Ordinance 80-005ORDIN~ANCE 80 ' ~
WHEREAS, In the Mainline Subdivision area of Immokalee, Florida,
there are dwellings or' structures whlch are unfit for human habitation
due to dilapidation or defects Increasing the hazards of fire, accident
or other calamities; with a lack of ventilation, Ilght or sanltary facili-
ties; or other conditions rendering such dwellings unsafe, un?~anitar~,~
and dangerous or detrimental to the health, safety or morals o[~othera=
wise inimical to the welfare of the residents within this subdivision?
and, ~ ~--~ r'-"
WHEREAS, experience and accepted national housing surv~/
clearly demonstrated that s;um conditions result In a large meas~;ge
improper maintenance, inadequate sanitation and overcrowded col~ditior~:~
of dwellings, buildings and premises, and from general community
neglect; and,
WHEREAS, It has now become common knowledge that these condi-
tions can be relieved, prevented and often eliminated through a planned
housing rehabilitation program, resulting thereby In better living condi-
tions and overall promotion of the general health and welfare of the
citizens of the area and County; and,
WHEREAS, the County Commsslon has found and determined that it
is necessary to consolidate and strengthen existing ordinances of Collier
County which provide for minimum standards for habitable buildings and
their occupancy In order to reasonably provide for the protection
publlc~ health, safetyt morals and general welfare; and,
WHEREAS, Collier County did apply '?for and receive ?funding ?from
the United States Department of' Housing and Urban Development ?for a
Community Development Block Grant for the Malnllne Subdivision in
Immokalee, Florida; and,
WHEREAS, the major component off said Grant Program involves the
establishment of a Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program to up-date
sub-standard housing conditions In this subdivision; and,
WHEREAS, in order to carry out said responstbliltles concomitant
with said Block Grant, it is necessary to establish guidelines ?for admin-
istration, standards for rehabilitation work and a rehabilitation housing
code for the re-development area;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board off County
Commissioners off Collier County, Florida:
The following CDBG Guidelines contain County's housing rehabilitation
program, guidelines, includlng general speci?flcattons and residential
rehabilitation standards, to serve as an aid in carrying out the objec-
tives of federal and local programs ?for neglected and run-down prop-
erties. These objectives seek the large scale physical, social and eco-
nomic regeneration of neighborhoods which have, in general, seriously
Many structures in declining neighborhoods were constructed years ago
in accordance with standards which were quite different from current
practices. Former living patterns and utilization of space are now
likely to be considered Inefficient or Inconvenient. In addition, over-
crowding, lack off sanitary facilities and general neglect have lead to
substandard conditions in many older properties. A few years ago,
these deteriorating buildings might have been torn down and replaced
by new structures, a very costly endeavor. With today's emphasis on
rehabilitation and revitalization, however, communities have been en-
couraged to use their CDBG ?funds ?for rehabilitation, when ?feasible,
rather than demolition. This approach allows communities to upgrade
their existing housing stock while restoring and preserving many of the
unique features of these older structures.
The purpose off these guidelines are to directly assist residents and
contractors that are participating in the County's rehabilitation activi-
ties under the Community Development Block Grant program. Rehablll-
tat[on standards differ significantly from standards ?for new construction
since the extent and emphasis off the proposed work is on existing
housing rather than on the construction off new buildings. This hand-
book was designed to be used as a guide ?for implementing such stan-
dards and specifications. Since each job differs in its requirements for
material and construction, specl?fications and standards must be supple-
mented by an individual work write-up for each job.
To encourage the revitalization off Iow and moderate Income neigh-
borhoods through a Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program.
To remove unhealthy or hazardous conditions in Iow and moderate
income homes..
To enablu Iow and moderate Income families who wou~d not other-
wise be able to obtain conventional bank financing to repair their
To encourage local lendlng Institutions to make more bank roans In
Iow and moderate Income neighborhoods by upgrading the commu-
nity's houslng stock.
To use Community Development Block Grant rehabllitatlon grant
funds as a catalyst to encourage residents of Iow and moderate
Income nelghborhoods to Improve their community,
6. To preserve exlstlng houslng stock,
To Improve the property tax base In Iow and moderate Income
8. To increase employment and tralnlng opportunities for project area
residents and minority persons through the provision of funds for
the rehabilitation of homes.
A. Personal Eligibility
Applicant must be the head of a family who owns the
residential dwelling rot wh;ch the rehabilitation grant Is
sought. Owners of the multi-family units may qualify
for assistance under this program on a case-by-case
basis, based on the above guidelines and when specif-
ically approved by the CDBGPO and the Collier Cou.~ty
Planning Director. Owners of single family and/or
multi-family rental units who qualify for and accept a
rehabilitation grant, must, in addition agree to not raise
renta~ schedules for a period of at least one (1) year
from the date of completion of the rehabilitation work per
the CDBG program.
If rents are raised during the one year period following
the completion of repairs under thls program, the entire
grant amount will become due and payable at once and
the provisions of Section V(A)(3) shall not apply.
2. Income Llm[ts
The appllcant shall not have a gross annual Income
exceeding the Income guidelines outlined below. Income
from all sources will be counted as Incomet except for
the Income of minors who are full-time students working
no more than twenty (;>0) hours per week.
The Income limitations for eligibility for homeowner
participation Is as follows;
Number of Persons Gross Income
In Household Llmlts
1 $ 8,000
2 10,000
3 11,500
4 12,300
5 13,000
6 13,500
7 14,000
8 14,500
3. Asset Limits
0t0 2.49
Net assets cannot exceed $5,000 for a single Individual
and $8,500 for a family, exclusive of the fair market
value of the family's home and lot and one motor vehicle
per adult resident. Assets include, but are not Ilmlted
to the following: Savings accounts, stocks and bonds,
real estate (other than the lot upon which the subject
property sits), etc.
4. Financial Dlsclosuro
The applicant will be responsible for full end adequate
disclosure of all of his assets end Income and that of the
member of his immediate household. Immediate household
Is hereby defined es all persons normally residing with
the applicant. Documentation of the appIlcant's income
must be provided by the applicant,
If tho applicant 'fails to give full disclosure during the
application process, the grant process shall cease. If
the applicant Intentionally provides false financial Infor-
mation and the grant Is approved on that basis, the
amount granted shall Immediately be repald to the Com-
munity Development Block Grant Program Oflgce
Real Pro err Ell Iblllt
1. General
An applicant for a housing rehabllltatlon grant must be
the' owner or the residential dwelling to be rehabilitated.
The applicant must have hazard insurance on the prop-
erty In question.
2. ~ or Land Sales Contract
The term "Land Sales Contract" refers to any trans-
action, regardless of the nomenclature by which it is
known, in which the purchaser or occupant obtains free
title only If he/she completes a series of Installment
payments over a term of years. In order for a purchaser
under a land sales contract to be eligible for a rehabili-
tation grant, the land sales contract must be notarized
and recorded at the Collier County Clerk of the Circuit
Court's office.
The owner or the residential dwelling shall have owned the
dwelling for at least 180 consecutive calendar days prior to
the date of the application for a rehablUtatlon grant.
D. Neighborhood
Rehabilitation Grants under the Community Development Block
Grant Program will be made available only in the current or
subsequent program years target neighborhoods or as other-
wise provided for by HUD regulations. The FY 1978-1980
program area is the Mainline Subdivision of Immokalee as
outlined in Section Nine.
E. Grant Extension Priorities
Grants will be awarded on a "first come, first serve" basis
except as adjusted in Subparagraph 1-7 below. The following
factors Ilsted below will be used to prlorltlze applications for
fundlng. The CDBGPO may waive these priorities when the
CDBGPO determines such walver to be in the best Interest of
the program or the County:
1. Single family homes, owner occupied.
2. Duplex homes, owner occupied Irt one unit.
3. Triplex homes, owner occupied In one unit.
4. Single family homes, renter occupied.
5. Duplex hem,si renter occupied.
6. Triplex homes~ renter occupied.
7. Other residential units.
There will ba no discrimination In the acceptance~ processlngl
and approval of grant applications because of race~ color~
creed, sex~ age, rellglonl national or/gini or marital status.
In case of residential properties In Grant Extentlon Priorities
4 through 7 above, or In Prlorlties 1 through 3 where the
owner also owns other rental property in the project area,
the CDBG Coordinator may, as a condition for receiving a
grant~ require that the owner apply for and/or secure a
grant or loan from commercial or other sourcest to assfst in
the rehabilitation efforts for his/her ~roperty.
A. General Eligible Activities
The rehabilitation improvements made under this program
shall be made only to the main dwelling unit, or to other
such areas that, In the opinion of the CDBGPO, directly
affect the Integrity of the main dwelling unit.
The Improvements must directly protect or Improve the
health and safety of the occupants of the dwelling units.
The rehabilitation work must conform to the Housing
Rehabilitation Code adopted for the area. (Section
3. Temporary Improvements are not eligible, such as Install-
lng plywood over rotten holes in floort etc.
Structurally sound units only are eligible for a rehabili-
tation grant. The CDBGPO or Its designated agent shah
determine whether a unit is structurally sound. The
criteria as outlined In Section Ten will be used to deter-
mine the soundness of a house.
Before a rehabllltatlon grant may be extended, the
dwelling unit must be inspected for termites and deemed
suitable for rehabilitation. This inspection will be con-
ducted by a licensed exterm)nator contractor. Homes will
be exterminated, If necessary, following the completion
of the rehabilitation work.
The CDBG Coordinator shall contact at least three ter-
mite extermination contractors, licensed In Collier County,
and arrange for an Inspection of each property to be
rehabilitated. He shall contract with the firm which
offers the least expensive Inspection fee. If more than
one firm quotes the same fee, he shall place all such
firms or~ a rotating list.
If such Inspection finds evidence of Infestatlon~ the
CDBG Coordinator shall again contact at least three
Collier County licensed I~irms and secure three quotes for
the extermination work. The CDBG Coordinator shall
then contract with the Iow firm if said work is under
:$1,000.00. For work In excess of $1~000.00, the
CDBGPO shall utilize standing County procurement
The cost of this, extermination work shall be counted in
the total cost of rehabilitation for the property and shall
apply against the appropriate maximum grant amounts as
set forth Jn Section V(A)(2) below.
Deficiencies affecting the Immediate health and safety of
the occupants shall have first priority for grants.
Other improvements necessary to meet the adopted stan-
dards (Section Twelve) or other repairs deemed neces-
sary or desirable by the CDBGPO to Include General
Property Improvements and Incipient violations may be
authorized if funding Is available end the maximum grant
amount Is not exceeded,
CDGB funds may be used for' temporary relocation ex-
penses for those displaced t~.mporarlly by rehabilitation
activities being carried out w~th Block Grant Assistance.
Funds expended under this provision shall count against
the maximum grant amount available.
,Typical Ellglbfe Activities - All repairs are to meet the adop-
ted Housing Rehabilitation Standards unless otherwise indi-
cated. The following examples are not exhaustive of possible
grant actlvlUes:
1. Home Repalrs
Repair or replace roofs, including decking end
b. Repair or replace Interior walls, including studs,
plastering end/or dry wall.
Repair or replace load bearing or exterior walls
with prior approval of' the CDBGPO.
d. Repair or replace damaged or sagging floors and
Repair or replace wiring; upgrade to County's
building code.
Repair or replace plumbing; upgrade to County's
building code.
g. Repair or replace faulty steps and/or' porch.
Repair or purchase and install a heating furnace,
hot water heater, electrical end sanitary fixtures,
including the expansion and provision of space
necessary to accommodate sanitary facilities.
I. Painting of homes, Interior and exterior.
J. Connection to central water and sewer system.
k. Insulate ceiling and/or attic.
Inspection and fumigation of carpenter ants, ter-
mites, rats, roaches and other vermin infested
dwelling units only in conjunction with other eligible
m. Caulk open spaces around doors and windows.
n. Replace broken or missing window panes and
010 PA E252p.
Repair or replace septic system.
Provide and place clean fill to keep standing water
from house.
Major appliances such as ranges, rerrlgerators and
hot water' heaters. These Items shall be purchased
directly by the CDBGPO through normal County
purchasing procedures rather than by the rehablli-
tatlon contractor.
Deslgn Features
a. Widen doorways
to allow for entrance of wheel-
b. Install handrails and grab bars; build ramps.
Removal of architectural barriers for elderly and
handicapped persons.
Related Costs
1. Title report as required.
2. As-ls appraisal If required.
3. Building permit.
4. Attorney fees as required.
5. First year hazard insurance.
The r~.lated costs and fees incurred during the grant application
process will be included as part of the grant.
A. General Terms and Conditions
1. In order to qualify for a housing rehabilitation grant the
owner must have occupied and/or owned the unit to be
rehabilitated for at least one hundred eighty (180)
consecutive calendar days prior to applying for the
grant and have necessary, hazard Insurance.
2. The rehabilitation improvements made under this program
shall not exceed $6,500. However~ larger grants may be
made under extenuating circumstances, with the approval
of the CDBG Coordinator. In no circumstances shall a
grant award exceed $10,000 without the express authori-
zation of the Board of County Commissioners.
As a condition for receiving a grant, the owner must
agree to the placing of a lien on hls/her property for
the amount of the grant. If the owner sells the dwelling
unit prior to the end of a five (5) year period, the
owner must repay to the County the amount of the grant
extended, less a prorated amount for that portion of the
five years In which the recipient has lived In such
unit. The proration shall be at a rate equal to 1/60 of
the In,rial grant amount per month. If an owner or
his/her heirs continue to own and/or occupy the unit for
five (5) years after the authorized work Is completed on
the unit~ said lien shall automatically expire and the
owner shall owe nothing to the County.
B. lnellglble Persons
No officer, employee, or member of the governing body
of the CDBGPO who exercises any policy making respon-
sibilities in connection with the carrying out of the
project to which thls contract pertains, shall have any
private Interest, direct or Indirect, in this contract.
This prohibition shall not apply to members of the CDBG
Cit;zens Advisory Committee.
No member or or delegate to the Congress of the United
States and no resident Commissioner shall be admitted to
any share or part of this contract, or to any benefit to
arise from the same.
However, Collier County employees may be eligible to be
awarded rehabilitation grants In accordance with the
rules and regulations of the program, except as limited
In Section V(B)(1)&(2) above.
C. .(;.rant Recipients Rights...end Restrictions
To use the grant only to pay for the services and ma-
terials necessary to carry out the approved rehabilitation
Permit inspection of the prope'Fty prior, during and up
to sixty (60) days following rehabilitation during normal
business hours, or as otherwise arranged by the
Assure that the house will be available for the rehabili-
tation work within thirty (30) calendar days following
the date when grant was accepted by the grant recipi-
ent. The work shall be permitted to be completed within
sixty (60) calendar days from the commencement of the
work. The CDBGPO, may extend this period, without
penalty when It determines that the work requires addi-
tional time due to extenuating circumstances or when It
would be in the best interest of the recipient or the
The CDBGPO shall reserve the right to cancel and
terminate the grant by sending written notice of cancel-
lation by certified mall to the grant recipient at his/her
mailing address if the recipient of the grant has refused
to allow the commencement of the work wi[bin thirty (30)
calendar days from the date that the grant was accepted.
The CDBGPOeS failure to exercise this right shall not be
deemed a waiver thereof~ as long as the rehabilitation
work remain:, uncompleted.
During the lien period provided by Section V(A)(3), the
recipient must inform the CDBGPO by registered mail or
hand delivery, if the legal status of the property owner-
ship is changed In any manner different from that at the
time that the grant was extended. Ir the CDBGPO or
the Planning Director determine that property continues
in the ownership of a member of the recipients family,
the CDBGPO may authorize the continuance of the lien
wlth the new property owner until its expiration.
All work performed under thls program must be done by
a County licensed Contractor.
The recipient shall agree not to discriminate on the basis
of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, or national
origin in the approval of a County licensed Contractor
selected to do the work as specified In the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Title VI.
The standard CDBGPO rehabilitation contract shall be
executed between the grant recipient and the Contractor
and In addition approved by the CDBGPO prior to the
CDBGPO Issuing the order to proceed on the work. The
Contractor must agree to perform all work in confor-
mance with the Collier County Building Code or Housing
Code as applicable. The rehabilitation contract shall
specify the contract price and shall specify a one (1)
year warranty period for all labor and/or materials. The
contract will conslst of a alngle document signed by the
Contractor and accepted and signed by the grant reclpi-
ant, only after the approval of the grant by the CDBGPO.
The contract will contain the general conditions of the
contract as well as the speclficatlons for the work to be
performed along with the work write-up,
The grant reclpient shall permit the Contractor to use,
at no cost, exlsting utilities such as llght~ heat~ power,
and water normal and necessary to the carrying out and
completion of the contracted work.
The grant recipient shall cooperate with the Contractor
to facilitate the performance of the work, including the
removal or moving and replacement of rugs, coverings
and furniture, etc., as neccssary.
The grant recipient shall be responsible for permanent
removal of all garbage, debriS', trash, and junk cars
from his property at least five days prior to the grant
closing. Work will not commence until this Is accom-
plished. Ir the grant reciplen.t refuses to cooperate in
this matter, his grant wJJl be rescinded.
12. The grant applicant shall not pay any bonuses or com-
mlsslons to anyone In order to obtain a. grant.
The grant recipient shell keep such records as may be
required by the CDBGPO with respect to the rehabfilta-
tlon work for a period of five (5) years.
The grant recipient shall hold Collier County harmless
and released from any liabJllty~ Injury, or damages
relating to the housing rehabilitation work, work write-
up, and cost estimates.
This section sets forth the duties and responslbilitles of the
CDBGPO for determining the rehabilitation work necessary to bring
a dwelling unit into compliance with the appropriate standards as
cited above, Including but not limited to the Collier County Build-
ing Code, HousFng Rehabilitation Code, Sanitation Code and other
applicable County Codes and Ordinances.
The CDBGPO Is hereby granted the express authority to operate
this program and to carry out its duties and responsibilities under
these guidelines and is further granted the authority to, In writ-
ing, waive, modify or alter any provision or provisions contained
in these guidelines when, in the judgement of the CDBGPO, it is
deemed In the best interest of the County and the grant recipient
and when such waiver or modification is not In contradiction with
the state law or United States Department or H.U.D. policy.
A. Initial Responsibilities
1. Prepare forms and establish appropriate procedures to
effectively arrange the CDBG Grant program.
Receive applicants request for assistance and explain the
Rehabilitation Grant Program.
3. Determine the eligibility of applicant for rehabilitation
grant assistance.
Make a preliminary work write-up and cost estimate of
the work to be done as a guide to determine the amount
of rehabilitation to be extended.
Consult with and advise the owner on the work to be
done and regarding the avallabillty of a Rehabilitation
6. Coordinate the blddlng of the work to be performed.
In concert wlth the Collier County Building Department,
ensure that the rehabilitation work complies with Collier
County's codes and ordinances and this program's speci-
fications as applicable.
B. Perform Inspections of the work during the repair period,
a final inspection, and a sixty (60) day reinspection.
To counsel grant recipients on home maintenance and
other related concerns.
B. ~ectlon
The CDBGPO shall prepare an Inspection report that identifies
the dwelling unit's deficiencies that are suitable for rehabili-
tation. This Inspection report later will serve the CDBGPO
as the basis for preparlng a preliminary work write-up and a
cost estimate.
Work Write-up and Cost Estimate
CDBGPO shall prepare a preliminary wrlte:up and cost estl-
mate based on the property Inspection report which itemizes
all the rehabilitation work to be done on the property, and
whlch includes a cost estimate of each item. The estimate
shall reflect the prevalllng material and labor costs In Collier
County for comparable work and the costs of required County
D, Processing and Submission
The following Is an outline of the process followed by the
CDBGPO In processing and approving of a grant application.
All applications for a housing rehabilitation grant will be
processed in a timely fashion. If denied approval for' a reha-
bilitation grant, the applicant has the right of appeal, which
shall be heard wlthln fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt
of a written request for appeal; however, an appeal request
must be received by the CDBGPO within thirty (30) calendar
daya o1' the rejection of the grant appl]catlon. In addition/ a
i'amlly may not apply more than twice annually for a rehabili-
tation grant. Appeals wlll be heard by the CDBGPO Coordi-
nator and if necessary, by the Board of County Commis-
The CDBGPO will:
1. Interview and advise the applicant on the general reha-
bilitation objectives of the project.
Advise the applicant on the availability and benefits of a
rehabilitation grant and explain and discuss the grant's
terms and conditions.
Complete an application for assistance for the applicant
and determine the ellglbUity of the applicant.
4. Verify the appllcant's Income, housing expenses and
Advise the applicant concerning the conditions under
which a Housing Rehabilitation Grant is made.
6. Obtain the following Information with respect to the
OiO PA,nE~58 a. Verification of employment as applicable.
b. Verification of Income sources and amounts.
c. Verification of property ownership, Including title
report~ If considered necessary by the CDBGPO.
e. "As-Is" appraisal, If considered necessary by thn
Verification or hazard Insurance and property tax
All of the above must be completed prlor to the development
of a work write-up on a particular house.
7. Prepare a preltmlnary work write-up and cost estimate of
the rehabilitation work.
8. Determine which items in the work write-up conform to
the purpose for which the rehabilitation grant program is
Consult with appllcant on preliminary work write-up and
cost estimate to reach agreement on work to be done.
10. Assemble all pertlnent Informatlon relative to the poten-
tial grant reclplent's application.
11. The Housing Rehabilitation Specialist and the CDBGPO
Coordinator will discuss each appllcatlon for a grant.
The CDBG Coordinator will approve or deny each re-
quest for a grant.
12. The County Purchasing Department blds the work to be
performed and generally selects the Iow bidder to per-
form the work; however, the homeowner may, at hls/her
option, select any eligible contractor provided said
contractor agrees to perform the work for the Iow bid
price, receives County and HUD certification of eligibil-
ity, and agrees to all CDBGPO rules. If such contractor
agrees to perform said work for a fee In excess of the
Iow bid, the homeowner may still utilize his services
provlded that the homeowner deposits in an escrow
account established by the CDBGPO for the rehabilitation
work, a sum of money equal to the difference between
the Iow bid and the new contract price. Such deposit
must be made before a notice-to-proceed wlll be Issued
by the CDBGPO.
13. The homeowner is given a copy of the grant contract,
the contract with the contractor, and the work write-up
fO rm,
14. After the work commences~ the rehabilitation work Is
carried out with CDBGPO making periodic inspections.
15. After the work is 100% completed, the contractor re-
quests final Inspection or rehabilitation work.
16. Final Inspection of rehabilitation work is made by the
CDBGPO and the Collier County Building Department as
required. Work is also reviewed by the homeowner who
signs a statement of satisfaction; however, failure by the
homeowner to sign such a statement does not preclude the
CDBGPO from approving such work and paying the con-
tractor. The CDBGPO will arbitrate any dispute about
the work that should arise between the homeowner and
the contractor. The CDBGPO reserves the right to make
the decision as to the approval of all work. The CDBGPO's
decision will be final.
17. After the work is completed to the satisfaction of the
CDBGPO, a certificate of final Inspection Is issued to the
If the work is approved, and warranties from the general
contractor and subcontractor~ manufacturers' and sup-
pliers' warranties, and a notarized release of liens from
all materialman, laborers, and subcontractors stating that
all bills have been pald are obtained, final request for
payment for rehabilitation work is then made by the
19. Final payment is then made to the contractor for com-
pleted rehabilitation work less a ten (10) percent retain-
age which Is held back for a period of up to ten (10)
days. The retalnage is held back until the CDBGPO is
satisfied that all components ~3stalled are In working
20. Time permtttlng~ homeowners are counseled on home
maintenance and the house relnspected perlodically.
21. Each home repaired will relnspected approximately sixty
(60) days after the approved final inspection.
It shall be the responsibility of the CDBGPO to establish an
escrow system of accounting for grant recipients' funds. All
funds associated with the rehabilitation of a recipient's pro-
pe,~y, from all sources, shall be placed In this fund.
All escrow funds may be held In a common bank account
provided that a separate accounting of such funds Is
maintained In a ledger by the CDBGPO.
Control of funds contained In all escrow accounts shall
be the Joint responsibility of the CDBG Coordinator and
the County Planning Director. As a condition of receiv-
Ing a grant from the CDBG program, grant recipients
must, in advance, agree to the use of the escrow system
as outlined herein and authorize the CDBG Coordinator
and the County Planning Director to pay any and all
rehabilitation bills upon their satisfaction that such bills
are legitimate, authorized and that the work has been
completed to specifications. In the event that there ls a
disagreement between the homeowner and a contractor as
to whether the rehabilitation work was done according to
specifications, the homeowner agrees that the CDBG
Coordinator and the County Planning Director shah make
the final determination of approval and satisfaction, and
shall be authorized to pay the contractor.
A. General Provisions
After the bidding procedure Is completed, a contract Is
executed between the CDBGPO and the grant recipient,
and between the homeowner and the contractor.
The contractor must execute a contract with the home-
owner within seven (7) calendar days and commence
work within fourteen (14) calendar days after the Issu-
ance of the order by the CDBGPO to proceed, and
complete the work within sixty (60) calendar days from
the date that the order to proceed was Issued. The
CDBGPO may grant extensions to the above dates If the
completlon is delayed beyond the control of the contrac-
tor, such as inablllty to obtain materFals or weather
conditions or If the CDBGPO determlnes that such exten-
sion is In the best Interest of the County or the recipi-
The contractor shall provide a one year warranty for all
labor and/or materials as speclfled in the provisions of
the contract. The contractor shall furnish the home-
owner' with all manufacturers and suppller's written
guarantees and warranties covering materials and equip-
ment furnished under the contract.
Upon completion and satlsfactory inspectlon of sixty (60)
percent of the agreed upon work~ the contractor may
submit a draw request for fifty (50) percent of the con-
tractural costs. An additional forty (40) percent will be
pald upon inspection and satisfactory completion of the
entire agreed upon work and the completion of the
appropriate forms, less 'the tan (10) percent retalnage
which will be pald as per the terms of Section VII(D)(8).
This provision Is subject to the extent and length of the
rehsbllltatlon work end no more than one draw before
the final payment wlll be authorized per job. The ar-
rangement for a draw must be made In advance.
The contractor's bid and the work performed on each
rehabllltatlon job shall comply with the project bld speci-
fications and rehabilitation standards established by the
CDBGPO (Section Eleven). Each ellglbl~ contractor shall
be provided with the CDBGPO's project bid specifica-
B. Procedures for the Assic/nment of Work
All work assignments are subject to competitive bidding
conducted by the County Purchasing Office. All bids
will be Itemized by general categories.
Detailed work write-ups will be available for review at a
bidding meetlng after contractors are notified of the
day, date, and time In writing by the CDBGPO.
Contractors Interested in bidding on the available work
should report to the Collier County Purchasing Office,
Room 118~ Bulldlng "F", County Courthouse Complex~
Naples~ Florida 33942~ on the designated day and at the
prescribed time.
Detailed work write-ups on each house to be rehabili-
tated will be given to contractors and explained In detail
at the bidding meeting. Contractors will also be Invited
to visit the subject house during the meeting or by
The CDBGPO Intends to have approxlmately five (5) or
more work write-ups available at the bidding meetings.
6. Contractors should bld only on the work described in
the write-ups.
7. All contractor's questions relative to the work write-ups
will be answered at the meeting.
Each group or houses to be rehabilitated will be assigned
a bid number when they are ready for bidding. Bids
will not be considered valid unless all Individual housing
units are bldded on and they are completed~ signed and
received in a sealed envelope marked "Sealed Bid", the
envelope is Identified by the name of the firm, the num-
ber of the bid item~ and date and time of the bld open-
lng. The contractor's name and license number shall be
listed on the bid work write-up forms. The work will
then be awarded subject to the approval of the CDBGPO.
9. A bld tabulation sheet will be completed by the purchas-
OlO tAOl~)~9 lng office at each bid opening. Contractors may also
malntaln bid tabulatlon sheets at the bid opening.
10. Contractors must be able 'to accomplish all bldded work
within sixty (60),calendar days from the date that the
order to proceed is Issued unless an extension Is granted
under Section VII
11. Contractors will be awarded contracts only on Jobs for
which they were the lowest end best bidder and that
they will be able to complete within sixty (60) calendar
days Inctuslve o1' all Jobs to be awarded to them from the
date that the order' to proceed was Issued unless an
extension is granted by the CDBGPO or the homeowner
~l~ct~ ~nnth,r c. ontrector per Section VI iD) (1G).
12. Contractors are not eliglble to bid upon additional work
if work awarded from past bidding cycles has not been
75% completed to the satisfaction of the CDBGPO as per
the work write-up within the .sixty (60) day completion
schedule. They will remain l~f~llglble at least until the
work is 7596 completed to the satisfactlon of the CDBGPO.
13. The CDBGPO reserves the right to waive Informalities In
any bid; to reject any or all blds wlth or without cause,
and/or to accept the bld that, In Its Judgment~ will be In
the bast Interests of the County or the grant recipient.
14. The CDBGPO reserves the right to reject all blds Includ-
ing the lowest bid should that bld exceed the CDBGPOts
estimate of the cost of work to be performed by over
10%. However~ the lowest bidder has the right to make
hls bid conform with the 10% rule. A "low-ball bld" may
also be rejected. A "low-ball bld" Is a bld in which
costs are estimated so Iow that, in the opinion of the
CDBGPO~ they are unlikely to cover the actual cost of
repairs. The 10% rejectlon rule may be waived by the
CDBGPO In wilting, It, In its Judgment, justification for
a greater dlsparlty exists.
15. The CDBGPO reserves the right to reject all bids which
exceed the current Board of County Commissioners ap-
proved maximum grant limit. Therefore, It is possible
that all blds may be rejected on a particular proposed
16. The CDBGPO may waive bidding procedures in emergency
situations when work must be completed very quickly
because the health, safety, or' welfare of the family may
be endangered and the estimated cost of the work Is less
than $3,000.
17. If, during the course of the authorized work In pro-
gress, unforeseen required work Is dlscovered that was
not listed on the approved work write-up, the CDBGPO
shall utilize the procedure outlined in 17(a) or 17(b)
below. The total of bid-awarded work and all additional
work authorized under thls subparagraph shall not
exceed the $10~000 maximum grant limit without speclflc
approval of the Board of County Commlssloners.
a. The CDBGPO shall reserve up to a 1096 contlngency
fund for each housing rehabilitation grant contract
awarded to a general contractor'. Monies from thls
fund will only be used upon speclrlc written author-
Ization of the CDBG Coordinator and upon receipt
from the successful bidder of an itemized cost
estimate for the additional work. This provision ts
Intended to reduce the number of formal contract
addendums which will expedite the completion of
work awarded in the case of small amounts or addi-
tional new work required to be performed.
b. Formal contract addendums will be granted only if
unforeseen required work is discovered during the
course of the work In progress and that was not
listed on the' approved work write-up and the cost
estimate of which exceeds the 10% contingency
provided for in Sectlon VII(B)(18)(a) above. The
cost of addendums will be based upon the Itemized
cost estimate submitted to the CDBGPO by the
successful bidder and shall be approved by the
County Planning Director.
For purposes of evaluatlon~ bidders must Indicate any
varlances to the speclflcatlons~ no matter how slight. If
variations are not stated In the propo.~nl, it will be
considered that services and materials to be furnished
fully comply with the speclficatlons. Once a Iow bidder
is awarded work, that Iow bidder must follow the ap-
proved work specifications without deviation. Once work
commences, a contractor found, not to be following the
specifications will be ordered {o cease work Immediately
on the job and may be expelled from the program for a
period to be determined by the CDBGPO.
19. No contracto~ may bid upon work u.n. tll the CD. BGPO has
secured for its files evidence of a Class A, B, or C
~ contractor's Ucense, liability Insurance, bond-
lng, workman's compensation coverage~ and state certifi-
cation or a Collier County Competency Card, as appli-
cable. Contractors must also complete the "Application
for Participation" form and have the Information provided
verlfled by the Collier County Building Department and
their eligibility to participate reviewed and approved by
20. Prior to the execution of contracts and Issuance of the
order to proceed, the work write-ups must be slgned
and dated by the contractor, homeowner, and Houslng
Rehabilitation Specialist or the CDBG Coordinator.
;71. An order to proceed to a general contractor will no__t be
Issued until all pertinent forms and contracts are exe-
cuted, and lists of subcontractors and major material
suppliers and evidence of performance bondlng registra-
tion are provided to the CDBGPO. The successful gene-
ral contractor's submitted Itemized cost breakdown will
be used as a basis for determining the amount cf draw-
downs and possible addendums. The Itemized cost
breakdown should Include material, labor, and overhead.
The general contractor and appropriate subcontractors
must obtain the necessary Collier County building per-
mits. In addition, the general contractor must attend a
"walk through" session at the house to be repaired with
the CDBGPO staff and the homeowner. This will serve
as a preconstructlon conference.
22. Homes that are not bid upon during a given bidding
period will be bid again during ensuing bidding periods
until serious bids are received.
23. Approved participating general contractors will adhere to
Collier County's approved HUD affirmative action plan.
24. Approved participating general contractors must agree to
recelve and review bids for all work to be subcontracted
from the CDBGPO's list of specialty subcontractors.
Specialty subcontractors whether hired from the County's
list or from other sources, must submit evldence to the
CDBGPO of licensing, bonding, liability Insurance,
workman's compensation, If applicable, and their ellgl-
bility to participate must be verified by the Collier
BO0~ 0~0 PA~[~"'~'~' County Building Department
on the County's list will be provlded with a llst of
participating general contractors and will be invited to
the bid meetings. It will be the responslbillty of the
subcontractors to submlt bI~s for work to be performed
to the partlclpatlng' general contractors.
25. The CDBGPO may waive any or all of Section VII of
these program guidelines when it determines that such
waiver is In the best Interest of the recipient or the
C. Work Related Provisions
The contractor .~hall prnvlda and pay far all matarlal.~
labor~ tools and other Items necessary to complete the
work and all other services and faculties of every nature
whatsoever necessary to execute, complete and deliver
the work wlthln the sixty (60) day completlon period.
The contractor shall obtain and.pay for all permits and
licenses necessary for the work and labor to be per-
3. The contractor shall not use lead based paint on any
work under this program.
The contractor shall perform all work In conformance
with programs and specifications and applicable local
codes and requlrements~ Including the Collier County
Building Code where applicable.
The contractor shall keep the premises clean and orderly
during the course of the work and remove all debris and
clean up the premises at the completion of each day's
The contractor shall not assign the contract without the
prior written consent of the owner of the property and
There will be a sixty (60) day follow-up Inspection by
the CDBGPO on each house repaired.
Contractor shall perform all work as per the work write-
ups. No deviations from the approved work write-up
will be allowed. Contractors are not permitted to make
"deals" or "trade-offs" with homeowners. Provisions will
be made for contract addendums. However~ all adden-
.dums must...be' approved by the homeowner and the
CDBGPO. Addendums will only be approved for Items
not included on the original approved work write-up.
payment Provisions
Final payment shall be made to the contractor oniy after the
following condltlons have been met:
1. A written request for payment.
The contractor has satisfied all release of liens by sub-
contractors, laborerst and material suppliers for com-
pleted work or installed materlals and supplied the
CDBGPO with a notarized lien release form executed by
all major subcontractors and major material suppliers.
The contractor has completed 100% of the work as per
Collier County program specifications and applicable
Collier County Codes.
4. Passed final Inspection by the CDBGPO in conjunction
with the homeowner and the Collier County Building
~:~uiu Department. When the completion of all appropriate
forms has been accomplished, the final Inspection shall
be conducted withln seven (7) calendar days from the
day that the written request for payment Is recelved
from the contractor by the CDBGPO.
The contractor shall be notified In writing by certified
mall within seven (7) calendar days thereafter if one or
more of the contractual terms have not been satisfied.
The written notification shall state the conditions that
need to be corrected In order to satisfy the terms of the
All sums due the contractor shall be disbursed by the
CI3DGPL3 wlthln ten (10) calendar days following the final
approval of work.
7. Draw payments will be authorized per the provisions of
Section VII (A) (4).
A ten (10) percent retalnage will be held back on each
job until the CDGBPO is satlsfie,.cl that the work Is com-
pleted in a satisfactory manner as per the provisions of
Section VII (D) (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5).
E. Insurance Provisions
The contractor shall be responsible for all damages to
persons carrying out the provisions of the contract and
shall be responslble for the proper c&re and protection
of all work performed until completion and final accept-
ance whether or not the same has been covered In whole
or In part by payments made by the CDBGPO.
The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Collier
County and the CDBGPO from liability for any Injury or
damages to persons or property that may result from his
prosecution of work under the contract.
The contractor shall maintain such insurance as will
protect him from claims under ~/orkman's Compensation
Acts and the Employees Benefits Acts from claims for
damages because of bodily Injury, Including death, and
from claims for damages to property which may arise
both out o1', and during operations under this contract
whether such operations be by a subcontractor or any-
one directly or Indirectly employed by either of them.
The contractor will purchase and maintain such Insurance
as will protect him from claims under workmen's compen-
sation laws, disability benefit laws or other similar
employee benefit laws; from claims for damages because
of bodily injury, occupational slckness or disease or
death of his employees, and claims Insured by usual
personal injury liability coverage, from claims for dam-
age.-, because of bodily Injury, sickness or disease, or
death of any person other than his employees Including
claims Insured by usual personal Injury liability cover-
age; and from claims for injury to or destruction of
tangible property, including loss of use resulting there-
from - any or all of which may arise out of or result
from the contractor's operations under the Contract
Documents, whether such operations be by himself of by
any subcontractor or anyone directly or Indirectly em-
ployed by any of them or for whose acts any of them
may be legally liable. This Insurance shall be written
for not less than any limits of Ilabllity specified In the
Contract Documents or required by law, whichever Is
greater and shall Include contractual liability Insurance.
Before starting the work, the contractor will file with
the County certificates of such Insurance, acceptable to
the County; these certificates shall contain a provision
that the coverage afforded under the pollcles will not be
cancelled or materially changed until at least 15 days
0~0 ~A(;1~2~3prIOr written notice has been given ,o the County.
Certificate of Insurence sha~l be supplied by the contrac-
tor to the CDBGPO before the contract is signed,
The contractor shall observe the safety provisions
of all construction codes. The contractor shall take
or cause to be taken such additional safety and
health measures as the CDBGPO may determine to
be reasonably necessary. Machlnery, equipment,
end all hazards shall be guarded in accordance with
the safety provisions of the "Manual of Accldent
Prevention in Constructlon"~ published by the
Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., to
the extent that such provisions are not In conflict
with applicable local laws.
The contractor shall malntein an accurate record of
all cases of death~ occupational dlsease~ and Injury
requiring medical attention or causing loss of t~me
from work, arising out of employment on work
under the contract. The¥'contractor shall promptly
furnish the CDBGPO with reports concerning these
F. Federal ~ortunltles Provisions
The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regula-
tions of the Secretary of Labor. Un!ted States Depart-
ment of Labor, made pursuant to the so-called "Anti-Kick-
back Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 stat: 948:62 stat, 862;
title 18 Uo$.C., Section 874 and title 40 U.$.C. Section
276 c)~ and any amendments or modifications thereof.
He shall cause appropriate provlsons to be Inserted In
subcontracts to Insure compliance therewith by all sub-
contractors sub~ect thereto~ and shall be responsible for
the submission of statement required of subcontractors
thereunder, except as said Secretary of Labor may
specifically provide for reasonable Ilmltatlons, variation,
tolerances, and exemptions from the requirements thereof.
In addition, during the performance of this contract, the
contractor agrees to the following:
The contractor will not dlscrlmlnate against any
employee or applicant for employment because of
race, age, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Such action shall Include, grading, demotion, or
transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertlslng,
layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of
compensation, and selection for training, Including
apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in
conspicuous places, available to employees and
applicants for employment, notices to be provided
by the County setting forth the provisions of this
nondiscrimination clause.
The contractor will In all solicitations or advertlse-
ments for employees placed by or on behalf of the
contractor~ state that all qualified applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard
to race, age, color, religion, sex or natlonal origin.
The contractor will cause the foregoing provisions
to be Inserted In all subcontracts for any work
covered by this contract so that such provisions
will be binding upon each subcontractor, provided
that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to
contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial
supplies or raw materials.
G. Records
The contractor shall malnta]n such records as may be required
by the CDBGPO with respect to the Rehabilitation work for a
~1~erl°d of five years.
Collier County's Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program does busi-
ness in accordance wlth the Federal Fair Housing Law and Federal
Equal Credit Opportunity Act. These laws state that it is illegal
to discriminate against any person because of race, color, age,
religion, sex, marital status, or national origin.
The ColIler County Community Development Block Grant Program
Office shall not discriminate against any person in the granting or
denying of a grant, the setting of the amount of a grant, the
application procedures, or any other terms end conditions of a
grant. The Coiller County Community Development Block Grant
Program Office shall not discriminate against any competent and
eligible contractors deslring to participate in the housing rehabili-
tation program.
Any Individual that believes that he/she may have been discrimin-
ated against should discuss the matter with the Coordinator of the
grant program, the Collier County Equal Opportunity Officer or
The Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, O.C. 20410
o~o0¥.00 o ~
DeterloraLed Dwe)llag UoLt
Ditapidated Dw,llieg Unit
8Ingle ~amlly Fouling
Duplex ~ounlng
Mult/-~amtly HOUalAg
0 ¥
y ~bO 0 ~ '00 I:'1, Os
~'u~r tq A ¥ L"~U~
As per the Housing Rehabllltati~n Program Guldellnes, only structurally
sound houses are ellglble for a repair' grant~ l.e. houses that are
deteriorated and require minor or major repalr~ but are not dilapldated.
Work write-ups on houses must emphasize code vlolat--'[~ns, first to
Include structural, electrical, doors, wlndows~ rotten board replace-
ments, and plumbing Items. Other Items such as cablnets and Interior
palntlng will be Included If sufficient funds remain up to the maximum
grant amount. All work performed must conform to the approved Hous-
Ing Code or the Collier County Building Code, as appllcable.
The following criteria will be used to determine whether a particular
house Is eligible for the program. ..
A. Ail bulldlngs or structures which have any or all of the following
defects shall be deemed "dangerous buildings" and are hereby
declared to be unsafe and constitute a nuisance.
Those whose Interior walls or other vertlcal structural mem-
bers list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line
passlng through the center of gravity passes outside the
middle third ol' its base.
Those which, exclusive of the foundatlon~ show thirty-three
(33) percent or more~ of damage or deterloratton of the
supporting member or members~ or fifty (50) percent of
damage or deterioration of the non-supporting enclosing or
outside walls or covering.
Those which have Improperly distributed loads upon the floors
or roofs or In which the same are overloaded~ or which have
Insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose
Those which have been damaged by fire, wind or other causes
so as to become dangerous to life, safety, morals, or the
general health and welfare of the occupants or the people of
the County.
Those which have become or are so dilapidated, decayed,
unsafe, unsanitary, or which so utterly fail to provlde the
amenities essential to decent living that they are unfit for
human habitation, or are likely to cause sickness or disease
so as to work Injury to the health~ morals, safety, or general
welfare of those living therein.
Those having light, alt and sanitation facilities whlch are
inadequate to protect the health, morals~ safety~ or general
welfare of human beings who live or may live thereln.
Those having Inadequate facilities for egress in case of flre
or panic and those having Insufflclent stalrways~ elevators~
fire escapes, or other means of communication.
8. Those which have parts thereof which are so attached that
they may fall and injure members of the public or property.
Any building or structure whlch~ because of its condition or
because of lack of doors or windows or abandonment~ is
available to and frequented by malefactors or disorderly
persons who are not lawful occupants of said structure.
10. If the "dangerous building" can reasonably be repaired so
that it will no longer exist In violation of the terms of this
appendlx~ it may be ordered repaired.
If the "dangerous building" is in such condltlon as to make it
BOOK 010 P,~[ an Immediate hazard to the health, morals~ safety, or general
welfare of its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated.
In any case where a ,'dangerous building" Is more than fifty
(50) percent damaged or decayed, or deteriorated from its
orlglnal value, it shall be demolished, and in all cases where
a bulldln9 cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist
in violation of the terms of thls ordinance, it shall be demol-
A. Guldellnes to Rehabilltatlon Work
. The scope of the work shall Include all labor, mater-
equlpment, permlts, drawlngs (if any) and services
necessary for the proper completion of the rohabilltatlon of
the property Identified in the work l~rite-up.
Drawings. The drawings of floor plans, if any, are diagram-
matic only, iljustrating the general intention; they do not
show all of the work required, exact dimensions, or con-
struction details.
Plans and .Specifications. Plans and specifications are comple-
mentary. Whatever Is shown or Inferred on the plans or
specifications shall be as If required by both. Figures shown
on drawings govern scale dimenslons and large scale detailed
drawings supercede those of smaller scale. If drawings and
specifications conflict or requlre any clarification not obtained
prior to bidding, the designer's interpretation of the true
Intent shall govern.
Materials. All materials furnlshed shall be new and wlthout
any Indication of damage or breakage. If usually packaged,
they shall be brought to the job In original unbroken con-
Brand names mentioned together wlth the phrase "or equal"
Indicate that other makes of equal quality and suitability may
be used. The Purchasing Director reserves the sole right to
decide equality of materials.
Trade names are used in these speciflcat~ons to establish the
quality and type of materials required; the exact material to
be used on a specific Item will be described in the work
wrlte-up for thls particular property.
Materials not specified but requlred shall be the best adapted
to the purpose. Installation of any material or products shall
be in accordance with the manufacturer's dlrection and speci-
Workmanship. Workmanship shall be equal to best standard
practice, with work performed by expert, skilled craftsmen
only~ in accordance with the standards of the several trades
known as a "workmanlike" manner. A competent Superinten-
dent shall be in charge of all the work at all tlmes.
a ' Adequate safety precautions shall be taken, Includ-
rricades and slgnal lights, to ensure protection of all
workmen, public, and owner's property. During construction,
all work will be done under OSHA.
Variations From Specifications. The CDBGPO may waive,
modify or alter any of the provlsions under this section,
when, In the judgement of the Program Office, such waiver or
modification is in the best Interest of the County and the
grant recipient.
B. General Sj3eclflcatlons and Rehabllltatlon Standards
1.1 Concrete - General S~eclficatlons
1.1.a. No concrete is to be placed over grass, roots
or foreign material.
All reinforcing shall be free of scale, rust or
coating that reduce concrete bond.
1.1 .C.
All reinforcing rods shall be deformed domestic
as per A.S.T.M. Deslgnatlon A305.
1.1 .d.
All concrete slabs shall be separated from
exlstlng constructions- by ~" asphalt-Impre-
gnated expanslon joint material.
1.1 .e.
Fill dlrt shall be clean and free of deleterious
1.1 .f.
All materials used for concrete forms shall be
removed after concrete has set. Voids in
exposed concrete surfaces ~vlll be filled with
cement paste and dressed smooth.
1.2 Piers - Bases
Piers shall be solid, one-prece, reinforced con-
crete (2500 p.s.i.) minimum dimension 8" X 8"
- 8" X 16" concrete block, filled solid. Mini-
mum height from grade to bottom of sill or
jolst is 18". (12" if pressure treated (p.t.).
Bases shall be minimum 4" thick concrete (2500
p.s.l.) 16" X 16" or larger. Bases must be
set on firm soll below existlng ground level.
1.3. Step~
Precast steps shall be standard size, placed
over concrete slab~ 4' X 4' X 4".
Hollow poured steps shall be formed and
poured over 8" X 16" footer. Wall thickness
shall be minimum 4".
Frame steps shall be P.T. 2" X 12" Strlnger,
1" X 8" Riser, I 1/8" X 12" Bullnose, Pres-
sure Treated, stalrstock tread.
Any other type steps not listed wlll be written
in detail on Bid Specifications.
1.4 Footings
Footings shall be minimum 2500 p.s.i, reinforced con-
crete. Reinforcing steel shall be deformed 20,000 p.s.l.
minimum lap of 24 bar diameters. Footing reinforcement
shall have a minimum concrete coverage of 3" on bottom
and sides. Form work shall be used when exlsting soil
is not sufficlently firm to retain concrete pour. No con-
crete shall be placed over grass, roots~ or forelgn
1.5 Foundation Walls
Masonry walls should be nominal 8" X 16" hollow masonry
block lald with full mortar bedding In a running bond,
010 PA~E~)~unless otherwise specified.
1.6 Concrete Slab
All concrete slabs shall be mlnlmum 4" thlck~ 2500 p.s.l.
concrete. Relnforclng shall be 6" X 6" No. 10/10 welded
wlre. No concrete is to be placed on grass, roots or
foreign matter. All back fill shall be well tamped and
level before placing of concrete. Top of slabs poured on
existing grade shall be mlnlmum of 4" above surrounding
2.1 .Carpentry' - General Speclftcatlons
2.1.a. Ail wood or lumber which Is in contact with
concrete, earth or within 12'" of ground shall
be pressure treated.;-
2.1 .b.
Furring strips applied to masonry shall be
1" X 2" pressure treated.
2.1.c. All structural timbers shall be grade marked.
2.1 .d.
Studs may be spaced a maximum or 24" o.c.
All load bearing studs walli shall have double
top plates.
Exterlor sills must be tied to pier and pad
with a pier strap.
2.2 Floor Framing
All new or replaced floor Joists shall be sup-
ported at their extreme ends by either a
2" X 2" ledger or metal Joist hanger. 'Foe
nailing only will not be acceptable. No splic-
Ing or floor Jolsts between supports will be
Remove deteriorated floor jolsts and replace
wlth new joists of No. 2 Southern Pine, P.T.
having the same dimensions as old Joists.
2.3. Wall Framing Speclflcatlons
Unless plywood sheathlng Is used, new corner posts on
exterior wooden walls should be diagonally braced with
1" X 4" on both sides at a 45 degree angle. All load
bearing stud walls shall have double top plates. All
headers over door and window openings shall be doubled.
2.4 New Stud Wall
Build a new stud wall as described In specifications.
Studs shah be nominal 2" X 4" on 16" centers. Sole
plates shall be pressure treated If laid on masonry or
concrete. Studs may be on 24" centers for non-load
bearing walls.
2.5 Roof Framing - General Specifications (Rafters~)
All damaged or deteriorated rafters shall be removed
Collar Tiers shall be Installed on all new rafters. Ties
shall be 1" X 6" pine or fir and located In the mlddle
third of the rafter length.
Ail saw cuts on roof framing and rafters shall be to the
line and closely fitted.
Roof Framing - General Specifications
2.6.a. When a ridge board is to be Installed, It shall
be a mlnlmum of 1" in thickness and not less
In depth than the cut end of the rafters it
2.$.b. Celllng Joists and rafters shall be nailed to
each other where possible. Ceiling Joists
shall be continous or Joined together over a
partition to provide a continuous tie across
the building.
2.6.c. Plywood sheathing shall be a minimum 4' X 8'
X t~. thick. Solld sheathing shall be nominal
1" X 6". Strip sheathing shall be 1" X 4" on
12" centers. All end,'Joints shall be made over
rafter and shall extend back onto roof mlnl-
mum or 4'.
2.6.d. When replacing a fascia boar~! its length shall
be sufficient to reach a minimum of 3 rafter
3.1 Repair
All damaged, loose or broken sub flooring shall be
repaired or replaced before Installation of a finished
floor. Spot repairing of existing tongue and g~oove
flooring shall be made so that end Joints occur over a
floor joist. Adjacent end joints shall be staggered.
Replaced flooring shall match existing In size, quality,
and finish, unless otherwise specified.
3.1 .a
Flooring or floor covering, when repairing,
shall extend Into closets and storage areas.
3.1 .b.
3/4 exterior grade plywood or pressed board
may be used as a substltute when underlay-
ment or floor covering is to be applied. In-
terior plywood with exterior glue also is ac-
3.1 .c.
Replaced Shoe Mold - When necessary to re-
move existing shoe mold in order to repair
damaged flooring, new shoe mold shall be
Installed and finished to match existing shoe
3.2 Underlayment
Underlayment shall be hardboard or plywood labeled and
guaranteed as underlayment grade by manufacturer.
Thlckness shall be designated.
3.3 Plywood Flooring and Repairs
Replacing with New - Replacement shall be
3/4" exterior grade plywood. End joints shall
be staggered and occur over floor joist. In-
terlor plywood wlth exterior glue also accept-
3.3.b. Sub Floorlnq - Sub Flooring shall be the same
as abovet or substitute of 1" X 6" flooring,
diagonal application. End joints to occur'over'
floor joists.
17J. O , 270" F,oors - Sand ,nd ,'arn,,h
To be sanded~ apply wood filler when needed, sealed,
two coats of varnlsl~ and waxed.
NOTE: Replace exceptionally damaged boards.
3.5. Exterior Flooring
Tongue and grooves flooring for exterior porches or
enclosed utility rooms shall be 1" X 4" C grade or. better.
When the width of an existing wooden porch Is 9' or
less, flooring shall extend from main body of structure
to outer extremity of porch. No splicing will be per-
mitted. When the width of an existing wooden porch is
more than 9' one splice per run will be permitted, pro-
vided the spliced flooring Is 4' or more In length.
Adjacent end joints in runs of flooring must be stag-
gered. .,..
Exception: 1' X 4" clear fir flooring applied with 5
penny finish nails set and caulked. Thls application can
be used only when called for In the work write-up.
3.6 Oak Floorlncj
Install Oak Flooring in Indicated rooms. Flooring shall
be 25/32 X 2~4"~ end matched, tongue and groove, (Select
Red Oak-Select White Oak) sanded~ sealed/ two coats of
varnish and waxed. New floors shall be completed with
new shoe mold finished to match floor.
3.7 Pine Flooring
Install pine flooring tn Indicated rooms. Flooring shall
be nominal 1" X 4", tongue and groove, "C" grade pine~
sanded/ sealedt two coats of varnish. New floors shall
be complete with new shoe mold finish as designated by
3.8 Floor Covering
All floor' covering shall be applied over existing floors or
over a suitable felt covering if necessary.
3.9 Floor Covering - Tile
Install underlayment grade hardboard t4" thick. Over
underlayment install indicated tile using adhesive recom-
mended by manufacturer. When installing new floor
covering, shoe mold shall be replaced with new shoe
mold, finished with 2 coats of paint or varnish as desig-
nated by owner. Tile shall be as manufactured by
"Armstrong" or equal.
Vinyl Asbestos (1/16' thick. Armstrong "Excelon" or
equal. Vinyl Corlon (.050 gauge) Armstrong "Cambray"
or equal.
3.10 Floor Covering - Sheet Vinyl
Install underlayment grade hardboard (I~,, thick). Over
underlayment install indlcated sheet vinyl laid in strict
compliance with manufacturer's specifications. When
installing new floor covering, all shoe mold shall be
removed and replaced with new mold finish with 2 coats
of paint or varnish as designated by owner.
Vinyl covering shall be (.090" gauge) Armstrong "Sabril",
"merrina", "Shenandoah"w "Corrle Marble" or equal.
3.11 Floor Covering - Carpet
PA~E~,~.~,.Wall-to-wall~,~j. carpet,ng and cush,onlng shall be Installed In
accordance with the "Handbook for Carpet Layars"~
published by the Carpet Institute, Inc. Install carpet
over a suitable underlayment In accordance with one of
the following;
a. A finish floor as provlded and described in 3.6 and
b. A troweled concrete floor;
Plywood sub-floor, top ply of plywood shall be at
least "C plugged'* grade;
Plywood, hardboard or partlcleboard underlayment
over the other sub-floor.
3.12 Base and Shoe Moldinq
The following are standard, acceptable moldings.
3.12.a. Ranch Style Base Molding
3.12.b. Vinyl Base Molding
3.12.c. Shoe Molding
3.12.d. Square Cut Base Molding
3.12.e. Standard to Match Existing
4.1 Wall Finish - Plaster Drywall
Rake cracks clean, remove loose plaster or drywall and
fill with patching piaster. New repair shall be struck
level with surrounding surface and finished to match
existing walls.
4.2 Wall Finish - Drywall
Sheetrock shall be taped, bedded and sanded smooth.
Sheetrock shall be butted to existing square cut base
board. Any existing base board, window or door trim
not adaptable to butting of sheetrock, shall be reduced
to square cut, removed or reinstalled, or replaced with
new over sheetrock. Latex base paint to be added to
texture coat.
When Installing new sheetrock in conjunction with new
windows, trim shall be eliminated and sheetrock returned
to windows using metal corner bead. All openings
without doors shall be finished with metal corner bead.
(Latex base paint shall be added to texture coat).
4.3 Wall Finish - Dry Wall Over Furring Strips
Walls shall be ~" sheetrock, taped, bedded,
and sanded, Installed over 1' X 2'* furring
strips 16" on center. Sheetrock shall be
butted to existing square cut base board, any
exlstlng base board, window or door trim to
square cut, removed and reinstalled or re-
placed with new trim over sheetrock. Latex
base paint to be added to texture coat.
When Installing new sheetrock in conjunction
with new windows, trim shall be eliminated and
sheetrock returned to windows metal corner
4.3.c. All openings without doors shall be finished
with metal corner bead. Water resistant
gypsum board used in wet area of bath.
4.4 Wall Finish - Paneling
Paneling shall be of the quality called for on Btd Speclfl-
cations or equal. Installation shall Include matching
Inside corner trim, outslde corner trim, window and door
trim, cove molding, and base trlm. When Installing In
conjunction with new windows, paneling shall return to
wlndows and marble or tile sills. Method of Installation
shall adhere to manufacturer's recommendation.
4.5 Wall Finish - Ceramic Tile-Thick Bed
Remove exlstlng material on Indicated walls and replace
with ceramic tile using thlck-~ed method oveP wire lath.
Trim edges with bullnose tile. All tile shall equal or
exceed the Standard Grade requirements of U.S. De-
partment of' Commerce Simplified Recommendation R-61
and Federal Specification SST-308b. Wall tile shall be
standard grade 4" X 4" X ~i".
4.6 Wall Finish - Ceramic Tile - Thln Set
Apply Ceramic Tile on new drywall or exlstlng drywall,
remove exlsting material on indicated walls and replace
with Ceramic Tile using thin-set method on drywall.
Trim edges with bullnose tile. Wall tile shall equal or
exceed Standard Grade Requirements of U.S. Department
of Commerce. Wall tile shall be Standard Grade 4" X 4"
× ~".
4.7 Ceramic Fixture Set
Set shall Include paper holder, toothbrush holder, two
(2) towel barst soap dish, and grab bar. All fixtures
to be framed with Ceramic Tile.
4.8 Tile Board
Preflnish wall panels 5/32" hard board with plastic
enamel finish and all necessary chromlzed aluminum,
non-oxldizing, tarnish resistant trim. Apply to all
according to manufacturing specification. Apply to a
smooth, clean surface.
5.1 C~el!ing Finish - Drywall
5.1 .a.
Ceiling shall be ~" sheetrock taped, bedded
and sanded. Latex paint shall be added to
texture coat and ceiling textured 2 coats.
Drywall shall be applied directly to existing
~" cove molding shall be used only when cell-
lng butts to wood or paneled walls.
5.2 Ceiling Finish - Drywall Over Furrin~ Strips
Ceiling shall be ~t" sheetrock, tapedt bedded
and sanded. Latex paint shall be added to
testure coat and ceiling testured 2 coats.
Installed over 1" X 3" furring strips, 1;)" on
3/4" to 11~'' cove moldlng shall be used only
when ceiling butts to wood or paneled walls.
Drop Celllng - Dry. wall
5.3.a. Ceiling shall be ~" sheetrock, taped, bedded
and sanded. Latex paint shall be added to
texture coat and ceiltng textured 2 coats. New
celllng shall be Installed over new 2" X 4"
celllng joist spaced 16" on center. New ceiling
Joists shall be fastened to existing celling
Joists to prevent sagging.
3/4" to lt4" cove molding shall be used only
when ceiling butts to wood or paneled walls.
5.4 Ceiling Finish -Tlle
Install 1" X 3" furring strips, 12" on center, on ceilings
Indicated. Over furring strlps~ install 12" X 12" X ¥~
acoustical ceiling tile. Tile shah be of the Interlocking
type; pattern and color as selected by the owner.
Perimeter of celllng shall be furnished with manufactures
recommended ceiling molding.
5.5 ,Ceiling Finish - Repair
The repaired area shall conform to rest of ceiling and be
finished In a good workmanshlp-like manner.
5.$ Scuttle Holes
Shall be Installed in area Indicated on Bid Specifications
(slze 22" X 36") and trimmed to conform to ceiling sur-
6.1 Doors - General Specifications
6.1 .a.
When Installing or repairing doors, contractor
shall repair any surrounding areas affected by
thls work. The repair work shall be finished
so as to conform to the surrounding surfaces.
6.1 .b.
All doors specified as new shall be completed
wlth new hardware and new lock In the Beverly
style series or equal. After trimming and
fitting of door, all edges sl~JII receive same
finlsh as sides of door. Thresholds are to be
Included at exterior doors only.
Interior doors shall be I 3/8" flush, hollow
core, Lauan or Beech, finish as designated by
6.1.d. Exterior doors flush solid, Fir or Beech,
finish as designated by owner.
6.1.e. Exterior glazed door, half glass, shall be
Varnish Grade, finish as deslgnated by owner.
6.1.f. Exterior doors with lights shall be flush, solid
or panel Varnish Grade, finish as designated
by owner.
6.1.g. Door bumpers shall be added where necessary.
6.2 Wood Screen Door
Furnish and Install new screen door at Indicated location.
Screen door shall be wood, 2 pane, I 1/8", complete
with aluminum screen wire, closer, latch and ;~ coats of
palnt or varnlsh (ownerts choice).
6.3 Aluminum Screen Door
Furnish and Install new screen door at indicated location.
Screen door shall be 1" all-aluminum, prehung, with
metal Jamb, lock and closer. Model M-325 "Featherllte"
as manufactured by Featherllte Co., or · ual In uaUt .
7.1 Windows - General S_.peclflcations
7.1 .a.
When Installing or repairing windows, contrac-
tor sl~all repair any surrounding areas affected
by this work. The repair work shall be
finished so as to conform to the surrounding
7.1 .b.
When Installing a n'6w type window In an
existing wooden frame~ all grooves, off sets
and projections on the side and head jambs
and sills shall be finished flush and smooth.
7.3 .C.
These windows: aluminum awning, aluminum
single hung, Jalousie, casement, when specified
new, shall include new aluminum screens, per-
manent weather stripping, positive locking
devlce, nylon or stainless bushings and alu-
minum glazing bead. The awning window shall
have a torque-bar operator. All windows and
frames shall be thoroughly caulked at time of
7.2 New Window Installation (Framlno)
Window openings shall be framed to fit standard slze
windows and new casings and trim applied to match
existing surfaces.
7.3 Window - Wood - Now Sash
New wooden sash shall be fitted to window opening so as
to operate freely~ lock properly and be reasonably
7.4 Window Screen -Alumtnum Frame
Replace existing screen frames with new aluminum frames
and screens complete with new latch and hangers.
All old hooks and latches to be removed and the holes
7.5 Window Screen - Rescreen
Rescreen Indicated window screens using 18 X 14 mesh
aluminum screen wire. Replace screen molding with
new matchinq molding and r.eplace all damaged or mlssinq
hooks and hancjers.
8.1 Exterior Siding - Replacln_q
Replace damaged sldlng as described. New siding shall
blend and conform with surrounding area. Adjacent end
Joints shall be staggered a distance of at least 2 studs.
8.2 Exterlor sldlng - Novelty
Cover Indicated sections of structure with new wood
novelty sldlng. All Joints shall be tight, and adjacent
010 pA(~E~)'7.~',,~ end Joints shall be staggered. $1dlng shall blend and
conform with exlsting structure.
8.3 Exterlor ~.,Idlng - /~sbestos
Cover Indicated sectlons of structure with new asbestos
shingles. Shingles shall be as manufactured by Johns
Mainvllle, "Ranch Grain Texture" 12" X 24" or equal.
Shlngles shall be applied over vapor barrier material as
recommended by manufacturer.
Window and door casings shall be square cut.
8.4 Extarior Siding - Alum;r~um
Cover indicated area of structure wlth .019" or .024"
alumlnum siding, quality is to be stipulated on Bid
Speclflcatlon. Siding shall be Installed over a vapor
barrier or reflective type Insulation as recommended by
manufacturer. Installatlon shpll Include window J.
channel, door channel, Inside and outside corners,
starter strip, and finish mold.
8.5 Trlm for Aluminum
Cover all window, door trim and sills wlth baked enamel,
cell stock (minimum .019").
8.6 Soffit and Fascia-Aluminum
Enclose all eaves Indicated. This shall be done by
Installing baked enamel, aluminum, ventilated soffit
material to underside of rafters. Enclosing of eaves
shall Include installation of fascia board and application
of baked enamel aluminum over same. Soffit material
shall be not less than .019" thickness, baked enamel
8.7 Soffit and Fascla-Framed Aluminum
Build soffit roof overhang by Installing baked enamel,
aluminum, soffit materlai over woodem soffit framing.
Aluminum soffit material shall be either ventilated, ribbed,
or V-groove~ as selected by owner. Aluminum for soffit
shall be minimum thickness of .019" molding and trim
shall be baked enamel alumlnum. A fascia board shall be
Installed on rafter ends and covered with baked enamel
aluminum with minimum thickness of .019". Soffit shall
be constructed 90 degrees to wail, paralleled to ground,
and soffit supporting "look out" members shall be
maximum 24" center to center.
8.8 Gutter downspouts - Aluminum Baked Enamel or
Aluminum shall be installed over exlstlng fascia
or backstop with hangers recommended by
manufacturer~ Downspouts shall be placed over
concrete splash box.
Galvanized Installation shall be same as above.
8.9 Exterlor Siding - Stucco
Cover designated sections of structure with cement
stucco finish. If stucco is to be applied over frame
construction~ a waterproof building paper or asphalt
saturated felt must first be applied to siding. Over
felt, nail metal reinforcement. Over reinforcement,
apply one 3/8" brown coat, and one ¥' finish coat.
If stucco Is to be applied over prime block
walls, a slngle ~" finish coat shall be used.
Block walls with any exlstlng paint, surface
coating, 'or finish that would hinder proper
adhesion, shall be sandblasted. Clean before
8.10 Spray Crete
To be a clean prepared surface with a masonry bonding,
if needed. Two coat machlne application is to be troweled
In. Second coat is to have marble glitter per owner's
9.1 Roofing - General Speclflcations
9.1.a. All roofing shall be .~pplied in conformance
with the Southern Standard Building Code.
9.1 .b.
All valleys, flashings, and cave drlp shall be
replaced with new material. All verge rafters
shall have metal edges F.H.A. type. All vents
projecting through the roof shall have lead or'
metal flashing.
All d&maged or rotted sheathing boards shall
be replaced wlth new. End joints shall be
made over a rafter.
9.1 .d.
No new roof will be Installed over any old
roofing. Sheathing supporting verge rafters
shall extend back onto the roof at least 4 feet.
9.1 .e,
9.1 .f
Roofing nails shall not penetrate through roof
sheathing at any open or visible spot.
When new roofing Is installed, sagging portions
of roof shall be braced with mlnlmum 2" X 4"
lumber from roof rafters to nearest bearing
wall. Purlins or sole plates shall be used
when necessary.
9.1 .g.
When a new roof Is Installed In conjunction
with aluminum fascia, eaves drip, gravel stops
and flashing shall be matching aluminum.
9.2 Roofing - Selvedged Edge
Remove existing roof, repalr all damaged sheathing and
rafters. Install new flashing and eave drlp and a 30
pound asphalt saturated felt. Over' felt, apply Barrett
SIS, or GAF Double Coverage, or equal.
9.3 Roofing - Built-Up (Tar and Gravel~)
Remove exlstlng roof, repair sheathing and rafters.
Install new flashing and gravel stop and apply 4 ply,
hot mopped. Built-up roof with gravel. All new built-up
roofs shall carry a 15 year warranty.
9.4 Roofing - Metal
Remove existing roof, repalr sheathing and rafters.
Install metal startlng strip on verge rafters and roof
indicated sections with 5-V-Crimp metal roofing and
F.H.A. type metal drlp edge.
9.5 .Roofing - Strip Shlngles (Asphalt)
Remove existing roof, repair sheathing and rafters and
apply one layer of 30 pound asphalt felt. Over felt,
Install 240 pound self-sealing, strip shingles with mini-
mum 4 nails to each Individual strip.
9.6 Roofing - Mineral Surfac~
Remove existing roof~ repair sheeting and rafters[
Install new flashlng and eaves drip and apply over 30
pound feltt hot mopped 90 pound mineral surface~ nail
per Southern Building Code 706.4. Ail new mineral
roofs shall carry a 10 year warranty.
9.7 Eaves- Repair
Remove deteriorated section of eaves as lndlcated and
replace with new section of #2 Southern Yellow Plnet to
match existing.
9.8 Soffit- Eaves
Enclose all eaves of house-accessory building~ including
gable ends. This shall be done by applying 3/8" ex-
terior plywood to underside of rafters. Enclosing of
eaves shall include Installations of fascia board. Soffit
vent shall be 18 X 14 mesht aluminum wire.
9.9 Soffit- Framed
Build soffit under roof underha.ng by Installing 3/8"
exterior plywood from end of rafter to wall of structure.
Soffit shall be constructed at 90 degree to wallt parallel
to ground and shall not be attached to bottom of rafters.
Maximum spacing for soffit supporting "look out" mem-
bers shall be 24" center to center. Soffit shall be
finished at wall with molding strip and at end of rafter
with a fascia board. Screen wire for vent shall be
aluminum 18 × 14 mesh.
10.1 Cabinets - Vanity
Lavatory, base cabinet shall be clad with mica plastic
(1/32" minimum thickness) on sldes~ frontt door, and
drawers. Top shall be approximately 22" wide with 3"
back splasht formica "curv-a-top" or plywood covered
with mica plastic (minimum .050" thickness). Imitation
molded marble tops may be used as substitute.
10.2 Cabinets - Medlclne
Shall be standard slze~ recessed~ with minimum three (3)
shelves and mirrors, unless otherwise specified on Bid
When light fixture Is Includedt fixture shall Include
separate switch and convenience outlet.
10.3 Cablnets - Kitchen Base
Base cabinet shall be plastic clad (minimum 1/32" thick-
ness) with appropriate doors and drawers. Top of
cabinet shall be approximately 25" wide with a 4" back
splash Formica "curv-a-top" (.052" minimum thickness)
or equal.
10.4 Cabinets - Kitchen Uppe~
Upper kitchen cabinets shall be clad with plastic such as
Formica V-32 (1/32" minimum thickness) or equal. All
doors shall be trimmed with plastic~ and painted Inside.
10.5 Counter Top
~0~ 0~ PJ,~i~?8 Shall be approximately 25" wide with 4" backsplash.
Formica Curv-A-Top (.052" minimum thickness) or equal.
10.6 Closets
Build a clothes closet in the Indlcated room by lnstalli'ng
2" X 4" studs, 24" on center, from flooring to ceiling.
Inside dlmenslons to be 2~-0'' by specified length. Closet
shall be finished Inside and out with it" sheetrock, base
board, flush or bi-fold doors and trlm out, clothes shelf
and rod.
All alectrlcal work shell be In conformance with the Netlonal
Electrical Code.
Electric Ranges shall be Installed and tested
for proper operation.
Gas Ranges shall be connected to gas 'supply and tested
for proper operation. Duplex Receptable shall be Included
with range when needed for range accessories.
Ran~Te Hoods shall match range qualit~.
Refrigerator shall be Installed In level position with
duplex receptable no more than one (1) foot from unit.
13.1 Fuel Oil
Indicated model shall be Installed and tested for proper
operation. All existing fuels, draft controls, thimbles,
fuel lines, and stacks shall be replaced with new or pro-
vldcd ncw, when needed. Where exlstln0 fuel oll stand
and tank are in good operable condltlons, they may be
used, otherwise provide and Install new 100 gallon tanks
and stand. Duplex receptacle shall be Included with
blower models.
13.2 Gas
Indicated model shall be Installed In area designated and
tested for proper operation. No unrented gas heaters
shall be acceptable.
13.3 Electric
Indicated model shall be Installed In area designated and
tested for proper operation. Individual heaters shall be
on separate circuits.
All equipment such as ranges, refrigerators, range hoods, all
heaUng equipment, etc. t shall be repaired and tested to
assure safety of operation and maximum durability.
Plumbing contractor shall verify adequacy of existing plumb-
ing before submitting his bid to General Contractor. If exist-
ing plumbing Is Inadequate, plumbing contractor shall notify
chief inspector before submitting bldo Once contract is let,
plumbing contractor will be responsible for the passing of all
plumbing by the Plumblng Inspector.
~'/7.(~11 tubs, sinks, lavatories, water heaters and/or water clos-
OiO PACE,-,~I~ts, when provided new, shall be Installed complete from the
nearest fitting below floor level with ~t" copper, all new
chrome trim and fittings to Include: faucets, traps, supply
and return pipes, stops, dlverter value, lead and brass
stubs, water closet in and out parts. When a shower head
and supply lines are called for~ they shall be accompanied by
separate shut offs and (where necessary) shower rod.
15.2 Electric Water Heaters
Electric water heaters shall be Installed complete with separate
electrlc circuit.
1.5.3 Gas Water Heaters
Gas water heaters shall be Installed complete with gas lines
and properly vented.
Water Lines~ Waste Lines and Vents'~-
Water lines, waste Ilnes and vents shall be of material ap-
proved by the appllcable Plumbing Code.
When new additions are speclfled~ all materials and workman-
ship shall comply with applicable codes 'and requirements.
All Items listed under this specllqcatlon shall be removed from
premises before calling for final Inspection. Remalnlng areas
shall be left clean.
17.1 Clean Up
Contractor shall protect all work during construc-
tion and repair or replace all damaged portions.
17.2 Clean All Metal
Exposed finished surfaces, etc.~ leaving building in
first class condition. Remove all rubbish and
surplus materlal from property.
Pest Exterminator - General Specifications
When termite treatment is specified, all structures
on property are to be treated. The "treatment"
shall be that treatment recommended by a bonded,
licensed, exterminator to rid the structures of any
and all types of termites and shall carry a minimum
guarantee of one year.
The chemicals used shall be those that will cause
the least inconvenience to the property owner
(moving of foam rubber articles, plant, etc.).
18.3 Damages
Any damage to the structure, Interior or exterior,
or to the property (plants, etc.) caused by termite
treatment shall be repelled or replaced by the con-
010 P cE280
No Interior or exterior painting Is to be done with-
out a painting Inspection and written approval to
The first paint Inspection is to be made after sur-
face preparation and prior to application of second
The thlrd Inspection is to be made after appllcatlon
of final coat.
Any painting over 'dirt, loose, scaling or peeling
paint will be rejected.
All joints in trim sldlng and frames shall be caulked
by gun method before appllcaUon of paint. Prepare
surfaces by scraping loose palnt, paint up all
cracks and holes and sand smooth both exterlor and
Interior surfaces. Paint color shall be selected by
the owner only.
All surfaces to receive paint, number of coats and
special applications are Indicated. All surfaces
Including floors, walls, ce/lings, trim, doors and
windows shall be cleaned and excessive paint
moved from same upon completion of painting.
Reasonable care shall be exercised in moving lad-
ders and scaffolding about dwelling to avoid damage
to shrubbery and premises.
The painting out of a room shall Include all walls,
ceilings, base trim, windows, window and door
trim, Interior and exterior of all closets and kitchen
cablnets and both sides and edges of doors.
All newly Installed wooden soffit shall receive one
coat of primer or undercoater and two coats of
exterloe oll base semlgloss paint.
All palnt Is to be removed from both sides of wln-
dow and door glass by Palntlng Contractor.
All paint shall be delivered to the Job site in un-
opened containers.
All painting products shall be applied In strict
accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
All paTntlng products shall be standard, nationally
known brands, or "best grade", first line quality
with labels on the containers.
All stained and porous surfaces shall be sealed
before painting.
All foreign material such as nails, hooks, fasteners,
etc. shall be removed, filled and sanded smooth
before painting.
All new and repair work in area will be painted or
refinished to match existing. If match Is not pos-
slble, the complete area shall be painted.
A separate work write-up will accompany each rehabilitation
job. Any Items differing from the specification shall be
written clearly. The work write-up will take precedence over
the standard specifications.
The purpose of thls Code is to provide the basic minimum housing stan-
dards deemed essential for safe and healthful Ilvlng. The Code pro-
vides the minimum requirements necessary to maintain any residential
occupancy in e safe and sanitary condltion. This mlnimum Housing
Code relates principally to the use, occupancy and maintenance of
existing residentlal buildings and shall not be construed es being a
building construction code.
This Code contains certain termlnologles or references, such as "prop-
erly installed", "properly connected"w "properly constructed" and other
~imilar [erm;notu~Ijies. It ls ir~tefldeti that 1.hese rei'ere~Ces relate to the
Standard Building, Plumbtngw Gas, Mechanlcal and other Codas pub-
lished by the Southern Buildlng Code Congress International or any
other Codes officially adopted and admlnistered by the governing body
adopting this Code.
Utlllzed In conjunction with the other Standard Codes, a community or
Jurisdiction can be reasonably assured that th~-'aafety, health and wel-
fare of its people are being provided for when the requlrements as
delineated in these documents are met.
101 Title and Scope
102 Organization
103 Powers and Duties of Building Official
104 Inspections
105 Hardships
106 Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals
107 Appeals
108 Violations and Penalties
109 Validity
Section 201 Deflnltlons
301 General
302 Minimum Requirements for Light ~nd Ventilation
303 Mlnlmum Requirements for Electrical Systems
304 General Requirements for the Exterior and Interlor of
305 Minimum Dwelling Space Requirements
306 Sanitary Requirements
307 Rooming Houses ,
308 Deslgnatlon of Unlt Dwelllngs and ILegal Procedure of
101.1 - TITLE
The provisions embraced within the following chapters and sections shall
constitute and be kno~vn and may be cited a~ "The Standard Housing
Code", hereinafter referred to as "this Code".
101.?. - CODE RE~,~EDIAL
This Code is hereby declared to be remedial, and shall be construed to
secure the beneficial Interests and purposes thereof - which are public
safety, health, and general welfare - through structural strength,
stability, sanltation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life
and property from fire and other hazards incident to the construction,
alteration, repair, removal~ demolltlon, use and occupancy of dwelllngs,
apartment houses, rooming houses or building, structures or premises
used as such.
101.3 - SCOPE
Every building used In whole or in part as a dwelling unit or as two or
more dwelling units, or as rooming or boarding houses,' shall conform to
the requirements of this code Irrespective of the primary use of such
building, and Irrespective of when such building may have been con-
structed, altered or repaired.
This Code establishes minimum standards for occupancy, and does not
replace or modify standards otherwlse established for construction,
replacement or repair of buildings except such as are contrary to the
provisions of this code.
The provlslons of this Code shall apply to any dwelling, apartment,
apartment house or rooming house Irrespective of when said building
was constructed, altered, or repalred.
If, within any period of twelve months, alterations or repalrs
costing In excess of fifty percent of the then physical value
of the building are made to an extstlng bulldlng, such build-
lng shall be made to conform to the requirements of tl~e
Bulldlng Code of the County for new buildings.
If an existing building is damaged by fire or otherwise In
excess of fifty percent of Its then physical value before such
damage Is repaired, It shall be made to con~'orm to the require-
ments of the Building Code of Collier County for new build-
If the cost of such alterations or repalrs within any twelve-
month period or the amount of such damage as referred to in
paragraph (b) is more than twenty-five but not more than
fifty percent of the then physical value of the building, the
portions to be altered or repaired shall be made to conform to
the requirements of the Bulldlng Code of Collier County for
new buildings to such extent as the Housing Offlclal may
Repairs and alterations, not covered by the preceding para-
graphs of this section, restoring a building to its condition
previous to damage or deterloratlon, or altering It in conform-
Ity wlth the provisions of the Building Code of Collier County
or in such manner as will not extend or increase an existing
non-conformity or hazard, may be made with the same kind of
materials as those of which the buildlng is constructed.
(e) For the purpose of this section, the "Physical Value" of a
building or structure, es hereinafter defined, shall be deter-
mined by the Housing ofrlclal.
All buildings or structures, both existing and new, end all parts there-
of, shall be maintalned in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or
safeguards whlch 'are required by this Code in a buildlng when erected,
altered, or repalred, shall be malntalned in good working order. The
owner, or his designated agent, shall be responsible for the malnte-
hence of buildings, structures and premlsc= to the extent set mit in
thls Code. The tenant shall be responsible for the maintenance of
buildings, structures and premises to the extent set out In this Code.
There Is hereby established by the Board of County Commissioners
provisions for the enforcement of this Code by the Housing Official.
No officer or employee connected with the Community development Block
Grant Program Office (CDBGPO) except one whose only connection Is as
a member of the Citizen's Advisory Commlttee shall be financially Inter-
ested In the furnishing of labor, materlal, or appliances for the con-
struction, alteration, or maintenance of a building, or In the making of
plans or of specifications therefor, unless he ls the owner of such
building. No such officer or employee shall engage in any work which
is Inconsistent with his duties or with the Interests of the County.
102.3- RECORDS
The CDBGPO shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of the business
of the office. The records of the office shall be open to publlc Inspec-
The Housing Official shall enforce the provisions of this Code, and he,
or his duly authorized representative upon presentation of proper
identification, Including search warrant if necessary, to the owner,
agent, or tenant in charge of such property, may enter any building,
structure, dwelling, apartment, apartment house, or premises, during
all reasonable hours, except In cases of emergency where extreme
hazards are known to exist which may involve the potentlal loss of life
or severe property damage In which case the above Ilmltatlons shall not
All dwellings, apartment houses, rooming houses or buildings or struc-
tures used as such which are unsafe, unsanitary, unfit for human
habitation, or not provided wlth adequate egress; or which constitute a
fire hazard, or are otherwlse dangerous to human life, or which In
relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health by
reason of Inadequate malntenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or aban-
donment, are severally in contemplation of this section, unsafe build-
Ings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared illegal and shall
be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolltlon in accordance
with the following procedure:
(a) Whenever the Housing Orflclal determines that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation
of any provision of this ordinance or of any rule or regula-
tlon adopted pursuant thereto, he shall give notice of such
alleged violation to the 'person or persons responsible therefor
statlng that such alleged violation constitutes a nulsance.
Such notice shall:
(1) Be put In writing;
(2) Include .a statement' of the reasons why it 'is being
(3) Allow 120 days time for the performance of any act it
(4) Said notice shall further state that, if such repairs,
reconstruction, alterations, removal or demolition are not
voluntarily completed wlthin the stated time as set forth
in the notice, the Housing Off~tclal shall Institute legal
proceedings chargrng the person or persons, firm,
corporation, or agent with a violation of thls code.
(b) Service of notice shall be as follows:
(1) By delivery to the owner personally, or by leaving the
notice at the usual place of abode of the owner with a
person of suitable age and discretion; Or
(2) By depositing the notice In the United States Post Office
addressed to the owner at his last known .~ddress with
postage prepaid thereon; or
(3) By posting and keeping posted for twenty-four (24)
hours a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the
premises to be repaired.
Any requirement, not specifically covered by this Code, found naces-
sor7 for the safety, health, and general welfare of the occupants of
any dwelling, shall be determined by the Hcuslng Official to be a re-
quirement, subject to appeal to the Housing Board of Adjustments and
Any officer or employee, or member or the Housing Board of Adjust-
ments and Appeals, charged with the enforcement of this Code, in the
discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable person-
ally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal Ilablllty for any damage
that may accrue to persons or property as a resultxof any act required
or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Any 'suit brought against
any officer or employee because of this Code shall be defended by the
County Attorney until the final termination or the proceedings.
103.5- REPORTS
The Housing Official shall annually submit a report to the Planning
Director covering the work of the department during the preceding
year. He shall incorporate In said report a summary of the decisions of
the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals during said year.
The Housing Official shall make or cause to be made inspections to
determine the condition of dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units, and
premises in the Interest of safeguarding the health and safety of the
occupants or dwellings and of the general public. For the purpose of
making such inspections, the Housing Ol'ficial, or his agent, is hereby
authorized to enter, examine, and survey at all reasonable times all
dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units, and premises. The owner or
occupant of every dwelling, dwelling unit, or roomlng units, or the
person in charge thereof shall give the Houslng Official free access to
such dwelllngv dwelling unit od rooming unit and its premisesv at all
reasonable times for the purpose of such inspectionv examlnatlon~ and
su trey.
The Houslng official may walve any or all provisions of this Code when~
In his professional judgment, such provision(s) would constitute an
extreme hardship upon the owner or tenant of such building or struc-
ture. Such exceptions shall be made in writing and shall become a
permanent part of the owner's and/or tenant's file. Basis for such
exceptions Include~ but are not limited to the following:
la) Such exception is not likely to significantly affect the market-
ability of such structure; ;.
Topography in the area of such structure prohibits or make
Infeaslble the appllcatlon of a particular provision of the
cod ·;
The enforcement of the Code or provision thereof would
violate a long standing general custom, principal or practice;
Any other condition or situation which~ in the opinion of the
Housing Officlal~ would constitute a reasonable justlflcatlon
for exception to the Code or a provlston thereof.
Where the literal application or the requirements of thls Code would
appear to cause undue hardshlp on an owner or tenant or when it is
claimed that the true intent and meaning of this Code or any of the
regulations therein have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted~ the
owner of such building or structurev or his duly authorized agent, may
appeal from the decision of the Housing Official to the Housing Board of
Adjustments and Appeals~ as set forth In Sectl~n 107 - Appeals.
la) The Board of County Commlssloners shall act as the Housing
Board of Adjustment and Appeals for matters relating to en-
forcement and administration of the Housing Code adopted for
all CDBG project areas.
lb) Officers of the Board shall be the same as the Officers of the
Board of County Commissioners. j
106.2 - MEETINGS
The Board shall meet within 30 d.~ys of receipt of an appeal at which
meetings all appeals on file shall be considered and acted upon by the
Board. Regular or special meetings may be called by the Chairman at
any time. Reasonable notice of the placer time and date of such meet-
ings shall be given all the members of the Board and all interested
parties in each case to be heard by the Board.
106.3- RECORDS
All mlnutes ot' the Board meetings shall be public records.
106.4- DUTIES
The duties of the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be:
la) To consider and determine appeals whenever' It Is claimed that
the true Intent and meaning of this Code or any of the regu-
lations thereunder have been misconstrued or wrongly inter-
To permlt~ in appropriate cases where the application of the
glo 288
requirement or this Codp In the allowance of the stated time
for the performance of any action required hereunder would
appear to cause undue hardship on an owner, a reasonable
extension of time, provided, however, no such extension shall
be granted for more than elght (8) months from the date of
such notice.
No appeal should be considered where an appeal case has been previ-
ously decided involving the same premises.
The Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall establlsh Its own
rules of procedure for accomplishment of its duties and functions,
provided that such rules shall not be In conflict with the provisions of
this Code and the laws of the State.
All decisions of the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals to vary
the application of any provision of thls Code or to modify an order of
the tlouslng Official shall specify In what manner such variance or
modification Is made, the conditions upon which it is made, and the
reasons therefore. Every decision shall be in writing and shall Indicate
the vote upon the decision. A copy of all decislons Shall be promptly
filed In the office of the Housing Official and shall be open to public
inspection. The Clerk of the Court shall notify the appellant in writing
of the final action of the Board.
Any person receiving written notice from the Housing Offlclal of de-
ficiencies in his property under this Code may within fifteen (15) days
following the date of such notice enter an appeal in writing to the
Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Such appeal shall state the
location of the property, the date of the notice of violations, and the
number of such notice. The appellant must state the variance or modi-
fication requested, the reasons therefore, and the hardship or condi-
tions upon which the appeal Is made.
No appeal filed later than fifteen (15) days after the date of such
notice shall be acted upon by the Housing Board of Adjustments and
Appeals, unless the Housing Official shall consent thereto.
Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate a provision of
this Code, or fall to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements
thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter, de~ollsh or move any
structure, or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or
demolished a building or structure in violation of this Code shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty or a
separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any violation of any of the provisions of thls Code is committed,
or continued and upon conviction of any such violation such person
shall be punished within the limits and as provided by State Laws.
If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordi-
nance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code.
-41 -
For the purpose of' this Code, 'certaln abbrevlatlons, terms, phrases,
words, and thelr, derivatives, shall be construed as set' forth In this.
Words used in the present tense Include the future. Words In the mas-
culine gender Include the feminine and neuter. Words In the feminine
and neuter gender Include the masculine. The singular number Includes
the plural and the plural number Includes th&' singular.
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforce-
ment of this ordinance:
ALTER OR ALTERATION means any change or modification in construc-
tion or occupancy.
APPLICABLE GOVERNING BODY shall mean a city, 'county, state, state
agency or other political government subdivision or entity authorized to
edmlnlster and enforce the provisions of this Code, as adopted or
APPROVED shall mean approved by the Housing Official or other author-
ity having jurisdiction.
BASEMENT shall mean a portion of a building located partly under-
ground, but having less than one-half or more of its clear floor-to-
ceiling height below the average grade of the adjolning ground.
BUILDING shall mean any structure built for the support, shelter, or
enclosure of persons, animals, chattels~ or property of any kind. The
term "building" shall be construed as I? followed by the words "or part
CELLAR shall mean a portion of a building located partly or' wholly
undergrou.nd, having one-half or more of Its clear floor-to-ceiling
height below the average grade of the adJolnlng ground.
DWELLING shall mean any building which ls wholly or partly used or
Intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants whether
or not such building is occupied or vacant: Provided that temporary
housing as hereinafter defined shall not be regarded as a dwelling, nor
shall trailers be included as a dwelling. ~
DWELLING UNITS shall mean any room or group of rooms located within
a dwelling and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are
used or Intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating
whether or not such unit Is occupied or vacant.
EXTERMINATION shall mean the control and extermination of Insects,
rodents, or other pests by eliminating their harborage places; by
removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as thelr food;
by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, trapping; or by any other recog-
nized and legal pest elimination methods.
FAMILY means one or more persons living together, whether related by
blood, marriage or adoption, and having common housekeeping facilities.
FLOOR AREA shall mean the total area of all habitable space In a build-
ing or structure.
GARBAGE shall mean the animal and vegetable waste resulting from the
handling, preparation, cooklng~ and consumption of food.
HABITABLE ROOM shall mean a room or enclosed floor space used or
Intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, or eating purposes,
excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries,
foyers, or communicating corridors, closets, and storage spaces.
HOUSING OFFICIAL shall mean the Community Development Block Grant
Coordinator or his deslgnated representative, or other person'appointed
by the County Admlnlstrator, and charged with the administration
and/or enforcement of this ordinance or his duly authorized representa-
INFESTATION shall mean the presence within or around a dwelling, of
any Insects, rodents, or other pests.
MULTIPLE DWELLING shall mean any building, or portion thereof, which
Is designed, built, rented~ leased, let or hij-ed out to be occupied, or
which Is occupied as the home or residence of more than two (2)
families llvlng Independently or each other and doing their own cooking
in the said buildlng, and shall Include flats and aparl~ments.
OPENABLE AREA (window) shall mean that part of a window or door
which is available for unobstructed ventilation and which opens directly
to the outdoors.
OPERATOR shall mean any person who has charge, care or control or a
building, or part thereof, in which dwelling unlts or rooming units are
OWNER shall mean the holder of the title In fee simple and any person,
group of persons~ company, association or corporation in whose name
tax bills on the property are submitted. It shall also mean any person
who, a~one or jointly or severally with others:
(a) shall have legal title to any dwelling or dwelling unit, with or
without accompanying actual possession thereof; or
(b) shall have charge, care or control of any dwelling or dwelling
unit, as owner, executor~ executrix~ administrator, trustee,
guardian of the estate of the owner, mortgagee or vendee in
possessions, or assignee of rents~ lessee, or other person,
firm, or corporatlon in control of · building~ or their duly
authorized agents. Any such person thus representing the
actual owner shall be bound to comply with the provisions of
thls ordlnance~ and of rules and regulations adopted pursuant
thereto, to the same extent as if he were the owner. It is
his responsibility to notlfy the actual owner of the reported
Infractions of these regulations pertaining to the property
which apply to the owner.
PERSON shall mean and Include any Individual, firm, corporation,
association or parmershlp.
PLUMBING shall mean the practice, materials, and fixtures used In the
Installation, maintenance, extension, and alteration of all piping, fix-
tufas, appliances, and appurtenances in connection with any of the
followlng: Sanitary drainage or storm drainage facilities, the venting
system and the public or private water-supply systems, within or
adjacent to any building, structure, or' conveyance; also the practice
and materials used in the lnstallation~ maintenance, extenslon~ or alter-
ation of storm-watert liquld-waste~ or sewerage, and water-supply
systems of any premises to their connection with any point of public
disposal or other acceptable terminal.
PREMISES shall mean a lot, plot or parcel of land Including the build-
Ings or structures thereon.
PUBLIC AREAS as used In this Code, means an unoccupied open space
adjoining a building and on the same property, that is permanently
maintained accessible to the Fire Department and frce of all encum-
brances that might Interfere with its use by the Fire Department.
REPAIR means the replacement of existing work with the same kind of
material used in the existing work, not Including additional work that
would change the structural smrety of the building, or that would affect
or change required exit facilities, a vital element of an elevator, plumb-
lng, gas p|plng, wiring or heatlng installations, or that would be In
vlolatlon of a provlslon of law or ordinance. The ,erin "Repair" or
"Repairs" shall not apply to any change of construction.
REQUIRED means requlred by some provlslon of this Code.
RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY - Buildings in which families or households
live or In which sleeping accommodations ere provided, and all dorml-
torics, shall be classified as "Resldentlal Occupancy". Such buildings
include, among others, the following: dwellings, multiple dwellings,
and lodging houses.
ROOMING HOUSE shall mean any dwelling, or' that part of any dwelling
containing one or more rooming units, In which space is let by the
owner or operator to three or more persons who are not husband or
wife, son or daughter, mother or father, or' sister' or brother of the
owner or operator.
ROOMING UNIT shall mean any room or group of rooms forming a single
habitable unit used or intended to be used for IIvlng and sleeping, but
not for cooking or eating purposes.
RUBBISH shall mean combustible and non-combustible waste materials,
except garbage; and the term shall lnclude the residue from the burn-
lng of wood, coal, coke, or other combustible material, paper, rags,
cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather~ tree branches, yard
trimmings, tln cans, metal, mineral matter, glass crockery, and dust.
STAIRWAY means one or more flights of stalrs and the necessary land-
Ings and platforms connecting them, to form a continuous and uninter-
rupted passage from one story to another in a building or structure.
STORY means that portion of ·bulldtng Included between the upper
surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above,
except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building in-
cluded between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling
or roof above.
STRUCTURE means that whlch is built or constructed, an edifice or
bullding of any kind, or any piece of work artlflclally built up or
composed of parts jolned together In some definite manner. The term
"structure" shall be construed as If followed by the words "or' part
SUPPLIED shall mean paid for, furnished, or provided by or under
control or, the owner or operator.
TEMPORARY HOUSING shall mean any tent, trailer, or other structure
used for human shelter which Is deslgnated to be transportable and
which is not attached to the ground, to another structure, or to any
utilities system on the same premises for more than thlrty (30) consecu-
tive days.
VENTILATION means the process of supplying and removlng air by
natural or mechanical means to or from any space.
YARD means an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building
extending along the entire length of a street, or rear, or interior lot
MEANING OF CERTAIN WORDS. Whenever the words "dweHing"~ "dwell-
ing units", "rooming house", "rooming units", "premises", are used in
this ordinance, they shall be construed as though they were followed
by thc words "or any part thereof".
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designated or Intended to
be used for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein,
nor shall any vacant dwelllng bulldlng be permitted to exist which does
not comply with the following requirements:
Every dwelling unit shall contain not less than a kitchen sink, lavatory,
tub or shower, and a water closet all in gqod working condition and
properly connected to an approved water and sewer system. Every
plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly Installed
and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects,
leaks, and obstructions.
All required plumbing fixtures shall be 'located within the
dwelling unit and be accessible to the occupants of same.
The water closet, tub or shower and lavatory shall be located
in a room affording privacy to the user and such room shall
have a minimum floor space of thirty (30) square feet, wlth
no dimension less then four (4) feet.
Bathrooms shall be accessible from habitable rooms~ hallways,
corridors or other protected or enclosed areas, not Including
kitchens or other food preparation areas.
Every dwelIlng unlt shall have connected to the kitchen slnk, lavatory,
and tub or shower an adequate supply of both cold water and hot
water. All water shall be supplied through an approved pipe distribu-
tion system connected to a potable water supply.
Every dwelling shall have water heating facilities which are properly
Installed and malntained In a safe and good working condition and are
capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an adequate
amount of water to be drawn at every requlred kitchen sink, lavatory
basin, bathtub or shower at a temperature of riot less than 120eF.
Such water heating facilities shall be capable of meeting the require-
ments of this sub-section when the dwelling or dwelling unit heating
facilities required under the provisions of this ordinance are not in
Every dwelling unit shall have heating facilities which ara
properly Installed, are maintained In safe and good worklng
conditions, and are capable of safely and adequately heating
all habitable rooms~ and bathrooms in every dwelling unit
located therein to a temperature of at least 70°F. at a
distance three (3) feet above floor level, under ordinary
minimum winter conditions.
Where a gas or electric central heating system is not pro-
vided, each dwelling unit shall be provided with sufficient
fireplaces, chimneys, flues, or gas vents whereby heating
appltanccs may be connoctcd so as to furnish a mtnlmum
temperature of 70°F. measured at a polnt three (3) feet above
the floor during ordinary minlmum winter conditions.
Ail cooking and heating equipment and facllltles shall be Installed In
accordance with the building, gas or electrical code and shall be maln-
rained in a safe and good working condition.
Every dwelling unit shall have adequate garbage disposal facilities or
garbage storage containers, type and location of which facilities or
containers are approved by the applicable governing body.
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant oh.' let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or Intended to be
used for the purpose of llvlng, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, nor
shall any vacant dwelling building be permitted to exist which does not
comply with the following requirements:
Every habitable room shall have at least one window or skylight facFng
directly to the outdoors. The minimum total window area, measured
between stops, for every habitable room shall be eight (8) percent of
the floor area of such room. Whenever walls or other portions of struc-
tures face a window of any such room and such light-obstruction struc-
tures are located less than five (5) feet from the window and extend to
a level above that of' the ceiling of the room, such a window shall not
be deemed to face directly to the outdoors and shall not be Included as
contributing to the required minimum total window area. Whenever the
only window In a room Is a skylight-type window in the top of such
room, the total window area of such skylight shall equal at least fifteen
(15) percent of the total floor area of such room.
Every habitable room shall have at least one window or sky-
light which can be easily opened, or such other device as will
adeqt]ately ventilate the room. The total of openable window
area In every habitable room shall equal to at least forty-five
(45) percent or the minimum window area size or minimum
skylight-type window size, as required, or shall have other
approved, equivalent ventilation.
Year round mechanically ventilating conditioned air systems
may be substituted for windows~ as requlred hereTn, in rooms
other than rooms used for sleeping purposes. Window type
air-conditioning units are not Included in this exception.
302.3 - BATHROOM
Every bathroom shall comply ~vlth the light and ventilation requirements
for habitable rooms except that no window or skylight shall be required
in adequately ventllated bathrooms equipped with an approved venti-
lating system.
Every dwelling shall be wired for electric lights and convenience recep-
tacles. Every habitable room of such dwelling shall contain at least two
(g) separate floor or wall-type electric convenience outlets; and every
kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, laundry room, furnace room, corridors or
hallways~ and porches shall contain at least one supplied ceiling or
wall-type electric light fixture~ or wall switch controlled convenlence
outlet. Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed, shall
be maintained In good and safe working condition, and shall be connec-
ted to the source or electric power in a safe manner.
Every public hall and stairway In avery multiple dwelling containing five
(5) or more dwelling units shall be adequately lighted at all times.
Every public hall and stairway in structures devoted solely to dwelling
occupancy and containing not more than four dwelling units may be
supplied with conveniently located light switches, controlling an ade-
quate lighting system which may be turned on when needed, Instead of
full-time lighting.
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or Intended to be
used for the purpose of living, sleeplng, cooking or eating therein, nor
shall any vacant dwelling bulldlng be permitted to exist which does not
comply with the following requirements:
303.1 - GENERAL
All fixtures, receptacles, equipment and wiring shall be maintained In a
state of good repair, safe, capable of being used and Installed and
connected to the source of electric power In accordance with the adop-
ted electrical code of the County.
Where the determination is made, upon examination of the
existing electrical service supply, that such electrical service
supply Is obsolete or Is being used in such manner as wouJd
constitute a hazard to the occupants or would otherwise
constitute a hazard to llfe and property, the following shall
be used for determining the adequacy of such service supply
and main disconnect switch:
Capacity of Maln Servlce
Total Number of Lighting Supply and Main Disconnect
Fixture & Convenience Outlets Switch
0-24 60 amp service
25-50 100 amp service
The mrnlmum capacity of the servlce supply and the main dis-
connect switch shall be sufficient to adequately carry the
total load required In accordance with the electrical code of
the County.
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or Intended to be
used for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, nor
shall any vacant dwelling building be permitted to exist which does not
comply with the following requirements:
The building foundation walls, piers, or other structural elements shall
be maintained In a safe manner and capable of supporting the load
which normal use may cause to be placed thereon.
The exterior walls shall be substantially weathertight, watertlght and
shall be made impervlous to the adverse effects of weather and be main-
tained in sound condition and good repair.
304.3- ROOFS
Roofs shall be maintained in a safe manner and have no defects whlch
might admit raln or cause dampness in the walls or interior portion of
the bu,,dlng. 010
Every dwelling unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress with
minimum celllng height of seven (7) feet leading to a safe and open
space at ground level.
Every inside and outside stair, porch and any appurtenance thereto
shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use
may cause to be placed thereon; and shall be kept in sound condition
and good repair.
Protective railings shall be required on any unenclosed structure over
five (5) feet from the ground level or on any ~teps containing four (4)
risers or more.
Every window, exterior door and basement or cellar door and hatchway
shall be substantially weathertlght, watertlght and rodent proof; and
shall be kept In sound working condition and good rep.air.
Window panes or an approved substitute shall be maintained without
cracks or holes.
Window sash shall be properly fitted and weathertight within the window
Every window required for light and ventilation for habitable rooms
shall be capable of being easily opened and secured in posltlon by
window hardware.
304.11 - HARDWARE
Every exterior door shall be provided with proper hardware and maln-
tained in good condition.
304.1;) - DOOR FRAMES
Every exterior door shall fit reasonably well within! its frame so as to
substantially exclude rain and wind from entering the dwelling building.
304.13 - SCREENS
Every door opening directly from a dwelling unit to outdoor space shall
have screen doors with a self-closing device; and every window or
other device with opening to outdoor space, used or Intended to be
used for ventilation, shall likewise have screens.
Dwelling buildings containing central heating furnaces and alr-condi-
tioning equipment for mechanically ventilating the building year around
are not required to have screen doors or screens on window openings.
Window type alr-condltioning units are not Included in this exception.
All exterior wood surface, other than decay resistant woods, shall be
protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protective
covering or treatment.
Garages, storage buildings and other accessory structures shall be
maintained and kept in good repair and sound structural condition.
Every floor, Interior wall and celllng shall be substantially rodent
proof; shatl be kept in sound condition and good repalr; and shall be
safe to use and capable of supporting the load whlch normal use may
cause to be placed thereon.
Every structural element, oi' lhe dwelling shall be maintained structuraJly
sound and show no evldence of deterioration whlch would render them
Incapable of carrying loads which normal use may cause to be placed
Interlor stairs and stairwells more than four ~) risers high shall have
handralls located In accordance wlth the requirements of the building
code. Handrails or protective fallings shall be capable of bearing
normally Imposed loads and be maintained in good condition.
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or Intended to be
used for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, nor
shall any vacant dwelling buildlng be permltted to exist which does not
comply with the following requirements:
Every dwelling unlt shall contaln at least 150 square feet of floor space
for the first occupant thereof and at least 100 additional square feet of
floor area per additional occupant.
~n every dwelling unit of two or more rooms, every room occupled for
sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least 64 square feet
of floor spacer and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more
than one occupant shall contain at least 80 square feet of floor space
for each occupant thereof.
At least one-hair of the floor area of every habitable room, foyer, hall
or corridor shall have a ceiling height of at least seven (7) feet; and
the floor area or that part of any room where the ~eillng height is less
than seven (7) feet shall not be considered as part of the floor area in
computing the total floor area of the room for the purpose of deter-
mlnlng the maxtmum permissible occupancy thereof.
No basement or cellar space shall be used as a habitable room or dwell-
ing unit unless:
The floor and walls are Impervious to leakage of underground
and surface runoff water and are Insulated against dampness;
The total of window area in each room Is equal to at least the
minimum window area size as required in Section 30:~.1 of this
Such required minimum window area Is located entirely above
the grade of the ground adjoining such window area; and
The total of' openable window area In each room ls equal to at
least the minimum as required under Section 302.2(a) of this
coder except where there is supplied some other device af-
01~ J~ACE;~I~ng adequate ventilation.
."1 1_-__-.I t ......
No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another
for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or Intended to be
used for the purpose of Ilvlr, g, sleeplng, cooking or eating therein, nor
shall any vacant dwelling bulldlng be permitted to exlst whlch does not
comply wlth the following requirements:
Every owner of a dwelling containing two or more dwelling units shall
be responsible for malntalning in a clean and sanitary condition the
shared or common areas of the dwelling and premises thereof.
Every occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep.in a clean and sanitary
condttlon that part of the dwelllng~ dwelling d'nlt and permlses thereof
which he occupies and controls or which is provided for his particular
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall dispose of all his
garbage and any other organic waste which might, provide food fop
rodents and all rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in
the garbage disposal facilities or garbage or rubbish storage containers.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a residential
building, structure, or property to utilize the premises of
such residential property for the open storage of any aban-
doned motor vehlcle~ Ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass,
building material~ bulldlng rubblsh or similar Items. It shall
be the duty and responsibility of every such owner or occu-
pant to keep the premises of such residential property clean
and to remove from the premises all such abandoned Items as
listed above, including but not limited to weeds~ dead trees,
trash, garbage~ etc.~ upon notice from the Housing Official
or other authorized County Official.
For the purpose of this sectlon~ an abandoned motor vehicle
is defined as one that Is In a state of disrepair and Incapable
of being moved under Its own power~ or one for which there
Is not displayed a current license plate and/or a current
motor vehicle Inspection sticker.
Every occupant of a slngle dwelling building and every owner of a
building containing two or more dwelling units shall be responsible for
the extermination of any Insects, rodents, or other pests within the
building or premises.
Every occupant of a dwelllng unit shall keep all plumblng fixtures
therein In a clean and sanitary condition and shall be responslble for
the exerclse of reasonable care in the proper use and operation thereof.
No person shall operate a rooming house, or shall occupy or let to
another for occupancy any rooming unit in any roomlng house~ except
in compliance with the provisions of every section of this Code except
the provisions of Section 301 and Section 306.
No person shall operate a rooming house unless he holds a valid
rooming house license.
At least one flush water closet, lavatory basin~ and bathtub
or shower, properly connected to · water'·nd, sewer system
and in good working conditlon, shall be supplied, for each
four (4) rooms wlthln &' rooming hot'se ~vherever said facilities
are shared.
All such facilities shall be located on the floor they serve
wlthln the dwelling so as to be reasonably accesslb~e from ·
common hall or passageway to all persons sharing such
Every lavatory basln and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with hot
water at all times.
Every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one person shall contain
at least seventy (70) square feet of floor space and every room occupied
for sleeping purposes by more than one person shall contain at least
forty-five (45) square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof.
Every rooming unlt shall have safe~ unobstructed means of egress lead-
lng to safe and open space at ground level, as required by the laws of
the governed area or of the state.
The operator of every rooming house shall be responsible for the sani-
tary maintenance of all walls, floors, and cellings~ end for maintenance
of · sanitary condition In every other part of the rooming house; and
he shall be further responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the
entire premises where the entire structure or building is leased or
occupled by the operator.
The designation of dwellrngs or dwelling units as unfit for human habi-
tation and the procedure for the condemnation and placarding of such
unfit dwellings or dwelling units shall be carried =ut in compliance with
the following requirements:
Any dwelling or dwelling unit which shall be found to have any of the
following defects shall be condemned as unfit for human habitation and
declared to be a nulsance and shall be so designated and placarded by
the Housing Official or other authorized County Official.
(a) One which Is so damaged~ decayed, dllapldated, unsanitary,
unsafe~ or vermin-Infested that it creates a serlous hazard to
the health or safety of the occupants or the public.
(b) One which lacks illumination, ventilation, or sanitation facill-
ties adequate to protect the health or safety of the occupants
or the public.
in all cases, notice and reasonable opportunlty shall be afforded the
owners and other interested parties affected, to do the necessary work
or take the necessary corrective measures beror'e the County shall
proceed to have the same done.
In the case of' unfit dwellings whlch are not lnhablted, the
Housing official or hls designee shall offer the owner of said
dwelling a sum not to exceed one-half the cost of demolition
and site clearance or $250.00, whichever Is less, If the owner
agrees voluntarlly to remove the structure. The Housing
offlclal, upon submission by the owner of a true copy of a
bill for such demolltlon and upon his 'satisfaction that such a
bill Is legitlmate and that the work has, In fact, been com-
pleted, shall process 'the request for reimbursement through
normal County billing procedures. Funds for the reimburse-
ment shall be paid from grant funds designated for demolition.
In all cases in which the owner does not take advantage of
ia) above, and before the Board of County Commissioners
shall direct demolition of any dwelling, the owners and other
Interested parties of such dweIIip, g and/or a land shall be
given notice or a publlc hearing ~el'ore the Board of County
Commlssloners. No assessment shall be levied unless the
Board of County Commissioners at such hearing shall deter-
mine that said building or structure in question was a build-
ing or structure which had become dangerous to persons or
property, or a menace to the health, safety morals or welfare
of the people of the County, and that the owners and other
Interested parties, after having been afforded a reasonable
opportunity to do so, failed to do the necessary work or take
the necessary corrective measures required pursuant to the
terms of this ordinance and that the amount sought to be
levied is a proper and correct amount.
Whenever the Houslng Official or other designated County Official has
declared a dwelling or multi-family dwelling as unfit for human habi-
tation and constituting a nuisance, he shall glve notice to the owner of
such declaratlon and placarding of the dwelling or multi-family dwelling
as unfit for human habitation. Such notice shall:
ia) Be In writing;
(b) Include a description of the real estate sufficient for identifi-
(c) State the time occupants must vacate the dwelling unlts;
Sald notice shall further state that, If such repairs, recon-
struction, alterations, removal, or demolitlon are not volun-
tarily completed within the stated time as set forth in the
notice, the Housing Orficlal or other designated County Offi-
cial shall Institute such legal proceeding~ charging the person
or persons, firm, corporation, or agent with a violation of
this Code.
Service of notice to vacate shall be as follows:
By delivery to the owner personally, or by leaving the notice
at the usual place of abode of the owner with a person of
suitable age and discretion; or
By depositing the notice in the United States Post Office
addressed to the owner at his last known address with post-
age prepaid thereon; or
By posting and keeplng posted for twenty-four (24) hours a
copy of the notlce in placard form in a conspicuous place on
the premises to be vacated.
Any dwelling or dwelling unit condemned as unfit for human habitation,
and so designated and placarded by the Housing Official or other desig-
nated County Offlclal, shall be ,vacated within thirty (30) days after
notice of such condemnation has been given by the Housing Offlcla! or
other designated County Official to the owner and/or occupant of the
No dwelling or dwelling unit which has been condemned and placarded
as unfit for human habitation shall again be used for human habltatlon
until approval is secured from and such placard is removed by the
Housing Official or other designated County Official. The Hou-.lng
Official or other designated County Official shall remove such placard
whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and
placarding action were based have been eliminated.
No person shall deface or remove the placard from any dwelling or
dwelllng unit which has been condemned as unfit for human habltatlon
and placarded as such, except as provided in Section 308.6.
308.8 - HEARINGS
HEARING FOR PERSON AFFECTED. Any person affected by
any notice wlhlch has been Issued In connection with the
enforcement of any provision of Section Twelve Chapter
Section 308 of thls ordinance, or of any rule or regulation
adopted pursuant thereto, may request and shall be granted a
hearing on the matter before the Board of County Commls-
sloners; provided, that such person shall file with the County
Manager a written petttion requesting such hearing and setting
forth a brief statement of the grounds therefor within fifteen
(15) days after the day the notice has been served; and the
filing of such petition shall suspend the effect of the notice
until the appeal to the Board of County Commissioners has
been decided. Upon receipt of such petition, the Board of
County Commissioners shall give the petltloner written notice
of such hearing. At such hearing, the petitioner shall be
given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such
notice should be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shall be
commenced not later than forty-five (45) days after the day
on which the petition requesting the hearing was filed.
DECISION OF COMMISSION. After such hearing, the Board
of County Commissioners shall Issue Its order in writing
sustatnlng, mldifylng or withdrawing the notice, depending
upon its findings.
pursuant to Section Twelve, Chapter I1~1, Section 308 shall
automatically become an order of Collier County tf a written
petition for a hearing is not filed In the office of the Housing
official wlthln fifteen (15) days after such notice is served.
If the owner falls to comply with an order of the Board of
County Commissioners to repair, alter or improve or to vacate
and close the dwelllng and the value of the dwelling Is more
than the cost of repairs, then the Board of County Commls-
sloners, upon notice to all Interested parties, may cause such
repairs to be made and assess the cost thereof against the
property on which any such work is done or procedure carried
out, which assessment shall be payable at such time not to
exceed ten (10) years, and shall bear interest at such rate,
not to exceed ten per cent (10%) per annum, as the Board of
County Commissioners may prescribe.
(b) PLACARDING; If the owner fails to comply with an order to
repair, alter, Improve or demolish the dwelling, the Housing
official or his designee may cause to be posted on the maln
entrance of any dwelling so ordered closed, a placard with
010 word,;
"Thls bulldlng is unfit for human habltatlon; the use or
occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited
and unlawful".
(c) DEMOLITION. If the owner falls to comply with an order to
repair, alter or improve the dwelling and the value of the
dwelling Is less than the cost of the repair, the Board of
County Commissioners may authorize .the Housing offlclal .or.
hls designee to demolish or remove either with County forces
or by Independent contractor, submitting the lowest and best
quote of three, any such dwelling or structure~ Including
accessory buildings; provided, however, that such demolition
or removal of the dwelling is not to be commenced by the
Housing official or his designee until the fifteen (15) day
hearing period, as set out In 308.8 above has expired, or in
the event that persons so affected d~request the sald hearing,
that such demolition or removal is not commenced until the
Board of County Commissioners orders demolltlon or removal
after said hearing.
COMMISSIONERS. Upon expiration of the appeal perlod~ with
no appeal having been taken~ or after hearing and order by
the Board of County Commissioners of demolition or removal,
the Housing official or bls designee, after proceedlng under
308.9 (a), (b) and (c), shall report the abatement of the
nulsance by the County and the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall assess the entire cost of such demolition, abate-
ment or removal against the real property upon which such
cost was incurred~ which assessment including rodent extermi-
nation when employed, all admlnlstrative costs, postal expense,
and the like when made constitutes a lien upon sald property.
and levied under the authority of this ordlnance shall be of
equal dignity with County taxes except that the same shall
take priority over any recorded or unrecorded lien or mort-
gage but not over a recorded mechanic's lien or statutory lien
existing at the time of such lien assessed hereunder. Such
liens may be enforced and collected In the same manner pro-
vided by law for the enforcement and collection fo County
taxes~ or alternatively in the manner now or hereafter pro-
vided by statute for the enforcement of a mechanic's lien.
308.10 - PENALTIES
Any of the following shall constitute a violation of the provl-
slons of this ordinance:
Failure by any owner or occupant to comply with the require-
ments of a notice from the Housing official under this ordi-
nance where no appeal Is taken to the Board of County Com-
missioners or where the Board of County Commissioners
appeal sustains the action of the Housing official or his de-
signee and the party notified does not thereafter and wlthln
ten (10) days, or such further time as ls provided in this
ordinance, comply with the terms of the Board of County
Commissioner's order.
Rentlng~ leasing or occupying a condemned or placarded
building which has been vacated, or removing a placard from
a building without authority.
To falsely assume or pretend to be the Housing offlclal
or any of his duly designated representatives and who
takes upon himself to act as such officer or representa-
tive or to require any person to eld and assist him in a
matter pertaining to the duties of any such officer or
Any person found guilty of vlolatlnc any of the provisions of
this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof In a court of
competent Jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding
$500.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceedlng sixty (60)
days or by both Such fine and Imprisonment. Each "day' on
which any violation continues shall be deemed to constitute a
separate and independent offense tinder th~ prnvl.~Ions of thl.~
This Ordinance establishes minlmum standards for construc-
tion, repalr condition, equipment, occupancy and other details
as herein specified, and does not replace or.modify standards
otherwise established for the construction, replacement or
repair of buildings, except such as are in conflict with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
If any word, phrase, clause, paragraph, subsection, section
or other portion of the Ordinance shall be held to be invalid,
unenforceable or unconstitutional by any court of compent
Jurisdiction, sald holding or adjudication shall in nowise
affect the remaining portion of the Ordinance.
This effective date of this Ordinance shall be upon acknowledge-
ment from the Secretary of State that the Ordinance has been fully
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Comms-
sioners of Collier County, Florida this 8t~h day of Sanu~r~ ,1980.
~,..".....'.~'~ .... ,;z. This ordinance filed wi~h the Secre=ary
~nd acknow[ed~emen~ o~ ~h~ E~[~n~ ~ece~ve~
Dep~7 Cle~
Planning Department
Revised 12/27/79
I, ~/ILLIAH J. REAGAN,. Clerk of Courts in and £or the ~centteth
Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do'hereby'-certi'f~/ that the
foregoing is a true original of:
which was adopted by the Board o£ County Co,missioners during Regular
Session January 8, 1980.
~IT~;SS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Com-
missioners o£ Collier County, Florida, this 8th day of January, 1980.
Clerk ot~ Courts and Clerk
Fa-officio to Board of
County Co,missioners
~ 7~~-" ~,~...~,..
w~ ~,-~~.~i~,.,.,..~i.