Ordinance 81-450RDIN^NCE N0, 81 - 45 COLLIER COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION CODE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHI~0 "~ COLLIER COUN~T FIRE PREVENTION CODE" BY ADOPTINO AND lNG SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF Tits 1981 NATI(~AL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION CODE TOI ~6~JT.ATIONS WII~IIN COLLIER COUNTY TO GOVER!~, FIRE A~ F.~SIVE I~AZARDS TO LIFE A~ ERTY~ IHPROVINO PUI~LIC SAFETY BY PROMOT~h'O, ~' CO~ROL ~ ABA~ OF FIRE ~ E~ USE ~ .~I~ANCE OF EQUIP~NT ~ ~ ~ OF BUILDINGS, S~UC~S, PREHISES ~ ~ ~ASJ A~ ESTABLISHING SUITA~ FI~ P~' TION ST~S IN ~ IN~ST OF ~ PUBLIC ~AL~I~ S~ A~ ~LF~ PROVIDIN~ DEFINI- TIONS~ PROVIDINO FOR E~ORCE~J PROVIDINO FOR A BO~ OF APPEALS BY ~INO SECTION 1'5J A~ ~A 101~ CI~R 5'2.2 ' ~RRI~ TO I~RIOR STAIRS~ ~OVIDI~O FOR ~PEAL OF O~IN~CE 76'ALS ~ROVIDINO A PEN' AL~ PROVIDING SE~CE, CO~ICT ~ CONS~UCTION C~USES~ A~ ~ROVIDING ~ E~C' TI~ DA~ . NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE BOARD OF COLr~I'Y CO~tlS~ONER~ OF COLLIER COLrNTY, FLORIDA1 SECTION ON~ I. ~doption of Fire Codes The specific sections of National Fire Protection Asso- ciation Codes, 1981 Edition, developed by tho National Fire Protection Association (NTPA), &70 Atlantic Avenue, Boston~ fJsssachuaetts 02210, aa listed belay by IS'PA Code and Standard Number and subject title, attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby adopted by reference as part of "The Collier County Fire Prevention Code"~ NFPA Code and Standard Numbers !0 11 llA' 11B 12 12A 13 l& 15 16 17 20 21 22 2& Fire Prevention Code and Appendices C, and L Health Care Emergency Preparedness Portable Fire Extin~uishers Foam Extin~uishtng Systems Hash Expansion Foam Systems Synthetic Foam and Combined ASset Systems Carbon Dioxide Systems Halos 1301 System= Halos 1211 Systems Sprfnkl¢~ Systems - Installation . Sprinkler Systems - Naintenanco Standpipe & Nose Systems Water Spray Fixed Systems Foam-Water Sprinkler & Spray Systems Dt-y Chemical Systems Centrifugal FAre Pumps Steeu Fire Pumps - Naintenance Water Tanks Outside Protection " " .... :!' Supervision of Valves Private Fire Brfladca ',,' ~FPA Cod8 and 3O 33 3& 37 &O &3A 45 &6 50 50n $! '51A 56 56n S6G 63 E6 69 71 ?2A ?& 75 76A 76C 77 7~ SO SOA iS] ~Landard Humbers .1 Flammable & Combustible Liquids Code Oil ~urnin~ Equipment Dt~y Cleaning Plants Spray Application Dip Tanks ~anufacture of Organic Coatings Solvent Extraction Plants SSs, Combustion Engines & Gal Turbines Cellulose Nltr&te Hotion Picture Fils Storage o£ l~rox~lin Plastic l/quid and Solid Oxid/s/n[ ~ate~/sls Storage of Galeoul Oxidizing Storage of Pesticides Ln Portable Containers Y/revorks - Hsnufscturingt Transportation and Storage Fire Protection for Laborstor/es Using Chemicals Forest Products - Storage Hagnesium - Storage and Handling Hazardous Chemicals Data ~ulk Oxygen Systems Gaseous Hydrogen Systems Liquified Hydrogen Systems Welding & Cutt/ng~ O~ygen-Fuel Gal Systems Acetylene Cylinder Charging Plants gutting and Velding Processes . Laboratories in ltealth Related Institutions ~espiratory Therapy Hyperbaric £acilities }Iyperbaric Fac/liLies ' Nonflammable Ned/ca1 Gas Systems Inhalation Anesthetics in ~bulato~ Tat/liLies Nome Respiratory Therapy · Y~igation Llquifled Petroleum Gases aL Utility Gan Plants Llquified Natural ~as - Storage and NanufacturLn~ and HandlLn~ Starch Grain Elevators - ~ulk Handling Feed Hills - Dust llazardn Agricultural Co.od/ties for ll~an Cons~tion Industrial Plants - Dust Kxploa/ona Alumin~ Processing and ~inishin[ Pneumatic Convey/nB Systems ;~los/on VentinK~ Guide · ~los/on Prevention Systems Central CLarion Si~nil/n[ Systems ~el1 Protective ~l~nalins ~ystens ~mte Station ~i~nal/n[ Proprieta~ Siinalins ~ystema Autistic Tire Detectors ~ousehold Tire Famine Equi~ent ~lectronic Co. user/Data Processing [ssential Electrical Systems Hi~h=~requency Electricity 'in '~ealth girl Ficil/tLt. q ~tatle lltciricity ~ijhtninj ~rotectlon Code ~l~ctrical Netal~rkinl Hachtne fire b~rl and Vind~l ~roteetion Iron [~osurl ftrll ~r Sterile, Cleantnl Incinerators, Rubbish Nandlinl 011 nad Gas-Fired Sinl]t lurner ~u~r ~otler-~aeen ~el Oil-F/~d Nult/ple ~u~er ~ile~ices ~lverized Co~l-Tl~d ~ltlple bmr ~ller-Fu~lcel Code and 8ST SSA B6B, ~6¢ 8? SBA SSB' 89~ 90A 90B 91 92H 102 130 194 196 203H 204 206H 211 214 231 231B '231C 23]D 231A 232 232AH 24! 252 255 256 257 302 303 3O6 3O7 321 325~ 327 328 329 386 395 &07 408 409 &IOA ' &10B &10C &IOD 418 Standard Pulverized Fuel Systems Ovens and Furnaces Industrial Furnaces Industrial Furnaces - Special Processins Atmospheres Piers and ~arves Parking Structures Eepalr Oarasea Clearances - Ileat Producing Appliances Air Conditioning & Ventilating Systems Warm Alr Eeatins & Air Blower and Exhaust Systems Waterproofing and Drainage of Floors Commercial Cooking Equipnent - Vapor Removal Life Safety Code Assenbly Seatine ~ Tents & Structures ~prinkler Systems! Dwellings Fire Hose Connections Fire Ilose Fire Euse~ Care of Roof Coverings Smoke & llent Venting Guide Buildln~ Areas & HeighLa Chimneys, Fireplaces & Veil,s Water Cooling Towers 'Oeneral Storage - Indoor Cellular Rubber and Plastics - Storage Rack Storage of Hateria~s Storage of Hubber Tires Ochers1 ~torage - Outdoor Hecord Protection Archives and Record Centers ~uilding Construction and Demolition Operations 'Fire Tests = Building Construction and Haterials Fire Tests - Door Assemblies Building E~erials o Tests of Surface Burnin[ Characteristics Fire Testa = Roof Coverings . Fire Tests of Window Assemblies Fire Hydrants - Uniform NarkinGs Notor Craft ~arinas end Boatyarda Control of Oas Hazards on Vessels Harine Terminals - Operation Vessels During Construction - Protection of Classification of Flan~nble Liquids Properties of Flam. Liquids~ Oases! ~olids Cleanin~ ~mall Tanks Hanholes and Sewers - Flammable & Liquids and Oases Underground Leakage of Flamm~le and Conbusti- hie Liquids Tank Vehicles for Flammable. and Combustible Liquids Portable Shippin[ Tanks Flammabl~ & Co~bustible Liquids on Farms and Isolated Cons~uction Projects Aircraft Fuel Servicin[ Aircraft Flr~ ~xtinsuishere Aircraft Ean,~ra Aircraft ~lectrical Naintenane~ Alrcraf~Oxyzen ~aint~nanen Aircraft Fuel System Haintensnce Aircraft Cleaning, Palatial & Paint P~val Aireraft~ldin[ Operations in Nanpro Aircraft Cabin Cleanin[ Operations Aircraft Fuelfn[ ~a~p Drainage Airport Terminal Butldinp Aircraft Loadint Valk~sys RooroTop #elfper~ Construction'sad Protection FYPA Code and Standard Numbers 419 &90 493 &95 496 497 498 SOla SOIC SOlD SOS 512 Sl3 6014 651 655 656 701 702 703 70~ SO1 gO2 901 910 1123 1231 Airport Water Supply Systems Titani,un - Storage and HAndltns Zirconium - PlAnts Producing Ammonium NLLrALe SLorage Ilazardous Chemicals Reactions Separation Distances of An~nonium Nitrate and Blasting Agents Intrinsically SAfe Apparatus Nodel StiLe Fireworks Lay Explosive Nsterials Purged Enclosures for Electrical Equipment Electrical Insatallattons in Chemical Plants Explosives - Notor Vehicle Terminals Instillation of Mobile Homes Recreational Vehicles Recreational Vehicle PArka ' Powered Industrial Trucks Truck Fire Protection Notor Freight Terminals Guard Operations in Fire leas Prevention Aluminum ur Nngnesium Powder Coal Preparation Plants = DUAL Hazards Plastics Industry - Dust ilazards Sulfur f/reAj Explosions, Prevention Spice Gr/ndin8 Plants - DUAL Hazards ~oodworking Plants = DUAL IIAzards Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films - Fire Tests for Flammability of VeArin8 ApPArel Fire Retnrdant Treatments, Building Haterials The Fire list^fda of Naterials Facilities HAndlinl Radioactive ~aLerials Nuclear ReACtOrA Uniform Coding for Fire Protection ~niform Codin~ for Fire Protection Protectio~ of Library Collections Protection of ~uAeum Collections Protecttot~ of Huseum Collections Fireworks - Public Display Rural and Suburban Fire Ftghtinl ~wlth ~ectlon t-I deleted). SECTION T~PO: The National Fire amended to read Protection Associatio6 Code (IOTA) is hereby N~PA I-5 Board of Adjustments And Ap~eals~ Delete and substitute the followin~i 1-S.1 APPOINTHENT AND T ERSt OF O~I~ A Bonrd of Appeals Is hereby established consist'in~ of seven (7) regular members and t~o (2) alternate mem~rs ~ho shall be pointed by the Board of Co~ty C0missioners. ~e Board of Appeals shall consist of the foll~inl ~m~rs ~o by reason of tducation~ eU~rl~nel~ and ~ledle are de~d to be e~etent to sit in Jud~nt ~ n~tters eonce~inl the fir~ Prevention Code, other laird cod~s and their enforc~nt~ one $tat~ Licensed architeetl one st~etur~l enlineerl on~ Class "A" leneral contractorl one Jtate ~rtifl~d fire protectiv~ equi~nt contractorl one reprenen- tativo n~innted by th~ flrt Chiefs' AssociatiOn of Collier eith aa ~lte~ate n~lnnted by said fir~ ~lefs~ Association Collier Countyl one licensed electrical contractort and ese sensed pl~binl or ~chsnicnl contractor. ~e ~bern shall for · t~m ~[ four ~ars~ ~zeept for l~itial a~olnte~s ~o shall sam as toll~s t~ for · tam et one In,ri t~ for a tam t~ ~earsl and thr~e for · tam of ~ree ~earn. ]-5.2 quorum, Four (&) members of the board shall constitutn · quorum, la vary- LaB tho applicat/on of say provisions of this code or in ~od/fyinB In order of the Buildinw Official, affirmative votes of the msJor- ~ty present, but not less than four C&) affirmative votel ihsll bo required. A board member shall not sci in a csae in vhtch he his a personal interest, The Buildin~ Official shall act sa Secretary of the Board of Ad- Justments and Appeals and shall make s detailed r~cord of all its proceedinsa, vhich shall set forth the reasons for its decisions, the vote of each member participatin{ therein, the absence of s member, and any.failure of * member to vote. l-$.& PROCEDURE The board shall establish rules sad regulations for its o~n proce- dure not inconsistent vith the provisions of this code. The board shell meet at relular intervals, to be determined by the Chairman, or in any event, the board aha11 meet ~ithin ten (10) days after ' notice of appeal hak been received. 1-$.$ TIHK LIHIT ~henever the Bu/ldinl Official ah. Il reject or refuse to approve th~ mode or manner of construction proposed to be relieved or materials to be used in the erection or alteration of & buildins or structure, or when 'it ia claimed that the provisions of this code do not .ipply, or that sn equally seed or more desirable form of construction can be e~ployed in any ipecific case, or vhen it mean/n~ of this code or any of the re~ulations thereunder have been misconstrued 'or vronKly interpreted, the owner of luch bulldinE or structure, or his duly authorized alertS, appeal from the decision of the Buildin~ Official to the Bo&rd of Adjustments and Appeals. Notice of appeal shall be in vt/tin8 and filed vithin ninety (90) days after the decision is rendered by the BulldinE Officill. A fee of $75.00 shall accompany such notice of Cb) In case of a buildin~ or structure vbich, in the opinion of the Bu/ldin& Offici.l, ia unsafe or dangerous, the Buildinl Official may, in his order, limit the time for such appeal to a shorter period. Appeals hereunder shall be on forms pro- vided by the Bu/ldin~ Official. 1-$.6 ~lClSIO~l OF ~ BOl]~I) OF ADJUSTMENTS A~D APPEALS (a) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals, vhen so appealed to and after a hearinB, may vary the application of any provision of thio code to any particular case when, in its opinion, tho enforcement thereof ~ould do manifest injustice, sad ~ould be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this code or public interest, or ~hen, in its opinion the interpretation of tho Bulldin~ Official should be modified or reversed, (b) A decision of the Boar~ of Adjustments sad Appee~s to vaFy the epplication of say provision of this code or to modify on order of the Bulldln~ Official shall specify in ~hst manner such yartstion or modification ia made, tho conditions upo~ which it is made and the reasons therefor, 1.5,?. ~czszo~s (.) Every decision of the Board of AdJustnents and Appeals shell be final, subject, he-ever, to such reoedy as any ajlrieved party niiht have at lay or In equity, It shall be in vrittni 013 96 and shall LndLcsLe tho vat· upon tho decision. Every decision .hal! be promptly filed in tho office of the ~uildifl8 Official, and shall be open to public inspection{ · certified copy shall be sent'by mail or otherwise to tho sppcllsflt and · copy shall bo kept publicly posted in the'office of the Build- ins Official for two weeks after fillflf. (b) The Board of AdJustJuents and Appeals aha11, in every case, reach s decision without unreasonable or unncesssry delay. If s decision of tho Board.of AdJumtments ·nd Appeals reverse· or modifies s refusal, order, or dis·Il·vance of the Butldins Official, or varies the application of any p~ovision of this code, the Bblldifl~ Official shall tewedtstely take action Iff accordance with such decision. NFPA 1:1-6: Vi~lation Delete sad substitute the foll~vin~: Any person, who viols·es the provisions of the Standards sad Codes hereby a'dopted or any order made thereunder, or who builds in violation of any statement of specifications or plant submitted and approved thereunder or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, or who falls to comply with sn order ss affirmed or modified by the enforcement authority, the Board of County Commissioners, or · court of competent Jurisdiction within the time fixed shall violate th/I ordinance. Such violation shall constitute · misdemeanor of the second degree, sad any .person convicted of such violation shall be punished by s fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the County JiLl not to exceed sixty (60) days or by both ~uch fine sad l~prilon- men·. The imposition of said penalty shall not excuse the violation nor permit its continuance. ~hefl not otherwise specLficd, each day that the prohibited condition continues shall constitute I separate violation. mPA l: 2-1 Definitions A~end by adding: ~A peals,, - An aggrieved person defined in Section Five shall have the rllht to appeal to the Bo·rd of Appeals as outlined in Section T~o above, Altrieved Perso~ - An Aggrieved person isz An applicant refused · permit or required to comply with the Collier County Fire Prevention Code by the enforcement author- Any person who hem been notified by the enforcement authority that he is violst/n8 a provision of tho Collier County Fire Prevention Code; The fire chief of sn independent fire control d/strict who ham entered into an interlocsl s{reement with the County and who has complied with the plan review procedure outlined in tho interlocsl slreemeflt who claims that a provision of the Fire Prevention Code has been iccorrectly interpreted by the Build- io~ Official ss the enforcement authority durLns the review process· ' JO'PA 1:2-1 ~efinitions Delet~ snd substitute the followinlt ~lre tar, He Code o Harshal - Henna the Buildins Code Compliance Department D/ret- ia responsible for tho administration end enforcement o£ thio For purposes of enforceueflt of thio code the tern chill &leo apply to any person deslKnated aa a representative of tho Bu/ldins Code plfsnre Director or tho tire official or on independent fire control; dfetrlet ~hich hoe entered into an fnterloeel abreast with tho Co~ty. Tire Official - Heans any author/zed person servin8 al a de.ignated ee~Ioyoe, representative, or asonL o£ the County or fire d/strict under the interlace1 agreement. 5-2 Types oE Ext~ Components~ Delete section. ~ECTJON ~IRE~! Construction. Thio Or, thanes shall ho deemed'to be cumulative and supplemental, and in addition to any other act, lay, or ordinance of Collier County or any municipality therein relating to a fire prevention code. This Ordinance shall be deemed en exercise of the police powers of the County and shall bo liberally construed in order to effectively car~y out the purposes of thin Ordinance in protecting the interests of the healths safetye end welfare of the citizens of Collier County, SECTION FOURt ~0nf~lct In the event this Ordinance coo£11cta with any other Ordinance of Collier County or any municipality therein or 9that applicable lav~ the moro restrictive aha11 apply, If any part of this Ordinance conflicts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall have full force end effect and ba liberally construed. SECTION FIVE: Repeal of Previous Ordinance Ordinance numbered ~A-&l ia hereby repealed. SECTION $IXs Effective Date Thin Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it is filed with the Secretary of State. ADOPTED thin 1st (lay of ,, September Collier County Attorney This ordinance filed with the Secreta~'y of State*s Office the lOth day of September, 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 14th day of September, 1981., Bulldinsl)epart. 8/28/81 , Deputy Clerk 013 08 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY O~ COLLIER ) Z, WILLIAM J. REAGAt~, Clo=k of C~urts In and for the ~ent~eth Judicial' Circuit, Collier County, F18rida, do hereby certify th~ the foregoing is a true original of~ ORDINANC~ NO. 81-45 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session WI'TNESS my hand and tho official s2ai of the Board of CouDty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Bo-.rd of County Com~lssioners ~,.\~1',[~$ ~ . - / ~i~: .......... -~ / ~..' ~,<_..,~. '~ . 0i3 99