Ordinance 86-54 ,~, ,,. O~0L.~C~ ~0, 86 -54 ~':. "~. C[~RK~ION CODE" BY ~opT~G SPECIFIC SECTIONS ~DI.[I~f, ~ '"~TION~ FI~ CODES, 1986 ~ITION," ~ P~LISR~ BY NATION~ FI~ PROTE~iON ~SOCIATION (N~A), ~ ~D~ BY ~IS O~iN~CE; ~ING FI~ P~ION COD~ NFPA NO. I, ~:~-5 ~TIN~ TO ~ BO~ OF ~ ~P~S; ~ING ~:I-6 ~TING TO VIO~TIONS PENALTI~; ~IND I:~ TO ~D ~:1-10 ~TING TO A SC~D~E OF P~T FEES; ~ING ~:2-1 ~TING TO DEFINITIORS~ ~G N~A ~01, ~R 7-6.3 ~TING TO NOTIFI~TION OF OCCURS BY FI~ ~ SYST~; ~D~G C~T~ 7-7.4 ~TIND TO ~ F~GUISRING EQUIPS; ~ING ~TER ]0 B~ D~ING ~ SE~ION I0-; ~TING TO DAY~ C~; D~ING IN ~TI~ SE~ION 10-8 ~TING TO GRO~ DAT-~g D~ING IN ~IR~ SE~ION 10-9 ~TIN~ ~ F~ILY DAY-~ ~0~; ~ING N~A 101, C~ER D~G IN ~I~ SE~ION 11-7 ~G ~ ~TIN~ TO F~ILY DAY~ BO~; ~ING ~ 16 C~ 17 R~TINC TO FI~ ~ZNGUIS~ R~UI~S; ~)ING C~TER ]8 ~T~G TO FI~ ~QUIR~S; ~G C~ER 19 R~TIND TO ~I~;CUIS~ ~QUI~S; D~C IN ITS ~ 22 ~T~G TO ONE ~ ~ F~LY D~LINGS; ~ING O~IN~CE 83-14 ~ 83-44; PROVinG FOR CON~.I~ ~ S~CE; PROVIDED FOR ~ E~ECTIV~ DATE. published b7 the National Fire Protection Association (NI?PA), as listed below by RI'PA code and standard number ~nd ae amended herein, ire hereby adopted by reference aa the "Collier County Fire Prevention and Protec- tion Coda" to protect the health, welfare, safety, comacm loterast, and · convenience of the citizens, visitors, and residents of Collier Count.;) Florida. NFPA Coda and gtandard Numbers: 1 I0 I1 IIA lib llC 12 Fire Prevention Code and Appendix K Portable Fire Extinguishers Foam Extinguishing Systems ~tgh Expansion Foam SynC.ems Synthetic Foam and Combined Asent SI, toms Foam Apparatus, Mobile rbon Dioxid. sy.t.u i00 t,,.165 (1) 13 13D 14 15 16 17 20 22 30t. 30 31 32 34 37 40 40~. 43C 431~ 45 ~0 ~OA .51 Ealon 1301 System, s ~alon 1211 Syste~ Sprinkler Systems - Installation Installation of Sprinkler Syste~ in One and T~o Family Dvellings and Mobile Homes Standpipe and ~oee Systems Water Spray Fixed Syate~,i Foa~-Water Sprinkler and Spray System,s D~ Cheed. cal ~et ~t~l ~tin~lshi~S Syste~ Cen~rtfusal Fire S~e~ Fire P~s ~tn~enance ~a~er T~ks ~aide Pro~ec~lon ~o~ttve ~d ~r~e Semite Station ~de Fl,~ble and ~us~ibie Liquids ~d~ Oil B~in~ ~utp~n~ D~ Cleani~ P~n~a Spray Dip Tan~ ~nufacture ~olven~ ~racCion Plants Sta~iona~ ~ustion ~glnes and Cas ~rb~es Cellulos~ Scorag~ of ~ro~l~ Liquid a=d Solid Ai~izi~g ~r~ls Storage of ~gantc Peroxide Fo~htions S~orage of Caseous atdiz~j ~ter~ls Storage of Pesticides in Portable Containers ~lr~ Protection for Mboratories Using ~e~cals ~gnesi~ - Storage and ~ndlin Bulk ~gen Syste~ Caseous Hydrogen Liiui[i~d Hydrogen Sys~e~ ~eldtng and Cu~in~, ~gen-~el Gas Syste~ Acetylene Cylinder ~arg~i Plants 166 (2) 52 61D 6.5 7! 72.A 72~ 72C 72D 72F 74 78 7~ 80 8! 82 85F CuttlnS and Weldln8 Processes Compressed ~atural Cas ?ehicuLar Fuel System ~ational Fuel Ce- Code Nonglammable ~dical Cas Systems Storate sad ~andlinI of Liquefied Petroleu~ Gases Liquefied Petroleu~ Gases a~ U~iltcy Cas Pl~nts Liquefied Natural Gas ~anufacturing and ~andllmg Starch Grain Elevators - Bulk ~.ndlia~ Facilities Feed ~lla - ~s~ ~zards ~ricul~ural Co~ogl~ie~ for ~ln Coas~p~ion~ ~llai Alumtnu~ Processint ~d Finishlnl ~loston Prevea~ion ~lec~ricaZ Safety Requirements ~or ~loyee ~or~ccs Central E~a~lon ~t~alin~ Systems ~cal Pro~acclve Sisnalins A~ilia~ Pro~ec~ive Si~al~ Sys~es Remo~e S~a~ion Siinalin$ Sys~s Proprie~a~ Si~nal~ Sys~e~ Au~o~lc Fire De~ec~ors ~ersency ?oice/~a~ Co~nica~ion Systems Household Fire Yarnln~ ~l~cCro~ic Compu~r/DaCa Procassins Lig~tnini Pro~ec~loa lndus~rial ~chlnery Firs Doors and ~r S~ora~e, ~saCion and Cl~nin~ lncinera~ors, ~as~e and Linen ~ndlinS Sys~e~ 0~1 and Cas-Fired Stn$1e Bumer Boilar-~ces ~ace ~plosions in ~acural Cas - Fired Boiler-Fu~ac~s Fuel Oil-Fired Hul~lpla Bumer Boiler-~maces Pulverized Coal-Firod Hu~iple Bumer ~lverized ~al Sys~ Preventfon ol Fu~ace l~losions In ~ll~lpla Bumer (3) 86C 86D 90A 90B 9! 96 Il0 121 130 22~ 23! 231C 231D 231F 232 241 251 252 253 255 256 257 Boiler-l~rrmncea Ovens and Fur~ance Industrial ~urnaces - Special Processing Atmospheres Industrial Furnaces using Vacu~ as an A~sphere Parkin~ Structures ~pair ~rages Air ~nditton~g and Ven~ila~ing Syste~ ~a~ Mr Hea~g and ~r Conditioning Blover a~d ~haua~ ~rcial ~oking Equipment - Vapor ~val ~ealth ~re Facilities Life ~age~y ~de tnclud~g ~pend~ A ~bly ~eaCing - Ten~s ~nd ~r-SupporCed S~c~ures ~ergency and 8~andby P~r ~obtle ~urface ~n~g F~ed Guidevay Transi~ Fire Safe~y in ~ceCrack Scabies Ch~ys, Fireplaces ~d Vents ~acer ~o1~ T~ers Ho~s ~d ~s ~ Fores~ ~eas Indoor Ceneral S~orage ~ck Storage o~ S~orage of Rubber Tires S~orate of bll Paper Record Pro~ection $afe~larding Building Co~sC~c~ion and Da~licion Opera~ions S~andard Hechode of Fire Tests - Building Cona~cCion and ~candard He,hods of Fire Teats Og Critical ~dianC FLux of Floor Cover~g Sys~e~ a ~dianC Hea~ Energy Source ~uilding ~certale - Tests o~ Surgac~ Burning Characteristics Fire Tests - Roof Coverings Fire Tests of ~tnd~s~llea 258 302 3O3 306 307 312 321 327 385 386 395 4O7 408 410 415 616 417 418 ~81 482 ~93 ~,96 498 505 512 513 601 Smoke Generation of Solid Haterials ~tor Craft, Pleasure and Commercial ~arinaa and Boatyards Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels Construction and Protection of Farine Terminals, Piers and ~q~arvea Vessels During Cons£ruct~on - Repair and Lay-Up Cl~ssiftcation of Fla~able Liquids Cleaning Small Tank~ Tank Vehiclae for F/ammable and Combustible L/quids Portable Shipping Tanks ' Fl~ble and Combustible Liquids on Farms and Isolated Construction Projects Aircraft Fuel Servic/nE Aircraft Fire Exttn~uishere Aircraft liangars Aircraft Fatntenance Aircraft Fueling Ramp Drainage Airport Terminal Buildings Aircraft Loading Walk~sys l~of-Top Heliport Construction and Protection Construction and Protection of Aircraft Eaginm Teat Facilities Production, Processing, Handling end Storage Production, Froceesing, ,Handling and Storage of Zirconiu~ ~onium Nitrate Storage Intrinslcall7 Safe Apparatus Code for Explosive Haterials Purged Enclosures [or Electrical Equipment Explosives Hotor Vehicle Terminals Powered Industrial Trucks Truck Fire Protection Honor Freight Termi~als Standard for Guard Service in Fire Loss Prevention ___ =mm mm 601A 650 Pneumatic Conv~ying Systems for Handling Combustible Iiateriale 651 Aluminum or )'fa~eeium Powder Chemical. Dye, Pharmaceutical and Plastic Industry 655 Sulfur Fires, /xplosions~ Prevention 664 Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities 701 702 703 704 Flame-Resistent Textiles'and Films - Fire Tests For Flammability of Wearing Apparel Fire RetardanC Treatments, Building Hateriele The Fire Hazards of ~aterials 803 Light ~ater Nuclear Power Plants Fire Protection 1122 Code For Unmanned l~ockate 1123 Public Display of Fireworks 1124 Fireworks - HanufacCurinE, Transportation and Storage 1221 Public Fire Service Communication 1141 Planned Bulldin/ Groups~ Fire Protection 1231 ~ater supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting 1961 Fire Hose 1962 1963 Care, Use, and Haintenance of Fire Hose Incl.ud/ng Co~ectione ~nd Nozzles Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose C~ecctone 1981 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Fire Fighters The "~ationsl Fire Code,~ 1986 Edition," is hereby a~ended Ko reed i' as follows: FIRE PREVI~ION CODE NFPA NO. I CHAPTER I - ADMINISTRATIONAND ENFORCIDfl~T I-5 - BOARD OF APFEAL$ Amend I-5 to reed es follows: 1-5 - APPEAL 1-5.1 Whoever the Building Official shall reject or refuse mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to]be used in ~he erection or alteration of a building or structure, or when it is tls/mad that the provisions of this code do not apply~ or that an equally good or more desirable form of (6) construction can be emplo?ed in en7 speci-~tc case, or lc is cla~med that ~:he true ~n~en~ ~nd meaning o~ code or any o~ ~ha r~ons thereunder hav~ been ~scons~ed or ~o~ ~n~e~re~ed, the o~er of such building or s=~cture or his duly authorized a~ent. ~y app~l from the decision of the Buildin~ Oilichl to the Board of Adjustments and'Appeals, pura~n~ ~o the procedures as se~ forth ~ ~he Colll{r Coun:y Ordnance escabltshtn~ the Board o~ ~Just~nts and Appeals. 1-6 - ~nd 1-6 Co read as follovs: If any person, fl~ co~ora~ion, or o~her lelll ~a=h~r public or prtva~e~ sha~ fail or refuse to obey or co~ly with, or viola~es~ any of the provisions of ~ts Ordi- nanc~ such person~ fi~ corpora~ion~ or other lelal whe=her public or priva~, upon conviction of ~ch shall be punished by a fine ncc ~o exceed Five Ifundrtd Dollars (~300.00) or by ~priso=an: no: :o exceed s~ty (60) days the county Jail~ or both~ in ~hs discr~ion of th~ court. day of continued vfola~iou or non-co~l~nce s~all b~ consid- ered as a separa=e offense. Ia addi~ion~ ~y person~ co~ora~io~, or other l~tal entity whether public or convicted under ~he provisions of this section shall pay ill costs and e~enses involv,d In th~ case. No=hint hersta con- ~alned shll preven= the County ir~ tak~E such ocher ~wful ~ct/on in ~ny court of c~etent Juriadic~loa la i8 neceasa~ ~o preven~ or r~edy any vioh~ioa. Inch other ladul action aha].1 include, buC shaZl not be l~ted to, an equi~able action Add 1-I0 to r~d as folios: 1-10 COST OF P~T es~ablish, b~ ~solu~ton~ a sCh~dul~ o[ f,~s and charges ~or ~ccers pertaining ~o ~his Ore,hCa and ,llt~d ~ers. the intent of these regulations that the County shall not be required to bear any part of the cost of s~plicatlons made under this Ordinance. The schedule of fees and charges shall be posted in the office of the.Building Official. The charges listed nay be changed by resolution of the Board of County Connlssioners and are not subject to the procedure for amend- nent by the Board of Appeals. Until the applicable fees or charges have been paid in full, no action of any type o~ kind shall be taken on an application. CHAPTER 2 - DEFINITIONS l-I DEFINITIONS Amend 2-i by adding the following definitioms~ Ovnsr - Is any person, agent~ firm or corporation having a legal or equi=abla interest in the property. Amend defini~ions to read as follows: Fire Harahal - F~ans the Building Off/c/al of Collier County. Firs Official - Any authorized person serving ss a designated employee~ repressn~a~ive~ or agent of the Building Official of Collier County. LIFE SAFETY CC'DE - NIrPA 10i CHAPTER ? - BUILDING SERVICE AND FIRE PROI~,CTION EQUIP}~NT 7-6 D~TECTION~ ALAR/4, AND COMMUNICATIONS $YST~4S 7-6.3 OCCUPANT NOTIFICATION Amend section 7-6.3.6 to read as follows: 7-6.3.6 Audible alarm indicaelng devices shall be of such character and so distributed as to be effec=ively heard abo~e the ambien= noise level obtained under nornfll conditions of occupancy. Residential occupancies: Audible ahn~ indicating devices shall be clearly audible la ali bedrooms over background noise levels wt~h all ln~ervening doors closed. ]~e audible alarm indtcatint device sounding shall measure a 0dnlmum rating of 70 dba in the approx/ma£s center of bedrooms. (s) 7-7..4. HAI,~AL EXT/.NGUISHING EQiIZPI,'II~'qT Amend section to read aa follows: 7-7.4.1 Portable fire extin~uishers shall be installed in all occupancy classifications in accordance with £he Standard for the Installation of Portable Fire Extinsuishera, F~TA I0, C~APTER 10 - NL~DUCATIONAL OCCUT~CIES 10-7 - DA¥-CARZ Delete section in ~ntire~yl 10--8 - GROUP DA~~CARE HOHES l)elete section in 10-9 - F.i~tlL~ DAY-CAR~ Delete section in entire~y. CHAPTER i1 - EXISTING EDUCATIOtIAL OCCUP~CIF~ Delete section tn entirety. 11-8 - GROUP DAY-CARE Delete section in entirety. 11-9 - FAI4ILY DA¥-CAREHOI'~ Delete section in CHAPTER 14 - NE'~'~OTE'LS'AND DORHITORIES 1~ - 3.~.2 Extinguishment R~quiremsnts ~nd section to read ms f~llows~ 16 - 3.}.2 Portable fire e~tin~uishers shall be provided in all Hotel Occupancies in accordance with 7-7.4.1. CHAPTER 17 - EXISTING HOTEL OCCUPANCIES 17 - 3.5.l ExtinEuishmenc Requirements A~md section ~o rand as follows= 17 - 3.5.2 Portable fire ex=in~ulshers shell he provided in Hotel Occupancies in accordance w/th 7-7.4.1. CHAPTER 18 - N~APARTHENT BUILDINGS 18 - 3.5.5 Extinguishment Reqgiremen=s An~md section to read as follows: 18 - 3.$.5 Portable fire ex~lnluishers shell be provided in ell apartment butldlnts tn accordance wi~h 7-7.4.1. Ch~.PTER 19 - EXI$ITNG A~'.iJ**TH, ENT BUZLDINGS 19 - 3.~.5 ~Ctnguls~enC ~qutremente ~end section to z~d aa fo~lova: 19 - 3.5.5 Portable ~tra extin~taher~ ~11 be provided existing apar~en~ buildtnis In accordance ~th 7-7,4.1. C~T~ 22 - O~g ~ ~ F~ILY DVB~CS Delete tn entirety SECTION TtUU~- Repeal of Previ(~us Ord/nance Ordinance 83-14 and 83-~4 are hereby repealed in their entirety as of the effecttv~ date of this ordinance. SECTION FOU~: CONFLICT AND SE~CE In the event chis ord/nan~e conflicts vith any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable la~, the more re~trictiva shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitu- tional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision end such holding shall not affect the validity of the re~alntng portion. SECTION FIVE - Effective Date This Ordinance shall bec~ue effect/va upon recetp~ of notice fro~ the SecYetsr~ of State that this Ordinance has been flied ~-lth the Secretary of State. (I0) · ' / PASSED A~D DL%Y ADOPTED by Co~ler County, F~orida Chis 12~hday COLLI~ CO~, ~A .f ; · ,..-. DATE: August 12, 1986 : ',, .'/T;'7"...:' ., ~ :' f..: . .~ . , · f:. ',~o- ', · ;,' P/stor, Chairman Apprgved as to for~ and lesal sufficiency: ]~aana~h B. ~uylar, C~Y At~o~mey £1ra prevention ordinance 6/18 STATE OF FLORIDA ) CO~4TY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 86-54 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESf my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, F~orida, this 12th day of August, 1986.