01/13/2011 Backup Documents CAC MEETING BACKUP DOCUMENTS JANUARY 13,2011 '--lEV (l" A I cA- \ -- i~ - , I CA--c- V,)1e>e?h~ In reading the Executive Summary, I respectfully wish to call to your attention that after extensive communications with the Corps it is evident that appropriate non- lateral informational signs such as canoe trail markers satisfy the permit. I also note that those same communications support the statement in the Executive Summary that the installation of appropriate trail markers will be accepted by the Corps without fines or penalties. Both the Pelican Bay Foundation and the Pelican Bay Services Division stand ready to work with the county and our neighbors, the residents of Seagate, to ensure that signs are installed in appropriate locations so that their historic natural rights to the Clam Bay system can be used safely. November 3.2010 Pelican Bay 5efvices Division Board Regular Session 6c - History of Navigation Markers 0C ...~' Navigating through Clam Pass In the beginning Gary McAlpin claimed that the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) required the installation of the red/green lateral navigation signs. This was refuted by the Corps in an email from Susan Blass dated June 25, 2009 "placement of the non-lateral information signs and the canoe trail markers by the Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) does satisfy the requirement referred to in the Department of the Army permit." (Appendix 8a) He next stated that it was a requirement of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). An email from Mr. Joseph Embres of the USCG again refutes that claim. The requirement for installing private aids to navigation is "requires a permit from the USCG." (Appendix 8b) Now the County claims that the generic use of navigational signs in the July 8, 1998 USACOE Management Plan Permit (Appendix 1) meant and required the installation of lateral red/green navigation signs. However the Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD), who prepared the permit, and the Mangrove Action Group (MAG), who advised in the preparation, claim that the reference is specific to the non-lateral signs. A careful review of the 1998 Permit, the April 9, 1997 Management Plan Application, minutes of the related PBSD meetings and other documents do not support the County's claim. However the position of the Corps is that they must accept the interpretation of the higher authority. Page 9/21 of the 1998 Permit lists only non-lateral signs that are required and their location for placement and does not include lateral navigation signs. Page 9/14 assures the protection of the riparian rights of the Seagate residents and does not include added installation of lateral navigation signs. Section 3.3.1, Current Recreational Component, states that canoeing remains a popular activity but that use of motorized watercraft is not prohibited. Accumulation of sediments and the shoaling physically limits deeper draft boats particularly equipped with engines. While Section 3.3.2, Proposed Recreational Component, states that the plan would not anticipate any changes in the recreational use characteristics of Clam Bay. It continues on page 38 to describe the appropriate notification, signage, policing and placement intended to assure that persons accessing Clam Bay are informed of the unique ecological characteristics. (These are non-lateral information and regulatory signs not lateral navigation signs.) The main channel will be marked in accordance with the requirements imposed by the USCG to insure that those who use the system clearly know where the channel is and the prohibition against operating their watercraft outside the same. Lateral navigation signs do not prohibit you from travelling outside of the signs. They are not regulatory. This sentence does not say motorized watercraft. It refers to all watercraft and the main channel is already marked with canoe trail markers by Permit Number 20-016 authorized March 24, 2000.(Appendix 7a) Furthermore a letter to the Corps dated March 22, 1000 (Appendix 7d) states, "Marking this dredged channel 10f3 1012812010 November 3, 2010 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session 6c - History of Navigation Markers A September 9, 1997 letter to the FDEP (Appendix 6b) on page 3 states "suggest rather clearly that boat traffic will not be increased. We do anticipate enhanced channel marking." (This was accomplished in 2000 with the installation of the canoe trail markers.) On page 5' the consultant agrees to remove the restriction on motorized boats north of the south boardwalk and substitute the Ordinance "to preserve the status quo." A Corps "Statement of Findings" dated April 6, 1998 (Appendix 6c) on page 17 covers response to protest against boating restriction. HRecreation: The proposed plan will not change the current recreational use of the bay, however, the Plan does contain a Recreational Component that will address appropriate notification, signage and policing of the bay." In a letter to the Administrator, Jim Ward, and the PBSD Board dated July 2, 1998 (Appendix 6d) again confirms that the Hplan exists to accommodate concerns over navigation by preserving status quo." The July 1998 Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit Draft (Appendix 6e) on page 10 clearly states what signs are to be installed and where. There is no mention of red/green lateral navigation signs. Recently Seagate and the City of Naples had the NOAA Navigation chart #11430 designation HClam Pass Rep non-navigable ,1982" removed. This was important information for unsuspecting boaters and the county should have exercised jurisdiction. However the NOAA Coast Pilot still reports the following on Clam Pass: Chart 11429,11426,11430 - (Chapter 4) (217) Clam Pass, about 5 miles N of Naples, is a shoal drainage canal to Outer Clam Bay. The pass is used only by outboards in good weather. A fixed pedestrian bridge with a clearance of 7 feet vertically, and 12 feet horizontally crosses Outer Clam Bay. 3of3 1012812010 ... "., CD DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 32232-0019 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF March 2, 2009 Regulatory Division Special Project/Enforcement Branch Enforcement Section 199602789 (IP-CC) Collier County Pelican Bay Services Division 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 605 Naples, Florida 34108 Gentlemen: This is in reference to Department of the Army permit number 199602789 issued to you on August 11, 1998. The permit authorized replacement of Seagate Drive culverts, dredging of the Clam Pass main channel for Cuts 1, 2, 3, and 4, and excavation and maintenance of interior tidal creeks. The project is located within Clam Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, in Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, 32, 33, Township 49 south, Range 25 east, Collier County, Florida. In accordance with Special Condition 2, the Permittee was to comply with the components and timeframes specified within the Clam Bay Restoration Management Plan. ~~.~e.~....~~~~ ...~.~>.~.~~..>u....~. l\;t~;Y> .<:<:>:r::e~><:>.E.>~:f}g1n~~;r:-~~/...(<:<:>;r:-R~)>>>e~~~:f}!.!<:>:f}~~~~ ...~.!I~. .nav~.~.~.~ional ~e;r:-.~.~.;r:-~../.B&~X.~.>.Q,g.t.>...y~tl:?~..~:g..........;i.n~.1; g.J,.;J,.;.e d . *>:f}.~t$3,+J,.;g.t;i.<:>[l.<:>E!n~.~e n.!-~E..~.~E~.........i..~...........~[l.2~~2...>e.>.;t.~)1~;i..;r:-~.~~.[l.1;>>....<:>E.!~.~.....B~E~;r:-.1;~~[l.!...>..<:>.t.>..t~~..~~y I:>~;r:-m;i.t. In addition, the markers must meet u.S. Coast Guard standards for signs. It is requested you provide the Corps with a drawing showing the placement of these markers and a time frame when you expect the signs to be in place. This information can be directed to Ms. Cynthia Ovdenk at our Ft. Myers Regulatory Office at 1520 Royal Palm Square Boulevard, Suite 310, Fort Myers, Florida 33919. Should you want to modify any of the components of the Clam Bay Restoration Management Plan, please directed your request to Ms. Susan Blass, Section Chief, at the same address. Sincerely, ~ ZJ--K~e Donald W. Kinard Deputy Chief, Regulatory Division Copy Furnished: Mr. J. Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management, 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd., Naples, Florida 34116 December 1, 2010 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session 7d - Chairman's Report - Canoe Trail Markers - Page 3 of 6 --- . FLORIDA FISH Al\1tWILDLlFE CONSERVAtION COMMISSION JAMES L -JAIIIB" ADAMS. JR. IIuslmell DAVID J[. MEEHAN St. Petersbartr ! BARBARA. c. BARSH , JadIson9IIIe JULIE at. MORRIS s.ra:sor. QUINTON L HEDGEPETH. DDS MIamI TONY MOSS IlDWJN P. ROBEIlTS. DC MIamI Pensacola H.A. "HElUtY" IItJFFMAN DelIDDa JOHN D. ROOD JadrsomIDe AU.AN L EGBIlKt'.l'b.D.. E1Iec:utift Dftc:IDr VICTOR J. HILLEl. AssIstaDt Euc:uI1wl Dhc:Ior . DIVISION Of IAWENPORCIMIlNT COLONEL 1lOBBRT LIDWARDS. DIRECl'OR LT. COLONEL RANDY HOPKINS, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (850) 488-6251 TOD (850) 488-9542 March 24. 2000 RECEIVED MAR 29 2. USACe - REGULATORY FT. MYERS. Fl Ms. Cloe Essex, Biologist Turrell & Associates, Inc. 35M Exchange Avenue, Suite B Naples, Florida 34104 RE: File No.: Location: 2003-0511-016BS Clam Bay ~oe Trail Dear Ms. Essex: The Division of Law Enforcehtent, Office of Enforcement Planning & Policy has approved your request for placement of canoe markers in Clam Day, withi~ Collier County. Pennit number 20-016 has ~n issued to Collier County and is subject to the following conditions: ! I. Penn it number 20-U 16 is contingent upon the consent of, and if necessary, the issuance of appropriate permits by the Department of EnvironmentaJ Protection, Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources Program Office. 2295 Victoria Avenue. Suite 16SA-D. Fort Myers, Florida 33901; the United States Coast Guard at 909 S. E. 1st Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131; and the United States Deparbnent of Army Corps of Engineers, at Post Office Box 19247, Tampa. Florida 33686; authorizing the placement of structures for the support of the canoe markers. 2. This permit requires Collier County to place thirty-two (32) canoe markers exactly as indicated on the attached marker list. Each marker(s) shall be consistent with the Florida Uniform Waterway Marking System format as shown on the attached diagram. 3. All canoe markers must be manufactured in accordance with the Uniform Waterway Marker . System. The markers must be IS" X IS", and will be placed along the river(s) at 400' intervals, all makers will be on the same side of the water body unless otherwise noted. This is necnsilllted dlUl UJ the tl'lliJ users being drawn f,om older $lIt'I'OlIIIding popUlotions gl'Oups and the fl'el/lUlnt 6lght of the IIUlI'ken wHl serPe tI$ affll'llUltion Ihld they tll'e pt'OCUtling in 1M cornet direction. Pennit number 20-0 I 6 must be displayed on each canoe maker at any location where it is readily. visible. These numbers must be displayed in black block characters measuring at least one (I") inch in height. 620 South McridilIn Street. T.n__. fL. 32399-1600 www.stllc.lLstafc.urIt.wd r December 1. 2010 Pelican Bay ServiceS Division Board Regular Session 7d - Chainnan's Report - Canoe Trail Markers - Page 4 of 6 Ms. CIoe Essex March 24.2000 Page Two 4. The placement of canoe markers shall be completed within a reasonable time after receipt of this permit If the information for any marker(s) varies iiom the originally permitted market list. the Collier Coun1y must immediately provide this office with the corrected information. Such changes will require that this permit be amended. S. All canoe markers authorized under this pennit must be maintained in proper condition at all times. The Collier Co~ must immediately report and correct any discrepancies of any marker to this office by calling 850-488-5600. extension 169. or by facsimile at 850-488-9284. 6. Permit number 20-016 does not authorize the invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other state, federal. or local laws and regulations. 7. Violation of any provision of this permit shall n:sult in the revocation of the authorization to place uniform waterway markers in, on. or above the waters of this state. If you have any questions. please contact Tara Alford at 850-488-5600. extension 169. Sincerely. W ~p~ oCaptain Alan S. Richard Office ofEnforccment Planning & Policy Division of Law Enforcement ASRltra 00: Mr. Joe Embres, USCG Ms. Lucy Blair. DEP Captain David Sterman. FWC TAR.UIOlI\CANOETRAILSlClAM3.WPD Mr. Joe Bachelor. USCOE Major Mike Long. FWC Captain Denis Grealish, FWC December 1, 2010 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session 7d - Chainnan's Report - Canoe Trail Markers - Page 5 of 6 .... PILR NO, .AOO3-0S11-010-as nAkl_ ....1..... WATBIlIIAY _ LIST PeDd1ng Dah. 03/7."/7.000 NO. lA't/UJWJ SID LOCA'tIClII IIDUIft'IJG DIIlIlC'l"IClII SYIlIIOL IIORDAGB 1 7.6U38/1148., lIay/SauIlCl Sbore Piling/Pole SOUtbve8t CLAN MY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL - 1 2 261238/114845 lIay/SauIlCl Sbo7:e Piling/Pole SOUt:b CLAN MY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL . 2 3 262150/81"84'7 Bay/SauIlCl Sbon Piling/Pole SOUt:b CLAN MY CANOE 'IRAIL - 3 4 2617.54/814..8 lIay/SauIlCl Sbore Pil1ng/l'Ole SOUtheast CLAN /lAY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL - 4 5 261256/114853 Bay/SOWIt4 8Ilon PiliDS/Pole _t CLM IlAY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 5 6 261324/114850 Bay/Sound 8Ilon Piling/Pole SOUt:b CLAN MY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL - 6 7 261331/8148" IlIlet lIboJ.'e PiliDg/l'Ole SOUtheast CLAN MY CAIIOB 'l'RAIL - 7 8 261342/814852 rlllet Shore pillng/l'Ole SOUt:b CLAN IlAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 8 , 7.61313/814852 IlIlet Sbore Piling/l'Ole . SOUt:b CLAN IlAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL . , 10 261311/814855 IlIlet . Sbore Piling/l'Ole SOUth CLAM IlAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 10 11 2613U/814857 IlIlet: Shore PilIng/Pole SOUtheasl: CLAN IlAY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 11 12 261316/814857 rille!: Shore Piling/l'Ole East Clzcle CLAM MY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - xa 13 7.61317/81'856 Il1lel: Shore Piling/l'Ole Sout:bweat CLAM IlAY ClIIIOE 'IRAIL - 13 14 7.6U7.0/eUe5" Creek Shore Piling/Pole SOUtbven CLAII IlAY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL - 14 15 261321/814'11 creek Shore Piling/l'Ole East CLAM .IIAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 15 16 261322/81.,13 Creek Shore Piling/Pole ....t CLAII IlAY CAIlOE 'l'RAIL - 16 17 261325/81.,07. creek Shore Piling/Pole SOUtheaot CLAIIIlAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 17 18 261324/81..,00 creek Sbore Piling/Pole BaOI: CLAN IlAY ClIIIOE 'tRAIL - 18 19 7.6137.7/814859 creek 8Ilon 'Plling/l'Ole SOUc:beae1: CLAN /lAY ClIIIOE 'IRAIL - It 20 261333/81.,01 creek Shore Piling/Pole SOU~t CLAN IlAY CANOB 'l'RAIL - 20 21 261334/814'33 Creek Sbon Piling/Pole Ila8t CLAII IlAY CAIIOB 'IRAIL - 21 7.2 261336/81.,31 Creek Shore Piling/l'Ole SOU~t CLAII IlAY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 27. 23 261337/814'12 creek Sbore Piling/Pole Soul:h CLAM IlAY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 23 24 261347./I1U14 Bay/SOWId Shore Pl11119/l'Ole Sout:b CLAM IlAY CANOE 'IRAIL - 24 25 261356/81UOl lIay/SOWId Shore Pillng/l'Ole SOUt:b CLAN IlAY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 25 26 261413/814056 Bay/Sound Shore Piling/Pole SOUI:h CLAN BAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 26 27 261412/81U13 creek lIboJ.'e PI11I19/l'Ol. SOUt:b CLAM MY CANOE 'l'RAIL - 27 28 261415/81..,10 creek Shore Pillng/l'Ole SOU1:hwes1: CLAII /lAY CANOE 'IRAIL - 28 29 7.61419/81UI0 Creek Shore Pilll19/l'Ole SOUtbaut CLAN IlAY ClIIIOE 'l'RAIL - 2' 30 261421/814959 Creek Shore Piling/Pole SoutIlWe8t CLAN MY CANOIl 'l'RAIL - 30 31 261425/814857 Bay/Sound Sbore Pilll19/l'Ole SOUth CLM IlAY CAIIOB 'IRAIL - 31 32 7.61440/814915 Bay/Sound 8Ilon PIling/Pole SOUI:h CLIlM IlAY CANOB 'IRAIL - 32 ..' December 1, 2010 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session 7d - Chainnan's Report - Canoe Trail Markers - Page 6 of 6 Signage Not to Scale Letter June 9~ 2009 - Yahoo! Mail '." " Page 1 of 3 Q:!) '"'71.... ..... ...., .1AHOO",>"MAIL - Classic (D-) Letter June 9, 2009 Thursday, June 25,20093:25 PM from: "Blass, Susan M SAl" <Susan.M.Blass@usace.army.mil> To, tedraia@yahoo.com Cc: "McElwain, Tunis W SAl" <Tunis.W.McElwain@usace.army.mil>, "Kinard, Donald W SAJ" <Donald. W .Kinard@usace.army.mll> Dear Mr. Raia: Sir. Yes, the placement of the non~lateral information signs and the canoe trail markers by the Pelican Bay Services Division does satisfy" the requirement referred to in the Deparbnent Of the Army permit .... .. .. ........ ............-..........................................--...........................-.........-....-....,..................................-.............-........>................:......:.--...-...._..:,.............- .. ..........................,......-......-...:.-..-..:.....,...,...--.-:..-:.'........,.-..........,.,...:..--.:.......-..:.:.-:.:...:,...,...:.}:.....,......,...........-.' No, the Corps definition of navigability does not require the placement of lateral navigation signs that denote safe passage as defined by NOAA for navigability. Yes, Clam Bay meets the definition of navigability as defined by the Corps. All waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide meet the Corps definition of navigable waters. " Respectfully , Susan Blass From: Theodore Raia [mailto:tedraia@yahoo.com] sent: Wed 6/24/2009 5:02 PM To: Blass, Susan M 5AJ SUbject: Fw: June 9 Corps letter Dear Ms. Blass: I am once more requesting a response to the questions that pertain to your office and responsibilities. The answers are either yes or no. I am not requesting an explanation although you are free to provide one.. Again: Specifically, does the placement of the non-lateral information signs and the canoe trail markers by the Pelican Bay SelVices Division satisfy the requirement referred to in the Department of the Army permit? Yes or No However, does that definition of navigability by the Corps require the placement of lateral navigation signs that denote safe passage as navigability is defined by NOAA? Yes or No Clam Bay is extremely shallow with variable depths measured in inches not feet, was not engaged in interstate or foreign commerce and does not possess the potential to engage in such commerce in the future. Does Clam Bay meet the definition of navigability as defined by the Corps because of the above? Yes or No. The answers to these questions will clearly define the position of the Corps in interpreting the permit. If I do not hear from you within ten days I shall proceed with a request for a Congressional Review and an inquiry by the Inspector General why these answers are not forthcoming. COl (Ret) Theodore J. Raia, MD - On Thu, 6118/09, Theodore Raia <tedraia@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Theodore Raia <tedraia@yahoo.com> 1.."-'-.//.._ __"''''0 __:1 .__1..__ ___,__,_1.._."...."'_n..........<>........A='l(\Rr-&;A=:f"'l"'.....O/..')'')01>'''.,.,.Rrfn......... l')/onooo 'V nv>n ~ 2 :r ~ O::CO )> m ~ 3:~r- 'C :r m n 3:r-r- ~ ;:I " r- ...... m m ~ ......... m (I) n V>OJ;;o tI) 2 r- 0 c: ~mn :::I t:) ~ :r 0110 !:!: 0 )> zOe :::I 'V ~ m;;oz u:>> )> r- m ;;om~ ...... -of m V>m 'V m (I) ~ r- ~ZO tI) I-f ,.. m 0 :r ;;o~;;o ;:;: "n ~ mG)O S' G)............ " 0 ......zz :::I ~ 0 ~G)~ tI) ;:a :r d m......Z :! 0 ;;ozn .... m 2 -f :;E~z Z -f % ~ZO ~ \.) % ~ ::c -< . .., m m -I5~ ~ m ::COJo ~ ~n ..... mOJw & w n;::$u, m '-" r- r- r-Zw m :r m ... m I-f ;;oG)~ r- 2 ^~v> )> m :!l c: dg~ ;rf ;:a 0 --I<m (/) ::CS~ r- "n "n :i 0 mmm ~ OJV>O m ~ ~'O OJ 0 ~ ;;oz-< 5;: OnO c: r- ~e;;o (/) n -108 ..... 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