Ordinance 81-21ORDI~ANCB ~0, 8! - 21 AN ORDINANCE AH~NDING TI[K "COLLIER COUNTY ~UII,DINO CODE" AHEND]NG CI[APTER 7, ARTICLE OF TIlE COL~,IER COUNTY CODE~ ~Y ~DO~I~G TI~ 5T~A~D DUILDIHG COD~ 1979 EDITIOH~ lHO APPE~ICgS A~ D~ C~ P~ g, F~ ]1, I~ J AND L ~D; ~ND~NTS TO ~: STANDA~ BUJLD~NO CODK~ 1~80 RKVISJONS, COLLIER COUNTY A~E~D- ~NTS REFERENCING TO Tile ADOVE; CREATINO SECTION I03.4(b) REFERRING TO ~SAFE INa; CREATING SECTION 105.2(c) REFERRING TO APPLICATION FOR PERNIT; CREATING SECTION 105.8 RE~RRING TO NININU~I FLOOR ELEVATION; CREATING SECTION ~05.9 REFERRING TO S~D ELEVATION; A~NDINfl SECTION ~06.3 RE~RRIN~ TO CONDITION OF PERNIT; ~gNDIND SECTIONS 107.1 BY INCORPO~TIN~ ~ TO SECTION 3, Cl[APTER 67-1233, LAWS OF FLORIDA, ~ 107.2 (b) AND 107.4 REFERRING FEES; ~IENDING SECTION ~07.5 REFERIIING TO BUILDING PE[~IIT VALUATIO~; CREATING SECTION 107.6 REFERRING TO E~f~PTION OF PER~IT FEES; ~E~ING SECTION 108.2(~ & b) REFERRING TO INSPECTIONS ~QUIRED; A~[ERD SECTION 109.2 REFERRING TO CONTENTS OF CERTIFICATE; A[IE~ SECTION 112.1 (~) REFERRING TO APPEALS; A~END SECT]ON I13.2(a & C) REFERRING TO TIlE DO~D OF ~JUSTf~NTS ~ APPEALS BY INCORPO~TI~D AN A~NDNENT TO SECTION 10, ClIA~ER ~WS OF FLORIDA; ~ND SECTION 201.2 REFER=~ RING TO TENSE GENDERS AND ~IBER; SECTION 301.~(c) AND 304(b) REFERRING TO FIRE~ DISTRICT; A~ SECTION ~03.2 REFERRING TO~ TENANT SEPA~TING; ~ SECTION 506.6(n)4 ~FERRIND TO CENTRAL CONTROL STATION; SECTION 506.5(o)1 REFERRING TO Sf[O~ CONTROL;~ ANEND SECTION 506.6(n)2 REFERRING TO ELEVA~ TORS; Af~ SECTION 608.3(a)3 ~FERRIND ~PROTECTED EXTERIOR WALL OR P~LS; AflE~ SECTION 701.1(b) REFERRING TO ENCLOSURE OF ~RTICAL OPENINGS AND SItAFTS; ANE~ SECTION 706.6 REf'ERRING TO ~OD SI[INGLES AND SlIAKES; Af~ND SECTIONS 902.1, 902.3(a & b) REFERRING TO ST~DPIPE REQUI~gNTS; SECTION 1104.5 REFE~ING TO ENERGENCY EGRESS OPENINGS; CREATING SECTION ll08.1(f) REFER- RING TO EX~RIOR BALCONIES; C~ATING SECTION 1126(b) ~gFERRING TO FIRE A~S; ~END SECTION 1302.2 (n) REFERRING TO BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL; A~IE~ SECTION 2101.9(c) RE= FERRIND TO STANDPIPES; ~E~ APPENDIX J ~FERRING TO ENERGY CONSERVATION; REPEALING ORDINANCES 76=68, 77=28, 77=37, 78=72, 79-93, 81-2 SPECIAL ACTS CNAPTE.~ 67=1233, SECTIONS 1, 2, A, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9~ 11, 12 AND 13, LAWS OF F~RIDA ~D PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, SEVER- ~CE, PENALTIES, ~ PROVIDIN~ AN EFFECTI~ DATE. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TliE BOARD OF COUNTY CO[IMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Collier County Buildin~ Code, Chapter 7, Article ! of tho Collier County Code i~ hereby amended nm followa~ ** ~CTION Tho "Standard 9ulldJnl Code 1979 £dLtton' vith 1980 revisions and ,.. including Appendices A, 9, C, D, B, F, II, I, J and L ss pnblished by the Southern 9ullding Code Congress International, Inc. and aa amended herein~ ta hereby adopted by reference sa U~e "Collier County Buildinl Code'~ to protect the health, we]fare~ safety, common interest and con- venience of the citizen~, visitors and residents of Collier County, ~lorida, $£CTIO~ TI~O: The Standard ~uildtn8 Code is hereby amended to read as: Section ]03.6 - Unsafe Buildings Defined: Add ne~ Section (b) :o read as follovs: Any building or structure ~tth any of the follo~ing defects shall he deemed a "dangerous building': (1) An exterior ~all or other structural member ~h'L.b ~as designed to be vertical and has a list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls ouCaide of the middle hal£ o[ its baas. (2) A thirty-three p~rcent (33%) or more of damage or deCeri- oration of the s~pporting member, or members, or fifty percent (50~) of damage or deterioration of the non-supporting enclos- ing, or outside ~alls or covering, exclusive of the founda- tion. (3) Loads improperly distributed upon the floors or roofs, or ~hich are o ~rloaded, or have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the p,rpose used. (&) Damaged by fire, rind or other causes so as to be dangerous to life, safety~ or the general health and ~el£are of the occu- pa~ts, area residents, or the public. (5) Dllapidated~ decayed, un~afe, or unsanitary conditions, or conditions ~hich are unfit for human habitation or are likely to cause sickness or disease, so as to ~ork tn~,ry to the health~ safety or g~neral ~elfare si the public, or of those living therein. (6) Inadequate light! air and sanitation factlitiel to protect tho · health! safety or genera! vel~are of human beings ~ho live or say live therein. (7) 2nadequate facilities for egress in case of fire er panic, or these having insufficient stairways, elevators er fire. cepel. (8) Parts which are attached that may fall end injure members the public, or damage property. Section 105.2 - For....~m: Add new Section (c) to read as follow,: ~henever · licensed builder or contractor de,ires to designate en agent to apply for and receive · buildins permit, said desi2nation ,hall be by a written power of attorney, and separate notarized letter of consent shall be required for each specific project or permit request. (2) An application for a building permit for single family, duplex or alteration thereto will bc accompanied by a non-refundable filing fee in the amount of $25.00, and in the amount of $~00.00 for commercial, multi-family bu(ldinga and alteration thereto. This fee shall be known as the ~ilin$ fee, and will be credited towards any fees required upon the actual issuance of a building permit. No application for s permit ah,il be accepted nnless accompnnied by the appropriate filing fee. If the permit fee is not paid within six (6) months of the date of plea review completion, the permit application will be void. (3) An owner-builder ~ill be issued a maximum of one (1) owner- builder permit for a single family or duplex home in say three (3) year period, Section 105.8 - Htnimum Floor Elevation: Add new ~ection to read as follows: No building permit shall be issued for commercial or residen- tial buildings unless thc plans therefore show that construction of the finished floor elewtion is established a minimum of eighteen inches (18") above the crown of ~he nearest street if finished with paving, or twenty-four incites (24") above the crown if sraded or otherwise unflniahed, or ,even feet (7') above Haan See Level baaed on tho 1929 National Vertical Datum or at the elevations that have been established I,y the flood insurance rate maps fie mentioned Ln Lhe ¥1ood Damage Prevention Ord/nnnce in Collier Cmmtyt Ordinance 79-62, along wlLh Lite reqnired bnLldinR and coustruction tochniques and methodat or such hf~her elevation aa may be estab- lished by lawt whichever ia the hlsheat. Ground elevations aha1! be Irsdually sloped away from tho buildtn8 to effectively drain water away from tho buildins. In projects where natural or unusua! conditions exiat~ finished flood elevation may be determined by the Building Director upon submission of certified evidence by either · Florida Re~stered Engtueer~ Architect or Land Surveyor. Section 105.9 - tlinimt~m Slab Elevations: Add new section to read aa follows: All slabs for garages~ carports~ screen enclosurest etc. must be at least equal to the crown of the nearest street. In projects where natural or unusual conditions extat~ the slab elevation may be determined by the Bttilding Director upon submission of certified evidence Uy either a Florida Registered Eng~neer~ Architect or Land Surveyor. Section ~06.3 = Conditions of the Permit: Amend section ~o add ~he following: The first ex~enalon of ninety ~90) days may be authorized by the Buildin8 Official upon payment of a filin8 fee of $27.50 and one additional extension of ninety (~0) days may be authorized by the Board of County Commissioners upon payment of # filin8 fee of $27.50. All permits that have been in effect for more than t~elve (12) months at the time of passase of this Ordinance and for which no inspection has been performed within six (G) months prior to the date of this Ordinance, are herewith cancelled unless prior written extension has been 81yen. Suspension or abandoment ahalX be deemed to have occurred when an inspection has not been called for within a six (6) month period, or if the Building Official determines that no substantial effort toward construction has been expended within any six (~) month period. Section 107.1 - General: Delete section and substitute the followlns: (a) Incorporating the followinS which amends Section 3 of Chapter 67-1233, Lava of Florida: The Roard of Connty Commissioners may provJdn ascheduZc of inspection fees in order tn defer the cost of inapec~ion and enforcement of the provisions of tala code and any amend- ments thereto. (b) A permit shall not be issued until the fees prescribed ~n tliJs Bection shsl! have heen paid. Nor Ih·l! an amendment to · permit be approved unit! the additional fee, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building or structure, shall hsve been paid. Such permit fees shall be nonrefundable. Section 107.2(b) o Failure to Obtain s Permit: Delete section (b) and substitute the following: (b) l;here said work is commenced hefore a permit is obtained; the Building Officifll may issue a building permit by assessing a fee of four times the normal permit fee, hut in fie case shall the fee be less than eec Jlundred Dollars ($100.00). In addi- tion, the Building Official may cause or order such tests or inspections of the structure already constructed, altered or repaired sa he may, in his discretion, determine to be acces- ser-/ to insure that the requirements of this Ordinance, or any other ordinance establishing stsndards for construction, have been met, and the applicant for the permit shell bear al! coats of such tests or Inspections. 107.4 - Schedule of Permit Fees: Delete Appendix "K' and substitute the follo~in~: (a) Determinflt~on of Fees: For all constructions~ erecLions~ alterations~ repatrs~ the permit fee is to be based upon the construction contract/ agreement using the following schedule: [ess than $100.O0 - No Permit Required (except electrical~ mechanical and/or plumbing) $100.00 through $&,999.99 - A Fee of ~27.50 $5~000.00 through $A9,999.99 - A Fee of $12.50 plus $5.00 per thousand dollars or fraction thereof of building valuation in ~xceaa o: ~2,000.001 ~50,000.00 through $1,000,000.00 - A Fee o£ $252.50 p~us $2.50 per thou#and dollars nr fraction thereof of buildinl valuation in exce,# of ~50,000.00; Over $1,000,000.00- A Fee of $2,627.50 pins $2.00 per thousand dollars of buildlnR vsluatJon in excess of $1,000,O00.00; (b) ~Xceptions! A Fee of $27.50 - To move a building, sign or structure A Fee of $27.50 - To move & single trailer or mobile home, to an approved areai A Fee of $60.00 - To move a double wide trailer or mobile home to an approved area; A Feu of $27.50 - Demolition of a building; Any additional inspections of any type required due to the Job not being ready for inspection shall result in an additional fee of $10.00 for tile first recall, $20.00 for the second recall, and $25.00 for the third recall and each successive recall. Section 107.5 - l]uildinF~_Pe.rmit Valuations: Delete section and substitute tire fall. owing: notarized statement of contract cost or a copy of the conLract or agrcemellto (b) Specific minimum co~ts shall be computed as follows: (a) Living Areas (b) Garages, carports, porches, nnd workshops (c) Screened Roof Areas (d) Riprap Seawalls (e) Vertical Seawalls (f) Roofs For all other constructions, $24.00 per square foot $18.00 per square foot $ 1.50 per square foot $20.00 per lineal foot $35.00 per lineal fool $75.00 per square erections, alterations, or repairs, the cost of construction will be determinnd by reference to the contract price. This shall include but not be limited to enclosures, docks, sprinkler systems, fences, parking lots, driveways and water and sewer plant systems. Section 107.6 - Exemption of Permit Fees: Add new section to read as follows: Only Federal, State and local government shall be exempt from payment of permit fees. All other applicants will be charged in accordance with adopted fee schedules. ~[ectfon 108.2 (a) - lnsl~ectiona Da]eta seccion (i) and .uhstitut~ thn ~ollo~n~= Th~ ~ulldlng OEEtc~al aha11 in.pace or coupe to be in.pected it vartou, interval, all conakcuc~ton or york tot ~hlch · pe~t~ t. ~e~u~c~, ~nd ~ ~nal 1n.pecCton .ha11 be made o~ every building o= Itguc~ure upon completion, pcloc to the ~..uance oE the ot Occ~pan-y, a~ requ~ced tn Section lOB. The.e inspection. ~nc]ude, bu~ a=e not limited to: ~lectrlcal, ~lumb~ng, A~r Conditioning, Zoning and Engtneeg~nS. In o~dec to ~ac~lttate the ~equ~red ~n.pecCions, the perm~ holde~ shall ~ucn~.h and provide a~ the .t~e o[ cons~ruc~ton adequate ladders, or o~her means of acces~ for use b7 inspector~. Section ]08.2(b) - ~n~ectton~ R~utred: ~end ~ec~ion (b) ~o add ~he A dup~ica~e CounLy permi~ card wi]~ be issued for a fee of ~5.00. ]f perml~ card la de~royed or ~o~ no inspections wl~ be made untl~ card la proper]7 po~Ced on Job. ~ec~ion 109.2 - Con~en~ of Ce~C~fica~e: Delete oecL/on and st~bstitut~ the following: Upon completion of ~ b~i]dint hereafter erected In ~ccordance ~ith ~pproved pl~n~ and this Cod~, and ~fter the final inspection · nd ~pproval herein referred to by the Building~ Zoning, Engineer- ing =nd ]~ealth Dcpart~e~t~, ,nd other required inspections, ~nd upon ~pplication thereto, the Building Official aha11 issue Certificate of Occupancy. Section ll2.1 ~a) - Time ~imlt: ~end section (a) by amending fee from from '$10.00 to ~75.00'. Section 113.2~ ~ c) Decisions of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. ~end ~ection (a) b~ oeleting the first sentence and substituting: Every decision of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals ~hall be final, ~ubJecL Lo a Judicial review by an ~ggrieved party, a~ provided herein in Section 113.2(c). Delete ~ection (e) a~,d substit~te the following, ~hich a=end= Section 10, Chapter 67-1233, r.~ of Florida~ 7 ....... [1~ J ~ Review of decisions of the Board nf Adjustment end Appeals is exclusively by the circuit court of Collier Comity. Any. per,on or ~eraona, Jointly or severally, aEgrleved by any decision o~ the ~oetd o~ Adjustment and Appeals may present to the citcut~ court o~ :oilier County a petition, duly vett~ied~ setting forth that such decision is illegal, tn who]e or in part, and spect~ying the 8rounds of the illegality. S~wh petition shall be presented to the court vithtn thirty (30) days a~:et the deeision of the Board o~ Adjustment and Appeals. Upon the prc:entation of s,ch petition the court may allow a writ of certiorari directed to the ~oatd o~ Adjustment and Appeals to review such decision o~ the Board o~ Adjustment and Appeals and shall prescribe therein the time v~thta ~hich a return thereto m,~st be made and served upon relator'~ attorneyt ~hich shall not he less than ten (10) days and may be extended by the court. The allowance o~ the wrtt shal~ not ~tay proceedings upon the decision appealed from, but the court may, on app1~catton, on notice Lo the board~ and on due rouse ahown~ 8rant a restraining order. The Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall not be required to return the original papers acted upon by it, but it shall be sufficient to return certified or sworn copies thereof or of such portions thereof os may be called for by such writ. The return shall concise)y set forth such other facts aa may he pertinent and material to show the grounds of the decision appealed from and shall be verified. If, upon the hearing, it sh~ll appear to the court that testimony ts necessary for the proper disposition of the matter, it may take evidence or appoint a referee to take such evidence as it may direct and report same to the court with his findings of fact nnd conclnsions of low, which shall constitute a part of the proceedings upon which the determinntion of the court shall be made. ~ectton 201.2 - Tense, ~ender nnd Number: ~end aectlon to add the following: ~IDE~CE: A residence shall not house more than two living unite. Any structure constrncted to house three (3) or more living un/ts shall be considered aa a co~erciaI structure for purposes of th/~ code. Delete definition o[ STI~UCTUI~F, s~ld aid)silicate the ~ollovlnl~: STRI~CTU~I~ AnythtnR constructed or erected~ nl~ml~l~d built, ~hlch reqt~lre~ a [fxed ]ocatinn on or In the 8round~ o~ ~ttached ko ~omcthfng by ~ny mean~ havln8 · ~ixed loc~t~on on or the ground. Add nc~ Section (c) to r~ad as Fo~ th~ purpose of this Code~ there ~s hereby established Fire District, The following zoning districts ss indicated on the zoflin8 maps of Collier County, Florida are vithin the established Fire District: Coastal Zones ~*CC"~ "PC"~ "GRC", "CI"~ 2~okalee Zones "I-C-l", "I-C-2", "I-C=3"~ '*I-C-~"~ 'I" and ~lnieum T~e ~ ~2, I~, IV, and V construction as provided in ~ec= t~ons 502, 603, 50A, 605 sad ~06 of the Stnndsrd ~uild~n8 Code, hereby required for buildtnRs erected In the F~re District. 8ectlo~ 30~ - ~*~on to ~cstriction~ in Fire District: Add new Section (b) to rend as follows: ~e VI Constr~ction ~,i]l be perm~ttcd i~ the ~ollow~ng co~- dit~ons are met: (l) The bui)ding ~s constructcd totnll~ o~ fire retardant wood. total sprl~ler s~stcm ~s required when a huildin8 exceeds 2~500 square ~cet. (2) The structure docs not exceed one (1) story above flood (3) The ~ol]owtn~ three (3) occupanc~ classes are included ~n these exceptions: ~lerc~ntile, Business, Small Assemblies. Section ~03.2 =Tensnt ~en~ the section by adding: "Such separation shall extend from the foundation to the un- derside of the roof shc~tl~ing." Section 506.~(~)4 - Central ~ontrol Station: ~end the Section by adding: (~l~rific~tion ~nd Intent) All ~levators are to be connected to a transfer buss, la th~ ·veng of power failure the elevators will, on~ ~t ~ ttm~, Xo to th~ tlrs~ floor, duor ope~l and remain, Then, o.ly the elevator ! 9 fled uudcr 506.7(b)1 and 50G.6(a)5 will oper, te from tile cmcrgc,cy generator. Controls are to ba set so that only one elevator cnn operaLe, ° Section 506,~_~. - fimoke ControZ~ Delete section nnd aubstttuto tho £ollowtng: Panela or windows that can be oponed by other than breaking or, dislodging and have a minimum width and height of 22 inches x 22 inches. Such panels or windows shall be distribnted around the perimeter of thc building at not more than fifty (50) feet inter- vals. Such panels shall be clearly identified. Section 506.~(a)2 - Elevators: Amend this section hy adding thc following: *'Elevator lobbies in exterior corridors will require smoke detectors or heat dctectors. Section ~08.3 a.~ - Un_~otccted Ex,crier ~all or Panels: Amend Section (al3 to subs:itute reference of 703.1 in place of 703.3. Section 701.1_.~ General requirements for enclosures of vertical 2P~~ sb~fts. Amend tile section by deleting the words "in excess of 200 square l~ches". Section 706.6 - Wood Shingles and Shakes: Amend Section to add the following restrletions: (1) AIl multi-family (triplex and above) using wood shingles or shakes shall use Class "C" fire resistant wood shingles or shakes unless restricted by other code requirements. (2) Group housing projects consisting of slnglc-f~mily or duplex units with buildings less than 15 feet apart must comply with restriction (1) above. Section 902.1 - Requirements: Delete "Exception Section" and substitute "NFPA 14~ Chapter 3 (1978 Edition)". Section 902.3(a & h) - Standpipes Requiredl Delete sections (a & b) and substitute tho following: "Buildings three (3) stories in height sh~ll have · Class ! dr~ ~tandptpo ~atcm, Buildings moro than three (3) stories, er 10 ' over 50 feet in height (see de£1nitlen Chapter 2, Slit) al:nil be provided ~lth s Class III ~eL standpipe system.' SecLton 902,5 - ~d t es Durin ConsLrnctto~l DeLete section and aubatitute the ~ollo~n8 NFPA ~4~ Chaptec 8 (1978 Edition). ~ec~ion 1101.5 - Emer ~c E ~ss O entn Delete section ~nd substitute the (a) ~umber of Exits In any g~elltni of more ~h~n two rooms~ every bedroom and living room area shall bare at least t~o means of escape~ at least one of ~hich shall be a door or stairway provldtua a means of unobstructed travel to the outside of the building at street or lround level. ~o bedroom or ltvtni room area shall be accessible by only a ladder or folding stairs~ or ~hrou~h a tr~p door. (b) Type of S~cond He,ns of Escape. The second means of e~cape ~hall be either: (l) A door or stairway providing a moons of unobstructed travel to the outside oi the building a~ street or ~round le~el ~ or (2) An outside ~lndow opennble from the inside ~ithout the use of tools and providln~ ~ clear opening of no~ less then 20 inches in ~tdth~ 2a inches tn height, and 5.7 square feet in arcs. The bottom of ~he opentn~ shall not be more than t~ inches above the floor. Exception: If the room has a door leadinE directly our- aide of the bu/ldlni to Erade~ a ~ccond means of escnpe shall not be required. (c) ArranEemen~ of Heans of E~ress No required path of travel to the outside from any room be throuih another room or apartment not under the i~edinte control of the occupant of the first roo~ or his f~m/ly~ nor throuih · bathroom or other space subject to locking. This section shall be applicable to all residential buLl~inis up through the first slx (6) stories. 11 :%:.! S~ctlen 110R.1 -Cenera! Rxterior ~alconies= Add ncw Section (f) to read ss £ollows= , This section will apply to interior public balconies equally. Section 1126 - Fire Alarm: Add ~ new Seclion (b) to read as £ollows: The alarm shall, sound in tho following areas where fire alarms are required: (1) Elevators (2) Elevator lobbies (3) Corridors Exit stairways ($) Rooms and tenant spaces exceeding one thousmnd (1,000) sq. ft. in area, (6) Dwelling units in apartment houses. (7) I[otol and motel rooms or suites. (8) Dormitory areas. Section 1302.2(a} - Bearing Capacity of Soil: Amend Section (a) by adding the following: Compaction shall be determined by ~odi£ied Procter. I£ the £111 is less than 18" of vertical depth, a density test shall be required for the full depth taken aC the finished grade surface. If the fill is greater than 18' of vertical depth, the density teat shall be taken at each 12" vertical thicknes~. Amend Section ~c) by adding the following: Such evidence shall be as outlined in (a) above. Section 2101,9(c} - Standpipes: Delete section {c) and substitute N~PA !4~ Chapter 8 {1978 Edi- tion). Appendix "J" - ~nergy Conservation: Delete Section and substitute tbs State Florida Hodel Energy Effi- ciency Building Code. SECTION TI~ER: Repeal o~ Previous Ordinances. Ordinances numbered 7~-68~ 77-~8~ 77-37, 78-7l~ 79-93 and 81-~ are' hereby repealed as are Sections 1~ 1~ i~ 5~ ~ 7~ S~ 9~ 11~ 11 sad 13 of ell, 67-1133 Laws o~ Florida, SECTION FOUR: Con[lie[ and Severnnce. In the event this Ordinance con£1LcLs with any otlmr applicnhle law~ the more restrictive Jhnl! apply. If any portion of Lhts ~l in conflict with any ordinance of any municipality within Collier County, It shall not be effective v/thin that municipality to tile exten~ o~ such conflict. If any section, subset:ion, scn:cnce~ c[ausc, phrna~ or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or uncous:i:utionn[ by any court of compctcnC Jurisdiction~ such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision of such holding and shall not effect the validity o~ the remaining porLlon hereof. SECTION FIVE: Penalties A violation of any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor and thc violator shall be punished according to law. Each violn~ion shall consCitute a separate offense. In addition to thc civil remedies pro- vidcd herein, the Board of County Conunisnion~rs shall have the po~er to colhtera[ly enforce the provisions no:~thsCnnding any prosecution as a misdemeanor. SECTION SIX: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall tskc effect upon receipt of noc£cc from Secretary o~ Scare Chat this Ordinance has bccn fi]ed ~i[h cae Secretary of State. PASSED A~D DULY ADOPTED by tbs Board of County Commissioners of Collier CounCy, Florida Chis 28[h day of April , 19~1. RDIkels~RI69-A BOARD OF COUNTY CO~;tIISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Donald A. Ptckwor~h Coungy A~[orney This ordinance filed with the Secretary of Office on the 5th day of May, 1981 and acknow- ledgement of that filing received ~his 7th day of }{ay, 1981. · STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, ~{ILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of CoUrts in and for the ~wontieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-21 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session April 28, 1981. WITNESS my ]]and and tho official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 1st day of May, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-off/cio to Bo.trd of County Com.~issioners ,,,'~,\~'t~//:, ~ ,~ ~ :... '...,~. ~'. ~,'...