Ordinance 81-41 OP, DIflANCE NO. sons,trio. 2(d) OF SECTION ONS CHANGING TIlE POWER TO LEVY FROM ONE MILL TO ONE ~ AND ONE-IL~LF (1-1/2) MILL OF Al) VALOKEI~TAXES PROVXDING A~ EFFECTXVE DA~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~S, the public safety requires fire con~.~l~and emergency medical care aervicel within the Ochope~:~a oE cum,, iq) Statutes grants authority for the Board of County Co~nissioners to establish such a district; NOW ~IEREFORE BE IT OP, DAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSI~NERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA~ SECTION 1. Subsection 2(d) of SECTION ONE of Ordinance No. ?~-$ fe hereby a~ended to read as follows: SECTION ONE: , 2. CoverninE Board~ Po~ers and Duties. d. Upon adoption of the district budget by thc Board it shall cause the budget to be recorded in the Board ndnutes and shall cause to be levied on ail property within the district, a ~11age ~ufficient to fund the budget not exceeding one and one-half (1-1/2) m~11 in any one year to be assessed and collected as though County taxes. SECTION 2. Efffective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of notice that it has been £iled with the Secretary of State. BO~D OF coutrr~ cO~SsIoNK~S ,,~":, .ATTEST:' ~ ' COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA ' .' '~ i'~ This ordJ~a,ce fIl~ wJt~ t~e $ecretary o~ Statl'I ....... Office the 31It day of ~o~ost, 1981 a~d ic~now~edgel o~ that ~t~ing received this 3rd day o~ Septeeber~.. COUNTY O~ COLLIER l, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that tho foregoing ks a true 0riginal ell ORDINANCE NO. 81-41 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session August 25, 1981. ' WITNESS my hand and the official seal of tho Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, th~s 2~h · day of August, 1981. WILLIAM 3. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of county co~is.ionere ..~\~. .... .~.~g .' ~'.~ · ~4; ........ "-q~." '