Ordinance 86-32 OItDZNA,qCe- AI~:~DI]IC ~l~ 82-2. ~ ~- t~ s~e of ysr~ a~ ~ ~ace; and the notificat~ re~t~ for a vance require ~hree ~red (300) ~eeC; ~d ~m~.~, · vari~ce my be in~urinue to neighboring propertissg bat~c~, for this re,son, it is spprop'riste to notify property owners ~ithin three hundred (300) feet of · request for · viri~cs. ~ ~, IO~, Tm~_x~OU BE IT ORDAI~D by the ~ard of County Co~sinnera ll.l.bo2) llot:tce of l'ubllc bm:ins, m~ll be mnended to read as follows: 2) Notice of Publ~Lc Haar~t fifteen (15) days in advance of the public he~rlng. The ovner of the property for~hich variance is sought, or his agent or attorney designated by hi, on his petition, shall be notified by .,~ll. Notice of the public hearing shall be prominently posted on the property flor vhich the variance is sought. Notice of the l~blic hearing shall be ·~vertieed at least one t:l.a~ fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. Notice of the ti~e and place of the public hearing shall ~ sent at lea~t' fifteen (15~ d~Te 'in ~dVance of the hearinB by ~ail to all ovnere of propart7 vithin three hundred (300} feet of the property lin~e of the land for vhich a variance is sought. Thif Owdinance shall becomt e£fac~ive upon notice ~hac Ac has been ~0~[~ OF C017RTT CO~9~SSl'O~ I~O~S UNDEEL~N~D AItK ADDITIONSj ~'ORDS S~J~g~ ~e~.l~f-A~K DELEI'ZONS. --~. ZO-86-8C Ordinance Am~zuh~ea~