Ordinance 81-72Ail ORDTNANCF, E~TABLT~IIINtl, TIIF. 'COI,LIEI~ COI)~TY r -, "~I!',~! IO,'.CIIANICAI. COIIE" liY AriOPTiNC Tile "~TAI'~I'~RD';~ ~0 /,11 " tlECIIANICAI. CODE, 1979 EDITION," AND AttEND' ltENTS TO Till[ "I~TANDARD HECIIANICAT. COl]E" PUIILI SIlED nY TIlE ~O~IIERN IIUI [,DING CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL+ INC.~ AS ~lE~Db~,l~ ~ND ~KCTTON lB(,,2 YAILURE TO O~TAIN" A PERMIT~ AHE~ ~ECTION 106.3 ~CIIEDULE OF PERNIT FEES~ AH[~ SECTION 107.2 NOT~F~- CATION I ANEND SECTION 307,~ E~IAUST SYSTEHSi At~:ND ~ECTXON 307.2 EXIIAUST SYSTEHS PEOVISIONSI AHI~ND RECTION AO/, REFRIGERATION CENERAL Rt:~UIRRtlI.:~S~ REPEALING ORDINANCE 73-2~ PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, PENAI.TIES~ ~D PROVIDING AN E~FECTI~ DATE. NOV/, TIFEREFORE, lie IT ORDAINED BY TILE, BOARD OF COUNTY COHNISSIONEES OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Cnllter Co.sty Mechanical Code is hereby amended as follow's: SECTION ONE: (ii The "Standard llechanical Code, 1979 Edit/on," .ith 1980 and i981 revisions and ptiblished hy the ~o. Lhern But [ding Code Congreve ]nternational, Inc., and aa amended herein adopted by refere,~ce aa the "Collier Camry Hecha,m{cal Code" to protect the health, wel- fare, safety, convnon Interest and convenience of the ¢ltiz. ena, visitors and rest,haLs of Collier County, Flor{da. The Standard Hechnnlcal Code in hereby amended to read as follows: .~ec~ion 106,2 - Failure to Ohtatn n Permit: De]eta section and a.bsti~.te the fo{lowtnRi Any patron who co~encen any work on a mechanical lnntn]laLlon before nbtainin8 the necessary permit from Lh~ County~ shall be~ subject Lo the penalty prescribed herein, ~ ~cction 106,3 - S~hedule of Permit Fees: ~ ~ ~lete section and a.hattttlte the following: '~ ~ ~:' ~ Residential Occt~pancien - $27,50 per living unit. o ~ ~ ~, (~) ~on Ee~tdentta~ occupancies ' as,follo~s below: ~ ~ $3.00 per 425 square foot or fraction theT~of. ~ }{inim~im permtt fee $27,50. ( P~nnlty Fees: If any person co~ences any york before obtainin~ the necessary per~t~ from the admini~trative thoriLy, the permit fee shall be four Limes the nomal pe~lt fee) but In no cane nhall the fcc be less thnn One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), In addition, the Bt~ilding Official may cause or order much tests or inspections of the structure ready Cnnatr. cted, nlt.~red or repa{re4 An he diecretion~ detemine to be necessary to lneure q. ir~entn ef this Ordinance, e~ any ether Ordinance lishln{ ntmndnrdn for conutrncttnn, have.beeR met; nnd"'.the~ applicant for the permit shall ~ear ali Coati o: such testa or lnnpet'tionn, Mien iddltionnt tnlpection trip. ore neceaalry dsie to ~ronst a(l(IreIRen, recl[1 afLe~ york bna been ~eJected~ LionaX ~ork dnne alter Jnapection, york not rendy for inapec- Lion ~hen inspector arrJvea~ building locked et not btm, or other reaaon~ prior to apptoval~ an additional ~ee =hill be paid a~ foltov~ First trip $10.00 Second trip 20.00 Third and each additional trip ~e~t~on 107.2~)_- Notification Delete Section 107,2 (al an~ a.t,~cituLe tho follovtnR: Advance ~ottce: It ~hatl be the duty o~ the Hechan~cal Con- tractor to Rive n~ les= than 26 hours advance notice vhen ~ork ~n4 th~ .~ctton l,y .,hllnR the fnllo~lng (lerfnitlonl Air Pxhauite4 fr{,~ I~mth, toilet , urinal , lavatory, locker, Delete ~ection 307.2 (() ~nd nubatittite the ~let* 307.2 (d) and muhmtitute the follovtfl~T (d) MtPre flmturm1 venttlatfofl 18 riot provi4ed, t~ (2) ~u~te feet or air per minute per square foot or [loot itel thl~ be exhausted (tH lmvatoriet, toilet, mo bathroom, and reit ro~m. S-etlon 307,2 Ce).- Exhaumt ~mtem Crflrral Prnvlithnm ~nd Section 307 by creatina S~rtion 307.2(e) to tel lovs t Clothel d~erm shall be exhauat, vented th.~,uRh a vertical in All one, t~) er three-itory bufldtnll. ~ total developed lenlth of any elothes-dr)~r eahauit ih=Il not exceed I vertical hetaht of ten (lO) feet. and a total lenlth net to e~ceed t~nty (20) feet. ~e total number ~f ~0~ elb~m tn any clothes d~er eah~uit myat~ mhalt not exceed t~ tn amber, In i11 buildlnam exceedlnl thr~e mtorlem in heilht, clothel dryer exhmuat mimt be iu~ttted by a reRiitered Profem,ienat Rnltneer ~r Archi- tect vlth him f~reJned meal for approval of the BeehantciI Official, .Section 606 (.t!) - Innt.nl !nt.J~n.. ILe_q,iirementa Amend Sect. ton 606 (n) to rend ~. follo~a: port the load. ghen used, wood CXl,oned to tim weather nhnll be pre,sure-treated or approved ~ood of naturn~ reslstnnce to dccs? In accordnnce ~lth the Standard ~utlding ~ode. Al~ conde~sing unlta mounted on a roof or an? other location subject to movcmcn~ by winds or other forcea mun~ be tied do~m a~ required IW the Building Officlnl. SECT]Ott TURER: R~l~eal of Previous Ordlnnnce Ordinance No. 73-25 is hereby repealed effective January 1, 1982. Sr, CTTO~ FOUR: C~D. f 1~ t~ ~t~? ~.~.r ~.n~ In thc event this Ordinnnce conflicts uith nny other applicable la~, the more restrictive shall apply, If any portion of this Ordinance in In ce.filet ~lth any ordtnnnce of ,ny municipality ~iLhln Collier County, it shall not be effective vithtn thnL municipality to the exten~ of auCh conflict, Jf any ~ecllon, Juhsrctl,~n, annie, ncr, clnuse~ phrase or pnrlton of thia Ordinance ts, for ~ny reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any c~urt of competent Jurisdiction, such portion sh,~ll b~ deemed a ~eparate~ dJntinrt an,I indr. l,~,ndent l, rnvi~ir,n of such hnldJnR and shall not effect tile vaJidit.y of the rrmainJnR portions thereof, .......................... the violation shall be I.miahed nccardlnR to la~, F;nch violat.nn ah,all conatit, ute a aeparat~ offen~e. In additie,n to JJle civil remedies pro- vlded here[ll~ the Iloard o~ County ~.~,i~,ionrl'n abel[ have the po~er to This Ordinance shall take effect ~sauary J, 1982. PASSI;D AND DUt. Y Al~l"r~:D by the Board of County CoMtaaionera of Collier County, Ylorida thin ...~2.LJt ~ (lay of .JtovP~'=hp.~'_~ , 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIOI'JI':RS ceLL I l:lt COUN~Y~ I"I,OR J DA nv, c~. -'.uss" ~;~ ~i,u~' APPRrAq;ll AS TO FORM ARD LRCAL t;UYI:' l C I r, RC¥ t County Attorney ,t;TATIi 0/: HDRII)A ) COUNTY OP COLLIER ) I, I~II,LI/~I J, RI'iAI'AN, Clerk of Courts in ,and for tho %~cntleth ,~udt~tal Circuit, Collter Co~nty, Plorld,n, do hcrcby certify, that thc foregoing ts n trna original of: ORDIIIANCII. NO. 81-72 which was adopted by tho ll<~ard of Co,mt)' Cc~,.-:n. is.-,i'oncrs durintl, Rel:ular ,e,a. sston tho l?th tlny of Novombor~ IVlTh'l'i.g.5 m)' ha,,l anti the official seal of tbs' Poard of Coimty Com~l.~sioners of Collit?r Cotl~ll)', ~lorlda, tht.~ l~th clay of November, 19~1. .