Ordinance 81-03FLORIDA, T~L~T: SECTION ONE: · Section Two of Ordinance No. 76-h8 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION Tt40. A. Requirements concernin~ use of 8rounds and facilities. Each person, firm, or corporation using the County Public Parks, grounds, ·nd public beach ·cc·ss area· shall clean up all debris, extinautah all fires when such fires ·re permitted, and leave the premises in seed order, and the facilities in a neat and sanit·~/ condit~on. No person shall dump, deposit, or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, or other trash anywhere on the grounds of the parks' other than in proper receptacles provided therefore, end no such re, use trash shall be placed in ·ny waters in or contiguou~to the park. ~hlle receptacles are so provided, all such rubbish oz~ ~"~ waste shall be carried away from the park or beach acce~ by the person responsible for its presence, and p~erlyc~ disposed of elsewhere. B. Definition. For purposes of this Ordinance, the term "County shall mean · land or water site publicly owned, opera- ted, or controlled, that ia used for public recreational pur- poses. For purposes of this Ordinance, the term "County Park" shall include beach access areas which have been deeded or dedicated for public use. Beach access area shall mean any assent, street0 alley0 rllht-of-eay or any other property deeded or dedlcsted to the public £or the purpose o£ the Imblie 8ccess to besches 8cross public or privste pro~er~y, · Section ~ree of OrdXnence ~o. 76-48 Is hereby amended to read ~o peFson shs~, w~th~n County PaFk boundac~es: A. D~sobey the lav~u~ ond reosoflab~e oFdeF oF o po~ce or disregard the no~ices, prohi~itiofls, instructions or direc- tions on any por~ si~fls~ includiflE rules ond relulftions posted on ~he ~rounds or buildinEs in said parks. B. Vlllfullyo mark~ defoce, disfiEure, inJure~ to.er with~ or displsce or remove ~ny butldinf~ bridEe~ table~ bench~ fire- place, rmilinf, pavin~ or pavin8 m*terisl~ water line other public utility or parts appurtcnont thcrcof, siins~ notices or placard whether te~oro~ or pe~anent~ monuments, stokes, posts~ or other bouflda~ markers or other st~ctures or equipment, facilities or pork property or purtenances whatsoever, either real or persons1. C. Interfere with, enc~ber, obstruct o~ render donierous any part of the park. D. Climb or lie upon any walls~ fence, shelter~ seat, statue, mon~ent, or any other st~cture. E. Cut~ breaks mutllste, inure, disturb, sever from the sround r~ove oily Srowin~ thinf, includin~ but not ~lmited to, any plont, flo~er, flower bed, shah, tree~ trowth or any branch~ itm~ f~it or leaf thereof; or brini into or have in his possession In fny county park any tool or inst~ent intended to be used for the cuttins thereofs or ony saFden o~ rural i~l~ents or tools ~hich could be used for tho r~val ~reofl or p~le ~ mi~tiin s~y-m8teri81 or debris of kind against or upon tho sam or attach any rope, cable or ot~er contrivance thereto; or set fire to any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, grass, plant growth or living timber, or su£fer oily fire upon land to extend into park lands; or go upon any prohibited lawn, grass plot or planted area, except at such times and in such mt,er as the Director of the Parks and Recreation Depor~uent my designate. F. Throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay, or other body o£ va,er in or adjacent to say county pork or any tribu- tary, stream, storm sever, or drain flowing into such va,ers, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, vhtch vii1 or may result in the pollution of said raters. G. Disturb the peace, use any profane, obscene or blasphemous language or do any indecent act. Endanger the safety of any person by any conduct or act. I. Co,~it any assault, battery or engage in fighting. Carry, possess, or drink any ,lcoholic liquor in any park. Enter or exit any park facility except at established entrance ways or exits, or at established times. Attach Shy posters or directional signs to trees. M. Cause or permit a dog or other domestic animal to enter. N. Build fires except in specified areds in county parks on cooking grills provided therein. O. Drive any unauthorized vehicle on shy ares within the park except the paved park roads or parking areas; park an author- ized vehicle in other than an established or designated p~rk- ing area; park any unauthorized vehicle in the county park area overnight. Ride a bic~/cle on other than a paved vehicular road or path designated for that purpose; leave a bicycle in & place other than a bicycle rack vhen such is provided, or leave · bicycle 17lng on the ground or paving or shy place or position eo as to present any obstructioe to pedestrian or vehicular troffic, q. l~re, vent aa,/ p~rson froe usinS any park, or soy of its tacili- ties, or ffltorre~ with such uso. in c~lifflce, with this Viol,~ a~ .la for the use of the park ~ich has been posted In . peri.let park pursuant to o~rovol by the Board of County C~lssioners. S. Possess, car~ and/or transpor~ on or about their person or dtscharse any firel~ os defined in j790.001(6)~ Florida Stftutes, excludiflz duly authorized liw enforc~en~ officers in the lawful perfo~ance of their duties. T. Possess, car~, and/or ~rinsport off or about their person any ~lass container in any beach access area. SE~ION Section Six of Ordinance ~o. 76-~8 is hereby emended to read ~s SE~ION SIX: Conflict ~ Severability A. In the event Chis Ordinance conflic~s wi~h other applicable law, the more rcstric~ive shall appl~. I~ any port,on of this Ordinance is in conflic~ wi~h iff ordinance of soy municipality within Collier County, iC shall nsc be effective within ~he ~lcipelity to the excen~ of such conflict. B. If any secLion, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase~ or por- tion of this Ordinance is, for ~ny reasott, held invalid or constitutional by ~ny court of co~e~en~ Jurisdtc~ion, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct ottd independent provision of such holdifl~ end shell no~ ~ffecC the validity of the remainins portion thereof. SE~ION ~: Declaration of Enerlency and Effective Date. ~is Board does hereby declare that an emarsency exists end tha~ imediate enec~enC of this Ordinance is necessary, and by no less than four-fifths (I/5~h) vo~e of the membership of the Board does hereby waive no,ice of in~en~ to consider this Ordinance. A ~r~ified copy of this Ordinance, es enacted, shall be llled the Clerk or the Board. with the Department of S~ate of ~he State of ~oridoo; as soon or,er e~c~n~ os lo proeticeblo by depositins.the' sase with tho postal suthor/tLes of the 8overnoent of tho UnLted States £or specis! delLvery ~ ce~ffied Mi1, postage prepaid, Co ~he Flor/da ~Ls OFdLnonce sho~Z becm effective upon becmins hr, P~ ~ ~Y ~ ~ the bird o~ County CmLssLoneFs of Collier Cowry, ~orLdo, this 27th dry of Anuo~, 1081. ATII.~; ~OE~I) OF COUNTY CO~IISSIONERS VILLIAff J,~, ~ COLLIER CO~, ~RIDA .... .. / ~ - '' ~ /'~/ / / //"Jo~ A. Pis[or, Chaiman ~ ". · , .')' .'~' ' Approved as to fom and ]epl sufficicn~: Collier County Attorney This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 3rd day of February , 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 5th day st February , 1981. ' * % ~TATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM'J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hercby certify that the foregoing is a true original of~ ORDINANCE NO. 81-3 which was adopted by the Board of County Co-.enissioners during Regular Session January 27, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Comissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 29th day of January, 1981.. WILLIA~ J. ~AGAN Ex-officioClerk of CourtSto Boardand of ~' "- ',~.' ;,,...?. '.. ~. ,~ County C~lssioners ~... ?. .'. ~.. ~... ,.'