Resolution 1982-034
MQI( 068 fAtE'- S9
Hat'ch 16, 1982
nll.UOLm'ION HO. 02-34
SJON~:nS OF COI.LU:lt COUN'rY, nOltlt)A AlTfnOIUZ-
1110 TlIIt CIIAlIltlAN TO 81aN "111\ IH'rf.IU.oCAL
\nffiRE^S, lho Covernor or Florlda h:~ declared tho NAPLES URBAN AREA
on urbDnized oroa .. ~ result 0' the t980 Cen.".' anel
\nffiREhS, tbe partle. to an Intorlocal Alreement de.ire to partici-
pate cooperatlvely a. .n MPO in the performanca. on a contlnulna ba.l..
of a coordin.ted, comprehensive tran.portatlon plannina procel' to
a..ure that hi&hway facllitiell, ..... tunllt, nU ay.te.., air tralll-
portation And ~ther fDcilitie. will be properly loc.ted and developed ln
relatlon to the overall plAn of developmentl and
\nIERF.AS, the Federal Government, under the authorlty of 23 U.S.C.
134 .nd Section 3(a)(2), 4(.), 5(1)(1) and 5(1) of the Urb.n Ha.. Tran.-
portatinn Acl of 1964, .. .mended (49 U.S.C. 1602(a)(2), 1603(a) and
1604(K)1 .nd (1)), require. th.t each urbani.ed are., al a condltloll to
the receipt or federal capital or oper.tinl, have a continu.
in., cooperative, and compr~hen.ive tr.n.port.tion pl.aninl procell that
result. in pl.ns .nd prolr.... con.i.tent vlth the cOI\Prehenllvel,
pl.nned developmenl of the urbanir.ed .re., and .tlpulat.. that the State
.nd lhe Metropolitan rllnnlnR Orl.nit.tlon .h.ll enter lnto .n
cle.rly identifyinR the re.ponlibllitle. for cooper.tlvely carrylal out
auch tranftportatinn plan" ~R.
NOW. nffiREFORF., BE I. ItESOLVl:O by the Board of County Co.ol..lone~1
of Collier CountYI
1. Thal the ChAirm.n or the Bo.rd or County Co.ol..loaeu be, and
hereby i. .ulhorlzed to execute, on behalf of the County, the
In\~rlocal Aareement .nd any other docuaent. n.e.l~ary to create a
Metropolit.n rllnnlnR OrKani.ation.
nE IT FURnlt.R RF.SOI.VF.D, th.l thll Relolutlon be recorded ln the
.lnute. or thi. Bo.rd,
oUered the loulolna
re.olutlon and Iloved it. adoption, .econded by C~i.aloner Rrown
.nd upon roll call the vote w..1
AYES: Commissionors pistor, Brown, Kruse, ~n.el and wimer
!)ATE I ...!.'i'rch 1 W.2JL1
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to.\RD or coUNTY C<lttHtSSIOICDI
COl.l.ItR COUNn, 11A*1UA
h<..,.. '"
4. ,"'.. ....4! .... .........i v...
JHrrmJ.or.A T. MlII/':lml':NT
nUR JHTlml.oCM. ACIl~:~m;NT, C'trC'c:UVl' 011 U." dntn 'wrol.n "Pc:c:HtCld
belnv, IIY ~1Ir1 Iwlvc'c'lI COJ.I.H-:Jt COlJNTY, TIm Cl1'Y 0.' HAI'U;S, IIlId Lho
fLOIlJllA D~:r'AlmmNT O~' TnANSI'Olt1'^TJOH, c:reaLe. alld e.t.ablh'.u a
inafler ell led the ~POI
WJJIR~S, the HArLES unDAN AnitA h.. been declard an urbaDbed are.
.. · rnult ol the 1980 Cenlu'l and
~~S, t.hl! p.rtlo. t.o tht. Intarloc.l ^aroOMenL do.lre to partl-
dp.te coopr.ratlvl'ly .. .n HPO in tho perlotlMnce, on . conUnuin.
buh, oC · coordinated, l'OIIlprohf!ndvr lunaporhUon plannin, proc"l
to .uure that h1thvllY lacHille., II'" tunlit, ran .,at..., air
lr.naport.tlon and olher r.ctliliol will be properly locaLed and deyel-
oped h rehUnn to thl! ovuall plan ol dtrve1o~ntl and
WJlXRE.A:;, th FrdoraJ Governmrnl, under tht! autbortt, of 23 U.8.C.
134 .nd Seclion 3(A)(2), 4(.), S(a)(J) .nd 5(1) ol the Urban Ha.. Tranl-
Jlortalion ACl or J96/" u ..t'nded (49 U.S.C. 1602(a)(2), 1603(a) and
J604(&)1 .nd (I)). rrqulrt'. th.t t'ach are., a. a condition lo
tbe rt'ceipl oC rrderal CApitAl or nprr.linl a..iltanc., have a contlnu-
1nl, cooprrAtlvr, and comprrhrnllvl' tran.port., Ion pllnnln. proce" that
reaultl In phna and prol:ralla cc>nllhlt:'nl vilh the l'OIIIprehen.1Yely phnn-
ed develorlllCDl or thl' IJrbanht'd area, .nd 11Ipulatu that the State and
Ult:' Ht:'trorollllln rlannlna Ora.nhlllon .h.ll rntor into .n a.ree..nt
c:1urly Idt'ntUylllR thr r"'rl('lI.ibilltlrl rur cooporathrJy carryJn, out
.ucb tr.n.rortallon plannln.; .nd
WJrtr.r.A!l, Rul... or the rt'deor.l IIil:'"'.' Achtinhtratioll .nd the Urban
II.u TraDllrort II ti on Ad..lnl.lration, publ hhrd In Vola.... 46 01 tbe
FedUltl nC'lhtt'r, No, I~l, r.lel 40170 to 40179, Auau.t 6, 1911, (buo-
In~Ctt'r cIllpd the Rulcl), proYlde ror the dt:'IIcnlllion or Hetropo11tan
rhnnl na Or! u 1I ona I,y .~rl'ellN'nt a..on. the unil. 01 teonoral purro,o
local I:OYt'rn.C'ntl and tht' Ooyernorl .nd
",rJUtF.AS, Ch"ptt'r 334.2JS or tho Florldll f:IAtUtu, proYfdlt. lor lho
t're. li on , dt'.'l:nllllon and .rporlloIVllt'nl ol tlro'. con.htent with lhe
lederal l.vI .nd rule. identified above.
)10\1, T1ltIlU'ORF., fn t'Onliderllllon ol tho .utulll convrnant., rrOll-
he., .nd rrl'rt'llt'nt"tlon hert'In the rutic. ar.rrC! .. Col~ovtlt
11 (10 ~t~'.n 2!!.!L!.!Il.l'~~ .
nu. )1"1'11'11 (Cet' I !L'r Ce"nl~') l'r""nl~c'l ."rf'l t:t!trol1oJfhn rhn-
"'nt ()r~lInJp,.IIL1on hl'rrln^n"r rdrrrel1 to .. lht' tfl,(\, fa hr't'b, c",alCtd to Floridll Bhtuh 334.215 and wUl ollnrah undt" thl. l.\.e~
101'11 ^arr,...nt II luthorialld alndrr Ch.lltl'r lG3, FlorIda RlAbtc.. The
rarlh', to lIlh Jntc!rlf\('al A'......nt. Irft Coui.., Count" lh. Cu., .t
M.rln, .nd lhr. Florida 1Jcor.rlllC!nl 01 TranlllfOrlllUoll.
~ - 0S8 racr-tW)
, ,
eODl< 068 rAri'- 9f
Uarch J6, 1982
1'ho nulllllrl Ly nlld rC~III'Utlll1 hJ.l,Hy or Lhll tll'O ill for Lhe IllllllnBO-
Mont ot a COlllinlllnn, coollllrllLiyn, IInel comllt-chrlllllv,n LrnOllJ'orlntion
pJnllllillA rrot'elll nil" lhe proArnlllllltlln or lrnllllpllrLlILlon ImJlrOYClmrIlL. COf
Lhe NIlI'!CII Urhanbcd AC'ClI, u dC'lillod b)' lho J980 U.S. C"nllul.
Tho moo wJ.J 1 aho .an~ta lha lrll'"'portAtioll plonnfna proca..
lor the IILudy .,ell. 'J'he boundulu will be doter'lli,!ed ~y the MOO 101-
lovinlt . revicv oC ttllns(lorllllion and popullUon arowLh l,attorn..
The above lrllnlportation plllnnina procel' Cor the Maplel
Urbllnized and Urbllnizing Area. i. deCined a. !hs rroject. ,
n,e pUr(loce oC Lhia InlerloclIl ^grecment i. to ellure aliai-
bJ.lity Cor lbe recelpl oC Cederal c.pital and CI(lculinl a..htonce
pllrllu~nl lo 23 U,S.C. 134 and Scction 3(a)(2), 4(.), 5(1)(1) and 5(1) of
the Urbln tl..1 Transportation Act oC 1964, .. alK'nded (49 u.a.C.
1602(.)(2), 1603(11), IInd 1601'(R)(I) Ind (1)), and to iI'plrt1ent and
insure a continufnr" coor~rallve and comprehenllve transportation plann-
In, prOCUa that rrlul t. in coordinated planl And proara.. con. latent
vi lh the COlllprchrn_ i Vt' I Y P hnnfOd dt'vf' 1 ol'lII('nt oC the a CCected urbanb.d
IIrea in cool'rrlllfon wi lh the Statl!! of FlOrida, Deparllllent oC Tun.porta-
tion (hrrelnaCle,' calII'd the Dt'p.rtmenl).
Ch'plf'r 334. Florida Statutel, Arant. the broad authority Cor
lhe Dt'PllrMent'a rol~ in trlln.port.tlo~. Sectlon 334.02(5), Florida
Stalutrl, evidt'ncl" thf' It'lthlaUve inlent that the DepartMent b. th.
cUltollian of thr 11.Hr hfahw.)' .nd tran.portalton .y.le.. and b. I{von
IUrU('irnlly broAd lIuthorfly lo Cunclton adf!qIlAtel)' and dctcienUy t.
all 1rt!1I oC approprllllt! Jurhdiction. SC!cUO:l 334.2JJ (2), rll)rid.
SlIltutu, rf'qufrrll llll' Drpllrlll'fOnt to d~vrlop cOfllJlrf!hl!nl1ve plan., tll
conjunct (on vllh local &ovl'rnllll' 1-odin IInd rl'aional pllnnin, A'.ft-
cirl, ror all Ilandnrd mrlropolilan Itatiatical arpa.. Se~tlon 334.215,
Florida Statutu, .prci f{ ." th~ aUlhority .nd rC!lponlibil ity oC lhe "PO
and the DfOpllrlmrnt ro, thr lII.nAr.rmrnt or . ronlinuinl, t'ooperaUve aad
C(lllll'r('ht'n.iv~ tUnlportal ion planninll procell Cor the urb.nhed ar.a.
In Cull fJ Imrnt oC thil (lurpolP and in thel ..erch. of the
v.r!nUI rOWfOra r.ranlr" hy Ch:lplt'r 334, Florid.. Statul,.., ther Dc.-p.rtllClnt
.nd all olht'r pHllr. to thfa aJ;rl'(,lIlt'nl Ihall obl('''''' .11 prov!lion. of
Srcl(on 163.31GI - 163.3211, the Local Covt'rnml!nt COlIfluhenlJ.vo PlInntn.
Act, II '-Ildrd, An.! Ih"lI lAlle particular ('arC! th.t th~ rhnnin. pro-
Ct'lIra :and phnllfnr, inlt'r.ri l)' o( local J;OVfOrl\lllentl .. lOt Corth in tbe
1.0("11 Covernmf'lll COlllprfOhen.ive Phnnina At't .nd II. C!videncrd by the
IccilJative intenl In 5ot'Lion 334.02(7), Florida Stalute.. not
bl! inCrinc,.d upon.
2.00 C~rn..tlnn ~"d Orrr:ltfnn or 'h,. "rn
Tho tll'O lIhAJJ Ill! ('<<*I,ollr" of ({VI! U) vOlSnlt IK'1Ibcln .1Id tow
(2) non-VOlin. _Iocu. Thl! voUna .....lI!n aro .. lolJOWIIl thnoo (3)
IIlNlhcorll or lht' Coli irr COllnly I\oard fit COllnt, C..iftafonrra Arpo'nt.... ..,
thltt Rurd, on!! oC tht! APrOlnl,.d County C~,..tont!rll ...&. bt' tho c__
.ia.Inn,.r tr. Drllt r'C't 4 or Illrh oth,., clflttrtC't whlrh h...t I't'rnolr.nt.
lho Cft, or NilI'I "I I and two (2) ......t.ra or tha W"pl... City Council
Arro' nl,.d to, t hIt l COllnc H. n.r lIon-yotl nil ..eN' n A Nt th" An'. hnt
~ -~.:i!1I
".loL4... Ito.... ..
Dircctor, l)lvLuJol\ or J'lUIlIlJIlIt, }.'lod"'1 1l1!I'nrhwllt or Trnll/ll'lIrLnl10/l1
And lJll: IHuLricL .:IIr.lllc:cr for ULulr.{cl. 4 or Llle }'Jodclta J)l'I'IlI'lllllmt or
TrllllllJlortlll.Lon. Vol.Lnr. mrmhl'rll all t1111 m'o Hl\IIll II/! for a term ot Cout
(4) )lellflll ,,111111 It'rlnlllllln Oil n mCmh(!f JC~llvlllll C!Jcc:l Lve oULc'rl or by a
IIIDJoriLy Yote or I.IIl! tollll Membcnldl' or lllu coyern!ug lIody tCJlrl'lC!ntC!d
'by tlla Ml!mber, except. t.hat. tho Boafd or Cou'nty COllllllildonorll .hllll not
Iiava tll~ )lovcr lo rc:movC! the COll1lllf II Loner rrom tho Dhtrict datt!r.Lned
to hl!lt r(!flrelent the Cily or Hlplol. A vacancy .hall 110 lillad only by
an .ppointment by lhe oricinal Ippointing entity.
2.01 Tht' HPO .IIIIU, at Lt., Cfut meetial or tho calendar
YCllr, elect a Chlirman and a Vice Chllirman. nlo and
Vice Chairman IhlII lorvo Cor a period or one (1) yellr, or
until a luecel.or il ~lected. The HPO .ay cro.te .dditional
orricer., wilh luch dutie. II May bo prelcribed, by .~ndMent
to lhl! Rulel ol the HPO, al pr~Yided under 3.00 belovo
2.02 g.~ - Thl! Chdmln or the HrO Ihall call and
rrl"lide at all Mel'linga of the tlPO, The Vice Chairman Ihall
Il'rvl' al ChairMln in the .1Ilence or the Chairman.
2.03 Q~ - ^l It'/IIt thru (3) or the votinl IINbt!tI of
the tlh, III'" t be prC!llent lor tbe! tlPO to conduct bulinul.
2.04 RuJ..!:! - The 111'0 Ihlll lol1ov the proceduru IpOc!-
{it'd in th... Rulrl of thl' HPO, vblcb Ihall be adopted and
.lK'nd...d II provided h"lov.
3. 00 ~C!.~rr~.... n~ I~u t!.~
3.01 Th~ MI'O Ihall havC' al1 pove!u, t'nJoy an ri.htl,
rrLvL1~J:"'N, and hlllluniUl'l, l!lCt'rche all ulponlibiHUu and
pC"rCol"1ll all ohlll:ltion. .. IpeciCied in Sf'ctLon 334.215,
'71oridll !;lllllllrl, and incorporatrd herl"n .. aUlhorhl'd in
'C'clion lG3.01, Florida StlltUtl!I, inC'Iudin. but not HaLted
to, tht' (olI0111na:
3.02 The prllllary Ilaer ol thC' "ro Ihl11 bf' tho IhU 01
Col Hrr County rUrluant to a Start Servlcu ^Iree.ent which
Ih,.11 br rllt'ClIll'd 1oNwrC"n theo "rO And the County. Tho HPO .a,.
"'rloy olhrr rl"rI(lnnt'1 lind, pUUlllnt to contraC't, it _,
uliH&C" thr ttact rcaourcCl or local and/or ltatCl a."ncle..
3,03 nlf' tlro Ihall t'ntt'r Int.o ar.rerlllf'ntl, ot.her than
tnlerloul ICrcC"Menll, with the Derut....nt, oreratou 01
ru1'l1c 1II11" tun "ortalion lervice:a and tho AuavidCl and
Itt'r.' (lnal ^-9S ^Cl'nC'y. Tht'lo .J:rrrlllC'ntl vB 1 rrelcribe tho
c:oorrralLvr ".,nnC"r In vhlcla the tunlportaUon phnnlnJ; pro-
un vi 11 bl: .ccUMpl htwd. .
3.04 Thr tU~ .~y rlllt'r Into cnnt.ractl.
),O~ Till! 1;;-0 ""y ncqll~rr., 0,,", o''''ut.a, ..iAlIln, un,
or Ira.,. rt'al and pcrlonlll propt'rly.
3,OG n,n tlf'O lII"y ACCC'llt (und", .fanh, a..htanu. aUlI,
or hrqllrllh rrOtl louI, a\.at", and "t'clruI .ourco..
',07 thr tII'O "llal1 nIllaM ,.... II Im"r.C't ...."th .hAJJ Oltf'r.\o
on " (ktr,1orr 1 tn Arlll"."..r 3ft h..... '...1.... ot.hc!rvhe
......rlt, tllr aann"', or rI.,'.) ,'AfUt'II'.' 'I''' 'n 'h.. "1'0 by
31'1./ ft2
, /W
ao:x r& tAG( 92
Barch J.6, 1982
aCDK 068 tACE C~~Ler COlllI!.)' nlld lIw elly or Nnl'Jc~o Ilhnll bel clJIIlIl t.o tho
rAtio or J'ermll/wnlo r~IIJdr.nlo I'tJl'ulnl1clII wLUILn Lhll Illolldy U'OIl
beLween lha CJ ly or "1I1'1clI lInd Lhe: IIIIJIlc:orllorllLllcJ Ilort.Jon.
Such rn LJ 0 lo be! delermlned IIy Lhr tII'O bued on Lhl! .OAt.
recenl inrormllUon aVnJ.lohJe frolll either Lho IJuruu of t.ho
Cenll\lll or the ecency dr/l{ r.nntcd by lho, 'lAta Cor tho purpo.e
or preJlllr~lI11 .tAloC revenue Gh:sdu& l,uruhUon OAtt.IILo.. Th.
a.Ounl or fhcal 1"1IrUcJpIUon chillI bo detenlinucl by re.olu-
tion adoplad by each .,PO part.iclpant, .ubJact. to approval Ind
laweul aJlpropriaUon by Lhe rCllpccUVO lIelllbor bodic".
3.08 ThCl HPO Ihall adopt and prOll\lI.a\.o a.end.nt. to the
Rull!I or lhl! tfro, to dCcctullle HI rower., and dutie. CtnUlllOl"-
aLCld hcrrin . providC!d laid rule. do not .upor.eda or conflict
vilh IIpplicahle local and .lIlo lav., ruIn and re,ulaUon.
and Jlrovidl'd lhClre fa concurrence lo the adopUon and allOnd..
.enl(l) by thCl JlIplel City Council and lho Collier Count,
Board oC County Co-iutonClrl.
3.09 Thl! tll'O, in cooJll!rat.ion vilh the Departlxlnt, .hln
carry oul thr. urblln t ranlpnrtatiOfl plannina proceu a. re-
qllirrd b) fitlr 23 oC lhl! Code or Fcdeul Itelulationl (erR),
Chaptrr ], Parl 4S0 . conlilll!nt vHh Illte and local lav.
3.10 Therl! IIhllll bC! a vr1ttC!n A.ret'lIIe1lt betv..n the .tfPO
and lh(' l>r.rar1mrnt, durly Uhblhhin. a coopuaUv. rda..
Uonllhip ('urnUa] lo Accolllplhh tho Lran.portaUon plannia,
requrrrml!ntl or thl! applirablo Fl!d~ral relulalion. and Stlt.
Shlulr.. Thh ^llrrC!lIIent. .hall clearly dl!Ctne the procedur..
ror t'ooprrAllvr.Jy urryfnn out. lho cont.1nuin.. cooperative and
'CollJ'lrt'hl'lllivt' lranlporlalfon pilnnfn. proceu ror the urbaQ-
iat'd arfla.
3,1] rlan. and procraNI drvelopfld vithin the Ira-.vork 01
lht' urban tran.rorlation p]annlna prOC~11 illY be IIIOdilied in I
"nMr rnn.IUt'nl vHh the procC!dure elt.ablhhed lor inH"l
dflVt'I orMrnl.
4,00 ~I..!l~~Lrr~J.!)t!J~~ and Othl!r DOl!UIlC'nt.
nIl! t1ro IIh,," .1I1o_it to Collier County. the CHy or Har1u and
the Dt'p.rtlK'nl lut'h dll., rrportl, r.cordl. ronttlt'ta, and olhor dot'u-
Itl!nll II thp County, City an<l/or DCpHllllt'nl ..ay r~quire.
5,00 J'l""ll.,nt 10 rrdrr.ll, St.Hr nnd l,ot'lIl La~
In 1In! c'Vt'lIl 1I,..t ""y t'lrclfon, rt'rerC'ndu., approval, pe"lit,
nottce, or other rroc('rdfn& or /lulhorh.t.fon II reqllhHe under .,pU-
t'Ilble hv lo un<lrrtlll:r any rroJecl hllrl!unclt'r, or Lo o".crv~, a..u.c, or
tarry out. any C\C thl!! rrnV'llftlnll or tht' "Ilrr.....nt, t.h,. HI'O vUI ':0 the
extent. or it.1 lr~lll up~c:1ty, I:OIIr1y wflh all apfillcab10 lava Ind re-
Cl"ll'f'IlC'nll And vark tovard. tho .cC"OlIlI'lhllllt'nt and tullJlhw... .1 ita
6.00 !Lthl R "r M.!:!la
AJl parUr. to ..h,. .ArM"""", the nNA, .act lIITA ....U .._
tlto rlt"" oC trcltn'C"IJ rnlN ..... ~".. ot HrO ..roJeclI.
?oo COlltrnC:tll "r~t11Cl tII'll
AU conlr/l~Lull1 Ilr.rrr.llcnLII, U invo1YJnR Jo'JIWA, UtfT^, alld/or
PepDrLmC'IlL rll'lIll1, nlUIlL 110 al'l'rol,/'JnLr.l)' nl'I'c'ovr.d II)' th(' "'cclClrd
_celli!')' alld till! /)C!
Ex~C!pt .. oLhorvho uLhorhcd tn, wdUna by Lba DU)'Dtt.Ment.
.l"JJWA and UJIT^, whC1r(! .lal~ or Fcdord Cunclll arC! to bo uled, the"PO
,h.l1 not exC!~uto any cont.ract or obltAnLo it..ell in .ny othor ..nnat
wi th any III t rd parly with re.poct to tho Proj f!ct wi thout tho prior
witten concurrC!Rca of tho DepArtllC!nt, FJI\IA and Uf1TA. n/a poUc:.ct~ ,_.nd
It.ndllrtf. (or nClot.hted con~~Dcta. ,~nY~~~lnl: lund. Idll!nhtetrcd bJ nNA
,hill bo in accordnnco with 23 CFR, Part 172.
'.00 "flrl!llanl'ou. ProY{.fonl
8.01 /low Contrllct Arfl!ctl!d by Provllion" Befnn UC!ld
JC any provhfon o( t.hh Inrel'lIlC!nt 11 held inyaUd, tho re-
.ainder of thh l~rC!eme!nt .hall not. bit aCCecled thereby it
nch rr..alndr.r vouJd th"n continue to con(ol'll to tho tOtal and
requir~me!ntl oC applicable llv.
8.02 Slate! or l.ocal La,!
HOlhina in lhe a.rt'C!menl Ih.J.1 require tho HPO to ob.."_ or
enrorce cOllIpl lance with any provhion thoreof, perfora In,
ot;u:or acl or do allY olhC!r thinn in ConluypnUon ot laY appU-
cable .tatt:' or locol hv. Provided, Lhat if any of tho proy!-
~'on. oC thr. ar.rrrMe!nl violalp any .ppJlc.ble Itato or 10cIl
hv, thr tlI'O viiI al on!'!!! nolUy the Dt'PolttllN!nt. in order th.t
.ppropr'Atr rh.n~rl .nd modiflcationa .ay be .ad. by the
Drparllltl'nt and tll'O to thl! rrltf thAt. th~ tWO .ay proceed II 100Q
al ~ollibl~ w'th the ProJ~ct.
'.00 r:~~.u,.':!:.~
Thil Intl'r1nC'o1I ^r.rl!rmelll .ay b~ li.ultaneolllly .,~ecut.,d in
1t''Vt'ul tnunl,.rpnrt., urh of vhich 10 t!xl!tutt'd Ih.ll b~ cI~C!tIed to be an
orilinAl, And .udl connterpart. tor.rth~r Iblll con.tilule one and the
11M inltrlllnl'nt,
~lftlltl(tM! or ~t.H"tnrY-')"lIrll and RI'r.I'onlllhlHliu of_
th~ rnrl It'. tn t hI' ^t!!!:IlI~.
TM. aar(,t:'lIlt'lll Ihall not bn tonllrut'd to aut.horho the deJo,a-
Uon of lhe! tonlliluliond or ltatutory duL~t'lI of any of the p.rU...
In actdition, thia a.rec-.cnt doc. not. nUevo any of tho lIarUel of an
obl1caUon or ruron.''''IHy f",ollt'd upon t.he. by Jaw except. to the
eXlent lo Artual IInd lilllt'ly rer!on....ncCl lhl'rllo( It1 ono nr 110... of the
rarUe. to th'. 'I:rl'l'IlC'nl or Iny '1'l;al nr AII-fnillrAlfvC! "nUty C'r...ted
or AuUlorhcd by thia A~rl't'_'nL, fn ,..hlrh CAliI' lhl' J'f'rfu"""u'C' ..,y b.
o'fC'rC'd fn .lIl~lf~rt~on or thr ob"l;at~on or rC'.ronl~hllfty.
11.00 p"ro'ltfnn nr ^J:.rr.....!'t .nIL""t!.lr~II" t'roC'f'fI"Nt
fbi. ..r"rllrnl Ihall rr.aln in r'frtL until tf'~lnatrd ., the
partl... to tht'! .ftN'....nt. An, I'Art, _, "Ithelraw r,.. ..i. ..,..........&
.rt." I'rl'lrnt ~nft In wrllt..n rOnl . ':loti.... or 'n..~nt. t. v'Lh4,,", t.o tlla
olh..r pari Ir., at I.....t 60 day" I'rio, to th.. "atrn....d cI.t. or with-
dr."aI, tlrlly,.tr.I Ih..t ..ny tOIlI,r.r"'.., 0' otlar, ('...11.,.".. _.... rrl", to
. ~
3/2/12 S aooK 008 PAIl 9(
Nllrch 16, 1982
800( 068 fACE'- 95
withdraw.l IhRll continua to be Ind btnd!D1 resard1eu of
Am~ndm~nt or ^
Tbis ^grccent .ay be a1Hnded ill the .... ..nner II thh
,'Ioareellent Val executed.
13.00 ~nnr!rm~tfon " ^r.rrement
The Asrpr.ent .ball be reviewed lDauAlly by the HPO to COQfi~
,the validity or the conteat. aad to recoe.ead the type of l..ndMent., it
aay, tbat are required.
14.00 Alree.rnt FOrMat
All wordl u.ed hereia In the .ia.ular to~ .ball extend to ID.
!Delude the plural. All vord. ulod in the plural fo~ .hall extend to
and include the .in.ular. All word. uaed in .n, leader .hall extend to
-aad include all lenderl.
IN \lITNESS WUEREOF. the underlilned parUe. have CIU.ed thh later- .
local Alre~ent to be duly executed In tbelr behalf .nd bereby e.tablilb
th. above dPlilDlted HPO this ~ da, ot MArch , 19..!.L.
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