Ordinance 86-49m .... :' ': -C~E~' 1985 [DITION" ~IN~ ~P~IC~ A~ B~ C, E, F~ i, L, N~ ~ P; ~ ~LISH~ BY ~E SOl~ B~G CODE C~SS XNT~ATION~ ~ ~C., ~01.4 ~T~G TO ~S~ BUI~INGS~ ~DING SF.~ION ~05 ~T~G TO ~E ~ O~ ~S~S ~ ~ING S~ION 202 ~ING TO D~ITIONS ~G S~fION 301.2 ~T~G TO DEFIN~G ~E DIS~I~ A~i ~ING S~ION 302.2 ~TIN~ TO ~0~ "H" ~P~; ~ING S~ION 302.2.6 ~T~G TO ~ERIOR W~LS OF ~E IV BUI~INGS; ~ING S~ION ~03.2 ~T~G TO T~T ~G S~ION 408,2 ~TING TO GRO~ "H" ~(~S; ~ING S~TION 610 ~ING TO BUI~GS L~A~ ON ~ S~E L~; ~O SF~ION 706.6 R~TING TO W~D SHIN~ES ~D S~; ~G SE(~ION 902 R~TING TO ST~PIPES; ~G SF~TION 902.5 ~TING TO ST~PIPES D~ING CONSTRUCTION; ~G S~ION 1104.4 ~T~G TO ~G~U~ OPt~INGS; ~G S~ION 1108 ~TING TO B~ONIES; ~ING S~ION 1302 ~TING TO ~GS ~ FO~ATIONS; ~O SE~ION 1707 ~T~G ~[T IC~ F~ING ~; ~ING S ~TI ON ~708 ~T~G T0 ~F JOIST; ~ING SECTION 2802 ~T~G TO S~U~ ~N~ G~S~UGTION; ~ING ~PI~IX "A" IN ~E FOLLOWING ~: ~D~G A103.2.6 ~T~G TO ~N~ ~R A~ ~LTATIONS[ ~G A103~6.1 ~T~G TO P~IT I~'~ ~ }~SIONS; ~G A103.7 ~TING TO SC~E OF P~IT FEES; ~G A103.8.5 ~T~G TO POSTING OY P~IT; ~ING A103.8.6 ~TING TO ~UI~ INSP~IONS; ~ING A103.9.1 ~ING TO BUI~G ~C~ ~SPE~IONS; ~ING A105.4 ~TING TO ~.~ ~E~ ~ PR~ED~S; ~G Al07 R~TING TO VIO~TIONS ~ P~$&TIES; ~}'~IX "D" ~TING TO ~IC~E ~UIR~S FOR ~'ERIOR W~I.S ~ TIE B~; ~ING $~P~IX "N" ~TING TO CONST~U~ION OF ONE ~ ~ F~LY D~GS; R~G O~IN~CES 83-13, 83-30 84-6~; PROVID~G FO~ CON~I~ ~ S~CE; P~V~IHG FOR ~ EF~I~ D~E. ,,.:.. ' Tn~ "S~i~ard Bu~d~i ~, 1985 gdi=i~" ~cludin~ App~dtc~s ;:~i '::. :~" C~sa In~l~m~to~l, ~c., and as ~nd,d n,rs~, ~ adop=ed by r~f,r~ce aa ~ "gollter C~n=7 St~srd Bu~dtn neal~n~ welfa're, aafe=y~ c~n ~terea~ and c~enl~ce of ct=~m, vial;ors, ~d redld~=a of Collimr Cowry, ~'L T~ "B~ard Bu~d~g C~e, 1985 Edfti~," includ~ App~dtcms .~.: B.C.D.E.F.I.L. N ~ P. is nermby ~:ded to read am roll.m: CHAFTZR 1 - ADMLNISTRATION 102 - POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BUILDING O}?vCIA], 102.4 - UNSAFE BUILDINGS Amend subsection 102.~ to read as follows: 102.4 - Unsafe Buildinss snell be in accordance ~itn the Collier County Ordinance providing for the elimination or repair of unsafe buildings. 105 - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Delete subsections 105.1 through 105.3.3, inclusive, and a~end section 105 to read as follows:. ~q~enever the Building Official shall re3ect or refuse the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the erection or alteration of a building or structure, or wneu it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply, or that an equally good or more desirable form of const:ructicu can be employed in any specific case, or wuen it is claimed that the true ~ intent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations tmereunder nave been miscons- trued or wrongly interpreted, the 'c~ner of such building or structure or his duly aut~orized agent, may appeal from tee decision of the Building Official to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, pursuant to tam procedures as sat fortU in the Jollier County Ordinance establishing the Board of Adjustments sad Appeals. CHAPTER 2 - DEFIN[TION$ 202 - DEFINITIONS Amend section by adding the following deflmttion~ START OF CONSTRUCTION - means the first placement of permanent construction of · structure sucre as tee pouring of slabs or footings or any work beyond the stage of excavation. Permanent construction does not include land prepare:ion, sucm as clearing, g~ading, and filling; nor ~oes it include the imstallatiou of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a bas~,~t, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the iastallation on the property of accessory buildings, suca as K~razes or z. heds not occupied as dwelltn~ unit, or not as part of tns ~ain structure, l~or · strvcture ~itnout s b~mnt or ~red ioo~inis~ t~e "start of c~st~ction" ~cludes ~e pe~n~c fr~S oe ~sa~bly of ta~ s~ctu~t ~ ~ part ae~of of ica pil~S or 202 - DEF~IIIONS bu~t. w~ic~ re, ires a f~ loca=i~ on or ~ t~e g~und. is aC~acned to a~etn~ by ~y means nav~g a f~ed lo~tion ~l 3 - FI~ DIS~IC 301 - G~ P~ISIONS 301.2 - SCOPE ~nd subs*c~i~ 301.2.1 to re~ as roll.el 301.2.1 - For the pu~ose of t~ts Code t~ere ts hereby established a Fire D~t~ct. maid Firs D~t=lc= to include t~e (a) Al.1 Industr~l ~ C~rc~l Z~8 as on the Official Zoner A~las 'of Collier C~ty. Florida. "P~" (P~nned U~t D~elo~t). (c) All ~onfo~8 stsc=urea ld~ttfted as C~rc~l or industrial. 30~ - BOILING 302.2 - ~ 8P~IFIC ~.s~ subsection 302.2.2 to r~d as foil.s: 302.2.2 - Grip "H" Occup~cy sba11 be pe~ltted by the Bu~d~g C~e tn accord~ce vltD Cbaptar ~. ~e~ ~bsect~n 302.2.6 to read aa 302.2.6 - ~tertor walls of Type IV const~ctt~ ~3 re(it from a property l~a or aaa~ed p~perty shall nave no opeu~s ~d snail be of ~o (2) b~r fire restattv~ const~c=ton. Other exterior walls will be accordance with tab~ 600. (3) CHAPTE~ 4 - CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING BY OC~IPANCI: ~nd eubsec~n 403.2 to road as 403.1 - T~ S~/~TION In a bu~d~, or por~i~ of a bu~ld~E cf occup~c7 classiftcat~n. ~en enclosed spaces are providod for separite t~nts, suc~ spaces anal1 separated by not leas t~ on~ (1) hour iir~ resistanc~cep~ =~t ~ Cr~p B - - s=oraEe builiints, ~firt rated p~r:l:iu may be used to separate t~n~s pr~ided no ar~ ba~wm~ partitt~ rat~ at ~s (1) n~r or ~re ~ceeds (3~0) sq~rm feet. Such smparaCi~ shall ext~ to a floor/ceil~ ass~bly of ~ae rmquir~ fire resis~ce, In and ~e top s~o~ of ~ild~a ~ or separa~ion snail ~te~d at l~st to roof aneatnin~, 408.2 - SPEC~ ~ section 408,2.2 Co rea4 as foll~s: 408,2,2 - Cr~p R occup~ctes ~nall be ~e4 ~ tam ~t~e DisC~cC. ~ER 6 - ~SlFICATION OF BUI~G BY CONS~U~ION 610 - ~UI~IN~ ~T~ ~ ~ S~ Lq m~ saetia 610 to read aa foll~s: ~.re t~e ~tt~ior walls of ~ (2) or more ~d~ts locat~ on ~be s~ lot face ~m ~o~ner, and ~e of cbe wa~f ~ not coi~t~c~ed a~ required for a fire w~l, b~ ass~d began C~. The fire resistance re,tuir~a~s for nc~ fac~g ~,alls ~d for t~e pro~ecti~ of ope~l~s taere~ shall be the s~e as required by ~nis code for w~ls open~ga facing an ass~d pzoperty line as praised ~ Table 600. ~C~I~: One aCo~ bulld~gs used ~clusively for ~-storaga locatad on e~e a~ lot ~y uve t~a requir~ts m ~f table 600. Tna morizontal separation will relate to tbs di~tamce bet~'eeu buildings rather than property lines or as,umad property lines. c~tAPTER ? - FIRE EROTECTION P, EQUIREI~E~TS ?06 - ROOF CC'VEEINC$ 706.6 - WgOD 81=Ill~G'LES Ah'D $1~A_~ Amend subsection 706.6.1 by adding rna following exceptions: 706.6.1 EXCEPTIOn: Ail ~ulti-fam/ly (triplex and above) using wood shingles or shakes wood shingles or s~_-_kes unless restricted by otmer code requira~nt s. EXCEPTICN.' Group ~ousing projects consisting of single-family units or duplex units with units or buildinf;s less than 15 feet apart must comply wits exception (1) above. CHAPTER 9 - 5PRI~LERS, STANDPIPE~ 902 - $TARDPI.PES 902.~ - DR! STANDPIPE A~md subsection 902.4 to read ~ foll0ws: 902,4.1 - Ail buildings tmree (3) stories ia ~aight small nave ei~:ner a wet st~m~dpipe in accordance wit~ 902.3 or a Class I dry standpipe. EXCEPTI¢~ A Class I dry standpipe small not be required =o ~ave · nose valve oD · floor wllicm ~oes ~ot Dave · co~on ~lement area (i.e., elevator lobby, corridor, public balcony or porch) 902.~.2 - In buildings requiring standpipes in accordance vitro 901.3, dry standpipes may be installed w~en in tne opin/on of the Building Official, a constant and automatic water ~=pply is not necessary. 902.5 - STANDPIPES DURING CONSTRUCTION Amend section by substituting the National Fire Protect£on Association Code, Standard II, 1986 Edition, Chapter 9; referring to Standpipe and Hose Systems for (~) Buildi~gs Under Construction. This code ts adopted as part of tee Collier C~unty Fire Pr~c/~ Code. 1106.,{ - ~G~ E~BS O~INGS ~and subeectiom 110~.4.~ to read as foll~a~ llO~.a.3 - Eacm egress w~d~ fr~ slewing ro~ ~ave a ~ total clear op~g of mot lasa t~ 5.7 equate feet. 1108 - ~IES Add subsecti~ 1108.1.6 ~o re~d as fo~, 1108.1,6 - T~is sec~l~ ~11 apply to ~rior balconies as well as ~terior public belches. ~n~ subeect~ 1302.2.1 to r~ as 1302.2.1 - ~ C~, ~Y OR T~ ~tings a~ll be so deai~d t~t t~e a~abla b~r~g capacity of the soil'is not ~ceed~. Il st~ctutal p~ cozcrate, ~sou~ or t~r foot~ga are used, they anal ~st ~ ~is~:bed or n~ty (90) perc~t c~pactad soil of u~[o~ d~aity and C~pact~ snail be deta~ by N~ified Procter. the fill is less t~ 18" of vertic~ depta, a tes: sna~ be required for t~ full d~tn tarn a: finished 8r~e suriace. If the fill is greater t~ 18" oE verti~l g~tn, the d~i~ test a~I be ta~ a~ each 12" verti~l c~ic~ess. 1302.2.3 - ~ SOL~ G~ OR PIL~ ~d subsection 1302.2.3 to read as ~o11~a: F~Mati~s sn~l be ~il: upon natural solid gro~. Where solid ~ral 8r~nd does ~t occur at ina f~ndation depth, auca ff~ati~ s~ll be axt~d~ d~ to ~zal solid ~ or piles snail be Y~ations ~y be bu~t u~n ~cn~icall~ c~act~ aa:tm i mm or fill m~mCmr~ml subject Co a~proval by tbs Bulldtni Official upon submttCm-t of ,vid~nc* ~n~ propos,d load vi~ ~ adequately supported. ~uc~ ~vidcnc~ snell b~ ~s ~ 17 - W~D ~U~I~ 1707 - ~TI~ ~G 1707.7.i - ~otcnea used for pl~b~g, electrical pipes. ~blms ot ~te ~equit~ a mte~l mt~ap no lses t~n 1/16 ~cn (1.5~) t~tc~sss covsr~ tn~ ~ccn. EXTE~IOA MAII. S BEARINC depth of notch .25wj~"~ 'hoc 'greater than 0 width of -tud not g:eater than O.40w t steal strap ~:equ£rad diameter of hole not g~oacer"t.h~n 0 mi. nimt[= cover from hol~' to edgt: - die. meter of hole not greater than 0.60w min ih'.u~l cover from ,]tole. to edge -5/8" 1708 - I~OF AI~D CI~ILINC FI~MINC 1708.3 - ~F JOIS~ Add ~ubsect/o~ 170~.3.~ to r~d 1708,3.4 - ~o~cnss used ~or pl~b~ ~leccrtcal pipes, cables or wt~e requtra ~ca (1,~ Cnlc~esa cover~8 ." ' :.L'~-'.. * i .c ~,'.~ 'lC cnd~ of Jo~sCs,noc deeper :'~.. ' -. '.;; ~ '.'.: - : '~,' ~14 :. .. :. .,. ..: .... · [ .... length for benring holes hOC driil~d vfthin ..... 2" - not greater than notches in top v. bottom hOC per~-£tted in m£ddle third notchhs, nbC;a= ends, in top or bottom not deeper than d- depth of Joist .(8) ..-- m im CHAPTER 28 - ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION 2802 - STRUC~'u~AL ALUMINUM COMS~UC~ION ~d Section 2802 Co read as follovs: T~ den~, fabr~cat$~ and ass~bly of ~ctu~al a~n~ for ~ildings or s=~c~ras n~all co~o~ to ~pecifications for of the ~ ~soc~tion, Second ~l:ton, Consc~ctt~ ~nual by t~e ~ ~soc~ti~ of FloOds, Inc. The use of al~ alloys not l~[ed ~ =am ~l s~a11 be pe~ltted provided t~eir st~dard of perforce is ~t less tn.an those required ~ the ~1 and APPENDIX "A" - SUPFL~KENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE A103.2 - DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS A~d subsection AI03.2.6 to reed as follows: AI03.2.6 - MINII~JM FLO0~ ARD SLAB ELEVATIONS (a) No building permit snell be issued for coms~rcial or residential buildings unless the pla~s therefore snow t~.at cmxstruction of the finished floor elevation ia established a m~,ntmum of eisnteem (18) inches above the crown cf the nearest street if finished with paving, or t~enty-four (24) inches ab,~ve the crown if graded or otmerwise nnfinianed, or seven (?) £e.t above Mean Sea Level (M~L) baaed on the 1929 National Ve~:tical Datum or at the elevations that nave been establta~ad by the flood insurance rata maps aa mentioned in the Flood Da~te Prevention Re~ulationa of Collier required building and construction tec~niquea and sues ni~ner elavatinn aa wtey be established by law, wmicnever ia the greater. Cro~n~ elevations snell be g~dually eloped aw~y from tee building to effectively drain water away from the building. In projects where natural or unusual conditions exist, finished floor elevation may be det~rmi~ed by ~utlding Director upon eub~taeloa of certi~ied e~idence by either a Florida P~egiatered Engineer, A~cnitect or Lama -----. I (1~) All slabs for garages, ca~por~s~ screen ~nc~osu~es, pzoJ.cCs vnara natural or unusual conditions e=in~, t~a slab elevati~ ~y be de~e~ed by t~a Building Dizac~or upon su~ssi~ of certified evidence by eib,er a Florida Eagis~ered ~ineer, Arc~itec~ or L~d Su~eyor. A103.6 - C~I~S OF ~E P~IT ~end ~bse'c~ion AI03.6.1 to read as foll~s: Tna Build~g Official shall ac~ upon an appli~.ti~ for a pe~ ~ plans as fil~, or as m~g, ~t~t ~reas~bla or ~ecessa~ delay. A pe~C is~ small be c~t~ to ba a license to proceed ~ t~e work and small n~ be c~st~ed as authority to violate, c~cel, alter, or se~ aside ~y oi the pr,~isi~s of this c~e, nor s~all suc~ issuance of a pe~it pr,~v~c cna Buildhg Offichl fr~ thereafter requir~g a co'~action of e~ors in plus or in c~s~ction, or of viola- (6) ~tns ~:e~ issua~e ol trna pe~. If t~e work au~noriz~ by sucre pe~ is suspe~ or aba~d for a period of s~ (t) ~ntms after the t~e tee wozk is c~nced~ tn~ pe~t s~ll bec~ ~alid. T~e Build~g Official ~ay au~or~e a ~ ol f~r (~) ~tensi~s of a pemit ~o~ niae:y (90) days each, up~ paint ota f~ing fee for ~ensi~. Up~ ~r~t~g of the f~ ~nety (90) day ~si~. no furtae: ~:e~t~s ~y be request~ or ~r~ted. The f~g f~ for eac~ pe~ ~tension ~11 he eq~l to t~ (10) percen: of the ozigi~l build~l pe~t dollars (~100.00), ~icm~er Is ~zeater, bu~ ~11 ~t ~ceed five nundzed dollars (~500). The f~g fee ccs~ of r~ie~g ~lstinE o= ~ded ~u~d~E pl~ to de~e~ine ~d ver~y code c~pl~nce. Ail pe~its t~at ~ava been ~ effect for ~e tman ~alve (12) m~t~s a~ p~.ssage of ~ais Ozdi~nca ~d for wnicm no ~spacti~ ~as been ~:rfo~d wi~n~ s~ (6) m~t~ pmior to the effective date of ~nis O~d~ce will reave s~cy (~0) days af~er ad~:ion of (~o) Ordinance to apply for an ex~ens~Ono per,it ~11 ~ cancellsd. ~usp~ion or aband~ shall b~ dasd ~o ~ve occu~ ~an ~ lnapsc~ion ~a, no~ b~n call~ for ~tnin a s~ (6) ~ntn p.eri~, or if t~s Build~ Official dsta~s that no subs~ti~l effort t~ard ccnst~cti~ nas b~en ~ed ~tn~ any a~ (6) ~t~ peri~, A103.7 - ~ subaecti~ At03.7 to ~ead At03.7 - SC~E OF P~T Tae Board of County C~8si~e~a sna~ establish, b7 ~soluc~n, a schedule of leas ~d c~ar~es fo~ na~era pe~- tflin{ng to t~ia Ord~ca ~1 allied mattars. It is t~a ~tent of these re~lati~s t~at the C~nty {ull no: b{ ~equi~ed to ~ar ~y par~ of t~ cost of applicants ~d~ ~'d ~ce. T},a schedule of fe~s ~d c~a~es anal ~ posted ~ t~ oifi~{ of :n~ Buildhg Code C~l~ce Depa~nt. T~ c~rgas ~y be c~ed by r,solu~ia of tn{ Board of ~ty ~saloneza ~d a~e no~ ~bJac~ Co t~ appeals process. A103.8 - ~SP~IONS A103.8.5 - POST~O OF P~T Md subssc~i~ to read ~ foll~s: A103.8.5.1 - D~I~TE ~S Ii :n, pe~t card is destined ~da ~til ~na card ia properly posted on Job si~e. A duplica:s Co--ti p*~ card ~1 be isn,d for a lea of $5.00 in accord~e ~t~ tn~ f~e resolu:ion. A103.8.6 - ~QUI~ ~end subsection A103.8.6 to ~ead as foll~s: A103.8.6 - ~UI~ HHP~IONS Tn{ Build~l Official upa notification fca the pe~C ~older and such other ~pscti~a as may be necnnaa~, ~ s~all eiCnsr app~ov~ ~a~ portion of s~all notify the pe~t ~older or his agent of ~y vio~ti~ (11) I. Youndatiou Inspection: To be m~de after trenches are excavated, forms erected, reinforcing rods iu place or pilings ~nmt~lled. It is t~e duty o~ the pe~t holder to mu~t to the build~B offic~l~ ~t~ 21 call. ar days of t~is ~p~ctia~ a su~y ~p depictini the foundation o~ pilots as ~tall~/ aM t~e locatia of said f~ndati~ or pilings, p~ecisely d~i~d ~ tehtia to earn ~ eveu lot o~ setback line as eatab~shed by t~e Zon~g Otd~ce of Collier C~mty, Flori~, or as establ~ned by c~iti~a attached to the develo~t pe~t, applicable to the pe~tted st~cture ~d the property up~ w~cn sai~ st~ctu~e is berg contacted. Said sudsy s~all be prepared by o~ ~der the direct supe~iai~ o~ a Yloti~ ~tsteted ~d su~ayor or Florida professio~l enlin~r and cestif~d by s~. ~y work d~ with~ the 21 ~y cal~r peri~ ~d prio~ to the ~ai~ o~ a su~ey required ~ereby shall be at the pe~t holder's ~k. T~ Bu~d~g O~lic~ s~l r~ t~ ~d approve s~ if all setback requirers ~n be ~t. te~ici~cies or enc~ac~ta detected by such ~avi~ snail be co~ected by the pe~t molder fo~th ~d prior to further ptograsaive work be~ ~tted to proceed. Yailure to su~t the sudsy ~equized hereby or failure to ~ke said co~ect~us snell be cause to issue a sto~rk order for the project. 2. Fl~z Elevati~ lnspecti~ To be ~de ~ all ~ild~s a~tat the l~est ~1~ ~ c~pleted ("l~est ~loor" ia defied to be the l~est l~el o~ a ~ild~ ~cept for gara~e, patio or ca~ort slabs.) A sudsy ia raquit~ with~ 21 ~l~a~ days o~ astablis~t o~ l~est floo~. Said sudsy s~ll pwepared by o~ ~er the direct aupe~i~ o~ a registered la~ su~eyor o~ pto~emaional enB~eer ~d certified by ~y work d~e ~tn~ the 21 day calendar period an~ p~o~ to ~h~ssl~ of the sudsy ~p snell be at t~a pe~it ~oldet'a ri~k. Failure to sub~t the sudsy ot failure to ~ said coxxactions required hereby, s~all be cause to iss~ a stc~ork order ~or tee p~Ject. ,oo Hb=imum floor elevations oute~da of the floo~ zone anal1 certify the aleva~ion able t~* cT~ of t~a n~res= pavinS, or ~enty-f~r (2~) ~ncnt~ above t~l cr~ if 8reded (m~), 3, Fr~ I~cti~' To be ~e alta= the Toof, all fr~in fi=cblockin~ ~d bracinE ~s ~ place ~ all pipes, cn~eys, du,:ts, a~ v~t8 are c~plete. t. F~I I~pection: To be ~de after t~e bu~d~K is c~leted a~ ready for occup~cy. Other inopec=~ 8~11 ~clude, but are not l~ted ~l~n, Utilities ~ En~eer~g. In order to facilitate · ~tui=ed ~pec~i~, the pe~t holde~ amall in.sm and provide at t~e site of c~s~cti~ adequate I~dere, scaffold.s, or other ~a si access for use by i~pecto~a. A103.9.~ - BUI~ ~d aecti~ AI0~.$.I.1 co ~ aa foll~s: ~p~ c~leti~ oi a build~s her~ite~ a~ect~ in acco=d~ce ~n app~ov~ plea ~d trois Code, ~d after t~e ~1 inspection a~ approval ~erein re~e~ed to by the Budding C~e ~liance Depa~t, Pi~ I~l~ntati~ E~;~ee=~s ~ Health Departure. ~ ot~e~ re~i~ed ~pectio~, ~d up~ application tnere~o, the ~uildin~ O[[ic~l s~all ia~a a Ca~tilicate o[ Occupancy. Delete section A105.~ ~ its entirety. Al07 - ~O~TI~S ~ P~TIES ~ ,ecti~ to z~d as I[ ~y pe~s~. /im. co~oeation, or otme~ legal entity public or private, saall fail or refuse to o~ey o~ c~ply o~ violates, any of t~a proviutons of tmia Ordinance, auc~ person, firm, corporation, o~ other l~gal en~i~y ~e~ner ~blic or private, u~n c~vic~i~ o~ such o~e~sa, s~ll be pu~s~ by a f~ uo~ ~o ~ceed ~ive H~dr~ Dollars ($500.00) o~ by ~p~so~c not Co ~ceed s~y (60) days ~ the c~nty Jail, or bo~u, ~ rna disc~atio~ o~ the c~t. Eac~ day of c~t~ue~ vio~t~ oz n~-c~pli~ca snell be ,:~idered aa a sepazate legal ~tity v~et~ez public o~ p~vata, c~victed prov~i~s o~ tala sectiou s~all pay all costa ~d ~e~es involved ~ t~e case. Notn~g nere~ c~ta~ed snell pzaven~ the C~nty f~ ta~ ~cu otnez ~wful action in ~y ceu~t of c~pat~t Ju~sdictiom as is necessa~ to pz~t or ~e~y any violatiou. Euc~ ~w~ul acti~ s~ll ~clude, but shall not ba l~ted to, an equitable acti~ fo~ ~J~ct~ve zelie~ ~d d~gea. ~P~$IX "D" - ~I~ ~QUIR~S ~ONRY CONS~U~ION (a) ~OR W~LS ~ B~ ~end sec~i~ (a) ~o reed as foll~s: ~erior yells co~c~ed of ~o11~ m~ uni~s s~all be lass ~nan a n~l ~ic~eas of 8 In all one and tvo-f~ly residences, a rejoiced ~ie be~ shall b~ placed a~ ~ne pe~er a~ eac~ ffloor ~d roof level on ex~e~io~ walls of ~s~ units. ~fo~c~8 snell be no~ lass ~n~ ~ ~5 ~e~fo~c~g ba~s. Ra~forc~8 ba~ plac~ snell be ~o bazs ~op ~ ~ bars bo~ of b~. ~ size s~ll no~ be leas ~an 8 ~¢h~a ~da by 10 ~cnes deep for ~esid~ial build~gs. ~a bel~ ~ie be~ no~ ~ceed~g 10 fee~ in ~d~n are all,ed ~nou~ ~diti~l Be~ snell be p~ed ~n =ini~ 3000 po~ pe~ square incm ~e~ op~ug (12) f~ and ~ar a~all ~ave vide of ~ue open~i filled ~n conc~aue. 0247 127 Wl~e~ the tie beam ts ~Jmte~upte(1 each side of the opening shell b(~ a p~tad concrete pll~ta~ m~ B" x ~2' f,~ (~) 15 bars of steel ~B fz~ the footer steel to tie b,~sm steel. T~e pilaste~ ~teel shall Ye sti~ped eve~ m~elve (12) ~cnes O.C. ~tm ~ sti~pa. In all b~ild~a (excep~ ~e an~ t~ f~ly rasi~ence) cf ~son~ bo~ed wall ~d c~i~y walls a~I no~ exceed I~ square [eet ~nou~ approved vertical and ~o~iz~tal auppo~ ~ere ~e n~l wall ~ic~eas is eight ~es and ~i~s M~id ~ T~e M, S or ~ ~a~. Such wall ~ a ~ic~aaa o[ 12 ~cnee and laid ~ T~ M, ~ or S Mo~ar snell no~ exceed 192 aquae [ee~ ~n~ applied venial ~ shall he supported vertic~ly ~d hor~ally im are no~ ~o~ exceed 1.20 ~a ~a~ all~ [or noll~ uni~ ~s~ o~pa~able wall Plain solid MasonS, ~ laid ~ ~e M, ~ o~ S ~ztar, ba euppozted yes,icily a~ mor~outal[y An a~eaa no~ ~o ~ce~ 1.10 ~a ~ all.ed for Roll~ units ~s~ o[ c~arable wall ~n~c~esa. Resid~t~l st~ wail c~t~ction shall c~ly all o~ the ~or~tio~ed A~md App~d~ ~" to raa~ as ~ollows= The px~iei~s o~ t~ appem~ shall ~e~lata the p~e~abticatiom, alteration, repair, use, occup~cy, ~d ~i~t~ca o~ ~etacned o~a ot ~o ~2 ~vell~s not mete t~ three stories All o~,a ~ ~f~ly dwellings no~ mo~e ~an ~ree s~o~ias ~eignt a~ ~eir accesso~ a~c~res snalI be dealed ~ secon- d.ce wi~n 1~8~ ~ard Bu~ldin2 Code ~d ~n~a as (1~) (16) -2- -- (17) SECTION THR~E: REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ORDINA~CF~: Ordina=ces 83-13, 83-30 amd 84-61 are hereby repealed in their entiretl as of the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION FOUF:: CONFLICT Alii) SEVEIbUtCE In the event this ordimance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrases or portion of this ordinance is held invalid or, unconsti- tutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be dee~ed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall n~'t affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notica from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has bean filed with the Secretary of Sta~e. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Co~lsaioners of Collier County, Florida this l~ti%ay of ~,,~,,~ , 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DATE: August 12, 19B6 fo: -~'..% ,, · ~ep~ ~y,,.CI ~k.~ ~ A. Pictor, Chairmin ;:~. ~.. ~. · ~ ~~ Approved as to fo~ and sufficiency: Kenneth B. Cuyler, J~nty ~[ttorney revised building ord r-4 7/25 This o~dl~ncs flied wlfh the S~,c~tory of ~t,'s Off~t ~: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier ~ounty, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 86-49 that was adopted by the Board of Ceunty Commissioners during Regular Session on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 12th day of August, 1986. J s c. Gz~.?.S, ,~.~..~ ~.~ ,,, Clerk of Court~-'~.~.~I~Y~.~/~?O.'*',. Ex-officio to County Co~is~i~'~'~ Virg' a