'll (ii' an ,ll"CCptallCI.: sectiull of constructed beach. the Engineer will collect two (2) duplicate sand salllplcs cvery ~()() 1'1. :llong Illl' hC,lCh to quantitatively aSSl:SS thl' grain size distribution, moist \lunscll 1.:0101'_ shell '.(mlen!, and :;ill conknt for cOlllpliance, The Lngincer will collect the sediment samples ofa minillllllllul' I I :.S. pilll ('II !c,ISl 200 g,rallls) each rrOlll ihe bottlllll ora test hole a minimum of 18 inches dcep wilhin 1 Ill' limih \lr 111l' ClllISlrllcted bl'l"lll, TIll: Lngincl'r \vill visually assess grain size, Munsell color. shell cuntellt. ,llld ,ill ((\Ilkn\ (1\ lhe Ilwl"::l'ial hy h;lIldlillg the !ill Illa\erial to ensure that it is predominantly sand, ,\lId l'lIl:hel' It I 11l11e th..:: physical characteristics The Engineer \vill note the existence of any layering or rocks within the \esl hull-. (llle salllpll' \vill bl' scnt for laboratory analysis while the other sample will be archived by the l'en~litt,-'c,\lt s;lI11pks dIld laboratury \est rl'sults willllL' l<.lhded \vith the Project name, FDEP Rderence Mlllllll11Cl\: Jll'l'tilc lil1L' desigllali\)n. ~\a11' Plallc (.\,1') Cuordinate location, date sample was obtained. and "Culls1ruL'liUll ill-rill Salllpk:' b. All sampll's \vill bl' l'\,dLl:itcd t"'11" \isllal aitribuks (f\'lunsell cohll" and sht.:'ll contl:nt), sieved in accordance with the applicable sl'C1i()ll~ \)(\STi\l [),L~2-(d (Si,l1ld;ml Test i\kthod ror I)drticle-Sizt.:' Analysis of Soils), AST~vll)1140 (Stalllhmll ('SI \kllhld t"l~r Amount tlf \i<lkrial in Soils Finer Illan !\u. :200 Sieve), and ASTM D2487 (ClassillcatiollllrS(l:ls !()I' 1':ngin'_'I.:I"ing Purr()Sl's). and anal}'/.cd ror carbunale L:ontent. The samples will be sieved using the J"011\\\\'1]1:'. \ ,'-; Stand;!ld Sil'\l' l\ulllbers: T"l", SiX", :;.5. 4. 5. 7.10,14,18.25,35,45,60, 80, 1:20. 170, and 21() Page 3 ofS CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 49 of 60 c. A summary table llr the :;edimcnt :;alllples and test results fl.)r thc sedimcllt compliance parameters shall accompany the compkll' c;L:t ur laburatury testing rec;ults The colulllll heading:; \vill include: Sample Number; Mean (:;rain Si/.c (mill); SlHting \'aluc: Silt Cllnknt (06); Shdl Contenl (0/0); Munsell Color Value; and a column stating whet11\,:r each sample \11-1 l)r FAIL!':]) the compliance valucs Il.)und in Table I The sediment testing rcsults will be l,xniJi,:d hy a P_I. lll" I',C, n:gistcred ill the State of Florida. A statement of how the placed fill material compares tll till' scdillll'llt a:l~ilysis llnd \OIUIIlC calculatiuns from the sand search investigation and upland sand suurCi.: arCd (ks::.cl\ sklll b;~' included ill till' c;cdlmcn! ll'sting results report. The Permittee will submit sedilllt.'nt testing rC\\lils and ;lil~dysi:--. repun ti) the Department \\ilhin 90 days following beach construction. d. In the event that a se\..'lillll or beach ,:l)lltains till material that is not ill compliance \vith the sediment compliance specifications, thell the J)epdrlmwl will be notified. !\.utilicatiun will indicate the volume, aerial extent and IOC<ltion or any lill;lcceplable heach an:as did remediation planned. E. REMEDIATION I. Compliance Arca. I r a ,>ample dues Ilut l\\l'ct the Clllllpliance value for construction dt:bris, toxic material, other foreign material, coarse graveL ur mck thc l)cl'lllittCl: shall determine tIll: acriall:xtent and remediate regardless of the extent orthe noncompliull! l\liltnial. lr~1 :>~lInpk is 110IlCt}ll1pliant fur the silt content, shell content, or Munsell color and the aerial extent excecd:> 11)J)I)(} Sqll~IIC k('l, thl' Perlllittee shall rell1ediil\c 2. Notitk~,ti()n. Iran area urlll'wly c\JIlSlruc1ed b('ach docs !lot meet the sedimcnl compliance specilications, then the Department (JCPCompli,lnCl'(('lkpstat('.f1,\Is) will be notified. Notification will indicate the aLTial extent and location of ,lilY ,:ll'('as or ll\lI1Cl)I:lpli,1I11 heal:h fill Illalerial and remediali,m planlll:d. As outlined in section E.4 below, the Permittee will ill\l\il'di,l[l']Y 1I1,derlake renlediati{lIl actions \Nithollt additional approvals from the Department. The rl'slIlts of all) rCIII,'diatiol1 \\ill be n.:ported to thl' J)epartllll'nl follO\ving completion of the remediation activities and sil~dl illdic~lle the volume oftWllColllpliant filllll<lterial rt.'llloved and replaced. 3. Sampling to determine nlt'lll. In i\l'dcr tll detl'l'111illl: if ,Ill area gr~ater than 10.000 square feet of beach fill is noncompliant, the rollowing pn)ll'd<lre \\'ill hc perfurmed by the Lnginee]': a. Uplln detcrminatilll\ tlLlt ,he lil-:--.I :-;~:din\l'lll s,lmple is noncl.lmplianL <It minimum. five (5) additional sediment samples will ))C ('l,lll'd('\1 ::! ~I .J.'\-l'uot sp:ll'ing in illl directions ~\l1d assessed. If the additional samplt:s arc ,dSll ]\illll'(illlpli<\\\l. tIICI\ additillnal s,lInples \vill be cnlb:ll'd at a 25-foot spacing in all directions lIntil the' dcri:li e\tellt i:--. i,klllilil'd b. The samples \\;ill bL' \isu,dly' conlp:lrcd to tlll.: acceptable sand criteria. 11' deemed necessary by the Engineer. quantitativi..' :hC;e:;Slflcnts (11' the :--.and \ViII bl: conducted fl.)]' grain sizt.', silt contt:nt. shell content, and Munsell eolm \lC;II1:' till' il1l,thuds l)\itlil1l'd in secti(}1l D.S_h, Samples will be archived by the Permittee. c. ^ site map \vill hl' jlr','p,:rcd d~pidill~'_ till' lilc,ltiOll of all samples ,Jlld the boundaries of all areas of noncompliant !ill. d. rhe' lotal square !()llL1l'_' wdllll' ddl'l'11lilled. e. The site Ill:IP and :uI~dy' is \\i]l hl' illl'lulled in the Cllnlractor's Daily Report. 4. Actions. Ihe Permittce m l)ei'll1itll'e':--. j-.ngil\ecr shall have thc authority to ddernline \vhether lhe material placed on the bc(\ch is compliant l'r l1i;11Cillllp]ldlll. If pl:lceml'l1! of lHlllcompliallt material occurs, the Contractor will be directed by the Permittci..' or h:I'l:lilh'("S 1-.I1;'il\cl'I' UIl the neCi..'S:S<lI")" corrective actions. Should a situation arise during constrm:tion that cannot be l'iHTCl'll'd h: lllL: \Tlllediati\\n metlllld:; described \vithin this QCiQi\ Plan, the Department \vill bl;;: llotilied ilL l"ell\l'di<lt\(ll1 ~\di(111'> fur each -.;cdimel1l parameter ~\rc as follows a. Silt: bli..'ndillg thc 1\OllClilllpli:llll lill matni,\l with compliant lill lllah:rial \vithin the adjacent construction bCl'Ill Sllnll.'il'll',ly ti~ :ncl'11I1e COlllpli,lIlcC valul'. llr removing the noncompliant till material and n:placing il \VitL CUillpliant ril] illakrial. b. Shell: bli..'ndill;' till' IWI1l_'olllpli;llIt lill lJ\<lIl.'rial \vith cOlllpliant !ill material \vithin the adjacent ulllstructinll berll1 suCil::\Clllly III !1ll'ct the compliance value or rell10villg the noncompliant fill material and replacing it \Viti' ,~''illpli(lllt ril] Illaterial Page'" 01'5 CAe December 9, 2010 VIII~2 New Business 50 of 60 r.:. 1\.1unsell color: hknding thl' nonclll11pliant fillmah:rial with compliant lill material \vithin the adjacent construction b....l"Ill slIllicie1l11y' tu IlIcet the compliance value or removing the noncompliant fill material and repla(,;ing it with cOlllpli,ml JIll mab:rial. d. Coarse gravel- Sl'l"Cl.'tlillg and rl'lll()ving tile 1l00H,:ulllpliant Jill material and replacing it with compliant fill material. e. Construction lkhris. :llxic llla\i.:l"l~IL nr utller ["llreign matter: removing till.' noncumpliallt Jill material and replacing it \vilh Ul\llpliant llllll::tl....ri;d All noncompliant Jillmateri:d rellluv....d ["rol\1 the he<leh will he transported 10 an appropriate upland disposal facility located landward orthe Cll,lStal ('ullstruction CUlltrol Line. 5. Post-Remediation Testiug. Re-s:ll11pling shilll he conducted follo\\'ing any remediation actions in accordance with the following prolocols: a. \Vithin tile bOlllltl:lI"il.'s ul'tlll.' l"l.'llll.'diation acti(lIlS, samples will be taken at maximum of 25-foot spacing. b. rhe samples will be vi'iwdl;.' 1..:1l11lpared to tilL' :ll..:l..:eptable sand niteri:l. If deemed necessary by the Engineer, quantitative ;l'.Sl'SS1ll--:nh ()j" the sand will he conductt;d for grain size, silt content. and Munsell colm using the lllelhOlb ,l\lllim'd in,edinll DX_h, S;II11pks \\'ill be arl..:hivL'd by the Permittee. c. A site map \vili be !~I"Cpared delliding the Illc,ltiull or all S'llllpk'i and the boundaries of all areas of remediatioll ,Ktlon, 6. Reportin~. A post-n:mcdi,llioll rep,)r\ coll:dllling the site map. sediment analysis. :Illd volume of noncompliant fill material rl;:ll1ovcd and replaced will he suhmitted to the Dcpartment within 7 days following completion of remediation activities. All reports or notices n:latillg to [ilis permit shall he emailcd and sent to tile Department at the follmving locations: DEP Bureau of Beaches ...'\: ('oa...tal SysttlllS JCP Compliance Oflicer Mail Station 100 3900 Commonwealth BOllIn ,mi Tallahassee. Florida 321l)l)- ,()()() phone: 18S0i414-7716 e-mail: .1('\' ( End of Plan Page S oj'S .,.._~._----~...~......_..,-_..""~---_.. "'""i"O"/ei!.''''''''''''''' li\~~]:~g:g Ilfl'tl~\IIIl.INJ COlil"~5. \~ij,1 -HO <Mv^J ~:,~VWO lJ '.H~"~~. V~W~ 'oNI ~ ~OlV~VX" loiN '"'" HlUiiliilNI~N~ 'II ~NIN"'" =- ..v d "lVl.SVO:) o o " . . . ]~ '" " .. CZ 0" <= 05 z o F < a::: ~ (I) w a::: 2 a::: w m o - o C'I l~Stl3^O:) ,r0i~,^l" oi . ,. ~ _4 ~~;-:'::~-'~::: ~~NflOO ~3ma:) /Ij" I/~;" .,' " ~-,,~ I /"~~'Ijll-_.I,~ll .~jif"':(-T (~'~.. -' '--1:.' ," 'i "IP,::,:'.., ,,I [''', '" ""..)' it) :i!,' fI,.:t'" ,fc,,','~'."',...,.i"lr .I'h, [1"1' ""'~,.,"''':''~' 1-[ C::':JI'y,q,,": ~:_.__I\~'~~"'-1_'1-:.ij'llf~'.'<(~~.17l!' ...jlll 'I..~~.: I;:.E--+' : I{i'-t~.~--l '___';!~Ii.',":~"lf\ \":''''III,~'"' . '-~i~'9-1"1-"I.t' 'J'","~- t . 'j '1", ,,1'-' "A,'i: .",(-",\', ., I'! ',,' " ,) ,I ".! " ' . '" ! '",' 'I,,\.[:I,.\.~.I: > I,(!,I""I 1":,'1,1:,.. ,"" ! ,', 1 [i,l,. ) "" ,1, ,.' ''''~~,!"f"IU ~~!\"i ,,' /t,ltiVvj'5"J'It~;C')'I"5 ,,!'" ,,,,'ii I' ,--qrl'~~"I' : .11 '1,/ ':'1,' r.,,>{,/:' ~ '1."."'- .. ~'~L_ "9J""'rt 'k / nil'! "~, ' .', \_~___;. I_:'~/:!'/ 'iiJ \' h<; ". I \ -"-\~ "~";1l!1 11"],.-- '17'1- " ~'~3l'1i;r-" . 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I I ,I f, 1'1 ~ I, 11 ':, 1 ~ , ", 1 .. 11 , : 'I 'I j I , , " " 'oJ.-'-' SNOll;J3S SSO~:J NOll"OOlS3~ n~313 3<lOHS )I~d ~alllOl..l '/.J.NI10JlO~(JO NOl1VllllSllO"llJ8010r -" ...".._, ,,- .~~~."=,~~"..-._.,,,..~, ... h J, )( ~ ~~ o. ~~ .- ~~ ~. ~! ~~ I~i: F< >w ~F ~F -. I~ ~l '~, l i ~ i i I~'n"'l .....O"~ 1It000.H .....O"~ ;1l~1'~ 11i'1 X'IIJ ~f~~'~ 11~,I.H~ ..,-IIo.''''''ld~''"J.'''^^' IIo<\V......CIJ.NCUUI/':lQ" UlI'O^J.llQ>j N"lVl1~~~ij-M.N I." o " . . ]~ e" " .. 0' 0" .= 0> '""" n > , ~ ~d ~~ MJ'" Nlfld 51lnm:J 55300'" lUGS J~HS )l~Vd ON'" SlldVN ~ < , , , l i I~ ~ " ~ ~ g :: CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-2 New Business 59 of 60 Co~ CoUHtV ---~, ' AdrrunfSllalNe -SefWJ"'; , ;::\.1[,:1,,];,,'; Standard Construction (BCC) Contracts Checklist ~"s Berm Restoration Proiect Do the Technical Spec's contain any propnuary Items? Yes D cJo ~If Yes, attach the Spec pages for that item only. Fund/Cost Center/Project wi Wf3S Element ,or Printing 1M ['ocuments 195-110406 80030 Project Estimate; D $200k - 499,999 ( ~ $500,OOO~/+ ( days) Project Manager will arrange to have tI: ; legal advertisemenl placed with the Naples Daily News Engineer's Estimate: $1,150.000 -------- Item -~-- Name and address of proJecl Manager 1 ..,-..-- Design Professional's Name DesiQn Professional's Contact Inform-atio Project Name -----...- Bid Number ..-..-.-- Drawino Sheet Numbers - - DatelTime Bids will be Received Mandatory/Non-mandatorv P-B Conf. Ian ----- ---- DatelTime of Pre-bid Conference Days to Comolete Profect -- - Date of Notice List Cateoorv of SubcontractorSJ€'Jl~eTe #Davs to Substantial Comoletion -- #Davs Substantial to Final Complelioll -- Liquidated Damage Dollar Amount --.- - Insurance Menu US Longshoreman's & Harborwoike Maritime Coverage (Jones I\ct) Water Craft liability Aircraft Liability Propertv Insurance - Buil~ers I,isk HourslDays of Work (State If non-sic " --.-----..- Bid Schedule, i . Subcontractor List "Trench Safetv Act Form -- -- Bid Bond Form ---- Local Vendor Preference AffidaVit What are the fundina sources? (e 9 g-rant Is this Proiect funded (nartlallv or_,n whol _~artment Gary McAlpin - Coastal Zone Management: 3301 East Tamlaml Trail; SUite 103, Naples, FI 34112 Purchasin CO~1tract Information Coastal Pianning and _~!l~n~erin Sieve Keehn Naples Berm f~estoratioll Pro-ect 10-XXXXXX ---~._._._- CP&E Sheet 1-8 -----..---.------ -.--.----- ---- 200 I)M on January 6, I 2011 ___ __!__~anda~_ _____._1..1:00 PMon 12110/2010 .___~,_ Complet2_b 413012011 n gU;lge c~r ':~lan) NIA Com lete b 4130/2011 _Comple((eby 517/20J..1 $4,350 per day past S ubsta nlla-, Co m p letla n Risk Mcmagement Review D Applicable D N/A D Applicable D N/A D Applicable 0 NIA D Applicable 0 N/A D A Iicable D N/A ro' Act Dawn to Dusk 5 days a week With additional schedule options available ----..---- Ntached --.--- To be lJstr;d by each bidder '1:1 'ord) NII\ , dC,) el.by Federal aid? ~_ ___~~~~_I~ed Yes -...--- ---.--...-.--..- - TDC fonds ------ ---_.- No If yes, attach applicable documents----. .- -I~--- . FHWA 1273, "Required Conlract I'rovlsions - Federal Aid '[ Construction Contracts" . LAP Checklist and re ulred Documents Is the Contractor Pre-Qualification Ques~lon:laire Required? Exhibits: H. General Terms & Conditions I. Supplemental Terms & Conditions J , Technical Specs K. Permits (List permits and who IS respo"sible for oblalning) L, Standard Details "Trench Safel - Use onl for rejects wltll ditch-related work CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-2 New Business 60 of 60 --..., .., Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ,0 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 1of69 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Share the Doctors Pass Jetty Rebuild bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC, OBJECTIVE: Share the Doctors Pass Jetty bid package and discuss issues and status with the CAC CONSIDERATIONS: Key issues as follows 1. Permits from FDEP and the USACE have been issued 2. This work will be required to be completed by tile beginning of turtle nesting season and should take 6 to 8 weeks to complefe 3, Access to site has to be '!Jorked out with the existing condominium 4. The bid package is issued and the contract schedule is a follows a. Pre bid conference on 12/10/2010 b, Bids due to purchasing on 1/6/2011 c. CAC approval on 1/13/2011 d TDC approval on 1/24/2011 e BCC presentation and approval on 1/25/2011 f. Contract /\ward by 1/25/2011 g. Contracfor NTP by 2/1/2011 h Substantial compll:tion by 4/15/2011 I. Final completion bj 1\/30/2011 j, Liquidated DamaUE: Dollar Amount of $2,350 per day past Substantial Completion 5 Project was redesigned tc cost less that $750.000. 6. Close coordination with the City of Naples required Assigned individual from Naples required ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Status update only. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and IS legally sufficient for Board action - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Status update only PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 2 of 69 DOCTORS PASS NORTlI./ETTY REIIAHILlTATlON COLLIER COUNTY HID NO, NO\cmhcr 2010 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ZONE MANAG~:MENT DEPARTMENT Collier County Government W, lIarmon Tnrncr Bldg., Snifc 103 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Design Professional: Coastal PI;lnnillg & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N.W, Boca Raton Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 391-8102 BID SCHEDULE Bid],;o. TOTAL BID CONTACT PRICE FOR DOCTORS PASS NORTH JETTY REHABlLlTATIO]'; in numbers: $ in words: $ CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 3 of 69 CAC Oecember 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 4 of 69 PRE-BID INFORMATION (Attach tullid Form and include attachments as necessary) A. Describe Biddcr's proposed mcthod or completing thc Work bcing bid and a time schedulc Il)[' implementing the phases involvcd, B. What is the estimatcd duration ot'the work in days and months? C. What sizc and type or cquipment will you used on this project, to inelude cranes, front end loadcrs. dllzers, dump trucks, conveyors, etc.? Wbat equipment will you purchase or rent for thc proposed work? D. List key personnel Bidder proposes to use 00 this proieet including their qualifications and prior experience, .---_._-_..._~.._.._--_. CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 5of69 E. List other prcsent cllmmitments ineluding dollar value thereoL name of owner and estimated dalc of completion. F. Will you sublet any part of this work') If so, give details. G. What is the last projcct orthis nature that you have completed'> H. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you: Ifso, where and why? L Name threc individuals or corporations for which you have perll)J'!ned work and their contact information as n::krcnces. CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 6 of 69 The undersigned guarantees the trutb and accuracy of all statements and answers made herein. Signature of Jlidder Jly Business Addrcss Incorporated under the laws of the Statc or H' Name CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 70f69 DOCTORS PASS NORTH J~TrY REHABILITATION PRO.mCT November 2010 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DOIJGLAS W. MANN, P.L. NO 44046 DATE CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 80f69 DOCTORS PASS NORTH JETTY REHABILITATION PROJECT n~CHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of COllfcllts PART 1 - GENERAL 1. SCOPE OF WORK FOR JETTY CONSTRUCTION """"""""""."".""""""""TSD-1 2. SUBMnTAI.S AND NOTIFICATIONS """""""".."",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """ " " " " """.. " TS D-2 3. SUR V E Y R I 'Q U I RI. M EN IS "...."..... "....."... "......"...."......".....".......,....."..... "".... .TSD-6 4. SURVEY 1/\ YOUT AND CONTROL.."",,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,, '"'''' ,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TSD-7 5. CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ""...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.TSD-8 6. AS-BUILT I)RA WINGS . """"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,."",," " ".."""..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.."""""" ".TSD-8 7, ACCESS, WORK AREA, AND STORAGE AREAS "."""".."""."""",,,,,.,,,,.,,,,TSD-9 8. PERMISSIIlI I' WORK DA YS AND HOURS".."""".""."".."""". ".""""""".TSD-II 9. NOTIFICAIION ANI) INSPECIION """""""""""""""""'''''''''''' ""... ",,,,,,,,,.ISD-II 10. PROTECTION OF LXISTING STRUCTURES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACII V 1T'r .... '"'''' ,. .... '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' """"'"'''''''' "".""""""..'ISD-12 II. NOISE CONlROI, ,,,....,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,..,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.TSD-12 12. SITE CLEAN-UP ".""""""."""""" """""'''''''''''''''""""""""""". """. """""""TSD -12 13. EXAMINAIION ANI) j'INAL ACCEPTANCE""""... """""""""" "."""""""."TSD-13 14. DA MAG I.S ... ........,. ,...... ....."...........".........."......"....."....."......"....."......., ,...."......TSD-13 15. PAYMENT J()R MOIlIIIZA'IIONIDEMOBILlZATION """"""""""""""""",,,TSD-14 16. PA YMENTl 0 PROVIDE AND PLACE NEW ARMOR STONES""".""."".."TSD-14 17. PA YMENI lOR SURVEYS """... """""". """" "'''''''''''. """.."..",,,,,,,,,,,,,,TSD-15 18. PA YMENI l(lR GEOIIXIlLE"""..",,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,TSD_15 19, PROGRESS I'A YMENTS '""""."""...."".,,,,,".,,,,,,,,. """"",,,,,,,,,..,,. """"""""TSD-15 20. FINAL ACCI'PTANCE AND PA YMENT..."."""".""""."."""....""..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TSD_16 21. ONE YEAR CORRITIION PERIOD.""""...""""."""""."..""" .""""""""".TSD-19 PART 2 - MATERIALS ANI} FOUNI}ATION 22. ARMOR STONE". ................................................................................... , ,.....""...TSD-20 PART 3 - EXECUTION 23. ARMOR SlONE INSTALLATION """"""'"'''''''''''''' "."."" "."". 24. TEST SECTION "." ..",,,,,....,,,,.,,,, .,,,,, '" "" """"..".""".""." ,,,....,,.....ISD-22 """"""""TSD-23 TSD-i CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 90169 nOCTORS PASS NORTH .JETTY REHABILITATION PROJECT TECHNICAL SI'I<:CIFICATIONS Tablc of Confents (cont'd) PART 4 - ~:NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 25. SCOPE.,,,....,.,,.....,,.,.....,,....,,,.....,,.... "...."....,."....,,,...,,......,,.....,,.......,,.....,,,,.......... .ISD-23 26. TRAININCj 01' CONTR/\CTOR PERSONNEL IN POLLUTION CONTROL AND ENVIR()NMENTAI. PROTECTION """...",..""""""""""."""""""""."".TSD-24 27. ENVIROMvll'NTAL PROTECTION PLAN""""".."" """".."""."..""""""""".TSD-24 28. NOTIFICATI()N "" ..........."""",".."""""".."",,,,,,. .....""". ",,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.TSD-25 29. TURlllDITY C'ONTROL ...."""."",...",,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,, .."",,,,,,,,,,.,,. """.."""""..,TSD-26 30. PROIH'TION OII'ISII AND WilDLIFE RESOURCES ....""""...",,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.TSD-26 31. FULl. OIL IRANSJ'LR OPERATIONS"".."""""""".. """""..""""..."""""""".TSD-26 32, OIL AND I L\/ARDOUS M/\TERIAL SPILLS AND CONTAINMI'NT ""," " "..'IS 1)-27 33. PUMPINC, ()! BIU;FS .. ""." """""""""""""""',, """". ..""",...."..""",,,....TSD-27 Appendices Appendix T I Appendix T2 .Jetty ('unSll'llClion Daily Quality Control Report State and Federal Permits TSD-ii CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-3 New Business 10 of 69 DOCTORS PASS NORTH .JETTY HEIIABlLlTATION PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART I - GENERAL 1. SCOPE OF WORK FOR JETTY CONSTRUCTION. The work covered b) this section consists of furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, supplies and material, and ofpcrll'nning all operations and surveys in connection with the rehabilitation of the north jetty at Doctors Pass in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all l'erms and Conditions included in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and thc U.S, Army Corps (lISM'F) permils, Rehabilitation orthejetty will consist or the placement oronc layer 01'5 ton armor stone upon the existing structure with minimal adjustment ol'the existing rock layers. Phases I and 2 will consist of the placement orapp,,),ximately 2020 tons orarmor stone. Phase 3 will consist of the placement of approximately 680 tOilS orarmor stone, Phase 4 will consist of the placement orapproximately 1060 tons of armor stone. ,'onstruction must be completed prior to the beginning of sea turtle nesting season on May I. 1.1 Permits. The COUNTY will provide the Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit and the USACE permit fllr this project. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all conditions of the permits. These are included in Appendix T2. 1.2 Other Permits, Thc CONTR/\CTOl< is solely responsible Il" obtaining, at their cost, all othc, approvals Il1l' the mining and transporting orrock and all other material to the projcct site, [his includes, but is not limi!ed to. any and all roach,a) permits, customs ckaranccs. <.lllll business licenses requin:d to bring material to the sileo 1.3 Construction Window, State permits Illr the project allow work to be conducted on the jetty betwl'Cn Novcmber I and April 30, 1.4 Proicrt Phasing, The project is subdivided into lour (4) phases which the COUNTY may bid all or individual phases tomect their budget requirements. 1.5 Bid Method, The lowest bid IlII' the projcct described in Section I will be awarded the project's cuntracl. Ihe pre-bid in!l)J'tnati')ll qllestiollnaire must be completely Ii lied out upon submission Or) ollr bid or your bid ml" 1I0! be considered. A biddcr shall submit his bid on thc Bid I'onn and l'roposall'lIl'11ishcd. Bids shall be in the units speeitied Il" each item. Allullit prices and lump slims shall include all expenses, overhead, pro lit and any other costs necessary I'llI' completing the \Vorl\.. 2. SUBMITTALS AND NOTIFICATIONS, TSI)- i CAe December 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 110f69 The CONTRACTOR will provide the following submittals and notifications to the ENGINEER and/or COUNTY at the appropriate times: 2.0,1 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.0.4 2.0.5 2.0.6 2.0.7 2.0,8 2.0.9 2.0.10 2,0,11 2.0.12 2.0,13 20 14 2.0.15 2.0,16 2.0 17 2.0.18 2.0.19 2.0,20 2.0.21 Quality Control Plan (TSD 2.13) Subcontractor Contact List (TSD 2.3) Accident Prevention Plan (TSD 2.11) Environmcntal Protection Plan (TSD 27) Hurricane and Severe Storm Plan (TSD 2.12) Request lor Clarilication of Interpretation of Contract Documents Order of Work and Project Schedule (TSD 2.1) Survey Deliverables (TSD 3) Maintenance of Trartic Plan (TSD 2.9) Daily Quality Control Reports (TSD 2.4) Notilication of Cultural Resource Discovery Notification of Occurrence of Delays in Work Application lor Progress Payment (TSD 19) Notice of Completion of Work (TSD 20.1) Application for Final Payment (TSD 20.2) Qualification of Environmental Monitors (TSD 26) As-built Drawings (TSD 6) Notification of Lost Material (TSD 12.2) Material and Equipment Transport, Storage and Access (TSD 2.2) Stone Certification (TSD 2.5) CertiJied Roek Quantity (TSD 2.6) Further details on submittals are provided in the General Conditions and herein: 2.1 Construetion Schedule. A minimum of one (I) day prior to the pre-construction meeting, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the COUNTY, for approval, a practicable construction schedule and methodology statement for construction of the jetty. No work on sitc sball begin until the schedule is approvcd by the COUNTY. Approval by the COUNTY indieatcs an acknowledgement and not an endorsement of the CONTRACTOR's means and methods. 2,2 Material and EuuiDment TransDort. Storal!e and. Aceess. At least one (1) day prior to the pre-construction conference, the CONTRACTOR shall provide to thc COUNTY and ENGINEER a description of the routes and areas he intends to use to transport and store material and equipment during the construction of the jetty, The description shall also describe how the CONTRACTOR intends to access the work area. All transport routes, storagc areas, access areas, and mooring locations and lacilities are subject to review by the COUNTY and ENGINEER Illr compliance with the plans and spceifications. 2.3 Subcontractor Contact List. At, or prior to, the prc-construction Conference, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a list of subcontractor project personnel and their telephone, TSD-2 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 120f69 teletax, and other numbers by which key personnel can be reached for purposes of notilication, and other matters discussed in these speeilieations. Nevertheless, the CONTRACTOR remains responsible for all work and shall be the point of contact and in responsible charge of the subcontractor during the duration oftbe work. 2.4 Jetty Construction Dailv Reports. The CONTRACTOR, and their subcontractor (if any), shall submit daily reports that summarize the Jetty work completed at the end o I' each work day. Jetty Construction Daily Reports shall be submitted every working day during the construction period (even whcn no work is done) between the time at which thc Notice to Procced is issued and the time of Final Acceptance. Reports shall be submitted by 2:00 p.m. on a daily basis to the ENGINEER and the COUNTY in person, via fax, or e-mail. A eopy of the required daily report lor jetty construction is ineluded in Appendix T I of the Tcchnicall'rovisions. 2,5 Stone Certification, At least seven (7) days prior to the pre-construction conference, inflmnation regarding the stone source and stone certification with the name, location and telephone number of the vendor(s) and quarry(s) from wbich stone materials will be supplied, shall be provided to the ENGINEER lor review prior to delivery of stone material to the project sitc. The stone certification shall be based upon an independent laboratory analysis of the rock's specific gravity and shall indicate the standards by which the results were dcveloped. Certifications are required for the armor stone, bedding stone and IllUndation stone. Scc Part 2, Section 25. 2,6 Certified Rock Ouantity, The CONTRACTOR shall provide records of the net weight of rock transportcd to the work site and (bc number of armor stones. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the ENGINEER with a weekly cumulative total of all rock (by size: i.c., armor stone, bedding stone or foundation stone) delivered to the project site and a total of all rock placed by numbers and by weight. Signed weight tickcts and any other records shall be provided to the ENGINEER weekly. 2.7 Surveys, Pre-construction survcys (Section 3) sball be submitted seven (7) days prior to construction of each jctty. Post-eonstruetion surveys shall be submitted within fl)urteen (14) days alter substantial completion or conditional acccptancc pending survey reVlCYv. 2.8 As-Built Drawin!!s. As-Built drawings (Section 6) shall be submitted within lourteen (14) days aHer linal acceptance, 2.9 Maintenance of'Traffic. Thc CONTRACTOR shall provide a traflic control plan at least one ( I) day prior to the pre-construction conference. The plan shall outline thc signage and methods the CONTRACTOR will use to minimize disturbanec to normal traffic Ilows in thc project area as part or the plan, The CONTRACTOR shall utilize Ilagmen when unloading materials and mobilizing or dcmobilizing equipment from the construction site. Ihe COUNTY may request modifications to the traf1ic control plan. TSD-3 CAC December 9,2010 VIJJ-3 New Business 13 of 69 2.10 Pre-Construction Conference, The CONTRACTOR will attend a jetty pre- construction conference with the COUNTY. and ENGINEER before work begins at the site. 2,11 Accident Prevention Plan and Appointmenf of Safety Officer. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the namc and contact information for the Safety Officer(s) responsible for this project, including functional descriptions of duties. The CONTRACTOR is also required to submit an Accident Prevention Plan and a Confined Spaec Entry Plan to the ENGINEER. Said plans must be in accordance with all Federal sakty standards as specified in EM 385-1-1, entitled "Safety & Health Requirements Manual". Submissions of thc plans do not constitute an endorsement on the part of the COUNTY or ENGINEER of the CONTRACTOR's accident prevention plan. The plans arc intcnded to provide a method by which the CONTRACTOR demonstrates an awareness of Fedcral safety standards. 2,11.1 Safetv Personnel Requirement. The CONTRACTOR shall employ at the project area a permanent Safety and Occupational Health person (Safety Officer) to managc the CONTRACTOR's accident prevention program. The Safety Otliccr shall be on duty during any work of a complex nature including, but not limited to, thc relocation or utilities; work on or around structures; work on or around existing jetty; or when blasting or other potentially hazardous activities arc occurring. The Satety Olliccr shall report to and work directly for thc CONTRACTOR's superintcndent or the corporate safety office. The Safety Officer shall have the authority to take immediate steps to correct unsafe or unhealthful conditions. Thc presence of the Safety Officcr will not abrogate saldy responsibilities of all other personncl. The Safety Oflicer shall attend the pre-construction conference. 2.11.2 Qualilications for Safety Ol1ieer: (I) Shall have a degree in a technical or scientific Iield or safety in a tllur-year, or longer, program from an accredited school; or (2) Shall have at least I year of experience in safety and occupational hcalth work. 2.11.3 The Safety Officer shall document all meetings with company personnel by submitting an attendance sheet and the topic discussed with the daily QC report. 2.12 Hurricane and Severe Weather Plan. The CONTRACTOR shall monitor NOAA or other wcather broadcasts during all eonstruetion activities operations and notify the ENGINEER and the COUNTY at the time of any decision to move equipment in preparation tllr potential storms. The CONTRACTOR shall providc a prioritized list of actions to be taken in the event ofa severe storm and assign personnel to cach action. This plan shall be submittcd (7) sevcn days prior to the prc-eonstruction meeting. 2,13 Ouality Control Plan. TSD-4 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 140f69 2.13.1 General. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the Quality Control Plan (QC Plan) lor review and acceptance by the ENGINEER prior to the pre-construction meeting. In gencral, the plan shall identify personnel. procedures. instructions, records, and forms to be used, 2,13.2 Content or tbe OC Plan. Thc QC Plan shall include, as a minimum, the 1(1110\\ ing to cover all construction operations, both on-site and otT-site, including work by subcontractors, fabricators. suppliers, and purchasing agents: (a) A description of the quality control organization, including a chart showing lines of authority and acknowledgement that the QC statlshall implement aspects of the work speeilied. The statlshall include a QC System Manager who shall report to the project superintendent. (b) The name, qualifications (in resume format), duties, responsibilities, and authorities of each person assigned a QC function. (c) i\ copy ofthe letter to the QC Manager signed by an authorized official ofthe lirm which describes tbe responsibilities and delegates sufficient authorities to adequately perflmn the functions of the QC Manager, including authority to stop work \\hich is not in compliance with the contract. The QC Manager shall issue letters or direction to all other various quality control representatives outlining duties, authorities, and responsibilities. Copies of these letters will also be furnished to the COUNTY as part orthe QC Plan. (d) Procedures f(Jr scheduling. reviewing, certifying, and managing submittals, including those of suhcontraetors, on~site fabricators, suppliers, and purchasing agents. (e) Control, verification, and acceptance testing procedures for each specific test to inelude the test name, specitieation paragraph requiring test. teature of work to be tested, test frcquency, and person rcsponsible for each test. (I) Procedures fl)f tracking preparatory, initial, and lollow-up control phases and control. verilication, and aeeeptanee tests including documentation. (g) Proccdures lortraeking construction delicieneies from identification through acceptable correetive action, These proeedurcs will establish verification that identitied deficiencies have heen corrected. (h) Reporting procedures, ineluding proposed reporting formats. (i) A list orthe definable features of work. A definable feature orwork is a task that is separate and distinct from other tasks and has separate control requirements. It could be identitied by different trades or disciplines, or it could be work by the TSD-5 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 150f69 same trade in a different environment. Although each section of the specifications may generally be considered as a dclinable feature or work, there are frequently more than one definable feature under a particular section. This list will be agreed upon during the pre-construction meeting. 2.13.3 Execution of Qualitv Control Plan. The CONTRACTOR's quality control system is the means by which the CONTRACTOR is assured that the construction complies with thc requirements of the Contract Documents, including all project permits. 2.14 Payment for Administrative Costs. All costs associated with this section shall be included in the unit price for armor stone. 3. SURVEY REQUIREMENTS. 3,1 Survey Components. The CONTRACTOR shall measure and submit to the ENGINEER plan and profile surveys ofthe structurcs depicting the following: (a) The natural grade in the immediate construction location ofthe rock jetty that exists immediately prior to construction. (b) The uesign templates lor the structure. (c) The linal constructcd configuration of the rock jetty (i.e., post- construction survey). 3,2 Protile Spaeinf!. Thc pre- and post-construction profiles shall be measured along transects that arc perpendicular to the alignment oftbe structure and that are spaced no more than 20-ft apart. Survey transects shall also be taken at any change in the slope of the structure, A suf1icient number of points shall be taken along each prolile to accurately represent the gcneral shape and average trend ofthe constructed lines and grades. Elevations or any stone shall he mcasured by selecting a point on the stonc that represents the average elevation ofthe top ofthe stone (determined visually). The CONTRACTOR shall survey the toe of the structure by placing the survey rou immediately adjacent to the most waterward stone. I I' any survey results do not accurately reprcsent the structure, the CONTRACTOR shall resurvey any portion of a structure at no additional cost to the COUNTY. Survey transects shall extend from a minimum oftwenty leet beyond tbe north limit ofthe structure to a minimum of twenty ICct beyond the south limit ofthe structure. Uncovering sand from the strueturc may be required to complete the survey. 3,3 Submission Reqnirements, All survey data shall be submitted in grapbieaf form with the pre-project conditions, design templates, allowable tolerances, and post-project conditions depicted. Thc plan view shall depict the location and extent of the foundation, and rock jetty. A plan view drawing scale of J "~5 fect is required. The cross-sections shall depict the elevation of the mattress foundation and the rock jetty. All cross-sections shall include the data anu the identifying baseline station number. All survey information submitted, anu included in any depiction, shall include the date of the survey. Vertical TSD-6 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 160f69 elevations shall be in feet referenccd to the NA VD 1988 datum. Horizontal distances shall be in feet. Locations shall be specified in Florida State Plane grid coordinates, NAD 1983 datum. Cross section survey drawings shall be at a scale of I ,,~, 5 feet with the horizontal scale equal to the vertical scale. Locations of the cross sections shall be shown on the plan view drawing, 3.4 Personnel. All surveys shall be performed under the direction of an independent Florida licensed professional land surveyor (P.L.S.), All surveys shall meet minimum technical standards, 3.5 Pavment for Surveys. All costs associated with this section, and Sections 4 and 6 shall be ineluded in the survey bid item. 4. SURVEY LAYOUT ANI) CONTROL. 4.1 Controll)ata, Descriptions of the monument control in the vicinity of the jetty arc Illrnished in the Plans. 4.2 Horizonfal and Vertical Limits, The CONTRACTOR shall establish the survey control fllr the work. The CONTRACTOR shall layout the horizontal and vertical limits of the work from the control provided in the Plans, The CONTRACTOR sball be responsible fllr maintaining the accurate alignment and eontiguration of the rock jetty during construction. The CONTRACTOR shall not scale dimensions from the Plans for the purposes of \York layout. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible fl1r all measurements that may be required for thc cxecution ofthe \York to the location and limit marks prescribed in the drawings and in these speei1ieations. Based on the pre-construction survey, the I'NG IN EER rcserves the right to modi fy the locations and elevations ofthe structure as may be required to meet changed conditions. If the CONTRACTOR discovers a conlliet during layout of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER in writing. 4.3 Temporary Benchmarks. If the CONTRACTOR elects to establish temporary bcnehmarks through the \York sitc, they shall be established by a closed loop oflevels from a permanent benchmark or a line of levels bctween two permanent benchmarks. Any such temporary benchmark shall be located upon fixed objects sucb as utilities, roadways, driven stakes, ete. to assure rcliability through the duration of the work. 4.4 Construction Stakes. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at his own expense, such stakes, templates, platfl>ril1s, equipment, tools, and material, and alllahor as may be required in laying out any part of the work from the monuments, control data and elevations. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain and preserve the established stakes and other marks. Ifsuch marks are destroyed by the CONTRACTOR, they may be replaced by the ENGINEER at his discretion. and the expense or replacement will be deducted Irom any amounts due or to become due. Work may be suspended at any time when location and limit marks established by the CONTRACTOR arc not adequate to permit checking ofthe work. All construction stakes shall be removed upon completion orthe work, TSD-7 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 170f69 4.5 Drawin!! Modification. All dimensions as givcn on the drawings are binding for the CONTRACTOR. The ENGINEER rcserves the right to modify the locations and elevations of the limit marks as may be required to meet changed conditions or as a result of necessary modifications to the Contract work. Modiiications to the drawings will not lorm the basis f()f a change in unit price unless thc modilications inercase or decrease thc quantity of work by twenty-live percent (250/,,) or more, 5, CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 5.1 A minimum of one (I) complete set of construction plans and Contract Documents (with permits) shall be kept in the CONTRACTOR's field office; and at thc construction site at all times during project construction. Additional sets of plans, if rcquired, will be available Ii-om the ENGINEER at a charge of litly dollars ($50) per set. The CONTRACTOR will compensate the LNGINEER Illr the cost 01' complete sets of construction plans beyond thrcc (3) sets, not including those used fl)f bidding purposes. 5,2 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a separatc set or tilll-size contract drawings, marked up in red, to indicate current, as-built conditions. Thesc drawings shall be maintained at or near the site in a currcnt condition at all timcs until completion ofthe work. Thc drawings shall bc available tor review by the ENGINEER or COUNTY, or their respective representativcs at all times. All variations from the contract drawings, for whatever reason, including those occasioncd by modifications, optional materials, and the required coordination between trades, shall be indicated, Thesc variations shall be shown in the same general detail utilized in the contract drawings. The marked-up drawings may be utilized I(Jr preparation or the as-built drawings, but may not be substituted for the as-built drawings. 6, AS-BUILT IlRAWINGS. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER, lor approval. the surveyed prolile data orthe work in addition to a survey cd plan view of the work. The profile and plan view information must bc suhmittcd to the ENGINEER within fourteen ( 14) calendar days of the completion ofthe work on thc jctty, 6,1 The profile data shall be that described in the "Survey Requirements", Section 3. 6.2 Upon completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall sign the as-built drawings in thc f~)llowing manner: ,,' CERTIFY THAT THESE DRAWINGS INDICATE CONSTRUCTION AS ACTUALLY PERFORMED AND ARE AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF TilE SPECIFIED WORK." Thc COUNTY reserves the right to withhold tinal payment until acceptable as-built drawings have been submitted. 6.3 fhe CONTRACTOR will provide the ENGINEER any CAD files created In preparation ol'the as-built drawings. TSD-8 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 180f69 6.4 All costs associated with this section shall be included in the survey bid item. 7, ACCESS, WORK AREA, AND STORAGE AREAS, 7.1 General. The general locations of access points and the work area are indicated in the Plans. Access points should be minimized as much as practicable. Unless otherwise directed in writing by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR is responsible for removing existing vegetation, rencing, and otber impediments, as necessary, to allow equipment access and material deliveries to the work area. The CONTRACTOR shall landscape (restore) those areas where access routes and staging areas are developed, 7.2 Construction Aceess. 7,2,1 Land Access to the Proiect Site. 7,2.1.1 Land access to the landward project area is described in the Plans. The CONTRACTOR shall evaluate the erticiency of these roads in mobilizing equipment and materials to the site prior to making his bid, Ihe construction of new access roads is not permitted. The COUN IY will maintain the cxisting sand trails as necessary. Mohilization and demobilization of equipment and materials may requirc barge dclivery. Access to thc beach may be through the aecesscs designatcd in the Plans and Spceilications. The use of these areas must be coordinatcd with the COUNTY. 7.2,1.2 Traffic Re!!ulations, Ihe CONTRACTOR is responsible for complying with all Dcpartment of Transportation, County, and other local regulations regarding weight limits for bridges and roads utilized for transport. The CONTRACTOR is likewise responsible tor complying with all applicable traffic. safety, and speed laws. Rcpeatcd failurc of the CONTRACTOR to comply with applicable load and traffic regulations will rcsult in suspension of transport operations until the CONTRACTOR demonstrates to the satisfaction orthe COUNTY that thc CONTRACTOR has takcn sufficient steps to ensure compliance with these rcgulations. The CONTRACTOR shall notify. and coordinate with. local law enforcement and highway agencics regarding transport activities that shall be undertaken for the work. 7.2,2 Water Access to the Proiect Site, The CONTRACTOR may deliver equipment, materials, and personnel by barge. The CONTRACTOR shall not leave the barge unattcnded, Parking and transfer of pcrsonncl Irom the Beacon House TSD-9 CAC December 9, 2010 VlII-3 New Business 19 of 69 marina to the job site is permissible. Transfer of equipment or materials is not permissible from the Beacon 1I0use marina. Boat traffic in the near vicinity of the project site, will consist primarily of pleasure or commercial fishing boats. Ocean-going cargo vessels may be encountered offshore of the project site. 7,2.2.3 The CONTRACTOR will be required to operate in compliance with pertinent U.S. Coast Guard regulations and to conduct the Work in sucb a manner as to minimi/e any obstruction to navigation. I I' the CONTRACTOR's harge 01' other tloating equipment so obstructs any navigation channel as to make navigation difficult or endanger the passage of vesscls, said dredge or equipment shall be promptly moved on the approach or any vessel to such an extent as may be necessary to afford a practicable passage, Upon completion of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly remove the equipment, as "ell as ranges, buoys, piles and other marks or objects placed in navigable waters or onshore. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all notifications required lor his marine activities undertaken in regard to construction of the work, including but not limited to possible coordination with the U.S. Coast Guard (including publication ofa Notice-to- Mariners), the Statc of Florida, and the COUNTY, as may be required. Copies or all Notice to Mariners shall be submitted to the COUNTY and ENGINEER, 7,2,2.4 All inlets and ports arc used at the CONTRACTOR's own risk, A barge loading site is identilied in the Plans. 7.3 Stal!inl! Area, Limited staging areas will be provided by the COUNTY and are shown in the Plans. These areas will he delineated at the preconstruct ion meeting. The CONTRACTOR shall cordon olT and/or rence tbe staging area to secure the area from the public. The staging area must be restored upon project completion at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. Ifadditional staging areas are required, they shall be procured by, and at the expense of: the CONTRACTOR. The utilization of the sandy beach as a work area is permitted. The beach is subject to dynamic fluctuations in width and elevation which may affect construction operations. 7.4 Exclusion of Public. The CONTRACTOR will be required, for safety purposes, to exclude the public from the staging area and work areas in the immediate vicinity of the jelly, transport operations, or any other area that may he dangerous to the public (ineluding surrers). A temporary fence is required in the vicinity ofthejetty. The CONTRACTOR will minimi/e the areas closed to the public. The CONTRACTOR shall assign a flag/safety person dedicated to maintain traflie or control the public, as necessary. If the CONTRACTOR is not able to keep and maintain the public at a safe distance from the TSD-IO CAC December 9,2010 VIIl-3 New Business 20 of 69 construction activity, the CONTRACTOR is to notify the COUNTY and request assistance in eontrolling public access. 7.5 Payment. All costs associatcd with Section 7 are included in the unit cost for armor stone. 8, PF:RMISSlBLE WORK I}A YS ANI} HOURS, During all periods of construction, activity shall be limited to daylight hours unless otherwise authorized by thc COUNTY. 9, NOTIFICATION ANI} INSPECTION. 9.1 Notification. Thc CONTRACTOR shall specifically noti(y the COUNTY: 9,1.1 ol'the CONTRACTOR's intendcd date or commencement of the site work at least lour (4) days in advance ofthe work's commencemcnt; 9,1.2 at least two (2) days prior to the establishment of horizontal and vertical control work: 9.1.3 at least seven (7) days prior to the quarry visit (Part 2, Section 25.4): 9.1.4 at least thrce (3) days prior to the cxpected completion of thc jetty structure; 9,1.5 at least three (3) days prior to thc CONTRACTOR's preparedness to cover any rock work with bcach till; 9.1.6 at least thrce (3) days prior to the date of expected substantial completion of the entire work. 9.2 Proiect Uneoverinl!. The presence or absence of the ENGINEER or the COUNTY shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility to properly execute the work in accordance with these Specifications and the Plans. The ENGINEER may order any element ol'the work uneovered, at no additional cxpense to the COUNTY, in the event the work was not observed by thc ENGINEER or surveyed (Part I. Section 3) prior to covering. This condition applies to any source or sand coverage, including from natural processes such as waves and tides, 9,3 Noncompliance Notification. The ENGINEER shall notify the CONTRACTOR of any observcd non-compliance with thc Plans and Specifications and/or applicable Federal, State or local laws & regulations, promptly upon discovery, The CONTRACTOR shall. after reccipt of such notice. immediately take corrcctive action. Sucb notice, when delivered to the CONTRACTOR or his authorized rcpresentativc, shall be deemed sulticient lor the purposc, II' the CONTRACTOR fails or refuses to comply promptly, thc COUNTY may TSD-ll CAC December 9,2010 VIJI-3 New Business 210f69 issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satislactory corrective action has been taken. 9.4 Payment. All costs associated with this section shall be included in the unit cost for armor stone. 10, PROTECTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, 10.1 General. llulkheads, revetments, utilities, upland structures, anchor points, and other structures within the work area shall be protected by the CONTRACTOR to prevent damage thereto by the CONTRACTOR'S operations. 10.2 Underground Utilities. CONTRACTOR shall call Sunshine State One Call of Florida before beginning any work at the project site. 10.3 Payment All costs associated with this section shall be ineluded in the unit cost for armor stone. 11. NOISE CONTROL. Alllitting. hauling, handling, and rock placement equipment used on this Work shall be equipped with satisfactory mufflers or other noise abatement devices. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct his operations so as to comply with all Federal. State, and local laws pertaining to noise. The use of horns, whistles. signals shall be held to the minimum necessary in order to ensure as quiet an operation as possible while maintaining safety on the job site. 12, SITE CLEAN-UP, 12,1 General. It is the intent of the COUNTY that the work be accomplished with minimum disturbance to the natural resources adjacent to the work area (specifically, tbe adjacent upland, lawns, landscaping, trees, dunes and nearshore areas), and that the immediate and general vicinity ofthe work area remain in its pre-project state suhsequent to completion of the work. All materials utilized by the CONTRACTOR during construction shall be removed Ii-om the site: including survey stakes, !lagging and other temporary survey controls, All rock Ii'agments greater tban (J,75 inches in any dimension shall be removed li'OITI the beach and construction access areas. All accesses across the dunes shall be restored to the topographic and vcgetative conditions that existed prior to construction. All costs associated with these activities shall be included in the unit price Il)r armor stone placement. 12.2 Lost Material. Should the CONTRACTOR during the progress of the work, lose, dump, sink, or misplace any material or equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the COUNTY and recover and remove same within 24 hours of receipt of said notice at no additional cost to the COUNTY. TSD-12 CAC December 9,2010 VIlI-3 New Business 22 of 69 12,3 Road Debris. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately have those streets or access roadways used for transport of construction materials swept of spilled stone or stone pieces tbat resulted Irom thc carriage of material for this work. Collected stone or stone pieces shall be disposed or in a legal manner and at the expense or the CONTRACTOR. ] 2.4 Work Area. The CONTRACTOR shall continually inspect the work areas to ensure that all debris left by the CONTRACTOR's and subcontractor's workers has been rcmoved trom the work arcas and propcrly disposed 01'. This includes, Illr example, lunch bags, soda cans, drink cups, etc. 12.5 Payment. All costs associated with this section shall be ineluded m the mohilization/demobilization bid pricc. 13. .~XAMINATlON AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. ]3,1 Substanfial Completion Inspection. The work will be thoroughly cxamined by the COUNTY as soon as practicable, and no later than t\lO (2) weeks after the ENGINEER receives notilication Irom the CONTRACTOR that thc work is substantially complete and ready for examination. The CONTRACTOR or his authorized representative will be notified when the examination(s) is (are) to be made and will be permitted to accompany the survey party. The ENGINEER shall issue a certificate of substantial completion ifappropriate and a list of dcficiencies to be remedied by the CONTRACTOR. ]3,2 Corrections, Should deliciencies in the work be determined relative to the contract drawings and speeilieations, the CONTRACTOR will be required to correct same at the discretion and direction or the ENGINEER. Corrections to the work involving the placemcnt of additillUal I()undation materials and stone shall be paid for at the contract rate. No direct paymcnt shall be made Illr corrections to the work involving the removal and replacement of unacceptable loundation materials, or stone. Upon complction of all deliciencies in the work identilled during the substantial completion inspection and satisraetory review of the as-built surveys, the ENGINI'ER will issue a recommendation of final acceptance to the COUNTY. 14. DAMAGES, All damagcs to private or public property resulting Irom the CONTRACTOR's operations shall bc repaired by the ('ONTRACTOR at thc CONTRACTOR's expense. The COUNTY shall determine if repairs are required and the COUNTY or owner of the damaged property will determine if the property has been repaired to its previous condition, beforc the CONTRACTOR receives approval of repairs. The CONTRACTOR will not receive tinal payment until all damagcs to private or public property rcsulting rrom the CONTRACTOR's operations are repaired as required. 15, PA YMENT FOR MOBlLlZATlONffiEMOBILlZATlON. 15.] General. All costs associated \lith the mobilization and demobilization of TSD-13 CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 23 of 69 cquipment and personnel to and from the project area sball be included in the contract lump sum pricc givcn under the Mobilization/Demobilization line on the bid form. The costs of bonds, any requircd insurance, and any othcr pre-construction cxpcnse necessary for the start or work, exeluding thc cost o I' construct ion materials. shall also be included in this section. 15,2 Mobilization Partial Pavment. Sixty percent (60%) ofthe lump sum price will be paid to the CONTRACTOR after one hundred (100) tons of boulders havc been placed within the lincs and grades of the jetty described in the Plans, The remaining fl1rty percent (40%) of tbe lump sum pricc will be included in the final payment for work under this contract. 16, PA YM~:NT TO PROVIDE ANn PLACE NEW ARMOR STONES, 16.1 Thc quantities of purchascd (new) armor stones, will be paid for at tbe in-place contract unit price per ton of armor stones. The price and payment shall be full compcnsation lur all work spccified for stonc plaeemcnt and shall include but not be limited to site acecss and staging, site preparation, site e1earing, stone purchasing, loading, transport, unloading, placing, cleanup, and all work prerequisite and incidental to stone placement. The cost ror this work shall be ineluded in the unit cost for placement of armor stones. Payment shall be based upon the pcr unit itcms constructed by thc CONTRACTOR and accepted by the ENCJlNI:ER on the basis or both suitablc documentation provided and obscrvation orlhe works. 16,2 Payment fur stonc placement will be based on the as-built surveys and a certified weight detcrmination of the quantity or material delivercd to thc site. The weight of the stone shall be measured by the net ton (2,000 pounds), dry in its natural state, as determined by railroad scales, truck scales, or bargc displacement. All costs incidental to weight determination shall he borne by the CONTRACTOR. Stone placed in cxcess of tolerances will be ineligihle lur payment. Stonc not mecting the specifications will not be paid for. 16,2,1 When railroad car determinafion of weights is used, the cars shall be weighed bellJre and after loading, or bef(,re and at\er unloading by a sworn weighcr at the quarry or at the destination, upon scales and in a manner satisluetor) (0 thc ENGINLER. Railroad certificates or weights will be acccptable. Each certification will be specilic to each numbcred car. 16,2,2 When truck determination of weights is uscd, thc trucks shall bc weighed before and after loading or before and after unloading by a sworn weigher, and in a manncr satisfactory to the ENGINEER. The truck scales will bc certified by an appropriatc agcney (FDOT, etc.) prior to their usc. Copies of currcnt certilications shall bc submittcd to the ENGINEER and thc COUNTY. Each truck shall be plainly markcd by a number or letter which shall not be changed or givcn to an) othcr truck during the period or the contract. 16,2,3 If barge displacement is used Il" the determination or weights, the TSD-14 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 24 of 69 following procedure will be used. Each barge will be accurately measured and shall be littcd with displacement indicators (gagcs or load-Iincs) graduated in tenths ora foot. Thc indicators shall be located on caeh corner of the barge, near thc lowcr end or the rake, with two additional indicators amidship, if deemed necessary by the ENCJlNEER. The indicators shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER, Forc and alt displacement due to load shall not differ more than 10 pcrccnt Irom their mean for the determination of tonnage, except in unavoidable cascs. From the differencc ofthe "loaded" and "light" indications, the tonnage of thc stone shall be determined. The CONTRACTOR shall provide full dimensions or the barge. All gage readings shall bc made in still water. The weight ofscawater displaced will be assumcd to be unifllrlnly 64,0 pounds per cubic foot IlJr saltwater and 62.4 Ibs/cf Illr freshwater. All bargcs shall be pumped dry (within thc limits of pump suction) bellJre each gaging, and limber holes shall be kept open so that any water in thc barge will !low freely to the pump suction, All equipment. dirt and other material which is on the barge shall rcmain when gagcd "loaded" and "light" so as to measure only the net weight of stone. 17, PAYMENT FOR SURVEYS, All costs associated with the prc- and post-construction surveys, and the as-built drawings shall be included in the contract lump sum price lor survcy. Partial payments 01'40% of the bid items will be made upon acccptancc orthe prc- and post-construction survcy. A partial paymcnt 01'20% will be made upon acccptancc ofthc as-huilt drawings. 18. I'A YMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. All costs associated with complying with Part 4 (Environmental Protection) of these specilications shall be included in the contract lump sum pricc givcn under the Turbidity Monitoring/Environmental Protection line on the bid t(lrm. Partial payments may be estimated based on the pcrcentage of armor stone placcd in thc jetty. 19. PROGRESS PAYM.:NTS. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the COUNTY one original invoice which ineludcs a schedule of values worksheet Illr work completcd through the invoice date. 19.1 Tbc CONTRACTOR shall bc eligible Illr his first progress payment alter one hundred (100) tons of boulders have been placed in the jetty as verified by weight tickets, daily reports, and the ENGINEER's observations. 19,2 The CONTRACTOR shall be eligible fllr subsequent progress payments upon the completion and acceptancc by the ENGINEER of the work. The progrcss payments shall be bascd on the tonnage or boulders placcd within the jetty tcmplates based on the as-built surveys and a certi licd weight determination ofthc quantity of material dcl ivcred to the site. Thc COUNTY shall not compensatc the CONTRACTOR tor purchase and trucking of stone TSD-15 CAC December 9.2010 VIII-3 New Business 25 of 69 to the staging site. Progress payments for lump sum items will be based on the percent of work complete through the invoice date, 19,3 All progress payments will be subjeet to a ten percent (10%) retainage. 20. FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND PA YMENT, 2(),1 Upon written notiee from CONTRACTOR that the jetty is complete, the ENGINEER will make a linal observation and review the as-built surveys for the jetty. The CONTRACTOR's request fl1r a 1inal observation shall constitute an application for substantial completion Il" the jelly. The ENGINEER shall issue a letter of substantial completion if appropriate and, ifneeessary, a list of all particulars in which this observation reveals that the work is incomplete or defective. The CONTRACTOR sball immediately take such measures as arc necessary to remedy such delieiencies. Correetions to the work involving the placement of additional stone which shall be paid Il)r at the contract rate. 20.2 Alier tbe CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and COUNTY and delivered guarantees, bonds, certilleates or inspection, marked-up record documents and all other documents as required by the Contract Documents, and alier the ENGINEER has indicated that the work is acceptable, the CONTRACTOR may make application fl" tinal payment. The linal Application for Payment shall be accompanied by all documentation called f()r in the Contract Documents and such other data and schedules as ENGINEER may reasonably require, together with complete and legally ef/cctive releases or waivers (satislactory to COUNTY) of all Liens arising out oL or filed in connection with the work. In lieu thereof and as approved by the COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in lull; an affidavit of the CONTRACTOR that the releases and receipts includc all labor, services, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with thc work tl)r whieh the COUNTY or the COUNTY's property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satislied; and consent or the Surety, ir any, to linal payment. If any subcontractor, manufacturer, labricator, suppl ier or distributor fai Is to f(lrnish a release or receipt in full, the CONTRACTOR may furnish a bond or other collateral satisfactory to the COUNTY to indcmnify the COUNTY against any lien. 20,3 The ENG I N EER's recommendation of payment will constitute a representation by the ENGINEER to the COUNTY that the conditions precedent to the CONTRACTOR's being entitled to payment as set forth in the following paragraphs have been fulfilled. Final placement weights and numbers will be prepared by the CONTRACTOR and provided to the ENGINITR Il)r verilication, The CONTRACTOR shall provide sutlicient signed and sealed as-built survey data to the ENGINITR to verify the placement of materials. 20.4 The ENGINfTR may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment il; in his opinion, it may be incorrect to make such representations to the COUNTY. The ENGINEER may also relllse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such TSD-16 CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 26 of 69 payment previously recommended to such extent as may be necessary in the ENGINEER's opinion to protect the COUNTY Irom loss because: (a) The work is defective, or completed work has causcd damages requiring corrcction or replaecmcnt: (b) Written claims have been made against COUNTY or liens have been filed In conncction with the work; (e) The contract price has becn reduccd because of modifications; (d) Thc COUNTY has been rcquircd to correct detective work or complete the work; (e) The CONTRACTOR has not pcrllJrmcd the work in accordance with the Contract Documents; or, (I) Clean-up of the project area as defined in the contract documents, ineluding containment sitc restoration, has not been accomplished to the satisfaction of the INGINEER; (g) The CONTRACTOR has failed to make paymcnt to subcontractors, or for labor, materials, or cquipment; or 20.5 I I: on the basis of the ENGINEER's observation ofthe work during construction and final inspection, and thc ENGINEER's review of the linal Application for Payment and accompanying documentation the ENGINEER is satislicd that the work has been completed and the CONTRACTOR has fullilled all of his/hcr obligations undcr the Contract Documcnts, the ENGINEIR wilL within tcn (10) days afier receipt ofthe final Application lor Payment, indicate in writing bis recommcndation orpaymcnt and prcsent the application to COUNTY f(lr payment. I f the application and accompanying documentation are appropriatc as to f(mn and substance, thc COUNTY shall, within thirty-one (31) days after receipt or the ENGINEER's rceommendation for final Payment, pay CONTRACTOR the amount rccommended by the ENGINEER. Otherwisc, the ENGINEER will return thc application to the CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment. in which case the CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the application. 20.6 It: through no tault of thc CON'] RACTOR, final completion of the work is signilicantly delaycd and ifthc ENGINEER so confirms, thc COUNTY shall, upon receipt or thc CON'I RACTOR's linal Application fl)r Payment and recommendation of the ENGINEER, and without terminating thc Agrccment, make payment ofthc balance duc for that portion orthc work ILilfy completcd and accepted, Ifthc rcmaining balance to be held by the county Illr work not ILdly completed or corrected is Icss than the rctainage stipulated in the Agreemcnt, and ifbonds have been furnishcd, the written consent ofthe Surety to the paymcnt ofthc balance due for that portion of the work ILilly completcd and accepted shall TSD-17 CAC December 9, 2010 Vlll.3 New Business 27 of 69 be suhmitted by the CONTRACTOR to the ENGINLER with the application for such payment. Such payment shall be made undcr the terms and conditions governing final payment. except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. 20.7 The CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any payment by the ENGINEER, nor the issuancc of a ccrtificate of Substantial Completion. nor any payment hy the COUNTY to the CONTRACTOR undcr the Contract Documents, nor any usc or occupancy of the work of any part thereofby the COUNTY, nor any act of acceptance by the COUNTY nor any failure to do so, nor the issuance ofa notice of acceptability by the ENGINEER nor any corrcction of delective work by the COUNTY shall constitute an acceptance of work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of the CONTRACTOR's obligation to pertllrlll the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 20,8 The COUNTY shall have the right to exclude the CONTRACTOR from the work aller the date of substantial completion, but the COUNTY shall allow the CONTRACTOR reasonablc access to complete or correct itcms on the punch list. 20.91 he making and acceptance oftinal payment shall constitute: 20.9.1 A waiver orall claims by thc COUNTY against the CONTRACTOR, except claims arising !i'om unscttled liens, from detective work appearing after final inspection or from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any special guarantces specilied therein; however, it shall not constitute a waiver by the COUNTY of any rights in respect to the CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and, 20.9.2 A waivcr 01' all e1aims by thc CONTRACTOR against the COUNTY other than those prcviously made in writing and still unsettled. 21. ONE YEAR CORRKCTION PKRIOD, I fwithin one (1) year atier the date of substantial completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the tcrms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specitic provision or thc Contract Documents, any work is found to be derective, thc CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to the COUNTY and in accordance with the COUNTY's written instructions, cither correct such dcfective work, or, ifit has been rejected by the county. remove it Irom the site and replace it with non-detective work, If the CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply with the terms or such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage,lhe COUNTY may have the detective work corrected or the rejected work removed and replaced, and all direct and indirect costs of such removal and TSD-18 CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 28 of 69 replacement. including eompcnsation for additional ENGINEER services, shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR is not rcsponsible for wave induced displacement of armor stones placed in accordance with the plans and specitieations. TSD-19 CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 29 of 69 PART 2 - MATERIALS AND FOUNDATION 22, ARMOR STONE. 22.1 Qualitv of Stone, All rock proposed for use in tbe structure is subject to approval by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER may reject stone at any time prior to final acceptance. and may requirc disasscmbly of the strueture in order to replace unaceeptahle stone with acceptable stone, All rock Il)r the jetty shall be hard dense, non friable stone Irom sources proposed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the ENGINEER, The rock shall be free Irom cracks, scams. drill holes, laminations. weak cleavages, and similar defects and shall not lracture when dropped during the drop lest (Part 2, Section 25.6). All stone shall be clean and ti'ee from earth. dust, or other refuse. The CONTRACTOR shall pressure clean the stones otl~site. as necessary. 22,2 Stone Dimension and Weight. The taces of all stones shall be roughly angular, not rounded, in shape. The least dimension of each stone shall not be less than one-third (1/3) of the greatest dimension of that stone. Flat armor stone will not be accepted. Armor stone shall be 4.0 tons to 6.0 tons with lilly percent (50%) greater than 5 tons. The CONTRACTOR shall sclect fifteen (15) armor stones trom the quarry and have eaeh stone weighed. Eaeh weighted stone shall be clearly marked with its weight. The weighted stones that meet the specifications shall be placed in a convenient location in the quarry where the CONTRACTOR can compare future selected stones fllr possible shipment to the prDject site. 22.3 Stone Unit Weight. The CONTRACTOR shall provide certified results of laboratDry testing conducted by an independent lab to. determine the unit weight and specific gravity of the stDne. Utilization of existing quarry testing greater than 2 months old will not be accepted. The tests shall be conducted on a minimum of filleen (15) samples randomly selected Irom the quarry proposed for use. rhe test shall be ASTM CI27. The minimum unit weight or the stone is 145 pcI' (saturated, surface dried) and the minimum specific gravity shall be 2.27. All 15 samples shall exceed these minimum standards. Failure ofthe test on the tirst set or 15 samples and a t(lllowing set or 15 samples will be cause for rejection of the quarry and/or quarrying process. Stones that lail the test shall not be incorporated into the work. The initial test and any additional test required because of failure or the initial test sample will be made at no cost to the COUNTY, The CONTRACTOR may not use more than one quarry without prior approval of the j'NGINEFR. The ENGINEER will require additional tests, at no expense to the COUNTY, iradditional quarries are requested. 22.4 Drop Test at tbe Quarrv. A drDp test will be performed on a lilleen (15) armor stone sample at the rock quarry. The drop test will be performed by the CONTRACTOR in the presence orthc ENGINEER, The CONTRACTOR shall give tbe ENGINEER one-week notice of the drop test. In the event Dr the non-availability of the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR may perlorm the test and certify to the ENGINEER in writing, that the stone complies with the contract specifications. The drop test will consist or dropping the armor stonc from a height oftive (5) feet onto an 8' by 8' steel plate. Thc steel plate shall be TSD-20 CAC December 9. 2010 VIII-3 New Business 30 of 69 a minimum of I" thick and be placed on firm ground. Acceptable stone will not fracture when dropped, The stone should bc examined carefully before testing as well as afterward. Failure criteria are breakage, development of new cracks, and opening of old cracks. All filteen (15) stones must pass the drop test to approve the quarry, quarrying process and stone selection. Stones that fail the test shall not be incorporated into the work. 22.5 Drop Tests at the Proiect Site. Drop tests may be requested on individual stones at the project site at any time by the ENGINEER to check stone quality. Stones that are not tested after requested by the ENGINEER, or that luil the drop test, will be rejected and shall be removcd from the site by the CONTRACTOR at no expense to the COUNTY. 22,6 Non-specitieation Stone. The ENGINEER reserves the right to refuse payment for any stone delivered to the site that does not meet these specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall remove unacceptable stone Irom the work site at no additional expense to the COUNTY. Unacceptable stone removed from the site shall be returned to the quarry, the CONTRACTOR's yard, or otherwise disposed of in a legal manner. 22,8 Stone Selection, The CONTRACTOR shall approve the selection of all armor stones prior to their shipment from the quarry, 22.9 Payment All costs associatcd with this section shall be included in the unit price for armor stonc. TSD-21 CAC December 9. 2010 V11I-3 New Business 31 of 69 PART 3 - EXECUTION 23. ARMOR STONE INSTALLATION, 23.1 Armor Stone, Stones of the quality and size specifIed shall be placed in such a manner so as to minimizc the void spaces bctween the stones. The finished surface shall be relatively uni10rm and shall contain the maximum amount of armor stone as can be obtained by pcrllJrlning the work as specified. The structures shall be constructed to the lines and gradcs shown on the drawings. Stones shall be individually placed in a manner that will prcvent rolling or sliding of stone down the slope. Armor stones should be orientcd with the longest dimension perpendicular to the structurc's alignment, where possible. Placing the stone by dumping into chutcs or by similar methods will not be permitted. 23,1.1 Armor stone shall bc placed so as to be in contact with adjacent stones and should interlock to fDrm a compact stable mass. Chinking the voids with smaller stones is not permitted. Both during construction and upon completion, the structure will be inspectcd fDr conflJrlnance to thc dcsign. The COUNTY will not pay fDr any stonc misplaced or lost during placement. 23,1.2 Placement of stone material during periods orwave energy sutlieient to cause displacement of material shall be at the CONTRACTOR's risk. All materials lost or displaced during construction as a result of wave displacement shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR's cxpensc. 23,2 Tolerances. A vertical tolerance of plus 6 inches or minus 6 inehes to the design surlaee of the jctty crest shall be permitted f(" projections and depressions of the in-place material. Thc horizontal toleranccs are l 2 tect. A maximum slope of I V:2H shall be permitted tor the construction ofall tcmplates. Placed material that is beyond the maximum tolerance stated hcrcin is ineligible tor payment. The ENGINEER may requcst any stone that exceeds the tolcrances be removed by CONTRACTOR at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. 23.3 Tolerances - Overlav Sections. All phases are to be constructed with a single layer of new armor stone. Tcmplates shown in thc plans are provided to accept one layer of stone. Some adjustment orcxisting stonc may be requircd to achieve the templates (elevations and slopes). Thc vertical tolerances in Section 23.2 are waived if the CONTRACTOR demonstrates that onc laycr or new stone has been placed, and that adjustment of existing stone and selection or specilic stoncs 1rom the specified gradation (Scction 25.2) will not achieve the tolerances. Thc CONTRACTOR shall notity the ENGINEER and thc COUNTY if conflicts occur. 23.4 Bid Tonnaee. Thc tonnage of stone in thc bid assumes that there are no voids and accounts J(Jr zero tolerance and could be up to 10% to 30% less depending on how the project is constructed. The bid tonnage also assumes that no existing stone will be reuseable. Thc CONTRACTOR shall make his own cstimatc prior to making his bid. TSD-22 CAC December 9,2010 VIIl-3 New Business 32 of 69 24. TEST SECTION. The CONTRACTOR shall complete a 25-foot lest section prior to pertlJrming work on other sections or the jetty. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER that the test section is complete, and shall submit a survey consisting of at least two cross-sections to tbe ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR may continuc construction ofeachjctty section once the ENGINEER approves the test section. TSD-23 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 33 of 69 PART 4 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 25. SCOPE. This section addresses the prevention of pollution and other environmental damage as the result of construction operations under this contract and 1(" those measures set rorth in the Technical Specifications. for the purposc ofthis specification, pollution and other environmental damage are de lined as the presence of chemical, physical. or biological elements or agents which adversely affect human health or welfare; unfavorahly alter ecological balances of importance to human life; alTeet other species of importance to man; or degrade thc utility ofthc environment for aesthetic, cultural, and/or historical purposes. The control of pollution and damage requires consideration of air. water, land and thc marine environment and includcs management of construction activities, visual aesthetics, noise, solid waste, radiant energy, and radioactive materials, as well as other pollutants. The environmcntal resources witbin the projeel boundaries and those atlected outside the limits or permanent work undcr this contract shall be protected during tbe entire pcriod of this contract. The CONTRACTOR shall confinc activities to areas defined by the Plans and Technical Specifications. Environmental protection shall be as stated in the fllllowing subparagraphs. 26. TRAINING OF CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL IN POLLUTION CONTROL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. The CONTRACTOR shall train all subcontractors and personnel in all aspects of cnvironmental protection. All personnel and subcontractors are to bc fillniliar with pcrmit requirements, and with the necessity or protection or all environmental resources, ineluding offshore hard bottom communities and endangered or protected species. The training shall include methods of detecting and avoiding pollution, ti-lIniliarization witb pollution standards, both statutory and contractual, and installation and care of lucilities to insure adequate and continuous environmcntal pollution control. Quality Control and supervisory pcrsonnel shall bc thoroughly trained in the proper use of monitoring devices and abatement equipment, and shall bc thoroughly knowledgeable of Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and permits as listed in the Environmental Protection Plan submitted by the CONTRACTOR. Quality Control personnel will be identified in the Quality Control Plan submittcd in accordance with this document. 27. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN, The CONTRACTOR shall submit in writing an Environmental Protection Plan to the ENGINEER. The Notice to Procccd will not bc issued until the Environmental Protection Plan is reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER and the COUNTY. Approval of the CONTRACTOR's plan will not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his responsibility for adequate and continuing control of pollutants and other environmcntal protection measurcs. The Environmental Protection Plan shall inelude, but not be limited to, the following: (a) A list of Fcderal, State, and local laws, regulations, and pcrmits concerning cnvironmental protection, pollution control, and abatement that are applicable to the CONTRACTOR's proposed operations and the requirements imposed by those laws, regulations, and permits. TSD-24 CAC December 9. 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 34 of 69 (b) Methods for protection of teatures and habitats to be preserved within authorized work arcas. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a listing of methods to protect resources needing protection, i.e. all vegetation, air and water quality, 1ish and wildli1'e, historical. archeological and cultural resources, manatees and all marine hard bottom arcas. (c) Procedures to be implemented to provide the required environmental protection and to comply with the applicablc permits, laws, and regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall provide written assurance that immediatc eorrectivc action will be taken to correct pollution of the environment due to accident, natural causes or failure to follow the proeedures set out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan. (d) Environmental monitoring Illr the project area, including land, water. air and noise monitoring. (e) Oil spill prevcntion and contingency plan. (I) Work area plan showing the proposed activity in each portion of the area and identilying the areas of limited use or nonuse. Plan should include measures for marking tbe limits of use areas. (g) A statement as to the person who will be responsiblc for implementation of the Environmental Protcction Plan. The CONTRACTOR personnel responsible shall report dircctly to the CONTRACTOR's top management and shall have the authority to act tllr thc CONTRACTOR in all environmental protection matters. (h) A statement acknowlcdging that tbe CONTRACTOR is responsible for environmental protection, including all of the CONTRACTOR's personnel and subeontractors. (i) The Environmental Protection Plan will be dated and endorsed by the individual of top management in charge of the construction. 28, NOTlFICA nON, The ENGINEER will notify the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY of any observed noncompliance with thc alllrementioncd Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, permits and other elements of thc CONTRACTOR's Environmental Protcction Plan. The COUNTY will determine what action will be takcn and such response will be transmitted to the CONTRACTOR by the ENGINEER that may include stopping construction of the project until thc CONTRACTOR complies with the Environmcntal Protection Plan. Neverthelcss, it remains the sole responsibility of the CONTRACfOR to comply with all applicable Federal, State or Local laws or regulations, permits and all clements of the Environmental Protection Plan. It will also be thc CONTRACTOR's rcsponsibility to advisc all subcontractors to Cllmply with all applicable laws, regulations, permit rcquirements, and all elements of the Environmental Protection Plan, TSD-25 CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 35 of 69 29. TlJRBIDITY CONTROL. The CONTRACIOR shall provide adequate turbidity containment and control to prevent any turbidity violations from occurring due to stormwatcr runoffat the staging area, placement of rocks and othcr materials at the reel' construction sites, and all other project operations. Washing may be required for the rock to be sufficiently clean to avoid creating turbidity that exceeds Statc standards, particularly any rock that has been covered with dirt and vegetation. The CONTRACTOR shall clean the rock at the material source sites in order to avoid turbidity impacts at the staging area and jetty. II' it beeomcs necessary to wash any ofthc material at the staging arca, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible 1(lr retaining all washwatcr lm-site. 30, PROTECTION OF FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOlJRCES. The CONTRACTOR shall keep construction activities under continued surveillance, management, and control to minimizc intcrference with, disturbance to, and damage oflish and wildlife. Species that requirc specilic consideration and measures for their protection will he addressed in the CONTRACTOR's Environmental Protection Plan. The CONTRACTOR will comply with all rDEP and USACL permit conditions and requirements addrcssing environmcntal protection and the protection of species requiring speci1ic consideration. 31. FUEL OIL TRANSn:R OPERATIONS, 3Ll In accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard regulations (33 CFR 156.120), couplings used in fuel oil transfer operations on any vessel with a capacity 01'250 or more barrels of oil (or fuel) shall be either a bolted or full-threaded connection: or a quick-connect coupling approved by the Commandant: or an automatic back-pressure shutolTnozzle used to fuel the vessel. An executed fuel oil transler (Declaration) fllrm signed by the tanker man shall be completed IlJr each relueling operation. The U.S. Coast Guard shall also be notified prior to any relueling. 31.2 For fuel tanks stored on land, the CONTRACTOR for each fuel storage tank must pruvide secondary containment, which is capable of holding 110% orthe tank contents. Fuel dispenscrs shall have a 4-lllot square, 16-gauge metal pan with borders banded up and welded at corners right below the bib. Ldges of the pans shall be 8-inch minimum in depth to ascertain that no contamination of the ground takes place. Pans shall be cleaned by an approved method immediately atter every dispensing oftl.el and wastes disposed orolTsite in an approved area, Should any spilling of fuel occur, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately contain the spill and contact the appropriate local authorities. The CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible for any fines, penalties, or other legal activities related to luel spills. 31.3 All lubricants and other potential liquid pollutants shall be stored in sealed, non- corrosive containers. Individual containers shall be stored in metal pans with borders banded up and weldcd at the corners rigbt below the bib. Pans shall be deep enough to prevent TSD-26 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 36 of 69 contamination of the ground or watcr. Pans shall be kept clean of all spillage or leakage at all times. 32. OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS AND CONTAINMENT, The CONTRACTOR shall ensurc that all hazardous material spills are immcdiately reported to the ENGINEER. All hazardous matcrial spills shall bc immcdiately cleaned up in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Enginecrs' Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1. In accordancc with EM 381-1-1, thc CONTRACTOR sball use suitable methods such as dikes or curbs to prevent the sprcad of hazardous materials from above ground storage tanks and piping in case of lcakagc, 33. PUMPING OF BILGES, CONTRACTOR's arc cautioned that pumping oil or bilgc water containing oil into navigable water or into areas, which would permit the oil to tlow into such waters, is prohibited by Section 13 ofthe Rivers and Ilarbors Act of 1899 approved March 3, 1899 (30 Stat. 1152; 33 U .S.c. 407). Violation of this prohibition is subject to penalties provided lor under thc referenced acts, TSD-27 APPENDIX TI JETTY CONSTRUCTION DAIL Y QUALITY CONTROL REPORT CAC December 9, 2010 VIIl-3 New Business 37 of 69 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 38 of 69 .JETTY CONSTRUCTION DAILY REPORT Date: ____ Report No,~__~ (Report is due by 2:00 p.m. of the following day) PROJECT: Doctors Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Project WEATHER: (Clear) (P. Cloudy) (Cloudy) TEMP. Min. Max. Wind Speed Wave Height: Wave Direction: __ mph Direction feet Jetty Excavation between Sta and Sta Armor Stone placed between Sta and Sta I. Wllrk Performed Todav: (Indicate location and description of work performed). 2. Results of Surveillance: (Include satislactllry work completed or deliciencies with action to be taken.) 3. Verbal Instructions Received: (List any instructions given by the ENGINEER, cllnstrllction deliciencies. retesting required, etc., with action to he taken.) 4. Remarks: (Cover delays and any connicts in Plans, specifications or instructions.) CAe December 9. 2010 VlII-3 New Business 39 of 69 5. Safetv Inspection: (Report violations noted; corrective instructions given; and corrective actions taken,) 6. Equipment Data: (Indicate items or construction equipment other than hand tools at job site and wbether or not used and if operable.) 7. Pro~ress Summary: ~- r------..-- This Day To Date - Worked Hours Downtime Hours (Explain Below) Armor Stone placed within Template (tons) Linear % Completed Explanation of Downtime: CONTRACTOR's Verification: The above report is complete and correct and equipment used and work pertl)rmed during this reporting period are in compliance with the contract drawings and specijieations except as noted above. CONTRACTOR's Approved Authorized Representative JETTY CONSTRUCTION CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 40 of 69 DAILY ARMOR STONE AND MARINE MATTRESS FOUNDATION DELlV.:RY AND PLACEMENT SUMMARY Datc: Attached Weight Tickets: Armor Stone Previously Delivered: Dclivcred this Date: Total Delivered to Date: Previously Placed: Placed this Dale: Total Placed to Date: Contractor Signature: ___~___....___ tons tons tons tons tons tons CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 41 of 69 APPENDIX T2 STATE AND FEDERAL PERMITS CAC December 9,2010 VIlI-3 New Business 42 of 69 Florida Department of Environmental Protection ('hdflic Clisl (J()\\'rll\lr Ma~jory Stoneman Douglas Building :WOO Commonwealth Boulevard T::Jllahassee, Florida 32199<3000 .I ell h(\(tkdIl1P 1.1 {i(l\\?rlWC \1ic!J;KI \\. '-;,,1:..' ""'I-'n:lar! CONSOLIDATED JOINT COASTAL PERMIT AND INTENT TO GRANT SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION PERMITTEE/AUTHORIZED ENTITY: City of Naples c/o Chet Hun!. Interim City Manager 735 I'ighth Street South Naples, Florida 34102-6703 PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit Number: 0285l26-001-JC Issuance Date: January 20, 2009 AG~:NT: Douglas W. Mann, P.E. Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N W Boca Raton Blvd Boca Raton, Florida 33431 I'xpiration Date of Construction Phase: January 20, 2019 Project Name: Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation County: Collier Th is I O-year permit is issued under the authority of Chapter 161 and Part I V of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Pursuant to Operating Agreements executed between the Department of Environmental Protection (Departmcnt) and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C., the Department is responsiblc l'or revicwing and taking final agency action on this activity. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The projcct involves the rehabilitation and rcconstruction ofthe existing north jetty at Doctor's Pass, The landward 160 rect of the existing jetty (i.e.. the revetment within the pass) will be widcned by approximately 5 feet. The scaward-most 240 feet of existing jetty will be removed and then reconstructed within (and slightly excceding) the same footprint. The existing steel shectpile wall. whieh runs down the center of the jetty, will not be removed. The reconstructed jetty will have a unirorm crest elcvation 01'+5 feet NA VD, a crest width of 12 feet, and side slopes 01'2: I (horizontai:vertieal). In ordcr to achieve the 2: I slope along the southern edge ofthc jetty, the previous lootprint of the jetty will be exceeded by approximately 2 feet over a length of approximatcly 140 feet. Any sand excavated to make room lor the foundation of this structurc will be distributed on the Iloor of Doctor's Pass, immediately south of the structure, Thc work will occur in 4 phases. over a 4 year timc frame. ACTIVITY LOCATION: CAC December 9. 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 43 of 69 Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rchabilitation Permit No. 0285126-001-JC Page 2 of 11 Thc jetty is located on the North side of Doetor's Pass, between FDEP reference monuments T-57 and R-58, Collier County, Section 28, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Gulf of Mexicu, Class III Watcrs. This activity also rcquires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by thc Board or Trustecs of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Scction II of the r:lorida Constitution, and Scctions 253.002 and 253.77, I'.s. The activity is not exempt from the need to obtain a proprietary authorization. The Dcpartment has the responsibility to review and takc tinal action on this request for proprietary authorization in accordance with Section 18-21,0051. F,A.C., and the Opcrating Agreements executed between thc Department and the water management districts, as refereneed in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewcd in accordancc with Chapter 18-21, Scction 62-343.075, F.A.C" and the policies of the Board of Trustees. As stall' to the Board ofTrustces, the Department has reviewed the activity described above, and has dctermined that the groin reconstruction requires a public easement for the use of those lands, pursuant to Chaptcr 253.77, F,S. I'hc Department intcnds to issue the public casemcnt (BOT # 1(233305) subject to the conditions in this pcrmit. Tbc linal documcnts rcquired to executc the public easement have been sent to the Division 01' State Lands. The Department intcnds to issue the public easement. upon satisfactory execution of thosc documents. You may nof begin construction of fhis activity on state- owned, sovercign submerged lands until fhe public easemcnt has bcen executed fo thc satisfaction oftbe Department. This permit constitutes a linding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Management Program, as requircd by Section 307 ofthe Coastal Zone Management Act. This pcrmit also constitutes certification ofcompliancc with state water quality standards pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.c. 1341. Authorization from the Dcpartment does not relievc you trom the responsibility of obtaining other pcrmits (Federal. State, or local) which may bc required tor the project. A separatc permit or authorization will be required from the U.S. Army Corps of Engincers (USACT). A copy or this authorization has becn sent to the USACE for review, The LJSACE will issue their authorization directly to you, or contact you iradditional intormation is needed. If you have not heard Irom the l!SACF within 30 days li'om the date that your application was received by the Department, contact the nearest LJSACF rcgulatory oflice for status and further intormation, r:ailure to obtain USACE authorization prior to construction could subject you to l'ederal enf(lrccment action by that agency. CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 44 of 69 Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rebabilitation Permit No. 0285126-001-JC Page 3 of 11 The ahove named permittee is hcrcby authorized to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawings, plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and madc a part hereof. This pcrmit is subject to the limits, conditions, and locatious of work shown in thc attached drawiugs, and is also subject to the General Condifions and Specific Conditions, which are a binding part ofthis permit. You are advised to read and understand thcsc drawings and conditions prior to commcncing the authorized activities, and to ensure thc work is conductcd in conflmnance with all the terms, conditions. and drawings, If.you are utilizing a contractor, thc contractor also should read and understand thcse drawings and conditions prior to commencing thc authorized activities. GENERAL CONI>ITlONS: I. All activities authorizcd by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans and spccillcations approved as a part or this permit. and all conditions and requirements of this permit. Thc permittec shall notify the Department in writing of any anticipated dcviation from the permit prior to implcmentation so that the Dcpartment can determine whethcr a modification of the permit is required pursuant to scction 62B-49.008, Florida Administrative Code. 2. If. tor any reason, the pcrmittee does not comply with any condition or limitation spceilied in this permit. the permittee shall immediately provide the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems and thc appropriate District office of the Department with a written report containing thc tl)llowing intl"mation: a description of and cause of noncompliancc: and thc pcriod of noncompliance, ineluding dates and times; or, ifnot corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliancc is expected to continue, and steps being takcn to reduce, eliminate, and prevcnt recurrence of the noncompliance. 3. This permit does not climinate the necessity to obtain any other applicable licenses or permits that may be required by federal. state, local. special district laws and regulations. This pcrmit is not a waivcr or approval of any other Dcpartment permit or authorization that may be rcquired for other aspects orthe total project that are not addressed in this permit. 4. This permit conveys no titlc to land or water, does not constitute State recognition or acknowledgment ortitlc, and does not constitute authority lor the use of sovereignty land ol'Florida scaward ofthc mean high-water line, or, if established, the erosion control line. unless herein provided and the neccssary title, lease, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposcd usc has bl'en obtaincd Irom the State, The permittee is responsible lor obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund prior to commcncing activity on sovereign lands or other state-owned lands. CAe December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 45 of 69 .Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Permit No, 0285126-001-JC Page 4 of 11 5. Any delineation of the extcnt of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered specifically approved unless a specific condition oftbis permit or a formal detcrmination undcr scction 373.421(2), \-.S" provides othcrwise. 6. This permit does not eonvcy to thc permittec or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in rcal propcrty, nor docs it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owncd or controlled by the permittee. The issuance of this permit does not convcy any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. 7. This permit or a copy tbereol; complete with all conditions, attachments, plans and specifications, modilications, and time cxtensions shall be kept at the work site ofthe permitted activity. The permittee shall require thc contractor to rcvicw the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit. 8. Thc permittee, by accepting this permit. spccifically agrecs to allow autborized Department pcrsonnel with proper identification and at reasonable times, access to the premiscs where the permitted activity is located or conducted for thc purpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms ofthc permit and with the rules of the Department and to have acccss to an copy any records that must bc kept under conditions orthc permit; to inspect the facility, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or rcquircd under this permit; and to sam pic or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules. Reasonable time may depcnd on the nature of the concern being investigated. 9. At least lorty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (JCP Compliance Oflicer) and the appropriate District ot1icc of the Department a written notice or commcncement or construction indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date and an affirmativc statement tbat the pcrmittee and the contractor, if one is to be uscd, have read the general and specific conditions of the pcrmit and understand them, 10. If historic or archaeological artifacts, such as, but not limited to, Indian canoes, arrow heads, pottery or physical rcmains, are discovered at any time on the project site, the permittee shall immediatcly stop all activities in the immediatc area that disturh the soil in thc immediate locale and notify the State Ilistoric Prcservation Oflicer and the Bureau of 13caches and Coastal Systems (JCP Compliance Ofliccr). In the event that unmarked human rcmains are encountcred during permitted activities, all work shall stop in the immediate area and the proper autborities notitied in accordance with Section 872.02, \-.S. CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 46 of 69 Joinf Coastal Permit Doetor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Permit No. 0285126-001-JC Page 5 of 11 II. Within 30 days after completion of construction or completion of a subsequent maintenance cvent authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (JCP Compliance Officer) and the appropriate District officc orthe Departmcnt a written statcmcnt of completion and certification by a rcgistercd professional cngincer. This certification shall state that all locations and clevations specilied by the permit have been veri lied: the activities autborized by the permit bave been performed in compliance with the plans and specilications approved as a part of the permit, and all conditions of the permit: or shall describe any deviations Irom the plans and specifications, and all conditions of the permit. When the completed activity differs substantially Irom the pcrmittcd plans, any substantial deviations shall be notcd and eXplained on two paper copies and one electronic copy of as-built drawings submitted to the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systcms (JCP Compliance Officer) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I. All reports or notices relating to this permit shall be sent to the DEP, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systcms, JCP Compliance Oflicer, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 300, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 (e-mail address:.Il.P Conm!ilU1ccadcP"tatc.ll.u,) and the DEP South District Office, (2295 Victoria Ave, Suite #364, Ft Mycrs, Florida 33901-3881). 2. No work shall be conducted under this permit until thc permittee has received a written Notice to Proceed from the Department. At least 30 days prior to the requested date of issuancc of the Notice to Proceed, the pcrmittee shall submit the linal construction plans and specilieations f(Jr rcview and approval by the Department. In order to receive the Notice to Procced, the Permittee must also provide documentation that the Public Easement for the rehabilitatcd north jetty has been executcd and recorded to the satisfaction of the Department. 3. At least 7 days prior to commencement of the jetty rehabilitation construction activities authorized by this permit, thc permittee sball conduct a pre-construction conference to review thc specilic conditions and monitoring requircments of this permit with permittec's contractors, thc engineer ofrccord, and thc Department's JCP Compliance Oniccr (or designee). Reprcsentativcs of the Department's District Office and the Florida Fish & Wildlite Conscrvation Commission's (FWC's) Imperiled Species Managcmcnt Scction (as indicated bclow) sball also be invited to participate in the mceting. Thc pcrmittee is cncouraged to coordinate with the participants well in advance of the meeting to ensure their availability. Following confirmation oftheir availability, the Permittee shall provide written notilication, at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. to the fllllowing ofliees advising of the date, timc, location, and teleconference number of the prc-construction conlerence, CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 47 of 69 .Joint Coastal Permit Doetor's Pass North Jctty Rchabilitation Pcrmit No, 0285126-001-JC Pagc 6 of 11 DFP Bureau of Beaches & Coastal Systems KP Compliancc Otliccr Mail Station 300 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 phone: (850) 414-7716 fax: (850) 414-7725 e-mail: )Cl.i.QIl1jJE..nL.cil(l.-12c~l.IIs:.jl.us DEP South District Otlice Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources 2295 Victoria Avc, Suitc #364 Ft. Mycrs, Florida 33901-3881 239-332-6975 Imperilcd Species Management Section Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 phone: (850) 922-4330 lax: (850) 921-4369 4, All construction activities shall he limited to daylight hours and may only occur from November I througb April 30. Construction activities, including the use ofthe beach for staging, stockpiling or equipmcnt storage, shall not occur during the marine turtle nesting scason (May 1 - October 3 I ). 5. Prior to construction, any coral (hard or soli) colonies located within the area affected by current phase of the project shall be transplanted to a suitable location prior to commencement of that phase or construction, 6. Bcforc and alter completion of each construction phase. the permittee must provide DEP with pictures ofthe Doctor's Pass north jetty, a survey of the crcst elevations and the annual changc in shoreline immediately north ofthe north jetty. 7, Ifany impacts to dune vegetation occur as a result of this project, the dune topography and vegetation shall be rcstored to initial conditions at the end of each phase of the project, and prior to the beginning of marine turtle nesting season. 8. Stone used to repair the jetty shall consist of a mcdian armor stone of 5.4 tons, bedding stonc or 0.6 ton, and fl)undation stone of 50 pounds. "..~--"~--".- CAC December 9, 2010 Vtll-3 New Business 48 of 69 Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Permit No, 0285126-001-.IC Page 7 of II 9. At the end of each phase of the project, and prior the beginning of turtle nesting season, the rock staging area (on the beaeh) shall be made suitable for marine turtle nesting. This shall include removal of all rock and debris, regrading. and tilling. 10. During all in-water construction aetivities. the permittee shall have a person with experience in turbidity monitoring on site to visually monitor lor turbidity plumes. If a visible turbidity plume extends beyond a 50-meter mixing zone. the permittee shall stop work and modify the construction methods causing the problem. Within 48 hours of such an occurrence. the permittee shall notily the Bureau of Beaches & Coastal Systems about the incident and explain how the problem was corrected. Ifexceedances reoccur, the Permittee may be required to begin collecting samples to measure turbidity levels and ensure compliance with the water quality standard lor turbidity. The person conducting the (visual or physical) turbidity monitoring shall maintain a log of at least 3 regular observations per day. plus all exeeedanees that may occur at any other time. The logged inl'lrmation shall be reported to the JCP Compliance Officer on a weekly basis during periods of in-water construction. The reports shall include the lollowing: a. Permit Number (0285126-001-JC); b. Project Name (Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation); c. Sample/observation dates and times; d. A map indicating the sampling/observation locations; e. A statement by the individual responsible for implementation of the sampling program concerning the authenticity. precision, limits of detection. and accuracy o I' the data; f. Antecedent weather conditions: g. Tidal stage and direction of flow; and h. Wind direction and velocity. II. Shorebird Surveys. Shorebird surveys should be conducted by trained. dedicated individuals (Shorebird Monitor) with proven shorebird identilication skills and avian survey experience. Credentials of the Shorebird Monitor will be submitted to the FWC Regional Biologist lor review and approval. Shorebird Monitors will use the following survey protocols. a. Nesting Season Surveys. Shorebird Monitors should review and become familiar with the general inlormation and data collection protocols outlined on the FWC's Beach-Nesting Bird Website (I11~;'l1\t~\C.C'2.I)!!!shorcbirds;). An outline of what data should be collected, including downloadable lield data sheets, is available on the website. CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-3 New Business 49 of 69 Joint Coastal Pcrmit Doctor's Pass North Jctty Rehabilitation Permit No, 0285126-001-JC Page 8 of 11 b. The nesting season is generally April I - September I, but some nesting may occur through September. In addition. the imperiled snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) may nest as early as February along the west coast and panhandle of Florida. c. Nesting season surveys shall begin on April I (or February 15 in snowy plover habitat) or 10 days prior to project commencement (including surveying activities and other pre-construction presence on the beach), whichever is later, and be conducted daily throughout the construction period or through August, whichever is earlier. Weekly surveys of the project site shall continue through August or through Iledgling or loss of identified nests or hatchlings. whichever is later. d. Nesting season surveys shall be conducted in all potential beach-nesting bird habitat within the project boundaries that may be impacted by construction or pre- construction activities during the nesting season. Portions of the project in which there is no potcntial ftlr project-related activity during the nesting season may be cxeluded. e. Surveys t(lr detecting new nesting activity will be completed on a daily basis prior to movement of equipment, operation of vehicles. or other activities that could potentially disrupt nesting behavior or cause harm to the birds or their eggs or young. r. Surveys should be conducted by traversing the length of the project area and visually inspecting. using binoculars or spotting scope. Itlr the presence of shorebirds exhibiting breeding behavior. g. Ifan ATV or other vehicle is needed to cover large project areas. the vehicle must be operated at a speed <6 mph. shall be run at or below the high-tide line. and the Shorebird Monitor will stop at no greater than 200 meter intervals to visually inspect lor nesting activity. h. Once breeding is confirmed by the presence of a scrape, eggs. or young. the Bird Monitor will notify the Regional Nongame Biologist of the FWC at (561) 648- 3205 within 24 hours. I. All breeding activity will be reported to the Beach-Nesting Bird website within one week of data collection. 12. Shorebird Buffer Zones and Travel Corridors. Within the project area. the permittee .shall establish a 300 Ii-wide bufTer zone around any location where shorebirds have been engaged in nesting behavior. including territory defense. Any and all construction CAC December 9, 2010 Vlll~3 New Business 50 of 69 Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North .Jetty Rehabilitation Permit No. 0285126-001-JC Pagc 9 of 1 1 activities. including movement of vehicles. should be prohibited in the buffer zone. a. The width of the bulfer zone shall be increased ifbirds appear agitated or disturbed by construction or other activities in adjacent areas. b. Site-specific bulTers may be implemented upon approval by FWC as needed. c. Reasonable and traditional pedestrian access should not be blocked where nesting birds will tolerate pedestrian traffic. This is generally the case with lateral movement orbeach-goers "alking parallel to the beach at or belo" the highest tide line. Pedestrian traffic may also be tolerated when nesting was initiated within 300 feet or an established beach access pathway. The permittee shall work with FWC stalTto determine if pedestrian access can be accommodated without compromising nesting success. d. Designated buffer zones must be posted with clearly marked signs around the perimeter. If pedestrian pathways are approved within the 300-foot butTer zone, these should be clearly marked. These markings shall be maintained until nesting is completed ur terminated. In the case of solitary nesters, nesting is not considered to be completed until all chicks have tledged. e. Nu construction activities, movement of vehicles. or stockpiling of equipment shall be allowed "ithin the but1er area. 13. liWC-approved travel corridors shuuld be designated and marked outside the buffer areas. Ileavy equipment, other vehicles, or pedestrians may transit past nesting areas in these corridors. Ilowever, other activities such as stupping or turning shall be prohibited within the designated travel corridors adjacent to the nesting site. a. Where such a travel corridor must be established within the project area it should avoid critical areas for shorebirds (known nesting sites. wintering grounds, FWC- designated Critical Wildlife Areas. and lISFWS-designated critical piping plover habitat) as much as possible. and be marked with signs clearly delineating the travel corridor Irom the shorebird buller areas described above. b. To the degree possible. the permittee should maintain some activity within these corridors on a daily basis. without directly disturbing any shorebirds documented on site or interlering with sea turtle nesting, especially when those corridors are established prior to cL1Inmencement of construction. Passive methods to modity nesting site suitability must be approved by FWC Regional Biologist I,,, that region. CAC December 9, 2010 VlII-3 New Business 51of69 Joint Coastal Permit Doctor's Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Pcrmit No, 0285126-001-.IC I'agc 10 of 11 14. Notification. If shorebird nesting occurs within the project area. a bulletin board will be placed and maintained in the construction area with the location map of the construction site showing the bird nesting areas and a warning. clearly visible, stating that "BIRD NESTING AREAS ARE PROTECTED BY THE FLORIDA THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT AND THE STATE and FEDERAL MIGRATORY BIRD ACTS". 15. The permittee shall comply with the following conditions intended to protect manatees from direct project efrects: a. All personnel associated with the project shall be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones. and the need to avoid coli isions with and injury to manatees. The permittee shall advise all construction personnel that there arc civil and criminal penalties ttlf harming. harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. the Endangered Species Act. and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. b. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times while in the immcdiate area and whilc in water where the draft orthe vessel provides less than a liJur-Ioot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will lollow routes ofdcep water whenever possible. e. Siltation or turbidity barriers shall hc made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled. shall be properly secured, and shall be regularly monitored to avoid manatce entanglement or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement. d. All on-site project personnel are responsible for observing water-related activities 1'01' the presence of manatee(s). All in-water operations. including vessels, must bc shutdown ira manatee(s) comes within 50 feet of the operation. Activities will not resume until the manatec(s) has moved beyond the 50-loot radius of the project operation. or until 30 minutes elapses irthe manatee(s) has not reappeared within 50 feet or the operation. Animals must not be herded away or harassed into leaving. e. Any collision with or injury to a manatee shall bc reported immediately to the FWC Hotline at 1-888-404-FWCC. Collision and/or injury should also be reported to the LJ .S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-232-2580). r. Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to and during all in- water project activities. All signs are to be rcmoved by the permittee upon completion of the project. Awareness signs that have already been approved for CAC December 9,2010 VIII-3 New Business 52 of 69 Joint CoastalPcrmit Doctor's Pass North ,Jctty Rehabilitation Permit No. 02H5126-001-.JC Page 11 of 11 this use by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) must be used. One sign measuring at least 3 teet by 4 tect which reads Callfion: Manwee Arm must he posted in a location prominently visihle to all personnel engaged in water-related activities, A second sign measuring at least 8 Y'2 inches by II inches e\plaining the relluiremcnts l(lr "Idle Speed/No Wake" and the shut c!()l.VIl of lll-\vah:r operations tllll"it be posted on vessels associated with the eonstl'uction, and should be plal'cd visible to the vessel operator. Executed in Tallahassee. Florida. S 1'/\ IE OF FI.ORIDA DEPARTMENT 01' f-NV1RONMI'.N IAI. PROTECTION )()~ /l II /~~-- - --_._..~ Michael R. Barnett, I'L, Chief Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1'llLl). on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, I-Iorida Statutes. with the designated Departmer Clerk;.reeeipt oh1ieh is hereby acknowledged. !tL()~(/l_ ______illQJUq Deputy Clerk Date Prepared bj Moll,I'.Qson pages attU\.:hcd CAC December 9, 2010 VIII~3 New Business 53 of 69 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVillE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVillE, FLORIDA 32232-0019 REPLY TO ATTENTION 01'" September 15, 2008 Regulacocy Division South Permits Branch West Permits Division SAJ 2008.450 (NWP-MFN) Chet Hunt, Interim City Manager City of Naples 735 E~ghth Street South Naples, Florida 34102-6703 Dear Mr. Hunt: Your application for a Depart~ent of ehe Army permit received on January 4, 2008, has been assigned number SAJ-2008-450. A review of the information and drawings provided shows the proposed work is to rehabilitate the north jetty at Doctor's Pass to include larger armor stone, removal of sheet pile, and removal and replacement (in the same footprint) of the gulfward 240' of the structure. The proJect is located in the north jetty of Doctor's Pass, City of Naples, Collier County, Florida. Your project, as dep~cted on the enclosed drawings, is authorized by Nationwide Permit INWP) Number 3. In addition, project specific conditions have been enclosed. This verification is valid until March 12, 2012. Please access the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Jacksonville District's Regulatory web address at http://www.sa].usace.army.mil/regulatory/permitting/nwp/nwp.htm to access web links to view the Final Nationwide Permits, Federal Register Vo:'.. 72, dated March 12, 2007, the Corrections to the Final Nat,ionwide Permit.s, Federal Register 72, May 8, 2007, and the Li~;t of Reqional Conditions. These fi='es contain the descr.i.ptiur:. uf the Nationwide Pencit autrlorization, the Nationwide Pennit general conditions, and the regional conditions, which apply speclfica11y to this verification for NWP < Additionally, enclosed is a list of the six General Conditions, which apply to all Department of the Army authorizations. You muse comply \V~ th all of l:he special and general condicions and any project specific condition of chis authorization or you may be subject to enforcement action. In the event you l1ave not complet.ed construction or your project within Lhe specified time limit, a separate application or re- verification may be required. :',:' '. 2' q DC - 07 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 54 of 69 2 - The following specIal COllditions are included with this ver~ ficat.:.on: 1. WI t.hin 60 days of completion of t.he work authorized, the at.tached "Self-Certification Statement of Compliance" must be completed and submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mail the completed fcrm to the Regulatory Division, Enforcement Section, Post Office Box 4970, Jacksonville, FlorIda 32232-0019. .. The permitcee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the Uniteo States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if, HI the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause u~reasorldble obstruction to lhe tree navigation of the navigable waters, trle Permi:tee wi1.l be required, upon due notice from the U.S, l\rmy Corps of E:nginoers, to remove, relocate, or a::"rer the structural work or obstructions caused ttlereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any suerl rePloval or alt:eration. 3. No structure or work shall adversely affect. or properties listed ie the National Register of Historic those eligible for lnclusion in the National Register. t.he start of work, the permit.tee or other party on t.he Permittee's behalf. shall conduct a search 1n the National Hegister Informat.ion System (NEIS). Information can be found at; h t tp: ./ /"11"'1[\\1 . cr . r.ps . go\' / Dr I researcb /nr is. h trn. Inforrna t.io:l on properties cliyible ~or lDclusion in the National Register can be ldentl[ied by contact.ing the Florida Master File Office by email at fmsfile@dos.stare.fl,'Js or by telephone al 8",0..245641;0. disturb Places or Prior to 4, 'r:le permi t':.ee shall adhere to the at tached Standard Manatee COYlditions for In-Water Wor~ (2005 Yevlsio~) during constr:'lctio:l. 5. The pennitLee sball adhere to the attached protection condl tlons for the small tootfl sawLi sh and swimming sea tUl.-tles during corlstruction. 6. The perrnittee shall adhere to the incidental take sta~eme~t, reasonable arid prudent measures \RPM) , and terms and conditiuns (Tel uf the at.tac}ied R_iologica-: Opinion (80) for CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 55 of 69 - 3- nesting sea turtles dated '\'~Clust 28, 2008, by the u.s. Fish and Wi~dlife Service. 7. The permit~ee shall adhere to the nesting shorebird protocol as cut~lned on pages 2-5 of the August 28, 2008, EO by the FWS. It unexpect.ed cultural resources are encountered at any time within the project area ~hat was not the subject of a prev~ous cultural resource assessment survey, work should cease in the immediate vi.cinity of such discoveries. The permittee, or ocher party, should notity the SHPOin~nediat.ely, as "Iell as the appropriat.e Army Corps of Engineers office. After such no~ifications, project activities should not resume without verbal and/or written aGthorlzation from the SHPO. f unmarked human re~ains are encountered, all work shall stop immedialely, and the proper atlt.horities notifIed in accorda~ce with SectloD 872.05, Florida Statutes, unless on F'eejeral lands. Af~er such notiflcations, project activities on non-Federal lands shall not resume without verbal and/or written authorization from the Flor"ida State Archaeologist for finds under h~s or her jurisdiction. This lecter of B1Jthorization does nor obviate the necessity co Dbtain any otr.er Federal, State, or local permits, which may be reqL.lred. In Florida, projeccs qualifying for this NWP must be aL:thD2:izec5 '-'nder Parl IV of Chapcer 373 by the Department of Er:vironrnen:.al protectio::., a vlater management district under ~. 373.069, F.S., or a local government with delegated authority ur.der ~. 373.441, F.S., and receive Water Qualit.y Certification (c!'JQC) and Co,]s',.al Zone Consistency Concurrence (CZCC) (or a waiver), n::--; wel]' as any authorizations req'clired by ::he State for '~he :.Jse of sovereignty SUbmel^ged la~'1ds, You should check State- permitt:ir~q requiremenr_s "With the Florida Department 0: E!1vjronmenta~ 'Protectlon or ~ne appropriate \'later management dIstrict. 1~is letter dces not give absolute Federal authority to perform the work as specified on your app"icat.ior.. ~he proposed work may be subject to local building restrictions mandated by :he Natlonal Flood Insurance Program. You should co~tact your local office that issues building permits to determine if your site is located in a flood-prone area, and if you must comply CAC December 9, 2010 VIll-3 New Business 56 of 69 -4- with the local buildlng requirements mandated by the National Flood Ins~!ance Program. If yeu aloe unable to access the :nternet or require a tlardcopy of any of the conditioI1S, limitations, or expiration date for the ar)ove rf,ferenced NWP, please contact Mlke Nowicki by telephone at 904-232-2171. T~a~k YOL for your cooperation wiLh our permit program. The Corps Jacksonville District Regulatory Division is committed to irnproving serVlce [0 our customers. We strive to perform our duty ir~ a frlendly and ti~ely ma~ner while working to preserve our environment, We invIte you to take a few minutes to visit the follo\l.'ing link ar.d complete ocr automated C'.lstomer Service Survey: ~ttp: i;regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. Yo~r input is appreciated - favorable or otherwise. Sincerely, Eike NOW1Cki Project Mar~ager E:lc2-csures CJPV Furrllshed: ~ocglas W. Mann, P.E. Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 ~.w. Boca Raton Blvd Boca Raton FL ]3431 bcc: CESJ\J R:J - PE ~~,~."V I Y<;J~ "",'-H -VO'~ .~~..", I ~"I Xli' J "'~'.. I~"I .~d CD ."...,,, ------------ ------- - -. -'CC-':::==C::::::,I_ -- -- - - ____ __~w'_ ..J."..,.;" ~"OiS~J"- - ., .~. ,., -';'''~'''' 'W,"'"'loII"''''';>'"'''''' "f-,oo"., U]~U.\'.:" ,,"',,::;. wm~a ,~...~lI'<aIO-)J ~O~V'" V~O~ <lWh,-.'OlI ~O~..... VJCij '....~ ~D! ":lNI 'f)N1l1ililNlaN3 'II f)NINNY'd 'ntL9YO~ :fl" :~ , ! '(), .' < "j-Q;. \\ \~ /:, ~ t;~ ~~ , , .. , ;, ,,2.f.<l ,"..l":u":~";'~ st-.,,_" 'I .. ~~ .....0 ..,..... .., F!=O Vl a:::: a:::: n::: oc.. w z ZZ ~o (/)0 ZVl 5:::l !!! ~ '. (/)F "'O:::::E !~, ~ . c(~ ~U~ ~ <c. 1:1 . ., z .. ' ~ <n:::u 0 , c..:J 0 <I., 0 ~3~ u ~ ,I G' ffi ' , (/)- 3 F ! ~~ ~ a::::~ 0 00 u ~:I: Un::: " 4: 0..... 0 o a:::: lD C ~~ ~ " , I /~~-; I ~,,'l\ \.'- " .. 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'" '......... ......., L~01;t"OL~OTj-NO.........:x>~ ",.,,^.''''OBN01V~VOOB'''''~'m o , m , i o u < u ~-- " \~ \ " ~~ " ~-- . ; "Jij ~ ., .. , -"" . , . ,. , l '11 , , , '" , '* , ~~ ~J M3,^ NVld A.U:r J.Y>olIrlS lSOdWOd 1Y103dS / ,u+,ijOS :l1Hd't'WOl:KlA.Hli:lll4cf'l'~ ...011101.:I 'lJ.~noo lIYrOO .l;)Jrol:hj~"'lnlllVlGll AJ.l3l'ML~SSVdSllOl:xxl , ~ B ~ l ; CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 68 of 69 Colttr County ~~"",,~,,"c"'~~="'.""" ... /..,elmiIlJSlratrve SerVI02:S J1...'ISIiY) Standard Construction (BCC) Contracts Checklist ;:)ur'.r!-J:,I">J Doctors Pass North Jettv Rehabilitation Do the Technical Spec's contain any proprietary items? Yes D No r2Jlf Yes, attach the Spec pages for that item only. Fund/Cost Center/Project w/ WBS Element for Printing Bid Documents 195-110406-70005 Project Estimate D $200k . 499,999 r2J $500,000=/+ Project Manager will arrange to have tbe legal advertisement placed with tbe Naples Daily News Engineer's Estimate: $$750 Item Department Purchasin!l Name and address of Project Manager / Contract Information Gary McAlpin - Coastal Zone Management; 3301 East Tamiami Trail; SUite 103; Naples, FL34112 Design Professional's Name Coastal Planning and Enaineerina Desion Professional's Contact Information Steve Keehn Project Name Doctors Pass North Jetty Rehabilitation Bid Number 10-XXXXXX Drawina Sheet Numbers CP&E Sheet 1-8 Date/Time Bids will be Received 2:00 PM on January 6, 2011 Mandatory/Non.mandatorv P-B Cont. lanauaoe Mandatory Date/Time of Pre-bid Conference 1000 AM on 12/10/2010 Days to Complete Project Complete by 4/30/2011 Date of Notice List Cateaory of Subcontractors le.a., electrician) N/A #Days to Substantial Completion Comalete by 4/15/2011 #Days Substantial to Final Completion Comalete by 4/30/2011 Liauidated Damaae Dollar Amount $2,350 per day Insurance Menu US Longsboreman's & Harborworker's Act D Applicable D N/A Maritime Coverage (Jones Act) Risk Mamagement D Applicable D N/A Water Craft liability Review D Applicable D N/A Aircraft Liability D Applicable D N/A Property Insurance. Builders Risk D ADPlicable D N/A Hours/Davs of Work (State if non.standard) Dawn to Dusk 7 days a week Bid Scbedule . . x.." ,F". .:;.,.,,' ,,;;, Attached Subcontractor List '.;.. ..... ;. . u:. To be Listed by each bidder "Trench Safety Act Form '. . . N/A Bid Bond Form Reaulred Local Vendor Preference Affidavit . . !.! : :. Yes What are the fundina sources? (ea. arant, etc.) TDC funds Is this Project funded (partially or In whole) by Federal aid? No If yes, attach applicable documents . FHWA 1273, "Required Contract Provisions - Federal Aid Construction Contracts" . LAP Checklist and reauired Documents Is the Contractor Pre-Qualification QuestionnaICe Reauired? Exhibits: H. General Terms & Conditions I. Supplemental Terms & Conditions J. Technical Specs K. Permits (List permits and wbo is responsible for obtaining) L. Standard Details "Trench Safety - Use onlv for proiects with ditch-related work CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-3 New Business 69 of 69 CAC December 9, 2010 VIII-4 New Business 1of6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Easement Agreement between the Beach-front Property Owners and Collier County to provide public beach access, major beach renourishment, vegetation planting and dune restoration to the property easement. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of Easement Agreement in order to move forward with public beach access, major beach renourishment, vegetation planting and dune restoration. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County is planning a major beach renourishment, vegetation planting, and dune restoration This project will directly affect and benefit the upland property owners as well as the residents and visitors of Collier County receive. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County finds that in order to use public funds to benefit private property owners, it is necessary to require upland property owners to agree and consent to allow full access to Collier County residents and visitors of Collier County seaward of the vegetation line, in a manner consistent with traditional use enjoyed by the public as determined by Collier County on, over, through and across the Easement Premises. A detailed easement agreement is attached FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Taxes, State and/or Federal Grants. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to approve Easement Agreement between Property Owners and Collier County, to provide major beach renourishment. vegetation planting, dune restoration and public beach access to the property easement. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM CAC December 9, 2010 VIlI-4 New Business 2of6 Return To: J. Gary McAlpin c/o Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department 3299 Tamiami Trail, East, First Floor Collier County. FI. 34112 Easement and A\!reement for Beach Renourishment, Plantin\!, Dune Restoration, and Public Beach Access THIS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT, made this _ day of ,20 I 0, by and between Propertv Owner, whose mailing address is address. ("Grantor") and Collier County, Florida, a political subdivision ofthe State of Florida, whose mailing address is 3299 Tamiami Trail. East, Naples, FL 34112, ("Grantce"). WHEREAS, the Grantor. is the owner of property loeated in Collier County. Floridadeseribed in Exhibit "A" I include a Plat Book and Page reference in Exhibit "A"] attached hereto (hereinalier referred to as the "Easement Premises"); and WHEREAS. Collier County is planning a major beach renourishment. vegetation planting. and dune restoration. in ---date---- which will be funded in part by Tourist Development Taxes, State and/or Federal Grants; and WHEREAS, the major beach renourishment project, planting and dune restoration, will directly affect and benefit the upland property owners as well as the residents and visitors of Collier County; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida, finds that in order to use public funds to benefit private property owners, it is necessary to require upland property owners to agree and consent to allow full access to Collier County residents and visitors alike to thc beach; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners requires that this Easement and Agreement for Beach Renourishment. Planting, Dune Restoration and Public Beach Access ("Easement") be entered into and recorded in the land records of Collier County to bind [Grantor] ; and WH.~REAS, the parties wish to establish their respective rights and responsibilities relative to the use and maintenance of the beach front area described in the attached Exhibit "A" (the Easement Premises). NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor hereby conveys an Easement and Agreement for Beach CAC December 9, 2010 VIII~4 New Business 3of6 Renourishment and Public Access to Collier County as lollows: In consideration ofthe mutual benefits to be derivcd from the beach renourishment and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantor hereby grants, bargains and conveys to the Grantee a permanent non-exclusive easement on, over. upon. under. through and across the property as follows: See Legal Description Marked Exhibit "A" Attached Hereto and Made Part Hereof ("Eascmcnt Prcmises") Grantor hereby reserves the right to thc continued tree use of the property in a manner not inconsistent with the rights granted herein to Grantee and subject to the tollowing terms and conditions: I. Not a Public Dedication. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication to or for the general public and this Easement shall be strictly limited to and for the purposes exprcssed herein. 2. Use. The Easement Premises may be used by Grantee. its subcontractors, agents and assigns f(lr the purpose of beach renourishment. planting and dune restoration, which shall allow Grantee to construct. opcrate, maintain. repair, replace and remove necessary equipment utilized in connection with the transmission of materials tor beach renourishmenl. planting and dunc restoration; to alter, grade, till. and deposit compatible sand upon the Easement Premises for the purpose of beach renourishment. planting and dune restoration; and to perform such other tasks to the Easement Premises as determined by the Grantee to accomplish the bcach renourishment, planting and dune restoration to protect the environment and upland structures: and tor public access for the benefit of the citizens and visitors ofthe Grantee, for the purpose of accessing and using the recreational beach area seaward of the vegetation line, in a manner consistent with traditional use enjoyed by the public, as determincd by the Grantce. on. over, through and across the Easement Premises. 3. Access. Grantee, and its residents and visitors. shall have the right ofingrcss and egress over and across the Easement Premises as is necessary or desirable for the usc of any right granted herein. including lull public access to the beach. 4. Reasonable Use. The rights and interest conveyed hereunder are conditioned upon the reasonable exercise thereof by Grantee. Grantee agrees not to unreasonably intertere with Grantor's use of the Easement Premises. 5. Grantor's Obligation. Grantor agrees not to do or commit any acts which would interfere with the rights granted to Grantee herein. Grantor expressly agrees not to move or remove any material placed upon said Easement Premises by Grantee without the prior written consent of the Grantee. permitting agcncy or other regulatory agency. Grantor hcreby agrees not to modify or CAC December 9, 2010 V11I-4 New Business 4of6 revoke any of the aforesaid rights for the full term of this Easement Agreement without prior written approval of the Grantce. Grantor specifically understands and agrces that large sums of money will be expended by the County. the State of Florida. the United States and others and heavy obligations incurred by the County. the State of Florida. the United Statcs and others for the purpose of beach renourishment. all in reliance upon the rights granted by this Easement Agreement remaining unmodified and unrevoked for the tull term of this agreement. 6. Grantor's Representations. Grantor represents that Grantor is the lawful owner of and has good and marketable legal title to the Easement Premises; that Grantor has the full right. power and authority to grant this Easement and all other rights granted hereunder to Grantee. 7. Grantor's Consent. Grantor understands and agrees that without said Easement. no beach renourishment. vegetation planting, or dune restoration will be provided on private property using public funds. 8. Notices. All notices, consents. approvals or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly given ifsent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the appropriate party or successor in interest. 9. Term, This Public Beach Renourishment. Planting. Dune Restoration and Public Beach Access Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benetit of all present and future owners of any portion of the Property and their successors and/or assigns. it being the intention of the Grantor that this Easement be perpetual. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee have set hereto their hands and seals on the day and year above written. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: Grantor: (Sealed) Witness Name - Typed or Printed Name - Typed or Printed Witness Name - Typed or Printed STATE OF COUNTY OF CAC December 9,2010 VIIl-4 New Business 5of6 The !(lregoing instrument was acknowledged bet(lre me this _ day of ,2010, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did not take an oath. Signature Name - Typcd or Printed Notary Public A ['TEST: DWt<;t IT BROCIo.:. CLERIo.: By: Clerk APPROVUJ AS TO HJRM AND LEl,AL SUFIICIENCY: By: Assistant County Attorney CAG December 9, 2010 VIU-4 New Business 6of6 GRANTEE: COLI.IER COt!NTY BOARD OF COl,NTY COMMISSIONERS By: Chairman !i':07~~" corner County Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator DATE: December 1, 2010 SUBJECT: 2011 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2011 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 13, 2011 February 10, 2011 March 10, 2011 April 14, 2011 May 12, 2011 June 9, 2011 July 14, 2011 August 11, 2011 September 8, 2011 October 13, 2011 November 10, 2011 December 8, 2011 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioners chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted, A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. (;oI:l(,r (":ounty~>Jast3i lu:t Mai";Jger'1?!i1' 'i'guT ami(!I'l TrdJ East Suite' G3 ' Napies Flcnda J4112.574C ' 239,252.2966 . FAX 239-252-2gS0 ~..~~ 1;' ~~.. ~ iN;'.'; r:"i!li:qu'i ne!;',;O]S!;J:lOnerrtdnaqemef11