2003/2004 ~ ~) ~(Qoo '1\04 County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK ~ RECEIPT: 4065088 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NAME: PAYOR: REFNC: ROBERT D. PRITT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- LOBBYIST 25.00 ROBERT D. PRITT APJ DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRA nON FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE September 27. 2003 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third Floor Naples. Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I) HKZ.lnc. c/o Duke Realty 600 E. 96th Street,Suite 100 Indianapolis. Indiana 46240 2) AITACH ADDI110NAL SfillETS AS MA ;PKQV~ Lobbyist Sign e STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the c271:::L day of September , by Robert D. Pritt who ( ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. (SEAL) ~~V~IIII.. Diane 1. KoIllOrOllk1 !! ~r_~'CCll'l104l 5' ';" ~ New. 4," ~~.. ..... ftN it"un AtIIatIe~a..._ By: fj)(UuX~. Deputy ClerkINotary Public Please Note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. 416165_1 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34] 12 P '73000 FIle STAMP AND RETURN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D, Pritt DATE September 30. 2003 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third Floor Naples. Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Ramco-Gershenson 27600 Northwestern Hwv.. Suite 200 Southfield. Michigan 48034 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESS~Y ~!L( () \Ir{~ Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 30-1"- day of September, by Robert D. Pritt who (.fis personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath, (SEAL) ....,..../, D' 1.V_-_LI ,~ y "~ lane ...ww.&UIUMl i. \CnmmI~'(l!:lI'II041 " . IbpIrD New.... DI ..... ftN Mamlo I!aodIor ..... .... By: NcuLct ~~r(~L Deputy ClerkINotary Public Please Note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. 416165_1 I-> :ll ';:' Z ~ a"oN 0"\0.i!J ~ 111 I/o (32). ~ iT! ;0 IJi '" A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 850 PARr.:: SIIORE [)RIVI. StillE 300 ~APLES, H.34103-3587 239.649.2732 DIRECT 239.649.6200 MAIN 239.261.3659 FAX Y~ALI-;BlIRY(URi\L!\ W .CO~l I_&)ANDRESS II October 6. 2003 Clerk of Court Collier County Circuit Court Attn: Minutes & Records Fourth Floor Admin. Building 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Renewal of Lobbyist Registration Form for Robert D. Pritt, Esquire and Frederick R. Hardt, Esquire Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed please find the following for filing: 1. Board of County Commissioners Lobbyist Registration Form for Robert D. Pritt; 2. Board of County Commissioners Lobbyist Registration Form for Frederick R. Hardt; and 3. Check payable to Clerk of Courts in the amount of$50.00 for the filing fees. Kindly file-stamp the additional copies enclosed and return to our office in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, /ys Enclosures (as stated) / CLEVELAND TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNA 11 WASI11l"GTON, D.C. TALLAHASSEE FORT MYERS NAPLf.5 www.ralaw.com COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert D. Pritt DATE September 30. 2003 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Drive. Third Floor Naples. Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Ramco-Gershenson 27600 Northwestern Hwv.. Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48034 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NEC7~~~Y . . (11')--- '... ,11,d (~... ,/~"\; \J ~f\IV\) Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 30-1 "- day of September , by Robert D, Pritt who (.fis personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath, (SEAL) 0)'" III~ Diane 1. KomoroIki f!il lCnmml......~97I041 " ... IbpIrD Na&4,DI ..... ftN Mamlo I!aodIor ..... .... By: NcDLJ( ~~. Deputy ClerkINotary Public Please Note: 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board, 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. 416165_1 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Frederick R. Hardt DATE September 30, 2003 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LP A 850 Park Shore Driye. Third Floor Naples. Florida 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I) Pelican Bay Foundation. Inc. 6251 Pelican Bay Blyd. Naples. Florida 34108 2) Naples Construction Services. Inc. d/b/a Naples Dock & Marine Services 4701 Radio Road Naples. Florida 34104 ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSARY ~::;~ STATE OF FLORIDA COlJNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 30th day of September ,by Frederick R. Hardt who ( x ) is personally known to me or ( ) who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. By~UllClultl ;2J!)/llCJ Deputy Clerk/Notary Public Please Note: I) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1st will result in the placement of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a "Lobbyist Withdrawal" form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Registration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22. (SEAL) 1/) _RTomIc . . My Comrnio*' DDZ111l11 ~.. ~ Expireo Augtlol17, 2007' 416189_1