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Data Sheet
Lobbyist # C - 04500 Lobbyist Name: James Carr E-mail: Agnol/, Barber & Brundage, Inc. Date Received Details I q ICZ> O%' eu~ -&'ID. q/Oq -, j,\ 1) 't () MplA.(- h<< t f\..... :\ )f- ~ fruLtviclL ~~ Ji,y ~~t K 01 I..j ~"'''' \ \ " '" , \0 lSldt 19...;-' .lL p", ~A_ . IA J Un ~ 17flln J I , . ~ 10 f 1'0 ~i~k,-Jl~ V,; II\~.' /tit f'!O Q/20/j I 'k: ('5a '-\ I II I ~,F) lJJ:t, If UJ ./ e G~t . aom~ Saved as: (Q drive) Lobbyist Data Sheet