Resolution 1985-108 , " "J. e e ftECEIVEO , . RESOLOTIOR RO. 85-108 RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING A RESOIIMlqpT -4 A9:54' ENTITLED -RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN~~~ ISSUANCE BY THE COUNTY OF NOT EXCEEDING $29,625,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVDIUWU REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1985 OF W S COUNTY TO FINANCE THE COST OF REFUN T~Fl CERTAIN OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS OF THE COUNTY, PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS, PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; MAKING CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE-, TO PROVIDE CERTAIN TERMS AND DETAILS OF SAID BONDS, INCLUDING AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF SAID BONDS AND THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTRACT OF PURCHASE WITH RESPECT THERETO, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OP AN ESCROW DEPOSIT AGREEMENT AND APPOINTING AN ESCROW AGENT, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DE~IVERY OP A CUSTODY OF PUNDS AGREEMENT AND APPOINTING A CUSTODIAN, APPOINTING THE PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR FOR SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT WITH RESPECT THERETO. BE I~ RESOLVED BY ~BB BOARD or COUR~Y COMMISSIONERS or COLLIER COO1ft'r, FLORIDAa SEC~IOR 1. r1RDIBGS. It is hereby found and determined that: (A) On the date hereOf, the Boar~ of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (the -ISsuer-), duly adopted a resolution (the -Original Resolution-), the title of which is quoted in the title of this supplemental resolution for the purposes described therein, suthorizing, among other things, the issuance of Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1985 (the -1985 Bonds-). (B) Due to the present volatility of the market for tax-exempt obligations such as the 1985 Bonds and the complexity ..... of the transactions relating to such Bonds, it is in the best interest of the Issuer to sell the 1985 Bonds by a negotiated sale, allowing the Issuer to enter the market at the most advantageous time, rather than at a specified advertised date, thereby permitting the Issuer to obtain the best possible price and interest rate for the 1985 Bonds. The Issuer acknowledges receipt of the information : ,. 000.53 : .t .~:. .' ~ ~, , ~ ~ ", .. ". . , ~~.~ e e required by Section 218.385, Florida Statutes, in connection with the negotiated sale of the 1985 Bonds. A copy of the letter of the managing underwriters for said 1985 Bonds containing the aforementioned information is attached hereto as Exhibit A. (C) Subsequent to the adoption of the Original Resolution, William R. Hough & Co. and Merrilf Lynch Capital Markets (the .Underwriters.), have offered to purchase the 1985 Bonds from the Issuer and has submitted a Contract of Purchase , . ~ attached hereto as Exhibit B (the .Purchase Agreement.) expressing the terms of such offer, and the Issuer does hereby find and determine that it is in the best financial interest of the Issuer that the terms expressed in the Purchase Agreement be accepted by the Issuer. (D) The Original Resolution provided that the 1985 Bonds shall mature on such dates and in such amounts, shall bear such rates of interest, shall be payable in such places and 'shall be subject to such redemption provisions as shall be determined by supplemental resolution adopted by the Issuer, and it is now appropriate tha~ the Issuer determine such terms and ~etails. SECTIOR 2. DEPIRI~IORS. When used in this supplemental resolution, the terms defined in the Original Resolution shall have the meanings'therein 8ta~ed, except as such definitions shall be hereinafter amended. SECTION 3. AUTBORI~ POR TBIS SUPPLEMBRTAL RESOLUTIOR. This supplemental resolution is enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Act and other applicable provisions of law. ~. SBCTION 4. AD~BORIIATIOR ARD DBSCRIP~IOR or 1985 BONDS. The Issuer hereby determines to issue $29,625,000 1985 Bonds which is the total authorized issue of 1985 Bonds in accord~nce with Section 7 of the Original Resolution. Said 1985 Bonds shall be dated May 1, 1985, shall be issued in the form of fully registered Bonds in the denomination (J()(}!i~ 2 e e of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, shall bear interest from May l, 1985, payable semi-annually, on October 1 and April 1 of each year, commencing on October l, 1985, at such rates and maturing in such amounts on October 1 of such year as provided in Schedule I attached hereto. SEC~IOR 5. REDEMP~IOR' PROVISIORS. The 1985 Bonds maturing after October 1, 1993, other than the 1985 Bonds maturing on October 1, 2012 (the .2012 Term Bonds.), are, at the option of the Issuer, subject to redemption prior to maturity in inverse order of maturity. Such 1985 Bonds may be called, in whole on any date or in part on any interest payment date, on or after October 1, 1993, and any such redemption shall be made at the following redemption prices (expressed below as a percentage of the principal amount being redeemed) plus accrued interest to the redemption date: Period Durin9 Which Redeemed Redemption Price October 1, 1993 to September -30, 1994 102' October I, 1994 to September 30, 1995 101 1/2 October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1996 101 October 1, 1996 to September 30, 1997 100 1/2 October 1, 1997 and thereafter 100 If less than all such 1985 Bonds of a maturity are called, the selection of such 1985 Bonds shall be by lot in any customary manner of selection as designated by the Issuer. The 2012 Term Bonds are, at the option of the Issuer, subject to redemption prior to maturity on and after October 1, 1989. The 2012 Term Bonds may be called, in whole on any date or in part on any interest payment date, on or after October 1, 1989, and any such redemption shall be made lit. tl,e following redemption prices (expressed below as it l'ercentbge of the principal amount being redeemed) plus accrued interest to the redemption date: Period Durin9 Which Redeemed Redem~tion Price October 1, 1989 t~ September 30, 1990 October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991 October 1, 1991 and thereafter 101\ 100 1/2 100 3 : ,. OOU55 e e If less than all the 2012 Term Bonds are called, the selectjon of such 2012 Term Bonds to be redeemed shall be by lot in any customary manner of selection as designated by the Issuer. The 1985 Bonds maturing on October 1, 2005, October 1, 2010 and October 1, 2012 shall be subject to mandatory redemption as provided in Schedule II attached hereto. SEC~IO. 6. SALE OP ~BE 1985 BORDS. The 1985 Bonds shall be sold to the Underwriters pursuant to the Purchase Agreement at the purchase price indicated in such Purchase Agreement; all the terms and conditions set forth in said Purchase Agreement being hereby approved. The Chairman is here~y authorized and directed to execute said Purchase Agreement and to deliver the same to the Underwriters. SECTIOR 7. A~BORIIA~IOR OP B%BC~IOR OP ESCROW DBPOSI~ AGREEMERT. The Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Chairman to execute, and its Clerk to att~st under the corporate seal of the Issuer, the Escrow Deposit Agreement and to deliver the Escrow Deposit Agreement to Sun Bank, N.A., Orlando, Florida (the .Escrow Ag~nt.), and does hereby authorize and direct the execution, sealing and delivery of the Escrow Deposit Agreement. All of the provisions of the Escrow Deposit Agreement when executed and delivered by the Issuer as authorized herein and when duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Escrow Agent, shall be deemed to be a part of this supplemental resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein, and the Escrow Deposit Agreement shall be in substantially the form of the Escrow Deposit Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C with such Changes, amendments, mOdifications, omissions and additions, including the date of such Escrow Deposit Agreement, as may be approved by said Chairman. Execution by the Chairman of the Escrow Deposit Agreement shall be deemet' to be conclusive evidence of approval of such changes. 4 ~ tJ(){J!if) e e SEC~IOR 8. AU~BORIIA~IOR or EXECU~IOR or CUS~ODY or rUBDS AGRBEME~. The Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Chairman to ezecute, and its Clerk to attest under the corporate seal of the Issuer, the Custody of Funds Agreement and to deliver the Custody of Funds Agreement to Sun Bank, N.A., Orlando, "Florida (the .Custodian.), and does hereby authorize and direct the execution, sealing and delivery of the Custody of Funds Agreement. All of the provisions of the Custody of Funds Agreement when ezecuted and delivered by the Issuer as authorized herein and when duly authorized, executed and delivered by the CustOdian, shall be deemed to be a part of this supplemental resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein, and the Custody of Funds Agreement shall be in substantially the form of the Custody of Funds Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 0 with such changes, amendments, modifications, omissions and additions, including the date of such Custody of Funds .Agreement, as may be approved by said Chairman. Ezecution by the Chairman of the Custody of Funds Agreement shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of approval of such changes. SBCTIOR 9. OFPICIAL STATEMBR~. The form, terms and provisions of the Official Statement, dated the date hereOf, submitted to this meeting and attached hereto as Exhibit E, relating to the 1985 Bonds, be and the same hereby are approved with respect,to the information therein contained. The Chairman and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Official Statement in the name and on behalf of the Issuer, and thereupon to cause such Official Statement to be delivered to the Underwriters with such changes, amendments, omissions and additSonf. as may be approved by the Chairman. Said Official Statement, including any ~uch changes, amendments, mOdifications, omissions and additions as approved by the Chairman, and the information contained therein are hereby authorized 5 : ~ {)()(J[)~ e e to be used in connection with the sale of the 1985 Bonds to the public. Execution by the Chairman of the Official Statement shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of approval of such changes. SBC~IOR 10. APPOINTMBRT or CDS~ODIAR, ESCROW AGBNT, PAYIRG AGE~ ARC REGISTRAR. Sun Bank, N.A., whose principal office is in Orlando, Florida, i8 hereby designated Registrar and Paying Agent for the 1985 Bonds, Escrow Agent under the Escrow Deposit Agreement, and Custodian under the Custody of Funds Agreement. The Chairman and the Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into any agreement which may be necessary to effect the transactions contemplated by this Section 10. SECTIOR 11. GERERAL ADTHORITY. The members of the Board of County Commissioners, the Clerk and the officers, attorneys and other agents or employees of the Issuer are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by this supplemental resolution, the Original Resolution, the ',Escrow Deposit Agreemeht, the Custody of Funds Agreement or the Purchase Agreement, or desirable or consistent with the requirements hereof or the Original Resolution, the Escrow Deposit Agreement or the Purchase Agreement for the full punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the ~985 Bonds, this supplemental resolution, the Escrow reposit Agreement, the Custody of Funds Agreement and the Purchase Agreement, including the execution of any documents or instruments relating to insuring payment of the 1985 Bonds and to the Official Statement, and each member, employee, attorney and officer of the Issuer or the Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk is her~by authQrized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers anu in~trument8 anc to be and cause to be done any and all acts and things necessary or proper for carry ins out the transactions con~emplated hereunder. 6 I- 00058 I", ~ ,:;': .. .' ......, }" t/' :~:: e 'IVII&.1~7 ..D I.VALID .1091'10.'. 'ICtlO. 12. If anyone or aor. of tbe covenant., .vr.e.ent. 01 prov1110ns b.r.in cont.in'~ Ih.ll b. bel~ contr.ry to any .apr... provllion of l.w or contrary to tb. polley of ~apr'I' l.v, tbougb not .apr...ly probibit.~, or av.in.t publlc polley, or .b.ll for .ny r...on wh.tlo.v.r b. b.l~ inv.lid, th.n .uch cov.n.nt., '9r"~.nts or provi.ions .hall b. null an~ voi~ and .h.ll b. d.e~.~ I'parabl. fro~ tb. r.=alnlng cov.nant., '9r'.~.nt. or provi.ion. and .hall in no w.y . .ff.ct tb. validlty of any of tbe otb.r provlslon. b.r.of~ or of tb. 1'85 8onds. 'IC~IO. 13. OIIGI.AL aaSOLUYIO. ~ COaTlaol J. .0ICI. .ac.pt a. her.ln .apre..ly provi~.d, the Orlgln.l a'lolution aDd all the t.r.1 .nd provisionl th.r.of are and Iball r...ln in full forc. and .ff.ct. .: 'ICtIO. 1.. arPICtJYI DAYI. ~b1. luppl'.ental r..olut1on Ib.ll b.eo.. .ff.etlv. i..~l.t.ly upon it. a~option. ~his ..solutlon adopted .ft.r .otlon, .econd and roll c.ll vote.. followsl ChI! r..n VOII Aye COllllhl! one r Go0c5nlgbt Motioned and aye CoIIlDhl!oner I.... Seconded and aye COIIIlluloner BOlland Aye Co_l..10ner PhtCi" Absent and not voting ~ this 30th day of Aprll, 1'85. (StAL) ~ or COOJrn CXIDlllBIOIIDS COLLI" COOJrn, rLOamA .Y'c.{tjl~ ~~ '_I sufficiency County Attorney .a- 7 OUU59 "', ~. e SCHEDULE I e COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA PROF'OSED REFUNDING DEBT SERVICE TARGET CALCULATION DEeT SERVICE FROM 05/01/B:i DATE PRINCIF'AL RATE INTEREST ANNUAL. D/S 10/01/8:i 50.000.00 4.750 1 ,089, 137 . ~O 1 , 139, 137 . ~O 10/01/8b 34:i,OOO.00 5.000 2,611,~:55.00 2,956,~:S5.00 10/01/87 3b5,OOO.00 ~.500 2,~94,305.00 2,9~9,305.00 10/01/88 38~,OOO.00 6.000 2,:i74,230.00 2,959,230.00 10/01/89 405,000.00 6.500 2,551,130.00 2,956,130.00 10/01/90 435,000.00 7.000 2,:524,805.00 2,959,805.00 10/01/91 465,000.00 7.250 2,494,355.00 2,959,355.00 10/01/92 500,000.00 7.500 2,460,642.:50 2,960,642.:50 10/01/93 :53:5,000.00 7.nSO 2,423,142.~0 2,958,142.:50 ;. 10/01/94 :57:5,000.00 8.000 2,381,680.00 2,9:5b,680.00 10/01/95 62:5,000.00 8.200 2,33:5,680.00 2,960,680.00 10/01/96 675,000.00 8.400 2,284,430.00 2,959,430.00 10/01/97 730,000.00 8.600 2,227,730.00 2,9:57,730.00 10/01/98 79~,OOO.OO 8.800 2,164,950.00 2,959,950.00 10/01/99 865,000.00 8.900 2,094,990.00 2,9:59,990.00 10/01/00 940,000.00 9.000 2,OI9,OO~.00 2,9:59,00:5.00 10/01/01 1,025,000.00 9.200 1,933,405.00 2,958,405.00 10/01/02 1,120,000.00 9.200 1,939,10S.00 2,t;':59,10~.00 10/01/03 1,22:5,000.00 9.200 1,736,06:5.00 2.961,065.00 10/01/04 1,335,000.00 9.200 1,623,365.00 2.959,36~.00 10/01/0S 1,460,000.00 9.200 1,:500,:54:5.00 2,960,:54:5.00 10/01/06 I,S9S,000.00 9.2S0 1,366,225.00 2.961,22S.OO 10/01/07 1,740,000.00 9.230 1,219,697.:50 2.9:59,697.50 10/01/09 1,900,000.00 9.2:30 I,OS7,737.50 2,9S7.737.:50 10/01/09 2,07:5,000.00 9.2:50 881,987. :50 2,9S6,987.~0 10/01/10 2,270,000.00 9.250 690,0:50.00 2,960,050.00 10/01111 2,480,000.00 9.2:50 480,075.00 2,960,075.00 10/01/12 "2,710,000.00 9.250 . 2:50,67S.00 2,960,67~.00 TOTAL 29 .62~ .Oc)O. 00 :51,408,690.00 81,033,690.00 ACCRUED THRU OS/29/8:5 203,30:5.e7 20:;,30:5.67 NET COST 51,205,384.33 90.830.384.33 AVERAGE COUPON 9.103 eOND YEARS 562,519.583 AVERAGE L.IFE 18.988 Wi 11 i.", R. HouOh II Ca. "'. OUOfi{) e SCHEDULE II e The Term Bonds .aturinll on October I, 2005 shall be subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity. by lot in such manner as the Issuer shall deem to be appropriate. at the redemption price of par plus interest accrued to the re- demption date, on October I, 2001 and on each October 1 thereafter, in principal amounts corresponding to the follo:"ing Amortization Installments and in the years specified: IInortizat1on haortization .!!!!! Instal 1 IlIents !!!.!:! Installlllents October I, 2001 1,025,000 October I, 2003 1,225,000 October 1. 2002 1.120.000 October I, 2004 1,335,000 October I, 2005 1,460,000 ,. The Term Bonds maturi n9 on October I, 2010 shall be subj ee t to mandatory redemption prior to .atu~ity. by lot in such manner as the Issuer shall deem to be appropriate. at the redemption price of par plus inter~st accrued to the re- demption date. on October I, 2006 and on each October 1 thereafter, in principal amounts corresponding to the fOllowing Amortization Installments and in the years specified: !!!.!:! October I, 2006 October 1. 2007 October 1. 2008 Anlortization Installments 1.595,000 1.740.000 1,900,000 Years October '.2009 October 1. 2010 Amortization Instal.1ments 2,075,000 2.270.000 The Term Bonds maturing on October I, 2012 shall be subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity. by lot in such manner as the Issuer shall deem to be appropriate. at the redemption price of par plus accrued to the redemption date. on October I, 2011 and on each October 1 thereafter. in principal amounts corresponding to the following Amortization Installments and in the years speci- fied: llill October 1. 2011 Amortization Installments 2.480.000 00061 lli!! October I, 2012 Amortization Installments 2,710,000