2007/2008 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 5251641 DESCRIPTION ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 NAME : MICHAEL VOLPE LOBBYIST PAYOR: MICHAEL J. VOLPE REFNC: APJ DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 \j {f)?rSutJ EX{.l. qJ08 Vi: 4240677 01'1 t "8 t ""on'" 01 L tl 1- _ { CHEn::: CT AMT PAID: ..,c; 00 '-...1_ ~ "Ie: .JO --" -.,. AMOUNT TOTAL DUE: 25.00 ROBINS. KAPLAN. MILLER & CIRESI LLP SUITE 201 711 FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH NAPLES, FL 34102-6628 TEL: 239-430-7070 FAX: 239-213-1970 www.rkmc.com ATTORNEYS AT LAW MICHAEL J. VOLPE 239-430-7070 MJV olpe@rkmc.com August 24, 2007 Collier County Clerk of Courts Attn: Minutes and Records Collier County Courthouse PO BOX 413044 Naples, FL 34101 Re: Registered Lobbyist Status Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find a check for $25.00 to update my lobbyist registration status under vendor no. v62500. Please note there are no changes to my status. Sincerely, ,_..I.~. R1;Jf1f. S,. LAN, MILLER & CIRESI L.L.P. 'I. ' ^I ~ ' ; ~ f' Michael Jv olpe MJV/amw Enclosure A T LAN T AN~l g50835~lt 0 N ' LOS A N GEL E S ' M INN E A POL I S I NAP L E S I S A I N T P A U L ' WAS H 1 N G TON, D, C V-lo2.5{JO SUITE 20] 711 FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH NAPLES, FL 34l02-6628 TEL: 239-430-7070 FAX: 239-213-1971 www.rkmc.com MICHAEL J. VOLPE 239-430-7070 MJVolpe@rkmc.com September 12,2008 Collier County Clerk of Courts Attn: Minutes and Records Collier County Courthouse PO BOX 413044 Naples, FL 34101 Re: Registered Lobbyist Status Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find a check for $25.00 to update my lobbyist registration status under vendor no. v62500. Please note there are no changes to my status. Sincerely, r- ,R, OB~, KA1jl, AN" ' MILLER & CIRESI LLP. )h~~+ Michael J. V ~e MJV /rgb Enclosure 65220556,1 AT LAN T A, B 0 S TON' LOS AN GEL E S 'M INN E A POL I S I NAP L E S I S A I NT P AU SUITE 201 711 FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH NAPLES, FL 34102-6628 TEL: 239-430-7070 FAX: 239-213-1970 www.rkmc.com MICHAEL J. VOLPE 239-430-7070 MJVolpe@rkmc.com September 25,2008 Collier County Clerk of Courts Attn: Minutes and Records Collier County Courthouse PO BOX 413044 Naples, FL 34101 Re: Registered Lobbyist Status Dear Clerk: In furtherance of our telephone conversation yesterday, enclosed you will find a completed Lobbyist Registration Form to the Board of County Commission. Previously, I sent you a check for $25.00 to update my lobbyist registration status under vendor no. v62500. I understand you require this Lobbyist Registration Form to complete my annual lobbyist registration. If there is any other information or documents you require, just let me know. Otherwise, thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, _ , ROB~,S, ~""k, -If, MILLER & CIRESI LLP. \! h ,VJii~. Michael J. ~e MJV /rgb Enclosure 652207991 AT LAN T A, B 0 S TON LOS AN GEL E S 'M INN E A POL I S NAP L~ S A I N T P A U 1 , ",i "c.llliJ.J . ~; 4:;);' ~-:~ :_=~ :t 00 f-< N ::> -a o -a (/) , N '" <:> - ::> - <:> Z '<!' N '" '" '" > ....l f-< <: ~ ;; =r:: c.r; (/) f-< '" ... o-l - 0.. ~ <: :::Z r-- en ~ ::) LU 8~~ l.1..O::~ 001- ~()o:: '""" o::W::) 0 UjO::O ~ ~OO ("f) OZ>- 4: >-4:1- 0 I-U)z V 0:: SWI-::)~O O("')...J O::)O'"""l..I- Oz ...,. O::>o:::~><~ ~"::::=O...J ::iZ:::JCCo.. ...11-004: OI-<,'1o..Z o - .- - '''I' l::t () ,",0, . . !;!1 ,~'l "", '... .,..1 l;:t" f') (=3 ~~ I-J. o I":. ifi :.1.i o .j:;: ~::t " z - ;t> - ." 'Ti t"" '" '" .., '!' :I: (jO c: 'Ti >- .., r-< < vo '" '" .,. Z N C 0 0 - ':"' '" (jO ~ 0 0', N c: 00 .., :I: z"'O()~() Q) 0 0 -'0 "0 (I) =:J = _ _ -' C -. (I) 0 (I) - (I) (I) ~ (I) ~ ~ :R () (I) () "TI(")oQ)O r(l)c:Jc .....:JO':J WVoI- - ,J::o. 0 '< ;U'< -"x()(I)() O,J::o.O(")- -"-"cg~ WW;:4.o.A O~::r(l)O ,J::o. '" 0 ....... ,J::o. - c () (I) 0 (I) c ;:4. (I) ~ 0 0 UN'''' )> co N 'f:() ;~~~ ~.s>~ 'J 0-.1 U .f"" ~ ~~~I~,~) ~ ~ O! 1'1 ~<JO~ ~ : r~ :; ill, ~gN~ i'~' CD 0 (fl