2006/2007 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E, Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: MARTHA DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4956008 DESCRIPTION ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 NAME : ROBERT D. PRITT LOBBYIST PAYOR: ROBERT D. PRITT REFNC: MSV DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 :p .-/ 73~(J() 9/07 V#: 3951757 09/13/2006 CHECK: 25.00 MC AMT PAID: 25.00 AMOUNT TOTAL DUE: 25.00 ~- 730()O f)io7 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trai] East Nap]es, F]orida 34]]2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE September 7. 2006 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetze1 & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third F]oor Nap]es. F]orida 34]03 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED LIST ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE ~ESSARY 0 I'~( \) . \ J^J~ Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration September ,2006, by ( ) who has produced was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the l day of Robert D. Pritt who ( X ) is personally known to me or as identification and who did take an oath. B,4?$U-~ Deputy C]e (SEAL) ~$1;~':;\~~t:-< ROSE SANTAFEMIA t;( .i1 MY COMMISSION * DO 370356 ,~...,,~ EXPIAES:November82008 '.Jlr..rl\ BondecIThruNctaryPublc~8rs Please Note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. 416165_1 ] . LQ Management 909 Hidden Ridge, Suite 600 Irving, Texa5 75038 2. Naples Construction Services d/b/a Naples Dock & Marine Services P.O. Box 2501 Mary]and Heights, Missouri 63043 3. Collier Davis, LLC 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 402B Miami, FL 33131 4. City of Naples 735 - 8th Street South Naples, F]orida 34102 5. The G]ades Country Club Apartment Association, Inc. 174 Tery] Road Nap]es, Florida 34] 12 6. Prime Home Bui]ders 5555 Anglers Avenue, #16B Fort Lauderdale, FL 333]2 7. SIC Whippoorwill, LLC 6604 Ridgewood Drive Naples, Florida 34108 8. Relevant Radio 1496 Bellevue Street, Suite 30] Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311-4205 416165_0590_0590 (J.. 7B&00 A LEGAL PROfESSIONAL ASSOCIATION oS 50 l'.-\HK :-;111 JlU lllu\.) THL\I'dl',j CI~rlu IIIIHll 1'1 ()(ll<. :--J.'\I'II'S, f<L 34103 239.649.2714 DJRI:C! 239.649.6200 M.", 239.261.3659 f'.^, rpritt@ralaw,com Int.-'&0AN DRESIJ] Collier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 330] E. Tamiami Trail, 4th F]oor Naples. Florida 34]]2 1P,?>'\-123~8' ~ .. 6'> ~ 'Il' ell !1 'JI11. 2f1J7 ~ \ RECEIVED ! ~ ~ ~~ ~~ t~OG'6L8L"'\~ July 2. 2007 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registration Dear SirlMadam: Attached is the updated Lobbyist Registration Form for Robert D. Pritt, Esq. which is due Ju]y 2nd. Very truly yours. ;to C;Z 1L~ )(!fff?C!2&.jb' Diane L. Komoroski Secretary to Robert D. Pritt Idk Enclosure 507354 v_Ot \ 0590.0590 CLEVELAND TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CiNCINNA 11 WASHINGTON, D.C. TALLAHASSEE FORT MYERS NAPLES w\v\v.ralaw.com COLLIER COUNTY 330] Tamiami Trai] East Naples, F]orida 34]]2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE June 29. 2007 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetze] & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third F]oor Nap]es. F]orida 34] 03 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: NO CHANGE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE.~ECESS~Y ':J ~4 D.\v~ Lobbyist Signa e STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this theJ.",tJ day of Ju]v , 2007, by Robert D. Pritt who ( X ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. (SEAL) By: /:~qg~ Deputy C]er Pu i ?:I.:'~ CAROlJ.AllAN l:i l'! MY COMMISSION' DO 349617 'li~".. ., EXPIRES: AUOUSl24, 2006 ,,'ift,fli ElGncMdThlu""'NlIDUrIcIIndIrI 4]6165_1 1. LQ Management 909 Hidden Ridge, Suite 600 Irving, Texas 75038 2. Naples Construction Services d/b/a Naples Dock & Marine Services P.O. Box 2501 Mary]and Heights, Missouri 63043 3. Collier Davis, LLC 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 402B Miami, FL 33131 4. Immokalee, LLC 250 Catalonia Avenue, Suite 606 Cora] Gab]es, Florida 33134 5. City of Naples 735 - 8th Street South Naples, F]orida 34102 6. Prime Home Bui]ders 5555 Ang]ers Avenue, #16B Fort Lauderda]e, FL 33312 416165_0590_0590 1_&0ANDRESS]1 K ~O \'\I{K Sill IIU I )l{IV, TH.L'\'-JO,< CL~TR] Tilll,I' hl)( )j{ A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION :\',\!'LES, FL 34103 239.649.2714llil\IU 239.649.6200 M,\" 239.261.3659 fAX rpritt{(j)ralaw.com March 29. 2007 Collier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 33Ul E. Tamlami Trail, 4th tloor Nap]es, Florida 34]]2 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registration Dear SirIMadam: Attached is the updated Lobbyist Registration Form for Robert D. Pritt, Esq. which is due April 1 st. Very truly yours, , YC/I'1,U ' Ii i -.- Diane L. Komoroski Secretary to Robert D. Pritt i",; /f /dk Enclosure 507354 v_OI 10590.0590 CLEVELAND TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI WASHINGTON. D.C. T ALLAW\SSEE FORT MYERS NAPLES www.ralaw.com COLLIER COUNTY 330] Tamiami Trai] East Naples. F]orida 34]]2 p_/~(dD e~" 0jvCf- @~~~;:J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE March 29. 2007 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetze] & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third Floor Naples. Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: SEE ATTACHED LIST ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE ~~Yr~ -I bb'. Lo )'1st SIgnature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the ::(qh day of March, 2007, by Robert D. Pritt who ( X ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. (SEAL) NOTllRY fi;;~UC'STATE OF FLORIDA ~Dlane L. Komoroski . . Commission #DJ.J3692M ..' Expires: NOll 04, .008 ,jc.':'1deu Th_rll ,..liuntJc ~)nndinh Co., i(1 / ';4 i ,'"\ I,") By: l,U(J/i.J ,;;-'f. nr'lC)(j. eputy C]erkINotary Public 416165_1 1. LQ Management 909 Hidden Ridge, Suite 600 Irving, Texas 75038 2. Nap]es Construction Services d/b/a Nap]es Dock & Marine Services P.O. Box 2501 Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043 3. Collier Davis, LLC ] 101 Brickell Avenue, Suite 402B Miami, FL 33131 4. Immokalee, LLC 250 Catalonia Avenue, Suite 606 Cora] Gab]es, Florida 33134 5. City of Naples 735 - 8th Street South Nap]es, Florida 34102 6. Prime Home Builders 5555 Anglers Avenue, #16B Fort Lauderda]e, FL 33312 416165_0590_0590 IBliDII&)ANDRESSl 850 I'ARK S][()]{E DRIVI' TRIANON CLNTRl-: - TlllltD H.UOH NAPLES. FI. 34103 239.649.2714 DIRECT 239.649.6200 MAIN 239.261.3659 FAX rpritt@ralaw.com A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION September 7, 2006 Co]lier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 330] E. Tamiami Trail, 4th F]oor Naples, Florida 341]2 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registration Dear Sir/Madam: We would like to renew the Collier County Lobbyist registration for Robert D. Pritt, Esq. Enclosed is our law firm check in the amount of $25.00 lor the fees along with the Lobbyist Registration Form. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, A ) 1_\ (JfiC/ /L'<(j)Jl~y)(0/, Diane L. Komoroski Secretary to Robert D. Pritt /dk Endosure 507354v_0110590.0590 CLEVELAND TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI WASHINGTON, D.C. TALLAHASSEE FORT MYERS NAPLES www.ralaw.com