Ordinance 2000-003ORDINANCE NO. ~000-03 'JAN 2 8 2000 AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 92- AMENDED, BY REVISING APPENDIX A, ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE, TO ADD, DELETE AND REVISE DEFINITIONS CONTAINED IN APPENDIX A AND TO REVISE AND UPDATE THE RATE SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN APPENDIX A; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on April 16, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 92-22, entitled the Road Impact Fee Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to revise and update Appendix A, Road Impact Fee Rate Schedule contained in Ordinance No. 92-22, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to revise and update the definitions and land uses contained in Appendix A; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to revise and update the rate schedule contained in Appendix A; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to replace the prev.~ly ~op Appendix A with a new Appendix A in order to effectuate these changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: DELETION OF APPENDIX A OF COUNTY ORDINANCE 92-22, AS AMENDED, AND ADOPTION OF APPENDIX A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS APPENDIX A. Effective April 1, 2000, Appendix A of County Ordinance No. 92-22, as amended, is hereby deleted, and in its place, the attached Appendix A is adopted and added in its place. Words htQ.d_eJlJQ.e~ are additions, words o*"'"[' *~' ..... ~' ............. u,, are deletions. SECTION TWO: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION THREE: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier " ' ~,. CouhO]~'londa, this ~ay of ,2000. ;'!.'' .?i;:i ATTE~.~'i;jliS:.~ BOARD OF~ISSIONERS :. 4 ':.~.¥i "DwIGHT(E.iBROCK, Clerk COLLIER ~OUNTY, FLORIDA %.,:...: . . .. ~.,- . ..-, .,.,, ·: ~~:.~:~ 4Z, By: . '.',.,;'...,.., ' , :~..'/: .,", . - Approved as to form and st~it~e only. legal, sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney FflUS ER~\WM3XC~OLLIERHNTERIM.ORD This ordinance filed with the o~?retary of State's Office the and acknowledgement o.f that filin, n.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.~ received this,~__ day Words underlined are additions, words ct.-_'ck thrcu~,h are deletions. APPENDIX A ROAD IMPACT FEE RATE SCHEDULE For the purposes of calculating the amount of Impact Fee to be imposed under Section 2.01 of the Ordinance on all Road Impact Construction the following definitions shall be utilized: DEFINITIONS "Auto Repair/Body Shops" provide for mechanical repairs and cosmetic improvements to vehicles. "Bank/Savings: drive-in" means a financial institution with facilities for motorists as well as walk-in customers. "Bank/Savings: walk-in" means a financial institution in a free standing building with its own parking lot, and no drive-in windows. "Business Park {Flex-space)" consists of.a .qroup of flex-type or incubator one- or two-story buildinqs served by a common roadway system. The tenant space is flexible and lends itself to a variety of uses; the rear side of the buildinq is usually served bva .qara.qe door. Tenants may be start-up companies or small mature companies that require a variety of space. The space may include offices, retail and wholesale stores, restaurants, recreational areas, and war.ehousin.q, manufacturinc~, li~qht, industrial, or scientific research functions. The averaqe mix is 20 to 30 percent office/commercial and 70 to 80 percent industrial/warehousinq. "Church" means a structure used primarily by a group of individuals for the practice of religion or the profession of faith. "Condominium" means a single-family or time-sharing ownership unit that has at least one other similar unit within the same building structure. The term Condominium includes all fee-simple or titled multi-unit structures, including townhouses and duplexes. The term Condominium includes single-family detached houses on lots less than 50 feet wide, such as zero-lot line homes. Hi.qh rise condominiums are considered structures with three or more floors of dwellinq units. "Conqregate Care (ACLF)" means a facility typically consistin.q of one or more multiunit buildinqs desi.qned for elderly livin.q. They may also contain dinin.q rooms, medical facilities, and recreational facilities. Also known as "Assisted Livin.q Facility". "Convenience StoreMar-ket" means a facility typically open from 15 to 24 hours daily selling primarily a limited assortment of food, food preparation and wrapping materials and household cleaning and servicing items. Convenience ~stores may also sell fuel for motor vehicles. "Day Care Center" means a facility that cares for pre-school age children during the daytime hours. The facility generally includes classrooms, offices, eating areas and a playground. "Gasoline Stations" are generally located at intersections or freeway interchanges and have facilities for fuelinq motor vehicles. They may also have facilities for servicing and repairin.q motor vehicles. This land use includes gasoline stations without convenience stores. "General Industrial" facilities provide for the conversion of raw materials into finished products, or the assembly of components manufactured elsewherre into integrated products. Examples of general industrial activities include printing plants, material testinq laboratories, assemblers of data processing equipment, and power stations. "Golf Course" means an area designed for playing the game of golf, including any clubhouse, with or without bar and banquet facilities. "Home Improvement Super Stores" are free-standinq warehouse type facilities with off-street parking. Home improvement superstores generally offer a variety of customer services and centralized cashierinq, and they specialize in the sale of home improvement merchandise. They typically maintain long store hours seven days a week. Examples of items sold in these stores include lu.rnber, tqols, paint, li.qhtinR, wallpaper and paneling, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, lawn equipment, and garden plants and accessories. "Hospital" means any institution where medical or surgical care is given to nonambulatory and ambulatory patients. Hospitals do not include facilities that provide diagnoses and are only for outpatients (See Medical Office) nor do they include facilities that are devoted to the care of a person unable to care for themselves (See Nursing Home). "Hotel" means a place of lodging, providing sleeping accommodations, restaurants, cocktail lounges, meeting and banquet rooms, and other retail and service shops. "Junior/Community College" means all two or four-year post high school educational institutions which utilize the name "college" in their titles. "Marina" means a facility for berthing boats, including any ancillary social or club facilities "Medical Office" means a facility for individual or small groups of physicians, that provide diagnoses and outpatient care, but not prolonged in-house medical or surgical care. "Mini-Warehouse" means a building in which a storage unit or vault is rented for the storage of goods. "Mobile Home" means trailers and manufactured homes. Recreational vehicles and campers which have been affixed to a site or which have been received an RP land use classification by the Property Appraiser shall be considered a mobile home for the purpose of this Ordinance. "Motel" means a place of lodging offering only sleeping accommodations and possibly a restaurant. "Movie Theaters" consist of audience seatin,q, sin.qle or multiple screens and auditoriums, a lobby, .a.n.d a refreshment stand. "Multi-Family Dwelling Unit" means a rental dwelling unit located within the same building as other dwelling units and includes apartments. "New or Used Auto Sales" are typically located alon.q maior arterial streets that are characterized by abundant commercial development. Automobile repair services, parts sales, and substantial used car sales may also be available. Some dealerships also include leasin.q options and truck sales and servicin,q. "Nursing Home" means a facility whose primary function is to care for persons unable to care for themselves, including rest homes (which are primarily for the aged) and chronic and convalescent homes. "Office" means a building housing one or more tenants where the affairs of a business, commercial or industrial organization, professional person or firm are conducted. "Pharmacy/Drug Store" are retail facilities that primarily sell prescription and non-prescription dru.qs. These facilities may also sell cosmetics, toiletries, medicat, ip.n.s, stationery, personal care products1 limited food products, and general merchandise. These druq stores may also contain drive-through windows. "Recreational Vehicle Park" means a facility for the temporary siting of recreational vehicles and may have community facilities such as recreational rooms, swimming pools and laundry facilities. "Resort Hotel" are similar to hotels in that these provide sleeping accommodations, restaurants1 cocktail Iounqesl retail shops1 and .quest services. The primary difference is that resort hotels cater to the tourist and vacation business, often providing a variety of recreational facilities, rather than convention and meetin.q business. Resort hotels are normally located in suburban or outlying locations on lar.qer sites than conventional hotels. "Restaurant: drive-in" means an eating establishment with limited or no sit- down facilities, where food is frequently ordered and taken out to be consumed outside the restaurant. '"Restaurant: high turnover" means an eating establishment with indoor service and places for customers to sit while consuming their meals, with turnover being less than one hour. "Restaurant: Iow turnover" means an eating establishment with indoor service and places for customers to sit while consuming their meals, with turnover being of at least one hour or more. "Retail" means one or more establishments devoted to selling merchandise goods and products to consumers. "Retirement Home" means one or more dwelling units consisting of apartments, condominiums or a self-contained village which is restricted to adults or senior citizens who are self-sufficient. "School" means facilities which provide educational training between kindergarten and high school. "Self Service Car Wash" are typically free-standin.q automobile washin,q facilities. They usually consist of several bays with pressure washinR equipment. They may be staffed or un-staffed. These car washes are not the variety that are found in conjunction with a ,qasoline station or convenience store. "Service Station" means a facility primarily designed for dispensing fuel to motor vehicles, including maintenance and repair services. "Single-Family Detached House" means a home on an individual lot, except detached homes on lots less than 50 feet wide, such as zero-lot line homes. "Specialty Retail" centers are .qen. erall¥ small bui!din.qs that contain a variety of retail shops and specialize in quality apparel; hard .qoods; and services such as real estate offices, dance studios, florists, and ,small restaurants. "Supermarket" means a retail store selling an assortment of food, food preparation and wrapping materials and household cleaning and servicing items. Supermarkets are usually open less tan 14 hours per day. "Tire Store" means the primary business is the sales and marketinq of tires fo~ automotive vehicles. Services offered by these stores usually include tire installation and repair, as well as other automotive maintenance or repair services and customer assistance. These stores .qenerally do not contain larqe stora.qe or warehouse areas. "University" means all four-year post high school educational institutions which utilize the name "university" in their title. JanuaW 11.2000 APPENDIX A RATE SCHEDULE For the purpose of calculating the Road Impact Fee to be imposed under Section 2.01 of the Ordinance, the following schedule shall be utilized: IMPACT FEE LAND USE CATEGORY IMPACT FEE RATE RESIDENTIAL 1 Single Family Detached House 2, [,ess than 1.500 SF $1.825/dwelling unit 3. 1.500 to 2.499 SF 2.433/dwelling unit 4, 2.500 SF or larger 2.871/dwelling unit _43. Multi-Family (1-2 stories) 1.800--962/dwelling unit 53. Multi-Family (3-9 stories) 1.811--93S/dwelling unit 64. Multi-Family (10 stories & above) 1.147 ~07!dwelling unit 7, Congregate Care Facility !ACLF) 263/dwelling unit 86. Condominium/Townhouse 1.512 84~!dwelling unit 96. Mobile Home Park 1,053 52~/dwelling unit _l..~z. Retirement Home 1,012 455/dwelling unit 11. High-Rise Condominium 1.079/dwelling unit 128. Hotel $1.762! ,! 13!room 13g. Motel 892 ! ,327/room 14, Resort Hotel 1.550/room Recreational Vehicle Park 1.065/mh site ! 0,7~. ~.!"crc COMMERICAL Recreation 16, Golf Course $156.334/18 holes 17. Movie Theaters 10.571/screen ~. Marina 8625 457/boat berth Institutional _1_~14. Hospital $3.76,. ..... /1,000 sq. ft. Z_O-I~. Nursing Home 340!8?/bed 214-6. Church 2.190-1~G3/1,000 sq. ft. 21. Elementary_ School 213/studen~ 23, Middle School 322/student 23. High School 4211stqdent 17. Schoo! ! 50/s*.ud~nt 2,.,5-1-8. Junior/Community College 382183/student Z._6-1~. University 590327/student 272~. Day Care 2256g/student H:~Public\Hennic\HFA\Ordinanccs~2000\lnt. Road Imp. Fccs APPENDIX A.doc Janua~ 11.2000 34. 50, 52. 53. 40. 4!. Office Office - 50,000 SF or less Office- 50,001 - 100,000 SF Office- 100,001 -200,000 SF Office - 200,001 - 400,000 SF Office - greater than 400,000 SF Medical Office Retail SpecialN Retail Retail - 50,000 SF or less Retail - 50,001 - 100,000 SF Retail- 100,001 - 150,000 SF Retail- 150,001 -200,000 SF Retail - 200,001 - 400,000 SF Retail - 400,001 - 600,000 SF Retail- 600,001 - 1,000,000 SF Retail - greater than 1,000,000 SF pharmacy/Drug Store w/Drive-Thru Home Improvement Su0erstore Restaurant: high turnover Restaurant: Iow turnover Restaurant: drive-in Service Station Supermarket Quick Lube Convenience Store Convenience Store w/Gas Pumps Convenience/Gas/Fast Food Store Services $3.9472,453!1,000 sq. ft. 3.3612,078!1,000 sq. ft. 2.861 ! ,753/1,000 sq. ft. Z,_4.58-J-r47411,000 sq. ft. 2.2181,25211,000 sq. ft. 7.2663,638/1,000 sq. ff. $6.110/1.000 so., ft. $3.358!,75511,000 sq. It. 3.838-1-~/1,000 sq. ft. 3.9112,048/1,000 sq. ff. 4.0322, !30/1,000 sq. ff. 4.5142,3E8/1,000 sq. ff. 4.7502,508/1,000 sq. ff. 4.9842,785/1,000 sq. ft. 5.0512,708/1,000 sq. ff. 3,589/1.000 sa. ft, 4.354/1.000 sa. ft. lO.575 8,388!1,ooo sq. ft. 9.3107,08!11,o00 sq. ff. 21.161!~,8!8/1,000 sq. ff. 54,!2. Auto RepairlBody Shop 55, Tire Store 56. New/Used Auto Sales 43=.57. Bank/Savings: walk-in 5844. Bank/Savings: drive-in 594~. Car Wash Industrial and Agricultural 60. General Industrial 61, Business Park (Flex-space) 47. .Mar, ufac!ur!n~ ~2.~ Mini-warohou~ 2,40~-989/fuel pospump 4.4182,825/1,000 sq. ft. 4.570/bay 11.468/1.000 sq. fl. 6.913/fuel pos 13,182/1,000 sa., ft, $4.456!,33811,000 sq. ft. 3.268/bays 8.093/1.000 sq. ft. 6.636,3~/1,000 sq. ft. 11.12 ...... tl,000 sq. ft. 10.017/bay 7,205/!,000 sq..ff. $2.279/1.000 sq, ft, $4.385/1.000 sq. ft. ~78/! ,OOO *..q. fl. 56723g/1,000 sq. ft. H:~Public\Hcnnie\HFA\Ordinances~20OO\lnt. Road Imp. Fees APPENDIX A.doc STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 2000-03 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 11th day of January, 2000, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 14th day of January, 2000. D WIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and. ~x-off~c~o eo Boar~~ County Commiss lo~e~s::: By: Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk