Ordinance 81-92ORDIN~CE t~O, 81 - 92 Alq ORDINANCE ESTABLISNINO ~ "COLLIER COUIi~Y PLUtfBINO CODE" BY ADOPTINO ' ~ 'ST~ARD PL~I~ ' COD~ 1979 EDITION," ~ ~P~I~S Ap B~ C~ ~D~ E, F~ O~ ~ ILLUS~- ~9~ ~9[ a~ SI~ION 106.2 FAIL~ TO m' OBTAiN;A PE~ITI ~ SE~ION 106.3 O~T ~ES,( a~ SE~ION 107.2 NOTIFI- ~,-~ ~ S~IO~i 302 DEFINITIONS; ~ SECTION 602.1~ JOINS FOR P~STIC PIP~ ~ FI~INGS; SE~ION 704.2 LOCATION; ~ SECTION 704.5 ~l OF STACKS; ~ SECTION 9~5,1 FI~S; ~ SECTION 120~ PRO~CTION OF POTAB~ WA~.R SUPPLY; ~PEALIN00~IN~CE 76-69 PROVIDING FOR CO~LICT, SE~ILI~ PEN~TIES ~ PROVIDING ~ E~I~ DA~. NOW, T~fl~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~fXSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Collier County Plumbing Code is hereby amended as follows: SECTION ONE: (1) The "Standard Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition," with 1980 and 1981 revisions and lncludins Appendixes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and illus- trations, as published by the Southern Bulldinl Code Congress International, Inc., and aa amended herein is adopted by reference aa the "Collier County Plumbins Code" to protect the health, welfare, safety, coa~non interest and c;nvenience of the citizens, visitors and residents of Collier Councy, Florida. SECTION TWO: The Standsrd Plumbing Code is hereby amended to rssd as follows: Section 106.2 - Failure to Obtsin a Permit Delete section and substitute the following: Any person who commehces any work on a plumbing ins~alla~ion shall be before obtaining the necessst~ permit from the County, subject to the penalty prescribed herein: Section 106.3 - Schedule of Permit Fees~ Delete section and substitute the followins: (s) Residential Occupancies - $27.50 per living unit (b) Non-Residential Occupancies - aa follows below! Water closets, each $ 1.00 Bsthtubr, each 1.00 Showers, each 1.00 Sinks, each . 1.00 Laundr~ trays, each 1.00 Lavatories, each 1.00 Service sinks, each '. l. O0 Drinking fountains, each l.O0 Wish linkl, each l.O0 Urinals, each '" 1.00 ~rea dra~na~ each ~.00 ~oof drains, each Vate~ heatara, each Dishwashers, each 2.00 Disposals, each 1.00 ~ashinl machines, each 2.00 Bar sinkss each 2.00 lea ~akera, each 1.00 Bidets, each 1.00 Sump pumps, each 1.00 Water softnera, each l. O0 Grease traps, each 5.00 Oas outlets, each 1.50 Installation or alteration of pipin~ end/or tree.neat equipment, minimum , 1.00 Alteration of drainale or vent ptpin[ minimum 3.GO Udde=iround ins, lasoline, or fuel oil tanks, each 1.50 La~n aprinklin~ system connected to City water, each 3.00 Vac~um breaker, each 2.00 ~lnieum permit fee 27.$0 (c) ~ Fees~ If any person commences any work before obtainzni The flecespary permit from the administrative au- thority, the permit fee shall be four times the no~m~fl permit fee, but in no case shall the fee be less than one hundred dollars ($100.00). In addition, the Bulldin$ OEficial may cause or order such tests or inspections of the structure already construct¢t, altcrcd or repaired as he lay, in his discretion, determine to be necessary to insure that the requirements of this Ordinance, or any other ordinance eatab- lishinI standards for construction, have been mot, end the applicant for the permit shall hear all costs of such tests or inspections. (d) ~ectionsl ~en additional inspection trips are necessary due to ~ron~ addresses, recall eater work has b~en rejected, addi- tional work done after inspection, work not ready for inspec- tion when inspector arrives, bulldln~ locked or not acce~ai- bls, or other reason, prior to approval, an additional fee shall be paid aa follows: Yirat trip $20.00 ~econd trip Third aid each edditional Delete Section 10~.2 (a) end substitute the (a) Advents No,ice{ It shall be the duty of the Plu~bin~ Contractor to ~tve no leas thin 2& hours advents notice ia ready for teat or inspection, ethods of ?eerie: Draina-e and Vent $ stem (s) hater Testt The va'tlr, tent', lhall be applied to the drainale system either ia its entirety or in sections. If applied to the entire system, ell openLnl· in the pipLnS ·hall be tllhtly closed, except the hllhest openins and the system filled with water to point of overflow. Xf the ·yatcm Is teated in sections, each openins ·hall be tishtly plus[ed except the hi,hast opening· of the sect/on under teat0 end each section ~hall be £11led vith waters but no section shall be tm·ted with les· than · fiyl (5) foot held o£ water, Xn tm·tins successive lectionl, at least the upper five (S) £eet o£ the next precedinl section ·h·11 be tasted, so that no Joint or pipe in the buildinl (except the uppermost $ feet of the system) shall have been submitted to · test of less than a five ($) foot head of .water. ~ha water shell be kept in the system, or in the portion under test, for et least fifteen (15) minutes before inspection ·tarsal the system shall then' be tiiht at all Joints. Section 302 - Definition of Terms Amend by addlflS the followiflSt ~%: The Standard Plumbins. Code, as adopted by Collier Cou~t~. Habitable Room: A room or enclosed space used or intended to be used £or livinl, alaepins, cookies or matins purpose·, excludtns bathrooms, water closet compartment·, laundries, foyers, catinS corridor·, stairways, closet and ·coffin ·pace, Re·identi·l~: I· the use of a buildtnl or or any portion thereof, for aleepins accommodation· and l· not classed a· Institutional Occupancy a· defined, in the Standard lulldinI Code. ~~n Plumber~ ~ ~ourneyman Plt~ber l· a per·on who perform· kha ~anual work of inatallin~ plu~bin[ under the direction of a Heater Plumber, Hoster Plumber~ A Heater Plumber i· a person who assumes responsible charfe and direction of other per·on· in the inet·Il·- Sion of plumhinf; end holds I valid Certificate of Competency tbsued by either Collier County or the State of Florida. Section 602.1& - Joints ~or Plastic Pi-e and Flttin-a Amend Section 602,1~ 'by addleS the All Joints for plastic pipe and ftttinl· must be installed with the app].lcatidn of a proper colored cleaner prior to the application of solvent cement. Section 70&.2 - Location ;mend Section ?01.2 by add/n~ the follovinlt At the location of ·ewer line exitins the bulldinl to the · ewer system there must be · two-way cleanout installed not more then five ($) feet outside of bulldins ·o that house sewer may be rodded both ways. Section ?Oi.~ . bad Section ?O&.$ by eddies the followinSz A cleenout shall be installed at or near the foot of each vertical waste or soil stock. For buildlnls with a floor slab on fill or around or havins· crawl space ef less than olihteen · clesnouL st the base of the stack; the bnildLns drain shall be extended to the outside of the buildlflS smd terminated 'not more then five ($) feet outside the building veil, et the opposite end of the building from the sewer couGectiou. Sectio~ 90~,1 - Fixturel Amend Section 905.1 by adding the The installation of ceramic tile or similar material, stelled with grout, for use es a bethtub, shell be prohibited. Section 120& - Protection of Po~ble Water Suppl~ Add a new section 220&.7 to read ss follows: Any connections to a ceut'ral potable water supply must be performed by s licensed Has*er Plumber as described in Section 302. SKCIION THREE: REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 76-69 is hereby repealed effective Senuet~ 1, SECT~O~ FOUR: CONTtZCT Should any provision of the Southern Stenderd Plumbing Code, es adopted, con~ltct with an amendment made hereby, or should either con° flirt with other ordinances, or law, the mar. restrictive shall SECT~O~ FIVE~ SEVERABILITY If shy portion of this Ordinance is declared uno-ns*itu*lanai or held invalid in application, the validity of the remaining portions end applicability to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. SECTION SIX:' A viols*ion o£ any provision of this Ordinance is I misdemeanor end the violator shall be punished sccor~lflg to law. Each violation constitute I separate offense. In addition to the civil remedies pro- vided heretn~ the Board of County Co~lssioners shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions notwithstanding any prosecution es a misdemeanor. SECTION SEVEN: ~FFECTIVE DATE This 0rdinsnce shell *eke effect Januery 1, 1982. day of. December , 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY C0~ISSIONZRS f. 0LLIF. R C01~rlT, FLORIDA ,,,z? '2 This ordinance filed with the Seers*ar State's Office the 29th day of December 1081 and acknowledgement of that itl' g received this 4th day of January,, "" BY: " · RECEIVED '~ ,., ,,.,~ ~ ei'l ~ I0 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) WILLIL~,I J, I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk Of Courts in and for the · wentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original 6fl ORDINANCE NO. 81-92 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session December 22, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal'of the Board of.County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, thls 22nd day of DecembEr, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commissicno=~ ~ ;% ~.~.'..~ 1 ~/}~, ~' ' ' ~/ . . . ~ "'..' 'c-~ · Virg~a Magr'i, be~ .~',.~, ~ ,.'.'~ ~,