BCC Minutes 11/01/2010 W (w/TDC)
November 1,2010
Naples, Florida, November 1,2010
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Board of County
Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council in and for the County
of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at I :00 PM in
a WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex,
Naples, Florida with the Following members present:
Board of County Commissioners
Chairman: Fred Coyle
Vice Chairman: Jim Coletta (Excused)
Donna Fiala
Tom Henning
Frank Halas
Tourist Development Council
Chairman: Fred Coyle
Vice Chairman: Murray Hendel
Susan Becker
Jerry Gibson
Clark Hill
Rick Medwedeff
Robert Miller
Ed (Ski) Olesky
John Sorey III
Leo Ochs, County Manager
Mark Isackson, Director of Corporate Financial Man.
Jack Wert, Tourism Director
Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney
Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager/BCC
NOVEMBER 1, 2010
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1. Funding for Year Round Destination Marketing - Jack Wert
2. Tourist Tax Ordinance Review - Mark Isackson
3. Stakeholder Meeting Recommendations
Coastal Advisory Committee
Collier County Sports Council
'Collier County Lodging and Tourism Alliance
Everglades Chamber of Commerce
'Friends of the Collier County Museums
*Marco Island Chamber of Commerce
Marco Island City Council
Naples Chamber of Commerce
Naples City Council
Non-County Owned Museums
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
, Recommendations to be presented at Workshop
4. Beaches/Inlets Revenue vs. Expense Analysis - Gary McAlpin
9:00 AM November 22, 2010 TDC Monthly Meeting, BCC
November 1,2010
Commissioner Coyle called the Workshop to Order at 9:00 a.m.
The following Tourist Development Council members were present: Murray H.
Hendel, Susan Becker, Jerry Gibson, Clark Hill, Rick MedwedefJ, Robert Miller,
Ed (Ski) Olesky. and John Sorey Ill.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no changes to the Agenda.
1. Funding for Year-Round Destination Marketing - Jack Wert
Mr. Wert presented the Executive Summary "Review funding options for year
round destination marketing of Collier County and discuss input from Stakeholder
Meetings." He presented a Slide Show "Tourism Promotion Discussion - The
Needfor Funding Year-Round Destination Marketing & Promotion." He outlined
the current Tourist Tax allocations:
. First 2%
. 50% to Category A (Beach Renourishment and Beach Park Fac.)
. 23.26% to Category B (Tourism Admin-Emergency Ad Reserves)
. 22% to Category C-I (County Museum Operations)
. 4.764% to Category C-2 (Beach Renourishment /Beach Park Fac.)
. 3rd % _ 100% to Category A (Beach Renourishment/Beach Park Fac.)
. 4th% _ to Category B (Marketing & Promotion)
He outlined the current funding per TDT (Tourist Development Tax) Category:
(Bas cd on $12 Million Budget)
. Cat. A - Beach & Park Facilitics $6,000,000
. Cat. B - Marketing and Promotion $4,400,000
. Advertising $2.0M, Contracts $1.0M
. Admin. $900,000K, Emergency Ad Reserves - $500,000
. Cat. C-I - Museum Operations $1.3M
. Cat. C-2 - Non-County Owned Museum Grants $300,000
He noted Collier County spends less percentage of its TDT revenue on advertising
than its competitive markets (Miami/Dade, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, St.
Petersburg, Clearwater, Florida Keys, Palm Beach, etc.) and more on beach park
facilities and beach maintenance than the competitive sets.
Historically, advertising funds had been expended for promoting the "off season."
Due to competition from competitive markets and the downturn in the economy, it
November I, 2010
is necessary to advertise on a year-round basis. The FY II budget for advertising is
The direction from the BCC was for staff to investigate reallocating the TDT
revenue within the existing categories (to provide a budget for year-round
advertising without yearly requests for re-direction offunds).
Staff has identified the following available options:
. Category A
. Reduce percentage or allocations to Beach Renourishment
. Reduce percentage or allocations to Beach Park Facilities.
. Category B
. Continue all Interest to revenue to promotion
. Surplus in operating fund to emergency advertising only.
. Category C-I
. Reduce Operating Funds Allocation over 3 years.
. Category C-2
. Reduce Grant Funding
. Work with Tax Collector to register and collect tourist tax from all short term
. Collect actual TDT due on Internet hotel sales (Expedia, Travelocity, etc.)
Mark Isackson Director of Corporate Financial Management presented 3
additional options for consideration:
I. Lower the ceiling governing the first priority transfer from swept dollars from
$1.5M to 1.0M in Disaster Recovery Fund (196)
2. Amend language within Ordinance 2005-43 calling for secondary sweep of
dollars for Beach Renourishment and Beach Park Facilities and instead sweep
these dollars for the benefit of promotion and advertising budgeted in Fund
3. Transferring Interest earned on TDC funds to Advertising and Promotion
The 3 Options would provide an additional $850,000 (approximately) for marketing
on an annual basis.
Mr. Sorey, Chairman ofthe Coastal Advisory Committee and Tourist
Development Council member noted the challenge for the BCC is how to fund year-
round advertising within the existing budget constraints. Most agree the beaches are
critical to marketing the region, and expressed concern in reducing funding in Beach
Maintenance and Facilities. An optimal budget for year-round advertising is
estimated at $5M. He recommends the BCC review the Options identified by Mr.
Isackson and reallocate funds as indicated. In addition, review the Museum funding
to ensure the funds provide an ample Return On Investment (ROI).
Mr. Sorey left at 9:47am
November 1, 2010
Commissioner Hennig noted he is not convinced that increased funds expended
for advertising provide an ample ROl. He expressed concern the current focus is
for a long term solution to a short term economic crisis.
Mr. Wert provided an overview on the history of Tourist Development Tax
revenue and noted last years promotions provided for a $20.65 ROI for each
promotional dollar spent.
Discussion occurred on the following issues:
. The feasibility of dedicating a Staff person to collect revenue on short term
. The feasibility of area hotelier's partnering funds for promotions with the
Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB).
Jack Wert noted the area hoteliers do partner with the CVB in Trade Show
Visits, complimentary rooms for F AM's, etc. at a an annual value of
approximately $302,500. They spend an additional $7.4M of their own funds for
advertising. Tourist marketing does not only benefit hotels, but the entire
economy of the region (money is spent on car rentals, restaurants, shopping,
entertainment, etc)
2. Tourist Tax Ordinance Review - Mark Isackson
See item IV.I
4. Stakeholder Meeting Recommendations
Mr. Wert presented an overview of the stakeholder's recommendations (see
Addendum A attached) with detailed input and resolutions provided in the
meeting packet. Some of the stakeholders did recommend the Tourist Tax Rate
be increased from 4% to 5%.
Coastal Advisory Committee
Collier County Sports Council
*Collier County Lodging and Tourism Alliance
Everglades Chamber of Commerce
*Friends of the Collier County Museums
*Marco Island Chamber of Commerce
Marco Island City Council
Naples Chamber of Commerce
Naples City Council
Non-County Owned Museums
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
*Recommendations to be presented at Workshop
Mr. Medwedeff expressed concern on the concept ofraising the Tourist
Development Tax I %. He likened the concept to an automobile dealership in the
County having an additional I % sales tax for the County creating a sales
disadvantage with competitive markets. Group sales account for approximately 40
November I, 2010
percent of the Tourist Tax Revenue and the area already faces a competitive
disadvantage in air fares to the region and airport transportation. An increase in the
Tourist Development Tax (TDT) would have a negative impact on group sales
business and overall revenue.
Chairman Coyle noted the discussion ofraising the Tourist Tax Rate is not an issue
under consideration today.
He requested staff provide response to the options identified by Mr. Isackson and how
it impacts the departments operations.
Reconvened - IO:44am
Mr. Sorey returned.
Mark Isackson provided a detailed overview on the impact of the options he
proposed. None of the funding categories would be adversely affected.
4. Beaches/Inlets Revenue vs. Expense Analysis - Gary McAlpin
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Provide information to the
BCC/TDC regarding the Beaches/Inlets Revenue Vs. Expense Analysis along with
additional supporting documentation relative to the reallocation ofTDC beach
fundingfor future year-round tourism advertising" for informational purposes.
The Department's projected funding is adequate through at least 2013-14. He
expressed concern on the long term concept for reducing beach funding noting
without future outside funding sources, (FEMA and Florida Department of
Environmental Protection Grants, etc.) the department will not be able to meet the
current level of service it provides for the beaches.
The funding options identified by Mr. Isackson will not negatively affect Coastal
Zone Management Operations.
Ron Jamro, Director ofthe Collier County Museums noted the Options
identified by Mr. Isackson's will not negatively affect museums operations. Staff
has reviewed the concept of implementing user fees, and has determined they are
not economically feasible.
Larry Litt, Friends of the Museum supports TDT funding for the operation of
County Museums as many of the users are tourists.
Suzy Valentine, Friends of the Museum noted the organization has taken no
position on raising the Tourist Tax Rate to 5%, as it would not benefit the
Museums. She recommended the composition of the TDC be altered to provide
for a member of the Friends of the Museum.
Dottie Henderson, Marco Island Historical Society supports TDT funding for
the operation of County Museums as many of the users are tourists.
November 1,2010
Joe Cox, Galisono Children's Museum of Naples/Non County Museums
supports funding for Category C-2 as the funds are matched by the organization
and utilized for marketing visitors from outside of Collier County.
Patricia Huff, Friends of the Museum of the Everglades supports TDT funding
for the operation of County Museums. She expressed concern on the concept of
eliminating funding operations for the museum over a 3 year period as no
alternate funding source is identified.
Marc Vandam, President, Sports Council of Collier County supports
additional TDT funding for year-round marketing as outlined in their adopted
Resolution. He expressed concern the destination expends one of the lowest
percentage of funds for marketing compared to the competitive sets.
Jacob Winge, Baron Collier Historical Club supports TDT funding for the
operation of County Museums as they provide cultural, historical and educational
opportunities to the residents of the community and the tourists who visit. He
recommended funding in the area be increased, not reduced.
Jane Earle, Park Shore and Seagate Public Access opposes reallocation of
Beach renourishment and Beach Facility funds to advertising and supports an
increase in the Tourist Tax rate to 5 percent.
Hans Gruenberg, Gulf Shore Property Owners Assoc. recognizes the need for
advertising on a year-round basis but opposes the reallocation of Beach
Renourishment and Beach Facility funds to advertising. The area is highly
dependant on the resources.
Margaret Winn, Friends of Barefoot Beach supports the work of the Parks and
Recreation Department and Coastal Zone Management and opposes reallocation
of Beach Renourishment and Beach Facility funds to advertising.
Joe Moreland, Estuary Conservation Assoc., opposes reallocation of Beach Re-
nourishment and Beach Facility funds to advertising. He provided detailed photos
of areas of Barefoot Beach which are in disrepair due to high erosion. They
support the resolutions of the Coastal Advisory Committee, City of Naples and
the City of Marco Island.
Mary Lou Smart, KOBA, (Keep Our Beaches Open) opposes reallocation of
Beach renourishment and Beach Facility funds to advertising as the original intent
of the Tourist Tax was for Beach renourishment and improvements. She
recommended if the tax rate is increased, the funds be dedicated to beach
maintenance and improvements.
Emily Maggio expressed concern additional advertising provides no benefits to
the tourists. Superior Beach Facilities enhances the visitor experience and assists
in creating a positive experience for the tourist. Many persons who utilize the
museum's are tourists. The primary use for the tax when the Ordinance was
established was for beach renourishment and any associated alterations. If a
change is proposed, it should be presented to the voters.
Doug Finlay expressed concern reallocations will not lead to a long term solution
to the issues under discussion. He supports increasing the Tourist Tax Rate to 5%
as most of the competitive sets have a rate of5 or 6%. He recommended
increasing the funding in the area of beach maintenance.
November 1,2010
Steve McIntyre, Collier County Lodging and Tourism Alliance, supports year-
round advertising. They recommend redirecting $400,000 of Category A to
advertising. In addition, redirecting $600,000 from Category C-I over the next 3
years ($100,000 from C-I for the first year, $200,000 for the second year and
$300,000 for the third year.) The interest earned on funds should be allocated to
marketing. $500,000 of the Emergency Fund should be utilized for promoting
Group FAM's (Familiarization Trips) and Public Relations.
Lance Mckee, S.W. Heritage, Inc. supports the use ofTDT funds for operations
of County Museums.
Commissioner Hennig is opposed to raising the Tourist Tax rate and reallocating
funds from beach renourishmentlprojects to advertising and promotions. He
recommended the TDC review the options identified by Mr. Isackson and
consideration be given to dedicating a Staff person for collection of revenue for short
term single family rentals.
Commissioner Fiala agreed consideration should be given to dedicating a Staff
person for the purposes of collecting TDT revenue for short term, single family rental
properties; opposes increasing the TDT rate to 5% and re-allocating/eliminating
funding for the County Museums.
Commissioner Halas recommended the ordinance remain as currently adopted in
regards to the beaches, museums and inlet management.
Chairman Coyle requested the options identified be reviewed at the November 22,
20 10 TDC meeting. TDC is to develop recommendations and forward them to the
Board of County Commissioners for consideration.
9:00 AM, November 22, 2010, TDC Monthly Meeting, BCC Chambers
There being no further business for the good of the County, the Workshop was
adjourned by order of the chair at 12:17 P.M.
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~",~g;~'~~"d~'fut Board/Committee on I'l.l , <f-I to I 0
as presented or as amended
November 1,2010
Addendum A
Recap of Stakeholder Group Suggestions:
All stakeholder groups the staff met with support year-round destination marketing of
Collier County to attract visitors
Organizations Supporting Increase in Tourist Tax
Coastal Advisory Council (CAC)
5% and no changes to any other allocations - 50% ofTDT
for beach projects is sufficient.
Everglades City Chamber
5% and consider taxing districts for beach renourishment
to supplement funding
Marco Island City Council
5% and no changes to any other allocations - 50% for
beach projects is sufficient.
Naples City Council
5% and reallocate the first 2% ofTDC to yield 60% for
beach maintenance and beach Renourishment
Parks & Recreations Advisory Board (PARAB)
5% and no changes to any other allocations - oppose any
use of beach parking revenues to offset beach park
facilities projects. 50% for beach projects is sufficient.
Other Stakeholder Group Suggestions:
Marco Island Chamber
Y2% increase in TDT; $500 K each from Beach
Renourishment & Beach Parks; $300 K from County
Museum Operations
Naples Chamber of Commerce
Support for year-round marketing at $4.5 million to
support jobs and advance economy. No suggestions for re-allocations.
Non-County Owned Museums
Continue current support or allocate more funds for
these museums and add marketing dollars for arts.
Appoint non-County Owned museum rep to TDC
To Be Presented at Workshop bv Spokesperson from Group:
Friends of the Collier County Museums, Collier Lodging & Tourism Alliance
Sports Council of Collier County