2005/2006 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECFIPT: 4657361 NAME : REED K JARVI PAYOR: REED K. JARVI REFNC: APJ County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION V#: 3659247 !"Hr-":-i.." ; r-: 1'", -..: 1_"_": \~ Me AMT PAID: ------ . C:::::;"(' ~ {)::>'::>LI~l B-p ~;IO~ 09/ ::7/200: ..,~ nn .i.._".; J..,}:_' ..,1:' ,"I"l .:::..:;. :.,JW AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 TOTAL DUE: 2::;.00 Ml!l'::j 03 20 09:498 B08rd Minutes ~ Records 774-8408 p.l (J t:fE{f) COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAMB Af.€.J:J K. JaRvI DATE 1'dU-6S BUSINESS ADDRESS .Y.M1L~t -+ CllA1Ln/( LLP ~E.11) ~P.'1''1ANY 8LIfn ,:,--')LU1~ It/rY) f'{ M1E~. f L ~.:3e;{)1 NAMElS AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) '--~E.E. Jl:i1flHw::t\ ~1 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEElTS AS MAY BE NE signature STATE OF FLORIDA 0__ COUNTY OF ~M'ERd')...U. foregoing registration was of known as sworn to and subscribed before me on , by AEQ K I JAAv I or who has produced dentification and who did take an oath. BY:~f\ (I,; " . rn.1 $}IV Deputyl~Notary Public A. 1Irftt---~IIII"'_ ~ --....... " ...~ P18 e to renew this registration by the renewal date of october 1.t wi11 result in the p~acem~nt of this registrant on a ftstatus unknownft list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a wLobbyist Withdrawalw form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to ordinance 99-22 Company Address f----------- 111999 Katy Freeway Suite 590 _ I Houston ~_ Abercia ____ ~ ADP _~_ 149 Coconut Ave. _;---\sarasota Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 20q Naples Antaral1lian~__~-==__:=j365 5th Avenue South, #201 Naples Architectural Network_______ '837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 Naples Baldridge Development __~___ 11825 Manchester Road S1. Louis ~_on Collier Company ____ 1320 N. 15th S1._~ Immokalee Basik Development, LLC 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305___ Naples Beazer Homes ~------ 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive Fort Myers Bonita Bay Group ___~_ _ _ 9990 Coconut Road - Sutie 200 Bonita Springs CB & Associates~_______ 6400 Davis Blvd. Naples Centex Homes___ 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples Coastal Engineering Consultants __~_ 2_1 06 ~ H(lrseshoe Drive Naples Collier County _______~____ ,2765 South Horseshoe Drive - Suite 401 \NaPles Collier Enterprises _ 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 Naples Columbo Enterprises_______ 11018 Edgewater Drive __ Cleveland Continental Realty ~___ 604 Fifth Avenue South Naples Elias Bros"-__~________ 15100 Collier Blvd Naples ,12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite Engle Homes_ (TOUSA) __ 101__ Ferguson Law Group LLC 4265 Bonita Beach Road ___ Forbes Comp~ny__________ 3101 PGA Blvd. ~______ I. Gonzalez 811 4th S1. SE ~-~-----~- Gulf Coast Development Group 515 Terracina Way Habitat for Humanity 11145 Tamiami Trail East Intercontinental Merchandising Sourcing 1 - Group Inc. 1172 Hickory Boulevard J.E.D. of Southwest -Florid~,inc~__ !9130 Corsea del Fontana Way Jeppesen Engineering ________ 5672 Strand Court - Suite 2 Kenco Development 28733 Megan Drive Kite Development ____ 30 South Meriden Street - Suite 1100 Krehling Industries____ 1425 Wiggins Pass Road Kuhlman Engineering, Inc. 2647 Davis Boulevard !:~dge Abbott & Associates, LLC 3400 E. Lafayette S1. Meritage Homes ___ 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 Pelican Bay Develoement_ 26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 PMS, Inc. __ 2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 Phoenix Associates, Inc. 2960A Immokalee Road Pulte Homes 9148 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 102 San Marino Joint Venture 15122 Summit Place Circle --- Saundry Associates,}nc_____ 9220 Bonita Beach Road - Suite 215 Sembler 5858 Central Avenue Signature Communites, Inc. 5551 Ridgewood Drive, Suite 203 Southern Centers Drevelopment 1500 Cordova Road Talon Management, Inc. P.O. Box 9229 Taylor Woodrow 2950 Immokalee Road - Suite 2 Joseph Townsend ____ 4130 N Tamiami Trail ,10481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress Parkway 144 Tower Drive 2400 9th S1. N 9130 Galleria Court TX Florida Florida Florida Florida MO Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Ohio Florida Florida I Fort Myers Florida Bonita Springs Florida Palm Beach Garden Florida Naples Florida Naples Florida Naples Florida Naples Naples Naples Bonita Springs Indianapolis Naples Naples Detroit Fort Myers Bonita Springs Naples , Naples Bonita Springs Naples Bonita Springs S1. Petersburg Naples F1. Lauderdale Naples Naples Naples US Homes Van-Dev., Inc. Welsh Company Woolbriaht Fort Myers Burr Ridge Naples Naples Conflict of In/erost Spread-09-12-05.xls Florida Florida Florida Florida IN Florida Florida Michigan Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida IL Florida Florida 77079 34236 34108 34102 34102 63131 34142 34102 33913 34135 34112 34108 34104 34104 34103 44102 34102 34119 33907 34134 33410 34117 34119 34113 34108 34109 34110 34135 46204 34110 34104 48207 33913 34134 34103 34110 34135 34119 34135 33707 34108 33316 34101 34110 34103 33912 60521 34103 34109