2006/2007 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4935365 NAME: JOYCE ZIRKLE PAYOR: JOYCE ZIRKLE REFNC: APJ County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P . O. BOX 413 044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION 2- ~/OO EXp. q/01- , ~ ~.,. .. ,"'. ".'. ,-, t'ol,' ._."- ~.'" ; AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: Page 01 of 01 25.00 .collier County 3301 Tamiarni Trail East Naples, FL 34112 z ~~ fCj /()() ExpiresFXp. CflD1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST RE GIS TRA nON FORM Name LTOYCE E. ZIRKLE Date E'" /JF It), Business Address Nanles Botanical Garden, Inc. 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 Business Telephone _ (239) 643 - 7275 E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: l~ Naples Botanical Garden, Inc. 4820 Bavshore Drive 2). Naples, FL 34112 PLEASE ATI'ACH ADDmONAL SHEETS IF NEcESSARY State of Flo"", County of COJUer ;l~'-,-- L ~ Lo byist Signature Joyce E. Zirkle The foregoing registration was SWorn to and subscribed before me on this 17 t!:: day of A-U.6Ll6T , by ::SO't'C!E -E. Z(~I' L..S . who is personally known to me or has produced f>6t.~IJAlL\{ Kt.Jow~ as identification and who did take an oath. ~ BY ~ ~_~ lXptItJ Cbk/Notary Public Christie L. Brighton accordiDg to Collier Countv CBUtt# t> 1:>0 438'''''io 6\cPtesS G? IZf#loq !.......CHRisTIE.LiRJGHTONT.,.I~i : ~ eom.n. DOcM.,. : !m) EllPiNe 112II2OOI : ~ \j}*JJ!1 BoncIed IIlru (ICIO~i : ~'"l!f,~~" Florida NotBry AaIn.. Ina i- I........ I.......... II I. ..................... The aDDuaJ reg'sn-adoa fee is S25.00 per Lobbyist. OrdfDance No. 2004-05 . Collier County 3301 Tamiarni Trail East Naples, FL 341] 2 QUARTERLY REGISTRATION DUE JULY 1, 2007 ~ e.~~es E"pires Q/-3o [07 Name_ lTOYCE E. ZIRKLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOlSERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FO~- Business Address Naples Botanical Garden, Inc. Date 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 Business T ClJephone _ (239) 64 3 - 72 75 E-Mail NAME AND ADDRI!SS OF EACIf PERsoN OR ENTITY Rl!PRI!SENTED, l~ Naples Botanical Garden, Inc. 4820 Bavshore Drive Naples, FL 34112 2). PLEASE A TI'ACH ADDmONAL SHEETS IF NEcESSARY State of Frond. County ofCoJUer ~('~ t:,-(~h. L byis Sipature Joyce E. Zirkle The furegomg regislrlllion was SWOrn 10 and 'obscribed before me on this --.11 day of ~ 2AJo7 · by "SDVt.r; rt;;'f!.t/.I-G ,who is JIOl"Sonally known to me or has _cd A<.BC,. '-1 Au " W /-.l as identification and who did take an oath. BY: ~~-~ l)ep~ CletkINotary Public Christie L. Brighton The '.nual registratloe fee is $25.00 per Lobbyls" .eeonliaC to COllier Conly OrdlD..ce No. 1004-05 l!.<>1-\N. ~ "Dl>O<P.,\?107o !;XP/ ~~ lJ,! ~/2lJDq I r -CtiiSTliot:oiiRK>>rr"ON-, _ c:on..~: .....- i .' .......1lN CIDO)a1.4214 L.'-...~..~I -- ~ l ,-tL.-\~ A~ ~ NAP\..ES BO'TAN\CA\.. GARDEN Memorandum From: March 25, 2009 Clerk of the Circuit Court Board Minutes and Records Chris Brighton Naples Botanical Garden subject: QuarterlY Lobbyist /iegistrflOon There are ~ to Naples BotaOica\ Garden's lobbyist listing for the quarterlY registration period of APril - June 2009. Attached are copies of the Annual Registrations, dated September 200&, for: Brian Ho\\ey, Joyce E. Zirkle, and Ji\\ BarrY. If YOU ha~e any questions or require additioual information, please contact T at: Na-p1es Botanical Garden, lnc. 4820 Bayshore Drive Na-p1es, FL 34112 (239) 643-7275, ext. 26 This project is sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Florida Department of State. Division of Cultural Mairs. and tile Florida Arts council. collier CoWl1)' and the Collier C ounl)' Tourist Development council. Date: To: ........ ............ 'f <1.1. ~w. o ~~o~ ~~ ~ plesgarden uden.org .org ",320 Bl1ysbOre Drive Naples, FL 3",112 phone lax 239.6"3.1215 239.6"9.1306 ~ -'1'.(, O Oh 'I''(/. . h J'; . ~ 'Ih '1St -'I',., ~~/lq ~ II '--0 C'e C'C'l ldf} Ql]t 200. )~ ~C~ '4. S lis-#. e)* ~ed ( .." lit t, '--0 '-.1)'(/: ~)'C-!:f.l:: . Ublj ~ G? 'he Q)?, '1/1 01l.J. Crh C 6x:!"dop · 01" ""ce "l.Y to (~ b;r "1 ZOO7-" : '" 0 {:; e /0) '2</ I~ ::3'8, lJ1). . /z 70 ~9