Ordinance 81-43~nLLI[~ cnt'~[: Y. FLOP, IOA' ORDINANCE 61-. 43 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREilENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AME~DING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-4 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM RM-1 WITH PROVIS- IONAL USE TO PUD-PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT~ PART OF THE NE% OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PROPERTY KNO$'~'AS YOUTH HAVEN~ AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE· WHEREAS, William R. Vinos, representing Youth Haven, Inc. ham petitioned tho Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida to chango the Zoning Classification of the herein described real proporty~ o ~ ~ NOW, ~IEREF.ORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of~Count~ '7~ C~issioners of Collior County, Florida~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ T~e Zoning Classification of the herein des~t~d a property locate~ In Section 17, To~sb.t~ 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida ia changed from ~-1 with Prcvisional Usa to PUD-Planned Unit Develo~ent in accordance with the PUD Document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which. is incorporated herein and by referunce made a part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map t~umber 50-26-4, aa described in Ordinance ?$-30, is hereby amended accordingly. RECEIVED° WlLLI/,14 J. CLEF,!", OF This O~dlflance shall bec~e effective upon notice ~hat It has been received by the Office o~ the Sec=eta~ of Sta~e. DA~= Septe~or 1, 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COmmISSIONERS COLLIER ~OUNTY~ FLORIDA . ....... :w O.~l, ~, / / /~:,. ~. ~STO~, C~~ ...iSThT~ F~RIDA ) I~ ~ILLI~ ~. ~AG~ Cl~rk o~ ~ourts In and ~ntteth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, hereby c~tt~y that the forogoing ts atrue original O~IN~ NO. 81-43 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session September l, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official leal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this day of September, 1981. NILL1A~ J. RE~CAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk-I" Ex-officio to Board of .,'-~u.!'~.9' County Co~lasionere ~'. This ordinance ftled with the Secretary of State's Office the lOth day of September, 19~1 and acknow~.edgement of that ftltng recetv~¢ thts 14th day of September, 1981. '- '- · '13eOu ty Clerk 013 85 LEGA~ The SE~ o£ the h~ of the HEb and the W~ o£ the S~ o£ the. NE~ o£ the HE~ o£ Section 17;.Township 50 South~ Range 26 East; less H~lttaker Road riqht-o£-way, containing. 14.32 F. XHIBXT sat*. COHTAINX*N(~ 4 PAGES ,! / YOUTH HAVEN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT . DISTRICT ZONE: PUD PERMITTEO USES: Child care facilltle$, Including housing, ' administrative and health care faculties PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: Uses and activities customary In single end multiple family residential areas; recreational facllitles~ gardening; utility faculties., ' MAXIMUM GROSS PROJECT DENSITY: Since "families" In the conventional sense do not reside In the Youth Haven project, population de,nsity shell be limited to five children per acre plus staff adults as required. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Mininum Building Setback from Property Boundaries:' qO feet. Minimum Separation Between Buildings on the Site: 20 feet or one-half the sum of the building heightl, whichever Is greater. Maximum Building Height: Two stories. DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE REQUIRED: Detailed develop- meat plans shall comply generally with the site plan approved as part of this PUD document. Minor variations may be approved by the Director. Ma~or varlatlona shall require · PUD amendment. 013 8'/ ~STER DI~INAGS PL~ A definitive site drainage master plan shal! be aub~itted to the County Engineer £or review and approval prior to commencement o£ any construction° UTILITIESt The County public water supply system will be extended to the site and an on-site central sewage treatment and disposal facility will be built. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the addition of the project, det&iled plans regarding the on-site centr&l sewage treatment and dl!posal facility Ih~11 be reviewed by the Utility Department! the extension of the public water supply system ~ha11 be reviewed by the Utility Department. ' Developer shall also comply with County Ordinance 80-112 concerning connection to a central sewage disposal system prior to the issuance of a Cer~lficate of Occupancy.' 013 ~ 89