Ordinance 80-044 ~P~AS, the Coastal Ar~a Pl.nninl Comission has reviewed the
followin~ .mendments as required by law and forwarded ~ racomanda~ion
~o the Board of County Co~Sss~onars of Collier County, Y~o=ida; ~nd
~REA~, the Board of County Co~isalonar. hnve held a public
henr~n~ and considered the amendments an required b~ law;
NOW, ~FOEE, be ~ ordained by the Board of County Com~nnioners
of Collier County, Florida
Amend Section Aa, Amendments, by deletinl Paralraph 3, of Ordinance
75-30 in its entirety end suhstitutinI the followinl wordin~:
No,ice in cases in which the proposed reeoninz involves less
than (~%~ of the total lend srea of Collier County! Florida,
the Pl.nninz Commission Ihsll rovide ublic notice al
A. Notice of the time and place of the public ha.riel by the
Plannin~ Commislion Ihlll be sent it lellt fifteen (15)
day. in adv.nca of the hearinl by .ail to all ownerl of
propert7 within three hundred (300) feet of tho property
lines of the land for which reaoninl il leu,hi; prov~ged,
he.ever, tha~ ~here the lppliclnt Il ~e o~er of l~d
no~ included in lppl~cant~l ippl~cation Il · plr~ o~ or
ldJoin~ the parcel for ~h~ch requelt ~or chln2e in loninl
clae~i~ica~ion il mede, the three hundred (300) ~oo~
requiremenk ihall Be meelured ~rom ~a bounglriel of the
applicant's o~arship, lncludinl the land not covered ~
ap~ican~'n application. For the pu~ose of this require=
~' _me~, ~he names and addresses of propart~ owners shall be
~ed khone appearinl on the laten~ tax rolls o~ Collier
~ B, -~°'e~in~ of S[~n on PremileB to be Rezoned
~ ,.,~ ~ ~e c~se of an ~pplic~tion for ~e reloninl of ~nd, ~
~ ~'B~shall be pos~ed on the land which Il the lub~C~ o~
~f ~e public hearin~ By the Pla~inl Co~lsio~ ~a
sigh'to be po.ted on said laud shall mca.ute at le~at ond~
and one-half (1 1/2) square feet in area and ahal~cont.~
.ub.tantially the followin~ language:
CALL: (Phone N~ber) ~R I~TION
The sign shall be erected in full view o! the public on
each street side of the said land by the Director. Where
the property for which rezoninE ti Iouzht il landlocked,
the slSn or li~ne shell be erected aa the nearest Itreet
right of way, with an attached notation ind~catinl Eerier-
ally the distance and direction to the property £orwhich
rezonin~ ie sousht. Where lar~e parcels of property ire
involved ~lth street frontages extendinl over consider-
able distances, the Director shall erect an many elsne on
a stre~L frontase ho daemm adequat~ to inform the public.
The removml of e sign by parsons not sut~orised by the
Director, or its disintelration from waither elements
shmll not be grounds for postponement or delay of the
public hearing before the Planning Co~nisaion aa sdver-
timed. The Director mhmll certify that the required
signs hmve been posted in eccordmnce with the above
Amend 8action 48, Amendments of Ordinance 76-30 by insertins a new
Paragraph 4 am follows and renunberins the followtnS parasraphs in
sequential order.
4. In casem in which the proposed res.nihI involves five percent
(5%) or more of the total land area of Collier County, the
Plannina Commission shall provide for public notice and hear-
rinlm ma fall.war
The Plannins Co~,eission shall hold two (2) advertised
public hearinam on the proposed ordinance or resolution.
Both hearinSs shell be held after 5 p.m. on a weekday,
mnd the first shall be approximately seven (7) days after
the day that the first advertisement is publimhed. The
second henries Ihmll be held approximately two (2) weeks
mfter the first hear/ns and shall be adverttmed approxi-
mately five (5) days prior to the public hearing. The
day, time sad place at which second public hemrin8 will
be held sh&ll be announced at the firmt public haarlem.
The required advertilements Ihell be no Ieee than one-
quarter page in a stand&rd lize or a tabloid size news-
paper, and the hemdline in the advertisement mhall be in
i type no smaller than 18 point. The advertisement shall
not be plmced in that portion o£ the newmpaper where
leg&l notices and classified advertisements appear. The
advertisement shall be published in · ne~spmper of sen-
eral paid circulation in the County and of general inter-
est and readership in the community pursuant to Chapter
50, not one of limited subject matter. It is the lesimo
lative intent that, whenever possible, the advertisement
shall appear in m newmpaper that is published at leant
five ($) dmys · week unless the only newspaper in the
community lm published leas than £1ve (5) daym per week.
The advertisement shall be in the foil.winS form~
The (nmme of local Iovern~ental unit) pr.pole, to rezone
the land within the area shown in the map in this adver-
A public hearing on the rezonins viii be held on (date
and time) mt ~meetina place).
The advertisement shall also contain a se.graphic loca-
tion map which clearly ind~catem the area covered by the
proposed ordinance or resolution. The map shell include
major street names am a means o£ identification of the
3. Amend Section 48, Amendments, Paragraph 8 aa follows:
Board: Action on Plannin~ Commission Report~ ~pon receipt
the ?launins Commimsion*s report and recommendations, the
Board shall hold a public hear/ns with notice to be given aa
set out in Chapter 125.66 F.8.
In the came of all proposed chanses or amendments, luck
chanaem or amendments shall not be adopted except by the
a££1tma~lve vote of four (&) members of the Board,
This Ordinance shsll become ef£ectlve upon receipt of notice that
It has been filed by the Secretary of State.
ADOPTED this .,1~1~, day of May , , 1980.
CLI.O~ ~ZEL, c%*:~
I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for
the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of
which was adopted by the Board of County Comissioners during
Regular Session ~my 13, 1980.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board
of County Commissioners of Collier Coun=y, Florida, this 13th
day of May, 1979.
Cl.k of
County Co,also, driers "'.
. ,.~ ~ ~% ...~..
~ I~a~ ' ""
20th day of May, 1980 and acknowledgement of that filing
received this 23=d day of MaF, 1980__ ~
Plsnnin~ Dcpt.