Ordinance 86-57ORDrN.~CE ~0.., 8,6-~57 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING A~D ESTABLISgING A LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GO~ COMPKE~SI~ PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOJ.~fENT REGULATION ACT OF 1985 (CMAPTERS 163.3161 - 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES); SETTING FORTH SAID AGENCY ' S DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES; ESTABLISHING SAID AGENCYtS ORGAI~IZATIONt RULES ~D PROCEDU~S; ~QUIRING THAT ALL MEETINGS BE PUBLIC AND PROVIDING FOR THE KEEPING OF PUBLIC RECORDS; PROVIDING FOI~ FINANCIAL SUPPORT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF ANY PORTION INVALID; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREI~ITH; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFffECTIVE DAT~ H~REOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OP COUNTY CO~HISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. AUTHORITY. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to and in accordance etch, the pro~isions of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes (L~cal Covsrr~ent Co-.prehensive Planning and Land Development R~ulation Ac= of 198~). S~c~ton 2. DESI~TION ~ EST~LIS~ OF ~ P~ING AG~. Pursuant to, and in accordance vith, Section 163.317l, Florida S~atutes, the local planning agency for the unincorporated area of Collier County, Florida is hereby established and defined to consist of the Collier County Plannin~ Co~aisalon as created by Collie~ County Ordtnanc$ "'8~-~1. _:. · ~ction 3. D~IES ~ ~SPONSIIILITIES OF HE ~L K~IN~ accordance w/Ch the Local Covernment Comprehensive Plannin$ and Land Development Re~ulation Act of 1985, Sections 163.3161-3215, Florida Statutes the local plannin$ agency shall~ (a) Conduct the 'cb~prehen~ive planning proiram ~nd prepare the co~prehensive plan or elements or portions ~heriof for unincorpora~ed area of Collier Coun~y~ (b) Coordi~ said c~r~hensiv~ plan or ellen,s or por~i~s ~her~o~ vith the c~rnhensi~e plans oi o~her appropr~e local governments and the State of PloridaI (c) ~aks rsco~nendaciona regarding the adoption of ~aid co~rprs- hensive plan or elements or portions thereof to the Board of County Co~--ieelonersl (d) ~xmitor and oversee the effectiveness and status of the c,~mprehensiva plan and rec~mnsnd Co the Board of County ~nmiseloners such changes in the comprehensive plan as may be r~quired ~r~ ~e Co (e) R,~vi~ p~oposed land ~evelo~en~ regulations, codes, o~ ~em~ent, Chalets, a~d ~ ~ec~ndati~s to the g,~e~ins body as to the consistency o~ ~he proposal ~th the ad0pte~ c~prehensive plan o~ el~enz or portion the~eo~; (~) P,~r~o~ any o~her ~unctiono, duties, and respousibili~ie8 a,~si~ed Co i~ by the ~ard o~ C~nCy C~issi~ers or general or special 1~; and (S) ~e C~ni:y Develo~en~ Divisi~ is desi~a~ed by the Board o~ County C~issioners and :ha local plying agency as the atency responsible for prel~a~ rec~enda:i~s on c ~prehensive plan amen~enCs, consistency of land use re~la:ions or develo~en~ orders ~h the c~rehensive pl~. H~ever, final fecundation Co the Board of County Co~issioner8 ~or the adoption o~ ~en~men~s Co c~prehensive p~n, or ~eCa~i~Cion o~ ~he consistency o~ lan~ use re~ula~io~ oF devalo~amC o~eFo with ~ch plan shall ba the responaibili~ o~ the local planning agency. Members o~ ~he local planning asency shall continue co be appointed and ~o11~ such ~les o~ procedure, M~hods o~ chooa~g of~ice~s, ae~Cins o~ public mee~s, providing o~ ~nancial support, and acc~l~sh~n~ duties as ~rovided by the policies and or~i~nces o~ ~llAer ~y an~ seneral or special law. Section ~. PUBEIC ~INCS ~ ~C0~S. All mee~ins~ o~ ~ha local pl~I~g agency shall be public meetings and a~l agency records shll be public records. ~e local plan~in~ agency shall encourage public par~icipa~ion. Sec~,~n 6. C~SATIOH. ~a me~er8 o~ ~he local planning agency shall se~a wi~hou~ compensa~ion; bu~ ~y be re~bursed ~o~ ~uch ~Favel, ~leage and/or per di~ expanses as ~y be authorized by County Cc~issioners. ~e ~ard of County C~isoi~ers shall appropriate funds et its discretion to the local planning agency for expenses necessary in the conduct of its work. The local planning agency may, In ords: to accomplish the purposes and activities required by the Local Govetumaent Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 198~, expand all sums so appropriated and other sums made available for use from fees, gifts, state or federal grants, state or federal loan~, and other sources; provided acceptance of loans or grants must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Section 7. SEVERABILIT~. If any word, sentence, phrase, clause, section or portion of this Ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion or words shall be deemed a separate and independent provision· and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 8. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. All ordinances and resolutions of tbs governing body in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent such conflict exists. Section 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of notice that it has been received end fi;ad with the Office of the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 10th day of Auqust~ 1986.. DATE: Au~Iust 19, 1986 ORD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUFI'Y, FLORIDA ,~'~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 86-57 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners'during Regular Session on the 19th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my.hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 19th day of August, 1986. JAMES C. GILES Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to th~.Board of County Commis s ign~_~'"'",,,,,,, _/.:' ~;." ~,,'~._~'.., ~, V£rgi~'~ Mac~, -Depu~ ~- . ...-%~ ,. ~{. ;,. ".. ~,, %,, {Td~lO'~..o~ t; ~ ,oo 183'