CAC Minutes 10/14/2010 R Y ✓ &AI-Velmvab1125inutes
DEC 0 9 2010 Hen g ,//
Board of County Commissioners Colette
Naples, Florida, October 14, 2010
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at
Administrative Building "F," 3rd Floor, Collier County Government
Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
John Arceri (Excused)
Jim Burke
Murray Hendel (Excused)
Robert Raymond (Excused)
Joseph A. Moreland
Victor Rios
Wayne Waldack
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant Misc.Corres:
Date: 03 0/
Item#: / 1
Copies to:
er 14,
TURNER BUll i ative Bui
Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Tr
. Sunshine
I. Call to Order
III. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comme
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
a W rk Plan
er Sampling
* Sediment Analysis
* Modeling
* Dredging Permit for Tidal FI g
- Channel Marker
5. Wiggins Pass Activities
- Contract RFP for Completion of nnel
- Maintenance Dredging Permit
ightening Permit
IX. Old Business
X. Announcements
XII. N g
November 10,
XI. Committee Member Disc
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties i
objections, if any, in writing, to
d, and to regi
oard prior to the meeti
For more information, please contact Gail D. Ham
t (239) 252-296
If you are a person with a disability who needs an
participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at
certain assistance. Please tact the C r Cou
I 3301 East Tami Trail, Na 34
mo on in 0
to you, to the p of
ities agement Department
) 8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for
additional time.
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Burke moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following changes:
• Hearing items VIII.4—8 followed by Items VIII.1 —3 after item VI.1
Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried unanimously 6-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. September 9,2010
Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2010 Meeting. Second by
Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 6-0.
VIII. New Business
4. RFP Wiggin's Pass Navigation Improvements Completion
Gary McAlpin provided the document"Scope of Work for Preparation of Inlet
Management Plan, County Environmental Impact Statement, Additional Modeling and
Geotechnical Investigation for Design and Permitting of Wiggins Pass Improvements"
dated October 14, 2010 for consideration. He noted:
• Staff was required to obtain a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Scope of
Work due to recent changes in the (Competitive Consultants Negotiation Act)
• The Selection Committee unanimously determined the Scope of Work should
be awarded to Coastal Planning and Engineering as they were the most
qualified and had developed the project plans.
• The RAI (Request for Additional Information) from the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) has been placed on hold until a consultant is
• The FDEP has now determined that in addition to the original RAI comments;
additional vibracores will be required as they believe an unidentified rock ledge
exists in the area which may hamper the proposed re-alignment of the channel.
• The Scope of Work is to be completed at a cost not to exceed $177,489 and he
requested committee approval.
Mr. Pires requested clarification if staff has taken the proper procedure in seeking
approval for the Scope of Work(has the BCC ratified the selection of Coastal Planning
and Engineering).
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Gary McAlpin stated he was unsure if the selection of the consultant requires ratification
by the BCC. Staff will ensure the required County policies for purchasing are followed
before authorizing the work.
Mr. Pires noted he is under the impression BCC approval is required.
Mr. Moreland moved to approve the issuance of a Work Order for the proposed work
in an amount not to exceed$177,489, including time and materials. Second by Mr.
Waldack. Motion carried 5 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no."
Gary McAlpin noted he will notify committee members by email if there are any
changes to the approval procedure for authorizing the Scope of Work.
5. Work Order Emergency Dredging/Maintenance Dredge Wiggins
Gary McAlpin provided the copy of a letter from Stephen Keehn, P.E.,
Senior Coastal Engineer of Coastal Planning and Engineering—"Subject: Beach Berm
Restoration and Wiggin's Pass Dredging, Coastal Design Scope of Work under Contract
No. 09-5262"and related Scope of Work dated September 29, 2010. The proposal is to
combine the proposed Scope of Works to save on costs. The total Scope of Work is to be
completed at a cost not to exceed $10,000 and he requested committee approval.
Mr. Pires requested clarification if the proposed Scope of Work falls under the time
frame when the County received an opinion from the Attorney General regarding the
County's compliance with the CCNA procedure (where expenses incurred for work
performed in good faith prior to a certain date would be honored by the County).
Gary McAlpin stated he believes this is the case. He will verify proper CCNA
procedures have been followed in proposing the work.
Mr. Moreland moved to approve the proposed Scope of Work (at a cost not to exceed
$10,000). Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Pires noted his vote in favor of the motion is predicated with the understanding that
proper purchasing procedures (including the BCC ratification process) have been
followed in proposing the Scope of Work.
6. Work Order Doctor's Pass Jetty
Gary McAlpin provided the copy of a letter from Stephen Keehn, P.E.,
Senior Coastal Engineer of Coastal Planning and Engineering—Subject: "Doctor's Pass
North Jetty Repairs, Coastal Design Services, Collier County, Florida, Scope of Work
under Contract No. 09-5262"dated September 30, 2010. The total Scope of Work is to
be completed at a cost not to exceed $24,794 and he requested committee approval.
Mr. Rios moved to approve the proposed Scope of Work(at a cost not to exceed$24,794
including time and materials). Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 6-0.
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Mr. Pires noted his vote in favor of the motion is predicated with the understanding that
proper purchasing procedures (including the BCC ratification process) have been
followed in proposing the Scope of Work.
7. Work Order FY 2012/13 Renourishment Studies
Gary McAlpin provided the copy of a letter from Stephen Keehn, P.E.,
Senior Coastal Engineer of Coastal Planning and Engineering—Subject: Evaluate
Conceptual Design and Modeling of Alternatives Collier County Beach Nourishment
Project Scope of Work under Contract No. 09-5262"dated October 8, 2010.
He noted:
• The Scope of Work is for a"study" and "conceptual design" of the proposed beach
• The proposal does not include the preparation of engineered documents or bid
• The work should be initiated now, if not the County will lose FEMA funds
provided in conjunction with damages caused by Tropical Storm Fay.
• Estimated time frame for receiving the necessary permits is 1-2 years.
• Staff is in the process of preparing a draft access easement document for private
beach lands proposed for renourishment.
• The draft easement will be provided to the CAC at the next meeting, or by email
for comment.
• The area of study includes Vanderbilt Beach, Park Shore Beach and Naples Beach.
• It is anticipated the study will be completed within 5 —6 months.
• The Scope of Work is to be completed at a cost not to exceed $147,602.
Mr. Rios moved to approve the proposed Scope of Work(at a cost not to exceed
$147,602 including time and materials). Second by Mr. Moreland. Carried
unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Pires noted his vote in favor of the motion is predicated with the understanding that
proper purchasing procedures (including the BCC ratification process) have been
followed in proposing the Scope of Work.
8. Cancellation of Clam Bay Subcommittee
Gary McAlpin noted Staff is recommending, and the Subcommittee agrees, it has
reached a point where it will be more beneficial for the main committee to address the
issues associated with the Clam Bay System.
Mr. Moreland moved to disband the Clam Bay Subcommittee. Second by Mr.
Waldack. Carried unanimously 6-0.
1. Presentation by Jack Wert: TDC Funding Options for Year Round Advertising
Jack Wert, Tourism Director presented a slideshow"Tourism Promotion Discussion"
providing comments and analysis including:
• The BCC approved the re-direction of$1M Beach Facilities Funds to
advertising and promotion for FY 2011.
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• The BCC requested Mr. Wert address stakeholders to assist in determining a
long term solution (beginning in FY 2012) for increasing funding for tourism
promotion and advertising to enable year round promotion.
• Prior to FY 2010, advertising was primarily dedicated to "off season"times.
• Given current economic times and the increased competition from competitive
markets it is becoming necessary to promote the region on a year round basis.
• The increased funds may be expended in markets not currently pursued
(Boston, Cleveland, etc.).
• A comparison of Collier County vs. a competitive market's utilization of funds
for advertising and beach facilities/renourishment was outlined.
• Many of the other destinations have Tourist Tax Rates of 5 —6%.
Mr. Moreland questioned how the increase/decreases in tourism may be measured in
responses to advertising.
Mr. Wert noted the responses are measured by face to face interviews, comparisons with
visitation statistics in other markets that haven't increased advertising budgets, tracking
website visitation by market, etc.
Mr. Pires noted he had to leave the meeting and is not in favor of increasing funding for
advertising. In addition, with regard to item VII.5, he is not in favor of requesting a
variance for turbidity levels and supports the Conservancy of Southwest Florida's
position on the issue.
Mr. Pires left the meeting at 2:07pm
Mr. Rios expressed concern on the validity of the statistical comparisons of Collier
County with the other competitive markets as the characteristics of the markets are
different. Also,the research provided by companies is paid for by Collier County and the
companies may have a vested interest in providing positive statistical results.
Chairman Sorey noted the Tourist Development Council (which he is a member) has
asked the same questions however,the statistics on "Marketing Budget per Lodging
Unit" are valid and should be used for market comparison.
Mr. Moreland expressed concern on reducing/reallocating funds in Beach Park Facilities
and Beach Renourishment due to the areas economic dependence on the resources.
Mr. Wert agreed the "Beach" is the product necessary to promote the area and supports
maintaining the facilities at a high standard. The County needs to maintain its voice in
the market and find a balance in the expenditures and priorities. In conclusion,the item
is up for discussion and is seeking agreement from the stakeholders that:
• Naples, Marco Island, Everglades needs to promote visitors year round.
• The area needs more marketing funding to compete in the tourism marketplace.
• They need to evaluate all current TDT use and consider re-allocations for more
marketing and promotion funding.
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Mr. Waldack supports year round advertising but expressed concern on re-directing
funds from beach funding.
Mr. Moreland supports year round advertising but does not see it as an urgent matter
based on the County's current financial situation.
Mr. Burke supports year round advertising and requested clarification on why the
percentages of funds expended in beach operations varies drastically from market to
Chairman Sorey noted the other markets utilize additional or alternative funding sources
for beach operations (General Fund, User Fees, etc.).
Mr. Rios stated the presentation and statistics has not convinced him to increase funding
in advertising.
Chairman Sorey supports year round marketing. The challenge facing the County is
how to fund it. He favors finding additional funding sources, not re-directing existing
sources. He recommends consideration is given to increasing the Tourist Tax Rate from
4 cents to 5 cents.
There are statistics available on the favorable results of advertising and he urged
committee members to review the statistics on the Philadelphia market, since it was a
consensus of the committee to support year around advertising.
Steve McIntyre, Collier County Lodging and Tourism Assoc. noted it is the hotels and
motels that generate the Tourist Tax Revenue and do not support an increase in the
Tourist Tax Rate to 5%. They support the year round marketing proposal and there is
currently enough revenue to provide an advertising budget of$4-5M. Studies indicate
tourists do not travel to the region for the museum facilities and recommended this
expenditure of Tourist Development Tax Revenue be examined. He encouraged the
committee (Coastal Zone Management) examine their own expenditures to determine if
they can "do more with less." The Association is developing a recommendation for staff
on how the Tourist Development Tax Revenue be allocated. Hotels that rely on group
sales business would be negatively affected by raising the Tourist Tax 1%.
2. Summary of Renourishment Program and Costs.
Gary McAlpin provided the document"Collier County Fund 195 Beaches/Inlets
Revenue Vs. Expense Analysis Key Comments— 10/12/2010" dated and attached
proposed Resolution "A Resolution of the Coastal Advisory Committee of Collier County,
Florida Providing its Support for Year Round Destination Advertising, Support for a
Fifth Percent of Tourist Development Taxes for this Purpose, and Opposition to the
Reallocation of the Current Four Percent of the Tourist Development Tax" dated
October 14, 2010 for consideration.
The Committee requested Staff review the wording and revise as necessary to make it
clear they support adding 1%to the current 4% rate making it 5 %total.
Mr. Moreland moved to approve the Resolution. Second by Mr. Burke. Motion
carried 4 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Rios voted "no."
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Chairman Sorey recommended any members with questions on the advertising budget
or visitor data contact Mr. Wert.
Break: 2:52pm
Reconvened: 3:01 pm
3. Sediment Study Clam Bay
Gary McAlpin provided the document"Summary of Preliminary Findings on Sediment
Studies"for review. He noted the report indicates ambient locations sampled throughout
the Clam Bay System are not compromised by pollutants. The tests conducted for the
analysis could not identify the age of the sediment due to its lack of organics. The canals
in Seagate have silted a depth of 5 feet the last 50 years. The reason is unknown and
under investigation.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted fine sediments naturally
occur in Mangrove Systems so it is understandable why PBS&J found them present in the
Clam Bay System. She stated canals, such as the ones present in the Seagate community,
tend to accumulate fine sediments by the nature of their composition which explains their
VII. Staff Reports
The Committee determined to hear item VHS followed by VIL4
5. Wiggins Pass Activities
Gary McAlpin presented the document"Staff Reports Item 5.2" dated October 14, 2010
for informational purposes
- Contract RFP for Completion of Channel Straightening Permit Activities
The item was discussed under VIII.4
-Maintenance Dredging Permit
Gary McAlpin provided the document a copy of a Memorandum from Jeff Raley of
the Bureau of Natural and Coastal Resources (FDEP)to Dr. Merrie Beth Neely, Bureau
of Beaches and Coastal Systems (FDEP)—Subject "JCP File No. 0142538-009—JCP
— Wiggin's Pass Interim Dredging Permit Application" dated August 25, 2010.
He noted:
• FDEP has notified staff the permit application is complete.
• The US Fish and Wildlife Service will not require a new biological opinion.
• Staff is requesting a variance for turbidity levels (of the required Nephelometric
Turbidity Units (NTU's)) created during the dredging.
• Adherence to required NTU standards is necessary as the proposed dredging
will impact areas located within the designation of"Outstanding Florida
Waters" (OFW).
• Previous dredges were not subject to NTU standards as the dredging activity
did not involve areas identified as "OFW."
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• The purpose of the variance is to allow the dredging to be completed in a
shorter time frame (possibly).
• Staff has no cost savings estimate at this time.
Nicole Ryan, Conservancy of Southwest Florida noted the Conservancy is opposed to
the variance request and submitted a letter from the Conservancy to Gary McAlpin
"Re: Permit No.: JCP 142538-009, Applicant: Collier County, Project: Wiggin's Pass
Maintenance Dredging"dated October 7, 2010 which outlines the reasons for the
Conservancy's opposition. She expressed concern the request may delay permit issuance
prolonging the dredging activity required to improve navigation of the Pass. The
Conservancy is working with the County on the issue, but other entities or organizations
may appeal the decision if the variance is issued.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida addressed the Committee
expressing concern over the issue of a variance as it may lead to environmental damage
to the benthic community present in the area. The benthic community is the foundation
of the system and damaging it may cause detrimental conditions within the system.
Gary McAlpin noted the County does not want to environmentally degrade the area, but
wants FDEP to review the environmental data to determine if a variance is allowable
given the existing environmental conditions found within the area under consideration.
Staff intends to work with the Conservancy and FDEP to resolve the issue.
Chairman Sorey polled the committee on their position of the variance request.
Mr. Moreland is in favor of pursuing the request, however if it is denied or appealed,the
County proceed without pursuing it further.
Mr. Waldack is not in favor of pursuing the request due to environmental
Mr. Burke agreed with Mr. Moreland's position.
Mr. Rios agreed with Mr. Moreland's position.
Chairman Sorey is not in favor of pursuing the variance request.
The committee decided to proceed with the request for the variance, since the majority
of the committee polled agreed.
-Navigation Improvement/State Park Comments
Copy provided by staff as noted above
4. Clam Bay Activities
- Work Team with Foundation —Agenda/Foundation Executive Summary
Gary McAlpin provided"An Update on Clam Bay,"prepared by Steve Feldhaus, dated
October 2, 2010" for informational purposes.
- Development of a Work Plan/Master Plan
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Gary McAlpin presented the document"Staff Reports Item 4.2" dated October 14,
2010 for informational purposes. The document contained an email string and agenda
for a proposed Clam Bay Work Group Meeting to be held in October. He provided a
brief update on the following issues:
* Water Sampling
* Sediment Analysis
* Modeling
* Dredging Permit for Tidal Flushing
- Channel Marker
Gary McAlpin submitted a "Corrected Letter", from Ryan Snyder of the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) dated October 8, 2010 revising the
previous "Request for Additional Information." The revision requests the County
address additional items outlined by FDEP.
Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida requested clarification on a
statement in Mr. Feldhaus's letter(on page 3)where seagrass was not identified outside
of"Upper Clam Bay" and questions whether this should read"Lower Clam Bay."
Gary McAlpin noted the comment will be brought to Mr. Feldhaus's attention. The City
of Naples is now representing the interests of the Seagate Community in the "Clam Bay
Work Group."
1. Expanded Revenue Report—Gary McAlpin
The committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report—FY 2009—2010" updated
through September, 2010. He identified a minor shortfall ($183, 369) for FY09/10
collections. The shortfall should not negatively affect the Coastal Zone Management
2. Project Cost Report—Gary McAlpin
The committee reviewed the"FY 2009/2010 TDC Category A: Beach Maintenance
Projects" updated through October 6, 2010.
3. FEMA Reimbursement—Update
Gary McAlpin provided the press release "Collier County receives nearly$10 million in
FEMA Reimbursement for Storm Damage" dated Oct. 6, 2010 for informational
purposes. The storm damage occurred during Hurricanes Wilma and Katrina.
6. Upcoming Project Timing
Gary McAlpin noted staff hopes to have the packages for review within 30 days.
* Emergency Renourishment
* Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredge
* Doctors Pass Jetty
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7. Collier County Dune Restoration Sea Oat Monitoring
Gary McAlpin provided a copy of a letter from Charles L. Kocur, Jr., President of Earth
Balance to Pamela Keyes of Coastal Zone Management—Re: "Collier County Dune
Restoration Sea Oat Monitoring" dated October 1, 2010. The report outlines results of
the planting program completed in April of 2010.
For the City of Marco Island, panic grasses are under consideration for future plantings.
IX. Old Business
1. Peer Review Discussion/Direction
Gary McAlpin provided a copy of a letter to Keith J. Dallas, Chairman Pelican Bay
Services Division from Leo Ochs, County Manager—"Re: September 9, 2010 letter
referencing Peer Review of the Clam Bay System Data Collection Analysis Report by
PBS&J" dated September 9, 2010 for informational purposes.
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Waldack requested staff to address the following concerns on Marco Island Beaches
raised to him by Nancy Ritchie:
• The possibility of utilizing different/additional equipment for moving larger
amounts of sand during the grading process.
• Status on the breakwaters at South Beach.
• Possibly re-nourishing South Beach in 2011 —2012 (as opposed to 2013-2014).
• Can sand be placed on eroded areas of Tigertail Beach?
• Hideaway Beach update.
Gary McAlpin noted:
• The equipment required to move the larger amounts of sand may be an option to
the County, however moving a large volume of sand will require permits. Staff
will review the issue.
• The breakwaters are under review in the current study authorized for the Marco
Island Beaches.
• The concept is to re-nourish all County beaches at once to save on mobilization
costs. Staff is open to further discussion with Marco Island representatives on the
• Staff intends to develop a program to address Tigertail Beach.
• Hideaway Beach improvements are underway and a more specific update will be
provided at a later date.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
November 10,2010— Government Center,Administration Bldg. F,3rd Floor
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There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned
by order of the chair at 4:07 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
ohn Sorey,III, Ch man
These minutes approve by the Board/Committee on /oC-—q—/
as presented or as amended