Ordinance 81-38 ORDINANCE NO. 81-.38 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVE P~AN FOR COLLIE~ . COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY A~ENDIN(~ THE LA~ USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MA~ .2 F~ ~ ~ ~., RESIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM (0-4 UNITS ~ r,-~ GROSS ACRE) TO CO~I~ERCIAL ON THE FOLLO .W~.~ ~ INO DESCRIBED PROPERTY, A PORTION 0~ THE SOUT~WEST ~ OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHfP~'~, 48 SOUTI{, RANGE 25 EAST~ AND PROVIDI~'~ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' ~ ~-~ I~IEREAS, Wilson, lqiller~ Barton~ Soll & eek, In~'. representing Campbell Enterprises (~rs. M. J. Zutdema, Mgr.), petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the Land Use Classification of the herein described real property~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Cottnty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida{ SECTION ONE{ The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Low-~edium Density (0-4 units per gross acre) to Commercial and the Work Study Area Map #2 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Section 2~ Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County~ Florida~ thence along the West Line of said Sec- tion 25, North le59~12" West 80.00 feet~ thenc.~ North 88'00'48" East 100.00 feet to the East Ltn~ of the West 100.00 feet of the West % of Southwest ~ of said Section 25 (Official Recor~ Book 165, Page 838 & 839) for the POINT OF BEGIN-"' NING of the parcel herein described~ thence along t~e East Line of the Wes= 100.00 feet of the West % of tho South- west ~ of said Section 25, North 1~59~12'' West 522.49 feet~ thence North 88~00~48" East 330.00 feet~ thence South 1'$9'12' East 82.49 feetl thence South 24~29"12" East 160.73 feetl thence South 46~59~12" East 75.00 feetl thence South 43~00'48' West 337.25 feet~ thence South 88~00~48" West 206.07 feet to the Point of Beginning~ being a part of the Southwest ~ of the Southwest ~ of Section 25, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida~ subjec~ to easements and restrictions of record~ containing 4.14 acre~ or less. This ordinance shall become e££ect:ive upon notice that has bean received by the Of£ica of the Secretary DATEs Augu.t 11, 1981 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA A. PISTOR, CHAIRMAN X, WILLIAM J. REAOAN, Clerk of Courts in am for the'~ Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true ORDINANCE NO. 81-~8 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners ~uring Regular Session August 11, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the o£ficial seal of the Board o~ County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this llth day of August, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex officio to Board of County Commisstoners,~?,lC/i/~ . '~." "A:" '". '. V£rgir~l~a ~4agr:L, I~pu.~ Cler~ : ~' Thts ordinance ftled with the Secretary of State's Offtce ~ ~,~ ~he ~7~h da~ of Augus~ I~St and ackno~edgemen~ of that filing_racet, red thts 20th day of August, 1981. , r Deputy Clerk 013 04