2009/2010 Receipt# 007023396 10/1/2009 12:04:20 PM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court @)vnJo@]CfJD ~@@c~n~l1 Customer CAROLAGAN ROETZEL & ANDRESS, LPA 850 PARK SHORE DR NAPLES, FL 34103-3587 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER M in utesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $50.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 489682 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $50.00 $50.00 ($50.00) $0.00 (];;@O 0 D@rr(];;O@rr!%o @@[ffflJ Page 1 of 1 lID) ~ @ ~ 0 ill ; - -': WJ OCT 1 2DOQ i' COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples. Florida 34 I 12 By BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ANNUAL REPORT NAME R.Bruce Anderson. Esq. DATE October I, 2009 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress. LPA 850 Park Shore Drive Naples. FL 34103 Business Telephone L2J21Q49-2708 E-Mail banderson(a)ralaw.com NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Please see the attached list. (October 1,2009) 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY ~o.~~::-) d: .) <- 0'''''' '\-,. \) vf-.I.,( -:~ ' ~ W t.L.-A-./'- Lobbyist Signature ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregomg registratIon was sworn to and subscribed before l}1e on thIs the ~f~ day of Sepfe..rn Oe.Je... . . 2009, by -.E,-_ BR.uc..f:.-4,ud.~-?(j!-! who is personally knowIJ.JQ me or who has produced as identification and who did take an ~ .:."'....,'" CAROL J. AGAN [..:i)~-% MY COMMISSION' DO 794768 'i:~. :"'i EXPIRES: August 24,2012 '"'(ilf,.\h\ .,' Ilond8d Thru NofIry NlIc Underwrtlers BY: (iJ?! ' . .~ ry Publi~//. ~ The annual registratIOn fee is S2S.00 per Lobbyist. according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53. as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock. Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). LOBBYIST LIST OCTOBER 2009 1. American Residential Communities Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606 2. Barefoot Beach Property Owners Association 195 Barefoot Beach Bonita Springs, FL 34134 3. Barron Collier Company Ltd. Barron Collier Corporation Barron Collier Partnership Barron Collier Investment, Ltd. Creekside West, Inc. G-4 Partnership LaPlaya, L.L.C. Ocean Boulevard Partnership Ocean Boulevard Partnership II 2640 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34105 4. BCB Land Company 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 5. Beazer Homes Corporation 13100 West Links Terrace Fort Myers, FI 33913 Lohhyist List R. Bruce Anderson Ocloher 1. 2009 522214 VII 1 of 6 6. Benderson Development Company, Inc. WR-I Associates, Ltd. Benderson 85-1 Trust 1-75 Associates, LLC Victoria Estates, Ltd. MAGPOND, LLC MAGPOND-A, LLC MAGPOND-B, LLC NEW MAGPOND, LLC NEW MAGPOND-A, LLC Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22,1993); WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson Development Company, RB3 Associates, WMR-1 Inc. Dick Road-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Walden Avenue-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Ranger-1, LLC, RB-3 Associates, Buffalo-Greenbriar Associates, LLC, Benderson 85-1 trust; Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust, Ronald Benderson 1993-1 Trust, (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22, 1993 WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Cedar Key Associates, L.P., Victoria Estates, Ltd., Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust; WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust, WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson-Victoria, LC. General Partner of Victoria Estates, LDC. David H. Baldauf, Manager Address: 8441 Cooper Creek Boulevard University Park, FL 34201 lobbyist List R, Bruce Andersoll October 1. 2009 522214 VII 20[6 7. Bonita Bay Properties, Inc. Bonita Bay Group Long Bay Partners, LLC RCP/TE Investments, LLC Resource Conservation Properties, Inc. Talon Land Group Ltd. The Estates at TwinEagles, Ltd. TwinEagles Development, Inc. TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, Inc. TwinEagles Land Group I Address: 9990 Coconut Road, Suite 200 Bonita Springs, FL 34135-8488 8. Caloosa Reserve, LLC 870 111 th Avenue North, Suite 1 Naples, FL 34108 9. Cameron Partners, LLC. 11586 Quail Way Naples, FL 34117 10. C/B & Associates 6400 Davis Boulevard Naples, FL 34104 11. Collier Enterprises Management, Inc. CDC Land Investments, Inc. Collier Development Corporation 3003 North Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 12. Commercial Development Corporationl Executive Development Corporation 5150 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 601 Naples, FL 34103 Lobbyist List R. Bruce Andersoll October I. 2009 522214 VII 30f6 13. East Naples Land Company James A. Brown, Jr., Trustee 1051 Clark Street Abingdon, VA 24210 14. Emergent Development Emergent Development Group II, LLC 3055 Terramar Drive Naples, FL 34119 15. Florida Rock Industries, Inc. 155 E. 21st Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 FRK Putnam, LLC Rockland, LLC P. O. Box 4667 Jacksonville, FL 32206 Vulcan Materials Co. 1200 Urban Center Drive Birmingham, AL 35242 16. Gonzalez, Ismael & Maria 811 4th Street SE Naples, FL 34119 17. Hideaway Beach Association, Inc. P.O. Box 8000 Marco Island, FL 34146 18. Hideaway Beach Special District Marco Island City Hall 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 19. I nternational I nvestments, Inc. Rock Creek Holdings, LLC 200 American Avenue Glasgow. KY 42141 Lobbyist List R, Bruce Anderson October I, 2009 522214 VII 40f6 20. LDJ Associates, Ltd. P.O. Box 560083 Miami, FL 33256-0083 21. Lennar Communities 10481 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912 22. Phillip Lewallen Suite 601 5150 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 23. Links of Naples Naples Golf Development, LLC 5456 Greenwood Avenue North Port, FI 34187 24. Mining Venture, LLC SR. 846 Land Trust 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 25. Naples Botanical Garden 4820 Bayshore Drive Naples, FL 34112 26. Naples Zoo 1590 Good lette Road N Naples, FL 34102 27. Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Country Road, Suite 204 Plainview, NY 11803 I ohhyisl l.isl R, Bruce Anderson (ktober 1. 2009 522214VI! 50f6 28. NRG Development, LLC 13621 Park Crest Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33012 29. Peace Lutheran Church 5659 Strand Court, #101 Naples, FL 34110 30. Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc. 6251 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 31. Pelican Bay Property Owners Association Inc. 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 600 Naples, FL 34108 32. Pulte Homes 9240 Estero Park Commons Boulevard Estero, FL 33928 33. Sembler Family Partnership #42, Ltd. Family Partnership #41, Ltd. Sembler Retail II, Inc. Sembler Holdings III, Ltd. B&D Sembler Investment Partnership, LP JEEB Investment Partnership, LP Craig H. & Jan Miller Sher Family Partnership, Ltd. 5858 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33707-1728 Lohhyist List I{, Bruce Anderso1l Octohcr I. 200l) '22214 VII 60f6 K:,il 1'11(10- \1[' '!U I )IUI 1 A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION \lli II 3ilil '\\1'11", II 34llJ3 35K7 239.649.2708 \)JI{lll 239.649.6200 MIl'. 239.261.3659 F \\ IILtIIrAII<0ANDRESS II banderson({/ralaw.com October 1, 2009 VIA COASTAL COURIER Collier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registrations - October 1, 2009 Dear Sir/Madam: We would like to renew the Collier County Lobbyist registrations for R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Please find enclosed his registration fonn. In addition, please find enclosed a registration fonn for Douglas A. Lewis, Esq. along with the lists of names and business addresses of the persons and/or entities represented by each before the Board of County Commissioners as of this date and our firm check in the amount of $50.00 to cover both registration. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ZMd ~- c-- Carol J. Alan ~~.~ Assistant to R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Enclosures 452110.000000.0000 ClEVELA'-iD TOLEDO AKR()N COlUMBUS CINCINNATI WASHINGTON, D.C. TALlAHASSH FORT MYERS NAPLES W' \\' \ \. . r a I a \ \ . C () m A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION S~() l)\F~ ~II( 1[,1 1)]\1\1 SI]III. JOU :\\1'11'-. n 3410] 3587 2Y),649,27U81)jIUTI 239.649.6200 ]\.1\[;\ 230261.3659 F\x h,lndcrson:uxa]aw, com I_&)ANDRESS II January 4, 20]() VIA COASTAL COURIER Collier County Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 3301 E. Tamiami TraiL 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registrations - January 1, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam: 1 would like to renew the Collier County Lobbyist registrations for R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Please find enclosed his registration form along with the lists of names and business addresses of the persons and/or entities represented by him before the Board of County Commissioners as of this date. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, t~~.t~ Carol J. Agan Assistant to R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. RBA/ca Enclosures 4521 10 000000 O(JO(j CIEVEI.ANf) TOLEDO AKRON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI WASI1INC;TON, D.C. TALLAIIASS)-] FcmT MYERS NAPLES vv\vw.rala\v.co]lJ COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamtami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ANNUAL REPORT NAME R. Bruce Anderson, ESQ, DATE December 18, 2009 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetze1 & Andress, LP A 850 Park Shore Drive Naples, FL 34103 Business Telephone (239)649-2708 E-Mail banderson(a1ralaw.com NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Please see the attached list. (Januarv 1.2010) 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY ~~~^ c-A~~ LobbYist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the L/~day of ~JJLl4~ ' 20~ by f? B'~I.\~C!... ,/l1Jcl~~s{)J who is personaO;;-known t..o me or who ha produced as IdentillcatlOn and who did take an oath. ~, CAROlJ.AGAN ..,~."- MY COMMISSION '00 794768 ~ . ' i EXPIRES: August 24, 2012 "~Rr.,., BonOedThruNotaryPltllcUnderwrlters BY: The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). LOBBYIST LIST JANUARY 2010 1. American Residential Communities Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606 2. Barefoot Beach Property Owners Association 195 Barefoot Beach Bonita Springs, FL 34134 3. Barron Collier Company Ltd. Barron Collier Corporation Barron Collier Partnership Barron Collier Investment, Ltd. Creekside West, Inc. G-4 Partnership LaPlaya, L.L.C. Ocean Boulevard Partnership Ocean Boulevard Partnership II 2640 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34105 4. BCB Land Company 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 5. Beazer Homes Corporation 13100 West Links Terrace Fort Myers, FI 33913 [Dbbyist List R Bruce Anderson January 1,20]0 522214 VII lof6 6. Benderson Development Company, Inc. WR-I Associates, Ltd. Benderson 85-1 Trust 1-75 Associates, LLC Victoria Estates, Ltd. MAGPOND, LLC MAG POND-A, LLC MAGPOND-B, LLC NEW MAGPOND, LLC NEW MAGPOND-A, LLC Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22, 1993); WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson Development Company, RB3 Associates, WMR-1 Inc. Dick Road-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Walden Avenue-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Ranger-1, LLC, RB-3 Associates, Buffalo-Greenbriar Associates, LLC, Benderson 85-1 trust; Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust, Ronald Benderson 1993-1 Trust, (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22, 1993 WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Cedar Key Associates, L.P., Victoria Estates, Ltd., Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust; WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust. WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson-Victoria, LC. General Partner of Victoria Estates, LDC. David H. Baldouf, Manager Address: 8441 Cooper Creek Boulevard University Park, FL 34201 Lobbyist List R_ Bruce Anderson January 1,2010 522214 VI I 20f6 7. Bonita Bay Properties, Inc. Bonita Bay Group Long Bay Partners, LLC RCPITE Investments, LLC Resource Conservation Properties, Inc. Talon Land Group Ltd. The Estates at TwinEagles, Ltd. TwinEagles Development, Inc. TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, Inc. TwinEagles Land Group I Address: 9990 Coconut Road, Suite 200 Bonita Springs, FL 34135-8488 8. Cameron Partners, LLC. 11586 Quail Way Naples, FL 34117 9. CIB & Associates 6400 Davis Boulevard Naples, FL 34104 10. Collier Enterprises Management, Inc. CDC Land Investments, Inc. Collier Development Corporation 3003 North Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 11. Commercial Development Corporationl Executive Development Corporation 5150 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 601 Naples, FL 34103 12. East Naples Land Company James A. Brown, Jr., Trustee 1051 Clark Street Abingdon, VA 24210 lobbyist List R. Bruce Anderson January 1, 2010 522214 VII 3of6 13. Emergent Development Emergent Development Group II, LLC 3055 Terramar Drive Naples, FL 34119 14. Florida Rock Industries, Inc. 155 E. 215t Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 FRK Putnam, LLC Rockland, LLC P. O. Box 4667 Jacksonville, FL 32206 Vulcan Materials Co. 1200 Urban Center Drive Birmingham, AL 35242 15. Gonzalez, Ismael & Maria 811 4th Street SE Naples, FL 34119 16. Hideaway Beach Association, Inc. P.O. Box 8000 Marco Island, FL 34146 17. Hideaway Beach Special District Marco Island City Hall 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 18. International Investments, Inc. Rock Creek Holdings, LLC 200 American Avenue Glasgow, KY 42141 19.LDJ Associates, Ltd. P. O. Box 560083 Miami, FL 33256-0083 Lobbyisl List I{ Bruce Anderson .January I. 20!O 522214 VII 40f6 20. Lennar Communities 10481 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912 21. Phillip Lewallen Suite 601 5150 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 22. Links of Naples Naples Golf Development, LLC 5456 Greenwood Avenue North Port, FI 34187 23. Mining Venture, LLC S.R. 846 Land Trust 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 24. Naples Daily News 1100 I mmokalee Road Naples, FL 34110 25. Naples Zoo, Inc. 1590 Goodlette Road N Naples, FL 34102 26. Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Country Road, Suite 204 Plainview, NY 11803 [_obbyist l.ist R_ Bruce Anderson January 1,2010 522214Vl\ 50f6 27. Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc. 6251 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 28. Pelican Bay Property Owners Association Inc. 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 600 Naples, FL 34108 29. Pulte Homes 9240 Estero Park Commons Boulevard Estero, FL 33928 30. Sembler Family Partnership #42, Ltd. Family Partnership #41, Ltd. Sembler Retail II, Inc. Sembler Holdings III, Ltd. B&D Sembler Investment Partnership, LP JEEB Investment Partnership, LP Craig H. & Jan Miller Sher Family Partnership, Ltd. 5858 Central Avenue Sl. Petersburg, FL 33707-1728 31.TAC Holdings, L.P. 1111 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 300 Bryan, TX 77802 32. Tennis Realty, LLC 4995 Airport Road Naples, FL 34105 Lobbyist List R. Bruce Anderson January \, 2010 522214 VI] 6of6 I_&)ANDRESS II S:,() I'll,!; \II( lI\I I )j{111 .\ I1III .~()() :"\I'IJ\, 1;/ 34103-3587 23lJh4l)270S Dunel 239.649.0200 :\'1.\1\1 239.2613659 f.\\: A LEGAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ban dersO!l,'u'rala 'vV, com January 4, 20 I 0 VIA COASTAL COURIER Collier County Board OfCollnty Commissioners Minutes and Rccords Department 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, 41h Floor Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Collier County Lobbyist Registrations - January 1,2010 Dear Sir/Madam: I would like to renew the Collier County Lobbyist registrations for R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Please find enclosed his registration form along with the lists of names and business addresses of the persons and/or entities represented by him before the Board of County Commissioners as of this date. Thank you for YOLlr assistance. Sincere I y, I!~J-'f~~ Carol J. Agan Assistant to R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. RBNca Enclosures 452] 1 a.aaaaDO.aOO(J CLEVELA\lD TOLEDO AKR();\J COI,UMI3US CINClNNA. 1'1 WA.'lllINCTON, D.C. TAI_LAI-I/\."':lFI F()RT MYERS NAPLES www.ralaw.colll COLLIER COUNTY 330 I Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 341 12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM ANNUAL REPORT NAME R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. DATE December 18, 2009 BUSINESS ADDRESS Roetzel & Andress, LP A Business Telephone (239)649-2708 850 Park Shore Drive Naples. FL 34103 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: E-Mail banderson({{)ralaw.com 1) Please see the attached list. (Januarv 1. 2010) 2) A TT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSAR Y ~~~~c-A~~ ~ LobbYist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The ti,regoing registration was Swom to and subscribed before 111e on this the Ljt::lr day of ~JJLl4J2~ ,20~ by R. ~.eLlC.e.. /lJJ~~Jf:..S(LA)___\Vho is personallYknown to ..!J:lf...or who hac produced as IdentIfication and who did take an oath. .....".~. "...rvvJ .~... I~.l:-~, """"'" ."""" ,,:~',;; MY COMMISSION # DO 794768 ~ c : ; EXPIRES: AuguSl24, 2012 '~P.r.,: BonoedThruNotaryN1licUnderwntars BY: tJ!~ c}. aC!~ Deputy Cler10Notardublic The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). LOBBYIST LIST JANUARY 201 0 1. American Residential Communities Two North Riverside Plaza, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606 2. Barefoot Beach Property Owners Association 195 Barefoot Beach Bonita Springs, FL 34134 3. Barron Collier Company Ltd. Barron Collier Corporation Barron Collier Partnership Barron Collier Investment, Ltd. Creekside West, Inc. G-4 Partnership LaPlaya, L.L.C. Ocean Boulevard Partnership Ocean Boulevard Partnership II 2640 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34105 4. BCB Land Company 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 5. Beazer Homes Corporation 13100 West Links Terrace Fort Myers, FI 33913 Lobbyist Lis! R. Bruce Anderson January L 2010 522214 VII 10f6 6. Benderson Development Company, Inc. WR-I Associates, Ltd. Benderson 85-1 Trust 1-75 Associates, LLC Victoria Estates, Ltd. MAG POND, LLC MAGPOND-A, LLC MAGPOND-B, LLC NEW MAG POND, LLC NEW MAG POND-A, LLC Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22, 1993); WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson Development Company, RB3 Associates, WMR-1 Inc. Dick Road-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Walden Avenue-Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc., Ranger-1, LLC, RB-3 Associates, Buffalo-Greenbriar Associates, LLC, Benderson 85-1 trust; Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust Blend-All Hotel Development, Inc. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust, Ronald Benderson 1993-1 Trust, (Ronald Benderson and David H. Baldauf as Trustee, Trust dated September 22, 1993 WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Cedar Key Associates, L. P., Victoria Estates, Ltd., Randall Benderson 1993-1 Trust; WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Ronald Benderson 1995 Trust, WR-1 Associates, Ltd. Benderson-Victoria, LC. General Partner of Victoria Estates, LDC. David H. Baldouf, Manager Address; 8441 Cooper Creek Boulevard University Park, FL 34201 Lobbyist List R Bruce Anderson January I, 20]0 522214 VIi 20f6 7. Bonita Bay Properties, Inc. Bonita Bay Group Long Bay Partners, LLC RCP/TE Investments, LLC Resource Conservation Properties, Inc. Talon Land Group Ltd. The Estates at TwinEagles, Ltd. TwinEagles Development, Inc. TwinEagles Golf & Country Club, Inc. TwinEagles Land Group I Address: 9990 Coconut Road, Suite 200 Bonita Springs, FL 34135-8488 8. Cameron Partners, LLC. 11586 Quail Way Naples, FL 34117 9. CIB & Associates 6400 Davis Boulevard Naples, FL 34104 10. Collier Enterprises Management, Inc. CDC Land Investments, Inc. Collier Development Corporation 3003 North Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34103 11. Commercial Development Corporationl Executive Development Corporation 5150 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 601 Naples, FL 34103 12. East Naples Land Company James A. Brown, Jr., Trustee 1051 Clark Street Abingdon, VA 24210 l.obbyist List R. Bruce Anderson January I, 2010 522214 VI 1 30f6 13. Emergent Development Emergent Development Group II, LLC 3055 Terramar Drive Naples, FL 34119 14. Florida Rock Industries, Inc. 155 E. 21st Street Jacksonville, FL 32206 FRK Putnam, LLC Rockland, LLC P. O. Box 4667 Jacksonville, FL 32206 Vulcan Materials Co. 1200 Urban Center Drive Birmingham, AL 35242 15. Gonzalez, Ismael & Maria 811 4th Street SE Naples, FL 34119 16. Hideaway Beach Association, Inc. P.O. Box 8000 Marco Island, FL 34146 17. Hideaway Beach Special District Marco Island City Hall 50 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 18. International Investments, Inc. Rock Creek Holdings, LLC 200 American Avenue Glasgow, KY 42141 19.LDJ Associates, Ltd. P. O. Box 560083 Miami, FL 33256-0083 J .obbyisl List R. Bruce Anderson January I, 2010 522214 VI J 40f6 20. Lennar Communities 10481 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912 21. Phillip Lewallen Suite 601 5150 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 22. Links of Naples Naples Golf Development, LLC 5456 Greenwood Avenue North Port, FI 34187 23. Mining Venture, LLC SR. 846 Land Trust 3606 Enterprise Avenue Naples, FL 34104 24. Naples Daily News 1100 Immokalee Road Naples, FL 34110 25. Naples Zoo, Inc. 1590 Goodlette Road N Naples, FL 34102 26. Naples Syndications, LLC 777 Old Country Road, Suite 204 Plainview, NY 11803 LobhYlst Lisl R. Bruce Anderson January 1.20]0 522214 VII 50f6 27. Pelican Bay Foundation, Inc. 6251 Pelican Bay Boulevard Naples, FL 34108 28. Pelican Bay Property Owners Association Inc. 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 600 Naples, FL 34108 29. Pulte Homes 9240 Estero Park Commons Boulevard Estero, FL 33928 30. Sembler Family Partnership #42, Ltd. Family Partnership #41, Ltd. Sembler Retail II, Inc. Sembler Holdings III, Ltd. B&D Sembler Investment Partnership, LP JEEB Investment Partnership, LP Craig H. & Jan Miller Sher Family Partnership, Ltd. 5858 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33707-1728 31. TAC Holdings, L.P. 1111 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 300 Bryan, TX 77802 32. Tennis Realty, LLC 4995 Airport Road Naples, FL 34105 Lobbyist List R_ Bruce Anderson January 1, 2010 522214 VII 60f6 Martha S. Vergara From: Sent: To: Subject: Nelson, Karen [knelson@ralaw.com] Friday, April 02, 2010 8:52 AM Martha S. Vergara FW: April 1, 2010 Lobbyist Registration Lobbyist list for R. Bruce Anderson - Roetzel & Andress, LPA: Delete: Beazer Homes Corporation 13100 West Links Terrace Fort Myers, FI 33913 Add: Parklands Associates I, LLLP 1600 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 400 Sunrise, FL 33323 Carol J. AJ!an Legal Secretary to R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. Robert D. Pritt, Esq. 850 Park Shore Drive Trianon Centre; Third Floor Naples, FL 34103 Main Phone No.: 239.649.6200 ext 3644 Fax No. 239.261.3659 Email: cagan@ralaw.com www.ralaw.com Celebrating our 20th Anniversary of Roetzel & Andress in Southwest Florida Both Carol Agan and Roetzel & Andress intend that this message be used exclusively by the addressee(s). This message may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Unauthorized disclosure or use of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please permanently dispose of the original message and notifY Carol Agan immediately at 649-6200 Ext. 3644. Thank you. 1