Ordinance 81-684 WILLI:J,' .!. P~ACAH ':,~LLI.~L ,T,~':t;'' '. FLORID^ ORDXNANCE 8l-.§$ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREIIENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF TIIE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING TI{E ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-3 BY AMENDING THE EXISTING PUD KNOWN AS KINGS LAKE NORTH TO A NEW PUD TO BE KNOWN AS FOXFIRE ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PART OF THE WEST ½ OF SECTION 6, TOWNSIIIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATZ. WHEREAS, U.S. Home Corporation petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend the Kings Lake North Planned Unit Development; NOW, TIIEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida~ SECTION ONE= The Kinga Lake North Planned Unit Development is hereby amended' to Foxfire PUD in accordance with the ~UD Document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made a part hereof. Tho Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 50-26-3, as described in Ordinahco 76-30, is hereby amended according ly. 0.1.3 SECTION TWO~ This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DAYE: November 10, 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER ~ F~ORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of.' ORDINANCE NO. 81-68 which w~s adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session November 10, 1981. WITNESS my hand and .the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this llth day of November, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Cla~(~%;~,~ , ~-x-offieio to Board ~'g"' ' "'~.'~.7; ............. . ..-,~,ounty Commtssionor~",, -. "..'.;. .,..: :. ,": Virginia Magri, ~pt~ Cl~.r.w' t~e l?t~ da}, of November. 1~81 &~d a¢~o.]~dg~m~ of f~l~ ~ece~v~$ ~0~ d~ ~f November, 1981. Oepu~Clerk 018 ~OXFIRE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT U.S. IIOME CORPORATION 4577 Beachwood Lake Drive No. Naples, F)orida 33942 P R~:PARED BY: WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. 1383 Airport Road North Naples, Florida 33942 PROJECT NO. 18873 JUNE, 1981 Date Date Approved by CAPC' Date Approved by BCC---I'~ Ordinance INDEX SECTION ! - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & DESCRIPTION SECTION II- PROJF~CT DEVELOPRENT SECTION III-TRACT A: LOW DENSITY SINGL~. FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEMT SEC'~ION IV - TRACTS Bt LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SECTION V - TRACT C" LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SECTION VI - TRACT D: FIRE STATION SITE SECTION VII -TRACT E: COMMONS AREA/GOLF COURSE SECTION VIII-DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS EXIIIBIT "A"~ PUD MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXHIBIT #B": LOCAT~CN MAP PAGE 1 thru 2 2 thru 2 3 thru 3 4 thru 3 thru 3 thru 2 thru 4 thru 8 230 SECTION PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the locat~6n and ownership of the property, and to described the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the project name of FOXFIRE. 1.2, LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject project being 318.57 acres, is described The W~st 1/2 of Section 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collte~ County, [~lorida, LESS and EXCEPT that portion deeded for Stat.~ or County right-of-way and/o~ Utility Easgments, as in those certa;n deeds and instruments recorded at O.R. Book 165, Page 356, O.R. Book 202, Paqe 167, and O.R. Book 388, Page 426; and LESS an(] EXCEPT that portion deeded to the Florida and Light Company, as appeacs in that certain deed recorded at! O.R. Book 323, Page 91t, all as contained in the Public Record~ of Collier County, Florida. 1.3. PROPERTY OWIIICIlSIIfP The subject, pt'operty is currently under the ownership of U.S. IIOME CORP[)RAT[CN, 4577 l]eachwood Lake [)five, No., Naples, Flor f'da 33942. 1.4. GENE[IAI, DESCRII'TION OI,' PROPI.;B'rY AREA A. The project site cont.~tns 31{].57 acr,':s and is located in the Hest 1/2 of Section 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, which tn approximately one (~) mi~e east of Airport Road and situated between Radio Roa,] and Davis Boulevard. While it is bounded by Radio Road on th~ North and Davis Boulevard on the South, the Eautern boundary is provided by a high vo~t~,ge tr~ln:;mission line belonging to Florida Power & Light Company. The Western boundary ~nclude:~ the Naples Groves & Truck Co'n Little Farms No. 2 and Coconut Creek Un. it No.' 2. n. The current zoning classif~cation of the subject property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. The property is within the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Collier County Water Management District No. 6. 1-1 013 0~,~ 1.5. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The project site is located within ~ater Management District No. 6. The majority lies within the natural drains9e basin of Rock Creek with a minor portion within llaldeman Creel:. The natural drainage of the site is in a westerly direction, to point midway on the project's western border, where the overland flow drains into the headwaters of Rock Creek. Rock creek, Jn turn, discharges into the Gordon River and Naples Day at a point just north of U.S. [lighway 41 and southwest of the Naples Airport. water Management for the proposed project is planned to be the lake retention type. Elevations within the project site range from 6.8 to 10.0 feet above mean se~ level. Hour of the a~e~, ho~ever, falls within the 7.5 to 9.0 feet of elevation category. Further, the depth to bedrock in the area varies from some four (4) feet to more thon twelve (12) feet. This information is based on a January 1974 fie~d survey. The soil types on the stte include Arzell fine sand (approximately 50 percent), Immok~lee fine sand (~pproximately 45 percent), and Sunnitand fine sand (approximately 5 percent). Soil characteristics were derived from the Soil Survey of Collier County, Florida, i~sued by the U.S. Department of Agricultu~ in March ~954. 2.1, 2.2. 2,3, SECTION II PROJ ~.CT DI'.'VI~LOPMENT PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and generally describe the project plan of development, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as the project criteria for FOXFIRB. GENERAL Regulations for develo~nent of FOXFIRE mhall be in accordance with the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts of the "Collier County Zoning Ordinance"· Unless otherwise noted, the definit{ons of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth in "Collier County Zoning Ordinance". PROJECT PI,AN AND LAND tIRE TRACTS Ae The project plot plan, including layout of streets and land use Of the various tracts, i.~ iljustrated graphically by Exhibit "A", PUD Hnster Development Plan. There shall be [.'our (4) land use tracts, plus neces~ary street r~ght s-of-way, the iljustrated by Exhibit "A". 1. Tract A: Low density single-family residential 2. Tract B: Low density multi- family residential 3. Tract C~ Low density residential 4. Tract D~ Fire Stat[on Site 5. Tract E: Commons Areas/Golf Course TOTAL (~)82.6 Acres (~)68.8 Acres (~) 9.7 Acres {~) 1.3 Acres (~)156.2 Acres (~) 318.6 Acres Areas iljustrated as Lakes by Exhibit "A" shall be constructed lakes, or upon approval, parts thereof may be constructed as shallow, intermittent wet and dry depressions for water retention purposes. Such areas, lakes and intermittent wet and dry areas shall be in the same ~en,~ral configuration and ~ntain the same general acrcag~ as shown by Exhibit "A". 2-1 · 013 . 233 2.4. 2.5. In addition tO the various areas and specific items shown in Exhibit "A", such easements (utility, private, semi-public, etc.) shall be established within or along' the various Tracts as may be necessary or deemed desirable' for the service, function or convenience of the project's inhabitants. MAXIMUM PROJECT DENSITY No more than a maximum 927 residential dwelling units, single and multi-family, shall be constructed in the total project area. The gross project area is 318.57 acres. The grogs project density, therefore, wil[ be a maximum of 2.91 units per acre. PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL Prior to the recording of the Record Plat, final plans of the required improvements ahall r,ceive the approval of all appropriate Collier County gove~.nmental agencies to Insure. compliance with the Plan of Developm,nt, the County Subdivision Regulations and the platting laws of' the State'of Florida. Exhibit "A"-PUD M.~ster Development Plan, eonntitutes the required PUD Development Plan and th, Subdivision Hasler Plan. Subsequent to Its approval, the Final Site Plans and Final Subdivision Plat shall be submitted for approval. 2-2 3.2. 3.3. SECTION III TRACT As LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PURPOS~ The purpose of this Section is to indicate the development plan and regulations for the area designated on Exhibit "A" as Tract A, [,ow Density Single Family Residential. MAXIMUM DWEL[0ING UNITS A maximum number of 200 single family units may be constructed in this tract. USES PER>fiTTED No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (1) Single Family Residence (2) On-site nowaue treatment plant/facilities (see Section 3.5 of this PUD document). Accessory Uses: [1) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages· (2) Signs as permitted in Section 20 of Ordinance 76-30. (3) Model homes shall be permitted in conjunction with the promotion of the development· Such model homes shall be converted to residences at the end of a two (2) year period; unless otherwise specifically approved by the County. 3.4. REGULATIONS 3.4.1. OErlZRAL: All yards, set-backs, etc. shall be in . · "- relation to the individual parcel boundaries. 3.4.2. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 10,000 Square feet. 3.4.3. MINT~II. IM LOT WIDTH: Corner Leto - 100 feet average between front and. rear lot lines. In the cane of wedge-shaped cornet lots, the front lot line shall be a line interconnecting, the two points where side lot lines intersect street rights-of-way. B. Interior Lots - 85 feet average between front and rear lot lines. 3.4.4. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 30 feet B. Side Yard - 7.5 feet Rear Yard - 30 feet. In the case of residential pools which are screen enclose(] or unencloseda rear yard setbacks may be reduced to 15 feet. De All yac,lfl abutting a street shall I)e front yard~. Four-sided corner lot:~ shall have Lwo front and two side yards. Flve-sidr.~d corner lots shall have two front, two side, and one rear yard, with the rear yard being farthest from the abuttir~g streets. 3.4.5. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: A. One Story - 1,200. squat,., feet of living area exclusive Of p~'tio and garage. B. Two story - 1,600 square feet of living area exclusive of patio and garage. 3-2 013 Z38 3,5. 3.4.6. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS TWO (2) spaces per Unit. 3.4.7. MAXIMUM ;IEIG[IT~ Thirty (30) feet above finished grade of lot or from the minimum base flood elevation requl~ed by the Flood Elevation Ordinance, whichever is higher. SPECIAL USE A portion of Tract #A" may be used as the temporary location of a sewage treatment plant and oxidation/evaportation pond unti! a municipal treatment and collection system is av',ilablo to serve the project. At such time as the treatment plant is discont{nued, all of Tract "A" shc~l! be utilized for single family development as provided for by this Section. 3-3 SECTION IV TRACT B~ LOW D~NSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL D~VELOPMENT 4.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to indicate the developmOnt plan land rugulatiom~ for the areas designated on Exhibit "A" as Tract B, Low Density Multi-Family Residential. Detailed architectural plams will be'developed when appro- priate and must be approved by the proper County agencies as in conformance with the Final Development Plan and the PUD document prior to the issuance of any construction permit. 4.2~ SITE PLAN REOUIREMENTS TRACTS A. In the event an entire multi-family tract is sold by any owner to a ~econd party for subsequent development by that second party, a master (or site) plan for the entire tract must be submitted by tho second party be approved by the appropriate Coll~er County agnncies prier to the issuance of building permits. Such ma~ter (or site) plnn shall show the proposed location of all access roads, off-street parking ~reas, recreation .facilities, landscape plan, other accessory uses and multi-family ~esident~al structures and the distribution of dwelling units among the proposed structures. B. In the event a multi-family tract ~s sold by any owner in fractional parts to other l,artie~ for subsequent development, the follow~ng proc(tdure shall be adhered to: (1) The owner who proposes to fractional~ze any tract, shall submit a master plan of prop¢~rty and dwelling unit distribution covering the entire affected m~lt~.- family tract for review and approval by tho priate Collier County agencies. Such approval be obtained prior to th~ sale of any fractional p.~ct of the affected tract. The master plan of proper~y ar dwelling unit distribut{on shall include acce::~ ~oad size, location, ownership and maintenance, and the distribution of land and dwelling units. Such distribution of land vs. dwelling units shall be as nearly proportiona~e as possible. 4-1 j 013 (2) The developer o~ ~ractiona~ part o~ a development tract must submit at the time of application for a building permit, a detailed site plan for his fractional part. Such site plan Rhall show the proposed location of all access roads, off-streQt parking areas, recreation facilities, lanscape plan, other accessory uses and multi-family residential structures and the distribution of dwelling units among the proposed structures. 4.3. MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS A maximum number of 725 dwelling units may be constructed on Tracts B & C. 4.4. USES PE~IITTED No build~ng or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or lan(] used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Usc:s: (1) Multi-Fam~].y Residences. Accessory Uses: (1) Accessory uses and structures, including private garages. (2) Recreational uses and fac~lities such as swLmm~ng pools, children's playground areas, etc. Such uses shall be visually and functionally com[)at{ble with the adjacent residences which have the use of such facilities· Such facilities shall not restrict the v~sual and functional enjoyment of the non-DartLcipa~[ng residences. (3) Signs as permitted at time of l,erm£t application. (4) Model homes shall be p(,rmitted in conjunction with tho promotion of the development. Such model homes shall be converted to residunc~s at the end of a two year period unless otherwise specifically approved by the County. 4-2 4,5, 4.6, REGULATIONS 4.5.1. GENKRAL: All criteria listed below shall be understood to be in relation to the respective tract boundary lines or between buildings. 4.5.2. MINIMUM YARDS: The multi-family "Tracts" included in the project design are not intunded to facilitate traditional criteria for front, side and rear yard setbacks. On the other hand, the following criter.ia are herein included so as to preserve the integrity of the project: A. Setbacks from Golf Course Tract Lines ~ none Setbacks from non-golf course Tract lines - 30 feet or one-h~,]f (1/2) the building height whichever ks greater. Distance between principal structures = 20 feet or one-half (1/2) th~. sum of the heights of the adJac~.nt structures whichever in greater. In instances there shall be, structur,.s on opposite sides of th~; same envelope (or multi-family tract), ~nd these structures are separated by a through accessway, each st~ucturn will be: set back from the center of the accessway a minimum of 20 feet plus one-half (1/2) the height of the structure. 4.5.3. MINIMUM f'LOOR AREA Each residential unit shall have a minimum floor area of 800 square feet. 4.5.4. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Four (4) floors of living area, with option of having one (1) floor of par.king beneath the living area. OFF-STR]':F.T PARKING REQUIREMEN'_~_~S_: 4.6.1. LOCATION: Parking spaces required for buildings within ~m envelope or tract shall be located within said tract and shaI! be located on the same s~de of the access drive as the building being served. 4.6.2. ~RF.M~-NTS: Two (~) parking spaces per residential unit. 4-3 5,], 5,2, 5.3. SECTION V TRACT C: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE The purpose of thi~ section Is LO ln01cate the dcvclopment plan land regulations for the areas designated on Exhibit as Tract "C", Low Density Residential. MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS A maximum number of 725 dwelling units may be constructed on Tracts "B" and "C". U.~3S PERMIT'r;:D No building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or ]and used, {{~ whole or part, for other than the following: A. Principal Unes: (1) Single family unit~ are permitted an individual structure:: or a:~ combinations of up to and including six (6) single family attach(ed units per ~tFucture. Such unit types as single family attached, duplex, patio, cjuster attached, cjuster detached, villa attached, vi I la detach~d, or garden apartments, and zero lot ]{ne~ are permitted. Accesnory Uses: Customdry accens¢)ry usu~ and stcucturen, including private garages. (2) Siqns a~ permitted in Section 20 of County Ordinance 76-30. Model homes shall he permitted in conjunction with the promotion of the development. Such ~nodei homes ~hall be converted to residences at the end of a two (2) year p.rlod; ual.ss othurwlse specifically approved by the County. 5-1 018 Z4i 5,4, R~GULAT~ONS 5.'4.1. 5.4.2. 5.4.3. Generals All yards, set backs, etc. shall be in relation to the individual parcel t~undaries. Minimum Lot Area: 10,000 square feet for individual structures. A minimum area of 2,600 square feet pec dwelling unit, for two or more attached struc- tures, shall be provided in some combinat[on of individual Jots and contiguous open space, ex- cluding private and public roads and golf courses. Minimum Lot Width: Minimum individual tot (envetope) width for each dwelling unit related Lo a structuCe containing at least two (2), but not more than six (6) dwellin~ 'units shall not be less than (20) feet measured between tile side lot lines at the required £¢ont setback line. Minimum average individual lot width for a single detached unit ntruct, ur~. shall not. be lens than 85 foot measured from the side lot lines at the requiL'r~d front setl),~ck line for interior lOtS. For corner Jots a 100 foot average between froAt yard a~d ~ear Jot lines. 5.4.4. Minimum Yards: In the case of single family units as individual structures minimum yar~]5 sotbackB shall be the same as those set forth in Section 3.4.4. In the case of a combination of single family units of up to and including six (6) dingle family attached units per structure, minimum yard setbacks shall be the same as those set forth in Section 5.4.5. Minimum Floor Area~ A. For single family unlta as individual atructurcs; ¸1) One Story - 1,200 square feet of living area exclusive of patio and Garage. 2) Two Story- 1,600 square feet of living area exclusive of patio and garage. 5-2 .. 013 242 For a combination sE single ~amlly units! one story structures shall not contain loss than eight hundred (800) square ~eet and two (2) story structure nhall not contain less than.twelve hundred (1200) square feet. 5.4.6. Off-Street Parkinq,ReqRt~,,ements= Two (2) spaces per uni~. 5.4.7. Maximum Het~h~: Thirty (30) feet above Ei~ished grade of lot or £com the minimum base EZood elevation required by the Flood ~levatton Ordinance whichever ia higher, 5~-3 01:3 6.;2. 6,3. 6,4. SECTION VI TRACT D~ FIRE STATION SITE PURPOSE The purpose of 'this Section is to provide standards for'the development of a fire station within the boundaries of the proposed site. GENERAL The project sponsor proposes to donate 1.25+ acreS~ located in the extreme northwestern portion of the ~roject site,, to the East Naples Fire Control District for the purposes of their establishing a branch fire station at such time as the East Naples Fire Control District specifies a firm development date and their plan~ are approved by the Project Sponsor. The proposed fire station site is iljustrated by Exhibit USES P~RMITTED No building or strncture, or part th,reef, shall be erected, altered or used in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (1) Fire Station B. Accessory Use:): (I) Uses cuntomarity associated with fire s:ations. REGt! LATI ONS 5.4.1. MINIMUM YARDS: Front Yard - 05 feet measur~.d from the south boundary of Radio Road rt¢lht-of-wdy as existing o~1 January l, ~975. B. Side Yard - 25 Feet C. Rear Yard - 25 Feet 6-1 013 , 244 6.4.2. MAXIMUM IIP, 1~GIIT t ?hirty (30) ~eot above finished orade o~ lot or faom the minimum base flood elevation =~qui=od by the Flood Elevation Ordinance whichever is higher. 6-2 · ~,, O.t3 ,'~£~5 ' SECTION VII TRACT Ez COMMONS AREAS/GOLF coURSE 7.2, 7,3, PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development plan and regulations for the a~eas d~tgnated as Tract E, Commons Areas/Golf Course on the PUD Master Development Plan, Exhibit "A". DEVELOPMENT PLAN The primary function and purpose of this Tract will be to provide seat:helically pleasing open ar~.~$, golf course and recreational facilities. Further, these areas shall provide for the flood relief and drainage of the total project. Except in ac.as to be used for water impoundment and principal or accet~sory use areas, all natural trees and other vegetation as practicable shall be protected and preserved. All landscaping and earthwork to be performed in the Co,nmon~ Ar¢.a.~ .".hall be of high quality and in keeping with the primary goals i;et for this development and in accord with the Land:leap. Plan. USES PERMITTED No building or sift. clare, or part thereof, shall he erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or [n part, for other than the follow(ag: A. Principal Uses: 1. Golf Courses 2. Open spaces and outdoor recreation facilities. Lakes and other fttnctional facilities or uses to aery. for the flood relief and drainage of project improve(] areas. 7-1 018 7,4, Pedestrian and bicycle paths or other similac facilities constructed for purposes of access to or passage through the commons areas, Small buildings, enclosures or other structures constructed for purposes sE maintenance, storages. recreation or shelter with appropriate screening and landscaping. 7j Small docks, piers or other such facilities constructed for purposes of lake recreation for project occupants or members. Shu£flet~ard courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, and other types of facilities intended for outdoor reereat{on. B. Acc=ssory Uses: Clubhouse, pro-shop, practice driving range and other customary accessory uses of golf courses, or other recreational facilities. Small commercial establishments, including gift shops, golf equipment sales~ restaurants, cocktail lounge~, and similar u[~es, ~ntended to exclusively serve patrons of the golf course or other permitted recreational facilities, subject to the provisions of Section ~.~2 of Ordinance 76-30. 3. Signs au pet',silted in Sect. ion 20 of Ordinance 76-30. A maximum of two (2) re3idential units in conjunction with the operation of the golf course as determined to be compatible with the adjacent ~onJng by the Zoning Director. PLAN APPROVAL REOUIREMENTS Plans for the golf course~and all other uses shall be submitted to the Director who will review these plans and approve their construction. All construction shall be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Tho perimeter boundaries of such plans shall be recorded in the same manner as a subdivision plat. 7-2 013.. 247 7.5, 7,6, 7.7, 7,8, GP. NE RAL REQU I RP. MP. NTS Overall site design shall be harmonious in terms of landscaping, enclosure of structure~, location of access streets and parking areas and location and treatment of buffer areas.. 2) Buildings shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet abuttin9 residential districts and the setback area shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained to act as a buffer zone. 3) Lighting facilities shall be arranged in a manner which will protect roadways and neighboring properties from direct glare or other interference. 4) A site plan shall be provided showing pertinent structure locations. MAXIMUM IIF. I GHT Thirty-tire (35) feet within 150 fret of any Tract restri~t,:d to thirty (]0) feet or less in height, and forty-five feet elsewhere within the Tract as men.qua'ed from the finished grade of site or frnm th,.., minim,Ira base flood olevatioh required by the Flood Elevation Ordim~nce whichever is greater. HINIMUM O["I~-.qTHI~F,T PAHKINC, AS requ{red by '~TFF~nance at time oF permit applicat ion. SPECIAL 7.8.1. Duffer Zone along Davis ~oul~.vard: Vehicular access to teac of loL~ :tcrons the buffer zone ~,long Davis lloul~vard is p~ohJbited, l,~n~scape buffer materials shall I)~ instal[ed by the Project Sponsor ns a part of the t'etltlirod improvements construction. 7.8.2. Future Right-of-Way Requirements: A parco1 of land parallel to D,~vi.,~ Soulovard nnd 65 feet in width shall bo ]:opt as a [)art of Tract 'g" in open space as a buf£c,r zone. The southerly 40 feet o~ this parcel shall remain unused~ except for landscaping, so that it m~y be~me a part of any future fronta~,e road system constructed alnng Davis Ooulevard. Costs for construction sha~l ~ pa[d on the basis establish,~d by the appropriate qovernm.~,tal agency at tho time of construction of the fronta~ road. 7-3 7.8.2. - ;on~inue~ ~ parcel oE land parallel to ~adio ~oad and 35 feet in width ~hall remain as an unused pact oE ?cart "E" so that tt may become a part oE my future oxpansion of Radio Road. ?he additional right-of-way (40 feet along Davis Boulevard and 35 feet along ~adio ~oad) will be dedicated to the appropriate governmental agency at the time o£ construction of the Davis Ooulevard frontage road and the expansion of Radio Road. 7-4 SECTION VIII DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the standards for the development of the project. 8.2. GENERAL All facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Final Development Plan and all applicable State and local laws, codes, and regulations. Except where K, pecifically noted or stated otherwise, tho standards and specifications {,f the current official County Subdivision Regulations shall apply to this project. 8.3. PUD HAS'PER DEV~{LOPMENT I'LAN A. Exhibit "A", PUD Hanter Development Plan, iljustrates the p~oposed (]evelop~,le~t. D. The design criteria and system design iljustrated on Exhibit "A" and ntat,d he,'eJn shall be understo~ flexible ~o that the final design may b~nt satisfy the project, th~ neighborhnn4 and the general environment. ~.~jnor site a]t~rnat[onn maybe permitted subject to planning st~ff and administrative approval. C. All necen~:a~y easements, ded[cattonn, or other instruments shall I)u grantcd to innure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all areas ~ the p~oJect. I). To protect the lnteqrity of ~he multi-f~m[ty residential neighborhood, access roads to multi-fami ly development tracts are intended to be p~ivate roads while all other roads may [~ public roads. 8.4. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND RECREAT~(]NAI, FACILITIES The proposed development Is iljustrated by Exhibit "A". The proposed construction shall comply with the standards set focth and the resulting complete project shall adequately serve its occupants and members and will not cause a general public problem. Such measures as the construction cul-de-sacs at street ends, scr(~ens, s[gnn, 1andscap[n~, erosion control and other s~m(lar-in-function bo taken to accomplish the above set forth objectives. 8-1 018 8,6. 8.7. Dy the time'that buildinq permits for 100 residential unite are issued, the Project Sponsor agrees to have constructed one (1) basketball court, two (2) tennis eourts,'parking area.and a fenced pre-school play area in the location shown on the PUD Hsster Development Plan. (A total of 4.6 acres within the boundaries of Foxfire will be set Eot neighborhood pgrks). Any additional recreational facilities, as may be needed by the future residents of this project, shall be funded through a system of revenues collected by the Fox£tre llomeowner's Association. The Homeowner's Association ~y-Law shall include a provision iht the creation of a capital improvement fund is mandatory, and every property owne~ in the development shall become a member of the I[omeowner'~ Association. CLEARING, GRADING, EARTHWORK, AND SI'I'I'Z DI'bXZNAGE All clearing, grading, earthwork and ~ite drdinage york shall be performed in accordance with :~11 applicable State and local codes. The cypress head in the west central portion of the project and the large clumps of palm, ties in the unexcavated common areas will be pt'erected during construction with the fenciug and posting. The haul roads will be identifi{:d, an,] the contractor will adhe~'e to these roads, which will be stabilized if sand traps occur. STREET CONSTRUCTION All public str(~et design and conntruction shall me~,t the Collier Cou~ty standacdn thdt nco in effect ~,1 the time of approv a 1. EASEMENTS FOR UNDERGROUNd3 UTII, ITIES Easements for underground utiliti(...~ such as power, telephone, TV calbe, wastewater collection and transport, water distribution lines and other similar utiliti¢:,; necessary ft, r the service of the project nhatl be located aR required and granted for those put.sea. Clearing of Lhe easements for installation of underground utilities sh,~{l be s,~lective ~ as to protect the maximum number of trees and natural vegetation. 8-2 .{ WASTEWATER'COLLECTIONf TRANSPORT AND DI~;POSAL All proJe~ areas shall be served by a central wastewater collection system. Until such time that the site is served by ' Collier County Water-Sewer District, a temporary on-site system, of approved location, shall serve to provide wasteL water treatment and disposal for the project and shall comply with the Assignment, Assumption and Consent Agreement dated March ]?, 1981, and the exhibit attached thereto as indicated in Exhibit A of this document. Ail applicable ~ater and sewer connection chorges must be paid to the County I{ater-Sewer District prior to the issuance of any building permits. 8.9. WATER SUPPLY A central w&'.er supply systnm shall be made available to all areas of-~q~ project. The water supply source for the project sha~l be the City of Naples system or other area wide systems made .~vat, l~b]e to the project site via Collier County Water-Se~e f'Dist ~ i ct. A letter sha~l also be obtained from the water agency committing delivery of water service pr[or to issuance of building'permits for construction of dwelling units. ]ndivi¢]ual wel~s .qha~l not be permitted for potable water supplies for ~esldentia! areas. Except tht on-site central water treatment faci ~ity may b, approved by the Board of County Commi ssionurs. 8.10. SOl. ID WASTE DISPOSAL Arrangements an{] agreements shall be made with the approved solid waste disposal service to provide for solid waste collection service to all area~ of the p~oJect. 8.11. OTIIBR UTILITIES Telephcne, power, and TV cable service shall be made available to all residential areas. All such utility lines shall be installed underground. Any above ground antennas which will be external to a buildin9 shall require the approval of the 1lomeowner'a Association. 8.12. TRAFFIC SIGNAL The development agrees to pay his proportionate share of the costs of a traffic signal system at the intersection o[ Davis Boulevard and the entrance to Pox£ire and at the intersection o£ Radio Road and.the entrance to Poxfire at the time such system is constructed. At the time of beginning of land development, additional pavement will be constructed along Davis Doulevard and along Radio Road at the entrance to Foxfire to provide left turn storage and right turn deceleration lanes for traEfic entering Fox[ire. Costs associated with this paragraph shall bo included in the ionaed improvements when the Flat is recorded. 8o13. ARCIIITECTURAL ~EVZ~H Ail buildings constructed within Foxfire must comply with the architectural review standards whfch shall be specifi~l by the recorded covenants and deed restrictions that ~o with the properties. 8.14. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Acces~ory ~tructu¢~ must be constructed simultaneously with or following the construction o£ the principal structure and shall con£~rm with tho foliowinG setbacks and building separations. Accessory Front structures - Single Family --~'0'~'' Area (Only) Structore to Rear Side Structure -F0TM T~ 8.15. SIGNS ~] signl~ shall bo in accordance with the appropriate Collie~ County Ordinances. 8.17. PARKING, S'I'ORAGE{ OR USE OF MAJOR {(ECREATIONAL ROUII'M~NT boats and boat trailers, travel trailers, pl. ckup campers or coaches (designed to be mounte~ on motorized vohicles), motorized dwellings or me, or homes, tent trailers, popout campers, hotlse~ats~ an~ 'the like, and cases or transporting recreational equtpment, whether occupied by such equi~ent or not. No major recreational equipment shall used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored on a residentially xoned lot or In any location not approved for ouch use. Major cecreational egul~ent may be parked or stored only in a completely screened area and cm~not be been from the exterior o[ the lot or the adjacent multi-family st:uctureRl provided, however, that uuch equi~aent n,~y ~ parkc, d anywhere on residentiaX premises for a period not to exceed twenty-four (~4) hours during loading and unloading. 8-4 013 = 253 8.18. PAREING OF COMMERCIAL VF. IIIC[,fiS IN RESIDENTIAL ARRAS It shall be unlawful to park a commercial vehicle on any lot in a residential zoned district unless one of the following conditions exist~ 1) 2) 3) The vehicle is engaged in a construction service operation on the site where it is parked. The vehicle must be removed as soon as the construction or service activity has been completed. The vehicle is parked in n gnrnge, carport, or fully screened area and cannot be seen from the exterio£ of the lot or the adjacent multi-family structures. Automobiles, vans, pick-up trucks having a rat,,,] load capacity o~ less than one ton, shall be exempc,~,~ from this Section. 8.19. GENERA[, LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT A. OBJECTIVE To provide an aesthetic environmental for future resid-nts of this development and the community as a whole, with minimun dir~ruption of existing vegetation patterns by: I) Establishment of guidelines for maximum utilization of existing natural f,.,utures. 2) lie-establishment of aCCel,table vegetation on lands previously used fac a?riculture purposes which now lay fallow. 3) Maintain cypress head in a natural condition. PLANT COMMUNITY ANALYSIS Eight-two (82%) percept.of tile total land is typical fiat, pine woodland with th~. following existing vegetation: Slash pine (Plnus elliotti), majority o~ trees found on the site; baldcypress (taxodium distichum) scattered; saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), often growing in la,ge deE[ned ma~nes; Dahoon holly (tlex cassine) scattered; cocoplum (Chryaobalantm lcaco) scattered; wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) s,'aLtered; cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) scattered. 8-5 Twelve percent of the total land is £ormerly agriculture land which has scattered clumps of Florida holly (Schinus terebinthifolius), and sedge (Cyperus) and grass (Andropogen), The Florida holly should be destroyed. Six percent of the total land is comprised of a viable cypress head which is made up of vegetation indigenous to this soil condition. C· NATIVE VEGETATIVE BUFFER AREA~ FUNCTION: Provide visual and noise buffer between building sites, roadways and adjoining properties. TREATMENT: Vegetation to remain in an unmolested stt~.. All ve-~ es['~-~and con~trttction equipment to bo prohiblte..] from this area durin,] and following constrtlctio~ with the exception of maintenance equipment. Specific mainten~nce program wilI be estabIished to maintain a healthy natural state. D. CYPRESS IlEAl) AREA FUNCTION: Preservattnn of an attractive natural resource community. Retention of water during thc rainy season, and a ground water rech~cge area as well as a water quality improvement £ac[[~t.y. Provide a unique recreation and aesthetic experien6~ for the pleasure of project ' residents. TREATMENT: Preservat:|on and protection of [Iota and fduna, ~ the exception of introduction of a golf course fairway as indicated on the PUD Maste[' Development Plan. Prohibit vehicles and construction eguipm~nt with the exceptio~ maintenance equipment. Removal o~ obnoxious exotics, ~.e. melaleuca lecudond~a, Schlnus te~ebinthifoIlus and others. Establishment of a maintenance p~ogram to ~nsure a healthy environment by directing water flow Into the head to provide optimum surface flooding depths· Irrigation o~ the head during periods of drought to protect from premature CyDreSs defol~ation and excessive plant Final design and location of the fairway to be approv~ by County Environmental Consultant. 8-6 E. PRESERVATION AREAS. FUNCTION: Zn areas which have vegetative types which we feel are valuable or unique to the environment of this development. Some areas are composed of specimen trees and others are a solid mass of saw palmetto. TREATMENT:. Vegetation to remain in an unmolested state, except for development of pedestrian/cycle paths and . approved satellite recreation facility areas. Vehicles and construction equipment to be prohibited with the exception of maintenance equipment. These areas will be better defin-d when stake out of lakes and building sites takes place. Some areas may increase or decrease in size as vegetative patterns are established. F. MOUND ANT) VEGE't',Vr[ON BUFFER ALONG DAVIS DOULEVARD FUNCT£ON: Provide noise and visual buffer from traffic and adjacent properties. TREATMENT: Due to the small number of trees in this area an earth mound will be constructed in such a manner as not to destroy exintlng trees of value. EstablJshment of ground cover ~nd trees will take [)lace on completion of construct [on. G. IIUILI)ING SITES f'_U. NCTION: Location for structures. TREATHENT: Retain maximum amoun[ o£ vegetation with the except.['6-~ eL' sm.Ill aruan for ~ltocki)[iing fill. II. STREET PLANTING FUNCTION: Establishment of a pleasant environment by the use ~f trees and vegetation that ~equire a minimum amount of maintenance. TREATMENt: Street trees will be planted on basis of one tree per '{0 lineal feet of roadway per side. Trees may be planted as ln¢lJviduals or as cjusters. Cjuster planting will be locate(] on a maximum interval of 1,000 lineal feet. Any existing trees within right-of-way may be counted as a part of the street tree planting. Street slopes will be rovegetated with durable grasses to control erosion· 8-7 FUNCTION: Provide water storage, recreation and ~ally pleasing quality for the community. TREATMENT: On completion of construction, lake banks will ~e revegetatud with durable grasses to control erosion. J. SIDEWALK/BIKEWAY: Sidewalks and bikeways shall be provided an([ constru~te-~-'according to local County code and ordinances. K. GENERAL POLICIES FUNCTION: Provide an aesthetically pleasing as well as functional unvi~onment in general. TREATHENT: Four classification fall into this category. Farm land areas: Areas that have been previously farmed that are planned for general open space as well as certain [)arts of the Common Areas, to be re[oreRted on basis of managem,.nt program developed in conjunction with Forestry Department. lie-establishment of grour, d cover by the us(, of durable grasses to eliminate, wind and water erosion. Select clearing areas: As a general policy and as much as practicable select[on ci,~arinq and protection o£ valuable vegetation nhall h[~ applied. Disturbed areas: Upon completion nf construct[on, all disturbed soils located w~thin the Commons/Golf Course Area shall be rovegetated with durable grasses to eliminate water and wind erosion. 4. Obnoxious exotics shall be dentroyed in accordance with the applicable County Ordinances. 8-8 013 ~Z58