Ordinance 81-85ORDINANCE NO, 81-85 AN ORDIf4ANCE TO CREATE TIlE r)[STRI?.T $ MST IJtlIT W[TII POI4[RS AUTIIORIZED UNDER CIIAPTER 125 OF TIlE FLORIDA STATUTES: ESTA~LISIlltlG TIlE OOARO OF COUNTY CO/~4/SSIONERS AS TIlE GOV£RNING I~OARD DE IT ORDAINED ~¥ TttE bOARD OF COUNTY CO~IISSIO~ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: ~(CT!ON ONE: Cre~tto. n.t..Purpose, Taxing Authority, The District S FIST Unit is hereby created, with boundaries described as shown on Exhibit ~A" attached hereto. The Unit hereby created and established is for the purpose of exercising those powers authorized by Florida Statutes Chapter 125 and other applicable laws. SECTION TgO: Governin9 Board~ Powers and Duties. The Governing Board of the Taxing Unit shall be the Board of County Cm~isstoncrs of Collier County, Florida with the power and duty to conduct the affairs of the Unit as prescribed by Florida Statutes. SECTIO~i TIIREE: 1. This Ordinance shall bo liberally construed to effectuate its public purpose. 2. If any portion, phrase or word of this Ordinance is held invalid or uncon- :tttuttonal, tho remaining parts shall not be affected. SECTION FOUR: 1. The Clerk to the Board shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Department or State as soon after its enactment as rs pracDicable. ~E~TION FIVE: This Ordinance shal~ supersede Ordinance Ho. ?6-74 ~htch was onactod by tho Board of County Coe~issioners on December 21, 1976 as recorded in OR Book 6, Pages 173-175 inclusively. SECTION SIX: Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. r~ ~, ENACTED DY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLI:JRIDA, t"Tht~ 8th day of December, 1981 ATTEST: WILL~f!..,g; REAGAN, CLE,RK ~ ..',, _./~.,'.. ... ~ ~:J "~ ....... ~ This ordinance BOARD OF COUNTY COIIHISS'IC)eiERS~ ~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA~ c,~ filed with the Secretary of State's " '.' e Office the l?th day of December, 1981 and acknowledge- .~'.. -.~.~" menS1981 of that filing received this 22nd day of Decembers' ~!,~,~' £XIIIBIT DISTRICT 5 It, ST UNiT Beginning at the Intersection of' Alligator Alley,(S-S;l), and .. State Road 951; thence Easterly along the eenterllne o£ Alllcator Alley to the intersection of thc East Line extended of Unit 9lA Golden Gate Estates; thence Northerly along the East Line of Golden Gate Estates Units 91,90,85,8h,79,7 8,73,72,67 and the Easterly Line of 6~A to the intersection of O11 Well Road,(S-858); thence Westerly along the centerline of Oil Well Road, (S-858) to ~he intersection of ]~okalee Hoad,(S-846); thence Southerly and Westerly along the centerllne of ~mmoka]ee Road, (s-Sag) to the intersectlon of the Florida Power and Llzht Transmission Lines; thence Norbherly along the center]lac of the Florida Power and i,lght Transmission Lines to the intersection of the North l,ine of Section 12, Township 48 South, }~an~e ~5 East, said line being ~he Collier-Lee County Line; thence Easterly a]ong the North Line of ~aid Section 12, and the Collier-Lee County Llno..~o the Northeast Corner of Section ]2; thence Easterlg f:lon~ the North Lines of Sections 7,8,9,10,11, and ]2, Township i:vuth, Range 26 East to the Easterly Hnnge l,lne of Ranze 26 East; thence Northerly along the Hange Line sC ~6 Eas~ and 27 East and the Lee-Collier. Ccunty Line to the inbe~sectlon of the ;$orth Township I.lno of Township /:7 South; thence Easterly a]onG the ;;orth Line of Township ~7 South and th~ Collier - Lee County Line to the ~ntersect]on of the Easterly Line of Range ~7 Eas~; thunce ~;ortherly algaE the East Line of Ra;~ge ~? Eas~ and the Collier - Lee County Line to intersection of ~ne No~th Line of Township ~16 So~%h; thence leaving the Collier - Lee County Line, run Easterly alone alone the Northerly Township Line of ~6 South and :he Collier - }{end~y County Linc to the Intersection of ~he Easterly Line of Range 30 Eas~; thence Southerly along the East Llnu of said Range 30 East, and the Collle~ - }{endry · County Line to the intersection o~ the North Line of Township 49 Soutm; thence Easterly ~long said Township 1~9 South and the Collier- Hendry County Line ~o the Intersection of the Easterly Line o~ range 3 East; thence leaving the Collier - Hendry County Line run Southerly along the Collier - Broward County Line and the East Line of ~ange East to the intersection of the South Township L~ne of Township 51 South; thence leaving the Co.ll~er - Broward County L~ne continue Southerly alone the Collier - Dado County Line and ~he East Line of Range 3~ East to the intersection of the Tamiaml Trail, (U.S. ill). and the South Line of Township 53 South; thence leaving th9 Collier - Dado County Line run Westerly along the Collier i Men,Ge County Line and the Sou~h Line of Township 5] South to the intersection of th~ Westerly Pein: o Indian Key; thence, due West ~o a point, said point lyin~ duo South Coon Ney L~ht; thunee due North to tho ~ntersection cf ~ho ?,areo R~vor; thence Northwesterly along tho eenterlino of ~ho Mares R~ver to th: intersection of State Rend 951; thence Northerly along the ccnterline of State, Head 951 to ~ho intersection of Mnnsteo Road; thence Easterly alon~ the centerlino of Manatee Road %o the Inter- socLlon of tho Tnminm] Trail (U.S. ;11); thcnco Northwesterly aion~ the centorlino of the Tmnlaml Trail, (U.S. ;11) to the lntor~eu~,o,~ of Sta~e l{oad 951, %bunco Northeasterly and Northerly alon~ the ccnt~rlino of S~a~o l{oad 991 ~o the ln~ur~uctlon of Alli~ato~ Alley, (SR-8q) and tho POINT OF IIL,;GiNNINO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in an ~-~or th, Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, F16rida, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-85 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during R~.?~lar Session December 8, 1981. WITNESS my hand. and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 9th day of December, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-offiuio to Board of County Commissioners ~¢%~,,,. . · · . · .~, (~.,"' , . '"..,'~' .. ~,~ , .,'t, : ., ..... ~d'r O~v, :I