Ordinance 82-077NO. 82- 77__.____ AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE L-28 INTERCEPTOR CANAL; PROVIDING FOR POSTING OF NOTICE; PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE '~REAS the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County · ~,~h~S' to eliminate the indiscriminate pilfering of wildlife along t),( '~..28 Interceptor canal~ and WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of the public is endangered by the indiscriminate dilcharge of firearms along th~ L-28 interceptor canal; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO;:ERS OJ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT~ ~.TION ONE~ Discharge of Firearms Prohibited 9~, discharge of firearms is hereby prohibited within the f , i.:, ~lorida Water Management District right-of-way of the lnhcrceptor canal, within the boundaries of Collier County, ~ )~icularly described as~ .. A strip of land 400 feet in width extending throughout Section 5, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, said 400 foot strip of land lying Northeast- crly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at r~ght angles to the following specifically scribed line: Fzom the Northwest (NW) corner of said Section 5, the coordinates of which are X - 512,961.71 and Y - 699,119.01, bear North 80O 24' 52" Eat, along the North line of said Section 5, also being the South boundary of the Big Cypress Indian Reservation, a dis- tance of 2,118.79 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, South 28° 31' 00" East, a distance of 3,884.09 feet to the point __ of curvature of a curve to t~e left, hsv'ng a central angle of 26~ 22' 04", , and a radius of 1,200 feet; Thence, Southeasterly, along the arc of maid curve, a distance of 552.25 f~et the point of tendency; -~ Thence, South 54~ 53' 04" East, a n ~ distance of 1,127.05 feet to the i~ter- section thereof with the East line'of ~ ['-- said Section 5, and the end of the~ specifically described line. " ~ ;'"'strip of land 400 feet in width extending ~ throughout the Southwest one-quarter (SW~) o~ Section 4, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, said 400 foot strip of land lying Southwesterly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angle~ to the following specifically described From the Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 4, the coordinates of which are X ~ 518,216.29 and Y - 693,975.15, bear North ~o l;' 45" Z. mst, almMT.~h~ Me~ ~Lnm · ection 4, a distance o£. 1,219.~& £eet ,to ~ . ~x~nt of Thence, South 54° 53' 04" East, a distance of 2,036.36 feet to the inter- section thereof with tho South line of ~0~ ~ ,A~ 35 ..id Section 4 and the end of the ~pecifically described line. A strip of land 65 feet in width extending throughout tho Southwest one-quarter (SW%} of Section 4, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, said 65 foot strip of land lying Northeasterly of, parallel, contiguous and as measureu' at right angles to tho following specifically described line: From the Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 4, the coordinates of which are X 518,216.29 and Y - 693,975'.15, bear North 00 17' 45" East, along the West line of said Section 4, a distance of 1,219.85 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, South 54° 53' 04# East, a distance of 2,036.36 feet to the inter- section thereof with the South line of said Section 4, and the end of the specifically described line. A strip of land 65 feet in width extending throughout the Southwest one-quarter (SW%) of said Section 4; said 65 foot strip of land lying Southwesterly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angles to the following ically described line: From the said Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 4, boar North 0O 17' 45" Eat, along the West line of said Section 4, a distance of 732.62 feet t~ the point of beginning; Thence, South 54- 53' 04" East, a distance of 1,223.00 feet to the intersection thereof with the South line of said Section 4 and the end of the specifically described line. The bearings in the above descriptions refer to the standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florida. A strip of land 410 feet in width extending throughout Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 34 East; said 410 foot strip of land lying Northeast- erly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angles to the following specifically de- scribed line: From the Northwest (NW) corner of said Section 9, the coordinates of which are X 518,216.29 and Y - 693,975.15, bear North 88° 20' 22" East, along the North line of said Section 9, a distance of 996.26 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, South 54° 53' 04" East, a distance of 5,275.73 feet to the inter- section thereof with the East line of said Section 9 and the end of the specifically described line. ~ strip of land 410 feet in width extending throughout the Southwest one-quarter (SW%) of Section 10, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, Collier County, Florida; said 410 foot strip of land lying Southwesterly of, parallel, contiguous, and a~.measured at right angles to the following sp~cifically described line~ From the Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 10, the coordinates of which are X 523,531.79 and Y ~ 688,867.71, bear North 0O 06' 46# West along the West line of said Section 10, a distance of 2603.47 fee~ to the point of beginning; Thence, South $4' 53' 04' East, · distan~'e of 1668018 ~ee~'-T.o l~oiT~ of =urvatur~ u~ a =urv8 ~o radius of 805 feet; Thence, Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, a distance of 319,77 feet to the point of tangency! Thence, South 32° 07' 29~ Eas~, a dist:',.Nce of 1593.92 foot to the intersection thereof with the South line of said Section 10, and the end of tho specifically described line, containing 30.44 acres, n~re or less. The bearings and coordinates shown hereon refer to the standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florzda. A ~trip of la~d 410 feet in width extending throughout Section 15, Township 49 South, Range 34 Eastl said 410 foot strip of land lying Northeast- erly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angles to the following specifically de- scribed line: From the Northwest (NW) corner of said Section 15, the coordinates of which are X - 523,531.79 and Y - 688,867.71, bear North 88° 29' 53# East, along the North line of said Section 15, a distance of 1,950.10 feet to the point of beginnin~l Thence, South 32 07' 29" East, a distance of 6,102.94 feet to tho intersection thereof with the South line of said Section 15, and the end of the specifically described line. All that part of the Southwest one-quarter (SW%) of Section 14, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, Collier County, Florida; lying Southwesterly of the following specifically described line: From the Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 14, the coordinates of which are X - 528,885.42 and Y - 683,754.71, bear North 0O 31' 36" West, along the West line of said Section 14, a distance of 521.17 fee~ to the point of beginning; Thence, South 32' 07' 29" E, st, a distance of 603.71 feet to the intersection thereof with the South line of said Section 14, and the end of the specif- ically described line, containing 1.89 acres, more or less. The bearings and coordinates shown hereon refer to the standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florida. APl that part of Section 22, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, Collier County, Florida, lying ,ortheasterly of the following specifically described line: From the Northeast (NE) corner of said Section 22, the coordinates of which are X - 528,885.42 and Y - 683,754.71, bear South 88° 24' 21" west, along the North line of said Section 22, a distance of 158.96 fee~ to the point of beginning; Thence, South 32 07' 29# East, a distance of 300.29 feet to the intersection thereof, with the East line of said Section 22, and the end of the specif- ically described line, containing 0.47 acres, more or less. The bearings and coordinates shown hereon refer tO tho standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florida. A'"strip of land 410 feet in width extending throughout Section 23, Township 49 South, Range 34 East~ said 410 foot strip of land lying Southwest- erly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at ~actton 23, the coordinates o~ 528,885.42 and Y - 683,754.71, bear North 88° 12' 45" East, along the Section ~J', a distance of 315.~0' feet to-the point of boginndngl Thence, SOuth 32° 07' 29" East, a distance of 2,69~.61 feet! Thence, South 25w 07' 23" East, a distance of 3,181.03 feet to the inter- section thereof with the South line of said Section 23 and the end of the specifically described line. A strip of land 430 feet in width extending throughout Section 26, Township 49 South, Rsnge 34 East, Collier County, Florida; said 430 foot strip of land lying Northeasterly of, parallel, contigu- ous and as measured at right angles to the follow- ing specifically described line: From the Northwest (N-W) corner of said Section 26, the coordinates of which are X - 528,901.26 and Y - 678,502.60, bear North 88° 10' 40" East, along the North line of said Section 26, a distance of 2,629.19 feet Ko the point of beginning! Thence, South 25~ 07' 23" East, a distance of 5,712.75 feet to the intersection thereof with the South line of said Section 26 and the end of the specif- ically described line, containing 55.31 acres, more or less. The bearings and coordinates shown hereon refer to the standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florida. Ail that part of Section 25, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, lying Southwesterly of the follow- ing specifically described line: From the Southwest (SW) corner of said Section 25, the coordinates of which are X - 534,215.18 and Y - 673,422.39, bear South 88° 07' 51" West, along the North line of said Section 25, a distance of 260.77 feet to tho point of beginning. Thence, North 25° 07' 23" West, a distance of 493.54 feet to the inter- section thereof with the West line of said Section 25 and the end of the specifically described line. Ail that part of Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, lying Northeasterly of the follow- ing specifically described line: From the Northeast (NE) corner of said Section 35, the coordinates of which are X - ~ 534,215.18 and Y - 673,422.39, bear South 88 07' 51" West, along the North line of said Section 35, a distance of 260.77 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, South 25° 07' 23" East, a distance of 618.35 feet to the inter- section thereof with the East line of said Section 35 and the end of the specifically described line. A strip of land 430 feet in width extending throughout the West one-half (W%) of Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 34 East, Collier County, Florida; said 430 foot strip of land lying South- westerly and Westerly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angles to the following specifically described line: From the Northwes: (NW) corner of said .534,2~5.28..and X ~ 673,~22.~9+ ~ ~ 88° D~' O]'~ast, along tho North %~ne O~ said Section 36, a distance of 207.18 fee~ to the poin~ of beginning; Thence, South .25" 07t 23e East, a distance of 659,93 fea~ to the point ~ of curvature of a ourve to the right~ having a central angle of 25° 01' 02" and a radius of 815 feet; Thence, Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 355.85 f~et tO the point of tangency; Thence, South 0~ 06' 21" East, a distance of 4294.79 feet to the interscction thereof with the South line of said Section 36 and the end of the specif- ically described line; containing 50.76 acres, More or less. The bearings and coordinates shown hereon refer to the standard plane rectangular coordinate system for the East Zone of Florida. A strip of land 430 feet in width in Section 1, Township 590 South, Range 34 East; said 430 foot strip of land lying Westerly and Southwesterly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angles to the following specifically described line: From the Northwest (NW} corner of said Section 1, the coordinates of which are X - 534,232.79 and Y - 668,174.04, bear North 88O 05' 33" East, along the North line of said Section 1, a distance of 554.98 feet to the point of beginning; Thence, South 0O 06' 21" East, a dis- tance of 2,819.63 feet to the point of curvature of a curve ~o the left, having a central angle of 33- 00' 55" and a radius of 385 feet; Thence, Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 221.84 feet to the point of tendency; Thence, South 33 07' 16" Eat, a dis- tance of 822.18 feet to the end of the specifically described line. A strip 6f land 420 feet in width in said Section 1; said 420 foot strip of land lying Northeasterly of, parallel, contiguous and as measured at right angl-s to the following specifically described line= From the said Northwest ~NW) corner of said Section 1, bear North 88 05' 33" East, along the North line of said Section A, a distance of 124.76 feetl Thence, South 0 06' 21" East, a distance of 2806.10 feet to the point of curvature of a c~rve to the left, having a central angle of 33v 00' 55" and a radius of 815 feet; Thence, Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 469.62 feet to the point of tangency; Thence, South 33° 07' 16" East, a distance of 822.18 feet; Thence, North 56° 52' 44" East, a distance of 5.00 feet to the poin~ of beginning; Thence, South 33 07' 16" East, a distance of 9047.17 feet to the inter- section thereof with the East line of said Section 1 and the end of the specificall~ described line. SECTION TWO: Postin~ of Notice Notice signs bearing the legend: l)/scharge,of F/rearms Proh/bited ·oard of C~y Coa=aiaelonarl ~dtnance ~. ~2- shall be posted at intervals o~ not more than one half milo alonv an~ at ~ach cornar o~ the boun~arlas of the area doe~rlbe~ hereln~ As used in this section the term "firearm" shall include any mechanical device capable of propelling a projectile, and shall include shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, air gun, gas gun or any device mechanically propeling an arrow, spear or other projectile. Crossbow or bow and arrow shall be included in the meaning of the term 'firearm'. SECTION FOURz PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS Any person violating the provis~ons of this Ordinance shail be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable aa provid- ed by general law. SECTION FIVE: 1. This Ordinance shall be liberallyconstrued to effectuate its public purpose. 2. If any portion, phrase or word of this Ordinance ia held invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining parts shall not be affected. SECTION SIX: Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 24t~ay of August ., 19 82 . 7/15/82-DI~3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . Approved ea..to form and legal sufficiency~ ' Burr L. Saunders, County 'Attorney This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 31st day of August, 1982 and acknowledseme~t of that filing received this 3rd day of September, 1982'~ STAT]~ OF FLORIDA ) WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Cou~ts An and for the TwGntieth Judicial Circuit, Co111or County, Florida, do hereby certify that th~ foregoing is a true NO. 82-77 which was adopted .by the Board of County Commissioners during Rugular Session ~ugust 2~, 19~2. WITNESS .my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ~..Sth ~y of Aucj~st, 1982. WILLIAM J. REAGAN .... Cl~rk of Courts and Clerk ............... ~x-officio to Board o~," ~..;,"~.,,.'..'"'.. County Commissioners ..", ~ ..~:':'~Y~:::,C '..'".. /.- .: ? ?'~, ~,~,~'., ,.:~',. ': :. ~' _~,.. ',.,',~ .,. ,S.:.,_:,, , ,,j, 'D/ "l/7~': ,' .... - ',:,"I ': -' : ~y ~'/~~._~ /,~-~v,~ (.:~...',% i.'.i~. . ', ~ · ,... ., . ,, ·