Ordinance 81-44gms AN O~IN~CE ~ING O~IN~ ~0. COLLIER COUP, F~RIDA, BY ~ USE ELE~ ~RK S~Y A~A ~ ~7' 13, ~SHIP 52 SO~, ~GE 29 EAST, CONSISTING OF ~PROXI~LY 97.0 ACRESI ~ PROVIDING ~ EF~CTI~ DATE. '.' REGEIVED ~ '. ?% CLERK 0; ~,0ARD ,, ~OLLIER COU~/TY, FLORI~ WHEREAS, Douglas McGoon petitioned tha Board of County Co~raislionerl to change the Land Use Classification of the herein described real property~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Comr~illiOners of Collier County, Florida= SECTION ONE= · he Land Use Classification of the herein described p~pert~ 11 changed from Agricultural to Residential Low Densl~ (0-~=m unite per gross acre) and the Work Study Map #? as des~rtbe~ 'in Ordinance 79-32 t's hereby amended accordingly= Beginning at the ~ corner, ~ommon to SeC- tion 12 and 13, Township 52 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the North and South ~ line of said Section 12, N 1*-47~-35" W 660.26 feetl thence parallel with the line common to Sections 12 and 13, N 89'-49~-05# E 1403.45 £eetl thence continuing along the last described course, N sge-49'-05" E 578 feet more or less to the Westerly line of Scenic Drive as recorded in OR 76, Pages 394 to 397 . · inclusive, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence Southeasterly along the Westerly line of said Scenic Drive 260 feet more or less to its Intersection with a line lying 410 feet North and parallel with the Section line common to said Sections 12 and 13~ thence parallel with the lines common to Sections 12 and 13, S 89°-49'-05' W 640 feet more or less to the Intersection of line parallel with the North and South ~ line of said Section 13 and lying 1384.70 feet Easterly of the said North and South ~ line; thence parallel with said North and Douth line of Section 13, S 0e-09~-59# E 410.0 feet to the Section line common to Sections 12 and 13~ thence continuing $ 0e-09~-59# E 1494.88 feet thence N SSs-34e W 605.16 feet; thence 1~-21t W 855.46 feet; thence N 88°-39~ W 257.24 feet; ~hence parallel with tho North and South % line of said Section ~3. S 0°-09~ -$9u E 891.98 fee~ to tho South line of the 14% of the N % of the SE% o£ said Sact~Lon 13~ thence along said South line, S 89°-36'-~9" W soo.o feet to the Norl~l and South said Section 13; thence along said NariS1 and South ~ line o£ N 00-09e-59u W 3219,94 feet to the place of beginning, containing 07 · acres more or less,, and being par~of east o£ 'said Sections 12 and 13, Tovnship S2 , South, ~ange 20 Eas~, Collier County, 013 90 SECTION T~OI This Ordinence shell become e££ective upon notice that ~t has been received by the Office o£ the Secreta~ o£ State. ADOPTED this let , day o£ .September , 1981. SO~D OF COU~r~ CO~ZSSIO~ZRS COLLIER CO~, F~RIDA ' .'CO~TY OF COLLIER ) ., '"' I, WILLI~ J. ~AG~, Clerk of Courts ~n and~o~the ~entleth Jud~cial Circuit, Collier County, Flor~, do he~y certify that the foregoing is a true original of~ O~IN~CE NO. 81-44 which was adopted by the Board of County Co~issioners during ~gular Session Septe~er 1, 1981. NI~ESS my hand and th~ official seal of the Boar~ of County Co~issioners of Collier County, Florida, this 1st day of Septe~er, 1981. · WILLI~ J. ~AG~ Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Boa=d of Co~ty Co~immioners Th~s ordinance filed w~th the Secretary of State's Off$ce the loth day of September, lgsl and acknowledgement of that f~ng received th~ l~th day of September, 1981, '-~lTmputy Clerk MLL/na/10S-M Ccemun~tyDevmlopmen~ Div.