Ordinance 80-012ORDINANCE NO. 80-1~ AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE TRANSPORTATION OR POSSESSION OF GUNS IN WORKABLE CONDITION ON THE W. J. JANES MEMORIAL SCENIE DRI%~ IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; REPEALING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 70-10; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, concern has been expressed as to the validity of the legal description of W, J. Janes Memorial Scenic Drive containod within Collier County Ordinance No, 70-10, and WHEREAS, the effective enforcement of the prohibition of transportation or possession of guns in workable condition on W. J. Janes Memorial Scenic Drive has been hampered due to the incomplete legal description contained within Collier County Ordinance No. 70-10; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T~E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: section 1. Collier County Ordinance No. 70-10 i, repealed in its entirety and is superseded and replace~by this Ordinance. ~.~ Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to in possession of a gun as herein defined or to transport gun in any vehicle on the right-of-way of the W, J. Janes Memorial Scenic Drive, in Collier County, Florida more specifically described as: A right-of-way 100 feet in width along the so called "Main Line" of the logging railroad used by the Lee Tide- water Cypress Company from 1943 through 1957 and more or less beginning at a point being N 66'41'50" W, 1079.27 feet from the SE corner of the NE-1/4 of Section 13, Township 52 South, Range 29 East, and terminating at a point along the west line of Section 6, Township 51 South, Range 29 East, said west line also being the east line of Golden Gate Estates. This right-of-way is located in the following Sections, Townships, ~nd Ranges in Collier County, Florida: To~shiT~52~South, Range 29 East'. ~To.--wn. ship~ 51"South, Range 29 East: .~,Townshi~ 51 South, Range 28 East: · "To.wn. ship~.5,0, ._.South, Range 28 East: Sections 13, 12, l, 2, 344 Sections 36, 35, 34, 33, 28, 21, 16, 17, 8, 746 Section 1 Sect[ons 36, 35, 25, 26, 23, 14, 15, 10, 9, and said right-of-way ia being 100 feet in width and lying 50 feet on each side of a centerline more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the NE-l/4 of Section 13, Township 52 South, Range 29 East; Collier County, Florida; thence N 00'02' W along the east line of said Section 13, 1042.90 feet; thence N 89'47' W, 154.34 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left havin~ a radius of 338.27 feet and a central angle of 48'07 , 283.04 feet to the P.T.; thence S 42'06' W, 759.10 feet; thence N 52*14' W, 95.00 feet to THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; said point also being N 66'41'$0" W, 1079.27'feet from the said SE corner of the NE-l/4 of Section 13; and said point of beginning also being on a curve to the left the tangent of which bears N 35'18' E, 167.83 feet to the point of inter- section; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 961.622 feet and · central angle of 19"48', 332.16 feet to the P.T.; thence N 15'20' E, 830.74 feet to the P.C. of · curve to the left; thence following said curve to the lef'~ having a radius of 1432.69 feet and a central angle of 6'05', 152.08 feet to the ?.T.; thence N 9'15' E, 343.87 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 2010.12 feet and a central angle of 13'30'20", 473.79 feet to the P.C.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 3578.53 feet and a central angle of 13"34'40", 848.00 feet to the P.T.; thence N 17'50' W, 2027.29 feet; thence N 18e05' W, 7339.00 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 4583.75 feet and a central angle of 7"00'20", 560.44 feet to the P.T.j thence N 25'05'20" W, 117.29 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 1432.69 feet and a central angle of 28'00', 700.00 feet to the P.C.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 1033.811 feet and a central angle of 37'32', 676.95 feet to the P.T.; thence S 89'26'10" W, 1001.68 feet to the west line of Section 36, Township 51 South, Range 29 East, said point being N 00'37'20" E, 9.73 feet from the SW corner of said Section 36; thence S 89'36'40" W, 2850.44 feet; thence S 89058" W, 2464.69 feet to the west line of Section 35, said point being N 00'02' W, 9.74 feet from the SW corner of said Section 35; thence S 89'39' W, 1320.00 feet; thence S 89'33'30" W, 1323.88 feet; thence S 89°26'10'' W, 775.51 feet to the point of intersection with the south line of Section 34; thence continuing S 89'26'10" W, 844.61 feet; thence S 89'10'10" W, 1026.27 feet to the west line of Section 3, said point being S 00'49'50" E, 17.47 feet from the NW corner of Section 3; thence continuing S 89'10'10" W, 12.77 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the right; thence following said curve to the right having a radius of 764.489 feet and a central angle of 15"01', 200.00 feet to the P.C.C. of a curve to the right; thence following said curve to the right having a radius of 573.686 feet and a central angle of 50'00', 500.00 feet to the P.C.C. of a curve to the right; thence following said curve to the right having a radius of 688.156 feet and a central angle of 25'32'20", 306.466 feet to the P.T.; thence N 00'17'30" W, 1720.89 feet; thence N 00"21'10" W, 11, 440.15 feet; thence N 00'52'50" W, 669.72 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left;thence follow- ing said curve to the left having a radius of 674.686 feet, and a central angle of 42'08', 495.69 feet; thence N 43'00'50" W, 2081.41 feet; thence N 43'17'45.21" W, 5035.14 feet; thence N 45°28'41.17'' W, 8460.08 feet; thence N 46'10'20" W, 532.55 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left; thence follow- ing said curve to the left having a radius of 764.489 feet and a central angle of 17'10', 228.89 feet to the ?.T.; ~hence N 63"20'20' ~, 63.95 faa= =o the ?.C. of a curve to the left; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 1011.51 feet aha a central an21a of 23'06', 40?.65 feet to the P.C.C. of a curve to the le~t; thence following said curve to the left having a radius of 2142.84 feet and a central angle of 4'31'19.42", 169.11 feet to the P.T.; thence S 89°02'20.S8'' W, 2100 feet more or less to the west line of Section 6, Township 51 South, Range 29 East, the Point of Termination. Unless said gun shall be disassembled or otherwise rendered totally inoperable and enclosed in a locked container. Section 3. Definition: As used in this Ordinance the term "gun" shall include any mechanical device capable of pro- pelling a projectile, and shall include shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, air gun, gas gun or any device mechanically propelling an arrow, spear or other projectile. Cross bow or bow and arrow shall be included in the meaning of the term gun. Section 4. Penalty: The violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable as provided by law. Section S. This Ordinance shall take effect upon acknowledgement of receipt of a certified copy of this Ordinance by the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA this 22nd day of January, 1980. ATTES]: ~ STATH OF FLORIDA ) CCX.q~ OF CO~LI~R ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~';"~ ~ "C~Gnty A~torney I, IilLLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANC~ hQ. 80-12 which was adopted by the ~ard of Count)' Commissioners during Ret~mlar Session January 22, 1980. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Eoard of Count7 Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 22nd da>' of January, 1980. This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 28th day of Jan., 1980 and acknowledgement of that filing received this/~0th day of January7 ~gS0. IflLLIAI{ J. P'~kGAN , Clerk of Courts and Clerk I~-officio to Board of County Comtssioners Virgini/Matri, Deputyj~2brk mSputy~erk / 010 ,A B44 ','