Resolution 2010-189 RESOLUTION NO.10-189 ;;oOO;;oz m()o~mcn r-O-l (fl!:G>O;;o ~m:r:;;o.t:. . ;;o-lo.t:. g:ommoo o' o~ CCD......co z;;Oow -l0O50 -<ON ^O;;o o .......t:. r 00> m 1\)...... ;;0 .. I\) ^ ~1J o 1JG> 'TI s:...... -l 1J.t:. :r: ):oN m 0 o G> _ m ;;0 C/l o .t:. C -l () o c ;;0 -l A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PETITION V AC-PL201 0-817, HODGES UNIVERSITY, TO DISCLAIM, RENOUNCE AND VACATE THE COUNTY'S AND THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN A 40- FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASMENT OVER TRACT -B ON THE PLAT OF NORTHBROOK PLAZA, A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 31, PAGES 65 AND 66 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALL SITUATED IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE SPECIFICALLY DEPECTED ON EXHIBIT "A", AND ACCEPT THE REPLACEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEPICTED AND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "B". WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 177.101, Florida Statutes, Petitioner, Hodges University has requested the vacation of the County's and the Public's interest in a 40-foot wide drainage easement over Tract-B on the plat of Northbrook Plaza, a subdivision according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 31, pages 65 and 66 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, situated in Section 19, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, and being more specifically depicted on Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, in conjunction with, and as part of Petitioner's request, Petitioner has offered for dedication a replacement drainage easement area, attached hereto and depicted in Exhibit "B", in the place of the vacated easement area; and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider petitioner's request, and notice of said public hearing was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the Petitioner's request will not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of the property owners; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County's interest in the platted 40-foot wide drainage easement as specifically depicted in Exhibit 'A' is hereby vacated, extinguished, renounced and disclaimed, and this action is declared to be in the Public's interest and for the Public's benefit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to record a certified copy of the Resolution in the Public Records, and to make proper notation of this vacation on the recorded plat as referenced above. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same, this Jiolh day of ~pkmb,(( ,2010. DATE: lD-(-a-oIO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA , ~~ w~ By: . FRED W. COYLE, CHAIR :A.N YICONSTlinternationa1 college\naples\2010-427.dwg, Model, 5f271201O 2:1326 PM, \:120 <:~ ;::J~ <::-' \~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT Cl ~<: 'i5~ !"j). O.R. BOOK 365 ~ 9f: 60 :i> PAGES 414-415 ,."1 tro'b ~ t::~ 2;~ a'" ~~~~ ~ c)_ ",(I) i1i~'i':t !.2 ~Cl ">:J> "1la~~ ~ "':l; ;:2~ 8~ ~~~2~ '" :J>en 8i)~~~ )> ~g -~~ fll ~-< "> ~~~~~ ~:t Q)a _"<">."," 1J ~ 'CJ() \:)<;,>"ao ~e5Z1' 'll () d'" ~~ ~U)Q),,1ii M :tJ!.2 "':t " ~a"'U)~ '" )><;) ;)z \i ""',,~a -< ~5;: ,,"> '0 ~lii' ""'~.,, ). ~C! 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Ra8 B;li)~ rtJC:: "!!:,::ORl> I""'~::o Cb::s::c: 0)<8 ~.0rtJ '-..j~li) o DRAINAGE EASEMENT O.R, BOOK 365 PAGES 414-415 ;!2~., ,,~~ ~""'i''i' "1:l"'~~~ <::: ClU) <)It! ~6'1 ~?;~"iil:i "'?;J "1:l"" ~~~~,,"tJ ~~~,"'IfjO CI) ~~U)>>.1iiO :s ~V)=ti ~ ~~"~Iii ?:9l' "~,, t..'~ R Ifj'il Ql~ fi;~~~ . =ti t::;'""'t ..., 1ii~!lJ :U5 CD'" ~*--< , ",'" ~g~ fJ1"'--< . "'al "'" "'r I~ "'N e~ 00:1:< c)>Q)> m-lO(') .. !':'Cl-O V1 mr- -...V1V\N ~~c~ ............zo ~~_I 00<00 m'" ;:o-..J !!!;:o ~~ j.:. ~z ~~ ~~-< - :0'" "$1> l'J*~ , Me"> "'" "'.... ,> enN ~~ f'......,....,....r-,.....~ Olf..n....~~.....Nl o ..c;....-....t..7I-!;r !'o!Ji, :"!'o\>l '" Z ~~~~~ (;)rT1 , , , , , ''i'-i )> aJ r f"1 en 0 0 ::0 c )> z "1J ~ ---r---- "D I r ~ 0 ;;; --< 0 iT! (f) 0 0 )> , fT1 '" ... o 'T) o OI;:() >0" SO 00 lIlfTl Olll Zc fTl~ Z< c;)fTl -;0 ZlIl fTl- fTl-l ;;0 -<. z' c;). t:::~<::r!1 . rn R"i~~ClI I, ~o ~ ~~~Vi trl l:::i~t:::""1 ~. V)~I:)-I n ~'-~S!I ::I:;: ~~':r!Clr~, . 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ZVl)>OQ)- -.....I. o. -UlN ':;0> ~}lo~8 ~o)> m>..9~)>}" OfTl-l ~(') ,,~ I.fl. ...." I'\,);Z (/)0 fTl :r: fTl" 0 .. ;0 fTl f"1 0 -l .~ (J) Ul 0> () lJl ~~ 0 () 1.0 0 0 ~~ no> =: II l\:l ... 0) l\:l ~ l\:l 0 ... 0 l\:l 0 ... 0 I l\:l ... "" ~(1) - o~ I 0> l\:l - "" VAC-Pl2010-817 REV:1 HODGES UNIVERSITY DATE: 5/4/10 DUE: 5/18/10 This instrument prepared by: MICHAEL J. VOLPE, ESQUIRE ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER & CIRESI LLP 711 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, Florida 34102 INSTR 4482792 OR 4612 PG 1415 RECORDED 10/6/20102:43 PM PAGES 5 DWIGHT E, BROCK COLLIER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT REC $44,00 SUBORDINATION. CONSENT AND JOINDER THE SUBORDINATION, CONSENT AND JOINDER given this J 6 ft- day of I/pVrl ( , 2010, by FIFTH-THIRD BANK, an Ohio corporation, authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgagee"), in favor of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, its successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as "County"). Mortgagee is used as singular or plural, as the context requires. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Mortgagee is the owner and holder of that certain Open-End Mortgage and Security Agreement dated April 20, 2004, recorded on April 26, 2004, in O.R. Book 3549, Pages 1385 et seq., inclusive of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, as (hereinafter "Mortgage"), encumbering the premises legally described therein (hereinafter referred to as "Encumbered Property"). 65233590.1 WHEREAS, the fee simple owner of the Encumbered Property has requested the County to vacate the public's perpetual right to use for drainage purposes the forty (40') foot strip ofland located on the Encumbered Property that is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a par thereof; and WHEREAS, the County has no objection to the vacation of the forty (40') foot strip of land provided the fee simple owner grants the County a Drainage Easement over the fifteen (15') foot strip ofland which is depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the fee simple owner of the Encumbered Property has granted the County a non-exclusive easement for drainage purposes over and across the potion of the Encumbered Property depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Property"); NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Mortgagee does hereby consent to, join in and subordinate the lien of its Mortgage to the grant of that certain easement described herein over, under, and across the Easement Property and any interest of the County in the drainage facilities located therein or affixed thereto. Except as subordinated to the easement described herein over, under and across the Easement Property or the drainage facilities located therein or affixed thereto, said Mortgage shall remain otherwise in full force and effect. 65233590,1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagee has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered In our presence as witnesses: FIFfH THIRD BANK, an Ohio Corporation authorized to transact business in Florida . ~ ~~ (~~W By: ~~~ V;~ f~ Its: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing Subordination, Consent and Joinder was acknowledged before me this ?':Dll. day of Apn \ ,2010, by ~)A e.... hS ' as V ,U ~(ts..\J"f\t" of FIFTH THIRD BANK, an Ohio corporation authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, who executed said Drainage Facilities Subordination, Consent and Joinder freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein express, and who is personally known to me or has produced a (driver's license/photo identification) as identification and (did/did not) take an oath. ~1~1J1 Notary Public J!' ('-dA.' (SEAL) Michele L. Weir Printed Name My Commission Expires: ~ - l ~ - 14 My Commission Number is: ~ 0 q '5 '1 DS G ':_~nf'-.'\/~ tc <:C(,~,~ _j(.':3: Su':7~c!er.cy 65233590.1 .f, ~1LI. /~-?, v'-' .' 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VOLPE, ESQUIRE ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER & CIRESI, L.L.P. 711 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 201 Naples, Florida 34102 DRAINAGE EASEMENT EASEMENT, made and entered into this 2. e day of , 2010, by HODGES UNIVERSITY, INC., a Florida not-Cor-profit cor oration, as GRANTOR, whose address is 2655 Northbrooke Drive, Naples, Florida 34119 and BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, whose mailing address is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, as GRANTEE (Whenever used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Grantor is seized in fee simple and in possession of Tract B, Parcels 1 and 2, Northbrooke Plaza, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 65 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, as an incident to the approval of the Plat, the sub-divider dedicated the roadways and easements depicted on the Plat to the perpetual use of the public for the indicated purpose thereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the dedications set forth on the Plat, the public has the perpetual right to use for drainage purposes, a forty (40) foot strip of land which bisects Parcels 1 and 2, as depicted on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Grantee has determined the public does not and will not in the future, use said forty (40) foot strip of land for drainage purposes but rather, may require a fifteen (15) foot strip of land for drainage purposes; and WHEREAS, Grantor desires to obtain the Grantee's consent to the vacation of the entire forty (40) foot strip of land for drainage purposes; and 65233396.1 """ WHEREAS, Grantee has no objection to the vacation of the public's right to use the forty (40) foot strip of land for drainage purposes provided Grantor grants Grantee a drainage easement over the fifteen (15) foot strip of land depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is agreeable to the proviso imposed by Grantee as a condition to its consent to vacate the public's right to use the forty (40) foot strip of land for drainage purposes; NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. herein. The above recitals are true and correct and by this reference are incorporated 2. Grantor hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells to the Grantee, a non- exclusive easement, license and privilege to enter upon, and install, but without any responsibility for maintenance, drainage facilities below ground on the following described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: Fifteen (15') foot drainage easement depicted on Exhibit 'B' attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. The Grantor reserves the right and privilege to use the above-described land for any and all other purposes except as would interfere with the Grantee's use, occupation or enjoyment thereof. 4. Grantee shall not unreasonably interfere at any time with the rights of Grantor, or any other party requiring access to any of the property over which said easement is granted. 5. The easement granted herein shall constitute an easement running with the land and shall burden the land described above. 6. Subject to the foregoing, Grantee hereby consents to the vacation of the forty (40) foot strip of land lying between Parcels 1 and 2 of Tract B for drainage purposes, as depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 65233396.1 ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee have caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. HODGES UNIVERSITY, INC. anot~rporation ~E Y. MCMAHAN Its: President Witness # 1 J-<ilifJ B. ~\\OO6 Typed orprinred nrone ~vf)/~ 1-1 V fl L11/7l2C1/J?/7V Witne.ss #2 5hlr/e~ Neuma nn Typedorp nrednrone BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFC~OLJ~~A By: \="~E. Q W, c.. 0'1 L e:. As:C"'AILMA~ 'Be c... Witness # 1 Typedorprinrednrone Witness #2 A l1EST: ~~.icO: .' /1 DWIGIif~.~~~~EJlK V~. ".:" ,", <:... ; (.. Typed or printed name ;,~"'" .~~ h~ ~f'!'r1 & ;__. Q.,.........'~ .-' .. .__,' 'UIU~'~1 L7,w'QL Assistant County Attorney 65233396.\ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thi~1 day of~ 2010, by TERRY P. MCMAHAN, as President of HODGES UNIVERSITY, INC., a not- for-profit corporation, and who produced LfJ2f!XJnpJl'tt~n~e of identification) as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. NOTE: If a type of identification is not inserted in the blank provided, then the person (s) executing this instrument was personally known to me. If the words in the parenthetical "did not" are not circled, then the person(s) executing this instrument did ~\WI~JJ.. '!o."'" ~t.fl-Y-C-4~ :111.1. ~ ~\'<'...... iC>~ ~ My Commission ExpireS:f ~~...~~\SSIOI/~~. ~ ~ ~ 'I:{" ..~",<;j~'i)7.20"if'.. ~ ;:: : ~~ /: * = '-"-. ...- ?::*. -. &. :: ~. .. ~ #00627222 1.: fS ~ ~ ~ ..~t9qt ~~,t@.. ~ ~ <', ~ ..~/ough1s\~'. ~ " ~ -"9;- . . . . . . ,,<< *' ~/. 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