2001/2002 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P,O. BOX 413044 NAPLEp, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ELLIE H DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 3528557 DESCRIPTION ============================= NAME: PAYOR: REFNC: GEORGE H. HERMANSON GEORGE H. HERMANSON EJH LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS ti#: 25',~2451 CHECfG NT AtTiT PAID: TOTAL DUEl Page 01 of 01 ql6V 1.1]/1]'1/',2001 ::5.00 25=00 AMOUNT ---------- ---------- 25.00 25.00 -;I ;I ~ Joe) COLLIER C011.RTY 330~ Tamiami ~ral1 KaRt aapl.., 'lo~~d. ~'112 BOAIW 01' COV'Jrl"l COIIIIUs:l:Onas LOBBY%S~ "GIST~XON FO~ IlAm Georl!:e H. Hermanson. P.E. HOLE MONTES INC. BUSINZBS ADDRSBB 950 Encore Way Naples. FL 34110 (941) 254-2000 Ill<.TE September 25, 2001 NllJIllIS lIIllD !lUSUIISS A1)I)USS 07 IlIll:H PUSON OR 1l1l'1':t:rY UPKlIlBllNTSll, 1) Bill Klohn 2180 Immokalee Road Suite 308 Naples, FL 34110 (941) 594-8700 2) RriPnn.=:ln Tndl.Rt:~i.al Gronp. Hf- David BreIlwtn 1206 W. Sunsetview Dr. Akron. OH (330) 996-0202 """'" ~m..... ~. ~ _ ~"=" Lcbbyi8t Si;nat~. ll'rA'l:1Ii orr J'UlRDlIl. COml'l'r 01' C!Ou.I'II~ The larego1Da l:'egiltr.tio1j ..... .IIlO:t:Il ':0 and 'ube~" ad ~.fJ1te AI}I 011 _. . __ / thil the g(7h ~ ;Qf.fdP-IVIlvtW2PtJ/. by -f/M. ~.tm~ who b (per.onally ~o llUlI O:c' wllo 11111I pwd\l.\:l a. i~entifl\:l.tion aad ~ did t.ke an oath. . srlc;Jdi/Jd:bjjpku..v~LUL/ Deputy Clerk/Notary I'ul>:l.l\:l n....lIot.. II rdhze to ~.... t:Ia1. ~b'atiQD, lIy the r_...1 d.te oC OCltQIIlG 2,0. wiU :re.1I1t ill tM p1all.eMllot ot 1lU. lfeg1nrlUlt CIIl .. ..~~ ""I\ll_' 11.".., :0 It OM rill,... t", l'_lIl~ tlLia 1t'~1.t.1t"1l1oll, & 'LDl!briat 1I'1tlo4:......1.. 'lIlzll\ ...t b, 'Uaa with tllll a11:1r. to tb, aoard. 3) Aml.ue.l 111111.11:1:111:10& .., 18 'II.GG PilI: Iloollby;L.l: acloCln:l.a" 1:0 0:4:1:Aaun It.:n ~~"""\ PAUI.ETTE DEBUs CHARBoNNEAU i':~'''; MY COMMISSION #ce 958900 ~' '..' . 'i EXPIRES: December 7, 2004 . "fil' BondedThItlNotaIYPubllcUndtfwrlters PAGE 2 of 3 HOLE MONTES, INC. George H. Hermanson, P.E. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM 3) Collier County Public Schools 5704 Cougar Lane Naples, FL 34109 (941) 593-2533 4) Palm Foundation II, Inc. 2975 Bailey Lane Naples, FL 34101 (941) 261-8383 5) Boyne South Amy Prange 18100 Royal Naples, FL Tree Parkway 33961 (941) 732-0034 6) Port of the Islands Construction Mr. Dick Burgeson 4500 Executive Drive Naples, FL 34119 (941) 597-9064 7) Mr. Paul Hardy 5692 Strand Ct, Ste. 1 Naples, FL 34110 (941) 592-7344 8) SCM Properties, Frank Potestio 7995-B Preserve Circle Naples, FL 34119 (941) 593-9641 9) Vineyards Development Corp. Mr. Michel Saadeh 98 Vineyards Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 (941) 353-1551 10) Equity Investments, Inc. Charlie Bennett 5020 Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34110 (941) 514-5005 11) Euro-Florida- Fundings, Inc. Michael Bahms 800 Seagate Dr., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34108 (941) 403-3898 12) Naples Botanical Gardens Sondra Quinn, Pres. & CEO 4820 Bayshore Drive Naples, FL 34112 (941) 643-7275 13) Donald Barber 3606 Enterprise Ave. Naples, FL 34104 (941) 643-3343 Page 3 of 3 HOLE MONTES, INC. George H. Hermanson, P.E. 14) BendersonDevelopment Company Wayne Ruben 8441 Cooper Creek Blvd. University Park, FL 34201 (941) 359-8303 15) Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control & Rescue District Chief Frank Kovarek 13240 Immokalee Road Naples, FL 34120 (941) 455-1204 16) Port of the Islands Construction Dick Burgeson 4500 Executive Drive Naples, FL 34119 (941) 597-9064 17) Pulte Homes Scott Griffith 3810 Northdale Blvd.. Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33624 (813) 265~3343 18) Collier County Airport Authority 2003 Mainsail Dr. Naples, FL 34114 (941) 642-7878 19) Boys & Girls Club of Collier County Mary Johnson P. O. Box 8896 Naples, FL 34104 20) U.S. Home Michael Hueniken 10481 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy. Ft. Myers. FL 33912 (941) 430-1562 (941) 278-1177 09/27/2001 11:55 FAX 9412542099 HOLE MONTES 4!1 002 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET 950 "ncorn Way Noples, Florida 34110 (941) 254.2000 Fax (941) 254.2099 TOi Subject Lobbyist Registration Renewal Form Company: GolDer County Clerk of Circuit Court HMA Project No.: Fax No: 941-774-8408 Number of Sheets to Follow !his Sheet 0 Original to Follow by Mail: 0 Yes 181 No We are Transmit1ing the Following: OLetler o Proposal o Skelch o Invoice o Legal description o Other b For approval o For yoor use o For your information o As requesled o Reply is requested Comments: Please add the following entity to my Iobbyrst regislrnlion fonn that was delivered to yoo today, Livingston Indus~ia/ Pa~ners LLC 481 Carica Road Naples, FL 34108 j'.514-0896 rank you for your assislance in Ihis matler. Copy To: file from: GeoIJle H, HE!fmaIlson. P.E. e CONFfDENT/~(/TY NOTE Th. jnfommjon otlnjllned In IIIls filt$imilt "*'age ii pr+vilegecl ancl COllflQ~bal in'lmnalion itllendtd 0Il1V for !l"It ttle of irlltividual or entity nUlfl8d ilIxwe. Ir llll n:NK!er of lhls 1nI~&8ra.fi nollhe If'\1eMel1recipienl you nherebyncDhdlhal. ~ ~e.dlssemination. disbilrotionOl'~Ulhl~ ltl&eopyis 5tnclly PIOhtbi\ed. RJOIl hMNCliwedlhllltlecocl~lfIener. pIua~ f1OW~ ~ Or Ic:f.,nune InlI relum Itte~" ~'*' 10 u;; ettlll ...., av.YIalkrlled S/l1tS ~lal s.vice. Tbankyou