Ordinance 81-50 ~RDINANCI~ 81- 50 AN OmINRNCE AMENOIN~ ORDINANCE 77-18, T~ ~Lr~h Si 2h PH I~ Z0 ~Y ~O ~IT DE~L~T D~NT, ~ ~LETZ~ ~CTIO~ 9.15 a~ 10.13 A~ BY ~IDI~ AN EFFECTI~ ~TE, WILLI~J( J. EEA~AN CI. LI~K rF ' ~E~ Cota~ R~e-~et Properties, Zno.~ petticoat, has petrified ~ ~a~ or C~ty C~ss~ets or Co~2~et County to a~nd' O~na~es 77-~81 ~E~ t~ present s~atg ~ootage 2~mt:at~ons oF Otd~e 77-]8 a~ ~aso~b~y ~stt~ct~vel and ~E~, t~e. ~m~tot~ons set ~o~t~ by Ordinate 77-~8 ate d~rrJcu~t to a~n~stet, and suFFicient con:to~s ex,st by ot~et applicable O~na~es; a~ ~ ~E~ ~ ~T ORlaNdO, by t~ ~atd or Co~ty Co~ss~onets oP Co~et C~nty~ F Jet,da: ~CTION Section 9.15 amd iO.1] ate hereby Deleted. ~CT ION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that It has been filed with the Secretary of State. Date September 15, 1981 .cou w co,.,.Iz ) BOARD OF COUNTY CO144ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Z, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for t~ Twe~tl~ Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby ce:.$ify t~t4 tho foregoing is a true original of: ~ o ORDINANCE NO. 81-50 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners d~ing g Session September 15, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of tho Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 17th day of 1981. WILLIAM J. RE. AG;iN Clerk of Courts and Clerk This ordtnanc,e ftled with the Secre- a tary of State s 0fftc'e the 21st day r~,- .,a .,:-x~.~ I n r v d h 4 -' ~'~- of that fi t g ecet e t is 2 th day Vir-~,~a;aa'~l.-DenU~ of September, 1981. '~" ,,';~=t', ~'