Ordinance 86-45 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE KINGS LAKE UNIT 4 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAJ~t. ~K'~ICE. TAXING UNIT; PROVIDI[IG ~'dg BOUNDARIE~ OF THE UNIT~'~,U~NATI[G THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE U~T; :5'o~ ;PuP-PosE AN~ POWERS; m:OVZDZNG FOR ~N~AL ~ r'o ASSESSM. EIIT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING ~OR CONSTRUCTION 1~ ~ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ?~ ..~ B~ IT O~nAIm.~ BY TH~- BO~ OF COUN~ CO~.~ISSION~RS OF COLL~ CO~,~, FLORIDA: Section One: Kin~:~ Lake Unit 4 Street Lt~htin~ Munfcipa~ Service Taxin~ Unit Creaued[ Boundari~s. Pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Florida Statutes, the Kings Lake Unit Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Unit i~ hereby created for the purpose of providing str,:et lighting to the resfdente of the tsxing unit, the boundaries of which are hereinafter described: Ail of Kings Lake Unit 4 sa recorded in Fl~t Book 13, Pages 71-73, inclusive, of the public records of Collier County, Florida; and a replat of parts, of Blocks "B", "C", "I", "M", "O" and "T" and outlots "C" and "D" of Kings Lake Unit 4 as r~¢orded in Flat Book 13, Page~ 82-83 (Flat Book 13, Page~ 71, 72 and 73), Collier County Public Records. Ail being a part of th~ w~st i/2 of Section 7, To. ship 50 South, ~ngs 26 ~t, Collier County, Florida. Section ~o: Gove~ing Body. ~ governing body of th~ Unit ~hall b~ ~x-offielo th~ Board of County Co~is~ioners of Collier County, Flor fda. Section ~r~e: ~rpos~; Powerm. The Unit is foxed for the purpo~ of provi&ing retreat lighting within th~ boundariem of the above-described ~ubdivislon(s) and to that ~nd ~hall po~es~ all th~ pcwerm to do all things rea~onably necessary to provide ~uch including o~rshlp or rental of property, poles, wires, conduits, lights, met~r~ and the power to ~intain the ~a~e and to enter into contracts for providing the ~a~.e and the electric current t3 operate any lighting therein installed. Section Four: ~r.ual Estf~tes of Ex~ pen~em'~ Taxation ~t~, For the purpose of carrying into ~ff~ct this Ordinan~, the Board of County C~issioners ~hall annually, at the tim~ required by g~n~ral budgetary law, ~ke an itemized estX~te of th~ ~mount of money r~quir~d to ear~ out ~he business of the U~.it for th~ next fiscal year, which mhall be from Octob~r and including September 30 followi,xg. The estimate shall have for what purpose the monies are required and the amount necessary to be raid)ed by taxation within the Unit. At tbs time and place for fixing the annual rate of taxation for county purposes, the Board shall fix and cause to be levied on all property within the Unit subject to taxation a millage sufficient to meet the requirements of the estimate; provided, however, the total millage shall not exceed the millsg,! authorized by law for municipal service taxing or benefit units. Section Five: Tax Assessment And Collection. Taxes herein provided for shall be assessed and collected in the same manner and form as provided for the assessment end collection of general county taxes and subject to the same fees for assessing and collecting as general county taxes. Section Six: Construction. This Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectuate its public purpose. Section Seven: Effe~tive Date. Effective date of this Ordinance shall become effective as provided by ,,'~ ...:: ~;.,, c,. ~DA~D!,~--~g' ~t~12, 1986 ~t ..Cle'rk Ap]~rov~d as to form and lesal ' R. Bmce Anderson Asst. Collier County Attorney BO/vRD OF COUNT~ CO~MISSIONERS COI,LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA · PISTOR, Chairman STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for 'the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing isla true original of ORDINANCE NO. 86-45 that was adopted by the Board of Count~ Commissione£s during Regular Session on the ]2th day of August, 1986. WITNESS r~y hand an~ the cfficial seal of the Board of County dommissioaers of Col!i~r County, Florida, this 12th day of August, 1986. JAMES C. GILES, CLERK Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to the Board of County Commission,e~ ~ ..' ,,% . . .... v/_,. ,, vir~i~ ~9~ri-., Dep~'~.~,.C]~k~